Guide of Inspection Life Boats by MCA
Guide of Inspection Life Boats by MCA
Guide of Inspection Life Boats by MCA
PLEASE NOTE:Where this document provides guidance on the law it should not be regarded as definitive. The way the law applies to any particular case can vary according to circumstances - for example, from vessel to vessel and you should consider seeking independent legal advice if you are unsure of your own legal position.
Summary This Merchant Shipping Notice compiles current guidance on the safe servicing, testing maintenance and drilling of lifeboats. This Notice transposes the International Maritime Organization, Maritime Safety Committee Circular 1206 MEASURES TO PREVENT ACCIDENTS WITH LIFEBOATS It also sets the standard required for the approval of Independent Lifeboat Servicing and Testing Companies. 1. 1.1 Introduction/ Background In recent years the Maritime Industry has suffered an unacceptably high number of accidents with lifeboats in which crew were injured, sometimes fatally, whilst participating in lifeboat drills and/or inspections. It has been noted that most accidents fall under the following categories: o o o o o o o 1.2 Failure of on-load release mechanism; Inadvertent operation of on-load release mechanism; Inadequate maintenance of lifeboats, davits and launching equipment; Communication failures; Lack of familiarity with lifeboats, davits, equipment and associated controls; Unsafe practices during lifeboat drills and inspections; and Design faults other than on-load release mechanisms.
In response to these concerns, the International Maritime Organization (IMO) has produced guidance relating to the safe servicing, maintenance and drilling of lifeboats. In addition, surveyors from the Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) are often questioned with regard to the requirement for MCA surveyors to be in attendance when lifeboats and their launching appliances are subjected to 5 yearly load testing. This MSN highlights the most pertinent IMO guidance and also provides some additional guidance with respect to 5 yearly load testing on board UK vessels. -1-
This MSN aims to achieve the following goals: o Lifeboat drills are conducted in accordance with SOLAS regulation III/19.3.3 for the purpose of ensuring that ship personnel will be able to s safely embark and launch the lifeboats in an emergency; Personnel undertaking inspections, maintenance and adjustment of lifeboats, launching appliances and associated equipment are fully trained and familiar with these duties; All appropriate documentation for the maintenance and adjustment of lifeboats, launching appliances and associated equipment is available on board; Maintenance of lifeboats, launching appliances and associated equipment is carried out in accordance with approved established procedures; The principles of health and safety at work apply to lifeboat drills; Personnel undertaking appropriately qualified; maintenance and repair activities are
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Hanging-off pennants are only used for maintenance purposes and not during training exercises; All tests required for the design and approval of life-saving appliances are conducted rigorously, according to the guidelines developed by the Maritime and Coastguard Agency, in order to identify and rectify any design faults at an early stage; The equipment to be easily accessible for inspections and maintenance and is proven durable in harsh operational conditions, in addition to withstanding prototype tests; and The Maritime and Coastguard Agency pays close attention to proper workmanship and technology when assessing equipment for approval; and Shipowners, when undertaking maintenance and repair activities, to employ qualified personnel, preferably certified by the manufacturer.
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This Notice transposes the MSC Circular 1206 MEASURES TO PREVENT ACCIDENTS WITH LIFEBOATS which consolidates the guidance contained in Circulars; MSC/Circ.1049, MSC/Circ.1093, MSC/Circ.1136 and MSC/Circ 1137. The guidance below is to be read in conjunction with the requirements of SOLAS Chapter III, with particular reference to Regulations 20 and 36, and also the requirements of the LSA Code, with particular reference to section 4.4.7.
2. 2.1
More Information
Shipping Safety Branch Maritime and Coastguard Agency Bay 2/11 Spring Place 105 Commercial Road Southampton SO15 1EG Tel : Fax : e-mail: General Inquiries: +44 (0) 23 8032 9120 +44 (0) 23 8032 9251 Shipping [email protected] 24 Hour Infoline [email protected] 0870 600 6505
MCA Website Address: File Ref: Published: MS003/091/003 August 2006
PART 1: GUIDELINES FOR PERIODIC SERVICING AND MAINTENANCE OF LIFEBOATS, LAUNCHING APPLIANCES AND ON-LOAD RELEASE GEAR 1. General 1.1 The objective of these Guidelines is to establish a uniform, safe and documented performance of periodic servicing and maintenance of lifeboats, launching appliances and on-load release gear. These Guidelines relate to the application of the ISM Code to periodic servicing and maintenance of lifeboat arrangements and should therefore be reflected in procedures developed for a ship under that Code. The general principle in these Guidelines may also be applied to the periodic servicing and maintenance of liferafts, rescue boats and fast rescue boats and their launching appliances and release gear. See Also MGN 317 Servicing of Inflatable Liferafts, Inflatable Boats, Rescue Boats, Fast Rescue Boats, Inflatable Lifejackets and Hydrostatic Release Units and MSN 1248 Automatic Release Hooks for Liferafts and Disengaging Gear for Lifeboats and Rescue Boats. Detailed guidance regarding some procedures covered by these Guidelines is provided in the appendices 1 and 2.
2. SOLAS regulations These Guidelines relate to the requirements contained in: 2.1 2.2 3. 3.1 SOLAS regulation III/20. Operational readiness, maintenance and inspections; and SOLAS regulation III/36. Instructions for on-board maintenance. Responsibility Both the shipping company and the company contracted to undertake the servicing are responsible for servicing and maintenance onboard its ships and for the establishment and implementation of health, safety and environment (HSE) procedures covering all activities during servicing and maintenance. The personnel carrying out servicing and maintenance are responsible for the performance of the work as authorised in accordance with the system specified in 4.1. The above personnel are also responsible for complying with HSE instructions and procedures. Where satisfied with such an organisation ability to carry out these functions, the s MCA may authorise such organisation and its personnel to perform the functions of the manufacturer and manufacturer certified personnel as assigned under this MSN. In s order to gain this approval the Independent Lifeboat Servicing and Testing Organisation (ILSTO) should follow the procedure in Appendix 3 to Part 1 of this MSN. Authorisation Where these Guidelines require certification of accredited service personnel, such certification should be issued by the manufacturer or the ILSTO, in accordance with an established system for training and authorisation. -5-
4. 4.1
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Qualification levels Weekly and monthly inspections, and routine maintenance as defined by the manufacturer, should be conducted under the direct supervision of a senior ship s officer in accordance with the instructions provided by the manufacturer. All other inspections, servicing, testing and repair should be conducted by accredited service personnel. Reports and records All reports and checklists should be correctly completed out and signed by the person who carries out the inspection and maintenance work and should also be signed by the company representative or the ship master. s s
5.2 6. 6.1
6.2 Records of inspections, servicing, repairs and maintenance should be updated and filed onboard the ship. 6.3 When repairs or servicing are completed, a statement confirming that the lifeboat arrangements remain fit for purpose should be issued by the accredited service personnel.
