English 21 LASC Syllabus SP 13 Updated STW

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English 21: English Fundamentals

Los Angeles Southwest College Spring 2013 Section #0939, Room SSEC 315 12:45 2:10 p.m. Tuesday & Thursday Instructor: Jessica Drawbond Mailbox: Located in SSEC 120 Office Hours: Mondays: 1:00 pm 2:00 pm Tuesdays: 11:00 am 12:30 pm Wednesdays: 11:00 am - 2:00 pm & by appointment in SSEC 121-C E-mail: [email protected] Class Website: english21atlasc.blogspot.com Phone: (323) 241-5370

Last Day to Drop without a W: Monday, February 18, 2013 Last Day to Drop with a W: Sunday, May 5, 2013 Introduction: Welcome to English 21! By enrolling in this course, you have made a commitment to improve your reading and writing skills. I encourage you to ask many questions in class about writing throughout the semester. English 21 is an inquiry-based writing course. Youll practice and refine your writing skills in an environment that allows you to move towards greater confidence and a stronger academic self-image. There is a thorough review of the fundamentals of grammar and mechanics, sentence structure, verb usage, thesis and support, comprehension, and the writing process. Required Textbooks: o Kirszner, Laurie and Stephen Mandell. Foundations First with Readings: Sentences and Paragraphs, 4th Edition o The Students of Los Angeles Southwest College. Say the Word: An Anthology of LASC Student Writing, Volume 5. This is only available in the LASC bookstore. o A paperback dictionary for in-class use Required Course Materials: o Email address o Stapler o A three-ring binder to organize class materials o Writing materials (pens, pencils, erasers and white, lined loose-leaf paper) o Copies of your work as needed for class and group discussion. o One notebook to use as your Homework Journal o Two large blue books for Midterm and Final Course Description: English 21 is a course in fundamentals. It prepares the student for English 28 by thoroughly examining the fundamentals of academic reading and writing. Students develop reading comprehension by studying literary and expository texts, which also provide models of and/or subjects for their compositions. Each writing assignment will further develop the students ability to communicate ideas clearly. Basic grammar, fundamental punctuation, and sentence structure are taught.

2 Student Learning Outcomes: As a result of this learning experience, a student can: 1. Write independent and dependent clauses with use of conjunctions and semi-colons. 2. Identify and correct fragments, comma splices, and run-on sentences 3. Write compositions of 150-300 words in length that supports a main point with specific details, facts, and examples 4. Read and analyze essays at pre-college level for main points and tone Prerequisite: Passing the Basic Skills 2CE exit exam, or appropriate placement recommendation based on assessment results and other multiple measures. Grading: CR (credit) or NCR (no credit) Grading is based on a 1000 point or percent system, with 700 (70%) needed for CR. Assignments and Grade Distribution: In-class Composition 1 (150-300 words) Take-home Composition 2 (150-300 words) In-class Composition 3 (150-300 words) Take-home Composition 4 (200-300 words) In-class Composition 5 (150-300 words) Lab Portfolio Homework Journal, Participation & Attendance Midterm Final Exam TOTAL POINTS

100 points 100 points 100 points 100 points 100 points 100 points 100 points 100 points 200 points 1000 points

Note: To receive a passing grade in this course, students must turn in all coursework and pass the final exam. In other words, students grade in this class is dependent on successful performance in all areas of the class (participation, attendance, lab work, writing, and reading), not just one area. All components must be successfully completed to receive a passing grade. AN IMPORTANT NOTE:

I know that sometimes things happen that are beyond your control, so this semester you are allowed: ONE excused missed homework assignment ONE absence that will not be counted against you

