Decanter Technology
Decanter Technology
Decanter Technology
Modern centrifuges are used in technical processes for the mechanical separation of mixtures of solids and liquids. Sedimentation and filtration are mechanical separation processes, in contrast to distillation, incineration and thermal drying, which are thermal separation processes. In many processes, the mechanical separation has a decisive influence on product quality, production efficiency and environmental impacts. Mechanical separation processes are found in practically all industrial sectors, including but not limited to food, chemical, pharmaceutical, biotech, mineral, and environmental processing.
The following basic process operations are possible using solid bowl decanter centrifuges: Clarification of liquids Dewatering of sludges and suspensions Thickening of sludges Separation of three-phase mixtures, i.e. two immiscible liquid phases and a solid phase Classification of solids in a suspension according to particle size (wet classification) Sorting of solids by density
To obtain optimum results, solid bowl decanter centrifuges must be custom designed to suit specific separation processes. FLOTTWEG meets the needs of the vast range of applications by offering a variety of basic designs, such as the DECANTER, TRICANTER, SEDICANTER and SORTICANTER. Solid bowl centrifuges are used in most areas of mechanical liquid-solid separation.
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Bauxite Bentonite Calcium carbonate Carbide sludge Clay Copper extraction Graphite Gypsum Iron hydroxide Kaolin Magnesium hydroxide Mica Silica Silicium Silicon carbide
Mineral Oils
Tar cleaning Oil sludge Slop oil treatment
The basic principle of the solid bowl centrifuge has been known since the end of the 19th century. Over the course of time, technological improvements along with the availability of high strength and corrosion resistant construction materials have allowed solid bowl decanters to be applied to many processes. The utilization of electronic and electromechanical components for instrumentation and control has improved
the performance and availability of the machines. The basic design of a solid bowl centrifuge is relatively simple and can be customized by FLOTTWEG for different requirements. Of all modern industrial centrifuges, solid bowl centrifuges have the broadest range of applications.
Palm oil is extracted from the palm fruit using FLOTTWEG TRICANTERS
The product is fed through a stationary pipe into the feed zone located in the center of the scroll. The product is then accelerated circumferentially and delivered through distribution ports into the bowl.
The scroll rotates at a slightly different speed than the bowl and conveys the separated solids toward the conical end of the bowl. This differential speed determines the residence time of the solids in the bowl. Residence time is a critical factor for cake dryness. It can be adjusted by changing the differential speed of the scroll thus providing optimal separation. If the physical properties of the product change, FLOTTWEG DECANTERS can be supplied with a different scroll design or by modifying an existing scroll. Scroll pitch and single or multiple lead configurations are important design variables.
The bowl has a cylindrical/conical shape and rotates at a pre-set speed optimally adjusted to the application. The slurry rotates with the bowl at the operating speed and forms a concentric layer at the bowl wall. The solids contained in the product are packed against the bowl wall by centrifugal force. The length of the cylindrical bowl section and the cone angle are selected to meet the specific requirements of an application.
solids discharge
FLOTTWEG DECANTER for the liquid-solid separation with gravity overflow of the liquid phase (centrate)
The picture shows a decanter rotor with eccentric adjustable weir plates.
Settled solids are ejected through ports at the conical end of the bowl into the solids housing and fall through the discharge chute.
The clarified liquids flow to the cylindrical end of the bowl where they exit over weir plates. Easily adjustable weir plates allow for precise adjustment of the pond depth in the bowl. The liquid overflow is then collected in a centrate chamber and discharged by gravity.
FLOTTWEG uses high-quality stainless steel for all product wetted areas. The bowl and scroll body are made of high-strength centrifugal Duplex stainless steel casting.
A special selection and arrangement of bearings provides for long life and exceptional reliability. There are various lubrication systems to supply either grease or oil to bearings depending on the model and the application.
solids discharge
The picture shows the position of the adjustable impeller for maximum impeller diameter
The picture shows the position of the adjustable impeller for minumum impeller diameter
The FLOTTWEG TRICANTER performs a three-phase separation, i.e. the simultaneous separation of two immiscible liquids with different densities and one solid phase, provided that the solid phase is the heaviest phase. The main difference from a decanter is the separate discharge of the two liquid phases.
