Prayers After Holy Communion
Prayers After Holy Communion
Prayers After Holy Communion
Jesus, whom for the present veiled I see, What I so thirst for, oh, vouchsafe to me: That I may see thy countenance unfolding, And may be blest thy glory in beholding. Amen.
The Pelican is the noblest of birds. In times of scarcity when there are no small fish to feed her young, she will feed her nestlings with her own flesh to nourish them, no matter how long-even to the point of death. The Pelican symbol today is not visible in newer churches since many altars have been discarded by modernists and symbolism is practically non-existent.
Accept, O Lord, my entire liberty, my memory, my understanding, and my will. All that I am and have thou hast given me; and I give all back to thee to be disposed of according to thy good pleasure. Give me only the comfort of thy grace and the joy of thy love; with these I shall be rich enough and shall desire nothing more.
all delights, that he may be loved by thy heart, and be embraced in thine arms; that he may be offered unto the Most Holy Trinity in the supreme act of worship, for thine honor and glory and for mine own needs and of the whole earth. I ask thee, therefore, O most holy Mother, to beg for me the forgiveness of all my sins, the abundant grace of henceforth serving him more faithfully, and the final grace, that I may be able to praise him with thee forever and ever. Amen.