A Project Report On World Call Telecommunication Limited Pakistan.
A Project Report On World Call Telecommunication Limited Pakistan.
A Project Report On World Call Telecommunication Limited Pakistan.
We are very thankful to ALLAH ALMIGHTY who has given us the power and ability to think and judge the matters and then to make us of the blessed abilities. Our most respectable teacher SR. Ghulam Ahmad Rana is the only source who directed us to apply our abilities in the required direction. Thanks to our parents and friends for their encouragement and support. And to management of World call for their support in completing this project.
Table of Contents
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................................................................ 1 THIS PROJECT IS DEDICATED TO ALL BUSINESS STUDENTS ....................................................... 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .......................................................................................................................... 4 Brief History: ................................................................................................................................................ 5 Introduction:.................................................................................................................................................. 6 Vision and Mission Statements ..................................................................................................................... 7 Vision: ....................................................................................................................................................... 7 Mission Statement:.................................................................................................................................... 7 Goals & Objectives of World Call: ............................................................................................................... 7 Structure Analysis: ........................................................................................................................................ 8 PESTLE ANALYSIS.................................................................................................................................. 10 Porters five forces model ........................................................................................................................... 13 World Call major competitors: ................................................................................................................... 17 VALUE CHAIN ANALYSIS/FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS ..................................................................... 18 Marketing & Sales Technologies: ............................................................................................................... 20 SWOT ANALYSIS .................................................................................................................................... 23 IE Matrix: .................................................................................................................................................... 25 BCG Matrix: ............................................................................................................................................... 27 MARKET ANALYSIS: .............................................................................................................................. 29 MARKETING STRATEGY: ...................................................................................................................... 29 Marketing Strategy of World Call: ............................................................................................................. 29 MARKETING STRATEGY INVOLVES .................................................................................................. 30 MARKETING MIX .................................................................................................................................... 30 Products: ..................................................................................................................................................... 33 OBJECTIVE OF STUDYING THE ........................................................................................................... 35 ORGANIZATION: ..................................................................................................................................... 35 NATURE OF ORGANIZATION: .............................................................................................................. 35 Organizing Structure: .................................................................................................................................. 36 Summary of Organizational Structure: ....................................................................................................... 37 2
PROFILE OF EMPLOYEE: ....................................................................................................................... 40 STRATEGIC IMPLEMENTATION AND CONTROL MECHANISMS (AN ACTIONPLAN) ............. 40 Problem Section .......................................................................................................................................... 43 Main Problems according to Management:- ............................................................................................... 43 Main Problems according to our Analysis:- ............................................................................................... 44 Solutions to solve the problems:- ................................................................................................................ 45 RECOMMENDATION: ............................................................................................................................. 46 CONCLUSION ........................................................................................................................................... 48
World call Telecom is a service provider company and is dealing in telecommunication services, cable providers, internet service provider, and payphone services. They are operating in Pakistan since 1996 when First Securities Commission began their operations in Pakistan. They started their cable service in1998 from Lahore. Then in 2005, they got the license of wireless loop for 14 major divisions in Pakistan. They are improving their business tactics and planning as the time passes and become number one in private telecom services. Shehbaz Taseer is the c h a i r m a n o f t h e c o m p a n y. T h e m a j o r d e c i s i o n m a k i n g l i e s i n t h e h a n d s o f e x e c u t i v e s . F o r internal communication they are using LAN. Managing directors are responsible for the projects management and also for the operations of the business. At operational level, World call needs to have information about its daily operation like daily sales transactions, No. of orders placed by the franchises, no of complaints from their customer. Company should be aimed to check the SWOT analysis to increase the efficiency of company. External environment has a great effect on the company. The major impact is of technology, because infrastructure. C o m p a n y i s n o r m a l l y operating in the turnaround area. As it is a service based company, the major focus in the value chain analysis is on sales and marketing, and after sale services. Company has different strategies and alternatives to be implemented. Customer data base should be developed a data base system for customer information. They should modify their website and also give an online payment system. They should use ERP in order to combine their all sectors. It will also connect all the sectors of company. We are conducting some analysis and we get the detailed about portfolio management and we have done portfolio management process. After analysis and categorizing each, we found the Decision Edge system (Oracle 9i), the best one for the company. The tactical plans of the company are to train employee, implement system within a year, etcetc. Operational plans includes necessary information about current data base, preparing of a vendor list, evaluate the cost and services offered by the outsource company.