3 English Writing Center (Lab): All English 21 students must complete 18 lab hours in the English Writing Center in addition to classroom assignments. The English Writing Center is located in SSEC/BSS 116. Lab Hours Are: Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday: 9:30 am 2:00 pm Thursday: 9:30 am 7:30 pm Saturday: 9:30 am 1:00 pm Policies: Attendance: Attendance is mandatory. Attend each class and be on time. Students who regularly attend class on time do better in their studies. Students who fail to follow the attendance policy may be dropped from the class at the instructors discretion. Any student who arrives late to class risks being counted as absent; students leaving early must notify the instructor of their obligation at the beginning of the period. If there is a dispute over attendance, the attendance sheet will serve as proof of attendance. Excused Absences: There are no excused absences. Attendance is mandatory. Each student is allowed only 3 absences (regardless of the reason), the Los Angeles Community College District limit. Upon a students 4th absence, the student may be dropped from the class unless there are dire extenuating circumstances that can be documented. Partial Absences: Any student who arrives late, leaves early, goes in and out of class excessively, or attends class without a textbook or unprepared to discuss the readings will receive a P on the roster for partial attendance for that class meeting. Two partial attendances will count as 1 absence. No student has the right to disrupt the learning environment for other students, so come on time with your textbook and stay until class is dismissed. Note that quizzes, exams, and in-class composition may not be made up and constitute a significant portion of the final grade. Being Dropped from the Class: Upon the 4th absence created by missed classes, tardiness, partial absences, or a combination, the student may be dropped from the class. Academic Integrity: While certain activities assigned may be specified as collaborative work, it is expected that the remainder of assignments are the original work of the student. Cheating of any kind (including plagiarism) will result in a 0 for that assignment and, at the instructors discretion, may result in an F for the course. Plagiarism is the act of presenting someone elses words or ideas as your own (for example, checking the internet for a little information on a subject and then using that information as if it were something you thought of). It also consists of cheating on quizzes or exams, or having someone else write your essays for you. Any student who presents anothers work as his or her own will fail this course and risk further action taken by L.A. Southwest College and the L.A. Community College District, including expulsion from the college. Failure to complete or cheating of any kind on the final paper or on the final exam will result in an F in the course regardless of semester average. Reading Assignments: Reading assignments should be completed prior to the due date on the syllabus. Being prepared for class and earning full credit for participation includes keeping up with the reading assignments and coming to class prepared to discuss them.

4 Written Compositions: All essays and written outside of the classroom must be typed on a computer. Research shows that writing on a word processor improves writing skills. Because writing is a process of prewriting, organizing, composing, revising, and editing, traditional methods of typing or handwriting assignments are often time-consuming and ineffective. Certainly, they discourage revision. The computer, on the other hand, makes revision and the writing process more manageable at every stage. If you do not have a computer at home, do not panic! There are computer labs in several locations on campus, most notably in the library. When you turn in a take-home composition, you must turn in all prewriting, drafts, and peer reviews as well. Please staple your work together in the top left corner and include the following items in this order, top to bottom: final draft, rough draft with peer reviews, prewriting. It is very important that all items be turned in together, as your grades on the essay assignments will be deducted 10% if you are missing any of the prewriting, rough draft, or peer review. Late Assignments: Late work will not be accepted without emergency documentation. Failure to turn in an assignment will result in a 0 for that assignment. Drafts: We will be writing multiple drafts of all take-home compositions. In order to be eligible to be turned in for credit with the final version of the essay, the drafts must be present in class on the day that they are due and all days prior to the final draft submission. You will receive a lot of guidance revising your drafts in class, but this can only work if you bring them with you to class. Failure to do so will result in a 10% deduction to your final essay grade. If you are absent the day a draft is due or expected in class, your final essay grade will not be affected. However, you are responsible for all of the writing lessons covered in class that day and your final essay will be graded accordingly. Revisions: All essays written outside of class may be revised and resubmitted for re-evaluation. Each revised essay should include a separate cover sheet that describes the changes made. Your grade will be replaced with the higher of the two grades. Civility in the Classroom: Our classroom needs to be an optimal, positive environment for learning, so that you can focus on the course materials without disturbance; therefore, all cell phones, hands-free and other electronic devices must be turned off and put away before class. No texting, no phones on vibrate since this is audible, and, of course, no answering phones. If you have an emergency that requires you to be available by phone during class hours, please notify your instructor before class starts, and sit near the door with your phone on a silent setting. It is never okay to disrupt the learning environment. Student Book Responsibility: Every student is required to purchase the primary required textbooks by the second class meeting and bring the textbook to each class session. Any student who cannot purchase the textbook by the second class, must copy all pages of the assigned reading/exercises from the textbook reserved in the library and must complete all homework before coming to class. Regardless of reasons and excuses, any student who does not purchase the textbook - or copy each assignment and complete homework before each class as specified -- will receive a partial absence for each class meeting without a textbook and may be dropped from the class by the instructor. (See Attendance and Partial Absences Policies) Resources: Student Success Center (SSEC 110, 110A): LASC, like many other colleges, offers services and resources beyond the classroom and teachers to help students achieve academic goals. The SSC offers

