Cash and Guns
Cash and Guns
Cash and Guns
Starters Guide
CA$HN GUN$ is a cheerful game, a party game where fun is guaranteed. Dont bother reading the rules for your first game! Read out loud this page and take the plunge!
part of the split. They have to take one Shame marker (round markers). The brave who stay in the game shout Cojones! or any other war cry that gives them courage! The ones who are aiming a player who is lying down, put their gun on table and discard their played bullet card face down. The ones still having their guns aiming a player reveal their Bullet card as follows 5/ Starting with the Bang! Bang! Bang! cards. A player touched by a Bang! Bang! Bang! discards his Bullet card (he is taken by surprise and cannot shoot back), pushes his character down and takes a Wound marker (tokens with a plaster). 6/ Now all the others reveal their card. If it is a Clic Clic Clic nothing happens. If it is a Bang! the aimed player pushes his character down and takes a Wound marker. Note that if several players shoot the same person, this one must take as many Wound markers as bullet received. The played Bullet cards are discarded. 7/ Once the shooting is over, the players still having their character standing take part of the split. The loot must be distributed in equal parts between all players. Note that you cant get change; nor from the bank (obviously, since it has been robbed), neither from the money collected in the previous rounds! It can therefore happen that part of the loot (maybe even all of it) is not shareable. Therefore, the less remaining players in the round, the more likely the loot can be split! Once the split is done, all the wounded or laid down players are back in the game and put up their character. And the next round begins: 5 new banknotes, Bullet cards, threatening, Cojones or not, shooting and split (see Quick Reference card). When a player gets his third Wound, he is out of the game killed in a hail of bullets! At the end of the 8th round, the players count their money. Note that for each Shame marker you loose $5,000. The richest player still alive wins the game!
We are Gangsters brought together to split the loot of our last robbery. Each player takes one of the large cardboards representing a character and places it in front of him. Put the banknotes face down on the centre of the table . To ease the negotiations, each gangster came with his gun , (each player receives a foam gun and the 8 Bullet cards related to his charac ter (1 Bang! Bang! Bang!, 2 Bang! and 5 Clic Clic Clic). The game is played in 8 rounds of sharing. During a round, each player plays one of his Bullet cards. Note that each card is played once and only once. The winner of the game is the richest player still alive after the 8th round.
1/ At the beginning of each round, one of the players takes 5 banknotes from the deck and places them face up on the table. 2 / Each player chooses one of his Bullet cards and places it face down beside his character. 3/ The godfather (the leader of game), i.e. me since Im reading this guide - will count up to 3. At 3, each player aims a player of his choice to gently convince him to give up his share! Ready 1, 2, 3 Now, its the time to show your most intimidating and threatening killer face! 4/ I will count again up to 3. At 3, each player must make a choice: lay down to avoid the bullets, or do nothing to prove that he has the guts! Ready 1, 2, 3 The cowards, who lay down, lay down their character face ahead, put their gun on table and discard their played bullet card face down. They are out of this round and do not take
Base game:
The Rules
A Ludovic Maublanc game for 4 to 6 players of 10 years and above.
In an abandoned warehouse a gangster band is splitting a loot but they cant get an agreement on the split. Its time to let the guns talk and soon everyone is aiming everyone
Base game 6 foam guns. 6 sets of 8 Bullet cards: there is a set for each player, each of them containing 5 Clic Clic Clic cards, 2 Bang! and 1 Bang! Bang! Bang!. 1 Quick Reference cards. 14 Wound markers. 14 Shame markers: these markers have two sides: a normal side and one with a flashing light used in the version with the undercover cop. 40 Banknotes: fifteen $5,000, fifteen $10,000 and ten $20,000 banknotes 6 Characters to be fixed on their bases to hold them upright. There are 2 bases per character. These rules. Advanced rules 10 Super Power cards. Alternative: A cop in the Mafia 3 Telephone switchboard cards: 2 Busy and 1 Reinforcements Sent. 6 Secret role cards: 5 Gangsters and 1 undercover cop. 1 Telephone card with a side telephone used.
In this version of the game, none of the Super Power, Secret Role and Telephone cards will be used. In addition there is no distinction between the 2 sides of the Shame markers. Each player takes a gun, his character and the 8 corresponding Bullet cards. Each player places his character standing in front of him. The banknotes are shuffled and piled up face down on the centre of the table. The Shame and Wound markers are put within reach. The most experienced person or the one knowing the game best takes the Quick Reference card: he will be the Godfather. He is in charge of the follow-up of the various phases and makes sure that the splits are correctly done.
The game
The game is played in 8 rounds. Each of them follows the same 7 phase pattern. The winner is the richest player still alive after the 8th round.
A round
Each round is divided into 7 phases.
Phase 1 -> 5 banknotes are revealed face up on the table. At the beginning of each round, 5 new banknotes are put face up on the center of the table. The non-distributed banknotes from previous rounds are kept on the table, which means that more than 5 banknotes can be available for a split. All players still alive are back in the game, and their characters are put back upright. Phase 2 -> Each player chooses one of his Bullet cards Each player chooses secretly one of his unused Bullet cards and puts it face down on the right hand side of his character. Note that all the cards will be used once and only once!
