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The Redmond Recorder: Ferry Tale Time

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History is Happening in Redmond!

The Redmond Recorder

April 2005 Vol. 7, No. 4
Redmond Historical Society
Our mission:
To discover, recover, preserve, share and celebrate Redmond’s history

16600 NE 80th St, Room 106, Redmond, WA 98052 425-885-2919

www.redmondhistory.org [email protected]
Office hours: Monday-Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursday, 1-4pm, or by appointment

President’s Corner
Back in the “old days,” as far back as the late
1930s through the early part of the ‘70s, April would
be the month when the annual slough races would take
place. The smell of fuel and the sound of screaming
high-powered outboard motors filled the air. And
people filled the banks of the Sammamish Slough.
They came from all over to view this event. This was
pre-Gold Cup time. This was a big draw and the largest
of the area. And the only boat race in town.
These were the days we called the river the
“slough” and there were a lot more curves for the boats
to maneuver. The curves and bends were especially
popular spots for viewing as we would want to see if
the boats would be able to maneuver the turn at high Ferry tale time
speeds. It was not unusual for a boat to leave the water
and end up on the bank. This was added excitement. This 1930 postcard, donated by Marge Mann,
Actually this is partly why the races ended. One of the
shows the ferry "Lincoln" docked at the end of
boats left the water and struck a spectator in 1974 and
that was the last race.
Kirkland Ave. before its run to Madison St. in Seattle.
There were two separate occasions for the boat It’s also our reminder that our April speaker,
races. The first weekend only the boats would race. A Norm Blye, will bring back that past with a photo
couple of weeks later the race would be with water presentation about water transportation across Lake
skiers. The boats would start at Kenmore and end in Washington before the bridges.
Lake Sammamish, I’m thinking Gateway Grove or People on Mercer Island were totally dependent
Idylwood. Maybe someone reading this will remember on boats. With few jobs on the island way back then,
and send us the right information. After the gravel was most adults had to commute to other places by ferry.
added to the river just south of Marymoor the races Norm’s parents both worked on Lake
ended there. In the earlier days the mill at Woodinville Washington ferries and he has a love for all things
would make sure their logs were pulled to one side of water and transportation. He also claims to be the
the banks to allow enough room for the boats to pass.
By the way I am only remembering back to the
oldest Bellevue native alive, having been born in a
late 50’s and the information here was gleaned from house on Main Street in 1918!
my friend Bud Sullivan and my cousins Frank Join us on April 9th, 10.30-noon, at the Old
Garbarino and Jim Aries. Those fellows were Redmond Schoolhouse Community Center.
actually in the races, as either boat drivers or skiers and By the way, Marge and her husband, Frank, rode
they have trophies to prove it. on the last ferry to Kirkland from Seattle in 1940.
Judy Aries Lang

The Redmond Recorder 4/05 1

History is Happening in Redmond!

2005 Meetings History Mystery: Helen Turcotte

A young girl, about four years old, was left by her parents in the care of
All @ 10:30 am an unmarried Redmond resident, Helen Turcotte, c. 1940. The girl was
Old Redmond Schoolhouse retrieved by her parents two or three years later and is today wishing to know
Community Center more about Helen Turcotte, who may have had other foster children or who
16600 NE 80th St. may have worked at an orphanage.
Second Saturday of the month: The only information we find on Miss Turcotte is from her obituary of
April 9, May 14, June 11, 1974: She was born in Palouse, Minnesota, and was a long-time Redmond
Sept. 10, Oct. 8, Nov. 12 resident, residing at 16610 NE 179th Street. She also belonged to the Holy
_________________________ Family Parish. If you have any further details about Helen Turcotte, please
contact Nao Hardy at [email protected] or (425) 883-3866.
2005 Executive Board