The FLOTTWEG TRICANTER discharges the heavy liquid through an adjustable impeller under pressure and the light phase by gravity. The variable impeller allows for precise on-the-fly adjustment of the pond depth and liquid-liquid separation zone. This optimizes the purity of the liquids and may eliminate downstream equipment.
solids discharge
FLOTTWEG TRICANTER (THREE PHASE DECANTER) Discharge of the centrate: heavy liquid phase under pressure, light phase by gravity
Feed and discharge devices with control lever for the adjustable impeller of the FLOTTWEG TRICANTER
The innovative FLOTTWEG SORTICANTER is designed for the separation of solids by density. The process is aided by a carrier liquid with a specific gravity that is between the densities of the two solid streams to be separated. The patented FLOTTWEG SORTICANTER
pipe and inlet ports in the scroll body into the bowl and is accelerated to the bowl speed. Centrifugal force causes the solids which are heavier than the carrier liquid to settle against the bowl wall. The scroll conveys the deposited layer of heavy solids toward the conical bowl section, over the drying zone and ejects them through ports into the stationary solids housing and down the discharge chute.
consists of a cylindrical conical bowl with a second inner collection cone at the cylindrical end of the machine and a double acting scroll conforming to the inner collection cone. The bowl and the scroll rotate at a high speed in the same direction, but the scroll rotates at a slightly faster differential speed. The solid-liquid mixture is conveyed through the centrifuge feed
The solids which are lighter than the carrier liquid float and are conveyed with the liquid toward the cylindrical end of the bowl. When the floating particles have reached the inner collection cone, scroll flights, wound in the opposite direction to those conveying sedimented solids, convey the lighter solids across a drying zone to the exit ports. The liquid is skimmed off and discharged under pressure via an impeller at the cylindrical end of the bowl. The liquid may be recycled and pumped back into the process.
The FLOTTWEG SEDICANTER is used for the separation of solids from liquids when the solids form a soft to flowable sediment.
Technical features
Up to 10,000 g centrifugal force possible to facilitate the separation of very fine, slowly settling solids Uniquely designed feed distributor and bowl seal to prevent foaming in the product inlet zone Gastight machine design (optional) Clean-in-place provisions available too meet pharmaceutical industry standards Fluoropolymer rotor seals available for critical applications Optional drives including the FLOTTWEG SIMP-DRIVE
The SEDICANTER is used in cases where the solids are too fine to
be processed in a normal decanter and the sediment cannot be easily discharged from the decanter due to its soft consistency. During the separation process, the liquid and the solids move in the same direction without having to pass through a turbulent inlet zone. The centrate is discharged through an adjustable impeller. The sediment acumulates in the SEDICANTER, and is then hydrautically pressed out of the bowl beneath an immersion disc. Applications for the SEDICANTER include soft products such as biomasses, yeast suspensions, protein suspensions, fermentation broths, and many more.
solids discharge
Centrifuges are usually flushed clean before shutdown. Depending on the application, different cleaning systems may be incorporated into the centrifuge design. FLOTTWEG CENTRIFUGES are designed for continuous operation and do not have to be opened for cleaning. FLOTTWEG CENTRIFUGES for pharmaceutical, biotech and food processing applications are designed for the integration into Clean-in-Place (CIP) systems.
Decanter centrifuges are subject to two basic drive requirements. First, the entire rotor has to run at high speed, and second, the scroll inside the bowl has to rotate at a very low differential speed and simultaneously at a high torque relative to the bowl wall. FLOTTWEG frequency controlled electric motors or speed adjustable hydraulic motors offer infinitely variable speed. Long acceleration times help overcome a high inertia moment and avoid peak electric loads during the initial current phase. Depending on the application, FLOTTWEG offers hydraulic motors or gear drives to drive the scroll. The majority of the drive configurations offer variable differential speeds. This ensures optimum adjustment to meet individual customer requirements.
In this version, a frequency drive controlled electric motor drives the bowl instead of a hydraulic motor. The hydraulic aggregate for the scroll is compact because only one oil circuit is required. Control and adjustment are the same as with the hydraulic drive.
Hybrid drive
The FLOTTWEG SIMP-DRIVE controls the differential speed in rela
tion to the scroll torque. Therefore, the decanter adapts itself to varying load conditions and dewaters the product until maximum cake dryness is reached. The main feature of this new concept is a multistage planetary gear which allows for entirely independent operation and drive of the bowl and scroll.
Fluctuations in the solid concentration and throughput may cause a decrease in separation results, a machine blockage, or an overload of the centrifuge. To avoid problems and to fully utilize the capacity of the centrifuge, the differential speed needs to be continuously monitored and adjusted to the operating conditions. Flottweg offers control systems for the differential speed which are based on the following principle: 1) The scroll torque is an indicator of the bowl solids load. 2) The load, and therefore the torque, should be kept at an optimum value. If the torque exceeds the optimum value, the FLOTTWEG control system increases the differential speed to more quickly convey the solids out of the bowl until the torque decreases. Conversely, the differential speed is reduced when the torque decreases. This automatic control process ensures optimum separation during normal operation.
