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Universit Paris-Est cole Doctorale SIMME

Numro attribu par la bibliothque : . . . . . . . . . . . . .

pour obtenir le grade de
Docteur de luniversit de Paris-Est
discipline : Informatique
prsente et soutenue publiquement par
Michael Guedj
le 11 octobre 2012
BSP Algorithms for LTL & CTL*
Model Checking of Security Protocols
Composition du jury
Prsident : Pr. Catalin Dima Univ. of Paris-East
Rapporteurs : Pr. Frdric Loulergue Univ. of Orlans
Pr. Jean-Franois Prada-Peyre Univ. of Paris-Dauphine
Examinateur : Pr. Laure Petrucci Univ. of Paris-North
Pr. Hanna Klaudel Univ. of vry
Directeurs Scientiques : Dr. Frdric Gava Univ. of Paris-East
Pr. Franck Pommereau Univ. of vry
Directeur : Pr. Gatan Hains Univ. of Paris-East
The research thesis was done under the supervision of A/Prof Frdric Gava, Prof. Franck
Pommereau, and Prof. Gaetan Hains, in the University Paris-Est Creteil UPEC.
The generous nancial help of Digiteo and the Ile-de-france region is gratefully acknowledged.
To my family.
To Frdric and Franck, for been the most dedicated supervisors anyone could hope for. For
holding my hand and standing behind me all the way through. I thank you from my bottom of
my heart.
My thanks go also to all the members of our Algorithmic, Complexity and Logic Laboratory
(LACL) Laboratory.
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Security Protocols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.1.1 Generalities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.1.2 Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.1.3 Motivations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.1.4 Informal denition of security protocols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.1.5 Security Properties and possible attacks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.1.6 Why cryptographic protocols go wrong? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
1.2 Modelisation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
1.2.1 High-level Petri nets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
1.2.2 A syntactical layer for Petri nets with control ow: ABCD . . . . . . . . 13
1.3 Parallelisation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
1.3.1 What is parallelism? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
1.3.2 Bulk-Synchronous Parallelism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
1.3.3 Other models of parallel computation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
1.4 Verifying security protocols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
1.4.1 Verifying security protocols through theorem proving . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
1.4.2 Verifying security protocols by model checking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
1.4.3 Dedicated tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
1.5 Model checking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
1.5.1 Local (on-the-y) and global model-checking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
1.5.2 Temporal logics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
1.5.3 Reduction techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
1.5.4 Distributed state space generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
1.6 Outline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
2 Stace space 41
2.1 Security protocols as Label Transition System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
2.1.1 Label Transition System and the marking (state) graph . . . . . . . . . . 42
2.1.2 LTS representation of security protocols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
2.1.3 From LTS to high-level Petri nets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
2.1.4 Sequential state space algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
2.2 A naive parallel algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
2.3 Dedicated parallel algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
2.3.1 Our generic protocols model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
2.3.2 Having those structural informations from ABCD models . . . . . . . . . 47
2.3.3 Increasing local computation time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
2.3.4 Decreasing local storage: sweep-line reduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
2.3.5 Balancing the computations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
2.4 Formal explanations of the LTS hypothesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
2.4.1 General assumptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
2.4.2 Slices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
2.4.3 Receptions and classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
2.4.4 Termination of the algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
2.4.5 Balance considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
3 Model checking 57
3.1 Tarjan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
3.1.1 Recursive Tarjan algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
3.1.2 Iterative Tarjan algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
3.2 Temporal logics LTL and CTL* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
3.2.1 Notations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
3.2.2 CTL* syntax and semantics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
3.2.3 Proof-structures for verifying a LTL formula . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
3.3 LTL checking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
3.3.1 Sequential recursive algorithm for LTL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
3.3.2 Sequential iterative algorithm for LTL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
3.3.3 Parallel algorithm for LTL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
3.4 CTL* checking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
3.4.1 Sequential algorithms for CTL* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
3.4.2 Naive parallel algorithm for CTL* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
3.4.3 Parallel algorithm for CTL* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
4 Case study 95
4.1 Specication of some security protocols using ABCD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
4.1.1 Modelisation of the security protocols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
4.1.2 Full example: the Needham-Schroeder protocol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