App1.1.1 Any inspection, servicing and repair should be carried out according to the system for inspection and services developed by the manufacturer. App1.1.2 A full set of maintenance manuals and associated documentation issued by the manufacturer should be available on board for use in all operations involved in the inspection, maintenance, adjustment and re-setting of the lifeboat and associated equipment, such as davits and release gear. App1.1.3 The manufacturer system for inspection and services should include the items s contained in App1.2, App1.3 and App1.4 as a minimum. App1.1.4 All the inspections, testing and servicing required in App1.2, App1.3 and App1.4 should be conducted by accredited service personnel and all unnecessary personnel should be prohibited from entering the area of risk. App1.2 ANNUAL THOROUGH EXAMINATION
App1.2.1 Items listed in checklists for the weekly/monthly inspections also form the first part of the annual thorough examination. When carrying out this examination the inspection of these items should be performed by the ship crew in the presence of accredited s service personnel and any recommendations or new procedures should be demonstrated then App1.2.2 Inspection and maintenance records of inspections and routine maintenance carried out by the ship crew and the applicable certificates for the launching appliances s and equipment should be available. App1.2.3 Repairs and replacement of parts should be carried out in accordance with the manufacturer requirements and standards. s App1.2.4 Lifeboats The following items should be examined and checked for satisfactory condition and operation: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) Condition of lifeboat structure including fixed and loose equipment; Engine and propulsion system; Sprinkler system, where fitted; Air supply system, where fitted; Manoeuvring system; Power supply system; and Bailing system.
App1.2.5 Release gear The following should be examined for satisfactory condition and operation after the annual winch brake test with the empty boat, as required by paragraph 3.1: (a) Operation of devices for activation of release gear; (b) Excessive free play (tolerances); (c) Hydrostatic interlock system, where fitted; (d) Cables for control and release; and (e) Hook fastening; including cheek plates, keel bolts etc.
Notes: 1. The setting and maintenance of release gear are critical operations with regard to maintaining the safe operation of the lifeboat and the safety of personnel in the lifeboat. All inspection and maintenance operations on this equipment should therefore be carried out with the utmost care. 2. No maintenance or adjustment of the release gear should be undertaken while the hooks are under load. 3. Hanging-off pennants may be used for this purpose but should not remain connected at other times, such as when the lifeboat is normally stowed and during training exercises. The crew needs to be assured that the structure is safe when loaded by hanging off pennants. 4. The release gear is to be examined prior to its operational test. The release gear is to be re-examined after its operational test and the dynamic winch brake test. Special consideration should be given to ensure that no damage has occurred during the winch brake test, especially to the hook closure and its fastening. App1.2.6 Operational test of on-load release function: (a) Position the lifeboat partially into the water such that the mass of the boat is substantially supported by the falls and the hydrostatic interlock system, where fitted, is not triggered; (b) Operate the on-load release gear; (c) Reset the on-load release gear; and (d) Examine the release gear and hook fastening to ensure that the hook is completely reset and no damage has occurred. App1.2.7 Operational test of off-load release function: (a) Position the lifeboat fully waterborne; (b) Operate the off-load release gear; (c) Reset the on-load release gear; and (d) Recover the lifeboat to the stowed position and verified ready for launching in an emergency Note: Prior to hoisting, eensure that release gear is completely and properly reset with interlocks in place. The final turning-in of the lifeboat should be done without any persons on board. App1.2.8 Operational test of free-fall lifeboat release function: (a) Engage the simulated launching arrangements as specified in the manufacturer operating instructions; s (b) The operator should be properly seated and secured in the seat location from which the release mechanism is to be operated; (c) Operate the release mechanism to release the lifeboat; (d) Reset the lifeboat in the stowed configuration; (e) Repeat procedures b) to d) above, using the back-up release mechanism, when applicable; (f) After ensuring that the boat is safely re-stowed remove the simulated launching arrangements; and (g) Verify that the lifeboat is in the ready to launch stowed configuration.
App1.2.9 Davit The following items should be examined for satisfactory condition and operation: (a) Davit structure, with particular regard to corrosion, particularly behind head sheaves an in other hard to paint places, misalignments, deformations and excessive free play, ego in bearings or track rollers; (b) Wires and sheaves, possible damage such as kinks and corrosion; (c) Lubrication of wires, sheaves and moving parts; (d) Functioning of all limit switches; (e) Stored power systems including a check on capacity; and (f) Hydraulic systems. (g) Inspection for correct termination of fall wire ends, (h) Verification of fall wire end for ending or replacement of wire (i) Condition and reaving of remote control wires, pulleys etc. App1.2.10 Winch The following items should be examined for satisfactory condition and operation: (a) Open and inspect brake mechanism; (b) Replace brake pads, if necessary; (c) Remote control system; (d) Power supply system; (e) Winch foundation. (f) Winch crank handle interlocks; and (g) The angles / clearances of "dead mans" brake levers to be checked upon reassembly. Note: See also MSN 1186 Lifeboat Winches Fitted with a Roller Ratchet Mechanism App1.3 DYNAMIC WINCH BRAKE TEST
App1.3.1 Annual operational testing should preferably be done by lowering the empty boat. When the boat has reached its maximum lowering speed and before the boat enters the water, the brake should be abruptly applied. App1.3.2 The five-year operational test should be done by lowering the boat loaded to a proof load equal to 1.1 times the weight of the survival craft or rescue boat and its full complement of persons and equipment, or equivalent load. When the boat has reached its maximum lowering speed and before the boat enters the water, the brake should be abruptly applied. App1.3.3 Following these tests, the brake pads and stressed structural parts should be reinspected. Note: In loading the boat for this test, precautions should be taken to ensure that the stability of the boat is not adversely affected by free surface effects or the raising of the centre of gravity. App1.3.4 In addition to the dynamic winch brake test under App1.3.2 for the secondary launching system of freefall lifeboats, every freefall lifeboat shall be freefalllaunched every 5 years loaded to a proof load equal to 1.1 times the weight of the freefall boat and its full complement of persons and equipment. If the boat is launched unmanned without use of its own release system, the release system has to load- tested separately.
