Ibca (GBSS14.0 03) PDF
Ibca (GBSS14.0 03) PDF
Ibca (GBSS14.0 03) PDF
Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2012. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior written consent of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
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Issue 03 (2012-12-31)
1 About This Document..................................................................................................................1
1.1 Scope..................................................................................................................................................................1 1.2 Intended Audience..............................................................................................................................................1 1.3 Change History...................................................................................................................................................1
2 Overview.........................................................................................................................................3
2.1 Introduction........................................................................................................................................................3 2.2 Benefits...............................................................................................................................................................3 2.3 Specifications......................................................................................................................................................3
3 Technical Description...................................................................................................................6
3.1 Overview............................................................................................................................................................6 3.2 Calculating Path Losses......................................................................................................................................7 3.3 Calculating CIRs.................................................................................................................................................9 3.3.1 Interference Signal Search.........................................................................................................................9 3.3.2 Evaluating CIRs by Channel.....................................................................................................................9 3.4 Selecting an Optimal Channel..........................................................................................................................11
4 Related Features...........................................................................................................................12
4.1 Synchronization-related Features.....................................................................................................................12 4.2 Frequency Hopping..........................................................................................................................................12 4.3 Connection Inter BSC over IP..........................................................................................................................12 4.4 Power Control...................................................................................................................................................12 4.5 Flex MAIO.......................................................................................................................................................13 4.6 Very Early Assignment....................................................................................................................................13 4.7 Multi-site Cell...................................................................................................................................................13 4.8 High Speed Circuit Switched Data...................................................................................................................13 4.9 Concentric Cell.................................................................................................................................................14 4.10 BCCH Dense Frequency Multiplexing...........................................................................................................14 4.11 Interference Band Measurement.....................................................................................................................14 4.12 Dynamic Power Sharing.................................................................................................................................14
6 Engineering Guidelines.............................................................................................................16
6.1 When to Use IBCA...........................................................................................................................................16 6.2 Data Preparation...............................................................................................................................................16 6.3 Network Planning.............................................................................................................................................17 6.4 Deploying IBCA...............................................................................................................................................19 6.5 Monitoring........................................................................................................................................................19 6.6 Parameter Optimization....................................................................................................................................20 6.6.1 Call Drop Rate.........................................................................................................................................20 6.6.2 Handover Success Rate...........................................................................................................................21 6.6.3 Congestion Rate.......................................................................................................................................21 6.7 Troubleshooting................................................................................................................................................22
Issue 03 (2012-12-31)
1.1 Scope 1.2 Intended Audience
This document is intended for: l l
This document describes the GBFD-117002 IBCA feature, including its working principles and engineering guidelines. IBCA is short for Interference Based Channel Allocation.
Personnel who need to understand the IBCA feature Personnel who work with Huawei GSM products
Document Issues
The document issues are as follows: l l l 03 (2012-12-31) 02 (2012-11-07) 01 (2012-04-28)
03 (2012-12-31)
This is the third official release of GBSS14.0.
Issue 03 (2012-12-31) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 1
Compared with issue 02 (2012-11-07) of GBSS14.0, issue 03 (2012-12-31) of GBSS14.0 incorporates the changes described in the following table. Change Type Feature change Change Description Changed the following chapter: 6.1 When to Use IBCA Editorial change None None Parameter Change None
02 (2012-11-07)
This is the second official release of GBSS14.0. Compared with issue 01 (2012-04-28) of GBSS14.0, issue 02 (2012-11-07) of GBSS14.0 incorporates the changes described in the following table. Change Type Feature change Editorial change Change Description None Optimized the descriptions and added the following chapters: l 4 Related Features l 5 Impact on the Network l 6 Engineering Guidelines Parameter Change None None
01 (2012-04-28)
This is the first release of GBSS14.0.
Issue 03 (2012-12-31)
2 Overview
2.1 Introduction
On a network where frequency resources are insufficient, frequencies are reused in neighboring cells. In such situations, severe co- and adjacent-channel interference occurs on the network, and cannot be eliminated even if frequency hopping (FH) technology is applied. When the number of calls on such a network exceeds a certain limit, interference between calls deteriorates the speech quality and the carrier-to-interference ratio (CIR) required by a call cannot be reached. As a result, call drops occur. Even if there is an idle channel on the network, the idle channel cannot be allocated to any calls because of severe interference. Therefore, frequency resource efficiency is limited, and network capacity decreases. To minimize interference on the network and increase network capacity, IBCA is introduced. With this feature, the BSC estimates the CIR of a new call during channel allocation and the interference the new call causes on established calls. Based on the estimation results, the BSC selects an optimal channel to carry the new call. This channel must meet the new call's requirement for CIR and have minimal interference on established calls after the channel is occupied.
2.2 Benefits
This feature applies to networks using a tight frequency reuse pattern. It brings the following benefits: l l l Alleviates network interference. Increases the frequency resource efficiency and network capacity. Improves the speech quality by considering interference between calls during channel allocation.
2.3 Specifications
l The following items need to be configured before the IBCA feature is enabled in a cell: IBCA neighboring cells A maximum of 24 IBCA neighboring cells can be configured for an IBCA-enabled cell using NCELLTYPE.
