Import Only War Mechanics To Dark Heresy
Import Only War Mechanics To Dark Heresy
Import Only War Mechanics To Dark Heresy
The emphasis of Plushys laudable conversion efforts is on importing DH characters into Only War. The purpose of this adaptation is different: to import the character advancement mechanics from Only War into Dark Heresy (eliminating 50 pages of class advancement tables), and also to achieve a rough equivalency between the classes of Only War that show major disparities in comparison to each other. This conversion document is premised upon two positions: First, that there is major disparity between the costs of advancement for different classes within Only War, and Second, between the same classes in Only War and in Dark Heresy. As always, criticism improves a work, so it is always welcome.
STORMTROOPER Simple Intermediate Weapon Skill 250 500 Ballistic Skill 100 250 Strength Toughness Agility Intelligence Perception Willpower Fellowship 250 250 100 500 250 500 500 500 500 250 750 500 750 750
Trained Expert 750 1000 500 750 750 750 500 1000 750 1000 1000 1000 1000 750 2500 1000 2500 2500
Here we see the Stormtrooper has 2 simple characteristic advances costing 100, while the Operator has 0. Furthermore, wise choice of redundant Characteristic Aptitudes during character creation enables the Stormtrooper to acquire 4 different Simple characteristic advances for 100 XP, while, even with intelligent choices, the Operator will, at best, have only 1 Characteristic Simple Advance at 100 XP (Perception). Furthermore, by choosing Intelligence as one of his extra Aptitudes, the Stormtrooper will be able to Operate and Navigate any vehicle as well as an Operator. At this point, Tech and a 300 starting XP
difference is intended to serve as inducement to select the Operator class. The problem with this reasoning is that the Tech Aptitude applies to only 2 skills and 11 talents (and 0 Characteristics). Even then, 7 of those 11 talents are useless without Mechanicus Implants, meaning: its really 4 talents and 2 skills. So our Stormtrooper starts out with Tech-Use from Siege Infantry, and now has one matching Aptitude for all Tech based talents and skills except Orthoproxy. The result is a character that pays slightly more for a few Tech talents and skills, and is superior to the Operator in every other way, from starting equipment and Wounds to Characteristic increase costs. Adding insult to injury, the Stormtrooper has lower XP costs for raising the primary Characteristic for Operators (Agility), than an Operator does. The upshot: the Stormtrooper is a better Operator than the Operator is. And the same is true of the Medic; just substitute Knowledge for Tech (though the array of possible Forbidden and Scholastic Lores is greater than Tech skills). Aside from the Lores, the best argument in favor of the medic is probably the Mastery talent, but even that is just 200 XP per instance more than the Medic's cost for our Intelligent Stormtrooper. If the Stormtrooper spends his starting 300 XP on: Medicae, Navigate (Surface), Operate (Surface) and starts with Tech-Use as described above, the result is a Stormtrooper who is simultaneously a decent field medic, and pilots as well as an Operator, while possessing a formidable offense neither of the other two classes can even hope to challenge. The next 400 XP earned will be spent on Trade (Chymistry), C.L. (Tech), and S.L. (Chymistry), which will complete the starting packages for the Medic and Operator. Meanwhile, the armor, Wounds, weapons and offensive abilities of the Stormtrooper assure that the character will live long enough to learn them. This massive imbalance is no doubt a large part of the reason there is a massive preference in the community for the Stormtrooper class: its just plain better. So this clearly demonstrates the disparity between some different core classes in Only War.
