Workers Vanguard No 333 - 1 July 1983
Workers Vanguard No 333 - 1 July 1983
Workers Vanguard No 333 - 1 July 1983
No. 333
1 July 1983
Vietnam News Agency
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Two, Three, Many Defeats for Imperialism!
Stalinist Deal with the Vatican?
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Ronald Reagan came to power
vowing to avenge the U.S.' humiliating
defeat in Vietnam by quickly smashing
leftist insurgency in Central America.
But despite trillions in armaments, CIA
mercenaries and the concerted Cold
War campaign, Washington has not
pulled off a victory against Communism
in what it believes to be its own
backyard. Because the U.S.-backed
butchers in El Salvador are on the run,
and its contras are repulsed at the
Nicaraguan border, all wings of Yankee
imperialism-from Democratic doves
to Reaganite hawks-fear "another
Vietnam." They fear another defeat at
the hands of a desperately poor and
poorly armed population determined to
win against the tyranny of U.S. imperi-
alism and its puppet regimes.
But for the workers and peasants of EI
Salvador, for revolutionaries in Amer-
ica and throughout the world, Vietnam
was a victory! That is why the Spartacist
League and the Spartacus Youth
League say: Two, Three, Many Defeats
for u.s. Imperialism!
"N0 more Vietnams" is the
counterrevolutionary battle cry of an
imperialist power still smarting from the
rout it suffered militarily and politically
in Southeast Asia. Despicably, it is also
the primary slogan around which the
July 2 El Salvador protest in Washing-
ton, D.C. has been called. Making an
explicit appeal to the Democratic
liberals who hope to head off U.S.
defeat in Central America through a
"negotiated sellout," the Workers
World Party/People's Anti-War Mobi-
lization/ All-Peoples Congress (WWP/
PAM/ APC) of Sam Marcy has draped
the July 2 demo in the stars and
This "emergency" demonstration was
called months in advance to coincide
with the July 4th patriotic holiday. The
Marcyite organizers chose the Vietnam
War Veterans Memorial for their rallv
imperialists' grotesque monu"-
ment to the mission of "their boys," the
Lt. Calleys who were driven out by the
heroic Vietnamese. Perhaps the Marcy-
ites are considering beginning the rally
with a moment of silence or a prayer for
the U.S. troops.
We have noted that the Veterans
Memorial would be "a fitting place for a
rally of the American Legion" (WV No.
331, 3 June). Now the Marcyites find
they are competing with precisely such
reactionaries for this "sacred" patriotic
space. A lash-up of fascistic "captive
nations" emigres, the New Right and
flag-waving veterans groups. as well as
Cuban and Vietnamese gusanos have
threatened a counterdemonstration
with disgusting ex-Panther and Moonie
showpiece Eldridge Cleaver as speaker,
to "neutralize" the July 2 rally at the
Memorial. But "No More Vietnams"
rally spokesman Bob Lamoth has tried
to indicate to these fanatic anti-
Communists that the Marcyite demojs
pretty neutral already: "We don't mean
to offend anyone," he whined about the
use of the Memorial. "We think it is
important to point out that there were
57,000 Americans killed in Vietnam,
and our purpose is to keep that from
happening again" ( Washington Post, 24
The July 2 "call to action" (printed in
the New York Times, I May) is one of
the most disgustingly chauvinist docu-
ments ever produced even by the U.S.
"peace movement." It sums up the result
of the Vietnam .War: "300,000 Gl's
wounded and 57,000 dead. Over $150
billion spent on a cruel, illegal and
unjust war that finally had to be
abandoned." The call says not one word
about the one million Vietnamese
slaughtered by U.S. imperialism, not a
word about the Vietnamese men,
women and children cruelly maimed for
life by napalm, the razing of whole
villages until the countryside resembled
a moonscape. In fact, more bombs were
dropped by the U.S. in the Vietnam War
than in all of World War II. But for the
organizers of the July 2 demonstration,
like the Senators and Congressmen they
hope to appeal to, all of this is covered
under the cost-effectiveness of pursuing
the war.
The Vietnam War was not one which
"finally had to be abandoned." The U.S.
was driven out by the National Libera-
tion Front (NLF) and North Vietnam-
continued on page 9
Stalinist Deal with the Vatican?
The Pope of Counterrevolution
Marxist Working-Class Biweekly of
the Spartacist League of the U.S.
Rosa Luxemburg, Communist
leader and martyr, epitomized the
Internationalist tradition of Poland's
historically socialist proletariat.
tremendous potential force for counter-
revolution. And it is precisely the
Stalinists v.'ho are responsible for the
existence of this grave threat to the
social conquests of the degenerated and
deformed workers states."