Issue 03 (2012-12-31) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 3
2 Overview
A maximum of six IBCA location cell groups can be configured for an IBCA-enabled cell. A maximum of 16 neighboring BSCs can be configured for a BSC when the inter-BSC IBCA is enabled. Mobile allocation index offsets (MAIOs), mobile allocation (MA) groups, and the number of frequencies in each MA group Under an IBCA-enabled BSC, a maximum of three MA groups can be used in IBCAenabled cells and their neighboring IBCA cells. A maximum of one MA group can be configured for an IBCA-enabled cell. A maximum of 24 MAIOs can be configured for an IBCA-enabled cell. The following table lists the restrictions on the number of interference neighboring cells based on the number of MAIOs. No. Number of MAIOs Restriction on the Number of Interference Neighboring Cells No restriction The proportion of cells in which the number of interference neighboring cells exceeds 12 to all cells under a BSC cannot exceed 50%. The proportion of cells in which the number of interference neighboring cells exceeds 8 to all cells under a BSC cannot exceed 30%. The proportion of cells in which the number of interference neighboring cells exceeds 8 to all cells under a BSC cannot exceed 10%.
1 2
Issue 03 (2012-12-31) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential Copyright Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 4
2 Overview
l l l
IBCA applies only to FH cells and is used for channel allocation only on the TRXs involved in FH. IBCA does not support external packet control units (PCUs). The total number of MA groups that can be configured for all IBCA neighboring cells of an IBCA-enabled cell cannot exceed 24. The detailed principles are as follows: The serving cell is a single-band cell. When the serving cell is a low-band (900/850 MHz) cell, only the number of MA groups in the low-band IBCA neighboring cells needs to be calculated. The maximum allowed number is 24. When the serving cell is a high-band (1800/1900 MHz) cell, only the number of MA groups in the high-band IBCA neighboring cells needs to be calculated. The maximum allowed number is 24. The number of MA groups needs to be calculated only once if the MA groups in IBCA neighboring cells are the same.
Issue 03 (2012-12-31)
3 Technical Description
3.1 Overview
Technical Description
IBCA is a channel allocation algorithm. Each time before allocating TCHs, the BSC uses IBCA to perform an evaluation and allocates appropriate TCHs to MSs based on the evaluation result. Figure 3-1 shows the implementation of the IBCA algorithm during the assignment or handover procedure.
Issue 03 (2012-12-31)
3 Technical Description
Figure 3-1 Implementation of the IBCA algorithm during the assignment or handover procedure
To enable IBCA, set IBCAALLOWED to YES(Yes). IBCA consists of three phases: path loss calculation, CIR evaluation, and optimal channel selection. CIR evaluation is the basis of the IBCA algorithm. Path loss calculation is the prerequisite for evaluating CIRs. Based on the evaluated CIRs, the BSC measures the interference that a new call causes on the established calls. Then, the BSC selects the optimal channel for the new call.
3 Technical Description
If an MR is lost or the BSC fails to calculate a path loss based on the MR data, the BSC calculates the path loss as follows: l For uplink and downlink path losses between the MS and the serving cell: If the downlink MR is lost, the BSC calculates the downlink path loss based on the uplink path loss using the following formula: Downlink path loss = Uplink path loss + IBCADLPATHLOSSOFF If the BSC fails to calculate the path loss between the MS and its serving cell based on the MR data, it uses the value of IBCASCELLPATHLOSS as the path loss. l For uplink and downlink path losses between the MS and the neighboring cell: Downlink path loss = Neighboring cell BCCH transmit power Neighboring cell downlink BCCH signal level detected by the MS If the BSC fails to calculate the downlink BCCH signal level in the neighboring cell based on the MR data: If the receive level of an IBCA neighboring cell is not included in N consecutive MRs, the BSC sets the receive level of the IBCA neighboring cell to the value of IBCANCELLPATHLOSSESTIMATE. The value N is specified by IBCANONMEANCELLSTATNUM. If the receive levels of different IBCA neighboring cells are not included in N consecutive MRs, the BSC calculates the receive levels of these IBCA neighboring cells using the following formula: Signal level of an IBCA neighboring cell = Detected minimum signal level of another neighboring cell IBCARXLEVOFFSET If no receive levels are reported in the MRs, the BSC calculates the downlink path loss using the following formula: Downlink path loss between an MS and its neighboring cell = Downlink path loss between the MS and its serving cell + IBCAPATHLOSSOFF If the BSC fails to calculate the path loss based on the MR data, it uses the following algorithm and function to assist the calculation: l Inter-cell dependency matrix (ICDM) algorithm specified by IBCAICDMSWITCH Enabling the ICDM algorithm decreases the accuracy of the evaluated path losses. Therefore, do not enable the ICDM algorithm. In this condition, the IBCAPLFILTFACTOR parameter does not take effect. l Single-user dynamic measurement function specified by IBCAUSRDYNCMEASURENCELL Enabling the single-user dynamic measurement function may result in an incorrect measurement for neighboring cells because certain MSs do not support this function. Furthermore, the network performance deteriorates. Therefore, do not enable the singleuser dynamic measurement function. In this condition, the following parameters do not take effect: IBCADYNCMEASURENCELLALLOWED IBCAASSWAITMEASURERPTTIME IBCANHOASSWAITMEASURERPTTIME IBCAEHOASSWAITMEASURERPTTIME
Issue 03 (2012-12-31)
3 Technical Description
Figure 3-2 shows the procedure for evaluating CIRs based on the MR data and path losses. Figure 3-2 Calculating CIRs
As shown in Figure 3-2, n indicates the number of candidate channels that can be allocated.