Intermediate 250 500 100 250 250 250 250 250 250 100 100 500 500 500 500 500 250 250
Trained Expert 750 1000 500 750 750 750 750 750 750 500 500 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 750 750
The difference is massive and obvious. The Cleric has 3 simple advances at 100 XP, while the Ministrorum Priest has only 1. Likewise, the Ministrorum Priest has 2 Simple advances at 500 XP, while the Cleric has 0. Now, I can already hear you saying, "Well, the Dark Heresy Cleric is broken". OK, lets look at another example then: the Tech-Priest Enginseer. TECH-PRIEST ENGINSEER (assuming 2 redundant primary Aptitudes, assigned to Agility and Perception) Simple Intermediate Trained Expert Weapon Skill 250 500 750 1000 Ballistic Skill 250 500 750 1000 Strength Toughness Agility Intelligence 250 250 250 100 500 500 500 250 750 750 750 500 1000 1000 1000 750
Perception Willpower Fellowship ...Versus... TECH-PRIEST Weapon Skill Ballistic Skill Strength Toughness Agility Intelligence Perception Willpower Fellowship
Simple Intermediate 250 500 250 500 500 100 500 100 250 100 N/A 750 250 750 250 500 250 N/A
Trained Expert 750 1000 750 1000 1000 500 1000 500 750 500 N/A 2500 750 2500 750 1000 750 N/A
We see the Enginseer has a single Characteristic with a simple advance cost of 100 XP, while the Tech Priest has 3. More strangely, the Enginseer can end up with ALL primary Aptitudes (Characteristics) but one (including Fellowship), making him like the Cleric of Dark Heresy: someone who is pretty good at everything. Even stranger still, the Enginseer ends up rather poor at operating vehicles and Navigation, which is especially odd when you consider that the Tech-priest was one of the best at it in Dark Heresy (not to mention that it fits with the nature of the class). In addition to these basic class problems, there are a multitude of problems with examples like Strong-Minded being cheaper/easier to access for Heavy Gunners and Ogryns (with the WP Aptitude) than for a Psyker. And Tech-Priests and Psykers who are inferior to a Stormtrooper at Medicae (if the ST has the Intelligence Aptitude). The list goes on. These are some of the disparities and absurdities these conversion notes are intended to address. As a result of these conversions, several classes (particularly the weakest) vanish: the Medic and Operator are subsumed into the Dark Heresy Adept; meanwhile, the Assassin is considered an option of the Stormtrooper class. Likewise, the Dark Heresy Guardsman is gone, replaced by options including Specialist, Ogryn, Ratling, and Commissar. Those looking for the Sergeant should be directed to the Cleric, the Commissar, or the Stormtrooper (Officer branch). In some cases (such as the Commissar), the Only War basic class has been beefed up slightly, to make up for its blatant inferiority to other classes, yet still keep it in the game. In several other cases, the proper choice in the event of a redundant Aptitude (see Aptitudes, page 100 of Only War) will end up with a Characteristic advance scheme that exactly matches that given for the class in the Dark Heresy core rulebook. Generally, with a single primary Aptitude choice, any class listed both here and in the DH core can exactly match the Characteristic advance scheme with that given in the DH core. A second such choice will apply a slightly superior Characteristic advance scheme to that given in the DH core. In no case was any class made weaker, whether from Dark Heresy or Only War. This is not true for the Cleric. Many regard that DH class as broken (and with the Only War advancement scheme, that may well be true). However, if the GM wishes to restore the DH Cleric Characteristic advance scheme, that can be accomplished by adding the Perception, Strength, and Intelligence or Toughness primary Aptitudes (whichever of the two is missing, based on player choice). Keep in mind, the PC may have the option of choosing two of these anyway, so assuming restoring the Characteristic advance scheme from the DH core is a priority, the most of these Aptitudes that can be recommended would be any one of them. With this, and two additional choices during character creation
by the player, the character can have a Characteristic advance scheme that exactly matches that of the Cleric in the DH core, giving it the best Characteristic advance scheme in the game. To the meat of the document then:
