5988 3760en
5988 3760en
5988 3760en
Application Note
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1
1. Basic Concepts of Bluetooth
Bluetooth, in its most elementary A wide variety of Bluetooth radio EDR is an enhancement to the
form, is defined as a global block diagrams are in use. For Bluetooth 1.2 standard and is
specification for wireless connectivity. transmission, these range from direct described in the Bluetooth 2.0
Because it is intended to replace voltage controlled oscillator (VCO) specification. It is backwards
cables, cost must be low and operation modulation to IQ mixing at the final compatible with the earlier Bluetooth
must be intuitive and robust. These radio frequency (RF.) In the receiver, a standards. It uses a phase shift
requirements for Bluetooth create conventional frequency discriminator keying (PSK) modulation scheme
many challenges. Bluetooth meets or IQ down-conversion combined to achieve a data rate of 2 or 3 Mb/s.
these challenges by several means. with analog-to-digital conversion is It allows greater possibilities for
The radio unit employs frequency noted. using multiple devices on the same
hopping spread spectrum (FHSS), connection because of the increased
and the design emphasis is on very While many options can satisfy the bandwidth. Due to EDR having a
low power, extremely low cost, Bluetooth radio specifications, each reduced duty cycle, there is lower
and robust operation in the will have its own characteristics power consumption compared to a
uncoordinated, interference-dominated if not operating correctly. The standard Bluetooth link.
RF environment of the industrial, Bluetooth system consists of a radio
scientific, and medical (ISM) radio unit, a baseband link control unit,
band. and link management software. It
also includes higher-level software
utilities that focus on interoperability
features and functionality. Figure 1
is a block diagram for this type of
frequency hopping system, showing
the baseband controller and the RF
transmitter and receiver sections.
Baseband RF
Burst RF
Low-pass modulator filter
Control/processor filter
DSP Quadrature
baseband processor DAC modulator
(burst mode control) Switch
µ processor
Clock ROM Receiver IF
Threshold filter
detector Quadrature
& clock demodulator
to host recovery
1.1 Bluetooth radio unit The Bluetooth channels are each in which the modulated carrier
The Bluetooth radio unit is shown 1 MHz wide. The frequency hopping shifts between two frequencies
in Figure 1 as the transmitter and occurs over the 79 channels. representing a “1” and a “0”. As a
receiver sections of the block Figure 2 depicts the frequency result, GFSK provides one bit of data
diagram. The transmitter up-converts hopping channels, divided by per symbol. Figure 3 is an example
the baseband information to the geographic regions. of GFSK modulation illustrating
frequency-modulated carrier. the two discrete frequencies.
Frequency hopping and bursting are The modulation in a standard Unlike many other forms of digital
performed at this level. Conversely, Bluetooth system is Gaussian modulation, such as GSM, amplitude
the receiver down-converts and frequency shift keying (GFSK) this and phase are not of primary concern
demodulates the RF signal. Table 1 gives a gross air data rate of 1 Mb/s. in this type of modulation scheme.
summarizes some of the key RF This is a digital modulation format
characteristics of Bluetooth.
1. The Bluetooth specification includes a special frequency hopping pattern to provide provisions for compliance with national limitations such as
those in France. The frequency range for France is 2.4454 to 2.4835 GHz and the corresponding RF channels are f = 2454 + k MHz, k = 0,...,22.
2. Hop speed may vary, depending on packet length.
As an enhancement to the Bluetooth waveforms phase to carry information.
standard, EDR uses different Figure 4 shows the π/4-DQPSK
modulation schemes so that data modulation phase diagram. Each
can be sent at higher transmission point represents two bits of data.
rates. There are two different types The modulation for the 3 Mb/s uses
of modulation that EDR utilizes, the same principle of waveform
π/4-DQPSK for 2 Mb/s and 8DPSK for phase shifting but the main difference
3 Mb/s gross air data transfer rates. is that each change contains three
π/4-DQPSK uses changes in the bits of information.
2400 MHz Regulatory range for USA, Europe, and most other counties (except France) 2483.5 MHz
2480 MHz
2402 MHz 2454 MHz 2476 MHz
Amplitude versus time
Figure 4. Agilent 89600 showing the π/4 DQPSK modulation data points for 2 Mb/s data transfer
1.2 Bluetooth link control unit The link management software works
with the link control unit. Devices
and link management communicate among each other
The Bluetooth link control unit,
through the link manager. Table 2
also known as the link controller,
provides a summary of the link
determines the state of the device
control and management functions.
and is responsible for establishing
Link management does not change
the network connections as well as
for EDR.
power efficiency, error correction,
and encryption.
2 Mb/s packets
2-EV3, 2-EV5- same as standard rate packet but modulated
using π/4-DQPSK
3 Mb/s packets
3-EV3, 3-EV5-same as standard rate packet but modulated using 8DQPSK
Bluetooth radios may operate as piconets is referred to as a scatternet. slave may extend over one, three, or
either master or slave units. The Figure 5 depicts two piconets five time slots. A packet for standard
link manager sets up the connection comprising a scatternet. Units that Bluetooth transmission, shown in
between master and slave units are not part of either piconet remain Figure 6, contains an access code,
and also determines the slave’s in standby mode. a header, and a payload. The access
power-saving mode. A master can code consists of a preamble, a sync
be actively communicating with The Bluetooth transmission is divided word, and an optional trailer. The
up to seven slaves, while another into time slots, where each slot header contains piconet address
200+ slaves can be registered in a corresponds to an RF hop frequency. and packet information. The payload
non-communicating, power-saving In the time division duplex (TDD) carries the user’s voice or data
mode. This area of control is defined scheme used, the master transmits information. Refer to Specification
as a piconet. A master in one piconet in even-numbered time slots, and the of the Bluetooth System, Part B:
may be a slave to a master from a slave in odd numbered time slots. Baseband Specification, [Reference
different piconet. Similarly, multiple Voice bits or data bits within piconets 2] for further details on packet
masters from different piconets may are transmitted in packets. Packets construction.
control a single slave. This network of transmitted by the master or the
S ps
sb S S
M M – Master unit
S S – Slave unit
ps – Slave unit in
ps power-saving mode
sb – Unit in standby mode
3 bits 4 bits 1 bit 1 bit 1 bit 8 bits
Figure 6. Standard Bluetooth general packet format showing contents of the access code and header
The packet for an EDR transmission LSB MSB
varies slightly from the standard
Bluetooth packet. The Bluetooth Access Header Guardband Sync EDR payload Trailer
EDR packet is shown in Figure 7. code
When EDR is being used to transmit
data, the first section of the packet GFSK DPSK
containing the access code and
header is transmitted using the
standard Bluetooth GFSK modulation.