Judy Lang, President

Naomi Hardy, VP
Miguel Llanos, VP Old Redmond Walking Tours Return
Teresa Becker, Treasurer If you live in Redmond, you probably drive along Leary Way daily. But
Margaret Wiese, do you know the histories of our oldest buildings? Like which one was both an
Corresponding Secretary
undertaker’s premises and a bordello? Society board member Tom Hitzroth will
Beryl Standley,
Recording Secretary
educate and entertain folks with walking tours that explore those histories.
This year’s dates are: April 17, May 15, June 19 and Sept. 18.
Board of Directors Tours run from 1-2:30 p.m. and walkers meet on the front steps of the
Justice White House. Walks won’t be held in the rain!
Terri Gordon A $6 fee helps fund Society research and pre-registration is required. To do
Tom Hitzroth so, e-mail Tom at [email protected] or phone our office at (425) 885-2919.
Jon Magnussen
Amo Marr
Daryl Martin You’re Invited to Northwest Afternoon TV Show
Doris Schaible
KOMO has invited us to be in the audience for the April 13 taping of their
Northwest Afternoon show. In exchange for bringing at least 15 people, they will
90 or Better? air a public service announcement about the Society during the program. Folks
need to be at the Seattle studio from 2pm-4pm, and we’ll be carpooling. If you’d
Are you at least 90 like to join us, or have questions, contact Judy Lang at (425) 823-3551.
years young? Or do you
know someone with links
to Redmond who is?
If so, the Society
From the 1928 East Side Journal Classified Ads!
would like to send
birthday cards to these
very special people.
Please phone Amo
Marr at (425) 868-4094
to get added to the list.

The Redmond Recorder 4/05 2

History is Happening in Redmond!

Were You at our March 12th Meeting?

These Folks Were:
Harrison, Howard * Olson, LeRoy
Alexander, Margo Himes, Chris Peterson, Dean
Anderson, Eric * Ingersoll, Jo Ann Rockenbeck, Margy
Ballisty, Sharon Isackson, Duane Rosenbach, Patsy Cook
Becker, Teresa Lang Isackson, Joanne Rosenbach, Ruth Ann
Bohan, Heidi * Kraft, Gloria * Schaible, Doris
Cisneros, Nancy Kraft, Jim * Shults, Avis
DeBlauw, Karen Lambert, Lyn Solomon, Brad
Easley, Jim * Lampaert, Roy Sorweide, Bessie *
Eggleston, Dave * Lang, Judy Aries Sorweide, Roland
Elduen, Violet Cook Llanos, Miguel Stoneback, Phyllis
Garland, Lillian Lyons, George Standley, Beryl
Garrity, Yvonne Lampaert Lyons, Jackie Tollfeldt, Anne
Goetschius, Millie Magruder, Joan Tollfeldt, Harvey
Goetschius, Russell Martin, Daryl Torell, Jerry
Goshorn, Herbert Martin, Ward Vallene, Arlyn
Goshorn, Jean Etta Matthews, Doris Warner, Norma
Hahnlen, Charlotte Everson McCormick, Elma Watkins, JoAnn
Haines, Steve Mercer, Betty Weber, Doug *
Hall, Suzanne * Miller, Larry Weiss, Rose
Hall, Tom * Moffett, Ben Williams, Audrey
Hammersberg, Clara McSparran Moffett, Leena Williams, Larry
Hammersberg, Jerry Montgomery, Mary
Hardy, Jerry Murphy, Ed *First-time visitor
Hardy, Naomi

East Side Journal Nov. 15, 1928 East Side Journal May 10, 1928

The Redmond Recorder 4/05 3

History is Happening in Redmond!

Can You Help? Thank Yous!

A heap of historical thanks to these great people for donating
We need to transfer: treasures, expertise, time and energy!
• Old 8mm film to
DVDs. Chris Himes for addressing the Lions Club at their luncheon.
• Audio cassettes to
CDs. Janet Smith-Wolfheim for donating records of the Redmond Girl Scout Troop
#388 from 1948 to 1957.
If you have the means to do
Tony Emmanuel for the daily record of wells dug by H.O. Meyer Drilling Co.,
so, please contact Judy Lang which his son Tracy found inside a building wall.
at (425) 823-3551 or
[email protected] Gloria and Jim Kraft for donating a 1941 Redmond High School yearbook.