3 Technical Description
The formulas are as follows: l l l CIR of a new call = Valid signal level Interference signal level Valid signal level = Transmit power of the call Path loss Interference signal level = Transmit power of the interference source Path loss
The calculation of downlink CIR of a new call is used as an example. Figure 3-3 shows the downlink interference on a call. Figure 3-3 Downlink interference on a call
Assume that A is a new call and B is an established call. The downlink signals of call B have interference on call A. The downlink CIR of cell A is calculated using the following formula: Downlink CIR of cell A = (Transmit power of cell A Downlink path loss between cell A and MS A) (Transmit power of cell B Downlink path loss between cell B and MS B) When the network has high requirements for speech quality and the network congestion rate is not high, set IBCASOFTBLKSWITCH to YES(Yes) and IBCAFRSOFTBLKTHRD to an appropriate value. If the CIR of an established call is less than the value of IBCAFRSOFTBLKTHRD after a new call is connected over the channel occupied by the established call, the BSC considers the interference on the established call unacceptable. As a result, the BSC eliminates the channel occupied by the established call. The soft block thresholds of different services are specified by IBCAFRSOFTBLKTHRD, IBCAHRSOFTBLKTHRD, IBCAAFRSOFTBLKTHRD, IB CAAHRSOFTBLKTHRD, and IBCAWAFRSOFTBLKTHRD. If the network has no strict requirements for speech quality and the network congestion rate is high, set IBCASOFTBLKSWITCH to NO(No). After that, the BSC will not eliminate a channel even if the CIR of the established call on the channel is less than the value of IBCAFRSOFTBLKTHRD.
3 Technical Description
is strong, the CIR of the established call decreases and the speech quality of the established call is affected. The calculation for CIRs of established calls includes the following: l l CIRs of established calls before a new call is connected CIRs of established calls after a new call is connected
The specific calculation method is similar to the method for calculating CIRs of a new call. When the network has high requirements for speech quality and the network congestion rate is not high, set IBCASOFTBLKSWITCH to YES(Yes) and IBCAFRSOFTBLKTHRD to an appropriate value. If the CIR of an established call is less than the value of IBCAFRSOFTBLKTHRD after a new call is connected over the channel occupied by the established call, the BSC considers the interference on the established call unacceptable. As a result, the BSC eliminates the channel occupied by the established call.
The BSC preferentially allocates calls to the BCCH TRX. The value of IBCAFREEBCCHCHANTHRSHOLD indicates the minimum number of idle TCHs reserved on the BCCH TRX. If the network congestion rate is high, set this parameter to 0.
Issue 03 (2012-12-31)
4 Related Features
4.1 Synchronization-related Features 4.2 Frequency Hopping
Related Features
The IBCA feature depends on the GBFD-118201 Soft-Synchronized Network or GBFD-510401 BTS GPS Synchronization feature. IBCA enables the BSC to allocate channels based on the interference measured on the same timeslot. The interference on the same timeslot, however, can be accurately measured only in a synchronous network.
The IBCA feature depends on the GBFD-113701 Frequency Hopping (RF hopping, baseband hopping) feature. IBCA is only available in FH mode.
4 Related Features
algorithm. For more details, see Power Control Feature Parameter Description. When IBCA is enabled, the BSC adds an offset on the following receive levels and receive qualities: l l l l l l l l Uplink target receive level Downlink target receive level Uplink target receive quality Downlink target receive quality The specific offset is specified by the following parameters: IBCAINITPCRXLEVULOFFSET IBCAINITPCRXLEVDLOFFSET IBCAINITPCRXQUALULOFFSET IBCAINITPCRXQUALDLOFFSET
4 Related Features
Issue 03 (2012-12-31)
5.1 System Capacity 5.2 Network Performance
The IBCA feature enables the BSC to calculate interference based on network synchronization and allocates a channel with less interference to a new call. This improves the speech quality and therefore increases the network capacity.
Enabling the IBCA feature improves quality-related KPIs, such as the mean opinion score (MOS) of voice services and high quality indicator (HQI). The IBCA feature requires synchronous network and cyclic hopping. Therefore, if the calculated interference is significantly different from the actual interference, for example, in the case of high-speed moving, strong interference may exist on the allocated channel. The interference, however, persists until a handover or call drop occurs. This decreases the handover success rate and increases the call drop rate. Therefore, enabling IBCA improves the speech quality but has an adverse impact on the CS call drop rate and handover success rate.
Issue 03 (2012-12-31)
6 Engineering Guidelines
6.1 When to Use IBCA
l l
Engineering Guidelines
Enable the IBCA feature in the following scenarios: Synchronous network: Synchronous network is the basis of the IBCA algorithm. The synchronous network can be implemented using the following methods: Add the GPS hardware on the BTS (hard synchronization). Configure synchronization parameters on the BSC (soft synchronization). Frequency reuse pattern: 1x1 or 1x3 (FR load > =75% and recommended bandwidth < 7.4 Mbit/s)
FR load = Number of TRXs participating in the FH/Total number of allocated frequencies In the 1x1 or 1x3 frequency reuse pattern, FR load is calculated by cluster using the following formula: FR load = Number of TRXs per cluster/Number of frequencies per cluster In the 1x1 frequency reuse pattern, a cluster refers to frequencies in a cell. In the 1x3 frequency reuse pattern, a cluster refers to frequencies in three cells under a BTS. l Single frequency network: IBCA does not support CoBCCH networking and dualfrequency networking.
Issue 03 (2012-12-31)
6 Engineering Guidelines
No. 2
Information to Be Collected Engineering parametersa, such as the cell name, longitude and latitude, azimuth, BTS type, and MA, for these cells Latest BSC configuration files in these cells Original statistics and historical data in 7 x 24 hours
Purpose Analyze the network topology and plan synchronization parameters. Check the correctness of engineering parameters. Obtain the performance counters and operating status of the original network for subsequent comparison after IBCA is deployed. Obtain the value of RxQuality for subsequent value comparison after IBCA is deployed. Plan the IBCA interference neighboring cells. Set synchronization parameters.