OVERHAUL OF ON-LOAD RELEASE GEAR Overhaul of on-load release gear includes: (a) Dismantling of hook release units; (b) Examination with regard to tolerances and design requirements; (c) Adjustment of release gear system after assembly; (d) Operational test as above and with a load according to SOLAS regulation III/ at least once every 5 years; and (e) Examination of vital parts with regard to defects and cracks. Note: Non-destructive examination (NDE) techniques, such as dye penetrants (DPE), may be suitable.
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APPENDIX 2: GENERAL GUIDANCE ON THE CONDUCT OF 5 YEARLY LOAD TESTS ON UK VESSELS App2.1 UK Regulation and SOLAS requires that least once every five years rescue at boats and lifeboats shall be turned out and lowered when loaded with weights to simulate 1.1 times the total mass of the lifeboat or rescues boat when loaded with its full complement of persons and equipment or with an equivalent load. This test is to be applied to all lifeboats, liferaft davits and rescue boats. The procedure used must test the adequacy of all parts of the survival craft system this includes boat, disengaging gears, davit, winch and foundations. In the case of liferafts there is a separate test carried out by the service stations. Load testing can be hazardous if not carried out correctly and therefore the role of all persons involved must be clear. The test is to be carried out by accredited service personnel with a ship officer in s charge (OIC) and witnessed by an authorised person. The OIC is in charge of the test at all times and should brief those carrying out the test on what is required. The authorised person should take no part in the test and should not be the OIC. The authorised person may be an MCA surveyor, a Classification Society Surveyor appointed by MCA, or other persons authorised by MCA to witness such tests. If the authorised person is not an MCA surveyor, then the individual concerned will require a letter of appointment from Survey Branch in MCA headquarters. MCA authorised Class Societies should be aware of these procedures as this will have been given as part of a general authorisation. App2.4 All such tests are to be planned in advance. All routine maintenance and records are to be updated before the test. The authorised person must check this. It may be necessary to have a rolling programme for vessels with a large number of appliances. The boat, launching appliance and all relevant components are to be inspected on the day of the test by the OIC or delegated accredited service personnel to ensure that all is in order. It is recommended that boats should be check weighed before testing to confirm that the weight remains as previously recorded. Any increase in weight should be investigated. Water seepage into foam buoyancy is one possible cause, especially if benches have been cracked. App2.5 The lifeboat test may be carried out in various ways, each of which tests the whole system from boat to davit foundation. It is most important that all involved agree the actual detailed procedure in advance of the test. There are two main methods: (a) Boats should be loaded up at the embarkation position. Where this is not the stowed position then the boat should be brought alongside the ship with the bowsing gear arranged for release from the ship, rather than the boat as usual. Tricing pennants should be removed before loading commences. The boat should then be loaded with weights, distributed around the boat, until the boat and weights amount to a load of 1.1 times the weight of the boat when fully loaded with persons, equipment and stores.
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Where the lifesaving capacity of the boat has been voluntarily reduced to a lower number of persons than that for which it was originally certified the full load weight may be calculated based on the lower number of persons, provided that the revised carrying capacity is marked on the boat and used on the passenger or safety equipment certificate. The weights may be either solid weights or water bags. The method of loading weights must be such that no-one enters the boat once the 90% load is reached. If this cannot be achieved then the weight of the boat must not be taken by the falls during loading but by a crane (of capacity at least 2.2 times the loaded weight of the boat) and a spreader bar. Once loaded, the OIC should agree the test procedure with the attending authorised person and this subsequently explained to the accredited service personnel prior to the test. The attending surveyor should take no further part in the proceedings until the test is complete. If a crane and spreader bar is used, this should then be lowered so the weight of the boat is taken on the falls. Under no circumstances should anyone enter the boat at this time. The boat is to be eased out on the bowsing tackles. The tricing lines should have been removed when the bowsing tackle was fitted. This must all be done from the vessel which may require the rigging of temporary lines. The OIC should now check the area under and around the boat is clear of persons and obstructions. Once ready, the boat is to be lowered lifting the brake fully to enable the boat to reach maximum speed on the centrifugal brake. The mechanical brake is then applied suddenly and the test paused to ensure that the position of the boat is held at least 1 m above the water. If space permits, then it is repeated before the boat reaches the water. The boat is then lowered until the keel of the boat is just touching the water. Boats fitted with on-load release mechanisms are to have these tested. The positioning of the boat is a matter of judgement depending on hull shape, but the weight of the boat should still be on the falls with the boat just touching the water surface. On no account should the boat be dropped from above the water surface. Personnel can then enter the boat from another tender and override the release mechanism to release the boat to test that both hooks release simultaneously under load. Every care should be taken in this process. The personnel on the boat should wear protective clothing including safety helmets and life-jackets and should be sitting down when the boat is released. Davits should be visually checked at this stage. Once released the weights may be removed from the boat. Under no circumstances should the ships davits be used to lift the loaded boat. If the unloaded boat is to be raised on the falls, the hooks should be reset and the falls attached. The boat should be raised just clear of the water and the hook and interlock mechanism double checked and the secure location of the falls confirmed prior to full recovery. No persons should be in the boat while it is being hoisted on the falls until the hook mechanisms have been thoroughly examined by a competent person. Where the boat is to be hoisted before thorough examination of the hooks then it should be stowed securely by gripes or hanging off pennants while the competent person confirms that the equipment (hooks, boat, davits, winches, ) have suffered no damage during the test Once the boat is stowed and secured on the vessel the boat and davit should be inspected by the authorised person for any signs of test damage or straining (Nondestructive examination is strongly recommended at this point). - 12 -