Norma Warner for donating her entire collection of “On The Waves” newspapers
from the Kirkland shipyards during WWII.
Help Redmondisce
Virginia Gibbs for donating the booklet of historic Eastside photographs.
We’re always looking for
Margaret Evers Wiese for a postcard advertising O’Brien’s Turkey House.
anecdotes and stories of
Redmond to share in the Avis Shults who gave us articles about her mother-in-law Florine Shults, who
newsletter. Send them along became Redmond City Clerk in 1956.
to [email protected]
or via US Mail to the office, Judy and Cletus Barry for the photograph of the Redmond Volunteer Fire
care of Miguel Llanos. Department in their uniforms in front of their emergency vehicles.

Richard Grubb for the collection of papers documenting his community activism.

Free Family Clara and Jerry Hammersberg for donating a late 1800s display case that was
originally from the Snohomish Hotel.
Research Class
Redmond Regional
Library will show you how to
access U.S. federal census
data up to the year 1930. A
librarian will demonstrate
how the Ancestry Library
Edition Database indexes and
displays this information, and
will provide hands-on practice
time for those wishing to
search for ancestors.
The free class is April
27 at 6:30-8:30pm.
Registration begins April 1st. LeRoy Olson, middle, for donating storage space to house old farm equipment and
Register in person or by other Society items. And thanks to City employees Alan Reznick, left, and Walt
calling the library at (425) Berry for helping with the move!

The Redmond Recorder 4/05 4

History is Happening in Redmond!

Redmond Historical Society Members

Through March 12, 2005
Below is a list of folks who have joined or renewed for 2005. If you’ve paid but are not on the list, contact Teresa
Becker at [email protected] or (425) 822-4456. If you’d like to join, please mail in the form on Page 6.

Alexander, Margo Hanscom, Martha Morelli, Dante

Anderson, Leslie Hansen, Tom & Lucille Hanson Morris, Allison
Argo, Jane Bechtol Bellings Nabors, Gladys
Barker, Bill & Katherine Forgue Hardy, Benjamin Neal, Marion
Bean, Ronald & Susan Hardy, Jerry Norton, Robin, Ray Norton/Carol
Becker, Teresa Hardy, Naomi* Kavanaugh
Beeson, Barbara* Himes, Chris O'Neil, Tim & Mary Pat
Best, Brad* Hudson, William & Carolyn Peckenpaugh, Carolyn Carlson
Bishop, Judith Swenson Hussey, Linda & Leon Pickett, Virginia Porter
Blair, Dusty Watts Ingersoll, Jo Ann Porter, Fred & Donna
Bohan, Heidi Isackson, Duane & Joanne Radtke, Hank
Burhen, Ray & Tove Isackson, Lloyd & Diana Randolph, Mary Green
Campbell, Selma Jeppesen, Tony & Joanne Reed, Frances
Carlson, Inga Jones, Jean Marie Kenyon Rice, Pauline
Carlson, Maurice Jovag, Patricia Weiss* Robertson, Jeanne
Chew, Audrey Hall Joyce, Barbara Weiss* Robinson, Vivian*
Cole, Richard Kent, Sharon, Harold & Jennie Rockenbeck, Bill & Laurie*
Conway, Yvonne King, Marie Rockenbeck, Margy*
Couch, John & Lynn Lampaert, Glenn* Rosenbach, Patsy Cook
DeJong, Cory & Lorraine Lampaert, Roy* Schaible, Doris
Diesen, Charles Lang, Allen & Carole Greene Scheef, Carrie
Elduen, Violet Cook Lang, Angela Scott, Claudia Martin
Emmanuel, Tony & Betty Lang, Judy Shults, Avis
Evers, Ethel Cotterill Lavender, Teresa & Goold, Jeff Solomon, Brad, Jenny and family
Fosberg, Ruth Leland, Bea Everson Sorweide, Rollie & Sandra
Friends of the Redmond Library Lentz, Charles & Mary Ellen Standley, Beryl, Craig & Charles
Frey, Stanley Llanos, Miguel* Stevens, Vern & Dorothy
Garbarino, Frank Lucarelli, Lucia Swan, Ted & Barbara
Garland, Lillian Lyons, George & Jackie Sween, Faye
Gilbert, Evelyn Magnuson, Gene & Cheryl Swenson, Robert
Goetschius, Russell, Mildred & Magnussen, Jon* Thomas, Tom & Kay
Sandra Magruder, Joan Tollfeldt, Harvey & Anne
Gordon, Terri Mann, Marge Torell, Jerry
Gorlick, Audrey Marr, Clare Watkins, JoAnn
Gossard, Clinton & Beth Marrs, Carl & Patricia Watts, Don*
Hahnlen, Charlotte Martin, Daryl* Weiss, Rose
Hall, Tom & Suzanne Martin, Ward Westlund, Joanne
Hall, Patricia Matsui, Dorothy Wiese, Margaret Evers*
Hall, Terry Yoshitake McCormick, Elma Williams, Larry, Audrey & Lois
Hammersberg, Art Mellquest, Frank & Gerry Woodside, Arleen
Hammersberg, Clara & James Mercer, Betty Yoshitake, Frank & Miye
Hammersberg, Gary Miller, Larry
Hanscom, Dorothy Montgomery, Mary Kirkpatrick *Lifetime members