3 4
TRX receive quality statistics and historical data in 7 x 24 hours Statistics related to the interference matrixb of the original network in 7 x 24 hours Traffic distribution in 7 x 24 hours (traffic in one week)
l a: Obtain the engineering parameters about these cells and compare these parameters with the latest configuration file to check the correctness of these parameters. If the engineering parameters are incomplete or some parameter values are incorrect, rectify them depending on the configuration file. If time permits, visit the BTSs on site to check whether the longitudes and latitudes of the BTSs and the azimuths of antennas are correct. If the GPS receiver has been installed and works properly, you can directly obtain the longitudes and latitudes from the GPS receiver. l b: Obtain the interference matrix in cells where IBCA is to be deployed for subsequent planning of IBCA interference neighboring cells. Deploying IBCA requires configuring IBCA interference neighboring cells. IBCA interference neighboring cells, however, are configured based on the actual interference information on the live network. You can analyze the actual interference information on the live network based on the interference matrix provided by the Nastar.
The planning of the preceding information, except the channels, frequencies, and HSNs, can be implemented by professional tools.
Area planning The IBCA-enabled area uses a synchronous network. If its surrounding area uses an asynchronous network, the number of interference neighboring cells that can be configured for edge IBCA cells is limited. This affects the accuracy of calculated interference and network performance. To resolve this problem, a guard space is established between the IBCA-enabled area and its surrounding area. The guard space is enabled with IBCA and
Issue 03 (2012-12-31)
6 Engineering Guidelines
uses a synchronous network but its HSN is set to a value other than 0. Figure 6-1 shows the detailed area planning. Figure 6-1 Area planning
l l
IBCA core area The IBCA-enabled synchronization network is used, and the HSN is 0. Guard space The IBCA-enabled synchronous network reconstructed from the asynchronous network is used, and the HSN is not 0.
l l
Asynchronous network The IBCA feature is disabled on the network. Channel planning IBCA does not support dynamic PDCH conversion on the FH layer. Therefore, disable dynamic PDCH conversion on non-BCCH TRXs in the cell and configure the PDCHs of the original network on the BCCH TRX or TRXs of cells where the IBCA feature is disabled.
Frequency planning The frequency planning involves only frequencies on the TCH layer. When IBCA is used, the TCH layer must use the 1x3 or 1x1 frequency reuse pattern. If the number of frequencies participating in the FH on the TCH layer is less than or equal to 12, use the 1x1 frequency reuse pattern to maximum the FH gains. If the number of frequencies participating in the FH on the TCH layer is greater than 12, use the 1x3 frequency reuse pattern where frequencies are grouped in a nonsequential order. To avoid adjacent-channel interference in a cell, frequencies in the 1x3 frequency reuse pattern must be grouped in non-sequential order.
HSN planning Cells in the same BTS must use the same HSN. If the HSN is set to 0, cyclic FH is used. If HSN is set to a value other than 0, random FH is used. For an IBCA-enabled cell, HSN 0 is recommended. The HSN is set to a value other than 0 only in the following scenarios: The BTSs encounter frequent power-off, which affects the IBCA performance. The BTSs cannot synchronize with each other on a synchronous network.
Issue 03 (2012-12-31)
6 Engineering Guidelines
Guard space is established for the IBCA core area. The HSN remains unchanged after IBCA is deployed. After IBCA is deployed, the handover performance deteriorates or the values of call drop-related counters drop significantly. l MAIO planning The MAIO planning involves the following parameters: TRXMAIO: MAIO of a channel in the TRX participating in the FH in a cell or subcell MAIO1 MAIO2 MAIO24 Obtain MAIOs that can be used by the IBCA algorithm in each cell from the list of available MAIOs, and then assign an MAIO for TRXMAIO. l Planning of IBCA interference neighboring cells During the IBCA network planning, an IBCA interference neighboring cell must be configured for each serving cell. Before connecting a new call in the serving cell, the BSC collects information about the IBCA interference neighboring cell to calculate the specific interference. Based on the calculated interference, the BSC can assign an appropriate channel for the new call. To ensure the channel assignment effect, select the neighboring cells that have strong interference on the serving cell as the IBCA interference neighboring cell. A maximum of 24 IBCA interference neighboring cells can be configured. The larger the number of IBCA interference neighboring cells, the more accurate the calculated interference, and the better the network performance.
6.5 Monitoring
Table 6-2 lists the counters to be monitored after IBCA is deployed. Table 6-2 Counters to be monitored after IBCA is deployed Counter Description Call Drop Rate on TCH per cell (including Handover) Call Drop Rate on TCH per cell (Excluding Handover)
Issue 03 (2012-12-31)
6 Engineering Guidelines
Counter Description Radio Handovers Success Rate Congestion Rate on TCH (All Channels Busy)
After IBCA is deployed, the proportion of HQIs increases. HQI reflects the Um interface receive quality. The Rx_QUALITY(UPLINK) and Rx_QUALITY(DOWNLINK) KPIs are used to measure proportions of receive quality levels 0 through 4 on the uplink and downlink, respectively.
Identify the neighboring cells configured with the same frequency and BSIC. Identify the neighboring cells configured with the same frequency and TSC. Adjust the traffic busy threshold.
Change the TSC of the interference neighboring cells with the same frequency and TSC. Decrease the traffic busy threshold for IBCA interference neighboring cells to increase the proportion of HR calls and relieve the interference.
