6.5 Balancing Chemical Equations Text
6.5 Balancing Chemical Equations Text
6.5 Balancing Chemical Equations Text
describe this reaction in a A chemical equation is written the same way in any language, making it universally understandable.
word equation as follows:
methane + oxygen → carbon dioxide + water
We can then write a skeleton equation by replacing each name with a
CH4 + O2 → CO2 + H2O
Table 1 Combustion of Methane
However, there is a problem. The Law of Conservation of Mass
states that the mass of the reactants equals the mass of the Type of atom Reactants Products
products. In other words, atoms can be neither created nor C 1 1
destroyed in a chemical change. If we look at the reactants and H 4 2
products, we can record the numbers of atoms of each type in a O 2 2+1=3
table like Table 1.
There is an apparent imbalance
between the numbers of atoms
in the reactants and the
numbers of atoms in the
products. We have seemingly
created an oxygen atom and
destroyed two hydrogen atoms
(Figure 2).
We cannot change the
types or formulas of the Figure 2
molecules. So how can we The numbers of atoms of reactants and products are out of balance. The total masses of reactants and
solve this imbalance? products are also out of balance. The see-saw tilts to the product side because of the greater mass.
226 Chapter 6
The answer is to change
the numbers of molecules
rather than their
formulas. If we add an
oxygen molecule to the
reactants and a water
molecule to the products,
Figure 3
this balances the equation
The numbers of atoms are now in balance. The mass of the reactants also equals the mass of the products.
(Figure 3).
CH4 + O2 + O2 → CO2 + H2O + H2O
An equation in which the reactants and the products contain equal
numbers of atoms of each type is a balanced chemical equation. The
usual way to write a balanced equation is to use coefficients. A coefficient
is a number written in front of a chemical symbol or formula. It indicates
the number of atoms or molecules of that substance. The coefficients are
shown in red in the following equation.
CH4 + 2O2 → CO2 + 2H2O
Note that by balancing an equation, the mass of the reactants will be equal
to the mass of the products.
D i d Yo u K n o w ?
When iron reacts with oxygen, it
forms two oxides. Magnetic iron
oxide is an equal mixture of
iron(II) oxide (FeO) and iron(III)
oxide (Fe2O3). Add up the atoms
to get the formula Fe3O4.
Figure 4
Try This
Activity Equation Balancing for “Smarties”
Use candies to represent the process of balancing • You can represent the chemical reaction by
equations. For example, consider the balanced mixing all the candies together.
chemical equation for the combustion of methane • The products could then be represented with
in oxygen to produce carbon dioxide and water: a carbon dioxide molecule (one black candy
with two red candies) and two water
CH4 + 2O2 → CO2 + 2H2O
molecules (each molecule is one red candy
• Start with one black (or brown) candy, four with two yellow candies).
yellow candies, and four red candies. Arrange • Use the candies to represent other chemical
the candies to represent the reactants. For reactions that you have encountered in this
example, methane could be a black candy chapter. For a challenge, try to represent the
with four yellow candies just touching it, and burning of ethane (C2H6) in oxygen gas to
the two oxygen molecules could each be two produce carbon dioxide and water.
red candies just touching.
228 Chapter 6
Step 3. Count the numbers of atoms of each type in reactants and products.
This example is complicated by the polyatomic nitrate ion.
The compound magnesium nitrate contains a total of six oxygen atoms
because there are two NO3 groups, each of which has three oxygen atoms.
The numbers of atoms may be recorded in a table (Table 3).
Table 3 Magnesium Reacts with Nitric Acid
Type of atom Reactants Products
Mg 1 1
H 1 2
N 1 2 1,2,3 What balanced chemical
O 3 6 equations represent the
reactions in your Challenge?
(b) K + O2 → K2O (a) Write the skeleton equation for the reaction.