The results of the test should be recorded on a test certificate produced by the competent persons and signed by the witnessing authorised person. (b) Alternatively the boat and davits can be tested separately. This is more time consuming but can be useful in dry-dock situations. With this method the boat is tested by suspending it from a spreader bar and it is loaded to 200% of the weight of the boat when fully loaded with persons, equipment and stores. This is not a dynamic test. It should be undertaken with caution. Although the boat is load tested in this way during type approval, there is a danger of damage to the boat if due care is not taken. Therefore before this is undertaken the advice of the accredited service personnel should be sought by the Company. Separate tests are made of the davit and winch using weights, and a spreader bar if necessary, suspended from the falls. A load equivalent to 110% of the weight of the boat when fully loaded with persons, equipment and stores should be applied before the dynamic test is repeated as in (a). Static tests of the davit and winch to 200% load are not acceptable because a static test does not test the speed limiting brake in the winch and the winch is only subjected to a static test to 150% SWl when new. Subsequently, the unloaded boat and davit should be inspected by the authorised person for any signs of test damage or straining (Non-destructive examination is strongly recommended at this point). The results of the test should be recorded on a test certificate produced by the accredited service personnel and signed by the witnessing authorised person. (c) Liferafts and some inflatable or partly inflatable rescue boats are subjected to load testing ashore during their regular servicing. The authorised person may waive on board load testing of boats when satisfied that testing has been done ashore with test loads and frequencies equivalent to that required in SOLAS III R20.11. Particular care must be taken where the on load release gear is part of the boat to ensure that it is test loaded and operated as per that regulation, either during servicing or on board. In such cases all that will need to be carried out on the ship is a 110% dynamic load test of the davit and brake using weights as per paragraph 3 of method (b) above. The test load will have to be calculated on the maximum load expected to be used with the davit in cases where the davit is shared by rafts and rescue boat. On load release gear for rescue boats should be treated as for lifeboats and either tested as part of the davit and winch test, with operation at 110% load demonstrated afterwards or using an alternative means as per App 2.6. App2.6 An alternative method of testing on load release mechanisms may be available using specialist equipment. Some test houses have developed bespoke test equipment for this purpose. The applied load can be simulated hydraulically and the mechanism released in the usual way. This has the advantage that it can be done ashore and avoids the risk of damage to the boat or injury to personnel on loaded release in to the water. Use of such equipment must be agreed by the nominated body and the accredited service personnel. Any required calibration of such equipment must be verified. This test should also be witnessed by an authorised person. The results of the test should be recorded on a test certificate produced by the test house or accredited service personnel and signed by the witnessing authorised person. In the case of boats without on-load release gear, the release gear should only be tested when the boat is fully waterborne.
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App2.7 Variations on the above methods may be used with the agreement of MCA; however each part of the survival craft and its launching appliance must be tested. App2.8 On completion of all testing the assembled boat and davit should be operationally tested to the satisfaction of the OIC before vessel departs or re-enters service.
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APPENDIX 3: APPROVAL PROCEDURE FOR INDEPENDENT LIFEBOATS SERVICING AND TESTING ORGANISATIONS. Independent Lifeboat Servicing Companies wishing to acquire MCA approval for their operation should submit the following documentation: App3.1 Proof that their operation is certified and complies with a quality standard (ISO 9001 or equivalent). The standard procedures for the servicing of lifeboat systems should be submitted. App3.2 Portfolio justifying at least manufacturer equipment. s two years servicing experience with different
App3.3 Traceability records system. A record system which provides traceability of work carried out and parts used must be maintained. All spare parts used should be the original manufacturer spare parts. If the equipment manufacturer no longer exists s and there are no original spare parts then the equipment should be replaced by equipment compliant with the Marine Equipment Directive ( Wheelmarked ). App3.4 Accredited Service Personnel detailed Training Program. App3.5 All information referred in the preceding App3.1 to App3.4 should be readily available in case of an accident involving a lifeboat serviced by the Independent Lifeboat Servicing Company at the request of the MCA or The Maritime Accident Investigation Branch (MAIB). App3.6 All information (2 copies) referred in the preceding App3.1 to App3.4 should be sent the MCA Marine Office nearest to the ILSTO or to the Survey Branch in the MCA s s Head Quarters (foreign ILSTO should submit their documentation in English). The approval will last until 31st December 2008 after which the above Policy will be reviewed. Updated documentation may be required for re-approval. Independent Lifeboats Servicing Companies are recommended to acquire Manufacturers authorisation in the meanwhile.