Brief History:
The concept of telecom has been growing since 1990s, when commitments were made by over 70 WTO member countries to open up their value added and basic services sectors. Telecommunication has been acknowledged as a crucial infrastructure for any modern economy in the world. Cellular mobile service has been started in Pakistan since 1990s.In 1996 First Capital Securities Corporation began a payphone operation called World call Payphones Limited in Pakistan. Their perception of a changing business environment placed World call at the lead of a demand-led explosion of payphones all over the country. World call is the first private sector telecom operator to start Long Distance and international services in Pakistan. They installed the ir first payphone in June 1996. Under this license, they can offer nationwide and international calling facilities to the customers. Today World call has over 47,000 payphones all over the country. They are one of the largest fixed line payphone operator and the pioneers of Supervised Payphones business model in Pakistan. With the expansion in telecom they have continued to innovate. Over the years they have invested in new technologies and businesses. In 1998 prepaid calling cards were launched by World call Phone cards under the brand name "Hello". I n 2 0 0 0 W o r l d c a l l M u l t i m e d i a e s t a b l i s h e d a H yb r i d F i b e r C o a x i a l ( H F C ) s c a l a b l e network in Lahore thus becoming the first Multi-service operator in the country, providing cable television and Internet-over-cable. In cable TV in Lahore, World call was the last entrant and by far the largest. In 2003 they launched a state of the art HFC network operation in Karachi under World call Broadband Limited. These are the largest and only national networks capable of triple play (cable TV, high speed internet/data and telephony). These companies are also offering metro fiber lease to a number of other telecom / cellular operators as well as corporate.
The Oman telecommunication company is the most reliable and unique telecom and multimedia service provider in Pakistan which is also known as Omantel. The world call telecommunication limited is also the Omantels company.
The companys word:World Call launched its business in June 1996 with payphone operations. A fundamental shift in technology and industry, innovation and dedication led us to growth in diversified businesses with a range of services designed to serve the needs of the local market. From Cable Broadband to Wireless Broadband, from Cable TV to Video on Demand, from LDI services and fiber optic network to wireless local loop telephony, WC has crossed a number of milestones. WC offers an array of services under three major service categories i.e. Data, Entertainment and Voice. World Call Telecom Ltd. became an associate company of Omantel after acquisition of major share holding by Omantel in 2008. Today, World Call Telecom has become more innovative, dedicated, and reliable company in Pakistan. Status of Omantel:-Oman Telecommunications Company (Omantel) is the largest communication service provider in Oman. Any telephone call you make, local or international, the SMS Messages, or internet services, Omantel is the major and larger provider.
In the telecom market of Pakistan, World Call to have an overwhelming impact on the basis of following benchmarks: Create new standards of product offering in basic and value added telephony by being more cost effective, easily accessible and dependable. Thus ensuring real value for money to all segments of market. Be a leader within indigenous operators in terms of market share, gross revenues and ARPU within five years and maintain the same positioning thereafter. Achieve utmost customer satisfaction by setting up high standards of technical quality and service delivery. Ensuring the most profitable and sustainable patterns of ROI (Return on Investment) for the stake-holders.
To secure international terminations from the major countries of Europe and USA; and establishments POPs (Point-Of-Presence, Switch, Router, Billing system) using colocation. To establish head-ends(main transmission source) in 14 major cities of Pakistan. World Call plans to expand its EVDO service in all the 50 major cities of Pakistan
Structure Analysis:
World call telecom is a service based industry. Currently the company is operating in telecommunication, internet services, and cable services. Decision of the company is centralized. The major decision making of the company lies in the hand of the board of directors which include Kamil Aziz, Naveed Tariq Effan ibne Riaz, and Farooq Ahmed. The major purpose of the business is to find the potential buyers and also they are focusing on the best services to the users. For the internal communication (within department) they are currently using Local Area Networking, and for the communication with other heads of departments they are using simple internet. T h e m a n a g i n g d i r e c t o r o f t h e f i n a n c e d e p a r t m e n t i s r e s p o n s i b l e f o r t h e f o r e c a s t i n g o f n e w projects and also for the costing of the current departments. They are maintaining the database for every department which is being updated on the daily basis. The director of information technology is Shahid Mahmood which is responsible for the use of technology in the organization by departments and between other departments. U n d e r t h e s e t h e r e a r e c h i e f o p e r a t i n g o f f i c e r s , w h o s e d u t y i s t o c h e c k a n d r u n d a y t o d a y operating activities of the business. Company has more than 59000 franchises, so it is a great task for the business managers to collect data from all the places and than put it into a single data base.
