Communications Is A Diverse Field
Communications Is A Diverse Field
Communications Is A Diverse Field
Communications is a diverse field experiencing an explosion in the demand for signals. personal communication services any transmission, emission, or reception of Data, images and audio or intelligence of any
electromagnetic system. Key words in communication systems are transmission system utilization, interfacing, signal generation, synchronization, exchange management, error detection and correction, addressing and routing, security and network management. Wireless communication is the transfer of information between two or more points that are not connected by an electrical conductor. The most commonly used wireless mobile radio communication systems may are radio receivers, satellite television, broadcast television and cordless telephones, garage door openers, remote controllers for home entertainment equipment, cordless telephones, hand-held walkie-talkies, pagers and cellular telephones. However the cost, complexity, performance and types of services offered by each of these mobile systems are vastly different. Radio waves distances can be short such as a few meters for television remote control or as far as thousands or even millions of kilometers for deep-space radio communications. Wireless communication systems continually evolving for many years, especially in the area of mobile communications. Cellular system has experienced exponential growth over the last decade, cellular phone become a critical business tool and part of everyday life in most developed countries. Wired local area networks are now replaced with wireless networks currently in many home, business and industries [14]. Efficient allocation of signaling dimensions between the users is key aspect of uplink and downlink channels because frequency spectrum is expensive. Dedicated channel is allocated to users is often called as multiple access. Applications with continuous transmission and delay constraints are required for dedicated channel for good performance to insure the transmission is not interrupted. Dedicated channels for good performance to insure the transmission is not interrupted. Dedicated channels are obtained from the system signal space using a channel utilization method such as frequency-division, time-division, code-division or hybrid combinations of all the techniques.
Allocation of signaling dimensions for users with busty transmissions generally use some form of random channel allocation which does not guarantees the channel access. Bandwidth sharing using random channel allocation is called random multiple access or simply random access. The choice of whether to use multiple access or random access and type of access depends on the system application, traffic characteristics of the users in the system and performance requirement. Multiple access technique divide up total signaling dimensions into channels and then assign channels to different users. The most common methods to divide up signal space are along time, frequency and code axes. The different user channels are created by orthogonal or non-orthogonal division along axes. TDMA and FDMA are orthogonal channelization methods. CDMA can be orthogonal or non-orthogonal depending on the code design. The performance of different multiple access methods depend on whether applying to uplink or downlink and specific characteristics. Frequency Division Multiple Access (FDMA) the system signaling dimensions are divided along the frequency axis into non-overlapping channels and each user is assigned a different frequency channel. The channels often have guard bands in between to compensate for imperfect filters, adjacent channel interference and spectral spreading due to Doppler. Channels are sufficiently narrowband then if the total system band width is large the individual channels will not experience frequency-selective fading. Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) the system dimensions are divided along the time axis into non-overlapping channels and each user is assigned a different cyclically repeated timeslot. TDMA channels occupy the entire system band width generally a wideband so some form of ISI mitigation is required. Cyclically repeating timeslots imply transmission is not continuous for any user, communication system requires the buffer. Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) the information signals of different users are modulated by spreading codes simultaneously occupy the same time slot and bandwidth. Downlink codes are generally orthogonal codes and uplink codes are non-orthogonal codes. Orthogonal coeds requires perfect synchronization with multipath transmission. Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) is radically new concept compare to Time Division Multiple Access(TDMA) and Frequency Division Multiple Access(FDMA) in wireless communications. CDMA is a form of spread-spectrum, a family of digital
communication techniques
spread spectrum is the use of noise-like carrier waves and as the name implies, bandwidths much wider than required for simple point-to-point communication at the same data rate [10]. Depending on the type of information transmitted communication may classified as voice communication, data communication, fax communication and video communication systems. Various types of information are combined together considered as multimedia communications. Even a few years ago different information media such as voice, data, video, etc. were transmitted separately by using own respective methods of transmission. People to people, machines to machines started communicating with each other the networking technology started picking up. Different vendors started manufacturing their proprietary configurations. In order to communicate systems with heterogeneous configurations need for the standardization. TCP/IP(Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol) is the oldest one and has become defacto standard for all networks. OSI model is much more refined. Each layer has well defined tasks and provides services to the corresponding lower layer while in transmission. In receiving mode the lower layer provides the necessary services to the upper layer. Any changes in one layer should not require changes in other layers standardization allows communication across all types of computers.OSI model
