Freeway Corridor Study: Project Brief
Freeway Corridor Study: Project Brief
Freeway Corridor Study: Project Brief
Project Brief
January 30 & 31, 2013
Highland Road
This project brief discusses the issues associated with a potential Highland Road interchange. It also briefly describes a range of alternatives developed and how they address these issues, as well as comparing the impacts and costs associated with these improvements. The recommendation for an interchange will be based on the results of the traffic analysis, local desire for an interchange and local cost share participation.
Major Roadways Existing Interchange Potential New Interchange
60 CTH W
Lakefield Rd
County C / Pioneer Rd
(not to scale)
Lake Michigan
Mequon Rd
Donges Bay Rd
County Line Rd
Milwaukee Co
Ozaukee Co BAYSIDE
Brown Deer Rd
Alternatives Presented
Alternatives to be evaluated in the environmental impact statement include various No-Build and Build alternatives. The No-Build alternative leaves the system as it currently exists and serves as a base alternative for comparison. The Build alternatives presented tonight are shown below.
Port Washington Rd
W Good Hope Rd
Silver Spring Dr
Local access to I-43
Tight Diamond Interchange - Tight diamond interchange with tight urban style ramps on the east side to avoid impacts with the railroad.
Local access to I-43
Comparison of Impacts
Alternative Relative Costs* $$ Wetland Impacts na yes Impacts to Potentially Historic Properties na na Impacts to Public Recreation Properties na na R/W Acquisition ** na Moderate Potential Residential Relocations 0 0 Potential Commercial Relocations 0 0 Comments
na = none anticipated *compares relative total project costs at this location **compares relative right of way aquisitions at this location
Whats Next
Alternatives will be refined based on comments received from this public meeting and ongoing traffic analysis and engineering. Each alternative will then be evaluated based on comments received, impacts, and on how well it meets the purpose and need for this study. The alternatives will be compared to determine which provide the most benefit while minimizing impacts. Intersections will be evaluated for signals or roundabouts. The retained alternatives will be presented at the third public information meeting in late summer 2013. A recommended alternative will then be presented in the Draft Environmental Impact Statement followed by a Public Hearing in early 2014 for your additional input.
*Interchange alternatives are compatible with four-lane and six-lane I-43 mainline alternatives.
Contact Information
Steve Hoff, P.E. Project Manager (262) 548-6718 PO Box 798 141 NW Barstow Street Waukesha, WI 53187 Manojoy Nag, P.E. Supervisor (262) 548-6423 PO Box 798 141 NW Barstow Street Waukesha, WI 53187