4 - Subsea Processing
4 - Subsea Processing
4 - Subsea Processing
Introduction/Motivation Why subsea processing? Overview of technologies, applications and examples Boosting Separation Compression Raw seawater injection Other important systems Power supply considerations Technology needs
Platform wells Single phase export lines (separate lines for gas and oil)
Gravity based or floating platforms (increasing water depth) - Statfjord
Subsea wells (increasing area one platform can drain) Single phase export lines (separate lines for gas and oil)
Gravity based or floating platforms - Troll
Picture by Statoil
Subsea wells Multiphase pipeline directly to shore (increasing distance with time)
Subsea processing sgard
Subsea in Statoil
Today more than 50% of Statoil production is from
Subsea production systems.
Statoil operates approximately 480 subsea wells New development prospects are dominated by; Subsea tie-ins to existing infrastructures Subsea deep water developments at remote
SEA: Deep water and limited infrastructure GoM: Ultra deep water and deep reservoirs
Norwegian Continental Shelf (NCS): Tail end production lower pressure and higher water cut
Smaller discoveries?
Gulf of Mexico (GoM) Tight reservoir
PFBH-PRES: Pressure drop in reservoir and near wellbore zone. Mostly determined by
reservoir parameters and can be very large
PFWH-PFBH: Pressure drop in wellbore. For oil wells dominated by gravity and for gas wells
dominated by friction
PRB-PFWH: Pressure drop in pipeline. Usually dominated by friction. PSEP-PRB: Pressure drop in riser. For oil systems dominated by gravity and for gas systems
dominated by friction
PRES Reservoir pressure PFBH Flowing bottom hole pressure PFWH Flowing wellhead pressure PRB Riser base pressure PSEP Separator pressure
Gas cap*
Water zone*
Gas reservoir can be viewed as closed in volume of gas, where the pressure decreases as the gas is drained.
Gas cap will help maintain pressure as oil is produced. Associated gas will be produced from oil below bubble point. Water zone will provide pressure support. * Not always present
2 Oil
Production rate
Gas Water 1
Rapid increase in water production after water break through. Production limited by topsides process facility.
0 0 5 Time 10 15
Gas production increase due to gas cap (towards end of field life) and release of associated gas
40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Reservoir parameters (porosity, permeability, etc) Depth of reservoir (length and height of well) Water depth (height of riser) Gas oil ratio (GOR) (average density of fluid) Water production (average density of fluid) Step-out length (distance from well to platform) Diameter of wellbore Diameter of pipeline Separator pressure
Additional wells Riserbase gas lift Lower density of column in riser reduced pressure drop Bottom hole gas lift Lower density of column in well and riser reduced pressure drop Additional gas increases frictional pressure drop Water injection Replacing the produced volumes maintains the reservoir pressure Water production will increase with time Reduced separator pressure
Long distance / high voltage power Advanced process monitoring and control Cost-efficient installation, maintenance and retrieval
Gas riser
Oil riser
Umbilical riser
Pump system
Production riser
Umbilical riser
Hydrocarbon boosting
Pump close to wellhead enables Reduced wellhead pressure Increased drawdown (lower
bottom hole pressure)
Power requirement for a single phase pump: 20000 bbld/d of liquid (3180 m3/d) 100 bar pressure boost Pump efficiency = 0.75 P [W] = Q [m3/s] * dP [Pa] / Efficiency P [W] = 490000
Artificial lift: enabler for field development World first very positive. Design life 7 years. Expected life 3-5 years, but shut in after 12.
Mechanical seals (in operation, also in transit) Penetrator Control system (air conditioning!) Electrical connectors (beyond design life)
Improved testing and qualification procedures. Improved / more robust component designs.