4.1.3 Other examples of protocols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
4.2 Implementation of the algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
4.2.1 BSP programming in Python . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
4.2.2 SNAKES toolkit and syntactic layers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
4.2.3 Parallel algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
4.3 State space generations benchmarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
4.4 LTL and CTL*s benchmarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
5 Conclusion 131
5.1 Summary of contributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
5.2 Future works . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
Bibliography 135
1.1 Security Protocols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.1.1 Generalities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.1.2 Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.1.3 Motivations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.1.4 Informal denition of security protocols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.1.5 Security Properties and possible attacks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.1.6 Why cryptographic protocols go wrong? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
1.2 Modelisation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
1.2.1 High-level Petri nets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
1.2.2 A syntactical layer for Petri nets with control ow: ABCD . . . . . . . 13
1.3 Parallelisation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
1.3.1 What is parallelism? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
1.3.2 Bulk-Synchronous Parallelism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
1.3.3 Other models of parallel computation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
1.4 Verifying security protocols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
1.4.1 Verifying security protocols through theorem proving . . . . . . . . . . . 26
1.4.2 Verifying security protocols by model checking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
1.4.3 Dedicated tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
1.5 Model checking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
1.5.1 Local (on-the-y) and global model-checking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
1.5.2 Temporal logics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
1.5.3 Reduction techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
1.5.4 Distributed state space generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
1.6 Outline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
In a world strongly dependent on distributed data communication, the design of secure in-
frastructures is a crucial task. Distributed systems and networks are becoming increasingly
important, as most of the services and opportunities that characterise the modern society are
based on these technologies. Communication among agents over networks has therefore acquired
a great deal of research interest. In order to provide eective and reliable means of communica-
tion, more and more communication protocols are invented, and for most of them, security is a
signicant goal.
It has long been a challenge to determine conclusively whether a given protocol is secure or
not. The development of formal techniques that can check various security properties is an
important tool to meet this challenge. This document contributes to the development of such
techniques by model security protocols using an algebra of coloured Petri net call ABCD and
reduce time to checked the protocols using parallel computations. This allow parallel machines
to apply automated reasoning techniques for performing a formal analysis of security protocols.
1.1 Security Protocols
1.1.1 Generalities
Cryptographic protocols are communication protocols that use cryptography to achieve security
goals such as secrecy, authentication, and agreement in the presence of adversaries.
Designing security protocols is complex and often error prone: various attacks are reported
in the literature to protocols thought to be correct for many years. These attacks exploit
weaknesses in the protocol that are due to the complex and unexpected interleavings of dierent
protocol sessions as well as to the possible interference of malicious participants.
Furthermore, they are not as easy that they appear [20]: the attacker is powerful enough to
perform a number of potentially dangerous actions as intercepting messages owing over the
network, or replacing them by new ones using the knowledge he has previously gained; or is able
to perform encryption and decryption using the keys within his knowledge [77]. Consequently
the number of possible testing attacks generally growing exponentially of the size of the session.
Formal methods oer a promising approach for automated security analysis of protocols:
the intuitive notions are translated into formal specications, which is essential for a careful
design and analysis, and protocol executions can be simulated, making it easier to verify certain
security properties. Formally verifying security protocols is now an old subject but still relevant.
Dierent approach exist as [10, 12, 101] and tools were dedicated for this work as [11, 68].
To establish the correctness of a security protocol, we rst need to dene a model in which
such protocol is going to be analyzed. An analysis model consists of three submodels: a prop-
erty model, an attacker model, and an environment model. The environment model encloses
the attacker model, while the property model is separate. The property model allows the for-
malization of the goals of the protocol, that is the security guarantees it is supposed to provide.
The security goals are also known as the protocol requirements or the security properties. The
attacker model describes a participant, called the attacker (or intruder) which does not neces-
sarily follow the rules of the protocol. Actually, its main interest is in breaking the protocol,
by subverting the intended goal specied using the property model described above. In the
attacker model, we detail which abilities are available to the attacker, that is, which operations
the attacker is able to perform when trying to accomplish its goal. The attacker model is also
sometimes called the threat model.