After a guardband, the modulation Figure 7. EDR Bluetooth packet format
is changed to π/4-DQPSK or 8DPSK,
depending on which data rate the
device uses. The synchronization,
main data payload and the closing
trailer sections are all transmitted High layers
using the higher data rate
modulation scheme.
L2CAP Audio
1.3 Bluetooth RF test suite HCI driver Host
structure controller
The Bluetooth radio is Layer 1 of the Host controller interface
Bluetooth protocol stack. Figure 8
shows a configuration of this Bluetooth Link manager
protocol stack with the different
basic layers.
Link controller (baseband)
The Bluetooth Special Interest Group Table 3. Bluetooth RF test suite structure
(SIG) has proposed a list, entitled
Test cases for certification testing of the Bluetooth RF Layer Identifier1
“Bluetooth RF Test Suite Structure,”
which defines tests to perform for Transmitter tests
Output power TRM/CA/01/C
certification of the Bluetooth radio Power density TRM/CA/02/C
layer. Table 3 provides this list of tests Power control TRM/CA/03/C
with their test purpose identifiers. Tx output spectrum-frequency range TRM/CA/04/C
Tx output spectrum-20 dB bandwidth TRM/CA/05/C
The following sections of this Tx output spectrum-adjacent channel power TRM/CA/06/C
application note provide a Modulation characteristics TRM/CA/07/C
Initial carrier frequency tolerance TRM/CA/08/C
description of these different tests Carrier frequency drift TRM/CA/09/C
and how they can be performed.
Receiver tests
For specific information on test Sensitivity/single-slot packets RCV/CA/01/C
requirements, such as initial condition, Sensitivity/multi-slot packets RCV/CA/02/C
test procedure, test condition, or C/I performance RCV/CA/03/C
expected outcome, refer to the Blocking performance RCV/CA/04/C
Inter-modulation performance RCV/CA/05/C
Bluetooth Test Specification - RF
Maximum input level RCV/CA/06/C
[Reference 1]. This document has
Bluetooth EDR RF test suite structure
been defined by the Bluetooth SIG
and is the definitive guide.1 Transmitter tests
Enhanced data rate relative transmit power TRM/CA/10/C
Enhanced data rate carrier frequency stability and
modulation accuracy TRM/CA/11/C
Enhanced data rate differential phase encoding TRM/CA/12/C
Enhanced data rate in-band spurious emission TRM/CA/13/C
Receiver tests
Enhanced data rate sensitivity RCV/CA/07/C
Enhanced data rate BER floor sensitivity RCV/CA/08/C
Enhanced data rate C/I performance TP/RCV/CA/09/C
Enhanced data rate maximum input level RCV/CA/10/C
Payload data Test mode via POLL packets. An illustration of
Notice that three different types The Bluetooth device can operate in Loopback and Transmitter test mode
of payload data are called for in different modes: is provided in Figure 9.
different test cases. They are PRBS9, • normal mode
10101010, and 11110000. Each • transmitter (Tx) test mode The implementation of Test mode
pattern provides different stress • loopback test mode in Bluetooth devices is required to
mechanisms and is selectively chosen facilitate testing of transmitter and
for each measurement. PRBS9 is a Normal mode consists of having a receiver performance of a device.
pseudorandom bit sequence of period standard Bluetooth communication. By putting the device into Test
29–1 that is intended to simulate live For instance, when the tester is mode, different transmission and/or
traffic and so produces a modulated acting as a master and the Bluetooth reception parameters can be
signal with a spectral distribution device as a slave, in normal mode the controlled, such as frequency
approximating that of a real signal. tester will send some POLL packets selection, Tx frequency, packet type
The 10101010 pattern provides an and the device will confirm the and length, bit pattern, poll period,
additional test for the modulation reception of these packets by sending and power level.
filter. It also changes the spectral back a NULL packet. The description
shape of the transmitter output. The of POLL and NULL packets can be Note: To allow the tester (master) to
11110000 pattern allows a check of found in Specification of the put the device (slave) into Test mode,
the Gaussian filtering. After a series Bluetooth System, Part B: Baseband the host device will need to send a
of four 1s or four 0s, the output Specification [Reference 2]. special command (LMP command) in
should have reached its fully settled order to prepare the device to enter
condition. The use of different In Test mode, the Bluetooth device Test mode. That is one of the reasons
patterns also helps identify problems is operating in a specific state. In why in the different setups presented
with IQ modulation schemes. Note Loopback test mode, the Bluetooth in the following sections, a DUT
that an ideal Gaussian filter will device (slave) is asked to decode the controller is included. The control
produce a ratio of 88 percent between packets sent by the tester (master) could be performed either by protocol
the peak frequency deviation of a and send back the payload using sent over an RF connection or by
10101010 signal and that of the the same packet type. While in direct digital control of the device.
11110000 signal. The Bluetooth radio Transmitter test mode, the Bluetooth For more details on Test mode and
specification calls for > 80 percent device is simply asked to transmit a its activation, refer to page 285,
to be achieved. type of packet according to specific “Test Mode,” in the Specification of
instructions sent by the tester (master) the Bluetooth System [Reference 2].
Frequency hopping
The adaptive frequency hopping
of the Bluetooth system adds a Transmitter test mode
further degree of complexity to
signal analysis. Hopping is needed
Burst length Burst length
for testing the functional capability POLL POLL
of the Bluetooth device, whereas
for parametric tests, hopping is not Test packet Test packet
essential. To reduce the number of
variables and identify individual Time
Master Tx Slave Tx Master Tx Slave Tx Master Tx Slave Tx
performance characteristics, hopping
is turned off for a number of tests.
