TN 015 Overrides 15

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Technical Note: 015

Newcastle Chambers Of Engineering Tel: 0191 285 4141 TECHNICAL AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES SAFETY CRITICAL SYSTEMS Page

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Overview and Guidance on the Management of Overrides

This NCOE technical note highlights the importance of the management of overrides and provides an overview and guidance on the aspects of override control. Override control is an area of Safety Management which is an area which does not have the management controls and rigour as other areas of Safety Management. This may be due to the lack of publications and HSE guidance in this area. Similarly from an audit perspective, the management and recording of overrides can be subjective if the appropriate processes are not followed The UK Health & Safety Executives Hazardous Installations Directive states: Logic systems are likely to incorporate provisions for overrides, for which there should be suitable management control arrangements. Procedures should be available which detail the operation of the protective system including, Override management (authorisation, security, recording, monitoring and review of overrides, reset requirements). This technical note details: What can go wrong with lost focus on Overrides Acumen Override Management Software Tool Definition of an Override Categorisation of Overrides Risk Assessment Start-up Overrides Overrides on Isolated / Non-Operational Plant Verification of Plant Overrides Time Duration of Overrides Records Auditing

Technical Note: 015

Newcastle Chambers Of Engineering Tel: 0191 285 4141 TECHNICAL AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES SAFETY CRITICAL SYSTEMS Page

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What can go wrong with lost focus on Overrides

There have been a number of disastrous events within the last decade associated with plants and automated controlled systems, events where instrumented or controlled systems have been a contributing factor. The poor and/or mis-management of system overrides where a contributing factor to the initiation and resulting consequences of some these events, to name a few examples :

Bhopal Accident 1984 (500,000 casualties): The flare tower designed to burn off MIC (Methyl IsoCyanate) was inhibited and removed from service. This unit could have safely disposed of the toxic gases. The gas scrubber was bypassed and isolated for maintenance. This unit could have neutralised the escaping MIC. The emergency sirens had been overridden. Providing no warning to the people surrounding the plant. Chernobyl 1986 (53 direct casualties, indirect casualties mainly children) Safety systems were overridden to prevent the reactor from tripping at low power.

Piper Alpha 1988 (167 casualties) The automatic activation of deluge sea pumps were overridden. The deluge may have delayed and possibly prevented the second devastating gas explosion.

Technical Note: 015

Newcastle Chambers Of Engineering Tel: 0191 285 4141 TECHNICAL AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES SAFETY CRITICAL SYSTEMS Page

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These events highlight the importance of not losing focus of live plant overrides, and also the requirement of understanding the hazards and consequences of overrides on plant items either for routine maintenance or as a result of equipment failure or malfunction to maintain production. Many assets still use paper log books or home made spreadsheets or databases as logs for overrides, which are not truly in alignment with the rigour and auditable trail of other mandatory Safety Management Practices.

Acumen Override Management Software Tool

Northern Offshore Federation Acumen Winner of 2006 Innovation Award As part of the safety management services offered by NCOE, the software tool named Acumen which harnesses the latest technology and robust proven software, has been developed to replace current out of date log books. The aim of the Acumen System Override Logbook is: create a step change in industry in the management and monitoring of overrides, on a parallel with the changes implemented in the management of electrical/electronic/programmable safety systems.

The objectives of the Acumen system logbook are : Simplify the monitoring of plant overrides Simple Navigation via web browser Remote access potential to log book from any location worldwide and from any number of users Unqiue User login Automatic Audit trail Perform Analysis and run reports Operational improvements for the Site Personnel Enhance visibility for Engineers & Management Compliant to HSE requirements Easy to install and administrate

Technical Note: 015

Newcastle Chambers Of Engineering Tel: 0191 285 4141 TECHNICAL AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES SAFETY CRITICAL SYSTEMS Page

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Technical Note: 015

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Overview and Guidance in the Management of Overrides

This section of the technical note presents an overview and guidance in the operational practices used to control overrides that are applied to : process control, protective systems, Fire & Gas (F&G), logic systems, emergency shutdown (ESD), High Integrity Pressure Protective System (HIPPS) and the end elements including valves and electrical interface equipment.

Definition of an Override
Many definitions of an override exist, some industries may refer to overrides as bypasses and/or inhibits. For the purpose of this technical note the following definition shall be used throughout : An override is any arrangement that interrupts a device or system from performing its function This includes: Purposely designed override switches (key switches, Human Machine Interface buttons.) Forced software values Temporary wired links Blocking the view of line of sight devices Valve jammers Equipment out of service Does not include: Process controllers being put into manual (though it is important that such action is taken only after consultation with the override log.)