The environment model is a representation of all the surrounding world of the attacker
described above in the attacker model. The environment model includes honest principals which
faithfully follow the steps prescribed by the security protocol. By modelling these principals, the
environment model also encodes the security protocol under consideration. Furthermore, the
environment model describes the communication mechanisms available between participants.
Alternatively, the environment model may also describe any quality of interest from the real
world which may inuence the behaviour (or security assurances) of the protocol. Examples
include modelling explicitly the passage of time, or modelling intrinsic network characteristics
such as noise or routing details.
The attacker is assumed to have complete network control. Thus, the attacker can intercept,
block or redirect any communication action executed by an honest principal. The attacker can
also synthesize new messages from the knowledge it has, and communicate these messages to
honest participants. This synthesis, which is the ability to create new messages, is precisely
dened. However, if the attacker does not know the correct decryption key of a given ciphertext
(i.e. an encrypted message), then it can not gain any information from the ciphertext. This
assumption is crucial, and it is known as perfect or ideal encryption. Hence, the attacker is not
assumed to be able to cryptanalyse the underlying encryption scheme, but simply treat it as
perfect. As with encryption, every cryptographic primitive available to the attacker (e.g. hashing
or signature) is similarly idealized, arriving at perfect cryptography.
Alice Bob
A, N
, N
Figure 1.1. An informal specication of ns protocol, where N
and N
are nonces and K
, K
are the public keys of respectively Alice and Bob.
1.1.2 Example
The protocol ns involves two agents Alice (A) and Bob (B) who want to mutually authenticate.
This is performed through the exchange of three messages as illustrated in Figure 1.1. In this
specication, a message m is denoted by m) and a message encrypted by a key k is denoted by
we use the same notation for secret key and public key encryption. The three steps of
the protocol can be understood as follows:
1. Alice sends her identity A to Bob, together with a nonce N
; The message is encrypted
with Bobs public key K
so that only Bob can read it; N
thus constitutes a challenge
that allows Bob to prove his identity; Bob is the only one who can read the nonce and
send it back to Alice;
2. Bob solves the challenge by sending N
to Alice, together with another nonce N
that is
a new challenge to authenticate Alice;
3. Alice solves Bobs challenge, which results in mutual authentication.
This protocol is well known for being awed when initiated with a malicious third party
Mallory (M). Let us consider the run depicted in Figure 1.2. It involves two parallel sessions,
with Mallory participating in both of them:
when Mallory receives Alices rst message, she decrypts it and forwards to Bob the same
message (but encrypted with Bobs key) thus impersonating Alice;
Bob has no way to know that this message is from Mallory instead of Alice, so he answers
exactly as in the previous run;
Mallory cannot decrypt this message because it is encrypted with Alices key, but she
might use Alice has an oracle and forward the message to her
when Alice receives N
, N
, she cannot know that this message has been generated
by Bob instead of Mallory, and so she believes that this is Mallorys answer to her rst
so, Alice sends the last message of her session with Mallory who is now able to retrieve
and authenticate with Bob.
In this attack, both sessions (on the left and on the right) are perfectly valid according to the
specication of the protocol. The aw is thus really in the protocol itself, which is called a logical
attack. This can be easily xed by adding the identity of the sender to each message (like in
the rst one), in which case Alice can detect that the message forwarded by Mallory (now it is
B, N
, N
) is originated from Bob.
Alice Mallory Bob
A, N
A, N
, N
, N
Figure 1.2. An attack on ns protocol where Mallory authenticates as Alice with Bob.
1.1.3 Motivations
The possibility of violations and attacks of security protocols sometimes stems from subtle
misconceptions in the design of the protocols. Typically, these attacks are simply overlooked,
as it is dicult for humans, even by careful inspection of simple protocols, to determine all
the complex ways that dierent protocol sessions could be interleaved together, with possible
interference of a malicious intruder, the attacker.
