Light Scattering MIT
Light Scattering MIT
Light Scattering MIT
1 1 Kc2 = + 2 A2 c2 + .... R( ) P( ) M w K = optical constants c2 = polymer concentration P( ) = particle scattering factor, known for various particle geometries 1 2 A2 = 2 = 2 nd virial coefficient 2 V1 R( ) = excess Raleigh ratio = Rsolution Rsolvent
Light X-ray Neutron
~ excess scattering intensity We will derive this. Note the nice set of variablesthat we would like to be able to determine
Scattering arises from ()2 polarizability fluctuations ()2 electron density variations (b)2 neutron scattering length variation
dp << radiation
Particles dp Incident radiation
Scattered Intensity at scattering angle to a detector r away from sample: 1+ I 8 ( cos ) = polarizability of molecule I = I0 = incident beam intensity r For N particles in total volume V (assume dilute, so no
4 2 0 2 4 2
coherent scattering)
I' =
N = 1 + 4 V
n gas
dn 1+ c dc
dn n n0 + c2 dc 2
2 n 2 n0 + 2 n0
dn c2 dc 2
1+ I 0 2 2 ( cos 2 ) dn 2 2 ' I = c 4 2 r (N /V ) dc
and since
N c = V M / N AV
This expression contains several parameters dependent on scattering geometry, so we define Rayleigh Ratio, R as
which equals
dn 2 2 M c dc R= 4 N AV
dn 2 2 dc K 4 N AV
Or just
R = KMc
Note, for polymer-solvent solution:
2 dn 2 2 n 0 dc 2 K 4 N AV
Rayleigh measured the molecular weight of gas molecules using light scattering!
Debye: Re-identify fluctuations as chains in a solvent and extend Rayleighs idea to polymers in solution
pure solvent
Now for polymer coils: ~ dp Recognize 4 features in a binary component system: 1. Each cell has on average, the same number of solvent molecules but there are variations. Fluctuations in solvent density will give rise to some (weak) scattering (subtract off pure solvent scattering). 2. Fluctuations in the number of solute molecules (chains) will give rise to significant scattering 3. Fluctuations in the concentration of solute create osmotic forces 4. Polymer chains are large and cannot treat them as point scatterers P() 1
(c )
Feature 3. A local osmotic pressure will arise due to local concentration differences, this effect acts to suppress solute concentration fluctuations. Note in the gas-vacuum system, such an effect is not present. 1 ( ) 1 2 = RT + c 2 + L 2 V1 2 c2 M 1 = RT + 2A 2c 2 + L c 2 M
RTc2 VN AV ( /c2 )
Feature 3 contd
2 2 dn 2 n 0 dc c 2 2 2
R solution R solvent =
1 N AV + 2A 2c 2 + L M
Polymer in solution
1 R = Kc 2 1 + 2A c + L 2 2 M
Gas in vacuum
2 dn 2 M c dc R= 4 N AV 2
similar to the Rayleigh scattering for gases but with a new term depending A2
depending on molecular weight of polymer Therefore need to consider self-interference of monomers in polymer coil on scattered intensity
(Debye, 1939)
4 n 0 2 u = sin Rg 2
q = scattering vector,
u = q 2 Rg
P( => 0) = 1
P ( )
Equation is valid for dilute solutions and scattering angles such that
u1/ 2 << 1
Next: how to plot scattered intensity vs. c2 and versus q2 to extract M and A2
Collect Scattered Intensity at typically 8 angles: = 30, 37.5, 40, 60, 75, 90, 105, 120 Measure R typically for 5 solute concentrations:
c2 , c2 , c2 , c2 , c2 Scattering Measurements: 1 2 3 4 5 1. Pure (no dust!) solvent Rsolvent 2. Polymer solutions [c2,i , I(i)] Rpolymer 3. Construct Zimm Plot
R = Rpolymer-Rsolvent
Kc2 R
Zimms cool idea was to plot y(p,q) vs (p+q) to separate out dependence on each variable: called Zimm plot
do double extrapolation:
0o c2 0
Kc2 R(i , ci )
Mole/gram Units
an g small
sin2(/2) + k c2
dimensionless axis
Zimm Plot
Kc2 R ( i , ci )
30o 2 x 10-3 1.5 x 10-3 3.18 2.73 2.29 2.10 1.92 37.5o 3.26 2.76 2.33 2.14 1.95 45o 3.25 2.81 2.37 2.17 1.98 60o 3.45 2.94 2.53 2.32 2.16
