HRM Handout 2012

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Human Resource Management Semester II

Course Description: Human Resource Management outlines the importance of HRM and its different functions in an organization. It examines the various HR processes that are concerned with attracting, managing, motivating and developing employees for the benefit of the organization

Textbook: Human Resource Management. A South Asian Perspective by Robert L. Mathis, John H. Jackson and Manas Ranjan Tripathy (Cengage) Reference text books: Personnel/ Human Resource Management by David A Decenzo & Stephen P Robbins (Prentice- Hall) Human Resource Management by Gary Dessler (Prentice-Hall) Human Resource Management by John Ivancevich (TMH) Managing Human Resources by Wayne Cascio (TMH)

Journals: Academy of Management Journal Academy of Management Review Journal of Management Organization Science Organization Studies Journal of Organizational Behavior Human Resource Management Journal International Journal of Human Resource Management

HRM Session plan S. No. 1 Sessi on No. 1-2 Topic Cases

Introduction to HRM: Role of HR 1. Video Executives-HRM Functions 2. Microsoft Indias HR Practices Challenges of Human Resource ( HROB123) ManagementNew Challenges for HR Executives. Human Resource Management at 3. Text Book Case Study Toe the Line or Work: Line Vs Staff Authority Else (Page No: 643-644) Structure and Organizational Chart of HR Department. Globalization and its impact on HR- IT Systems and HR Quality of Work Life Emerging Trends: The Concept of Quality of 4. SAS Inc. Working the good life (HROB134) Work Life (QWL) - Strategies for Improving QWL, Family integration processes



Job Analysis and Design: Concept of 5. Activity Job Analysis and Design, Role 6. Test book Case- the reluctant analysis Methods of Job analysis Receptionist (Page No. 159-160) Job Description - Job Specification Modern Management Techniques: Job rotation job enlargement Job enrichment. Managing the dejobbed world, Competency mapping Human Resource Planning (HRP): 7. Infosys Campus Connect - A Solution to Talent Crunch Challenge(HROB151) Definition Need and Importance of HRP- Process of HRPLevels and Types of HRP Forecasting Demand for employees- Forecasting supply for employees-Balancing supply and demand considerationsHRP Model, Rightsizing


Recruitment and Selection Process: 8. Recruiting CISCO Way (HROB014) Definition and concept of 9. Recruitment & Selection Recruitment - Factors Affecting 4 caselets HROB044 Recruitment Sources of recruitment Information technology and HR recruiting on the net (E-recruitment) -Methods and Techniques of recruitment Selection Process- Person Job Fit - Person Organization Fit Elements of Selection Process - Steps in the Selection Procedure Various types of Tests Selection Interview: Methods and Process (including reference check and medical examination) - Placement and induction- Competency testing systems Performance and Potential 10. Performance Management and Reward Systems at Scottrade Inc (HROB135) Appraisal: Concept of performance management and performance 11. Text Book Case Study Performance Appraisal at Cola Magic Drinks ( Page No: appraisal - Objectives of 671-674) Performance Appraisal - The Appraisal Process -Traditional Methods and Modern Methods of Appraisal, (including MBO, 360 degree, Assessment Centre, Balance Scorecard, etc) Appraisers: Manager/ supervisor, Self, Subordinate, Peer, Team and Customer-Pitfalls in Performance Appraisal Potential appraisal
12. Test


8 9

19 20-22

Employee Training and 13. Training & Development GE Way Management Development: (HROB072) Importance and objectives Distinction between Training and Development Principles of Learning E- learning, Competency Mapping Assessment Center, Types of training and development Training need analysis Systematic approach to Training and Development Evaluation of Training



Managing Careers: Concept 14. Text Book Case Study Career at PRCL Career stages -Career Anchors (Page No: 665-669) Career Development Cycle Benefits of career planning to individual as well as organization Internal mobility: promotions, transfers, Separation and Succession planning, downshifting. Compensation Management: 15. Compensation Management Objectives - Methods of Job (4 Case lets) (HROB047) evaluation Factors determining compensation and pay rates Current trends in compensationPricing managerial and professional jobs. Minimum wages Act, Types of pay structures Wage and Salary Administration Nature and Purpose Minimum Wage, Fair Wage, Living Wage Basic Kinds of Wage Plans Elements of a Good Wage Plan, Rewards and Incentives - Shortterm Plans - Long-term Wage Incentive Plans Requisite Guidelines for Effective Incentive Plans - Non-monetary Incentives Employee Stock Ownership Plans, Payment of bonus Act, Payment of Gratuity Act





Grievance Handling: Grievance Reading: The Journey from Industrial Causes/Sources of Grievances Relations to Human Relations: Sharing Grievance Redressal Machinery the Experience-By RP Singh Model Grievance Procedure 16. Text Book Case Study PICRO Legislative Aspects of the Grievance Chemicals (Page No:675-676) Redressal Procedure in India. Domestic enquiry, Discipline and disciplinary actions Dismissal and Discharge of an employee-Trade Unions. Employee Relations and Collective 17. Labor Unrest at Honda Motorcycle Bargaining: Concept and purpose and Scooter India (Private) Limited Industrial Relations - Collective (ICMR HROB104) Bargaining - Types Process -Pre- 18. Honda Motorcycle and Scooter India requisites - Issues Involved - Worker Ltd: Labor unrest in 2009 (ICMR



Participation in Management, Trade Unions, Trade Union Act, Industrial Disputes Act, Factories Act, Workmens Compensation Act. 14 33 Test 2


Evaluation Components: 1. Class participation CP110% CP215%; CP3 15 % 2. Class Test 3. Class test 4. End Term Exam 15% 15% 30%

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