Strategic vision:
To become the number one national alternative telecoms provider and a leading multi-services operator with regional and international footprint
Operational needs:
As a service providing company, World call needs to have information about its daily operation like daily sales transactions, They also need customer information for the interaction with their customers daily. They also need to know how many connections available in the particular area so that they can assign the free ports to the demanding users. They also need complete information about the packages of the company on their products.
Managerial needs:
Managers need information about the customer changing demands. Management should know about the technological developments in the world. They also need to have information about the channel in the world which is creating their demand. Management need to know about the complete profile, past record in the business of the customer/supplier. Managers should know about the no of customers and no of the supplier in the market. Management should know about the competitors and about their strategies. They should also know that which hand set is better for which package in wireless service. From whom the set should be purchased. Etc.
Strategic needs:
At strategic level the top management should know about the SWOT. They should know about the strengths and weakness of the company and also about the upcoming threats and opportunities in the industry, also the potential of the company to take advantage of new coming opportunities and the ability of the company to fight against any threat posed by the environment. The information of external and internal environment and the possible alternative strategic options available to the company has to be known. How company
can get the competitive advantages and how the company can sustain itself in todays competitive environment
Economical factors:
The ever increasing economical issues like inflation and the growing debt of Pakistan. The disposable income of people getting low due to the price inflation of consumer goods & services. PTA report 2008 tells that telecom sector of economy is in a good shape and growing. Inflation is controlling by state bank and under strict eyes but unemployment rate is going up and up with the increase of level of poverty. High interest rate ~13% Decline in Telecom share in total GST due to low tariffs.
Social factors:
Telecommunication is used in the professional and private sphere now days. Better telecommunication services and telecommunication is now becoming essential part of people lifestyle. Now people have become habitual of consuming new technology products. Internet has become a real working tool; people use Internet at home, at work. People are interested in more than just Plain Old Cable/TV technologies like Digital Cable TV, Video-On-Demand, and Personal Video Recorders not just plain old TV due to frequent use of internet. Young generation is getting more interest in wireless telecommunication and spends more time in online social activities like chatting, social networking. Telecommunication becoming an integrated part of our social life style. People now like to use Facebook on their pc and on mobile, allowing them to connect with their family and friends anytime anywhere. Internet becomes an integral part of people social-lives. Online gaming is growing rapidly and the ever increasing gaming competition all over the world and in Pakistan as well.
Technological factors:
Telecom sector have technology with which they can compete in Pakistan and now companies are investing in their infrastructure to not only expand but also to upgrade their existing structure. Currently mostly companies are providing Multi-media Messaging Services (MMS), General Packet Radio Service (GPRS), Virtual Private Network (VPN), Pocket Stocks, Conference Calling, Wallpapers Animated pictures Polyphonic ring tones (WAP), and Voice Mail at low price and some are also providing feature that one can see TV channels on their cell. Individuals and companies are recognizing the benefits of mobility of wireless broadband. The expertise of IT and Telecom industry has greatly reduce cost and time on the usage of products and services. For example, new VoIP technologies are changing the cost structure of the LDI business. Upcoming future wireless broadband technologies are changing the trends of internet usage.
Pakistans telecom industry is one the fastest growing industries even compared to other countries. Innovations and development in telecom technologies has played a major role in the overall growth. Innovations and Developments in IT and Telecom can create and motivate new demands. Like Video Conferencing induced more demand for companies interested in online business meetings. Now a days firms are in search of reliable information systems. And for this telecom technologies playing vital role.
Environmental factors:
The telecommunication towers spoil the view especially of tourism places but no attention is paid towards this. Ecological Factors Natural Obstructions in Wireless Transmission Infrastructure usage facing difficulty due to the conditions of land.
Legal factors:
Corruption and bribery in legal authorities suffers a telecom companies a lot to face difficulties PTA is the telecom industry regulator and their some objectives are Telecom sector changed from monopoly to competition Protection of the rights of the companies competing with incumbents and to provide safeguards the interest of the users of the telecommunication services. The unbiased laws of telecom sector to establish healthy competition in market.