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Part 2: GUIDELINES ON SAFETY DURING ABANDON SHIP DRILLS USING LIFEBOATS 1 1.1. 1.1.1 GENERAL Introduction It is essential that seafarers are familiar with the life-saving systems on board their ships and that they have confidence that the systems provided for their safety will work and will be effective in an emergency. Frequent periodic shipboard drills are necessary to achieve this. Crew training and rotation is an important component of drills. As a supplement to their initial shore side training, on board training will familiarise crew members with the ship systems and the associated procedures for use, operation and drills. On these occasions, the objective is to develop appropriate crew competencies, enabling effective and safe utilisation of the equipment required by the Regulations. The time limits set out in Regulations for ship abandonment should be considered as a secondary objective when conducting drills. Drill frequency Experience has shown that holding frequent drills furthers the goal of making the crew familiar with the life-saving systems on board their ships and increasing their confidence that the systems will work and will be effective in an emergency. Drills give the crew opportunity to gain experience in the use of the safety equipment and working in co-operation with each other. The ability to cope with an emergency and handle the situation, if the ship needs to be abandoned, needs to be well rehearsed. However, frequent crew changes sometimes make it difficult to ensure that all on board have had the opportunity to participate in drills if the minimum required drills are conducted. Therefore, consideration needs to be given to scheduling drills as required to ensure all on board have an early opportunity to become familiar with the systems on board. Drills must be safe Abandon ship drills should be planned, organised and performed so that the recognized risks are minimised and in accordance with relevant shipboard requirements of occupational health and safety. Drills provide an opportunity to verify that the life-saving system is working and that all associated equipment is in place and in good working order, ready for use. Before conducting drills, it should be checked that the lifeboat and its safety equipment have been maintained in accordance with the manufacturer instructions, s as well as noting all the precautionary measures necessary. Abnormal conditions of wear and tear or corrosion should be reported to the responsible officer immediately. Emphasis on learning Drills should be conducted with an emphasis on learning and be viewed as a learning experience, not just as a task to meet a regulatory requirement to conduct drills. Whether they are emergency drills required by SOLAS or additional special drills conducted to enhance the competence of the crew members, they should be carried out at safe speed. During drills, care should be taken to ensure that everybody familiarises themselves with their duties and with the equipment. - 16 -
1.2 1.2.1
1.3 1.3.1
1.3.2 1.3.3
If necessary, pauses should be made during the drills to explain especially difficult elements. The experience of the crew is an important factor in determining how fast a drill or certain drill elements should be carried out. 1.5 1.5.1 Planning and organising drills Regulations require that drills shall, as far as practicable, be conducted as if there were an actual emergency. This means that the entire drill should, as far as possible, be carried out. At the same time, it should be ensured that the drill can be carried out in such a way that it is safe in every respect. Consequently, elements of the drill that may involve unnecessary risks will need special attention or may be excluded from the drill. In preparing for a drill, those responsible should review the manufacturer instruction s manual to assure that a planned drill is conducted properly. Those responsible for the drill should ensure that the crew is familiar with the guidance provided in the lifesaving system instruction manual. Lessons learned in the course of a drill should be documented and made a part of follow-up shipboard training discussions and planning for the next drill session. The lowering of a boat with its full complement of persons is an example of an element of a drill that may, depending on the circumstances, involve unnecessary risk. Such drills should only be carried out if special precautions are observed. ABANDON SHIP DRILLS Introduction It is important that the crew who operate safety equipment on board are familiar with the functioning and operation of such equipment. Regulations require that sufficiently detailed manufacturer training manuals and instructions be carried on board, which s should be easily understood by the crew. Such manufacturer manuals and s instructions should be accessible for everyone on board and followed closely during drills. Guidance to the shipowner The shipowner should ensure that new safety equipment on board the company s ships has been approved and installed in accordance with UK regulations and that the different pieces of the lifeboat system (Lifeboat, hooks, davit, winch, etc) are all compatible and can work efficiently and safely together. Procedures for holding safe drills should be included in the Safety Management System (SMS) of shipping companies. Detailed procedures for elements of drills that involve a special risk should be evident from workplace assessments adjusted to the relevant life-saving appliance. Personnel carrying out maintenance and repair work on lifeboats should be qualified in accordance with part 1 of these Guidelines Lifeboats lowered by means of falls During drills, those responsible should be alert for potentially dangerous conditions and situations and should bring them to the attention of the responsible person for appropriate action.
1.5.3 1.5.4
2 2.1 2.1.1
2.2 2.2.1
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Feedback and improvement recommendations to the ship-owner, the Administration and the system manufacturer are important elements of the marine safety system. If confidentially is required any reporting can be made through the Confidential Hazardous Incident Reporting Program (CHIRP, 2.3.2 Before placing persons onboard a lifeboat, it is recommended that the boat first be lowered and recovered without persons on board to ascertain that the arrangement functions correctly. The boat should then be lowered into the water with only the number of persons on board necessary to operate the boat. To prevent lashings or gripes from getting entangled, proper release should be checked before swinging out the davit.
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Part 3: FREE-FALL LIFEBOATS 1 1.1 Free-fall lifeboats drill The monthly drills with free-fall lifeboats should be carried out according to the manufacturer instructions, so that the persons who are to enter the boat in an s emergency are trained to embark the boat, to take their seats in a correct way and to use the safety belts; and also are instructed on how to act during launching into the sea. When the lifeboat is free-fall launched as part of a drill, this should be carried out with the minimum personnel required to manoeuvre the boat in the water and to recover it. The recovery operation should be carried out with special attention, bearing in mind the high risk level of this operation. Where permitted, simulated launching should be carried out in accordance with the manufacturer instructions, taking due note of this s MSN. Guidelines for simulated launching of free-fall lifeboats Simulated launching is a means of training the crew in the free-fall release procedure for free-fall lifeboats and in verifying the satisfactory function of the free-fall release system without allowing the lifeboat to fall into the sea. 2.1 Purpose and scope The purpose of these Guidelines is to provide a basic outline of essential steps necessary to safely carry out simulated launching. These Guidelines are general; the lifeboat manufacturer instruction manual should always be consulted before s conducting simulated launching. Simulated launching should only be carried out with lifeboats and launching appliances designed to accommodate it, and for which the manufacturer has provided instructions. Simulated launching should be carried out under the supervision of a responsible person who should be an officer experienced in such procedures. 2.2 2.2.1 2.2.2 Typical simulated launching sequence Check equipment and documentation to ensure that all components of the lifeboat and launching appliance are in good operational condition. Ensure that the restraining device(s) provided by the manufacturer for simulated launching are installed and secure and that the free-fall release mechanism is fully and correctly engaged. Establish and maintain good communication between the assigned operating crew and the responsible person. Disengage lashings, gripes, etc. installed to secure the lifeboat for sea or for maintenance, except those required for simulated free-fall. Participating crew board the lifeboat and fasten their seatbelts under the supervision of the responsible person. All crew, except the assigned operating crew, disembark the lifeboat. The assigned operating crew fully prepares the lifeboat for free-fall launch and secures themselves in their seats for the release operation.
