Did You Know? Facts and Figures On Bus and Coach Transport in Europe
Did You Know? Facts and Figures On Bus and Coach Transport in Europe
Did You Know? Facts and Figures On Bus and Coach Transport in Europe
That buses and coaches are crucial for peoples mobility? That buses and coaches are major European job providers? l That buses and coaches are major contributors to the economy and tourism? l That buses and coaches are crucial for social cohesion? l That buses and coaches are safety champions? l That travelling by bus and coach reduces congestion? l That buses and coaches are environmental champions? l That noxious emissions from buses and coaches have been reduced by up to 98% since 1990? l That bus and coach drivers are the elite of the driving profession? l That 25 modern buses and coaches make no more noise than one built in 1980? l That 90% of travellers by coach are satisfied with their trip?
that trucks give you the freedom to live wherever you want?
Did You Know? - Bus your mobility Sustainable Mobility Did You Know? - For & Coach for
Every year, buses and coaches in Europe bring passengers safe and sound to their intended destinations with the lowest impact on the environment. Although the use of collective passenger transport is increasing, many people are still unaware of just how safe, environmentally friendly and quiet buses and coaches are. Buses and coaches are key elements in the sustainable mobility chain, providing safe, socially inclusive and
environmentally friendly transport services to everyone. This publication aims to make European citizens and especially policy makers aware of the unparalleled benefits travelling by bus and coach offers to all of us. Bus and coach for a smart way to travel!
Each year, individuals across Europe travel more than 700 billion kilometres by bus and coach, making it one of the largest commercial modes of passenger transport and the largest mode of passenger land transport apart from the private car. Buses and coaches also provide more than 50% of European public transport services. Bus and coach for a Europe on the move!
Bus and coach operators in Europe employ around two million drivers, technicians and administrative personnel. In addition, one million employees provide vehicle components, sell, insure and inspect buses and coaches and a further 5 million jobs in Europe depend directly or indirectly on bus and coach operations, such as in the vehicle manufacturing, leisure and travel industries. Bus and coach for European employment!
that buses and coaches are major contributors to the economy and tourism?
Coach tourism turnover in Europe amounts to around 15 billion Euros per year. Moreover, tourists travelling by coach spend at least 40% more money at their destinations than any other tourists. For cities and regions to realise the full potential of coach tourism, adequate parking facilities, pick-up and drop-off points along with suitable access to amenities are crucial. The introduction of entry taxes on visiting coaches entails a significant loss of tourism and related economic benefits. Bus and coach for a vibrant economy and tourism!
40-49 73%
30-39 49%
Source: Passenger Transport by Coach in Europe, Steer Davies Gleave, on behalf of the European Commission, July 2009
Two-wheelers Pedestrian Truck under 3.5t Heavy goods vehicle Agricultural tractor Bus & coach 49.58%
CO2 emitted per passenger by mode from London to Blackpool (385 km)
70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 CO2
1990 - EURO 0 2008 - EURO V 2013 - EURO VI
14 2 5 3
that bus and coach drivers are the elite of the driving profession?
Due to the very nature of their work and responsibilities, it is mandatory for the over one million bus and coach drivers in Europe to submit to a special medical examination and undergo extensive training to pass stringent driving and theory tests, in addition to those required to obtain a driving licence. Mandatory life-long learning has long been a reality for bus and coach drivers. With specific training and recognised competence, driving buses and coaches professionally offers real career perspectives. Bus and coach for a professional service!
Did You Know? - Bus & coach for sustainable mobility
that 25 modern buses and coaches make no more noise than one built in 1980?
Technological innovations such as special insulation, the introduction of low rolling resistance tyres and other noisecontrol techniques applied at source have significantly reduced noise levels compared to 1980, making todays buses and coaches the quietest mode of collective passenger transport! Further reductions can be achieved if, for example, infrastructure managers ensure the use of low rolling resistant surfaces on roads. Bus and coach for quieter mobility!
Source: BDO
Buses and coaches are the most flexible of all collective passenger transport modes. They can bring tens of thousands of people home after a football match or bring tourists to remote world-renowned locations. Buses and coaches are available in the exact size and numbers needed for every occasion. It is therefore no mystery that industry surveys regularly indicate that 90% of all coach travellers are satisfied or very satisfied with their coach trip. Bus and coach for all travelling needs!
Did You Know? - Bus & coach for sustainable mobility
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that trucks give you the freedom to live wherever you want?
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Did You Know? - For your mobility 2009 IRU I-0218-1(e)