Telecom is a very capital concentrated industry, entry into this industry means that the firms need access to huge amount of capital mainly to cover the fixed costs to lay and maintain a physical network (infrastructure, fiber optic cables etc) to the premises of customers. As it is mandatory for the firms to get approval/licenses from PTA, which is both costly, and a tire some job. Although companies in this industry mostly tended to monopolies regulated by the government up to price controls and moderate to heavy taxation. The telecom industry is already dominated by major players and smaller manufacturers have to struggle, due to high setup costs and market dominations threat of new entrants is low because of: High Government restrictions or legislation Telecom licenses, rights, regional licenses Expected Mergers and Acquisitions High fixed costs High Capital requirements Aggressive competition
There is intense competition between suppliers because of multi-million dollar contracts between Pakistani firms and mostly foreign suppliers. List of suppliers who intensely compete with each other to reach contracts with their business customers. Sometimes suppliers show flexible behavior to maintain the long term relationship with their profit oriented customers. In a telecom industry the manufacturers of telephone switching /switch board equipment, fiber optic cables, network equipment, and billing software makers are low. The prominent names in this industry include Cisco, Alcatel-lucent, Ericsson, Hawaii, ZTE, Samsung, Nortel and Motorola. With the outcome of economic crises and excess capacity and falling demand, the suppliers do not have much power and have to negotiate gently with the telecom companies because of: High availability of substitute inputs Competitive suppliers of telecom equipment Low degree of differentiation of inputs, due to high component standardization.
Consumers have high product knowledge Switching costs are low Availability of existing substitute products Plenty of choice of several technologies and other communication means available, enhanced the buyers power.
There are many substitutes available in market. In case of dissatisfaction with any of the feature customers can easily switch to the other because he/she has the almost exact or the same kind of substitutes. Many of the substitute products and services have emerged in voice, data and entertainment in telecom due to the technological breakthroughs. Switching power is high in telecom sector characterize by high technological developments and fast availability of alternative substitutes. Some of these are more convenient and offer far greater value to the consumer and have diminished the importance of traditional fixed line phones. Substitutes include Broadband, Wireless broadband, Digital TV, IP Telephony, Mobile phones, Satellite, Email, and Instant Messaging etc.
Industry rivalry has become extremely intense with the emergence of new competing firms leading to price cuts across the industry. Companies can only grow by stealing market share away from competitors. Telecom industry with a very high growth. Advertising intensity and spending are very high
PTCL is operating in Pakistan from the earliest stages of Pakistan. It the first telecommunication company in the country. It holds its monopoly since 2003, but after the investment policy is unveiled, it has no more monopoly in the country. It is also providing its customer the calling card options.
This is a newly operated company in Pakistan. It is being worked in the country after 2003 and has enhanced its business operations in country very fast and very effectively. Like other telecom companies its major business is to provide the telecommunication services and the internet services to the customer.
Cyber net:
Cyber net is one of the competitors of the World call by providing the ISP services to many organizations. Currently they are coming up with a high speed fiber optic internet (DSL) in Lahore. They are testing the response and the quality of this service in Lahore.
GSM Operators:
Another large competitor of the World call is the GSM services provided by the GSM or cellular companies. They have also established a wide area coverage mobile phones network in Pakistan
Operations Technologies:
Process: They have a very unique and strong input, process and outputs. They import products like LG, Motorola, and Samsung, Huawei etc from Korea, China and Japan. They give them pin numbers and country codes and assign numbers to each product to make them usable within the premises of Pakistan. They use the technology of CDMA under local loop. Materials: They use products from big brands with high profiles like LG, Motorola, Samsung, Huawei etc from Korea, china and Japan. Material Handling: They use sophisticated machinery to handle the equipments to avoid any damage and make a customer to reclaim the product. Packaging: They use attractive colors in their packages to make customer feel cool and full of life which makes them feeling essential their products to have a bright future like they mention in their tag line FUTURE IN YOUR HANDS. They use stiff and firm plastic covers for their fragile products. Maintenance: Their research and development department keep on looking for new technologies so that they can co-op with the heavy customer traffic on their systems so that customer can feel a very good speed, quality and clarity at every moment he/she uses their products. Testing: Before launching the new products they pass the products through a very crucial and keen observation processes which include, they give their new product to every employee to use for one month and they consider their view as a basic research. Information System: Having state-of-the-art technological systems they maintain a very strong intranet and MIS department which enhances the speed of communication and information reaches from one point to another within microseconds.
Transportation: They use their own transportation vehicles fleet which includes medium size pickups small cars and huge trucks. Material Handling: They use sophisticated machinery to handle the equipments to avoid any damage and make a customer to reclaim the product. Packaging: They use attractive colors in their packages to make customer feel cool and full of life which makes them feeling essential their products to have a bright future like they mention in their tag line FUTURE IN YOUR HANDS. They use stiff and firm plastic covers for their fragile products. Communications: They use their own local loop network to communicate efficiently plus with in no time. Information System: Having state-of-the-art technological systems they maintain a very strong intranet and MIS department which enhances the speed of communication and information reaches from one point to another within microseconds.