-"The President's Pope?" WV
No. 217, 20 October 1978
Behind Pope Wojtyla stands the
power of Western imperialism, now in
particular its capacity for economic
blackmail. Poland owes $25 billion or
more to Western bankers and govern-
ments. The Jaruzelski regime hoped
that allowing the pope's visit would ease
Reagan's economic sanctions and per-
haps open the way for additional
Western credits or. at least. easier
repayment terms. The minister of
reiipon and atheism, Adam Lopatka.
t",-p;jll\ed Ih;s ;iisastrous maneuver:
"; ';f: trip by the head of the Vatican
star': and the chhrch will make the
cc-.r;t'''Juation of this unfriendly polrcy
tu\urd more difficult." Not a
chance. Reagan & Co. will stop being
"<J,driendly" toward Poland only when
Wojryla is in power in the Belvedere
Palace and Jaruzelski is in prison or
While the Moscow Stalinists have
taken a harder line on Poland than their
Warsaw counterparts, they very much
want to cut down their present massive
subsidies to the Polish kulaks and neo-
Pilsudskiite scum. So the Kremlin, too,
is under pressure to accept a deal with
the Vatican. The Polish crisis is the
product of decades of capitulation by
the Stalinists to capitalist restoration-
ist forces and world imperialism. A
Trotskyist leadership in the USSR
would make short shrift of the mess in
\Vojtyla's anti-Communist pilgrim-
age and the reported deal to establish a
church-run "union" In Poland
demonstrate anew that the Stalinist
bureaucracy acts as a transmission belt
for the imperialist pressures on the
Soviet bloc. There can be no "peaceful
coexistence" with the Vatican. the
International Monetary Fund. Ronald
Reagan, NATO and other agencies of
global counterrevolution. The social
gains of the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution
and their extension to East Europe after
World War II can be defended only hy
proletarian political revolution which
ousts the Stalinist bureaucracy and
restores the Soviet Union. land of the
October Revolution, as a bastion of
w-orld communism.
Stalinists Conciliate
Clerical-Nationalist Reaction
But Wojtyla is making a bid to
enhance the already enormous political
weight of the Catholic church in Polish
society. (In fact, the Italian wing of the
Vatican is clearly upset that the Polish
pope has become so deeply embroiled in
the political life of his homeland.) After
his second meeting with Jaruzelski, a
son of the Polish upper classes educated
by the Jesuits, reports began circulating
about a deal, most of them emanating
from Rome.
Lech Walesa is reportedly being
dumped as the church's favorite sonin
Poland. Since the general strike on the
Baltic coast in August 1980, the Vatican
has constantly praised him for having
uncompromisingly and unconditionally
followed the directives of the church.
This, of course, led him to become a
front mar for Western imperialism,
financially for the West Germans,
militarily for the Americans. His proud
boast was that he had never read a
book-which is how he got invited to
lecture at Harvard. He is a Polish
version of Father Gapon, who was
finally murdered by the Social Revolu-
tionaries as a tsarist agent. Well, rww
the Vatican paper, L'Osservatore Rom-
ano, observes, "Officially Lech Walesa
once more leaves the scene" because "he
has lost his battle." Walesa is undoubt-
edly too far gone to have learned from
what is happening to him, so we will not
lecture to him that the path of the
socialist class struggle is the way. But
maybe others in Poland will learn from
his contemptible fate.
For decades the Polish Stalinists have
conciliated the Catholic church in a vain
effort to secure social stability. After the
1956 "thaw" the church was allowed to
become the only voice of political
opposition. At the same time, the Polish
Stalinists abandoned agriCUltural col-
lectivization and so perpetuated a class
of priest-ridden peasant smallholders
hostile to socialism. When Karol Wojty-
la, then archbishop of Krakow. was
elected the first Polish pope in 1978, we
"To the Stalinists Pope John Paul II
may seem a prince of peace and detente.
a JIlan of the post-Helsinki, period.
Domestically the Gierek regime por-
trays him as a symhol of Communist-
Catholic coexistence. Hut he now stands
at the head of manv millions of
practicing Calholics in Last Furope, a
be a matter of indifference to the nations
of the world, especially Europe and
America" (Warsaw).
"Solidarity" was a time "when the
Polish worker stood up for himself with
the gospel in hand and a prayer on his
lips" (Czestochowa).
"Do not be swallowed up by
immorality and indifference, .. , The
nation is called to victory" (Krakow).
Pope Wojtyla was the imperialists'
man in Poland. His visit gave a
"legitimate" cover for anti-
Communist demonstrations, far and
away the largest since Walesa's power
grab was spiked two and a half years
ago. Altogether, an estimated ten
million people filled the churches, the
parks, the soccer stadiums dominated
by monstrous altars and crosses. Soli-
darnose activists brandished their
crosses and banners, wore their Black
Madonna pins, flashed their V-signs
and marched through streets pro-
claiming. "The priests are with us. The
pope is with us."
