Low Oxalate Diet
Low Oxalate Diet
Low Oxalate Diet
FATS, NUTS, SEEDS nuts nut butters sesame seeds tahini soy nuts
DRINKS draft beer carrot juice brewed coffee cranberry juice grape juice Guinness draft beer Matetea tea orange juice rosehip tea tomato juice Twinings black currant tea
orange fresh peaches fresh pear pineapples purple and Damson plums prunes fresh strawberries
VEGETABLES artichoke asparagus broccoli brussel sprouts carrots (canned) corn fennel lettuce lima beans mustard greens onions parsnip canned peas tomato tomato soup turnips vegetable soup watercress
DAIRY yogurt
STARCH bagels brown rice cornmeal corn starch corn tortilla fig cookie oatmeal ravioli (no sauce) spaghetti in red sauce sponge cake cinnamon Poptart white bread
MISCELLANEOUS ginger malt potato chips (less than 3.5 oz) strawberry jam/preserves thyme
lemonade lemon juice limeade lime juice milk oolong tea pineapple juice wine DAIRY cheese buttermilk milk FATS, NUTS, SEEDS butter margarine mayonnaise salad dressing vegetable oil FRUIT avocados bananas cherries (bing and sour) grapefruit grapes (green and red) huckleberries kumquat litchi/lychee mangoes melons nectarines papaya
passion fruit canned peaches canned pears green and yellow plums raisins (1/4 cup) MEAT bacon beef corned beef fish (except sardines) ham lamb lean meats pork poultry shellfish STARCHES barley cereals (corn or rice) Cheerios chicken noodle soup egg noodles English muffin graham crackers macaroni pasta (plain) white rice wild rice VEGETABLES cabbage cauliflower chives
cucumber endive kohlrabi mushrooms peas radishes water chestnut CONDIMENTS basil cinnamon corn syrup Dijon mustard dill honey imitation vanilla extract jelly made from low oxalate fruits ketchup (1 Tbsp) maple syrup nutmeg oregano peppermint sage sugar vinegar white pepper MISCELLANEOUS gelatin (unflavored) hard candy Jell-O lemon balm lemon juice lime juice
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