Nowadays they just advertise on their own channels like WE, super cinemas, business plus etc. They also promote by sponsoring some mega sports events like cricket and they also sponsor some concerts of industry icons. Communications: They use their own local loop network to communicate efficiently plus with in no time. Information System: Having state-of-the-art technological systems they maintain a very strong intranet and MIS department which enhances the speed of communication and information reaches from one point to another within microseconds.
Service Technologies:
Testing: Before launching the new products they pass the products through a very crucial and keen observation processes which include, they give their new product to every employee to use for one month and they consider their view as a basic research. Communications: They use their own local loop network to communicate efficiently plus with in no time. Information System: Having state-of-the-art technological systems they maintain a very strong intranet and MIS department which enhances the speed of communication and information reaches from one point to another within microseconds.
High dependence on Voice segment Weak marketing Lacking a proper long-term strategy Weak brand positioning Less focus on short-term profitability Infrastructure varies from location to locations ERP implementation taking too long
Demand increased for backhaul network Cross-sell in major cities Increased demand for LDI and Broadband Privatization of government telecom projects PTA delayed 3G licenses
Economy instability CaTV operators alliance Threat by WiMax or other 4G technologies Government policies Increased consumer churn rate Heavy Price competition
SWOT Matrix
Strengths S 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Technical infrastructure HFC-cable Product range Working in major cities Reputation Balanced sales Reliable wireless broadband
Weaknesses W 1. High dependence on Voice segment 2. Weak marketing 3. Lacking a proper long-term strategy 4. Weak brand positioning 5. Less focus on short-term profitability 6. Infrastructure varies from location to locations 7. ERP implementation taking too long WO Strategies Market Penetration and Product Development of Data services (O5, W1) Brand development for broadband segment (O3, W4) Develop uniformity across infrastructure (O1, W6)
Opportunities O 1. Demand increased for backhaul network 2. Cross-sell in major cities 3. Increased demand for LDI and Broadband 4. Privatization of government telecom projects 5. PTA delayed 3G licenses Threats T 1. Economy instability 2. CaTV operators alliance 3. Threat by WiMax or other 4G technologies 4. Government policies 5. Increased consumer churn rate 6. Heavy Price competition
SO Strategies Market development of HFC-Cable (S3, O2) Market development of Wireless Broadband (S7, O3) Offer more B2B Data services (S1, O1)
ST Strategies Market development of HFC-Cable (S3, T2) Diversification of Products (S3, T1) Differentiation strategy for wireless broadband (S7, T6)
WT Strategies Highly Differentiated Products (T6, W2) Quickly integrate ERP to analyze churn-rate (T6, W7) Hold & Maintain (T1, W5)
IE Matrix:
The Internal-External (IE) matrix is another strategic management tool used to analyze working conditions and strategic position of a business. The Internal External Matrix or short IE matrix is based on an analysis of internal and external business factors which are combined into one suggestive model. The IE matrix is a continuation of the EFE matrix and IFE matrix models. The IE matrix is based on the following two criteria: Score from the EFE matrix -- this score is plotted on the y-axis Score from the IFE matrix -- plotted on the x-axis The IE matrix works in a way that you plot the total weighted score from the EFE matrix on the y axis and draw a horizontal line across the plane. Then you take the score calculated in the IFE matrix, plot it on the x axis, and draw a vertical line across the plane. The point where your horizontal line meets your vertical line is the determinant of your strategy. This point shows the strategy that your company should follow. On the x axis of the IE Matrix, an IFE total weighted score of 1.0 to 1.99 represents a weak internal position. A score of 2.0 to 2.99 is considered average. A score of 3.0 to 4.0 is strong. On the y axis, an EFE total weighted score of 1.0 to 1.99 is considered low. A score of 2.0 to 2.99 is medium. A score of 3.0 to 4.0 is high.
We calculated IFE matrix for world call on the IFE matrix page. The total weighted score calculated on this page is 2.64 which points at a company with an average internal strength. We also calculated the EFE matrix for world call on the EFE matrix page. The total weighted score calculated for the EFE matrix is 2.39 which suggests a slightly less than average ability to respond to external factors. Now we plot these values on axes in the IE matrix:-
This IE matrix tells us that our company should hold and maintain its position. The company should pursue strategies focused on increasing market penetration and product development.