defines seven Layers describe how applications running upon network-aware devices may communicate with each other. The model is generic and applies to all network types, not just TCP/IP and all media types not just Ethernet. OSI model is working group of International Standard Organization (ISO). Traditionally layer diagrams are drawn with Layer 1 at the bottom and Layer 7 at the top. 1. Physical layer 2. Data link layer 3. Network layer 4. Transport layer 5. Session layer 6. Presentation layer 7. Application layer
Physical layer defines the physical and electrical characteristics of the network. The Network Interface Cards (NIC) in PC interfaces on routers all run at physical layer level. Physical layer eventually pass strings of ones and zeros.BER measurement at the physical layer lavel.BER is defined as the ratio of number of error bits received to the total number of bits transmitted. The data link layer is the protocol layer that transfers data between adjacent network nodes in a wide area network or between nodes on the same local area network segment. The data link layer provides the functional and procedural means to transfer data between network entities and might provide the means to detect and possibly correct errors that may occur in the physical layer. The data link layer is concerned with local delivery of frames between devices on the same LAN. Network layer providing a means for communicating systems to establish, maintain
and terminate network connections. The IP protocol some routing protocols accommodate at the network layer. All the routers in network are operating at network layer. Transport layer provides TCP functionalities. Standard says transport layer relieves the Session layer
burden of ensuring data reliability and integrity. Session Layer provides for two communicating presentation entities to exchange data with each other. Session layer is very important in the E-commerce field. Presentation layer functionality is application data is either packed or unpacked
ready for use by the running application. Protocol conversions, encryption or decryption and graphics expansion all the functions are performed. Application layer function is end-user and end-application protocols. Over the last years a number of new protocols have been developed for multimedia applications in the whole OSI layers scale. In addition wireless communications and networking fast occupy centre stage in research and development activity in the area of communication networks. In order to support better wireless user the cross layer design paradigm has been proposed. An important task for contemporary packet-switched networks is to provision the quality of service required to transport multimedia traffic streams while efficiently utilizing the channel capacity [13]. In addition wireless communications and networking fast occupy centre stage in research and development activity in the area of communication networks. In order to
support better wireless users the cross layer optimization required. An important task for contemporary packet-switched networks is to provision the Quality Of Service (QoS) required to transport multimedia traffic streams while efficiently capacity [4]. One of the most visible trends in todays commercial communication market is the adoption of wireless technology. Now a days any electronic devices, probably contain some sort of wireless technology. From Bluetooth enabled mobile devices, cameras and printers to Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) enabled computers, cars and handheld devices. Together with the explosive growth of the Internet, a shift in the market towards tighter integration and seamless wireless connections. Traffic carried by wireless networks is a mix of real time traffic such as voice, multimedia conferences and games, and data traffic such as web browsing, messaging and file transfer. All of these applications will require widely varying and very diverse Quality of Service guarantees for the different types of offered traffic [15]. utilizing the system
layers, may not be available in the traditional layering architecture. Efficiently allow many users to maintain simultaneous communications while sharing the same transmission medium is a crucial step during wireless network design. 2.1 Adaptive Modulation and Coding with Truncated ARQ Liu.Q, et al(May, 2005) have proposed cross-layer design based on combining AMC at the physical layer with truncated ARQ at the data link layer .This method is based on assumptions channel is frequency flat and remains invariant per frame, but is allowed to vary from frame to frame. AMC is adjusted on a frame-by-frame basis. In wireless communication networks, the demand for high data rates and quality of service is growing at a rapidly. Performance of wireless links is severely degraded due to channel fading, limits the overall system throughput. Enhancing the throughput of communication systems, Adaptive Modulation and Coding (AMC) have extensively and
advocated at the physical layer to match transmission rates to time-varying channel conditions. Achieve high reliability at the physical layer, reduce the transmission rate using either small size constellations or powerful but low-rate error-control codes. Mitigate channel fading is to rely on the Automatic Repeat Request (ARQ) protocol at the data link layer, requests retransmissions for those packets received in error,
retransmissions are activated only when necessary. ARQ is quite effective in improving system throughput relative to using only Forward Error Coding (FEC) at the physical layer. Minimize delays and buffer sizes in practice, truncated ARQ protocols have been widely adopted to limit the maximum number of retransmissions. Joint AMC at the physical layer and ARQ at the data link layer consider for a cross-layer design. Depending on the error correcting capability of the truncated ARQ maximum allowable number of retransmissions. At the physical layer multiple transmission modes are available, with each mode consisting of a specific modulation and forward error coding pair. Based on channel state information acquired at the receiver, the AMC selector determines the modulation- coding pair (mode), sent back to the transmitter through a feedback channel.