Remove water at wellhead Reduced water production reduces pressure drop in pipeline to platform Can enable increase in production if topsides facility is bottleneck Water injected for disposal (or pressure support) Gas liquid separation at riser base Production in separate gas and liquid riser More efficient boosting for single phase liquid Separation to send gas and liquid to different facilities
Production riser
Umbilical riser
Production rate
Oil Gas Water
0 0 5 Time 10 15
Business case
Increased hydrocarbon production and recovery Currently injecting ~20 000 bbls/day of produced water 10 yrs after installation
General experience
World first separation and produced water reinjection system Robust separator design. No sand jetting necessary to date Stable operation and near 100% uptime from 2008
Electrical connector (start up) Water ingress to motor due to system design Inductive level instrument (prototype / backup solution)
Lessons learned and Improved component design and test / qualification procedures applied Improved barrier fluid system design
Gas /liquid separation Liquid boosting 2.3 MW hybrid pumps Pumps tolerate gas Vertical Separator design minimal gas carry under Sand removal through liquid line Gas free floating to FPSO
Separation qualities
Separation system must meet requirements from downstream systems Water reinjection Typically 1000 ppm oil in water Gas liquid separation for efficient oil boosting 5 t0 10 vol % gas in liquid Gas scrubbing systems Liquid in gas determined by application Protection of downstream compressor Downstream flow assurance solution
Sand handling
Maximum sand production is typically 10 ppm by weight Sand type and size distribution varies between fields Problems caused by sand Pumps/compressors will be worn out Separators will fill up 10000 m3/d of liquid with 10 ppm of sand 100 kg/d of sand 30 to 40 tons per year
Compression is the most recent subsea processing technology Not yet implemented in any field worldwide Compression is comparable to pumps but used for fields with mostly gas Typically a few volume % liquid Traditional topsides compressors have low tolerance for liquid, resulting in two
approaches to subsea compression
Separate gas so that a traditional compressor can be used Build a liquid tolerant or multiphase compressor
Field Planned Installed Design life (yrs) Depth (m) Tieback (km) No of units Pressure boost (bar) Power (MW) VSD
Ormen Lange
Gas Production Length Width Height Total weight 70 meters 54 meters 25 meters 6000 Tons Condensate Production Electrical Power Demand Target Availability
Need for compressor with: 40 bar pressure boost 5 MSm3/d gas flow rate 50 bar compressor suction pressure (pressure ratio is important) 40C inlet temperature Power requirement 5.3 MW Outlet temperature 100C
Space and weight is at a premium at existing platforms Difficult to fit a water injection system weighting several hundred tons New discoveries ar often tied back to existing platforms some distance away Pipeline can be expensive Different water types can not be mixed in injection systems Sea water Produced water
Production riser
Umbilical riser
Business case
Increased oil recovery through combination of gas and water injection, using subsea raw seawater injection for the first time in Statoil. Estimated IOR of 10% from subsea RSWI Powerful subsea injection system, utilising 2 x 2.5 MW pumps Topsides modifications plus pump system onshore wet testing carried in 2008. Pumps installed 2009. Well completion and system start up due in Q4 2010 Fault tolerant condition monitoring system and high speed communications
Challenging control system interfaces (solved by good cooperation between key suppliers and operator) High speed fibre optic comms system (TCP/IP data transmission) learning from Tordis
Advanced process monitoring and control Subsea processing has much higher monitoring needs than traditional
subsea systems Shorter response time More sensors More complex sensors
Cost-efficient installation, maintenance and retrieval Large parts to be installed Need for retrieval when parts break or wear out Regular inspection
Step-out distance below 15 to 20 km Power transfer at ~7 kV with topsides VSD Examples: Troll Pilot, Tordis SSBI Step-out distance ~20 to ~80 km Power transfer at 22 to 52 kV with topsides VSD Topside step-up and subsea step-down transformer required Examples: Tyrihans, sgard Subsea Compression, Step-out distance above ~80 km Power transfer at 132 kV and 16 2/3 Hz (for reduced power loss) Subsea VSDs and power distribution Example: Ormen Lange
Possible step-out distances will depend on power requirement and number of units
Technology needs
Discussion on economy
Platform A: Process capacity for oil, but only very limited water capacity. Some power available 10 km Platform B: Available process capacity for oil and water. Plenty of power available.
30 km
Oil discovery: 10 MSm3 of oil 300 m water depth 5000 m3/d of oil and 5000 m3/d of water
OTC 20619 Experience to Date and Future Opportunities for Subsea Processing
in Statoil, Simon Davies and William Bakke, Statoil ASA; Rune Mode Ramberg and Roger Oen Jensen, Statoil Gulf of Mexico
OTC 20261 Subsea Power Systems a Key Enabler for Subsea Processing,
Steinar Midttveit, Bjarne Monsen, Snorre Frydenlund, Karl Atle Stenevik, Statoil ASA.
OTC 18749 The Tordis IOR Project, Ann Christin Gjerdseth, FMC Technologies
and Audun Faanes and Rune Ramberg, Statoil
Thank you
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