It was a week-long orgy of anti-
Russian Polish nationalism: every
religious image made political, every
"sacred" site chosen to further the
chilling appeal: the pilgrimage to the
icon of the Black Madonna of Czesto-
chowa, credited with having broken the
siege of the "foreign invaders" (Swedish
Protestants in 1655). "Before your
altars, we entreat you, oh lord, deign to
restore to us a free homeland," intoned
the pope, dressed in royal crown and red
cape emblazoned with the Polish eagle
and the cross. Home Army songs are
sung at mass, along with "Oh God, Who
Has Defended Poland" and "March,
March Dombrowski," ode to the emigre
general who fought the Russians under
Napoleon. And everywhere Wojtyla
warns about the "arrogance of power."
The beleaguered Stalinist officialdom
is dismayed by it all. "The pope is the
only authority in the country," one of
them exclaimed (Los Angeles Times. 20
June). A genuinely communist regime,
as opposed to this wretched bureaucra-
cy. would have a base in the population
to pursue the struggle against clerical-
ism. What is involved is not a religious
issue, a matter of personal faith in god.
Marxists do not go around burning
crucifixes and knocking down churches.
If the church stays out of political life,
then social development over the gener-
ations will determine whether or not
people continue to believe in an afterlife.
Pope stirs the spirit of clerical counterrevolution in Nowa Huta-town of the
Stakhanovite "Man of Marble," now a Solidarnosc stronghold.
1 July 1983
Pilgrimage for the Cold War
"He goes right in there and stops just
short of stirring up rebellion," Republi-
can Senator Charles Percy observed
approvi.ngly (New York Times. 24
June). And indeed Wojtyla whipped up
anti-Communist hysteria, exhibiting his
authority in Poland in order to increase
his bargaining power. For more than a
week he roamed the country, preaching
the gospel according to NATO, de-
manding Polish "sovereignty" and
"freedom" from Russian "domination":
"The fate of Poland in 19l53 cannot
EDITOP. Jan Norden
EDITORIAL BOARD Charles Burroughs,
{.lr;(jrgt:: Fry:.ter LiZ Gordon, Mary Jo
McAllister James Robertson Reuben
Samuels Joseph Seymour. Marjorie Stamberg
Wf;rker, Vanguard (USPS 098-770; published
blNeekl, Skipping an Issue In August and
a w8ek In December by the Spartac1st
Pur)llshlng Co 41 Warren Street. New York
rJY 10007 Telephone 732-7862 (EditOrial;
132-7861 (BUSiness; Address all corres-
rhndence If) BOI 1377. GPO. New York, NY
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(J()/(/I()n'> f1ypu.:'>'l'drJ In artlf;fes or
!f.;!f';r') ()o (1(;1 (lr::cf.:'lsanfy expres,<;, the edltorlaf
v/(;'N(J(.J 1r1f
No. 333
JUNE 28-Pope John Paul Wojtyla's
eighHiay "pilgrimage" to his Polish
"homeland" unleashed an orgy of anti-
Communist and anti-Soviet demonstra-
tions, as all knew it would. He reignited
the forces of clerical-nationalist coun-
terrevolution which were temporarily
checked h.y General Jaruzelski's Decem-
ber 1981 countercoup against Solidar-
nose' bid for power. Everyone has been
asking, why did Warsaw allow it? What
did the beleaguered Polish Stalinists
hope to gain from the pope's inflamma-
tory visit?
As we go to press there are sensational
and increasingly detailed reports of a
deal between the Vatican pontiff and the
Polish general. Allegedly martial law
would be lifted in exchange for the
disappearance of Solidarnose and a
return to oblivion for its leader. Lech
Walesa. A new "union" would be
sanctioned under the direct control of
the Catholic church hierarchy. In
addition. the church would establish a
bank providing loans for Poland's
several million peasant smallholders
and petty entrepreneurs. In turn, West-
ern imperialist powers-'Wojtyla's
masters-would lift sanctions to ease
the economic pressure on Poland.
We are not in a position to know if
such a deal were made. But we warn: this
would threaten the very foundations of
proletarian state power in Poland,
endangering the entire Soviet bloc. The
Catholic hierarchy seeks institutional-
ized control over the economic life of the
nation, interposing itself as an interme-
diary between the regime and the petty
bourgeoisie and working class. We
Trotskyists, who in late 1981 pro-
claimed "Stop Solidarnose Counterrev-
olution!" insist that only through
proletarian political revolution in the
bureaucratically degenerated/ deformed
workers states and socialist revolution
in the capitalist West can the forces of
counterrevolution be defeated.
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Smash Apartheid-
For Workers Revolution!
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12 1 JULY 1983