5 tutoring, a study lab, workshops, as well as a computer lab open 8am-8pm Monday through Thursday. Grievances: Anyone who believes a college decision has adversely affected status, rights, and/or privilege as a student should consult the instructor for resolution, and, if needed, confer with the English Department Chair, Darren Cifarelli, as a second level of authority if no resolution is found. Beyond that, the student can make an appointment with the Dean Stephanie Brasley if there is still no resolution. Dean Brasley may refer the grievance to the Dean of Student Services. Students with Disabilities: Accommodations are provided to a student with a verified disability and are determined by the educational limitations the disability places on the student. Any one in need of assistance or accommodations should contact the instructor by the end of the first day of class. FYI- DSPS office (323) 241-548

Course Schedule
WEEK 1 (Feb. 4-10) Agenda: Introduction to Eng. 21. Syllabus and Course Outline. Student Strategies. Goal Setting. Email. Due Thursday: o Buy all required books and course materials o Read Ch. 1 Strategies for College Success pp. 3-26 o Read Syllabus thoroughly and come prepared to ask any questions WEEK 2 (Feb. 11-17) Agenda: Reading Strategies. Main Ideas. Outlining and Summarizing. Writing Simple Sentences. Due Tuesday: o Read Ch. 2Reading Strategies, pp. 26-49 o Complete Practice 2.1 and 2.3. Due Thursday: o Read Ch. 15 Writing Simple Sentences pp. 217-229 o Complete all practice activities in Chapter 15 in pencil. Do your best, but dont worry if you make mistakes. We will be reviewing all of these activities, and you will have opportunities to correct your work. o Visit English Writing Center (75 minutes LAB work) WEEK 3 (Feb. 18-24) Agenda: The writing process. Writing a paragraph. Assignment, purpose, audience. Review writing simple sentences. Due Tuesday: o Read Ch. 3 Writing a Paragraph, pp. 53-73 o Complete Practices 3.3, 3.4, 3.6, 3.9, 3.13, 3.14, 3.15 Due Thursday: o Read and annotate Let Go and Let GOD p. 145 from Say the Word o Visit English Writing Center (75 minutes LAB work)

6 WEEK 4 (Feb. 25-March 3) Agenda: In-class composition #1. Writing unified, well-developed, coherent paragraphs. Transitions. Review writing simple sentences. Prepare for take-home composition #2 Due Tuesday: o Be prepared: In-class composition #1 is today! It is worth 10% of your grade. Due Thursday: o Read Ch. 4 Fine-Tuning Your Paragraph pp. 74-98 o Complete Practices 4.10, 4.11, 4.13, 4.14, 4.16, and 4.17. o Read Confrontational Guilt p.194 from Say the Word o Visit English Writing Center (75 minutes LAB work) WEEK 5 (March 4-10) Agenda: Description. Workshop and turn in Take-Home Composition #2. Compound sentences using commas and FANBOYS. Compound sentences using semi-colons and transitional words or phrases. Due Tuesday: o Bring a photo to use for a photo description assignment (you may bring in an actual photo or use a digital photo that you have access to on your phone) o Reach Ch. 7 Description pp. 119-128 o Complete Practices 7.4, 7.5. o Read the poem I See You, Woman p. 32 from Say the Word Due Thursday: o Take-home Composition #2 Rough Draft Due3 copies (typed, double-spaced) o Read Ch. 16, Writing Compound Sentences, p. 230-247 o Complete Practices 16.1, 16.2, 16.3. o Visit English Writing Center (75 minutes LAB work) WEEK 6 (March 11-17) Agenda: Narration. Complex Sentences. Introduce In-Class Composition #3. Due Tuesday: o Complete Practices 16.9, 16.10. We will talk more about compound sentences today. o Take-home Composition #2 Final Draft Due (10% of your grade) Due Thursday: o Read Ch. 6 Narration pp. 109-118 o Read Ch. 17 Writing Complex Sentences pp. 248-260 o Complete all practices (Ch. 17 only). o Read My Beloved Husband p. 188 from Say the Word o Visit English Writing Center (75 minutes LAB work) WEEK 7 (March 18-24) Agenda: Run-ons.