Market Share
Growth Rate
Market Share =
= 3992978*100 3992978 = 1%
Market share
0 0.5 1
Question Mark
Growth Rate
Cash Cows
Telecom Sectors according to PTA : The Pakistan Telecommunications Authority (PTA) has forced the incumbent fixed-line and broadband operator Pakistan Telecommunication Company Ltd (PTCL) to enter a formal interconnection agreement with rival operators in the xDSL broadband market. The broadband operators, many of which are small and privately owned, have petitioned for reasonable access to PTCL's fixed-line network to help them reduce costs and offer more competitive tariffs. BMI(Business Monitor International) has consistently identified cost as being the single largest barrier to growth in the Pakistani broadband market. In India, where the government is actively pushing for growth, broadband services are available for US$8 per month. In Pakistan however, such services average US$16 per month. With the country's mobile operators electing to deploy wireless broadband mainly in urban areas, customers in many smaller population centers have little or no high-speed access to the internet.
Marketing strategy is the practical application of marketing techniques. It is the analysis, planning, implementation, and control of programs designed to create, build, and maintain mutually beneficial exchanges with target market. The marketing manager has the task of influencing the level, timing, and composition of demand in way that will achieve organizational objectives.
Identifying the customer trend and style. Identifying the customer needs and demands. Identifying the new research and development of telecommunication Identify the segments within your market. Understand company's strengths and weaknesses. Implementation of 4p's price place product promotions. Understand where you want your brands to be in the future, and write marketing plan on regular basis to help you get there. Internal service quality of customer satisfaction.
Product. Pricing Structure. Place / Distribution system. Promotional activities.
Corporate level:As the other firms have strategies, World Call also has strategies at different levels. In corporate level strategies they basically discuss the current business status as well as the future of the current business. Then they decided in meetings, that in which sector they have to add something and in which sector they want to remove something. They are mainly concerned with: What kind of businesses they want themselves in? How they should manage all sectors or businesses? Types of diversifications they are following
Defensive Strategy:
World Call in September 2009 completed the divesture of its foreign subsidiary World Call Lanka. They thought that this should be no more in their business.
Forward Integration:
Although in a very poor state World Call is using Franchising as their forward integration strategy, however they do not have much control on their franchises.
WLL - Wireless Local Loop:-World Call owns premium spectrum for Wireless Local Loop (WLL) in all 14 telecom regions in the country Telephony and Data services are being offered using wireless CDMA technology Samsung is technology partner / vendor for latest CDMA 2000 1x solution for Phases I & II Key technology partner for terminal equipment is LG Service launched from Lahore - June 2005 EV-DO (Evolution Data Optimized - data rate up to 2.4 Mbps) launched in selected areas - July 2006 HUAWEI Technologies is the vendor for Phase III rollout, which includes Karachi (the largest metropolitan) & Hyderabad
Products: World Call Cable Broadband: Portability & Mobility Plug & Play No power required Unlimited downloads Unlimited express upload & download Always on Does not need telephone line Economical packages
World Call Digital TV: Superior picture quality Crisp and clear stereo sound 60+ channels On-screen channel guide World Call Cable TV:Drama, thriller, action, romance, news & documentaries
World Call Video on Demand:World Call is the first to launch True VOD, providing a collection of movies and music over the CATV network in digital quality to end-users to choose from their homes. VOD service is ahead of pay-per-view service by giving rewind/fast-forward/pause capability to the viewer. A cinematic addition to your on-screen entertainment Absolute control with play-back options 600+ hours of uninterrupted fun and excitement
LDI - Long Distance International:World Call has acquired licenses from Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) for Long Distance & International (LDI) and Wireless Local Loop services (WLL). Long Distance & International (LDI) World Call was the first company to start LDI services - November 2004 World Call provides cost / price effective, quality voice and data solutions for nationwide & international markets catering for both the wholesale and retail segments, tailored to their individual requirements Under the LDI license, the services that can be offered include: International Calls Origination and Termination Nationwide (NWD) Calls Origination and Termination Data & Value-added services like Corporate Solutions, IP telephony, VPN's etc. \
World Call Telecommunication Pvt. Ltd. is working as a services firm among a number of multinational and national Consumer goods organizations. World Call Telecommunication Pvt. Ltd. is committed to provide quality services to customers, realizing the fact. The firm is equipped with all pre-requisites for meeting the future challenges successfully. World Call Telecommunication Pvt Ltd has a high number of professionally qualified persons in Sales, marketing, Production, finance & administration and technical Department. The company is offering a complete product range of Calling Card and Payphones.