However, the transmit and receive
channels can be set at the extreme Loopback test mode
ends of the band, forcing the VCO in
the device under test (DUT) to switch
frequency. Each method is tailored Payload Payload Payload
to the requirements of the test and
is documented in the Bluetooth Test
Specification. Rx packet Tx packet Rx packet Tx packet Rx packet Tx packet
2.1.2 Test setup Setup 1 differs from the setup of For Setup 2, the utility must have the
Different setups may be used for Figure 10 in that there is no Bluetooth capability to control the type of
Bluetooth transmitter tests, depending communication established between transmission (frequency hopping
on whether you are testing a full the device and the test equipment, on or off, different types of packets,
functional Bluetooth device or just so the test equipment doesn’t have etc.) in order to provide the right
the RF transmitter, or even RF any control of the DUT operation. conditions to test the Bluetooth
components of the transmitter. One For this setup, a special internal test transmitter (see Table 4.) This can
way to test transmitter performance facilities utility must be implemented be performed from the N4010A or
of a full functional Bluetooth device in the device. This utility must have by linking with a PC and controlling
is to use a Bluetooth test set, such as the ability to ask to the device to the device with suitable software.
the Agilent N4010A. The test set and transmit the packets it receives. This These two setups require the use
DUT form a piconet where the tester will allow a Bluetooth signal from of a signal analyzer, which could be
acts as master and the DUT acts as the digital signal generator to be a spectrum analyzer or a vector signal
slave. The test set establishes a link transmitted into the device’s analyzer. Additional equipment
(paged connection) with the device receiver and looped back through includes signal generators and
in either Normal or Test mode using its transmitter for analysis. possibly a power meter, power
the standard Bluetooth protocol. supply, oscilloscope, and network
With the device in Test mode, the analyzer.
test set will have complete control
of DUT operation. For instance, the
test set can put the device into
Loopback mode or Tx mode, disable
frequency hopping, and ask the
device to transmit at specific
frequencies as required by the
Bluetooth Test Specification.
Setup 1 : Transmitter performance test setup for a full functional Bluetooth device that is able to be controlled by a DUT controller
Power splitter
spectrum analyzer
Setup 2 : Setup to test performance of a complete Bluetooth transmitter
If a direct cable connection is not Table 5. Frequency settings for transmitting in loopback mode
possible between the Bluetooth
Low operating frequency Mid operating frequency High operating frequency
device and the measurement DUT fTX DUT fRX DUT fTX
equipment, a suitable coupling DUT fRX DUT fTX DUT fRX
device such as an antenna will be 2402 MHz 2480 MHz 2441 MHz
necessary. The path loss between 2402 MHz 2480 MHz 2402 MHz
antennas should be accounted for
in the calculations. This can be
Table 6. Frequency settings for receiving in loopback mode
evaluated using a network analyzer.
The Agilent N4017A software allows Low operating frequency Mid operating frequency High operating frequency
compensations for path loss when
performing calculations.When a 2480 MHz 2402 MHz 2402 MHz
specification requires the device to 2441 MHz 2402 MHz 2480 MHz
be tested using three different levels
in the frequency band, Table 5 shows
the different frequencies that are Table 7. Frequency settings for Tx mode
used when in loopback and transmit Low operating frequency Mid operating frequency High operating frequency
test cases. Table 6 shows the table for DUT fTX DUT fTX DUT fTX
receiving test cases. Table 7 shows 2402 MHz 2441 MHz 2480 MHz
the configuration when in Tx mode.
Hopping is turned off when using
these settings.
Peak power, P
2.2 Power tests
RF transmitter power measurements 90%
Average power, P Overshoot
include output power (average power amplitude
points (during the burst)
and maximum peak power in a
burst), power density, power control,
and EDR relative transmit power. 3 dB
Power level is a critical parameter points
in digital communication systems.
These tests help to ensure that power 10%
levels are high enough to maintain amplitude Burst width
links, yet low enough to minimize points
interference within the ISM band
and to maximize battery life. Rise time Fall time
2.2.1 Output power Figure 12. Time domain power and timing analysis
Output power measurements are
performed in the time domain.
Because the Bluetooth signal is a
sequence of TDD bursts, it is necessary
to trigger properly. Triggering occurs
on the rising edge of the envelope
to obtain a viewable signal.
Average power and peak power
measurements can be performed
either by a Bluetooth test set, a
power meter, a spectrum analyzer,
or a vector signal analyzer. For any
of these testers, the tester records
the highest power value in the burst
and calculates the average power
from 20 to 80 percent of the duration
of the burst. The duration of the
burst (burst width) is the time
between the leading and trailing
3 dB points compared to the average
Figure 14. Agilent ESA-E series spectrum analyzer display of peak and average power
measurement using the Bluetooth personality (Device setup: CF=2.441 GHz, sweep
time 680 µs, triggering on IF ch39)
Vector signal analyzers provide a For the second part of the calculation may be performed on
triggering delay feature to allow measurement, the analyzer is a spectrum analyzer by analyzing
viewing of the burst prior to the changed to the time domain and a the trace data and averaging the
trigger point. Vector signal analyzers 1-minute single sweep is performed. result. A vector signal analyzer has
also provide an average or mean The power density is calculated a utility for determining the mean
power function to automatically as the average of the trace. This power of the trace.
determine the average power. Figure
15 shows a display of the average
power measurement on a vector
signal analyzer. The sweep time and
the trigger delay are adjusted to
measure the average power of the
burst, while avoiding the rising and
falling edges.
2.2.3 Power control The test then calculates the average As summarized in Table 4, the
Power control tests allow for testing power over at least 80 percent of Bluetooth specification splits the
or calibration to be performed on the GFSK and DQPSK sections of test into three parts:
the level control circuitry. The power the packet. This is then repeated at
1. frequency range
control test is only needed for devices the middle and highest operating
2. –20 dB bandwidth
that support power control. Power frequencies. The whole procedure is
3. adjacent channel power
control is performed in the same repeated again on the lowest power
manner as the average power setting of the DUT transmitter. This
The first two tests use peak detection,
measurement, but at three discrete test can be performed using the
while adjacent channel power uses
frequency channels (lowest, mid, and Agilent N4010A and the N4017A
average detection. The last two tests
highest operating frequency). The GMA software. The test can also be
use a max hold mode, while frequency
power control test verifies power performed using a N4010A and an
range uses an averaging mode.
levels and power control step sizes 89600 vector signal analyzer as
to ensure that they are within shown in Figure 17.
2.3.1 Frequency range
the specified range. With a link For the frequency range test, the
established, the Agilent N4010A The output from the six pairs of
carrier is set to the upper and lower
Bluetooth test set can adjust the tests is expected to comply with the
channels. Having sampled long
power level of the DUT and perform following measurement condition:
enough to capture the highest RF
the test stand alone. (PGFSK – 4 dB) ≤ PDPSK ≤ (PGFSK
levels, a power density check is made.
