Ship Inspection
Ship Inspection
Ship Inspection
will be undergoing inspection by a P & I condition surveyor to facilitate the provision of P & I cover by Maritime Mutual Insurance Association (NZ) Ltd. The inspection will be accomplished by using a comprehensive check list. The surveyor will need to be accompanied by a Senior Officer throughout the course of the inspection to ensure both his safety and access to all parts of the vessel. The checklist headings, which indicate the scope of the survey, are as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Vessel Particulars Ships Certificates, Documents and Surveys Shipboard Records, Safety and Maintenance Systems/ Procedures Publications and Manuals Manning and Crew Competency Navigation and Communication Equipment & Publications Fire-Fighting and Life-Saving Equipment Hull & General (All Vessels) Ballast Tanks Including Fore Peak and Aft Peak (All Vessels) Cargo Worthiness Dry Cargo Vessels Cargo Worthiness Refrigerated Cargo Vessels Cargo Worthiness Container Vessels Cargo Worthiness Tankers and Gas Carriers Engine Room and Machinery Oil Pollution Prevention Accommodation and Galley Area Management and/ or ISM
In order to minimise disruption to your schedule and ensure that the P & I surveyor can complete a full survey, it is essential that the following guidelines be adhered to:
Time, place of inspection of cargo spaces a) It is essential that the survey be arranged at a time when the cargo holds and/ or cargo tanks are free of cargo and fit for entry. b) Adequate time must be made available with 5 6 hours required for smaller vessels (up to 2,500 GRT) and up to 10 hours for large bulk carriers and tankers. c) Daylight inspections are always preferable so as to facilitate good photography and proper inspection. d) Attendance while the vessel is secured alongside or in dry-docks is always preferable to attending at anchor so as to reduce travelling time and launch costs.
Preparation of access and testing arrangements to ensure cargo worthiness a) At least one half (50%) of all ballast water tanks, including D.B.s, side tanks, top side tanks, fore peak and aft peak must be open, well ventilated and ready for inspection. b) All D.B. and side ballast tanks in way of the cargo holds must be ready and available for hydrostatic pressure testing. c) All cargo hold bilge suctions must be clean and ready for testing. d) All hatch covers (including steel pontoon and tarpaulin covers) are to be secured and ready for hose or ultrasonic testing.
Standard Equipment Tests The following equipment will be tested/ inspected during the survey: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) l) m) Bridge equipment including radars and radios etc. General alarm, fire bells and fire detection system. Whistle. Sidelights. Launching and retrieval equipment for survival craft. Liferaft hydrostatic releases and weak link securing arrangements. Emergency fire pump, general fire main and associated fire fighting equipment. Emergency batteries/ generators. Quick closing fuel valves. Ventilation flaps and remote stops. Oily water separator 15 PPM indicator. Steering gear, including emergency system and communications system. Engine room bilge alarm (if fitted).
Document and record book inspection Please ensure that the following documentation and records are up-to-date/ valid and on board the vessel, readily available for surveyors inspection: a) Ships trading certificates issued by flag state authority. b) ISM Manuals and records. (If applicable).
c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) l) m) n) o) p) q) r) s)
Last PSC inspection report. Cargo Gear Record of Testing and Inspection. Records of stability calculations and Stability Booklet endorsed by Administration. Medical stores inspection certificate by qualified pharmacist. Certification/ last inspection of Fire-Fighting and Life-Saving Equipment. Last Class printout and survey report file. Last report on ultrasonic steel thickness testing. Minimum Safe Manning Certificate and crews STCW 95 certification. Drug and Alcohol Policy. Magnetic Compass Deviation Card. Correction records of nautical and radio publications. Sounding Book. Masters Night Order Book. Deck & Engine room Logbooks and Radio/ GMDSS Log. Oil Record Book and Garbage Record Book. Compass Error Book and Bell Book. Safety Officers Incident Book, Minutes of Safety Committee Meetings and records of accident reporting. t) Planned Maintenance Programme. u) Engine room and deck maintenance workbooks. v) Company Operating & Safety Manuals. w) Records of Hot Work Permit System and Entry Permit System for Enclosed Spaces. Engine room equipment records Ensure that the following records are up-to-date and on board the vessel, readily available for surveyors inspection: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) Records of change or cleaning of main engine lubricating oil filters. Records of testing of quick closing valves. Records of testing of remote stops. Records of megger test/ insulation test of main switch board. Records of last pressure test of compressed air system. Records of overhaul of main & auxiliary engines. Records of lubricating oil analysis for main engine. Records of main engine crankshaft deflections.
If you require clarification of these Guidelines or if you would like to obtain a copy of the checklist which will be utilised for the inspection of your vessel, please contact our head office in Singapore and we will be pleased to assist you.