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The assigned operating crew activates the release mechanism when instructed by the responsible person. Ensure that the release mechanism operates satisfactorily and, if applicable, the lifeboat travels down the ramp to the distance specified in the manufacturer instructions. s Re-secure the lifeboat to its stowed position, using the means provided by the manufacturer and ensure that the free-fall release mechanism is fully and correctly engaged. Repeat procedures from 2.2.7 above, using the back-up release mechanism when applicable. The assigned operating crew disembarks the lifeboat. Ensure that the lifeboat is returned to its normal stowed condition. Remove any restraining and/or recovery devices used only for the simulated launch procedure. The lifeboat should then be verified ready for launching in an emergency.
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This note advises all owners, operators and seafarers of the need to have the above mentioned life-saving appliances regularly serviced at an approved service station. Key Points: All above mentioned life-saving appliances carried on UK ships, Code Vessels and fishing vessels are normally required to be serviced annually, although if compliance is impracticable servicing may be deferred for a period not exceeding 5 months. Listed in the Appendices to this note are the names and addresses of the manufacturers of the above mentioned life-saving appliances and their currently appointed service station located in the UK. Owners or Masters requiring details of overseas service stations or confirmation of continued acceptance of any listed service station are requested to make contact with the individual manufacturer. An exception to annual servicing of liferafts indicated above, is that the Maritime and Coastguard Agency has introduced a scheme for extended servicing of open reversible liferafts (ORLs) fitted to Class III to VI(A) passenger vessels. These do not apply to ORLs fitted on high-speed craft or canopy liferafts fitted to the above classes of vessels. National Administrations are responsible for the approval of servicing stations within their jurisdiction.
1. Introduction/ Background Shipowners, masters, skippers and yachtsmen are reminded of the need to have inflatable liferafts, inflatable boats, rescue boats, fast rescue boats, inflatable lifejackets and hydrostatic release units, where applicable, which form part of their vessels life-saving appliances, regularly serviced at an approved service station.
2. Under the provisions of the following Regulations, all inflatable liferafts, boats, rescue boats, fast rescue boats, inflatable lifejackets and hydrostatic release units carried on United Kingdom ships and fishing vessels are required to be serviced at an approved service station: Regulation 11(7) of the Merchant Shipping (Life-Saving Appliances for Passenger Ships of Classes III to VI (A)) Regulations 1999. Regulation 84 (7) of the Merchant shipping (Life Saving Appliances for Ships Other Than Ships of Classes III to VI(A)) Regulations 1999 as amended by Merchant Shipping (Life-Saving Appliances for Ships Other Than Ships of Classes III to VI(A)) (Amendment) Regulations 2000. Rule 85(2) of the Fishing Vessel (Safety Provisions) Rules 1975. Regulation 5 of the Fishing Vessels (Life Saving Appliances) Regulations 1988. Sections 12.14 and 12.26.3 of the Survey of Fishing Vessels (Instructions for the Guidance of Surveyors). 3. Such liferafts, lifejackets, inflatable boats, rescue boats, fast rescue boats and hydrostatic release units are normally required to be serviced annually and every effort should be made to ensure that it is carried out (however see paragraph11). When it is clearly impracticable to comply with this annual servicing requirement, the servicing may be deferred for a period not exceeding 5 months. In such cases masters or owners are requested to apply to the Maritime and Coastguard Agencys (MCA) Shipping Safety Branch, indicating their reason for seeking their deferment. 4. It should also be noted that International Sailing Federation (ISAF) Offshore Special Regulations (OSR) Appendix A Part 2 canister rafts, which are acceptable on some vessels certified under the MCAs Codes of Practice for vessels under 24m (Code Vessels), must be serviced according to the manufacturers instructions at a manufacturers approved service station. 5. Inflatable lifejackets on Code Vessels should be serviced at a service station approved by the manufacturer within one month either side of the Compliance, Renewal and Intermediate examinations of the vessel. In the intervening years they are to be examined annually to the manufacturers recommendation. Further information on inflatable liferaft and lifejacket servicing can be found in the Codes of Practice. 6. Listed in Appendix 1 to this Note are names of the manufacturers of approved liferafts, (including hydrostatic release units), lifejackets, inflatable boats, rescue boats and fast rescue boats and the names and addresses of their currently appointed service stations located in the United Kingdom. Owners or masters wishing to obtain details of the service stations located overseas or to have confirmation of the continued acceptance of any station in the United Kingdom should make direct contact with the individual manufacturer. Manufacturers must provide the MCA with details of any changes to the approved service stations. 7. In recent years a number of cases involving extremely poor servicing of liferafts have been reported. On further investigation it was found that in many of these cases the servicing had been so inadequate that the raft would have been ineffective as a piece of life-saving equipment. As a consequence, it is recommended that prior to placing liferafts, lifejackets, hydrostatic release units, inflatable boats, rescue boats or fast rescue boats in a service station, owners or masters should obtain confirmation of the continued acceptance of the station direct from the individual manufacturer.