+ 1 dB)
The signal must be below –80 dBm/Hz
Points to note relating to power control EIRP at 2400 MHz (or 2446.5 MHz for
are that all Bluetooth modules need 2.3 Transmit output spectrum France) and at 2483.5 MHz.
to have a properly functioning RSSI The transmit output spectrum
detector, and that the signaling measurements analyze the power
uses an incremental, not absolute, levels in the frequency domain to
ensure that out-of-channel emissions Table 8. Outline spectrum mask requirements
are minimized. This helps reduce Frequency offset Transmit power
overall system interference and M ± [550 – 1450 kHz] –20 dBc
2.2.4 EDR relative transmit power |M – N| = 2 –20 dBm
EDR transmissions have both GFSK ensure regulatory compliance. The |M – N| ≥ 3 –40 dBm
and DQPSK modulation within one measurements compare the device’s
packet. This test allows the device output power spectrum to a predefined Note: M is the integer channel number of the
to be tested to ensure that the mask that has the characteristics transmitting channel and N is the integer
transmission power of each modulation shown in Table 8. channel number of the adjacent channel that
type is within an acceptable range. is being measured.
The DUT transmits the longest
supported packet type with initial
settings at maximum power
transmission on the lowest Tx
frequency. There is no frequency
hopping and the center frequency is
at the DUT transmit frequency. The
sweep time for the test is the length
of the packet being used.
Figure 17. Agilent 89600 vector signal analyzer showing an EDR relative transmit
power measurement
2.3.2 –20 dB bandwidth With a proprietary algorithm, the Figure 19 shows an ACP measurement
Using narrower measurement Agilent ESA-E spectrum analyzer performed for channel 3 (M = 3).
filters, the –20 dB bandwidth test provides an ACP measurement The condition PTX (f) ≤ –20 dBm is
is performed at the lowest, middle, solution by pressing a single checked for channel 1 and 5 (N = 1,5)
and highest frequency channels. button. It makes the complex ACP and the condition PTX (f) ≤ –40 dBm
Using a 2 MHz span, the peak RF measurement easy and provides is verified for the rest of the channels
level is recorded. The frequency an ideal tool for precompliance tests. (N = 0,6,7,...78). The validation of this
points above and below this, where test is notified by a flag “PASS.”
the level has dropped by 20 dB, must
be less than 1 MHz apart. Figure 18
shows the type of waveform that
will be observed. When viewing the
output spectrum, some asymmetry
on the spectral display may be noticed.
This is due to the non-whitened
parts of the burst, such as the header.
Figure 19. Agilent ESA-E series spectrum analyzer showing an ACP measurement
performed on channel 39. The upper window provides an ACP spectrum (measured
power versus channel) and the lower window an ACP numeric summary table listing.
The latter can be extended to see the complete list of channels.
2.4 Modulation tests The frequencies of each 8 bit computed and recorded as ∆F1avg for
Bluetooth modulation measurements sequence in the payload are the pattern 00001111 and as ∆F2avg
consist of standard GFSK tests that measured and averaged together. for the pattern 01010101. Both the
measure modulation characteristics, Then the maximum deviation from maximum deviations and the average
initial carrier frequency tolerance the average for these bits is recorded of the maximum deviations are
(ICFT) and carrier frequency drift. as ∆F1max for the pattern 00001111 used in the result. This procedure is
The DPSK modulation tests consist and as ∆F2max for the pattern performed over a period of at least
of EDR carrier frequency stability 01010101. Finally, an average of 10 packets.
and modulation accuracy and EDR the maximum deviation values is
differential phase encoding.
Modulation measurements reflect
the performance of the modulator
circuitry as well as the stability of the
local oscillator. Both the modulator
and the VCO may be affected by
digital noise on the power supply
or by the transmit power bursts.
Care is needed in the radio design to
avoid frequency pulling by the power
supply. Verification of modulation
requires the ability to demodulate the
Bluetooth signal so that the frequency
of each bit can be determined.
Figure 20b. Modulation characteristics measurement using N4010A Bluetooth test set
and Agilent N4017 GMA software. (Setup: loopback mode, frequency hopping OFF,
channel 0, DH5 packet, maximum payload length (339), payload pattern (00001111 for
upper graph and 10101010 for lower graph.) A change of the type of payload can be
done without breaking the connection with the Bluetooth DUT.
Then the following measurement 2.4.2 Modulation quality Bluetooth Test Specification,
conditions are verified to ensure Vector signal analyzers have the modulation quality measurements
the validation of the modulation ability to provide comprehensive such as FSK error, magnitude error,
characteristics: modulation quality measurements, and the eye diagram are valuable
which can detect, quantify, and help troubleshooting tools. Figure 22
1. 140 kHz ≤ ∆f1avg ≤ 175 kHz track down the sources of signal provides a four-display view of a
2. ∆f2max ≥ 115 kHz problems such as intermodulation demodulation measurement on a
3. ∆f2avg/∆f1avg ≥ 0.8 due to transmitter interference, power Bluetooth signal with frequency drift
supply noise modulation, and power impairment. The frequency drift is
The N4010A Bluetooth test set and stability at antenna mismatch. easily seen in the lower left display.
provides the ability to perform this Although not directly a part of the
test automatically. An example
of a modulation characteristics
measurement is shown in Figures 20a
and 20b. The upper part displays a
modulation graph for the payload
sequence 00001111 with a calculation
of ∆F1max and ∆F1avg. The lower part
displays identical results for the
sequence 10101010.
Both the N4010A Bluetooth test set This measurement is repeated with Software control makes this repetitive
and the ESA-E spectrum analyzer the lowest, middle, and highest measurement easier. Figure 26
use the same algorithm to calculate operating frequencies, first with provides an example of a carrier
initial carrier frequency tolerance. hopping off, then with hopping on. frequency drift measurement using the
The Agilent N4010A can conduct It is also repeated for varying packet Bluetooth measurement personality of
the full ICFT test standalone. An lengths: one-slot packet (DH1), the ESA-E series spectrum analyzer.
alternative method of measuring three-slot packet (DH3), and five-slot
ICFT to a pre-compliance level is packet (DH5).
available using Agilent 89400 and
89600 series vector signal analyzers
in demodulation mode. This is a
more generic method. With their
result length set to the minimum
number of symbols (10), these
analyzers provide the carrier offset
at a glance in their symbol error
display. Since this minimum number
of symbols is greater than four, the
user may notice less variation on the
result due to noise. It is important
that the 0101 pattern is continued.
The carrier offset result, which is
provided in the summary table of
the display shown in Figure 22,
provides an example of this initial
carrier offset measurement.