Organizing Structure:
Chairman Executive Director COO Chief Operating Off Finance & Accounts Head HRM Head DGM Deputy General Manager MIS Head Technical Head Branch Manager Accounts Department Technical Department Sales Team Technical Team MIS Department
Executive Director:
After the chairman in the organization second most important post is Executive Director now in this time in world call telecommunication Executive Director who deals with payphones and calling cards is Razzak Paracha. In world call telecommunication pvt ltd have many executive director they deal with different business groups. Every Executive Director responsible to their own department and he is all in all to take decision in that department.
Finance & Accounts Head are responsible for the every finical decision and new financial projects and all other whole year expanses that occurred in different departments they all details and check balance done by accounts department and accounts department a major duty is that all company employees' salaries accounts and payroll accounts maintain. In every company or organization finance & Accounts head are major key role in the organization.
Customer Care:
This department is responsible to record customer complaints, forwarding them to the specific department and giving feedback to customers. Problems arise when there are more number of calls then the number, call center can handle.
HRM Head:
In every big organization has HRM department , that was important department and there is major role about the organization like haring , selection , training, implementation, motivation , firing these all task done by HRM Head . Human resource management head major responsibility is good technical and hard work team haring and selection then they become good training and fit right minds to right palaces.
MIS Head Management Information System every good or big organization have MIS system. MIS system spinal cord of the organization because in every organization MIS system taking important role , major duties of MIS system all types of reports like different department and any type of communication with help of MIS system today 21centary every organization paperless environment like computerized system in that system everything based on computerized like different reports of different departments like sales reports analysis fore cast reports daily weekly monthly annual reports or internal or external communication with help of MIS system like Email system that all part of MIS System.
Technical Head:
Technical Head name as every organization has must some technical works they done by this department and technical head will be responsible to all types of technically works like machinery replacement or future prospects technical demands time to time change all technical works demands fulfill by the Head of that department. Management operation is also part of technical department every operation will help to this department. World Call Telecommunication Pvt Ltd. Abul Hassan Farooq Roll No M-577526 25 MAIN OFFICES Head Office World Call Telecommunication Pvt Ltd. 103- C / II, Gulberg III, Lahore, Pakistan Tel (92-42) 5757591-94 Fax (92-42) 5757590, 5877920 URL: worldcall.com.pk
World Call Telecommunication Lahore office marketing department consists of a team of 26 people including field, office and supporting staff. The technical staff is well versed in its field of specialization and quite efficient as well. Most of Staff is professional degree holders with specialization in different disciplines. The non-technical staff is very hardworking and active in performing their tasks. The supporting staff is also very loyal and committed to their assigned jobs. Hiring is done both through top management and also on recommendations of middle management. Total strength of employees in Marketing 280 Total number of employee in Technical Field 168 Total number of employee in Management 100 Total number of employee 548
reduce the cost of hiring the skilled staff and maintenance cost. The outsourcing can be given to reputed companies like Cognizant Technology Solutions (US), CSC (US),HCL Technologies(India), or EDS (US).The head of departments and the IT staff should come together to examine critical issues in the strategies. The finance department can gave comments on the financial conditions of the company. After having all the quotations from some reputed companies the market, the Finance department can tell that which strategy is within the range of the company. Company should provide PCs to the entire employee with processor speed more than 833MHz. the company has an IT department but it should be upgraded having more IT professionals.
Tactical Plans:
Tactical plans consist of development of an advance database (Oracle 9i) b y s o m e software developers like Uni tech and Decision Edge in one year time. During time company should give program training to handle the database to their employee in two to four months. This includes the three months training time period for employees. Implementation of MIS w o u l d b e d o n e i n s i x m o n t h s . I n t h a t p e r i o d c o m p a n y s h o u l d g a v e t r a i n i n g p r o g r a m s t o t h e management.
Operational Plans:
Operational plans would be to get all the necessary information form the existing data base in two to three weeks. Then all the requirements that should be included in the MIS should b e collected in next two to four weeks. Based on these requirement next s t e p s w o u l d b e Development of a request for proposal (RFP) to be sent to some reputed software developers. This will contain all the requirements of the company. The company would evaluate, on status of the software house, cost and time. After that, a company will be selected and system would be developed by the external company. During the developing process the all the possible end-users from all the departments would be attached with the software developers to gave him some direction and to have touch with the upcoming system.