75o 3.56 3.08 2.66 2.47 2.33 90o 3.72 3.27 2.85 2.64 2.51 105o 3.78 3.4 2.96 2.79 2.66 120o 4.01 3.57 3.12 2.93 2.79 135o 4.16 3.72 3.29 3.10 2.96 142.5o 4.21 3.75 3.38 3.21 3.11 150o 4.22 3.78 3.37 3.2 3.12
dn 2 2 2 2 n 0 dc K= 4 N AV n 0 = 1.5014 dn = 0.106 cm 3 g1 dc
For c2 = 0.002, = 30
Kc2 = 3.18 R( i , ci )
= 5.461x105 cm
N AV = 6.02 x1023 mole1
( .267, 3.18)
Kc2 R
Image removed due to copyright restrictions. Please see, for example,, from
These points are determined by extrapolating the equations of each regression line
y-axis: x-axis:
Kc2 = 3.18 R
x = 0.067
Image removed due to copyright restrictions. Please see, for example,, from
Mw , A2
Kc2 R
Image removed due to copyright restrictions. Please see, for example,, from
An example:
) ( 1+
The intercept occurs at a y-value ( R2) of 1.36 x 10-6 mole/g. Hence, Mw = 0 7.35 x 105 g/mole. Now, consider the c2= 0 line. Where c2 = 0, Kc2 R0 = 1 ( 1+ Mw 1 ( Mw
0.1375 1.25
KC2/DR x 10
< s2>z )
c2= 0 line
0.55 0.4315 100c2 + Sin2 2 0.5
slope =
From intercept,
slope =
= x
M w = 735,000 g/mol
<s2>z =
= 2.33 x 10-11cm2
Figure by MIT OCW.
< r6 s> =
= 6 < Rg >
Pretty big molecules!
2 1/ 2
slope = 2 A2 The density of polystyrene (2) is 1.05g/cm3. The molar volume of benzene V1 = MW/1. The molecular weight of benzene is 78.11 g/mole and its density is 0.8787g/cm3 (from CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics).
from the Zimm plot
3 1.25 x106 mole /g 4 mole cm = 9.09x10 = 2 A2 slope = g2 0.1375 x102 g /cm 3
A 2 = 4.55x10
mole cm 3 g2
A2, Rg and M w
(ii) The relationship between A2 and is given by:
1 = A 2 V1 2 2 2
= 0.455
(So, of course, the polymer solution used for light scattering will be a single phase since < 1/2 for miscibility of solvent and polymer).
Noncrystalline Materials
The structure of noncrystalline materials (i.e. polymer glasses, amorphous polymer melts) is characterized by short range order (SRO) SRO develops due to excluded volume and locally dense packing (glasses ~ are only 10% less dense than crystals) Pair distribution function g(r) is a dimensionless function used to quantify SRO. In polymers SRO is primarily due to covalent intra-molecular bonds and neighboring intermolecular packing. Properties of noncrystalline polymers are heavily influenced by * , the characteristic relaxation time relative to an experimental observation time, t. liquid (melt) t * rubbery t * *(T) ? t * glassy
C1 C2 C1 C3 C1 C4
C1 C1 ~ 5
Typical X-ray signature of noncrystalline materials broad overlapping peaks from multiple distances:
Figure by MIT OCW.
The Pair Distribution Function g(r) addresses the distances between the centers of mass of pairs of units. Since glasses and liquids are isotropic, the magnitude of the inter-unit distance is of interest. The scalar distance rij between molecule i and molecule j is: rij = ri - rj
g(r) contd
rij = ri - rj Characterize the set of distances {rij} from an average unit i to every other unit j =1 .. N. g(r) counts the number of units dn in a small spherical shell sampling volume element of size dv at each distance r from a reference unit, dv = 4r2dr The statistical average of these numbers for many units chosen as the reference is divided by the Figure showing the pair-distribution functions for gas, liquid or glass, and average unit density monatomic crystal removed due to copyright restrictions.
See Figure 2.5 in Allen, S. M., and E.L. Thomas. The Structure of Materials. New York, NY: J. Wiley & Sons, 1999.
1 dn (r , r + dr ) g (r ) = dv (r , r + dr )
Due to excluded volume, g(r) = 0 for distances less than 2Ro Liquids and glasses are strongly correlated at the shortest distance between 2 units, the maximum occurs at slightly > 2Ro, this largest peak is the average distance to the first shell to the nearest-neighbor unit. C1 C2 C1 C2 g(r)intra C3 g(r)inter Superposed correlations