The AMC controller then updates the transmission mode at the transmitter. Coherent demodulation and maximum-likelihood decoding are used at the receiver. The decoded bit streams are mapped to packets pushed upwards to the data link layer. Advantage is maximizes the spectral efficiency under prescribed delay and error performance constraints. Disadvantage is only fixed modulation and coding at the physical layer is considered in systems with truncated ARQ protocols. This model is designed for a single-user link with single-transmit and single-receive antennas. The upper and lower SINR bounds for each AMC mode is designed based on the maximum retransmission time of the system. This model is not applicable for CDMA systems with a Poisson traffic model [10]. 2.2 Queuing with Adaptive Modulation and Coding Liu.Q, et al(May, 2005) have proposed wireless networks overall system
performance degrades due to multipath fading and time-varying effects introduced by the wireless propagation. Enhance the spectral efficiency according to a target error performance over wireless channels, adaptive modulation and coding widely used, assuming there are always sufficient data waiting to be transmitted. Adaptive modulation and coding schemes at the physical layer have traditionally designed separately from higher layers. This assumption is not always valid when queuing effects are taken into account at the data link layer. The joint effects of finite-length queuing and AMC for transmissions over wireless links is considered for cross-layer design . Modulation-coding modes (pairs) are chosen at the physical layer to match the wireless channel, there are sufficient data waiting to be transmitted in the queues (buffers) at the data link layer. Practical communication systems with randomly arriving data streams, the queues may be empty from time to time, even though the wireless channel can accommodate transmissions. Advantage is optimizes the target packet error rate of AMC at the physical layer, to minimize the packet loss rate and maximize the average throughput, when combined with a finite-length queue at the data link layer. Cross-layer design enjoys low complexity, requires minimal cross-layer information exchange and is compatible with existing separate-layer designs.
Disadvantage is queue status is taken into account in determining the SINR bounds for AMC [11]. 2.3 Enhanced Real Time Packet Scheduling Chen.H, et al(September, 2006) has proposed packet- switched wireless networks is to provision multimedia traffic with the required quality of service over unreliable wireless links. This can be accomplished by scheduling algorithms fairly and efficiently provide the required QoS to all users. For real-time traffic a packet missing its transmission deadline should be dropped. The fraction of such packet drops is referred as the packet drop ratio. PDR is important to distribute packet drops among all users fairly. Based on CERPS algorithm for Multi Code-CDMA networks consists of three parts. First one is the priority decomposition function, decides which user should be served next to provide fairness among all users according to reference period. Second the packet coordination function, decides how packets are assigned into slots to maximize the residual bandwidth and maximize the multicode benefit of the frame. Third the capacity calculation function used to determine when to end the
scheduling by checking the PLR utility. Optimizes the PER and PDR jointly across the physical and link layers. Advantage is real time traffic scheduling problem, optimizing the PLR and maintaining fairness between the different users in terms of the excess packet losses experienced by each user. Disadvantage is schedule packets from different traffic flows by considering a FLR utility function instead of handling BER and FDR independently, so that the FLR utility is minimized and different traffic flows can fairly share the excess FLR [2]. 2.4 Two Dimensional Markov Model in AMC/ARQ Carrrasco L, et al have proposed many recent cross-layer proposals coincide in combining adaptive modulation and coding at the physical-layer with an automatic repeat request protocol at the data link- layer. One of the main drawbacks of is rely on first-
order Amplitude-based Finite-State Markov Chains (AFSMC) to model the wireless fading channel, presumably, because of their simplicity. First-order AFSMCs having an exponentially decaying Auto Correlation Function (ACF) can not fit the hyper geometric ACF of the statistical Rayleigh fading process used to model wireless flat-fading channels.