Change management
Phased change:
Change would be in parts. In first part the database would be implemented i n t h e company head offices. The end users that are already attached with the software developing company will explain in meeting the basic features of the database. All the employees would be there for questioning. Extra training programs will be arranged for the end users for efficient u t i l i z a t i o n o f t h e d a t a b a s e . A f t e r f o u r t o s i x m o n t h s t h e d e c i s i o n s u p p o r t s y s t e m s h o u l d b e implemented in the company, and a complete training program would be arranged to train the IT departments of the World call and also the users of that MIS. An IT professional would be hired that would be specialized in decision support system for overlooking the system and to instruct the employee about the system
Problem Section
World Call has totally changed system of management for the company. Reducing of advertisements expense due to pressure of cost cutting. Same reasons for not having large Marketing staff. World Call emphasizing on ERP The delay in process of initiating an ERP. ERP is time-consuming process. New Managers are involved into current issues of the company. Previously they were multiple companies now all of the accounts have been reorganized and similar accounts have to be merged.
Giving unusual importance to LDI from very beginning. Branding and Positioning not done through proper process. Very weak franchising strategies. Franchises strength missing. Heavily lacking Long term strategies. We observe lack of coordination between different Departments. Lack of use of BCG MATRIX for their product portfolio. Market Penetration was earlier used in Voice segment but now being avoided. Market Penetration was earlier used in Voice segment but now being avoided. Complains by customers due to conflict in network capacity and after sale services. Loosing potential buyers due to less Advertising. Less Promotional strategies and sales staff. No ERP, inappropriate CRM and Professional Accounting Software. World Call is not involving low level staff in business matters.
Strategic Alternatives:-
Solutions to solve the problems: The change process must be moved top to down gradually by World Call. Every level of Management must be involved in the change process. Delays in ERP (SAP) must be overcome by WC, by diverting their focus on ERP implementation on preference basis. Business Process Reengineering is preferable solution to WC over all problems. Using of BCG MATRIX is very important for WC to understand their DOG and STAR products. Branding and positioning must be revised for many segments. Customer complaints and customer churn rate can be reduced by sensible installing of networks and sales. The whole experience of the customer from the first interaction at the touch point to the consistent usage of the service will be enriched. Co-ordination between many Departments must be improved as soon as possible. World Call is coming up with Fresh Long term plans which are a good sign; well it is highly needed and must be implemented with unanimous agreement. The avoidance of market penetration will not benefit WC in long run, thus WC must behave more Competitive. WC must buy professional software. First of all, franchising strength must be increased all over the country, and then Franchises must be made more modern and must be made more productive in reference to services and sale. World Call must refrain from such act which creates a perception of job insecurity between the employees. WC having very strong physical network, the only need is timely maintenance and proper resource utilization. The planned network upgrades and expansions will ensure delivery of seamless, high quality and reliable services to end users The process of creating awareness about the Company's portfolio and building an image of reliability and quality will also be addressed with a keen vision.
On the basis of Financial and SWOT analysis, I observed that World Call Telecommunication Pvt Ltd Multan office is working in a very well manner. But we think they are lagging in some areas especially in Marketing. So they need improvement in weak areas.
Promotional Schemes:
Most of schemes introduced by the World Call telecommunication Pvt Ltd are standardized for all the regions. But the organization should recognize the differences in different regions and then launch the schemes to get feedback.
Cooperative Relations:
The market force should have cooperative relations with the retailers and should care them to get feedback.
Political Influence:
The company should try to get rid of political influence particularly in hiring of employees.
Frequency of Ads:
The company should arrange sales promotions on special occasion e.g. Eid, and should arrange functions for such occasions.
A bureaucratic approach still exists in the organization. This should be demolished and some decision power should give to local management.
The employees should be motivated to be loyal with the organization. It can be in the form of incentives and free sampling.
Recruitment Policy:
World Call telecommunication Pvt Ltd should develop a comprehensive recruitment policy to hire only the competent people.
MIS Department:
Currently MIS department is not well organized in area offices, as it should be. So it should be given appropriate position and fully organized according to the needs of dynamic environment.
World Call is a competent telecom company in Pakistan with huge infrastructure and backed by strong parent company Omantel. It has strong potential to compete and grow as a leading diverse telecom company. We have gone through thorough analysis of World Call and studied almost every aspect of the company; we have recommended strategies, solutions to major problems faced by World Call. We also provided three year implementation plan that represent a clear growth strategy for World Call.