The document provides information on payments for goods and services in a circular flow diagram. It discusses:
1) Goods and services are exchanged between firms and households, with payments made for factor services like wages from firms to households and factor payments from households to firms.
2) Other economic activities include government spending on goods and services, government payments to factors of production, transfer payments, and taxes.
3) GDP is measured using expenditure, income, and value added approaches, which are equivalent ways to measure the total value of final goods and services produced in an economy.
The document provides information on payments for goods and services in a circular flow diagram. It discusses:
1) Goods and services are exchanged between firms and households, with payments made for factor services like wages from firms to households and factor payments from households to firms.
2) Other economic activities include government spending on goods and services, government payments to factors of production, transfer payments, and taxes.
3) GDP is measured using expenditure, income, and value added approaches, which are equivalent ways to measure the total value of final goods and services produced in an economy.
The document provides information on payments for goods and services in a circular flow diagram. It discusses:
1) Goods and services are exchanged between firms and households, with payments made for factor services like wages from firms to households and factor payments from households to firms.
2) Other economic activities include government spending on goods and services, government payments to factors of production, transfer payments, and taxes.
3) GDP is measured using expenditure, income, and value added approaches, which are equivalent ways to measure the total value of final goods and services produced in an economy.
The document provides information on payments for goods and services in a circular flow diagram. It discusses:
1) Goods and services are exchanged between firms and households, with payments made for factor services like wages from firms to households and factor payments from households to firms.
2) Other economic activities include government spending on goods and services, government payments to factors of production, transfer payments, and taxes.
3) GDP is measured using expenditure, income, and value added approaches, which are equivalent ways to measure the total value of final goods and services produced in an economy.
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Other economic activities/ agents not captured in CFD
• Government spending GOODS AND SERVICES – Spending of the government; payment to firms • Government payments for factors (inputs) – Payment of government to workers, rentals to Introduction to Macroeconomics FIRMS HOUSEHOLDS buildings, etc. Jason P. Alinsunurin/ Lecturer, EC102 FACTOR SERVICES • Transfer payments (payments wherein one party is not obliged to deliver a good or service in return for a payment) FACTOR PAYMENTS:WAGES, INTEREST, RENT, PROFIT • Taxes – Taxes paid on income, property, goods and services,. The Circular Flow Diagram • Transactions with the foreign sector A world composed of only households and firms – Exports and imports
The Economic Output The Approaches would be equivalent
• Gross Domestic Product (total value of all final How do we measure GDP? • The three approaches just represents different views goods and services produced of an economy) of the transaction. • Expenditure Approach- Calculating the sum of all – Market Value: price per unit of the good multiplied • In any sale of a final good or service, one party makes by the quantity produced expenditures on final goods a payment (expenditure) and another party receives a • Vi=Pi * Qi payment (income) GDP only measures final goods (vs. intermediate –Σ (Price per unit* quantity sold) – Expenditure approach-GDP is calculated from the side goods) • Income approach- Measures the contribution of making the payment • When it is divided by the total population, we different factors of production to the value of a good. – For the income approach, we simply identify how the would be getting the average per capita income or – GDP= wages + rent + profits + rent income is divided. GDP of each person in the economy • Value Added- Calculated by taking the difference – For value added: firms pay factor payments to • Thus the per capita GDP can be more comparable households. The payment is the income of households. between the sales and the sales from other firms with other countries – STATISTICAL DISCREPANCY- captures reporting and – Value Added= sales – purchases from other firms recording errors that cause GDP estimates to differ. Items in the Value Added or Industrial Origin Approach The Expenditure Approach Items in Income approach • Aggregated into industries – Agriculture, fishery and forestry • Compensation of employees • GDP= C + I + G + NX – Salaries and wages • Production of agricultural crops, ornamental plants – C is the personal consumption expenditure, I is for and livestock. Aquaculture, municipal fishing, and • Net operating surplus- an item that lumps together Gross Domestic Capital Formation or Investment sources of income other than labor harvest of marine products. Also logging and Spending, G is for Government Spending and NX is gathering of forest products for Net Exports. • Depreciation – Industry – Consumption of existing capital stock, and allowance – NX= X-M, where X is for Exports and M is for for wear and tear. • Mining, quarrying, manufacturing, constructions and Imports. utilities. • Indirect taxes less subsidies • GNP= GDP + Net factor income – Services – Taxes on the use or purchase of goods and services, and also grants of the government to firms. • Transportation, trade, finance, real estate, private from the rest of the world (eg: services, government services remittances)
Nominal and Real GDP
• Prices change Nominal and Real GDP • How are we going to take account of the effects of • GDP at current prices: Nominal GDP Price index • GDP at constant prices: Real GDP • Measures the cost of purchasing a given bundle of changes in prices? goods in one period relative to the cost of Year 1 Year 2 purchasing a given bundle of goods in the base Good Quantity Price Value Quantity Price Value year. The Philippine GDP Accounts • Ex: price index is 125---prices are 25% higher in Ice 100 50 5000 100 100 10000 cream that year compared to the base year. Buko Pie 100 100 10000 100 200 20000 • GDP Deflator Nominal Real GDP= (Nominal GDP/ GDP Deflator)*100 GDP 15000 30000 Selected Values and Indicators of the Philippines selected years GNP for cross-country comparisons Item 1984 1985 1986 1996 1997 Per Capita GDP GDP at current prices (million 524,481 571,883 608,887 2,171,922 2,423,640 • =GDP/ population • GNP in US dollars= GNP in pesos/ π pesos) GDP Deflator (base • Does nor necessarily translate to equal 85.01 100.00 102.95 255.78 271.40 year=1985) distribution of wealth GDP at constant prices 616,964 571,883 591,440 849,137 893,014 • Per capita GNP in US dollars= per Per capita GDP at 9,890 10,524 10,935 30,208 32,961 capita GNP in pesos/ π current prices pesos) Per capita GDP at 11,634 10,524 10,622 11,810 12,145 contant prices Population ( in • Where π is the prevailing exchange rates 53.03 54.34 55.68 71.90 73.53 millions) • In order to compare with different countries
Economic Indicators for Selected
Countries Country Population in GNP in Per capita PPP adjusted millions billions GNP per capita GNP Purchasing power parity (PPP) France 54 1466.2 24490 22320 Germany 82 2122.7 25850 20810 • Exchange rate that adjusts for the costs of Indonesia 204 138.5 680 2790 purchasing a given bundle of goods in one Japan 126 4089.9 32380 23180 country relative to another. Malaysia 22 79.8 3600 6990 • We can derive the PPP adjusted GNP or Philippines 75 78.9 1050 3540 PPP adjusted per capita GNP. Singapore 3 95.01 3060 28620 Thailand 61 134.4 2200 5840 UK 59 1263.8 21400 20640 USA 270 7921.3 29340 29340