Phase 3 -> At 3, each player aims another one The Godfather (see setup) counts up to 3 At 3, all players must simultaneously aim another one with their weapon. If a player is too slow hesitating or trying to find out who is aiming who first - his bullet will be considered as lost. Phase 4 -> Cojones : players can withdraw Each player can decide to give up his share, lay down his gun and hide under the table. Once the negotiations and intimidations are finished, the Godfather counts again up to 3. At 3, all the players who wish to give up lay down their character face down and are out for this round. The others simultaneously shout Cojones or any other war cry to prove that they have the guts and that they do not fear bullets! Note: each player must decide to withdraw before knowing the reaction of the others. If he is too slow, he will be considered as remaining in the round. It is allowed to withdraw even if you are not aimed.
A player who withdraws, lays down his character, puts his gun on the table and discards his played Bullet card face down. The players who are aiming a player who is lying down, put their gun on table and discard their played bullet card face down. Indeed, a famous unwritten (well, we just wrote it down now) gangster rule is to never shoot a gangster who gives up his share.
Phase 6 -> Play Remaining Cards (Bang! and Clic Clic Clic). The standing players who did not shoot yet reveal their card. C If it is a Clic Clic Clic, nothing happens. There was no bullet in the gun. It was just a small threat between friends. No hard feelings! B If it is a Bang!, the aimed player takes a Wound marker and lays down his character. Like in phase 5, the shooting takes place simultaneously. Two gangsters who aimed each other with a Bang! will both be wounded. A player aimed by several cards takes a Wound marker for each Bang. Worse, a player wounded in phase 5 by a Bang! Bang! Bang! can still be wounded in phase 6. Only the gangsters who gave up their share in phase 4 are sure not to be wounded. The played cards are discarded. Phase 7 -> Split the loot Only the players whose character is still standing (i.e. those who did not give up their share in phase 4, and who were not wounded in phase 5 and 6) take part in the split. The loot must be distributed in equal parts between all remaining players.
The amount of money must be distributed in an absolutely equitable way. Note that you cant get change, you can only distribute the banknotes that are on the table. If there are several possible combinations, the largest banknotes should be handed out first. In fact, the less people are remaining for the split, the more they can get and the more likely a split is possible. It can indeed happen that, when too many players are still around, the loot cannot be shared and all the money remains on the table.
Phase 5 -> Bang! Bang! Bang! The players who still aim somebody and who played a Bang! Bang! Bang! card must reveal it now. The aimed player is wounded; he lays down his character, takes a Wound marker and discards his Bullet card face down. Surprised by this fast attack, it does not have the opportunity to shoot back. Note, all the Bang! Bang! Bang! are simultaneous. Two gangsters who aimed each other with a Bang! Bang! Bang! will both be wounded.
For example:: There are 5 banknotes on the table: 1 of 20,000$, 2 of 10,000$ a p and 2 of 5,000$. If there are 3 players remaining in this round, each of them will receive $10,000 (the first two a $10,000 banknote, the third one the two $5,000 banknotes. The $20,000 one cannot be handed out since it would lead to an unequal split and therefore remains on the table. If there are 5 players, no split is possible, since no change is allowed on the $20,000 banknote! They cannot get the expected $10,000 each and all 5 banknotes remain on the table.
received 3 Bullets in the same round! Be wounded 3 times, he is immediately out of the game The moral of the story is that it is wise to withdraw when dealing with trigger-happy people!
Once the split is done, banknotes which could not be handed out remain on the table. They will be part of the next loot with the 5 new banknotes that will be added in the next round.
Advanced Rules
The Super Powers
Now that you gained some experience from the previous robberies, you became stronger and got a Super Power but unfortunately, the others too
Add to the material used for the base game, the 10 Super Power cards. Its the same setup as for the base game. Just let each player draw one of the Super Power card, they keep secret for the moment. For your first game, just take the Super Power #1 to #6.
The game
You play the same way as in the base game. When you wish to use your super Power, tell it clearly and show your card. The game stops while you describe your power to the others, and you apply it.