Significant mismatch of exponential and hyper geometric ACFs could compromise the design of higher layer protocols, the performance may depend on a time scale for which this mismatch plays an important role. Cross-layer design for multi-rate wireless systems using AMC with ARQ-based error control is based on the use of first-order Markov models rely on both the amplitude and the rate-of-change of the fading envelope. AMC/ARQ model main idea is 1) Improved Rayleigh flat-fading channel modeling through the use of a very simple enhanced first-order two-dimensional FSMC model able to improve the ACF fitting of the first-order AFSMC. 2) Implementation of the AMC threshold searching algorithm used in the transmission mode selection, designed independently from the channel model and has the capability to discriminate between useful and useless transmission modes. 3) A cross-layer design, conceived as a constrained optimization problem to exploit the joint impact on QoS performance measures of both AMC at the physical layer and ARQ-based error control at the data-link-layer [1]. Advantage is the threshold search is designed independently from the channel model and has the capability to discriminate between useful and useless transmission modes. Disadvantage is the optimization algorithm requires exhaustive searches and dynamic traffic flows have not considered in the system evaluations. 2.5 Enhanced Uplink Packet Scheduling Chen.H, et al(February, 2010 ) has proposed a multicell time-division MC-CDMA system and focus on the uplink channel, only one traffic flow is consider. Without loss of generality, each medium-access control frame has a Fixed number (F) of time slots, all packets have the same size and each packet can be transmitted in one time slot using one code to achieve different bit rates, a user may transmit multiple packets using multiple time slots or multiple codes over one time slot or both. Orthogonal codes are used for multiple packet transmissions from the same user over one time slot so that the mutual inference between the concurrent transmissions of the same user is greatly Station (BS) receiver . Discrete nature of packet-switched systems, the Cross-Layer Enhanced Packet Scheduling Algorithm (CEPS) schedules packets one by one specifically, selects a packet
at the
from the user with the largest Fairness Factor (FF) so the fairness constraints can be met as much as possible. After transmitting one packet, the corresponding FF will decrease a little bit. Three stages in the CEPS algorithm. (1) Which user should be served next is decided and one of its packets is selected. (2) Selected packet is put into a specific slot in the frame, and the corresponding system statistics are updated. (3) CEPS algorithm determines whether to end the scheduling. Advantage is optimizes the link-layer PDR and the physical-layer PER to the reduces overall PLR and improve the system performance. Distributes the excess packet losses according to predefined weights to more effectively and flexibly maintain fairness. Disadvantage is CEPS performs the optimization frame by frame to schedule every single data frame meeting the optimization objective, does not take advantage of the traffic model or statistics of multimedia traffic flows [3]. 2.6 Packet Scheduling Algorithm For Multi-Code CDMA Network Kong P.Y, et al (Nov. 2005) has proposed multicode Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) supports a variety of transmission rates within a wireless network. Packet delay is important in CDMA network. Due to packet delay transmission capacity is varying even though in the error free wireless channel. Packet scheduling algorithm based on Deficit
Round Robin (DRR).DRR separates the traffic into two categories namely time-sensitive considered as deterministic component and another is time-insensitive as variable component. Providing the Quality Of Services (QOS) over the time-varying channel based on variable bit error rate (BER) in each time slot to different devices. Reservation based Medium Access Control (MAC) protocol is considered at MAC layer. Resource reservations are done by sending Access Request (AR) to the base station one of following three methods. 1. Random access in the request slots. 2. Piggybacking on the uplink transmissions. 3. Polling by the base station. ARs inform the BS regarding the sizes of packets waiting to be transmitted. Packet sizes are fixed-size fragments for efficient reservation. After sending the ARs flow wait for
