Njit Fed Ce Syllabus

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FED 101 New Jersey Institute of Technology Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Spring 2013

FED 101: Fundamentals of Engineering Design

Text: Richard and Fitzgerald, Introduction to AutoCAD - A Modern Perspective, 2011, Pearson, ISBN-10: 0138016364 ISBN-13: 9780138016364 Reference (not required): Landis, Raymond B., 2007, Studying Engineering: A Road Map to a Rewarding Career, Discovery Press, 3rd edition, ISBN 978-0-9646969-2-1 Instructor: Dr. Priscilla P. Nelson Office Phone: (973) 596-5864 e-mail: pnelson@njit.edu (do not use texting please) Office Location: Colton 211 Office Hours: Tuesdays 12 noon 2 pm Thursdays 2 - 4 pm Other times as arranged (use email)

AutoCAD Labs Laboratory Instructor: Stephanie R. Santos, P.E. e-mail: srr3@njit.edu Phone: (973) 596-2450 Office Hours: TBD Office: Colton 318A Lab Facility Supervisor: Mr. Robert Morris e-mail: robert.morris@njit.edu Phone: (973) 596-8497 Office Location: Colton 241 Class Times: Lecture Thursday, 10 am to 11:25 am, Kupfrian 118 Laboratory 006 Tuesdays 2:30 pm - 3:55 pm GITC 2315b 008 Mondays 11:30 am - 12:55 pm PC Mall room 37 010 Mondays 2:30 pm - 3:55 pm GITC 2315a Course Description: Fundamentals of Engineering is a two-credit course that teaches students the basic tools, used in the preparation of civil engineering documents. The course utilizes AutoCAD software, which is a widely used computer program for generating engineering drawings as well as some engineering analysis. In addition to learning the AutoCAD software, the course will introduce students to the basics of civil engineering design, the basics of green (LEED) construction, and an overview of the different disciplines within civil engineering including structures, geotechnics, water and environmental, transportation and management. Some guest lecturers will come to class and share their experience working in the field. Organizations and resources of basic engineering design standards will be introduced. Students will apply their knowledge throughout the course to work on applications using AutoCAD. Students will be required complete a team design project, write a report and make an oral

FED 101

Spring 2013

presentation. Student teams will also be required to write a kids (ages 4-8) book related to their project. Fundamentals of Engineering Design Draft Course Schedule (January 2013)

Lecture Date 1/24

Course Lecture Topic Introduction to your Professor, and to design and Engineering Introduction to Civil Engineering The disciplines of CE Structural Engineering. Intro to CE Materials, description and discussion of the team design projects The disciplines of CE Geotechnical Engineering.

Mon. Lab Dates 1/28

Tues. Lab Dates 1/29

Laboratory Lecture Topic Introduction to the Lab part of the course and AutoCAD Drawing Setup & Basic Drawing Commands Form Project Teams; Discuss MBTI assessment results. Controlling the Drawing Display Basic Drawing Commands

Reading Assignment Pages iv & v, Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Reading about Teams Chapter 3

Homework* Due by following lab Lab HW 1: Read CH1 Written Assignment 1 take MBTI assessment and send to PPN** Lab HW 2: selected chapter 2 exercises, end of chapter test questions Written Assignment 2 why CE for you? Lab HW 3: selected chapter 3 exercises, end of chapter test questions Lab HW 4: selected chapter 4 exercises, end of chapter test questions. Lab HW 5: selected chapter 5 exercises, end of chapter test questions. Written Assignment 3 outline of team design project report Lab HW 6: selected chapter 6 exercises, end of chapter test questions Lab HW 7: selected chapter 7 and 8 exercises, end of chapter test questions

1/31 2/7

2/4 2/11

2/5 2/12







Chapter 4


The disciplines of CE Water Engineering.



