6.27 Preliminary Offshore and Pipeline Control System Specification
6.27 Preliminary Offshore and Pipeline Control System Specification
6.27 Preliminary Offshore and Pipeline Control System Specification
Rev.: 02
Note: This document boundary starts at the exit of the compressor and
includes the onshore metering and pig launcher.
1.3 Definitions
1.5 Abbreviations
The DCS scope of supply for transport and storage systems will consist of
the following:
There will be facilities from the DCS to interface to the onshore custody
transfer standard metering station. Fluid properties will be determined
either by on-line analysis or inferred from compositional data obtained
from spot sampling. It is assumed that due to the constant composition
of the CO2 spot sampling would be sufficient at mutually agreed
The DCS will interface with the metering Supervisory flow computer and
any on-line analysers. This will control actuated meter stream valves,
monitoring and storage of meter stream data as required.
There will be facilities to monitor any electrical supplies needed for the
metering station located within the boundaries of the Carbon Capture
Plant, the ESD system to trip the Landfall Shutdown valve and its
electro-hydraulic package. Typically power will be required for onshore
metering station including the meters, flow computers and meter stream
valves. It is assumed the electrical supplies will be backed up by an
Uninterruptible Power Supply located at the Power Station to keep the
essential equipment, listed below, operational:
Emergency Communications;
Leak Detection System;
ESD System.
The Leak Detection System will otherwise be provided with its own
industrial computer and Remote Terminal Units for inlet and outlet
pipeline monitoring of flow, pressure and temperature conditions with
real time communications with the DCS. This will provide pipeline leak
detection based on mass imbalance as a minimum.
There will be facilities from the DCS to remotely control and monitor the
Wellhead Control panel as follows:
The 12 slot Wellhead Control Panel and a separate hydraulic power unit
shall be provided, with 4 active slots for the gas. Each slot shall permit
operation and monitoring of the xmas tree valves for one well. Each well
can be started individually either from the local wellhead control panel or
remotely from the DCS control system, providing the ESD solenoid is
energised. Shutdown of the valves is initiated by the ESD system for
Total Platform Shutdown or Surface Process Shutdown or by specific
flowline or well protection.
A hydraulic power unit will provide two low pressure supplies as follows:
The hydraulic power unit shall monitor the hydraulic filters, pressures
and supply/return reservoir levels and control the hydraulic pumps via
Kingsnorth CCS Demonstration Project
The information contained in this document (the Information) is provided in good faith.
E.ON UK plc, its subcontractors, subsidiaries, affiliates, employees, advisers, and the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) make no
representation or warranty as to the accuracy, reliability or completeness of the Information and neither E.ON UK plc nor any of its subcontractors,
subsidiaries, affiliates, employees, advisers or DECC shall have any liability whatsoever for any direct or indirect loss howsoever arising from the use of the
Information by any party.
Rev.: 02
the DCS and ESD system. The pumps shall operate in duty/standby
mode and be auto-start/stopped under pressure control. Note: Electric
actuation of the Landfall Shutdown valve was not considered as a ‘fail
closed’ action cannot be achieved.
There will be facilities from the DCS to interface to the offshore leak
detection metering station and the individual flowline meters used for
reservoir management. The DCS will interface with the metering
Supervisory flow computer. This will monitor and store meter stream
data as required.
There will be facilities from the DCS to control and monitor the operation
of the injection choke valves. The choke valves will be actuated by
electric motors.
There will be facilities from the DCS to control and monitor the hydrate
inhibition package consisting of pumps and storage tank.
There will be facilities from the DCS to ensure the Temporary Safe
Refuge / LER shall be a pressurised, ventilated and temperature
controlled environment. The DCS should control the HVAC equipment
as required.
Downhole temperature
Downhole pressure
Distributed fibre-optic temperature sensors.
The Fire and Gas system shall be completely independent from the DCS
and may be used to detect CO2 for personnel protection. The interfaces
for the Fire and Gas system to the DCS should not compromise the
integrity of the Fire and Gas system.
The NUI will require remote operation from Kingsnorth Power Station.
On loss of communications or pipeline leak detection there should be
facilities from the DCS for a controlled shutdown and a trip after a period
of time.
The DCS may be used to remotely operate other safety systems such as
helideck lights and non-directional beacons on NUI. Systems used for
remote control are required to be fail-safe.
3.1 Environmental Data – Internal Offshore
The DCS will be capable of expansion of any new plant through the life
of the facility. The DCS should have initially 20% installed I/O cards
spare capacity and 20% or better spare loading on installed controllers.
The Alarms and Sequence of Events data will be provided by the DCS.
Alarms shall be categorised in accordance with severity of
consequences and Operator response time. Priority category such as
Urgent, High, Low and Journal shall be developed that match the target
alarm processor. In practice Urgent alarms are reserved for Fire and
Gas alarms.
The DCS should provide the facility for short term data archiving and
integration with a Data Historian system.
The equipment packages that warrant their own Control System should
have communications to the DCS. The preferred method of industrial
protocol should be agreed between the DCS and package vendor.
The Process Control Network, which is the highest level backbone prior
to the Office Domain and links systems and equipment packages,
should be built on standard Ethernet TCP/IP. It should use OPC
standard protocol. However, if physical or commercial constraints, do not
allow high bandwidth network then DCS vendors usually have more than
one solution according to the required functionality e.g. extending the
DCS control bus.
The Leak Detection system computer for pipeline integrity should have
communications to the DCS.
DCS interfaces will be split into four types and not mixed within the
system cabling:
The graphic conventions used for the displays will conform to best
engineering practices. The screen space and layout of information
should be consistent with good practices from the Abnormal Situation
Management Consortium [www.asmconsortium.net]. The graphics shall
use a standard package which can be exported to a web server for view
only access. The following graphics as a minimum should be required:
Kingsnorth CCS Demonstration Project
The information contained in this document (the Information) is provided in good faith.
E.ON UK plc, its subcontractors, subsidiaries, affiliates, employees, advisers, and the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) make no
representation or warranty as to the accuracy, reliability or completeness of the Information and neither E.ON UK plc nor any of its subcontractors,
subsidiaries, affiliates, employees, advisers or DECC shall have any liability whatsoever for any direct or indirect loss howsoever arising from the use of the
Information by any party.
Rev.: 02
Pipeline Overview
Pipeline Leak Detection System
Platform Process Overview
Process Wellhead Schematic No. 1 to 12
Process Flowline Schematic No. 1 to 12
Process Hydrate Inhibition
Electrical Single Line Diagram
Emergency Generation
DCS Communications/diagnostics
The I/O estimate schedule will be across all systems DCS, ESD, F&G
and include third party systems. This will be referenced in the I/O
Systems Estimate Schedule reference document number KCP-GNS-
The Supplier shall produce and issue documentation that shall include a
list of all necessary documentation, to interface, install, commission,
operate and maintain the equipment.
6.2 Testing
The DCS vendor shall then carry out a Site Acceptance Test procedure
to demonstrate to the Purchaser, prior to commencement of
commissioning, that each element of the system is fully operational and
that no equipment failures have occurred.