All characters start with the Linguistics (Low Gothic) skill and the Weapon Training (Melee Primitive) and (Low-Tech) talents. A characteristic Aptitude of [Psyker] indicates the Character is considered to have the Psyker secondary Aptitude for purposes of Willpower Characteristic advances ONLY, not skills, talents nor traits. ADEPT (Medic, Operator) Characteristic Aptitudes: Intelligence, Willpower, and Perception Secondary Aptitudes: Fieldcraft, Finesse, Tech, and Knowledge Starting Wounds: 7 Starting Skills: Literacy, Trade (Copyist) or (Valet), C.L. (Imperium), C.L. (Tech) or S.L. (Chymistry) or (Legend), Tech-Use or Medicae Starting Talents: Cold-Hearted or Jaded or Technical Knock, Light Sleeper or Resist (Cold), Sprint or Unremarkable, Weapon Training (Las) or (SP) Characteristic Bonus: +5 Intelligence Traits or Special: Discretionary at Creation: 300 XP (available to starting Medic or Operator) Starting Equipment: As DH Adept or Medic or Operator DH Delta: +400 Options: @ 4000 XP Choose: [Leadership or Psyker] Title: [Logister or Magister] ARBITRATOR/ENFORCER Characteristic Aptitudes: BS, Toughness, Intelligence, and Willpower Secondary Aptitudes: Fieldcraft, Offence, Defense, Social Starting Wounds: 9 Starting Skills: Literacy, C.L. (Adeptus Arbites) and (Imperium), Inquiry, Operate (G.V.) Starting Talents: Weapon Training (SP), Quick Draw, Rapid Reload Characteristic Bonus: +5 Toughness Traits or Special: Discretionary at Creation: 300 XP DH Delta: +400 Options: @ 0 XP Choose: [Knowledge or Leadership +Tech] Title: [Justicar or Lord Marshall] CLERIC (Ministrorum Priest) Characteristic Aptitudes: BS, WS, Willpower, Fellowship, and [Psyker] Secondary Aptitudes: Finesse, Social, and Leadership Starting Wounds: 9 Starting Skills: Charm or Inquiry, C.L. and S.L. (Imperial Creed), F.L. (Heresy), Literacy, Perform (Sing) or Trade (Copyist) Starting Talents: Hatred (Any), Unshakeable Faith, Weapon Training (Las) or (SP), and (Chain) and (Flame) Characteristic Bonus: +5 Fellowship Traits or Special: Access to Pure Faith talents Discretionary at Creation: 300 XP DH Delta: +700 XP Options: @ 0 XP Choose: [Toughness or Intelligence] & & [Defense or Knowledge] Title: [Redemptionist or Hierophant]
During creation, the Cleric has the option of choosing either Toughness plus Defense (making them a Redemptionist), or Intelligence and Knowledge (making them a Hierophant). These are package deals, with the accompanying title. They cannot be mixed into Toughness + Knowledge, for example. COMMISSAR Characteristic Aptitudes: WS, BS, Strength, Toughness, Perception, and Willpower Secondary Aptitudes: Offense, Defense, Leadership, (Social)* Starting Wounds: 11 Starting Skills: Command or Intimidate, Commerce, C.L. (Imperial Guard), S.L. (Tactica Imperialis) Starting Talents: Air of Authority, Cold Hearted or Unshakeable Faith, Weapon Training (Las) or (SP), and (Bolt) and (Chain) Characteristic Bonus: +5 Fellowship Traits or Special: Discretionary at Creation: 300 XP * Commissars are considered to have the Social secondary Aptitude for purposes of only the Hatred talent, and the Intimidate and Inquiry skills. Additionally, for the purposes of advancing the Commerce skill, the Commissar is considered to have both matching Aptitudes. OGRYN Characteristic Aptitudes: WS, BS, Strength, Toughness, and Fellowship Secondary Aptitudes: Offense, Defense Starting Wounds: 25 Starting Skills: Intimidate or Survival Starting Talents: Die Hard, Iron Jaw, Weapon Training (Heavy) and (SP) Characteristic Bonus: +10 Strength, +10 Toughness, -10 Agility, -15 Intelligence Traits or Special: Auto-Stabilized, But It Dark In Dere, Clumsy, Size (Hulking), Sturdy, Unnatural Strength +2 and Unnatural Toughness +2 Discretionary at Creation: 300 XP RATLING Characteristic Aptitudes: BS, Agility, Perception, and choice of Intelligence or Fellowship Secondary Aptitudes: Fieldcraft, Finesse, Social, Tech [and Defense]** Starting Wounds: 6 Starting Skills: Awareness or Stealth, Deceive, Trade (Cook) Starting Talents: Deadeye Shot, Heightened Senses (Sight or Smell or Taste), Weapon Training (Las) and (SP) Characteristic Bonus: +10 Perception, +10 Fellowship, -10 Toughness Traits or Special: Size (Weedy) Discretionary at Creation: 300 XP ** Ratlings are considered to have the Defense Aptitude, but only for purposes of skills and talents with a matching primary Aptitude of Weapon Skill or Agility. SANCTIONED PSYKER (Imperial, etc.) Characteristic Aptitudes: BS, Perception, Intelligence, and Willpower Secondary Aptitudes: Fieldcraft, Defense, Knowledge, and Psyker Starting Wounds: 8 Starting Skills: C.L. (Adeptus Astra Telepathica), F.L. (Psykers), (Invocation,) Literacy, Psyniscience, Trade (Merchant) or (Soothsayer) Starting Talents: Heightened Senses (Hearing), Weapon Training (Las) or (SP) Characteristic Bonus: +5 Willpower Traits or Special: Psyker trait Discretionary at Creation: 300 XP, and 400 XP of Psychic Powers DH Delta: +400 Options: @ 0 XP Choose: [Tech or Social & Leadership] Title: [Scholar or Savant]