As mentioned before, this carrier The start time of the first preamble the block the DEVM is calculated
frequency drift test is required for bit, Po is determined. The frequency for each symbol. This procedure is
three types of packets (DH1, DH3, deviations for the header bits relative repeated until two hundred 50 µs
DH5) with frequency hopping on to the ideal carrier frequency are blocks have been measured. This
and frequency hopping off (at the then calculated. The tester selects whole procedure is repeated again
lowest, middle, and highest frequency bits that are the same as the previous for middle and highest operation
channel). In total, the number of and following bits in the header. This frequency bands. For the device to
measurements required is 12. is done to remove any inter symbol pass it must meet all the criteria
Obviously, this can be time-consuming. interference. The average frequency specified below:
If this is an issue, “test sequencer” deviation of packets that represents
software may be the tool to use. a “one” is denoted ∆ω1. ∆ω2 denotes Carrier frequency stability:
the frequency deviation of the bits –75 kHz ≤ ωi ≤ +75 kHz, for all packets
The N4010A test set is provided with that represent a zero. From these –75 kHz ≤ (ωi+ω0)≤ +75 kHz, for all
such a test sequencer which has in two values the initial frequency blocks
built tests. The 12 measurements are error can be calculated using the –10 kHz ≤ ωo≤ +10 kHz, for all blocks
performed in less than five seconds formula:
and each measurement is validated RMS DEVM
according to the following Bluetooth ωi = (∆ω1 + ∆ω2)/2 RMS DEVM ≤ 0.20, for all π/4-DQPSK
test specification limits: blocks
Once this initial error has been RMS DEVM ≤ 0.13, for all 8DPSK
• the transmitter center frequency calculated the tester uses this to blocks
is not allowed to drift more than: compensate for the EDR section of
• ±25 kHz for a one-slot packet the packet. A square root raised Peak DEVM
• ±40 kHz for a three to five-slot cosine filter with a roll off factor DEVM ≤ 0.35 for all π/4-DQPSK
packet of 0.4 and a 3 dB bandwidth of symbols
• the maximum drift rate must be ±500 kHz is then applied to the DEVM ≤ 0.25 for all 8DPSK symbols
±20 kHz/50 µs enhanced data rate section of the
packet. 99% DEVM
The results can be read from the DEVM ≤ 0.30 for 99% of π/4-DQPSK
communications window of the The packet is then split into non- symbols
N4010A test set. See Figure 27. overlapping 50 µs which starts at the DEVM ≤ 0.20 for 99% of 8DPSK
first symbol of the synchronization symbols
2.4.5 EDR carrier frequency stability bit. For each block the sampling
phase, ε0 and frequency error, ωo This measurement can be performed
and modulation accuracy
is recorded for the root mean by using the N4010A and the
This test verifies that the modulation
square (RMS) differential error N4017GMA software, as shown in
accuracy and the frequency stability
vector magnitude (DEVM). Using Figure 28.
are working within the required
limits. The DUT can be in loopback the information calculated from
mode or Tx mode. The DUT transmits
the longest supported packet type
depending on what modulation
scheme is being used. The test starts
on the lowest operating frequency
and hopping is turned off for the
whole test. The DUT transmits at
maximum power back to the tester.
To calculate the initial frequency
error for a transmitted packet the
test device has to run the following
2.4.6 EDR differential phase encoding 2.5 Timing tests The conventional industry definition
This test checks that the modulator Timing tests may be performed on of rise time is the time required to
correctly differential phase codes Bluetooth signals; these tests include rise from the 10 percent (–20 dB)
the data. The DUT is in Tx mode with analysis of the burst profile, phase amplitude point to the 90 percent
hopping turned off. A X-DH1 or an lock loop (PLL) settling time, and (–0.9 dB) amplitude point; the fall
X-EV31 packet is used depending on other timing characteristics. These time is defined with the same
what modulation scheme is used. tests, although not part of the amplitude points, but in reverse.
The payload of the packet is PRBS9. specifications, help R&D engineers Pre-triggering allows the rise time
The EUT is set to transmit at the ensure that their designs meet the to be easily captured and measured.
lowest frequency it then transmits criteria of their specifications. There is no defined mask test for
100 packets to the tester, which the burst profile. Some devices may
demodulates them and compares 2.5.1 Burst profile exhibit considerably faster transients
the data with the expected data. Burst rise and fall time can be than that shown. Excessively fast
For the device to pass this test it measured in the time domain using switching will cause failures in the
has to have no errors in 99 percent a signal analyzer or a power meter. output spectrum test by creating
of all the packets tested. No definitions for rise time and fall increased spectrum spreading due
times have been developed for to the sharper edges of the burst.
This test can be performed using Bluetooth wireless technology, Additional burst profile characteristics
the N4010A and N4017A software. although ramp-up and settling times include on/off ratio of burst,
The software has to be configured are mandated in the Bluetooth RF overshoot, burst interval, and burst
so that it sends the required number test specification for a reference repetition frequency (see Figure 12).
of packets to comply with the Bluetooth signal used for test purposes. These characteristics can be seen in
Bluetooth RF test specification. detail using the Agilent power meter
analyzer software.
Figure 28. Display of the N4017A GMA when testing the modulation accuracy of
a Bluetooth EDR device
2.5.2 Spectrogram measurements
Figure 29 provides a spectrogram
display in which a radio transmitter
exhibits poor PLL settling time at
turn-on. The spectrogram is useful in
analyzing these types of conditions.
The spectrogram displays frequency
on the x-axis and time on the y-axis.
Amplitude is displayed through
colors or shades of gray with the
brighter colors or shades indicating
higher amplitudes.
Figure 31. Agilent 89600 spectrogram display for symbol timing and rate of a EDR 2-DH1 packet;
the different modulation schemes can be seen in the spectrogram
Figure 32. This shows the Agilent N4017 GMA displaying the transition between GFSK and
8DPSK modulation schemes with the guardband separating the two modulation schemes
when transmitting a 3-DH5 packet
3. Transceiver Measurements
The transceiver measurements con- 3.1 EDR in-band spurious frequency, fc. The peak value of the
sist of performing some out-of-band spectrum is recorded at each 100 kHz
spurious emissions tests. These
emissions interval and the maximum value or
This is a new test specified by the
out-of-band spurious emissions the averaged value of peak results
Bluetooth Test Specification. The
tests verify that the Bluetooth radio is taken depending on how close
test is used to verify that the level
is operating within regulatory the 1 MHz band is to the center
of unwanted signal produced within
requirements. There are no out of frequency. Once these values have
the devices frequency range is below
band spurious emissions tests in the been recorded the same process is
a limit for the modulation scheme
Bluetooth Test Specification it is up repeated over the mid and highest
used. A spectrum analyzer such as
to the manufacturer to comply with frequency points of the operating
the Agilent 89600 as shown in
the standard of the country where frequency. More detail on this test
Figure 33 is used to measure the
the device will be in use. can be found in the Bluetooth Test
in band spurious emissions. This is
done by using the built in emission
The two main tests that are used
mark test function.
to measure out of band spurious For the device to pass the test the
emissions are conducted emissions average at 1 MHz from the center
The device is set to loopback or Tx
and radiated emissions. Conducted frequency must be smaller than the
mode with hopping switched off.
emissions are a measure of the peak center frequency spectrum
The longest supported packet is
spurious emissions generated by minus 26 dbs:
transmitted with a PRBS9 payload.
the device under test from its
The measurements are made at
antenna or output connector. fc ± 2 MHz < –20 dB
100 kHz steps between ±450 kHz of a
Radiated emissions are a measure fc ± 3 MHz < –40 dB
1 MHz band on and around a center
of the spurious emissions leakage
from the cabinet of the DUT.