Details of their agents are listed in Appendix 2. With regard to inflatable liferafts the requirements for onboard stowage together with hydrostatic release units are contained in Marine Guidance Note MGN 104 (M+F). 8. The MCA has, since July 1993, conformed with the servicing requirements given in IMO Resolution A.761(18) - "Recommendations On Conditions For The Approval Of Servicing Stations For Inflatable Liferafts"- for it's approved service stations in the United Kingdom. For information an extract of this IMO Resolution is shown at Appendix 3, which indicates the frequency of the various tests now carried out. 9. It should be noted that United Kingdom ships are required to carry Wheelmarked liferafts equipped to UK standards under the requirements of the Marine Equipment Directive. At present, manufacturers of approved liferafts are required to have a service network of at least six in the UK. However, this may not be possible in certain cases where a vessel is carrying a liferaft which needs servicing, but is not manufactured by one of the companies with a UK service station network. The Owner, Master or Agent should, in these cases, contact the manufacturer of the liferafts carried in order to establish the location of their approved service stations. 10. An exception to the annual servicing of liferafts indicated above, is that for open reversible liferafts (ORLs) fitted to Class III to VI(A) passenger vessels, the MCA has introduced a scheme for extended servicing i.e. to omit the second year, fourth year sixth year and eighth year annual servicing interval. It should be noted that this extended servicing procedure will not apply to ORLs fitted to high-speed craft or to canopy SOLAS type liferafts fitted to the above Classes of vessels. A general exemption from the requirements of Regulation 11(7) of the Merchant Shipping (Life-Saving Appliances for Passenger Ships of Classes III to VI(A)) Regulations 1999 has been issued and is shown in Appendix 4. The schedule to this general exemption, attached as Appendix 5, specifically indicates the particular servicing intervals and test methods applicable to ORLs fitted on the above passenger ships. 11. A further exception to the annual servicing of inflatable liferafts has been accepted by the MCA. This exception allows servicing intervals of up to 30 months for particular equipment when it is specially packed. Special packing systems have been designed and developed by the relevant manufacturers, and these ensure that the liferafts can (i) be operated using the normal control lines, and (ii) remain protected throughout the extended servicing interval within a hermetically sealed membrane which resists water vapour transmission. The arrangements fall within the provisions of SOLAS 1974 Chapter III, regulations 20.8.3 and 20.8.5, in respect of which the MCA has notified IMO of the arrangements accepted on United Kingdom ships. Extracts from these IMO notifications are attached at Appendices 6 and 7 which describe the equipment and the conditions attached to its use. It should be noted that these specially packed liferafts may only be serviced at suitably equipped, approved service stations, a list of which must be obtained from the liferaft manufacturer. 12. At every biennial servicing or servicing referred to in paragraph 11, of a davit launched inflatable liferaft, inflatable boat or inflatable rescue boat, a 10% overload static load test is to be carried out with the liferaft or boat suspended from its lifting hook or bridle in accordance with the manufacturers approved servicing instructions. 13. With regard to hydrostatic release units (HRUs), at present there are types approved by the MCA which have an operational life of two years without an intermediate service being required. In this case, when the operational life of these particular hydrostatic release units has expired, they are to be returned to an authorised service station where a function test is to be carried out.
14. In recent years an increasing incidence of incorrectly installed HRUs has been noted by Surveyors carrying out Inspections, resulting in the float free arrangements for the liferaft being compromised. After servicing of the liferaft and HRUs, where applicable, the liferaft and HRUs when returned on board should be installed strictly in accordance with the approved manufacturer's instructions. Details of the correct installation of the HRU to the liferaft should be provided with each unit supplied. 15. An 'approved service station' is one that has been formally appointed by the manufacturer of an approved type of liferaft, boat or inflatable lifejacket and has been accepted by the Secretary of State. It has certificated personnel who have been trained to undertake servicing and repairs, and also to repack inflatable liferafts ready for operational use; it carries genuine spares and is kept fully informed of the current servicing procedures by the approved manufacturer. 16. Internationally, through the provisions of SOLAS 1974, National Administrations are responsible for the approval of servicing stations within their jurisdiction irrespective of whether or not that particular administration has approved the subject product. 17. Shipowners and masters are further reminded that it is an offence to carry an inflatable liferaft, inflatable boat, rescue boat, fast rescue boat, inflatable lifejacket or hydrostatic release unit which is known to be defective, or which has not been serviced at the intervals prescribed by the Regulations. 18. This MGN can be found on the MCA website at Although this MGN will be circulated as usual each year in hard copy, the service station and manufacturers address lists will be regularly updated on the website. In order to keep this updated, please notify us at the address below of any changes or additions. These will be amended on the website and included in the new MGN next year.
More Information
More information on the contents of this Notice can be obtained from: Shipping Safety Branch Maritime and Coastguard Agency Bay 2/11 Spring Place 105 Commercial Road Southampton SO15 1EG Tel : Fax : e-mail: General Inquiries: +44 (0) 23 8032 9120 +44 (0) 23 8032 9251 [email protected] 24 Hour Infoline [email protected] 0870 600 6505
MCA Website Address: File Ref: Published: MS 3/14/862 March 2006
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Crewsaver Limited Deutsche Schlauchbootfabrik (DSB) Hans Scheibert GmbH & Co. KG (Autoflug, Seetex, VEB Textil and TVB) I C Brindle & Co Mulder & Rijke B.V.
Shanghai Star Rubber Products Co. Ltd. European Representative Nautic Service Sauvetage
Umoe Schat Harding Limited, (formally Harding Watercraft limited) Vacuum Reflex Limited
Viking Life Saving Equipment A/S UK Representative Viking Life Saving Equipment Ltd Zodiac
Bombard Liferafts
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Servicing intervals End of first year End of second year End of third year End of fourth year End of fifth year End of sixth year End of seventh year End of eighth year End of ninth year End of tenth year Eleventh to fourteenth year Fifteenth year Sixteenth to nineteenth year Twentieth year Twenty-first to twenty-fourth year Twenty-fifth year Etc.
Test method WP test WP test WP test WP test GI test WP test WP test WP test WP test GI test + FS NAP test + FS GI test + NAP + FS NAP test + FS GI test + NAP + FS NAP test + FS GI test + NAP + FS
NAP - Necessary additional pressure test WP - Working pressure (compressed air) GI - Gas Inflation FS - Floor seam test
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The Secretary of State in exercise of his power under regulation 23 of the Merchant Shipping (LifeSaving Appliances for Passenger Ships of Classes III to VI(A) Regulations 19991; hereby exempts ships to which the Regulations apply from the requirement of regulation 11(7) that open reversible liferafts, complying with the requirements of Schedule 4, Part II of the said Regulations, shall be serviced at a service station approved by the Secretary of State at intervals not exceeding 12 months, subject to the following conditions that:
such open reversible liferafts shall be serviced; (a) at intervals not exceeding two years; and (b) within the periods stated in the attached Schedule, such periods being measured from the date of manufacture; and
the servicing includes the test methods stated in the attached Schedule according to the age of the open reversible liferaft.