Issue 03 (2012-12-31)
6 Engineering Guidelines
No. 5
Solution l Before changing the HSN, set IBCASOFTBLKSWITCH to NO(No). l Change the HSNs of all cells in BTSs that serve the top N cells based on the HSN planning. l To change the HSN of a cell from 0 to a value other than 0, change the HSNs of other cells in the same BTS accordingly. This ensures that cells in the same BTS use the same HSN.
Adjust power control parameters to improve the speech quality or reduce call drops, for example, adding the ULREXQUALADJFCTR and DLREXQUALADJF CTR parameters. For details on how to optimize the power control procedure, see Power Control Feature Parameter Description.
Issue 03 (2012-12-31)
6 Engineering Guidelines
6.7 Troubleshooting
Issue 03 (2012-12-31)
7 Parameters
Table 7-1 Parameter description Parameter ID CONTHOMIN INTV NE BSC6900 MML Command SET GCELLHOCT RL Feature ID GBFD-110601 GBFD-510501
Description Meaning:Minim um interval between two consecutive handover decisions of an MS during the period from the time the BSC triggers a handover to the time the handover is successful. The BSC cannot make a handover decision during the minimum interval. To avoid frequent handovers in the cell, the BSC starts a timer after after triggering a handover. The BSC allows the MS to make another handover decision
Issue 03 (2012-12-31)
7 Parameters
Parameter ID
MML Command
Feature ID
Feature Name
Description (excluding emergency handover decisions) only after the timer expires. GUI Value Range:0~60 Unit:s Actual Value Range:0~60 Default Value:4
Meaning:This parameter specifies the downlink quality level factor multiplied by 10 during the calculation of the downlink power control step. The downlink quality level factor is a coefficient indicating how much the quality level is considered during the calculation of the downlink power control step. GUI Value Range:0~10 Unit:None Actual Value Range:0~10 Default Value:4
Issue 03 (2012-12-31)
7 Parameters
NE BSC6900
Feature ID GBFD-117002
Description Meaning:Lowes t CIR allowed for AMR FR services. The CIR for an idle channel must be higher than this threshold. Otherwise, the idle channel cannot be allocated. In addition, the CIR of established calls cannot be lower than this threshold due to interference of newly established calls. GUI Value Range:0~23 Unit:dB Actual Value Range:0~23 Default Value:4
Issue 03 (2012-12-31)
7 Parameters
NE BSC6900
Feature ID GBFD-117002
Description Meaning:Lowes t CIR allowed for AMR FR services. The carrier-tointerference ratio (CIR) for an idle channel must be higher than this threshold. Otherwise, the idle channel cannot be allocated. In addition, the CIR of established calls cannot be lower than this threshold due to interference newly established calls. GUI Value Range:0~23 Unit:dB Actual Value Range:0~23 Default Value: 10
Meaning:Wheth er to enable the IBCA algorithm GUI Value Range:NO(No), YES(Yes) Unit:None Actual Value Range:NO, YES Default Value:NO(No)
Issue 03 (2012-12-31)
7 Parameters
NE BSC6900
Feature ID GBFD-117002
Description Meaning:Lengt h of the timer for a new call to wait for the measurement report (MR) on the SDCCH when dynamic measurement of the BA2 list is enabled during assignment. If this parameter is set to 0, dynamic measurement of the BA2 list is not enabled during assignment. GUI Value Range:0~20 Unit:0.5s Actual Value Range:0~10 Default Value:4
Issue 03 (2012-12-31)
7 Parameters
NE BSC6900
Feature ID GBFD-117002
Description Meaning:Upon receiving measurement reports (MRs), the network needs to filter the measurement values in consecutive MRs to indicate the actual radio environment. This parameter specifies the length for filtering path loss. The mapping between the GUI value and the actual value is as follows: Uplink TCHs: 480-7680; step: 480; unit: ms Uplink SDCCHs: 470-7520; step: 470; unit: ms GUI Value Range:1~16 Unit:ms Actual Value Range:1~16 Default Value: 10
Issue 03 (2012-12-31)
7 Parameters
NE BSC6900
Feature ID GBFD-117002
Description Meaning:Difference between uplink path loss and downlink path loss. This parameter is used to estimate the downlink path loss when the path loss cannot be directly obtained from the measurement report (MR). The downlink path loss can be calculated as follows: Downlink path loss = Uplink path loss + IBCA downlink path loss offset. This parameter should be set according to the combiner loss and the gain of dual-antenna receive of the BTS where the cell is allocated. That is, IBCA downlink path loss offset = Combiner loss of the BTS + Gain of 2-way receive diversity of the BTS(3 dB). GUI Value Range:0~63 Unit:dB Actual Value Range:0~63
Issue 03 (2012-12-31)
7 Parameters
Parameter ID
MML Command
Feature ID
Feature Name
Meaning:Flag that indicates whether an IBCA neighboring cell is to be measured dynamically. This parameter is set to Yes if the information about a neighboring cell cannot be reported through measurement reports but the interference of the neighboring cell cannot be ignored. Otherwise, this parameter is set to No. This parameter is set to Yes for the neighboring cell with co-channel interference and the neighboring cells that cause interference, while this parameter is set to No for other neighboring cells. GUI Value Range:NO(No), YES(Yes) Unit:None Actual Value Range:NO, YES Default Value:NO(No)
Issue 03 (2012-12-31)
7 Parameters
NE BSC6900
Feature ID GBFD-117002
