Ex 2.2 Projectile
Ex 2.2 Projectile
Ex 2.2 Projectile
EXERCISE 2.2 When air friction is included in analyzing motion of projectile, there is an additional force that is predominantly proportional to the velocity of the projectile squared; the equations of motion become: dx = vx dt dvx = bvvx dt dy = vy dt dvy = g bvvy dt where b is a drag constant and v =
2 2 vx + vy is the velocity of the projec-
tile. Plot the trajectories for various launch angles when b = 0.04m1 . Find the launch angle that has the greatest range, max , for xed launch velocity v0 = 10m/s. How does max vary with b for 0m1 < b < 0.1m1 ? SOLUTION TRAJECTORY OF PROJECTILE WITH AIR DRAG: Using Eulers method to integrate given equations of motion: xn+1 = xn + vxn t yn+1 = yn + vyn t vxn+1 = vxn bvn vxn t vyn+1 = vyn gt bvn vyn t vn+1 =
2 2 vxn+1 + vyn+1
Figure 1 gives code for the program that computes the trajectory of projectile with air drag. Figure 2 shows the output for initial speed v0 = 10.0m/s, b = 0.04m1 and launching angles = 30.0, 35.0, 40.0, 45.0, 50.0, 55.0 degrees. For comparison, we also plot trajectory of projectile without air drag in Figure 3 using the same ring angles, initial velocity and x and y scales.
Figure 3 - Trajectory of projectile without air drag LAUNCH ANGLE FOR GREATEST RANGE: The code in Figure 1 is modied to include angles from 0 to 90 degrees (in increments of 1 degrees) and compute the range (horizontal distance between landing and launching points) for each angle. Angle that gives greatest range is max . Program is shown in Figure 4 and output in Figure 5 for initial speed v0 = 10.0m/s and b = 0.04m1 . 4
Figure 5 - Output of program in Figure 4 VARIATION IN LAUNCH ANGLE FOR GREATEST RANGE WITH CHANGE IN DRAG CONSTANT: The code is further modied to compute launch angles for greatest ranges corresponding to dierent drag constants. b is varied from 0.0m1 to 0.1m1 and max is computed for each value of b. Initial speed is v0 = 10.0m/s. Program code is shown in Figure 6. Figure 7 gives tabular output and graph between max and b is plotted in Figure 8.