If a disruption in the system develops, an integrated two stage overload protection offers excellent security against clogging of the machine: If the increase in differential speed is not sufficient to compensate for a solids overload, the feed supply is stopped until the torque falls back below the set point. In the majority of situations, this is sufficient to remedy the overload without having to shut down the system. If this step is insufficient to keep the scroll torque from rising, the bowl drive is shut down when the torque reaches the second higher set point. As the bowl speed decreases, the torque is reduced and the machine will usually empty itself. Typically there is no need to manually remove the solids. Machines with a hydraulic drive or SIMP-DRIVE allow for solids discharge at full scroll torque even when the bowl is shut down.
FLOTTWEG assures for optimal coordination of the control system with the centrifuge. Only the OEM has the complete knowledge of all technical details, and is thus able to avoid interfaces with undefined responsibilities. After a time-efficient start-up, the centrifuge gets perfectly integrated into your process and the full capacity of production can be reached without delay. As the manufacturer of our control panels, we can fulfill nearly all customer specific requirements. Adaptations to new requirements can be achieved easily. The extensive testing of our control systems before delivery in our facility avoids delays at start-up and enables the customer to get the production up to speed quickly and efficiently. With the help of our know-how and the experience as a manufacturer of centrifuges, you can be certain that all of your future challenges can be solved quickly and easily.
Most sizes and models of FLOTTWEG centrifuges are available in a variety of rotor and housing seal designs for the following operating conditions: Atmospheric Vapor-tight Gas-tight FLOTTWEG centrifuges can also be adapted for operating in closed-loop systems.
are the standard version. They are used for applications where there is no harm from products or vapors released to the environment.
FLOTTWEG centrifuges are the right choice in cases where substances emitted from the process could pollute the environment of if contact of the product with ambient air is undesirable. Additional seals on rotor shafts and housings provide the necessary seal. Emissions can be eliminated when purge gas/air is applied to seals or when the centrifuge housing is vented.
allow for safe operation with toxic, corrosive or flammable media by applying inert purge gas to rotor seals and by inertizing the process chamber and centrifuge housing. Slight positive or negative pressures can be maintained in the process area by regulating the purge gas supply. Special sealing elements minimize the seal gas consumption.
Before starting, the entire system, including the centrifuge, is purged. In order to do this, large volumes of inert gas are flushed through the system until the amount of oxygen is reduced to a non-critical and safe level. Purging is complete if the amount of inert gas delivered to the system reaches a multiple of the system volume, or if an oxygen probe at the centrifuge housing shows a safe oxygen concentration.
After successful purging and during operation with the product, sufficient inert gas is fed into the system to ensure a small overpressure. This prevents atmospheric air from penetrating into the system.
FLOTTWEG control unit for the purging and blanketing with inert gas
FLOTTWEG centrifuges can be provided with different lubrication systems according to customer requirements. The lubrication system depends on the type of operation, for example, batch or continuous operation and the degree of automation of the entire system. FLOTTWEG lubrication systems allow for the re-lubrication of rotor bearings during operation. The availability of the different lubrication systems depends on the centrifuge model. Scroll bearings are lubricated for the entire service life or can be re-greased manually.
Direct lubrication at both rotor bearing blocks via a manual grease pump.
Central lubrication system (manually)
FLOTTWEG offers a wide range of wear protection to meet the requirements of the many different applications in which centrifuges are installed: 1) Welded hard facing or spray coating 2) Ceramic 3) Tungsten carbide tiles 4) Chilled hard metal portcastings 5) Plastic liners
In order to minimize maintenance costs for applications involving highly abrasive products, all wear protection elements, except welded hard facings or spray coatings, are field replaceable.
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Service hotlines
Phone: +49 8741 301-0 Fax: +49 8741 301-404
engineers and technicians are qualified for any kind of installation, commissioning, repair and maintenance.
C3E 3310 x g*
C4E 3040 x g*
C5E 3060 x g*
C7E 3000 x g*
K4D 2880 x g*
K6E 1680 x g*
S3E 10000 x g*
S4E 6570 x g*
S6E 5000 x g*
Z5E-4 3620 x g*
Z5E-4 3620 x g*
Z6E-3 3550 x g*
Z6E-4 3550 x g*
Z6E-4 3550 x g*
Z8E-4 3000 x g*
Z8E-4 3000 x g*
Z92-3 2600 x g*
Z92-4 2600 x g*
Flottweg SE Industriestrae 6-8 84137 Vilsbiburg Deutschland (Germany) Tel.: + 49 8741 301-0 Fax: + 49 8741 301-300