Drawing Tools & Drafting Settings

Chapter 5


The disciplines of CE Environmental Engineering. MIDTERM EXAM No Class Spring Break Introduction to LEED/discussion of writing kids books



Managing Object Properties

Chapter 6

3/14 3/21



Editing Techniques

Chapters 7&8




Adding Text

Chapter 11

Lab HW 8: selected chapter 11 exercises, end of chapter test questions Lab HW 9: selected chapter 13 exercises, end of chapter test questions. Written Assignment 4, outline of kids book Working on project.


The disciplines of Civil Engineering Transportation. Introduction to LEED ND; Intro to



Dimensioning Drawings Other Bullet Point Topics in CAD

Chapter 13




Various chapters

FED 101
Engineering Ethics The disciplines of Civil Engineering Construction Management/Making effective presentations

Spring 2013




Other Bullet Point Topics in CAD

Various chapters

Working on project. Project Report and PPT slides due Friday 4/26


FINAL Lecture: BIM and Risk



Team Project Presentations in Laboratory Sections

Finalize Kids book


Visit by the CEE Industry Advisory Board individual team Peer Evaluations and the team Kids book are due Friday, 5/3/13

Peer Evaluations and Kids book due Friday 5/3

NO FINAL EXAM Project Report and PPT slides for your presentations are due Friday 4/26; your

* Lab-based homework will be assigned by Professor Santos, and each homework will be due by the following laboratory period. NO LATE homework will be accepted. Each homework problem should be completed on your own (DO NOT COPY FROM EACH OTHER) and submitted through Moodle unless the instructor indicates otherwise. See note under Lab Specific Information for further information about above lab assignments. ** Go to http://www.typefocus.com/, Click on New Users to create an account. The Site Password is NJ97. Complete the Personality Questionnaire (be honest with yourself should only take about 20 minutes). If you wish, you can also complete the Success Factor Questionnaire if you have the time. It is not needed for this exercise. You will receive your MBTI (Myers-Briggs type indicator) send this (it will be four letters such as ENFP) to Dr. Nelson (pnelson@njit.edu or through Moodle upload as Written Assignment #1) by the end of the day on Friday February 1. Note: for you to gain some familiarity with the campus and its engineering - you might refer to the campus 2008 Master Plan http://gateway.njit.edu/docs/2008/2008gateway.finalreport2008.pdf and the 2005 Landscape Master Plan http://www.njit.edu/president/docs/2005/landscape_master_plan_3-1-05.pdf. You might also want to have a look at the Campus Gateway Plan as a reference, although it does not focus on the campus itself http://www.njit.edu/president/planning/gateway/index.php. Attendance Policy: Students must sign in for every class. You are expected to attend lecture class and your assigned lab. If you miss a lab without prior permission/valid reason, you will receive a HW grade of zero (0) for that lab. If you miss more than one class lecture without an excuse/prior permission, each subsequent class missed will result in loss of up to 5% of the overall grade. FIVE (5) or more total missed classes (lectures or labs) will result in an F grade.

FED 101

Spring 2013

Grading Policy: CAD Homework Assignments 30% Other written assignments 10% Midterm Exam 25% Project Report and Presentation 35% Written report 20% Presentation 8% Kids Book 4% Peer Evaluations 3% ATTENTION Late submission of CAD homework or written assignments for the course will NOT be accepted. Notes: A grade of C or better in FED101 is required as a prerequisite for continuing into CE 260 the next CAD course in the CE curriculum. The NJIT Honor Code will be upheld and any violations will be brought to the immediate attention of the Dean of Students. Remember to cite your references when writing your individual and group reports. Use the format that will be identified in your HUM 101 course. Each person will contribute to and be responsible for each group report submitted. At the end of the course, each student will be required to submit a thoughtful evaluation of the performance of his/her project team members. The schedule above is not absolutely fixed. It is prepared only to give students a brief idea of what to expect from the course. Schedule is subject to change as per the availability and convenience of guest lecturers and that of the field visit site personnel. Students will be informed of all changes in advance and any changes to the syllabus will be discussed in class. Students are encouraged to back up their work on a personal flash drive or compatible media. It is also recommended that students use the same machine at every class. Other Course Information: In order to insure consistency and fairness in application of the NJIT policy on withdrawals, student requests for withdrawals after the deadline will not be permitted unless extenuating circumstances (e.g., major family emergency or substantial medical difficulty) are documented. The course professor and the Dean of Students are the principal points of contact for students considering withdrawals. During the 2008-2009 academic year, the NJIT Administration worked very closely with the Student Senate to enhance and improve NJIT's Honor Code. The Committee on Academic Affairs and the NJIT Faculty approved the Student Senates recommendations and the approved document, University Code on Academic Integrity replaces the older Honors Code document. (http://www.njit.edu/academics/pdf/academic-integrity-code.pdf).