4. Receiver Measurements
In this section, the various receiver • sensitivity - single-slot packets Bit error rate (BER) is the criterion
measurements required for • sensitivity - multi-slot packets used to evaluate receiver performance.
Bluetooth modules are discussed. • carrier-to-interference (C/I) BER is determined by comparing
These measurements are intended performance transmitted and received payload
to ensure the integrity of the • blocking performance data and noting the difference in
Bluetooth receiver’s performance • intermodulation performance bits. The ratio of the erroneous bits
characteristics. Further detail • maximum input level to the total number of bits received
regarding the conditions under • EDR sensitivity is the BER.
which the receiver measurements • EDR BER floor performance
are performed can be found in the • EDR C/I performance 4.1 Test conditions and setup
Bluetooth RF Test Specification. The • EDR maximum input level 4.1.1 Test conditions
receiver measurements specified for Table 9 is a summary of the test
Bluetooth wireless technology conditions under which receiver
include the following: measurements have to be performed.
1. The packet to be used depends on what modulation scheme is being tested number 2 prefix for π/4 DQPSK and number 3 prefix for 8DPSK
2. After 1,600,000 data bits
3. After 16,000,000 data bits
4. After 8,000,000 data bits
5. After 160,000,000 data bits
4.1.2 BER test setup N4010A DUT
Different measurement setups
can be used to perform a BER Source
measurement. Similar to the
transmitter measurement setup, a RF Baseband
BER measurement can be performed Receiver
using a Bluetooth standalone tester
(see Figure 10), or with a test system.
Figure 36. Example of BER measurement setup using a basic test system
consisting of an Agilent ESG digital series signal generator and an ESA-E
spectrum analyzer; the Bluetooth DUT provides an RF loopback signal
In both of the previous measurement PER measurements do not require the Bluetooth test set will determine
setups, the Bluetooth device must the Bluetooth DUT to operate in the PER by comparing the number
have the ability to retransmit the Loopback mode, they can be of POLL packets sent with the
recovered data from the received performed using the Bluetooth test number of Tx packets received
signal. It must support Loopback set operating in either Transmitter from the DUT, and by analyzing how
test mode (setup used in Figure 35) test mode or in Normal mode. many Tx packets have a ARQN bit
or have a loopback test facility Although the PER measurement equal to 0 (NAK):
internally implemented (setup of is not part of the Bluetooth Test
Figure 36). If this is not the case, Specification, it still provides 100 x [number of Tx packets
a different setup must be used. insight into the performance of missing + number of
the Bluetooth receiver. Tx packets with a ARQN = 0]
Figure 37 provides an example of a =
(In Tx mode)
number of POLL packets sent
BER measurement setup in which PER measurement is performed by
the Bluetooth DUT is simply acting the Bluetooth test set as follows.
A similar calculation can be
as a standard receiver. No loopback In transmitter (Tx) Test mode, the
performed in Normal mode. In
is performed between its receiver Bluetooth DUT is instructed by the
Normal mode, the test set sends
and its transmitter. The BER Bluetooth test set to transmit specific
some POLL packets. If the DUT
measurement is performed using packet types. This instruction is sent
receives them and reads them
the Agilent ESG-D signal generator by the Bluetooth test set via POLL
correctly, it will send back a NULL
series’ internal BER analyzer packets. A POLL packet has no
packet for each good reading. The
(Option UN7). payload and therefore consists of
PER calculation will be performed
the channel access code and packet
The Bluetooth DUT receives and by the test set in Normal mode by
header only. Two situations have to
demodulates the signal, then provides comparing the number of POLL
be taken into account. The first one
access to the Bluetooth baseband packets sent with the number of
is the DUT does not receive the POLL
signal at the baseband processor. NULL packets received.
packet (power level too low); in this
Similar to the previous setup, the case the DUT may just not transmit
Bluetooth packets at the output of 100 x [number of POLL
any Tx packet. The second situation packets sent – number
the baseband processor are fed to the is the DUT receives the POLL packet PER% of NULL packets received
data input of the ESG-D’s internal but does not read it correctly. For (In Normal =
BER analyzer. instance, it does not detect the mode) number of POLL packets sent
access code of the POLL packet.
As an alternative, packet error rate In this case, the DUT will send back PER measurements can be recorded
(PER) measurements instead of the corresponding Tx packet but with using the Agilent N4010A and
BER measurements can be made the acknowledgment indication bit N4017A GMA software in normal,
when the Bluetooth device does not (ARQN bit) set to NAK (negative test or RF analyzer mode.
support Loopback mode. Because acknowledge, ARQN = 0). As a result,
Event 1 Data
ESG-D Series digital DM Threshold Baseband
signal generator w/ demodulator detector processor
Event 2 Options UND & UN7 Clock
4.1.3 EDR test setup The Agilent N4010A automatically referred to as the reference sensitivity
At the time of writing, EDR applies these impairments to a level and all Bluetooth receivers must
performance tests do not need Bluetooth signal to enable automatic meet this specification. The actual
to operate in loopback mode. sensitivity testing. (See Figure 39.) sensitivity of a Bluetooth receiver
The following allowances have To meet the specifications, the is the signal level required by the
been made: receiver’s BER must not exceed receiver to produce a 0.1 percent
0.1 percent when the transmit power BER. The test is performed at the
• non loopback testing may be used is such that the signal level at the lowest, middle, and highest operating
• the DUT may be configured for test receiver input is –70 dBm. This is frequencies of the DUT.
by any suitable means
• whitening may be disabled
• frequency hopping may be disabled
• the BER may be calculated by any
suitable means
4.3 Sensitivity - multi-slot 4.5 EDR BER floor performance the threshold value of 7x10–6. If the
packets The EDR BER floor performance BER calculated is above this value
Multi-slot packet sensitivity verifies the receiver is below the then further packets are sent until
measurement is very similar to BER maximum limit for normal test a minimum of 160,000,000 bits have
that of single-slot packets. The key conditions. The DUT is set to Loopback been received. This is then compared
difference is that the multi-slot mode with hopping switched off. The with the BER Max level of 10–5.
packet sensitivity measurement is longest supported packet type is used Once this is completed, the tester
performed using impaired DH3 or and the payload is PRBS9. The tester then performs the same test on the
DH5 packets rather than impaired is set to transmit so that the input mid and highest operating frequencies.