The Redmond Recorder 4/05 5

History is Happening in Redmond!

Help Cut Newsletter Costs Heritage Art Contest

If you receive the newsletter We’re proud to sponsor, along with the Redmond Arts Commission
via US Mail and have access to e- and the Eastside Association of Fine Arts, the first ever (as far as we
mail we ask that you please try know!) Redmond Heritage Art Contest.
subscribing via e-mail instead. Whether you’re new to the art world or established, we encourage
Not only will you help you to enter ($8 fee for up to 10 pieces). First ($300), second ($200) and
reduce costs, but the photo quality third ($100) place prizes will be awarded and selected entries will be
is much better in e-mail! displayed in the Old Schoolhouse lobby from June to July as part of
To sign up, e-mail Derby Days.
[email protected]. If it The Society hopes to acquire one or more pieces and its aim for the
doesn’t work out you can always event is to promote our mission – in this case via artwork!
go back to US Mail. E-mail [email protected] or phone Miguel Llanos at (425)
869-9806 for an entry form. Deadline to enter is May 23.

Join the Redmond Historical Society

2005 dues
And help discover, recover, preserve, share and celebrate Redmond’s history!

Levels of Membership Please make checks payable to:

(Check 1 only) Redmond Historical Society
Trailblazer (Student)............... $ 5.00
Pioneer (Individual) ............. $ 20.00 Mail To:
Homesteader (Family) ......... $ 35.00 Redmond Historical Society
Entrepreneur (Supporter) ... $ 200.00 Attn: Membership
Corporate (Business) ......... $ 250.00 ORSCC, Room 106
History Maker (Lifetime).$ 1,000.00 16600 NE 80th Street
All Contributions are Tax Deductible Redmond, WA 98052

Name__________________________________________________ Phone ______________________

(Please print your name exactly as you would like it to appear on your name tag for general meetings.)

Address _____________________________________________ City _______________________ St ________ Zip _________________

E-Mail Address ________________________________________ Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY) __________________________________

If Family Membership, other names to be included: _______________________________________________________________________

If you would like a short, one-liner on your name tag (e.g. Charter Member, or Pioneers Since 1903), enter it below:


Is your business rooted in Redmond? If so, Redmond Historical Society is looking for a partner who, in
exchange for a tax-deductible financial donation, would be allowed to reach our 1,200 readers via this
space and on our Web site at www.redmondhistory.org. Contact Miguel Llanos at
[email protected] or (425) 869-9806.

The Redmond Recorder 4/05 6

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