Galah Cockatoo
Galah Cockatoo
Galah Cockatoo
EASTERN - E. roseicapillus roseicapillus These galahs are found in central and northern Australia. Roseicapillus Galahs have a pink periophthalmic eye-ring. WESTERN - E. roseicapillus assimilis These galahs are found in Western Australia. Assimilis Galahs general have a paler plumage; crown more strongly suffused with pink; naked periophthalmic eye-ring greyish white. NORTHERN - E. roseicapillus Kuhli These galahs are found in the Kimberly region of (northern) Western Australia Kuhli Galahs generally have a paler plumage; crown more strongly suffused with pink; grey-red periophthalmic eye-ring.
Galahs are notorious for becoming overweight. So a low fat diet is essential for keeping them fit and healthy. We use a mix of 3-part Neophema to 1-part plain canary. Oily seeds cause fatty tumours or lymphomas, which are a major factor in infertile birds. We feed only seed for the majority of the year. In December we introduce a mix of fruit/veg/wholemeal bread and egg food along with vitamins to increase protein levels in preparation for the breeding season. Clean drinking water is supplied/changed every day.
We use Daily Essentials 3 and Pro Boost Supermax, both from the Bird care company. To top up those missing vitamins, Prolyte-c, which is a prebiotic from Aviform. This replenishes the enzymes as well as electrolytes. Calcivet from the Bird care company - don't forget calcium is not just for bones and eggs, it also aids the immune system.
We keep our Galahs in an indoor enclosure that can be opened up to the elements. Our flights are aluminium framed with 15 gauge mesh. Measuring 12 feet long x 4 feet wide x 6 feet high. Galahs require long flights to keep trim and avoid obesity. Being avid chewers we change branches/perches on a regular basis. Know the source you obtain your branches from to avoid anything toxic. The flooring of our flights is of a concrete structure. This enables easy cleaning and disinfecting as galahs love to forage on the ground. On the floor we place large logs. This makes for a great entertainment and exercise area for them.
We use a standard 12 x 12 x 24 box in three-quarter ply with metal edging and a 5-inch entrance hole. Clean wood shavings are added to the inside floor. I know of other breeders that use every type from L'shaped to grandfather (4 feet tall) styles, and all have success in producing young. In other words, as long as you keep your birds fit and healthy they will lay in most boxes that are available to them.
Ours start to lay eggs from February and finish by the end of May. 3 to 5 eggs are normally laid per clutch and most will double clutch. We offer eucalyptus branches at the start of the breeding season, which they normally use to line their boxes. For those that will parent-rear: The incubation is shared by the cock and hen. The feeding of the chicks is also a joint venture. For those that require hand rearing from the egg: We set our incubators at 37.2 temp and 40% humidity. They generally pip at 21 days and hatch on the 23rd day. Once they start to pip we move them to a hatcher set at 36.5 temp and 75+ humidity. Once in the hatcher the turn mechanism is switched off.