DH1 packets, as is the case with the power to the DUT is –60 dBm. The For the DUT to pass it has to be
single-slot sensitivity measurement. packets are sent and returned to the below the BER maximum value for
The longest packet type supported tester. Once 8,000,000 bits have been all frequency levels tested.
by the DUT is used to measure transmitted the BER is compared to
multi-slot packet sensitivity. Figure
40 shows the Agilent N4017A GMA
can change the parameters of the
dirty packets. The N4010A can perform
this measurement automatically
as the dirty packets are already
configured to the Bluetooth Test
4.6 Carrier-to-interference example of a setup that could be at –60 dBm. If the interference signal
used to perform this carrier-to- is on any other channel the tester
(C/I) performance interference performance test. transmits at –67 dBm. The interference
C/I performance is measured by
The N4010A test set establishes data is continuously modulated
sending co-channel or adjacent-channel
communication with the Bluetooth using PBRS15 data. When co-channel
Bluetooth signals in parallel with the
DUT and provides the wanted measurements take place, the
desired signal and then measuring
signal, while the ESG-D digital signal modulation scheme that is used is
the receiver’s BER. The interference
generator produces a Bluetooth the same as the wanted signal. When
performance on co-channel and
modulated interfering signal. The adjacent channels are to be measured
adjacent 1 MHz and 2 MHz channels
returned packets from the Bluetooth the modulation scheme use for the
is measured with the desired signal
DUT are received by the Bluetooth interference is GFSK. Refer to the
10 dB over the reference sensitivity
test set and the BER is measured. Bluetooth RF Test Specification for
level. On all other frequencies, the
further details about interference
desired signal must be 3 dB over
4.7 EDR carrier-to-interference power levels. The BER is measured
the reference sensitivity level.1
and record once 1,600,000 payload bit
Additional details on the structure (C/I) performance have been returned. The cycle is then
of the interference signal are given in This test is similar to the standard
repeated transmitting interference
the Bluetooth RF Test Specification. Bluetooth C/I performance test in
on all regular Bluetooth frequencies.
The test is performed at the lowest, that it tests how co- and adjacent-
Once this has been completed the
middle, and highest operating channel interference affects the
tester performs the same test at the
frequencies of the receiver, with the signal. The tester sends out the
mid frequency and at the highest
interfering signals at all operating longest supported packet with a
frequency –3 MHz. Any frequencies
frequencies within the band. The PRBS9 payload. The DUT receives
where the BER exceeds the threshold
BER must be ≤ 0.1 percent. this signal at the minimum frequency
of 10–3 are called spurious response
level +3 MHz. The tester transmits
frequencies. For the DUT to meet the
The modulated interfering signal at different powers depending on
requirements to pass there must be
shall be continuously modulated (not where the interference occurs. If
no more than five spurious response
bursted). This ensures 100 percent the interference signal is on the co-
frequencies at a distance less than
overlap of the interference and channel or ±1 MHz or ±2 MHz on the
2 MHz from the wanted signal.
wanted signal. Figure 41 shows an adjacent channel, the tester transmits
Signal RF
Power Bluetooth
splitter DUT
Bluetooth RF
test set
Figure 41. Example setup used to perform the carrier-to-interference (C/I) performance test
4.8 Blocking performance 4.9 Intermodulation perform- 4.10 Maximum input level
The receiver blocking performance ance The maximum input level test
is measured by sending a continuous Intermodulation performance measures the receiver’s BER
wave (CW) interfering signal with the measures unwanted frequency performance when the input signal
desired signal and then measuring components resulting from the is at a maximum power level
the receiver’s BER. The desired interaction of two or more signals specified at –20 dBm. The test is
signal is transmitted at 3 dB over passing through a non-linear device. performed at the lowest, middle,
the reference sensitivity level1 at The desired signal is transmitted at and highest operating frequencies.
a frequency of 2460 MHz. The CW frequency f0 with a power level 6 dB The test can be performed by the
interfering signal (blocking signal) above the reference sensitivity level1. N4010A standalone as the box is
ranges from 30 MHz to 12.75 GHz In order to create intermodulation preprogrammed with this test.
in 1 MHz increments. Within this products (3rd, 4th, and 5th order),
frequency band, different power two types of signals with power levels 4.11 EDR maximum input level
levels for the interfering signal have of –39 dBm are generated. The first is This test is similar to the standard
been defined in the Bluetooth Test a static sine wave signal at frequency Bluetooth maximum input level.
Specification. The BER measurement, f1, while the second is a Bluetooth It transmits the longest supported
performed under the conditions modulated signal at frequency f2. packet with a PBRS9 payload. The
described above, must be ≤ 0.1 percent Both signals must fulfill the following tester is in loopback mode with
to validate the receiver’s performance conditions: hopping off. The tester is set to
in the presence of a blocking transmit so that the input power
signal. The blocking performance f0 = 2f1 - f2 and to the DUT is –20 dBm. The BER is
measurement can be performed with |f2 - f1| = n * 1 MHz, where n can be recorded after at least 1,600,000
a similar setup (see Figure 41) by 3, 4, or 5 payload bits have been transmitted.
replacing the ESG-D signal generator Once this is completed the process
with an analog source. The Agilent The BER is then measured; any BER is repeated for the mid and highest
Microwave Performance Signal > 0.1 percent indicates a problem in frequency bands. For the DUT to pass
Generator (E8247C) is ideal for this the performance of the receiver in the it must have a BER less than 10–3.
application. Its features include a presence of intermodulation distortion.
step/list sweep at the frequencies The setup of Figure 41 can be used
and power levels required for the to perform the intermodulation
blocking signal. performance measurement by adding
an additional interference source to
provide the static sine wave signal.
5. Power Supply Measurements
Appendix A: Glossary
Hold mode Power saving mode in Park mode Power-saving mode in Pretriggering A feature which allows
which the device is placed in an which the device is placed in an examination of the waveform at a
inactive state, running only an inactive state. The device is point in time prior to the defined
internal timer to occasionally synchronized to the piconet but trigger point.
perform a status check. does not participate in the traffic.