Description Meaning:Lengt h of the timer for a call to measure the path loss in a neighboring cell with strong interference of the target cell. The BSC needs to measure the path loss before initiating an emergency handover to a target cell when dynamic measurement of the BA2 list is enabled during the emergency handover. If this parameter is set to 0, dynamic measurement of the BA2 list is not enabled in the emergency handover and "IBCAHOASS WAITMEASU RERPTTIME" is invalid. GUI Value Range:0~20 Unit:0.5s Actual Value Range:0~10 Default Value:0
Issue 03 (2012-12-31)
7 Parameters
NE BSC6900
Feature ID GBFD-117002
Description Meaning:If the number of idle TCHs on the BCCH TRX is smaller than this threshold, some calls on the BCCH TRX are handed over to non-BCCH TRXs. In this way, idle TCHs on the BCCH TRX are available and can be preferentially allocated to the calls handed over to the IBCA cells during an incoming BSC handover. GUI Value Range:0~3 Unit:None Actual Value Range:0~3 Default Value:2
Issue 03 (2012-12-31)
7 Parameters
NE BSC6900
Feature ID GBFD-117002
Description Meaning:Lowes t CIR allowed for FR/EFR services. The CIR for an idle channel must be higher than this threshold. Otherwise, the idle channel cannot be allocated. In addition, the CIR of established calls cannot be lower than this threshold due to interference of newly established calls. GUI Value Range:0~23 Unit:dB Actual Value Range:0~23 Default Value: 10
Issue 03 (2012-12-31)
7 Parameters
NE BSC6900
Feature ID GBFD-117002
Description Meaning:Lengt h of the timer for a call to wait for subsequent valid MRs after receiving the first valid MR containing the target cell information if dynamic measurement of the BA2 list is enabled during handover. If this parameter is set to 0, the call does not wait for subsequent MRs after receiving the first MR containing the target cell information. GUI Value Range:0~20 Unit:0.5s Actual Value Range:0~10 Default Value:2
Issue 03 (2012-12-31)
7 Parameters
NE BSC6900
Feature ID GBFD-117002
Description Meaning:This parameter specifies the lowest C/I ratio allowed for the HR services. The C/I ratio of an idle channel should be higher than this threshold. Otherwise, the idle channel cannot be allocated. In addition, the C/I ratio of established calls cannot be lower than this threshold due to newly established calls. GUI Value Range:0~23 Unit:dB Actual Value Range:0~23 Default Value: 13
Issue 03 (2012-12-31)
7 Parameters
NE BSC6900
Feature ID GBFD-117002
Description Meaning:This parameter specifies whether the ICDM algorithm is enabled in the serving cell. The ICDM algorithm helps improve the precision of the estimation of the path loss between the serving cell and the IBCA neighboring cell, thus improving the efficiency of the IBCA algorithm. GUI Value Range:NO(No), YES(Yes) Unit:None Actual Value Range:NO, YES Default Value:YES (Yes)
Issue 03 (2012-12-31)
7 Parameters
NE BSC6900
Feature ID GBFD-117002
Description Meaning:Period of intra-BSC information interaction. The information is used to estimate IBCA CIR. The calls in the same cell under the BSC may be distributed on different CPUs. Therefore, the BSC needs to report the information about calls and channel occupation status in the same IBCA neighboring cell group on each CPU to the MCP XPU at a period specified by this parameter. GUI Value Range: 100~6000 Unit:ms Actual Value Range: 100~6000 Default Value: 2000
Issue 03 (2012-12-31)
7 Parameters
NE BSC6900
Feature ID GBFD-117002
Description Meaning:Adds a specified offset to the downlink target receive level when power control algorithm III is used to calculate the initial transmit power of a BTS in the IBCA function. GUI Value Range:0~63 Unit:dB Actual Value Range:0~63 Default Value:0
Meaning:Adds a specified offset to the uplink target receive level when power control algorithm III is used to calculate the initial transmit power of an MS in the IBCA function. GUI Value Range:0~63 Unit:dB Actual Value Range:0~63 Default Value:0
Issue 03 (2012-12-31)
7 Parameters
NE BSC6900
Feature ID GBFD-117002
Description Meaning:Adds a specified offset to the downlink target receive quality when power control algorithm III is used to calculate the initial transmit power of a BTS in the IBCA function. GUI Value Range:0~22 Unit:dB Actual Value Range:0~22 Default Value:0
Meaning:Adds a specified offset to the uplink target receive quality when power control algorithm III is used to calculate the initial transmit power of an MS in the IBCA function. GUI Value Range:0~22 Unit:dB Actual Value Range:0~22 Default Value:0
Issue 03 (2012-12-31)
7 Parameters
NE BSC6900
Feature ID GBFD-117002
Description Meaning:Metho d for a timeslot to select MAIO during IBCA estimation. If this parameter is set to 0(Max. optimized MAIO), a timeslot selects the optimized MAIO being evaluated. If this parameter is set to 1 (Randomization MAIO), a timeslot randomly selects a MAIO. GUI Value Range:0(Max. optimized MAIO), 1 (Randomization MAIO) Unit:None Actual Value Range:0, 1 Default Value:0 (Max. optimized MAIO)
Issue 03 (2012-12-31)
7 Parameters
NE BSC6900
Feature ID GBFD-117002
Description Meaning:The N established calls that have the strongest interference with newly established calls during the assessment of the IBCA interference. GUI Value Range:5~40 Unit:None Actual Value Range:5~40 Default Value: 20
Issue 03 (2012-12-31)
7 Parameters
NE BSC6900
Feature ID GBFD-117002