This exemption shall not apply to open reversible liferafts carried on High Speed Craft. This exemption, which may be cancelled or modified at any time, shall remain in force until 31 May 2010.
A Fairney
SI 1999/2723
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APPENDIX 5 SCHEDULE SERVICING INTERVALS AND TEST METHODS FOR OPEN REVERSIBLE LIFERAFTS CARRIED ON PASSENGER SHIPS OF CLASSES III TO VI(A) Servicing intervals End of first year End of third year End of fifth year End of seventh year End of ninth year End of tenth year Eleventh to fourteenth year Fifteenth year Sixteenth to nineteenth year Twentieth year Twenty-first to twenty-fourth year Twenty-fifth year Etc. NAP - Necessary additional pressure test WP - Working pressure (compressed air) GI - Gas Inflation FS - Floor seam test Test method WP test WP test GI test WP test WP test GI test + FS NAP test + FS GI test + NAP + FS NAP test + FS GI test + NAP + FS NAP test + FS GI test + NAP + FS GI test + NAP + FS
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Equipment Type RFD Endura 25 person davit launched/ roll-over canopied inflatable liferaft packed for extended service intervals. Packing consists of hermetically sealed foil bag within a GRP outer container. The liferaft is type approved as indicated on Lloyds Register/ MCA type approval certificate MED 0250139 in accordance with SOLAS 74, Chapter III regulations 4, 20.8.3 and 34 and Chapter X regulation 3, and manufactured by Survitec Group Limited, Birkenhead, Merseyside L41 1HQ.
Conditions under which extended servicing intervals have been accepted 1. Servicing will be carried out at 30 month maximum intervals, only at approved servicing stations which have additionally been appointed for this purpose by Survitec Group Ltd. 2. The extended service intervals will apply over the first 10 years of a liferafts life. 3. Liferafts which are specially packed shall be repacked at each service using new packaging materials within the GRP outer container. 4. On loss of hermetic seal for any reason a raft will be serviced and repacked within 3 months, or 30 months from previous repacking if sooner. 5. All servicing tests prescribed in A761(18) to be carried out, according to the age of the liferaft, during the period of the elapsed extended service interval will be carried out by the service station prior to repacking. 6. Monitoring on board consists of regularly checking for moisture ingress by means of a special indicator, and completion of an inspection log which remains aboard the ship; as indicated in the equipment type approval certificate. 7. Passenger ships equipped with liferafts specially packed as above will comply with SOLAS regulation III 19.4.3 by carrying aboard, or having ready access to, a conventionally packed training raft of similar type and means of operation, or by carrying a visual training aid which can simulate inflation and davit launching of such liferafts. 8. In addition to other required marks, the outer containers of specially packed Endura 25 D/L liferafts within the extended servicing scheme carry the following label:
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This RFD Endura Liferaft has been designed and manufactured in accordance with the SOLAS 1996 Amendments, regulation 20 paragraph 8.3 and the IMO 2000 HSC Code, chapter 8 paragraph 8.9.9, which permit Extended Service Intervals of 30 months. To comply with this, the liferaft must be inspected on board by a person certified for such purpose by Survitec Group Ltd at intervals not exceeding 12 months. The record of such inspection must be entered on an Inspection Log Card. The liferaft must be serviced at intervals of 30 months at a Survitec Group Ltd approved liferaft service station in accordance with regulation 20, paragraph 8.1.2.
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Equipment Type Zodiac (or Bombard) inflatable liferafts with SOLAS A and B packs of the following models: Throw over - 10, 25 and 50 persons; Throw over self righting 6, 25, 37 and 50 persons; Davit launched - 25 and 37 persons; Davit launched self righting - 25 and 37 persons. The liferafts are packed for extended service intervals by enclosure within a sealed membrane, located within the GRP outer container (the Extended Packing Service, EPS system). The liferafts are manufactured by ZODIAC INTERNATIONAL, Issy-les-Moulineaux, France; type approved by Bureau Veritas in accordance with SOLAS 74, Chapter III, regulations 4, 20.8.3 and 34 and Chapter X regulation 3; as evidenced by certificates Nos. 13298/A1 EC, 13300/A0 EC, 13301/A0 EC, 13302/A1 EC, 13305/A1 EC, 13303/A1 EC, 12930/A0 EC, 13297/A0 EC, 13304/A0 EC, 13299/A0 EC, 13148/A0 EC.
Conditions under which extended servicing intervals have been accepted on United Kingdom ships. 1. Servicing will be carried out at 30 month maximum intervals, only at approved servicing stations which have additionally been appointed for this purpose by Zodiac International. 2. Zodiac International will provide the MCA with the results of comparative study on the ageing of liferaft fabric and pressure seams, using material samples variously exposed, and tested at 2 , 5, 7 and 10 years of age. 3. EPS liferafts shall be repacked at each service using new packaging materials within the GRP outer container. 4. On deployment, or damage to membrane, or pressure within gas inflation cylinder falling below a limit defined by the manufacturer, a raft will be serviced and repacked within 3 months, or 30 months from a previous repacking, if sooner. 5. All servicing tests prescribed in A761(18) to be carried out, according to the age of the liferaft, during the period of the elapsed extended service interval will be carried out by the service station prior to repacking. 6. Monitoring on board by certified personnel consists of annually checking inflation gas pressure and temperature by means of a special indicator, and completion of an inspection card which travels with the liferaft. 7. Passenger ships equipped with any of the above EPS liferafts will comply with SOLAS regulation III/ 19.4.3 by carrying aboard, or having ready access to, a conventionally packed training raft of similar type and means of operation, or by carrying a visual training aid which can simulate inflation and davit launching of such liferafts.
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8. In addition to other required marks, the outer containers of EPS liferafts which are serviced at extended intervals will be marked: (i) with the words EPS liferaft 30 months servicing within a disc bearing year and month numerals, and (ii) with the words EPS liferaft 12 months control on board within a second disc bearing year and month numerals.
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