the explicit transmission permissions from the BS before transmitting the packets. Each transmission indicates which device is allocated what transmission rate at which time.MAC protocol consisting of two decoupled functions, namely transmission scheduling and transmission packing. Scheduling function determines which AR to serve next. Packing function decides the transmission time and what rate is granted to scheduled AR the target BER can be assured at all times. Advantage of DRR is dedicate the deterministic capacity component to serve timesensitive flows and to use the variable capacity component to serve non time-insensitive flows. Disadvantage is separately considering the BER and FDR [8]. 2.7 QoS-Oriented Packet Scheduling Huang.V et al (Jan.-Mar. 2004) has proposed third-generation and beyond wireless communication systems will be a mixture of different traffic classes, each having own transmission rate characteristics and Quality-Of-Service (QoS) requirements. Wideband CDMA has been selected as the major multiple access technique for the third-generation wireless systems. CDMA system power control has to be used to combat the near-far problem. Supporting the voice services only received signal power from each and every mobile user in the cell maintained at the same constant level as uplink at the BS. CDMA systems different traffic classes require different transmission accuracies specified by BER to transmit the multimedia. Packetized transmission over wireless links makes possible to achieve a high statistical multiplexing gain. Packet flows generated by mobile users can be classified to several traffic classes. Each class has unique traffic characteristics and Quality-Of-Service (QoS) requirements. Due to the heterogeneous and busty nature of multimedia traffic flows the traditional voice-based Medium Access Control (MAC) protocols do not perform well in a multimedia environment. A flexible MAC protocol can efficiently accommodate multimedia traffic is required. One important MAC function is the packet scheduling. Scheduling is based on the order of packet transmissions for multimedia traffic has a great impact on the efficiency and performance of the wireless system. Common criterion for packet scheduler design include maximization of throughput, QoS provisioning, scheduling according to a predefined priority structure and low
implementation complexity as packet scheduling is implemented in real-time. Most common scheduling strategies are First-In-First-Out (FIFO), round robin and generalized processor sharing for wireless networks.MAC protocol with Fair Packet Loss Sharing (FPLS) is considered fro CDMA multimedia communication. The main features of the FPLS: 1) Packet losses are shared fairly among all the users according to each and every users QoS requirements. 2) Number of users supported by the system with guaranteed QoS is maximized which in turn maximizes the resource utilization. Advantage is minimum transmission power allocated for each frame, packet loss probability and delay requirement are guaranteed is achieved. Efficient resources and maximum multiplexing in the code domain each time slot. Disadvantage is applicable to single cell system and not applicable to multiple cells in the network [7]. 2.8 Cross Layer Scheduling With Prescribed QOS Liu. Q et al(May 2005) has proposed providing guaranteed quality-of-service (QoS) for multimedia applications over wireless fading channels is important. A cross layer design for multi user environment at the data link layer scheduling with employing adaptive modulation coding at the physical layer is considered. Multimedia services classifies into two categories. 1. QOS guaranteed. 2. Best effort ones. First category includes voice, video or audio streaming, telephony and conferencing. Second category includes web-browsing, e-mail and file transfer protocol. Scheduler design consideration of all the aspects like QOS, throughput and delay. Efficient bandwidth utilization for a prescribed error performance at the physical layer can be accomplished with Adaptive Modulation and Coding (AMC) schemes match transmission parameters to the wireless channel conditions.AMC considered at the physical layer and the parameters impact on the higher layers Multiuser scheduling at the medium access layer achieving the QOS and the reserved bandwidth. Scheduling of time slots by best effort users is by weighted-fair-queuing. Weigh
utilization of
may depends on the channel quality and the number of packets in the queue of individual users. Low probability of detection achieved by combining the bandwidth scheduling and power. Combining the weighted-fair-queuing and Low probability of detection parameters considered as cross-layer scheduler. Advantage is low-complexity implementation, scalability and provides service isolation. Minimum average delay is achieved. Disadvantage is fixed bandwidth is reserved for each user. Traffic scheduled based on the buffer status and channel condition [12]. 