Description Meaning:This parameter is used to estimate the receive level of the IBCA neighboring cell that is not measured. When the information about less than six neighboring cells is reported in N (N is specified by IBCA Non Measurement Ncell Stat. Num) consecutive measurement reports, or the number of reported neighboring cells is smaller than the number of configured neighboring cells, the receive level of the IBCA neighboring cell that is not reported is estimated. This estimated value is specified by this parameter. GUI Value Range:0~63 Unit:dB Actual Value Range:0~63 Default Value:0
Issue 03 (2012-12-31)
7 Parameters
NE BSC6900
Feature ID GBFD-117002
Description Meaning:Timer for a call to measure the path loss in the neighboring cell with strong interference of the target cell. The call to be handed over needs to measure the path loss before initiating the handover to the target cell when dynamic measurement of the BA2 list is enabled during the normal handover. If this parameter is set to 0, dynamic measurement of the BA2 list is not enabled in the normal handover and "IBCAHOASS WAITMEASU RERPTTIME" is invalid.. GUI Value Range:0~20 Unit:0.5s Actual Value Range:0~10 Default Value:5
Issue 03 (2012-12-31)
7 Parameters
NE BSC6900
Feature ID GBFD-117002
Description Meaning:This parameter is used to estimate the number of measurement reports when the receive level of the IBCA neighboring cell is not measured. When the information about less than six neighboring cells is reported in N (N is specified by this parameter) consecutive measurement reports, or the number of reported neighboring cells is smaller than the number of configured neighboring cells, the receive level of the IBCA neighboring cell that is not reported is estimated. GUI Value Range:0~16 Unit:None Actual Value Range:0~16 Default Value:4
Issue 03 (2012-12-31)
7 Parameters
NE BSC6900
Feature ID GBFD-117002
Description Meaning:Period of inter-BSC information interaction. The information is used to estimate IBCA CIR. If the IBCA neighboring group includes an external cell, the information about calls and channel occupation status in this cell needs to be reported to the corresponding BSC over an inter-BSC link at a period specified by this parameter. GUI Value Range: 100~6000 Unit:ms Actual Value Range: 100~6000 Default Value: 4000
Issue 03 (2012-12-31)
7 Parameters
NE BSC6900
Feature ID GBFD-117002
Description Meaning:Path loss offset. It is used to calculate the path loss between an MS and a neighboring cell if the path loss cannot be obtained from the measurement reports. The formula is as follows: Path loss between an MS and a neighboring cell = Path loss between the MS and the serving cell + Value of this parameter. It is recommended that this parameter be set to 15 for neighboring cells at layer 1 and to 25 for neighboring cells at other layers. GUI Value Range:0~50 Unit:dB Actual Value Range:0~50 Default Value: 15
Issue 03 (2012-12-31)
7 Parameters
NE BSC6900
Feature ID GBFD-117002
Description Meaning:This parameter specifies the impact of the history path when the path loss is calculated through the ICDM algorithm. The impact of the history path loss is proportional to the filter coefficient. GUI Value Range:0~10 Unit:None Actual Value Range:0~10 Default Value:6
Issue 03 (2012-12-31)
7 Parameters
NE BSC6900
Feature ID GBFD-117002
Description Meaning:Unme asured receive level of IBCA neighboring cells. If the number of neighboring cells reported in consecutive N measurement reports (N is specified by "IBCANONME ANCELLSTAT NUM") is smaller than that of the actually configured neighboring cells, this parameter is used to estimate the unmeasured receive level of IBCA neighboring cells. The estimated value is equal to the value of "IBCANCELLP ATHLOSSESTI MATE" or the signal level of the unmeasured IBCA neighboring cells is the measured signal level of the neighboring cells (including non-IBCA neighboring cells) minus the value of "IBCARXLEV OFFSET".
Issue 03 (2012-12-31)
7 Parameters
Parameter ID
MML Command
Feature ID
Feature Name
Description GUI Value Range:0~63 Unit:dB Actual Value Range:0~63 Default Value:4
Meaning:This parameter specifies the path loss between the MS and the serving cell when the path loss cannot be directly obtained from the measurement reports. GUI Value Range:0~160 Unit:dB Actual Value Range:0~160 Default Value: 110
Issue 03 (2012-12-31)
7 Parameters
NE BSC6900
Feature ID GBFD-117002
Description Meaning:Wheth er to deny the access of a call when none of the MAIO evaluation results meets the C/I ratio requirement of the call during channel assignment. GUI Value Range:NO(No), YES(Yes) Unit:None Actual Value Range:NO, YES Default Value:NO(No)
Meaning:Thresh old for a MAIO access. If "IBCAMAIOU SMTD" is set to 1 (Randomization MAIO) and the value of the MAIO CIR is higher than this threshold, this MAIO can be allocated to calls. GUI Value Range:0~63 Unit:None Actual Value Range:0~63 Default Value: 20
Issue 03 (2012-12-31)
7 Parameters
NE BSC6900
Feature ID GBFD-117002
Description Meaning:Wheth er the IBCA neighboring cells of the serving cell are dynamically measured. The BSC obtains the downlink level of the IBCA neighboring cells from the measurement reports reported by the MS. Based on the downlink level, the BSC can calculate the path loss between the IBCA neighboring cell and the MS. Then, based on the path loss, the BSC calculates the strength of interfering signals. On the dual-band network, the IBCA neighboring cell causes interference to the calls in the serving cell, but the receive level in the IBCA neighboring cell may not be the strongest one. Therefore, information about the downlink receive level of the IBCA
Issue 03 (2012-12-31)
7 Parameters
Parameter ID
MML Command
Feature ID
Feature Name