SCUM Characteristic Aptitudes: WS, BS, Agility, Intelligence, and Fellowship Secondary Aptitudes: Fieldcraft, Finesse, and Social Starting Wounds: 8 Starting Skills: Awareness, Barter, Blather, Charm, C.L. (Imperial Guard) and (Imperium), Deceive, Dodge, Inquiry Starting Talents: Ambidextrous, Unremarkable, Weapon Training (SP) Characteristic Bonus: +5 Agility or Perception Traits or Special: Discretionary at Creation: 300 DH Delta: +500 SPECIALIST Characteristic Aptitudes: WS, BS, and Fellowship Secondary Aptitudes: Finesse, Offense, and Defense Starting Wounds: 10 Starting Skills: Athletics, C.L. (Imperial Guard) and (War), Intimidate, Literacy, Navigate (Surface) Starting Talents: Iron Jaw or Lasgun barrage or Rapid Reload, Weapon Training (Las) and (SP) and (Heavy) plus one of choice (except exotic) Characteristic Bonus: +5 WS or BS or Toughness Traits or Special: Discretionary at Creation: 300 XP DH Delta: +600 (compared to starting Guardsman) STORMTROOPER (Weapon Specialist, Heavy Gunner) Characteristic Aptitudes: BS, Toughness, and Agility Secondary Aptitudes: Fieldcraft, Offense, and Finesse Starting Wounds: 12 Starting Skills: Awareness, Dodge, Intimidate or Security, Parry, Stealth, S.L. (Tactica Imperialis) Starting Talents: Ambidextrous or Unremarkable, Quick Draw or Rapid Reload, Takedown, Weapon Training (Las) and (SP) Characteristic Bonus: +5 Toughness Traits or Special: Discretionary at Creation: 300 DH Delta: +800 (compared to starting Assassin) Options: @ 0 XP Choose: [Officer or Assassin] [Leadership or Tech] TECH-PRIEST (Enginseer) Characteristic Aptitudes: WS, BS, Intelligence, Willpower, and [Psyker] Secondary Aptitudes: Fieldcraft, Defense, Knowledge, and Tech Starting Wounds: 8 Starting Skills: C.L. (Tech), C.L. and F.L. (Adeptus Mechanicus), F.L. (Archeotech), Literacy, Logic, Secret Tongue (Tech), Tech-Use Starting Talents: Cold-Hearted or Technical Knock, Electro-Graft Use, Weapon Training (Las) and (SP) and (Power) Characteristic Bonus: +5 Intelligence Traits or Special: Discretionary at Creation: 300 DH Delta: +700 Options: @ 0 XP Choose: [Strength + Leadership and/or Perception]*** Title(s): [Omniprophet and/or Magos]
*** For the purposes of choosing redundant primary Aptitudes, only one or both of these are permitted choices. Choosing Strength also brings the secondary Aptitude Leadership with it. [Psyk] - This indicates the Character is considered to have the Psyker secondary Aptitude for purposes of advancing the Willpower Characteristic only, not skills, talents or traits. Remember, all characters start with the Linguistics (Low Gothic) skill and the Weapon Training (Melee Primitive) and (Low-Tech) talents.
DH Delta: Some of the classes listed have a DH Delta value. This is shorthand for: XP difference compared to Dark Heresy. This is a value given only for characters originating with or having an equivalent Dark Heresy class. This value shows how many additional XP are needed to advance a core starting DH character to be the equivalent of this conversion of the character. Generally, these changes are intended to make the DH version and the Only War version of a character type match more closely. Keep in mind that the DH core character has 400 discretionary XP, while the Only War versions have 300. However, for the purposes of the DH Delta value, discretionary XP are ignored (regardless of version of the class). Thus, for this Cleric versus the DH core Cleric, this conversion of the character receives the additional skills Charm or Inquiry, S.L. (Imperial Creed), and Forbidden Lore (Heresy), while losing 100 XP in the form of Trade (Cook) or (Valet). For skills, this conversion has a net +200 XP. Looking at Talents, this conversion gains Hatred (any) and Unshakeable Faith, as well as Weapon Training (Flame) and (Chain), for another +400. The final element is the +5 Fellowship, which costs another 100 XP. So the Cleric has gained a net 700 XP. This comparison is done for the Guardsman via the Specialist, and the Assassin via the Stormtrooper. An Additional note for this comparison, some of the values assigned to Weapon Training may differ from yours. The reason for this is the basic limitation of the number of weapons that can be used at any one time. For example, lets assume a character has WT(Las) and (SP). This means he can use Pistol (SP), Basic (SP), Pistol (Las) and Rifle (Las). However, at most, this character can use 2 of these. Assuming he is using a Sniper Rifle or Long Las for the range it affords (and thus not using a Pistol/Extra Grip), he can use one weapon at most. Additionally, characters tend to choose two or three weapons, and use those to the exclusion of nearly all else. Thus, a character may well never use a Basic SP weapon in his entire career, despite possessing talent with it from the beginning of the first session. So although the character technically has that proficiency, its practical value was 0 XP, because it was never used. To a certain degree, some skills were folded into other skills. This has the effect of increasing value of certain skills while others remain the same, when compared to the Dark Heresy