Park mode provides the highest Scatternet A net formed be multiple
Information appliances The category power efficiency. independent and non-synchronized
of information-focused devices that piconets. Devices can share piconets.
provide voice or data to the user. Payload The user’s voice or data
Examples are not limited to, but information, which is carried in a Slave units All devices in a piconet
include cellular phones, personal packet. that are not the master. Slave units
digital assistants (PDAs), and digital may be in active mode, in which they
cameras. Piconet The piconet is the smallest are actively communicating with the
Bluetooth network structure. A master, or they may be in an inactive
Master unit The device in a piconet piconet consists of one master and sleep mode.
whose clock and hopping sequence up to seven actively communicating
are used to synchronize all other or 200+ inactive non-communicating Sniff mode Power-saving mode
devices in a piconet. slaves. The piconet is defined by its in which the device listens to the
hopping sequence. piconet at a reduced rate to conserve
Packet A single bundle of information power. Sniff mode is the least
transmitted within a piconet. A Power saving mode Three power efficient power-saving mode.
packet is transmitted on a frequency saving modes exist: sniff mode, hold
hop and nominally covers a single mode, and park mode. Each of these Standby mode The state of a Bluetooth
time slot, but may be extended to modes puts the slave unit in varying unit which is not connected to a
cover up to five slots. states of sleep. No data is transferred piconet. In this mode, devices listen
to or from a slave unit while it is in a for messages every 1.28 seconds.
power saving mode.
Appendix B: Symbols and Acronyms
2FSK 2-level frequency shift EDR enhanced data rate LM link manager software
keying; also known as EIRP equivalent isotropically LMP link manager protocol
binary FSK radiated power (effective LO local oscillator
ACL asynchronous connection isotropic radiated power) PAN personal area network
less link EMC electromagnetic compatibility PDA personal digital assistant
ACP adjacent channel power ETSI European Technical PER packet error rate
ARB arbitrary waveform generator Standards Institute PLL phase lock loop
ARQ automatic repeat request EVM error vector magnitude PN9 pseudorandom noise of
error correction scheme FCC Federal Communications period 29 – 1 bits
for data Commission PRBS pseudo random bit sequence
BT(BbT) bandwidth-time product FEC forward error correction PSD power spectral density
BER bit error rate FHSS frequency hopping spread PSK phase shift keying
CF center frequency spectrum RBW resolution bandwidth
C/I carrier-to-interference FSK frequency shift key RMS root mean square
CISPR International Special GFSK Gaussian-filtered frequency RSSI receiver signal strength
Committee on Radio shift keying indicator
Interference GMA graphical measurement RF radio frequency
CW continuous wave application SCO synchronous connection-
dBc decibels relative to the GSM global system for mobile oriented link
carrier frequency communications SIG Bluetooth Special Interest
dBi decibels relative to an Hz Hertz or cycles/second Group
isotropic radiator in free ICFT initial carrier frequency TDD time division duplex
space tolerance VBW video bandwidth
dBm decibels relative to 1 milliwatt IF intermediate frequency VCO voltage controlled oscillator
(10log(power/1mW)) ISM industrial, scientific, and VSA vector signal analyzer
DECT digital enhanced cordless medical radio band
DEVM differential error vector
DPSK differential phase shift keying
DQPSK differential quadrature
phase shift keying
DUT device under test
Appendix C: Recommended Reading for Bluetooth
The following documents are Agilent ESA-E Series Spectrum Spectrum Analysis Basics,
accessible via the Agilent Bluetooth Analyzer Bluetooth Measurement application note 150, literature
Web site: www.agilent.com/find/bluetooth Option, Self-Guided Demo, product number 5952-0292
note, literature number 5980-2577EN
Verifying Bluetooth Baseband Testing and Troubleshooting Digital
Signals using Mixed Signal Agilent EPM-P Series Single- and RF Communications Receiver
Oscilloscopes, application note Dual-Channel Power Meters Demo Designs, application note 1314,
AN 1333-3, literature number Guide, literature number literature number 5968-3579E
5988-2181EN 5988-1605EN
Testing and Troubleshooting Digital
Agilent E4438C Signal Signal Studio Agilent Vector Signal Analysis RF Communications Transmitter
for Bluetooth, application note 1421, Basics, application note 150-15, Designs, application note 1313,
literature number 5988-5417EN literature number 5989-1121EN literature number 5968-3578E
Appendix D: Agilent Solutions for Bluetooth Wireless Technology
Bluetooth RF layer test cases N4010A N4017A ESA-E 86900 P-Series or E4438C
Bluetooth Bluetooth Series vector EPM-P ESG
test set6 GMA and spectrum signal Series signal
N4010A6, 7 analyzers analyzer2 power generator1
Transmitter tests
Output power [TRM/CA/01/C] O O O9 O O
Power density [TRM/CA/02/C] O O
Power control [TRM/CA/03/C] O O O9 O O
Tx output spectrum-frequency range [TRM/CA/04/C] O O
Tx output spectrum –20 dB bandwidth [TRM/CA/05/C] O9 O
Tx output spectrum-adjacent channel power [TRM/CA/06/C] O9 O
Modulation characteristics [TRM/CA/07/C] O O O9
Initial carrier frequency tolerance [TRM/CA/08/C] O O O9 O
Carrier frequency drift [TRM/CA/09/C] O O O9 O
EDR relative transmit power [TRM/CA/10/C] O O O O
EDR carrier frequency stability and modulation accuracy [TRM/CA/11/C] O O
EDR differential phase encoding [TRM/CA/12/C] O O
Receiver tests
Sensitivity/single-slot packets [RCV/CA/01/C] O O X
Sensitivity/multi-slot packets [RCV/CA/02/C] O O X
C/I performance [RCV/CA/03/C] A3 A3 A3
Blocking performance [RCV/CA/04/C] A4 A4 A4
Intermodulation performance [RCV/CA/05/C] A5 A5 A5
Maximum input level [RCV/CA/06/C] O O O
EDR receiver test
EDR sensitivity [RCV/CA/07/C] O O
EDR BER floor performance [RCV/CA/08/C] O O
EDR carrier-to-interference (C/I) performance [TP/RCV/CA/09/C] A8 A8
EDR maximum input level [RCV/CA/10/C] O O
EDR transceiver test
EDR in-band spurious emissions [TRM/CA/13/C] O O
Appendix E: References
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