Description neighboring cell may not be contained in the measurement reports. In this case, the system information 5, 5bis, and 5ter are forcibly modified during the assignment or handover to force the MS to report the downlink receive level of the IBCA neighboring cells. GUI Value Range:NO(No), YES(Yes) Unit:None Actual Value Range:NO, YES Default Value:NO(No)
Issue 03 (2012-12-31)
7 Parameters
NE BSC6900
Feature ID GBFD-117002
Description Meaning:The lowest C/I ratio that can be tolerated by IBCA WAMR FR. The C/I ratio of an idle channel must be larger than this parameter. Otherwise, it cannot be assigned. In addition, the system does not allow a newlyestablished call causing the C/I ratio of existing calls to be lower than this parameter. GUI Value Range:0~23 Unit:dB Actual Value Range:0~23 Default Value:5
Issue 03 (2012-12-31)
7 Parameters
NE BSC6900
Feature ID GBFD-111005
Description Meaning:Wheth er to consider interference priorities during channel assignment. If this parameter is set to YES, the interference priority in the channel priority is valid. If this parameter is set to NO, the interference priority in the channel priority is invalid. GUI Value Range:NO(No), YES(Yes) Unit:None Actual Value Range:NO, YES Default Value:YES (Yes)
Meaning:First planned MAIO among available MAIOs. GUI Value Range:0~63 Unit:None Actual Value Range:0~63 Default Value:None
Issue 03 (2012-12-31)
7 Parameters
Parameter ID MAIO2
NE BSC6900
Feature ID GBFD-117002
Description Meaning:Secon d planned MAIO among available MAIOs. GUI Value Range:0~63 Unit:None Actual Value Range:0~63 Default Value:None
Meaning:Twent y-fourth planned MAIO among available MAIOs. GUI Value Range:0~63 Unit:None Actual Value Range:0~63 Default Value:None
Issue 03 (2012-12-31)
7 Parameters
NE BSC6900
Feature ID GBFD-117002
Description Meaning:The parameter indicates whether the neighboring cell is a handover neighboring cell, an IBCA neighboring cell, or a handover and IBCA neighboring cell of the serving cell. If the parameter is set to HANDOVERN CELL (Handover Neighboring Cell), the neighboring cell is the handover neighboring cell but not the IBCA neighboring cell of the serving cell. If the parameter is set to IBCANCELL (IBCA Neighboring Cell), the neighboring cell is the IBCA neighboring cell but not the handover neighboring cell of the serving cell. If the parameter is set to HANDOVERA NDIBCANCEL L(Handover and IBCA Neighboring
Issue 03 (2012-12-31)
7 Parameters
Parameter ID
MML Command
Feature ID
Feature Name
Description Cell), the neighboring cell is the handover neighboring cell and IBCA neighboring cell of the serving cell. IBCA neighboring cells are some neighboring cells of a serving cell with its IBCA algorithm enabled. There is co-channel or adjacentchannel interference between the IBCA neighboring cells and the serving cell. Handover neighboring cells are candidate target cells of the serving cell during a handover. GUI Value Range:HANDO VERNCELL (Handover Neighboring Cell), IBCANCELL (IBCA Neighboring Cell), HANDOVERA NDIBCANCEL L(Handover and IBCA Neighboring Cell) Unit:None
Issue 03 (2012-12-31)
7 Parameters
Parameter ID
MML Command
Feature ID
Feature Name
Description Actual Value Range:HANDO VERNCELL, IBCANCELL, HANDOVERA NDIBCANCEL L Default Value:HANDO VERNCELL (Handover Neighboring Cell)
GBFD-110601 GBFD-510501
Meaning:Minim um interval between two consecutive emergency handovers performed by an MS. During this interval, no emergency handover is allowed. GUI Value Range:0~60 Unit:s Actual Value Range:0~60 Default Value:4
Issue 03 (2012-12-31)
7 Parameters
NE BSC6900
Description Meaning:Wheth er to allow the cell to dynamically change a channel from full rate to half rate or from half rate to full rate. If this parameter is set to Yes, the conversion is allowed; if the parameter is set to No, the conversion is not allowed and the changed channel is restored to the previous rate mode. In addition, this parameter helps to determine the channel assignment priority. The channels in a TRX that does not allow dynamic adjustment take priority. GUI Value Range:NO(No), YES(Yes) Unit:None Actual Value Range:NO, YES Default Value:NO(No)
Issue 03 (2012-12-31)
7 Parameters
NE BSC6900
Feature ID GBFD-111005
Description Meaning:If the current channel seizure ratio reaches or exceeds this value, the halfrate TCH is assigned preferentially; otherwise, the full-rate TCH is assigned preferentially. GUI Value Range:0~100 Unit:% Actual Value Range:0~100 Default Value: 60
Meaning:Mobil e allocation index offset (MAIO) of the channel in the TRX GUI Value Range:0~63 Unit:None Actual Value Range:0~63 Default Value:0
Issue 03 (2012-12-31)
7 Parameters
NE BSC6900
Feature ID GBFD-117601
Description Meaning:This parameter specifies the uplink quality level factor multiplied by 10 during the calculation of the uplink power control step. The uplink quality level factor is a coefficient indicating how much the quality level is considered during the calculation of the uplink power control step. GUI Value Range:0~10 Unit:None Actual Value Range:0~10 Default Value:4
Issue 03 (2012-12-31)
8 Counters
There are no specific counters associated with this feature.
Issue 03 (2012-12-31)
9 Glossary
For the acronyms, abbreviations, terms, and definitions, see the Glossary.
Issue 03 (2012-12-31)
10 Reference Documents
1. 2. 3.
Reference Documents
3GPP TS 45.002, "Multiplexing and multiple access on the radio path" 3GPP TS 45.008, " Radio subsystem link control" 3GPP TS 08.58 Base Station Controller - Base Transceiver Station(BSC - BTS) interface; Layer 3 specification
Issue 03 (2012-12-31)