FED 101

Spring 2013

All students are responsible for upholding the integrity of NJIT by reporting any violation of academic integrity to the Office of the Dean of Students. (http://www.njit.edu/doss/). The identity of the student filing the report remains anonymous. Moodle: All assignments and materials will be posted through Moodle. Unless otherwise instructed, all assignments must be submitted through Moodle. Access Moodle by going to: http://Moodle.njit.edu/ Login with your UCID and Password Under My Courses find S13 FED 101 Lab Specific Information: All AutoCAD assignments must be submitted through Moodle and a printed copy must be also submitted during class. Assignments are due one week after they are assigned. Specific lab assignments are subject to change, allowing for class schedule changes, time allowed to work on projects, or special topics related to the course project. AutoCAD work can be performed in the room assigned for FED labs, in the CEE computer lab (Colton 318), or on your own computer if you have the software loaded. Autodesk, the parent company of AutoCAD, has a program of allowing students to have a free downloadable copy of AutoCAD with a 3 year student license. This is available from the following website: www.autodesk.com/edcommunity - enter an ID and password of your choice but use your NJIT e-mail directions for the downloading will be sent to you in an e-mail message. Note you should be downloading the AutoCAD software, NOT the AutoCAD Civil 3D software) Earlier versions of this text (pre 2011) contained a CD with exercise files needed for some of the homework problems. Now, instead of a CD, the files may be downloaded from the publishers website at: www.pearsondesigncentral.com Additional AutoCAD end of chapter problems will be assigned during lab time, and some exercises within the chapters might be omitted, so it is important to pay attention during the lab to get the specific assignments. If you miss a lab, be sure to get the assignment from the instructor or a classmate.

Team Design Project: Additional information will be given to you as the semester gets started. You and your team will be required to prepare a report describing observations you have made about the real world, framing questions to be answered, hypotheses that need to be tested, and planning experiments that will gather the needed information. This report will model a professional engineering report, and the body of the report (1. through 6. below, excluding appendices but including all figures and tables) should be no more than 15 pages in length. The report must include the following components, and the report should include page numbers on each page:

FED 101

Spring 2013

Letter of transmittal (to be submitted to P. P. Nelson and NJIT) Title page Table of contents (TOC) and include a List of Figures and Tables if you have many of these in the report Executive summary (<1 page description of the report, your activities, and conclusions) The Body of the Report 1. Your initial or base observations 2. Discussion of what you think is happening or going on in your observations? What questions need to be answered? 3. What hypotheses need to be tested by experiment? 4. What experiments did you planned to test the hypotheses and to learn more about the observation, questions or phenomenon. Explain each experiment in detail, and what you learned from each experiment. 5. What is the outcome/conclusion(s) of your overall experimental program. How could additional improvement in understanding be obtained? 6. Key team participants and responsibilities 7. References Appendices: including AutoCAD drawing(s) Note every figure, chart or table needs to be numbered, titled, introduced and discussed in the report text. Any figure that you have taken from a source other than yourself must be referenced. Team Kids Book Project: Student teams will also be expected to develop a K-4 storybook/comic/video that either explains the project (or some aspect of the project), focusing on engineering and/or the need for a team approach to developing an engineering project. The objective of this assignment is to build an electronic library for kids, and to encourage your creative writing talents!

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