Technical Note: 015

Newcastle Chambers Of Engineering Tel: 0191 285 4141 TECHNICAL AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES SAFETY CRITICAL SYSTEMS Page

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Categorisation of Overrides
Plant overrides shall fall into two categories: i. Integrity rated overrides ii. Non-integrity rated overrides It is important to minimise the number of categories to simplify the process. Integrity rated overrides This includes all instrument loops that have a Integrity Level (IL) of 1 or greater and will include all loops associated with fire and gas detection. Instrument protective function loops provide a higher level of protection against: Hazards Harm to people Damage to the Environment Production loss Asset damage

Non-Integrity rated overrides This category includes general control loops and logic functions either on non-critical plant or on plant that have additional protection. Thus the loss of this instrument function would not result in a safety, environment or asset risk.

Risk Assessment
The requirement for a risk assessment and the type of risk assessment used will be dependant on which category the override is assigned too, and the estimated duration for the override to be applied. It is important that the appropriate engineering competencies are involved in the risk assessment. When a risk assessment has been produced, no matter which method is employed, its reference should be recorded on the override log. Multiple Overrides There is a danger that the cumulative risk of multiple overrides applied on the same unit or in the same area may provide a greater hazard than the sum of the individual hazards. Therefore the Operation Team Leader/Supervisor shall take this into account before approving a permit to work that requires an override.

Technical Note: 015

Newcastle Chambers Of Engineering Tel: 0191 285 4141 TECHNICAL AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES SAFETY CRITICAL SYSTEMS Page

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Start-up Overrides
A start-up override is a defeat that is identified within the Operations start-up procedure, which is required to enable the unit to be started. A start-up override must be removed as soon as it is possible and it is preferred that this may be done automatically. Start-up overrides with manual resets do not require any risk assessment but they do require to be recorded in an override logbook. If any start-up override is required on a unit that has already got additional (non start-up related) overrides applied, then the start-up overrides shall require a risk assessment.

Overrides on Isolated / Non-Operational Plant

In some cases, there may be a requirement to override equipment units that may have been positively isolated for long periods of time. In these cases the override(s) are applied to prevent the shutdown of operational plant, caused by process parameters that are normal during isolation but undesired when operational e.g. low pressures, low levels, low flows, etc. During this period of plant isolation the hazard, that the instrument function is protecting against, may no longer exist. Therefore during this period the process controlling the risk associated to the override shall be managed differently dependent on the category of override.

Verification of Plant Overrides

Verification of the live overrides should be routinely carried out to ensure that the current plant risks are known and fully understood. In addition it is an opportunity to evaluate progress towards reducing the number of overrides. When ever a verification exercise is carried out, it should be recorded in the override log. The table below provides guidance as to who should be involved as a minimum in the verification of live overrides and how often: Review Table
Control Room Operator / Technician Every shift Weekly Monthly 3 Monthly Yes Responsible Person, Operations Team Leader Yes Site Manager Engineering Review (Technical Authority) Engineering Authority (Engineering Manager)

Yes Yes Yes

Technical Note: 015

Newcastle Chambers Of Engineering Tel: 0191 285 4141 TECHNICAL AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES SAFETY CRITICAL SYSTEMS Page

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Furthermore the Operations Team Leader, at crew change, should arrange for the override log to be compared against the actual override status, so as to ensure that the log it up to date. Of course the roles and responsibilities of the individuals named in the above table will vary between organisations.

Time Duration of Overrides

The longer an override is in place the higher the risk to the plant and its personnel becomes. Therefore a recommended time duration of 1 week is recommended, any override, applied to operational plant, which exceeds this time limit will be deemed a Long-term override and shall be immediately reported to the Operations Team Leader and the Technical Authority. i. Due to the increasing risk additional controls will be required for managing the override over an extended period. The Technical Authority shall provide guidance as to the method of control required;

Records perform two necessary functions, firstly they need to be informative to all those involved in managing overrides and secondly they need to demonstrate that a safe management of work process is being effectively employed. During the lifecycle of the override application, information will be generated and may be stored in a number of locations. However the override log, recommended to be located in the control room, will be the primary source of information. Due to the requirement for all the records to be auditable and secure it is recommended that either paper or a purposely designed electronic override logbook be used. Logs built on Access and Excel should be avoided. All override records are to be held for a minimum of two years. All records < 1 year old should be easily accessible by the operations team, records that are > 1 year old should be held in a centralised archive.

As override control is part of the safety management system it must be audited on a periodical bases to ensure that the override procedure is working effectively. This audit process should be high level and adaptable.

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