5. The Insane: Its so funny, youve just found a grenade in your pocket. If somebody shoots at you after you have revealed it, your wound will hurt you so much that you let the grenade fall on the table, any anybody still standing upright will be wounded by its explosion. Reveal this card during one of the first 3 phases of a round. Show everybody that you are holding a grenade! At the end of the phase you got your next wound all the players still standing (i.e. who did not withdraw, or were not wounded yet) also take a wound marker. The round is over since everybody is lying under the table or wounded. You only have one grenade Tactical Advice Do not reveal your grenade too early Its more efficient when your opponents are already wounded, they are more likely not to shoot you! For example: During phase 1 Tino reveals that hes the insane guy who came with a grenade! Phase 3: Tino is aimed by Lotus and El Toro. Huggy aims Lotus. Phase 4: Mr. Black lays down fearing that the grenade will explode Phase 5: Lotus reveals her Bang! Bang! Bang! card, Tino is wounded, he takes a Wound marker and lays down his character. Its the end of phase 5. Since Tino is wounded, the grenade slips out of his hand and explodes, Lotus, El Toro and Huggy are wounded by the explosion because they are still standing. Mr. Black does not have anything because he is lying. The round is over: phase 6 and 7 (and 8 in the a cop in the Mafia version) are skipped. El Toro and Huggys cards are discarded and a new round begins. 6. The Kid: You can choose your target after all the other players.This card can be revealed in any round before phase 3. You can decide who to aim in phase 3 of this and any follow up rounds, after the others. The kid has to make his decision before The Cunning (if hes in the game). 7. The Cunning: You can choose your Bullet card at the end of phase 3 This card can be revealed in any round
before phase 3. You can choose your bullet card at the end of phase 3 when you see who is aiming who. The cunning waits until The Kids decision (if The Kid is in the game) before making his selection.
super coward, who adds $5,000 per shame marker). 6 Feet Under adds up $10,000 per character killed during the game. The winner is the richest player still alive.
8. Super Coward: At the end of the game, each Shame marker grants you $5,000. Reveal your Power at the end of the game and earn $5,000 per shame marker you collected! Tactical Advice: You cant win if you withdraw in all rounds, but you can lay down with no regrets when the loot is small! 9. The Specialist: You can use your Bang! Bang! Bang! card twice in the game. You must reveal this card at the end of the phase where you played your Bang! Bang! Bang! card. Take it back, and throw one of your unused Bullet cards instead. Of course you can only apply this once. Tactical Advice: you have one bullet more than all others, and its a Bang! Bang! Bang!! Use it to surprise your opponents when they expect it the less. 10. It does not even hurt!: You can take part of the split even if you withdrew or you were wounded in this round. You can use this power only once. You must reveal this card at the beginning of phase 7, before the loot is split. You put your character back upright and you take part of the split. Note: this power does not work during the round in which the grenade explodes.
Start with the standard setup. In addition to the base game, take the 3 Telephone Switchboard cards, the 6 Secret Role cards and the Telephone card. Note: It is also possible to play this game with the advanced rules by taking the Super Power cards. Then take as many Role cards as there are players, but the cop card must be included. Each player draws a card, looks at it and puts it face down under his character. It will only be revealed at the end of the game. Since there are as many cards as players, one of them is the cop! The Telephone card is placed at the centre of the table within reach. The 3 Telephone Switchboard cards are piled up, face down at the centre of the table. The Reinforcements Sent card (#3) must be placed at the bottom of the pile. The Shame markers are all are turned with the orange Coward side up
The Game:
The mission of the cop is to call for reinforcements before the end of the 6 th round and to remain alive to testify at the trial. If
the cop cant manage to call for reinforcements, he can only win if he is the only player still alive. If the cop does not win, then its the richest gangster still alive who wins the game. Note: in this alternative version, the gameplay is very different, since all players are forced to talk and negotiate to find out and kill the cop to avoid going to jail. In addition to the base game, there is a new phase at the end of the first 6 rounds: the telephone.
Phase 8 -> The Telephone: > Once the split done, the players who took part of it, will pass the Telephone card to each other. The Godfather or if hes not part of the split, his nearest neighbour takes the phone card with the Telephone not used side up and passes it under the table to the next player who was part of the split, and so on. While the card is passed from hand to hand under the table, the cop (and only him) can secretly turn the card to show that he has used the phone. Once the card reaches the last player in the round, it is put back on the table. If the upper side shows Telephone used it means that the cop has called the police. Note: only the cop is entitled to turn the card, and only if he wishes to!!!
of the 6th round, the latest; otherwise they wont have enough time to come! For example: We are in phase 8 of the second round. The split has been done between El Toro, Lotus and Mr. Black (their characters are still T standing). Tino and Huggy are lying. The godfather (Tino) takes the T Telephone card with the Telephone not used side up and gives it to El Toro. El Toro takes the card and hides it under the table. He is a gangster and passes it to Lotus. She is also a gangster and passes it to Mr. Black. He is the undercover cop. He decides to turn it to call the police. Since Mr Black was the last player who took part of the split, he puts the card back on the table and, surprise!, the phone has been used. The top card of the telephone switch board is turned and put beside the deck. You can feel the tension now and see suspicious looks. El Toro, Lotus and Mr. Black are trying to claim their innocence: but we now know that the cop is one of them. Good for Tino and Huggy: they were not part of the split and are cleared.
Telephone used:
If the telephone has been used, the first card of the telephone switchboard deck is put face up on the table. Once the third card is revealed, the police has been alerted and the reinforcements are on their way: If the cop remains alive until the end of the game, he wins! But, from that time on, he can only withdraw once from a round for the rest of the game. The Shame markers from the stock are now turned to show the flashing light. This will allow to easily identify who withdrew after the police has been called. Note: the number of times the cop withdrew before the reinforcements were on their way is not relevant. Reminder: the reinforcements must be on their way, at the end
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