7 Due Tuesday: o Read Caring Connections p.202 from Say the Word o In-class writing practice and conferences Due Thursday: o Music Playlist Assignment (Handout) o Read Ch. 20 Run-Ons pp. 291-305 o Complete Practices 20.1, 20.2, 20.3, 20.4. o Visit English Writing Center (75 minutes LAB work) WEEK 8 (March 25-31) Agenda: Fragments. In-class composition #3. Prepare for midterm. Due Tuesday: o Be prepared: In-class composition #3 is today! It is worth 10% of your grade. o Visit English Writing Center (75 minutes LAB work) Due Thursday: NOTHING!!! SPRING BREAK STARTS! ****SPRING BREAK: APRIL 1-7!!!**** WEEK 9 (April 8-14) Agenda: Subject-Verb Agreement. Prepare for midterm Due Tuesday: o Visit English Writing Center (75 minutes LAB work) o Read Ch. 21 Sentence Fragments pp. 306-327 o Complete All Practices, 21.1-21.12 Due Thursday: o Midterm ReviewGame Show! WEEK 10 (April 15-21) Agenda: Exemplification. Nouns. Pronouns. Introduce Take-home Composition #4: Problem Posing. Due Tuesday: o Midterm (15% of your grade) o Visit English Writing Center (75 minutes LAB work) Due Thursday: o Read Ch. 5 Exemplification pp. 99-108 o Read Ch. 27 Nouns pp. 397-406 o Complete all practices (Ch. 27 only) o Visit English Writing Center (75 minutes LAB work) WEEK 11 (April 22-28) Agenda: Verbs. Workshop and turn in Take-Home Composition #4.

8 Due Tuesday: o Read Ch. 25 Verbs: Past Tense pp. 367-379 o Complete all practices, 25.1-25.8. o Take-home Composition #4 Rough Draft Due3 Copies (typed, double spaced) Due Thursday: o Read Ch. 22 Subject-Verb Agreement pp. 328-341 o Complete all practices, 22.1-22.10. o Take-home Composition #4 Final Draft Due (10% of your grade) o Visit English Writing Center (75 minutes LAB work)

WEEK 12 (April 29-May 5) Agenda: Argument. Adjectives and Adverbs. Practice Final Due Tuesday: o Read Ch. 13 Argument pp. 185-196 o Read handout about persuasive writing (appeals to logic, emotion, and credibility of the speaker). o Read Delusions of Grandeur Handout o Complete the questions on Delusions of Grandeur Handout Due Thursday: o Read Ch. 29 Adjectives and Adverbs pp. 431-445 o Complete all practices, 29.1-29.10. o Read All Men are Created Equal (Unless Youre Gay) p. 105 from Say the Word o Visit English Writing Center (75 minutes LAB work) WEEK 13 (May 6-12) Agenda: Persuasive Writing. Introduce In-class Composition #5: Problem-Solution. Punctuation and Spelling. Due Tuesday: o Read An Unequal Education by Jonathan Kozol (handout) o Visit English Writing Center (75 minutes LAB work) Due Thursday: o Read Ch. 31 Using Commas o Complete all practices from Ch. 31 WEEK 14 (May 13-19) Agenda: Prepare for Final Exam Due Tuesday: o Bring the final exam reading to class, annotated and highlighted. I WILL CHECK TO SEE THAT YOU HAVE DONE THIS FOR CREDIT. o Be prepared to answer questions about the final exam reading; we will go over essay exam strategies in class. o Be prepared to discuss the final reading in class (in groups).

9 Due Thursday: o Be prepared: departmental final exam is today! (15% of your grade) o Visit English Writing Center (75 minutes LAB work) WEEK 15 (May 20-26) Agenda: Prepare for In-Class Composition #5: Problem-Solution. Due Tuesday: o Read Cosby speech (handout) o A written response (1 paragraph) to the questions: (will be collected!) What solution does Cosby offer to the problem of low academic achievement for low-income and racial minority youth? How does his solution differ from Kozols and Gates? Which of these solutions do you find most persuasive and why? o In class: You will complete an outline for your problem-solution essay including intended audience

Due Thursday: o Be prepared: In-class Composition #5 is today. (Worth 10% of your grade) o Optional extra credit assignment is due by today o Visit English Writing Center (75 minutes LAB work) WEEK 16 (FINALS WEEK) (May 27-June 3) Last day of class: Thursday, May 30th I will be in our classroom from 12:30-2:30 pm. Stop by, turn in your Lab Checklist, and pick up your final graded assignments, and most importantly, say goodbye! There will be treats.

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