2.9 Opportunistic Scheduling Policies With Short Term Fairness Kulkarni. S.S et al(Dec. 2003) has proposed packet based wireless systems with timevarying channel conditions main problem is a scheduling problem. Designing scheduling mechanisms based on time-varying channel conditions are different for different users is necessary to improve the wireless system performance. Such scheduling mechanisms are called opportunistic. Opportunistic scheduling with strict short-term fairness constraints is considered. The short-term fairness constraints require each user to be given its fair share over a specified short term fairness window. Wireless channels have time varying characteristics. Different wireless users perceive different channel quality at the same time because of user shadowing, path losses due to changing environments and user mobility. Variations in the channel conditions can be exploited to increase the system throughput. The basic idea behind exploiting the channel variations is to schedule a user having the best channel condition at a given time. Such scheduling mechanisms are called Opportunistic Scheduling Mechanisms. If the service requirements of all the users are flexible such opportunistic scheduling methods can result in increased system throughput. Wireless channel for each user differs depending on the location, the surrounding environment and mobility. Each user reports downlink channel condition to the base station in a periodic fashion. At a given time the base station knows the channel condition and hence the data rate can offer to each user on the downlink. After finishing a packet transmission the scheduling mechanism at the base station chooses the user to which it will send the next packet. The base station uses the transmission rate as determined by the latest reported channel condition of the selected user. Base station as having one queue per user and the
scheduling mechanism is responsible to choose the next queue to serve based on the QoS constraints and channel condition. Advantage is achieving the high system throughput. Disadvantage is scheduling at the base station of a packet based system operating at the fixed transmission power. Channel parameters are required for scheduling [9]. 2.10 Cross Layer Radio Resource Allocation Cirvino.V et al(May 2009) has proposed packet scheduling over shared channels is one of the most attractive issues for researchers dealing with radio resource allocation in wireless networks as modern systems different traffic types with different application requirements need to coexist over the air interface. Radio access network using a multicarrier air interface is considered in a multicell multiuser context. A cross-layer scheduling algorithm that manages channel physical layer and application-related information. Cross-layer Channel and Application-Aware (CAA) scheduling algorithm. Evaluate the impact of scheduling on the system three strategies are considered. 1. Opportunistic scheduler. 2. Wireless fair service scheduler. 3. Earliest deadline first. Opportunistic scheduling aims at reaching the maximum system throughput by only taking into account channel state information, regardless of the kind of application and fairness. Wireless fair service aims preserving fairness among users according to the perceived channel state. Earliest deadline first aims to meeting the deadline requirement imposed by application regardless of fairness among users and channel state. Advantage is lower complexity and efficient utilization of resources. Multicell multi user environment is applied. Disadvantage is BER and FDR separately considered [4]. 2.11 Conclusions The disadvantages of previous techniques are consideration of bit error rate at the physical layer and frame drop ratio at the medium access control layer separately. Optimization of resource allocation in a CDMA system. Conventional methods deals allowing more simultaneous data frame transmissions in the CDMA channel reduces frame
drops at a given packet arrival rate but increases BER and hence frame corruptions due to heavier Multiple-Access-Interference (MAI). A trade-off between minimizing the MAC layers FDR and the physical layers BER. Dynamic traffic condition does not taking into consideration. Fixed bandwidth is reserved for every channel. Bandwidth depends on the channel status and traffic condition.
3.3.2 Software Required The software used for proposed project is MATLAB version 7.0.
4.0 PROPOSED CONCLUSIONS The Proposed traffic-adaptive cross layer optimization scheme for multicode
CDMA operating over a TDMA framework. Using a Markov Decision Process model, seeks to determine the maximum number of simultaneous data frame transmissions that can be supported in a time slot of a TDMA frame, to facilitate implementation alternative scheme is rate-adaptive scheme. Both schemes aim to jointly optimize the physical layers BER and the MAC layers FDR to minimize the overall FLR. Increase the system throughput and optimize the packet delay of the system. This can be applied for both voice and data transmission by updating frame.