skill. Thus, because Medicae now covers DH Medicae and Chem-Use, the Medicae skill in Only War is worth 200 Dark Heresy XP, while DH Medicae is worth only 100 DH XP. Generally, these differences ARE incorporated into the actual DH value given. A final note, regarding the valuation of the characteristic advance. Strictly speaking, these advances are valued at the cost given in the DH core for the class. However, the value of this single advance increases as the character raises that Characteristic. For example, looking at the Cleric again, a 100 XP valuation is assigned to the starting Characteristic Bonus. However, lets say the Cleric and Ministrorum Priest both increase their Fell to +10 from that rolled, then +15, then +20. From the original rolled value, the starting +5 Fellowship Characteristic advance is worth (100 + 250) - (0 + 100) or 250 XP at +10 to Fellowship; at +15 (100 + 250 + 500) - (0 + 100 + 250) its worth 500 XP; and at +20 its worth 750 XP (100 + 250 + 500 +750) - (0 + 100 + 250 + 500). In other words, the XP value of that starting Characteristic Bonus changes (increases) as the character spends XP to raise the attribute. So the value of the +5 Characteristic Bonus to starting Fellowship is +100 XP to a starting Cleric, but is worth +750 XP after the Cleric purchases 3 advances in the attribute. Because the free advance must be used by the character long enough to actually purchase the
three additional advances, the minimum value of the advance is assigned here. If the character is never played to an advanced point, whether due to character death or end of the campaign, the free advance is never actually worth that maximum value. Generally, starting Only War characters are roughly approximated to Dark Heresy characters, with an additional +2000 XP spent. Above, they are presented as having considerably less XP. The differences in valuing Weapon Training and the Bonus Characteristic advance are major reasons for that. Some may be unhappy with the DH Delta value for some classes; it really isn't important over time. Ultimately, it is the experience cost of advances (determined by Aptitudes) that determine what a character looks like. There is also the matter of Homeworld and Regiment origins. The homeworlds offered in Only War are slightly better than in Dark Heresy, usually a matter of about 200 XP. The Regiment is where the larger difference comes in, but even then, these conversions are written with the assumption that one of the three Regiment doctrines is chosen specifically to match the Only War conversion to the matching Dark Heresy Characteristic advancement table. The value of the two other doctrines will depend on what is selected, and the character class/specialty. However, this tends to be less important than it appears, because the entire group must agree on them, and as a result, there is inevitably horse trading, resulting in a suboptimal outcome for most characters. For those who feel these class templates are too generous to DH characters, it remains your campaign obviously, but keep a few things in mind. First, the minimum cost for a talent in Dark Heresy is 100 XP each; in Only War, it is 200 XP each. Roughly half of all Talents in Dark Heresy cost 100 XP. Next, the minimum cost for purchasing a skill from nothing to +20 in DH is 300 XP; in Only War, it is double that, at 600 XP. In fact, if a DH class grants access to a skill at +20, in nearly every case, all three advances cost a total of 300 XP. When considered against this backdrop, the starting XP differences are not nearly so salient; this is especially true since the trade off is the dubious benefit of access to advances not in their area of primary focus. Starting equipment is assumed to be as directed in the Only War core rulebook, subject to GM adjudication as usual.
Stat 7 500 750 1000 2500 Stat 8 500 750 1000 2500 Stat 9 500 750 1000 2500 With another Characteristic Aptitude matching one of Stats 3-6, a Characteristic Advance table identical to the default table of Dark Heresy is made. (i.e. Simple Advances 3 x 100, 3 x 250, 3 x 500). 2) and to preserve and reinforce the role of the class. This includes making the Tech Priest proficient at Vehicle operation, the Psyker effective at Mental defense, make the Cleric effective with at least one type of weapon (ranged), etc. In general, the main Aptitudes awarded were Defense and Fieldcraft (due to the massive and diverse number of skills and Talents tied to it).
3) A tertiary consideration was (with the assumption of 2 choices of Characteristic Aptitudes by the player) trying to present an array of interesting options, without permitting any class to get everything it might want. 4) A quaternary consideration was preserving the branching choices in character classes of Dark Heresy (i.e. for Adept, the Logister branch versus the Magister branch, etc.).