The question of whether a protocol indeed achieves its security requirements or not is, in the
general case, undecidable [4,82,90]. This has been proved by showing that a well-known undecid-
able problem (e.g. the Post Correspondence Problem, the halting problem for Turing machines,
etc.) can be reduced to a protocol insecurity problem. Despite this strong undecidability result,
the problem of deciding whether a protocol is correct or not it is still worthwhile to be tackled
by the introduction of some restrictions can lead to identify decidable subclasses: by focusing on
verication of a bounded number of sessions the problem is known to be NP-complete. This can
be done by simply enumerating and exploring all traces of the protocols state transition system
looking for a violation to some of the requirements. However the specic nature of security
protocols that make them particularly suited to be checked by specic tools. That also need
how formalise those protocols to be latter checked.
Although, if the general verication problem is undecidable, for many protocols, verication
can be reduced to verication of a bounded number of sessions. Moreover, even for those
protocols that should theorically be checked under a unbounded number of concurrent protocol
executions, violations in their security requirements often exploit only a small number of sessions.
For these reasons, in many cases of interest it is sucient to consider a nite number of sessions
in which each agent performs a xed number of steps. For instance all the attacks on the well-
know SPORE and Clark-Jacobs libraries [51] can be discovered by modelling each protocol with
only two protocol sessions.
1.1.4 Informal denition of security protocols
Communication protocols specify an exchange of messages between principals, i.e. the agents
participating in a protocol execution e.g. users, hosts, or processes. Messages are sent over
open networks, such as the Internet, that cannot be considered secure. As a consequence, pro-
tocols should be designed robust enough to work even under worst-case assumptions, namely
messages may be eavesdropped or tampered with by an intruder or dishonest or careless princi-
pals. A specic category of protocols has been devised with the purpose of securing communica-
tions over insecure networks: security (or cryptographic) protocols are communication protocols
that aim at providing security guarantees such as authentication of principals or secrecy of some
piece of information through the application of cryptographic primitives.
The goal of cryptographic is to convert a plain-text P into a cipher-text C (and vice versa)
that is unintelligible to anyone (a spy) that monitoring the network. The process of converting
P into C is called encryption, while the reverse procedure is called decryption. The main feature
of computers encryption is the used of an additional parameter K known as the encryption key.
In order to recover the original plain-text the intended receiver should use a second key K
called the inverse key where is no way to compute easally it from K and vice versa.
The best-known cryptographic algorithms for key are the well-known DES (Digital Encryp-
tion Standard) and the RSA (Rivest, Shamir, and Adleman) algorithms. The security of cryp-
tographic algorithms relies in the diculty of breaking them by performing a brute-force search
of the key space. Hence the use of keys suciently long to prevent a brute force attack in a
reasonable time entirely justies the standard assumption adopted in formal analysis of security
protocols and called perfect cryptography. The idea underlying such an assumption is that an
encrypted message can be decrypted only by using the appropriate decryption key, i.e. it is
possible to retrieve M from M
only by using K
as decryption key.
Protocols are normally expressed as narrations, where some ner details are abstracted away.
A protocol narration is a simple sequence of message exchanges between the dierent participat-
ing principals and can be interpreted as the intended trace of the ideal execution of the protocols.
Informally, the scenario we are interesting in involves a set of honest agents that, according to
a security protocol, exchange messages over insecure communication channels controlled by a
malicious agent called intruder with the ultimate goal of achieving some security requirements.
Participants (agents) perform sequence of data exchange (sending or received operators) which
could be seen as ping-pong.
1.1.5 Security Properties and possible attacks
What kind of attacks do there exist against security properties of protocol ? This question
cannot be answered before having dened what we expect from a given security protocol. We
give here an informal denition of possible and well-known attacks and security properties as
well as some vocabulary of protocols.
Vocabulary. Let us recall some elemetary vocabulary on security protocols:
Fresh Terms. A protocol insecurity problem can allow for the generation of fresh terms
e.g. nonce this allow to have a new value each time the protocol is used; random numbers
from the system can be used;
Step. The number of steps that an honest agent can perform to execute a session of the
Sessions. An agent can execute more than one time the protocol; each use of the protocol
is call a session;
Agents. The participants of the protocols including intruders.
In general, the cryptographic protocol consists of agents who are willing to engage in a secure
communication using an insecure network and sometime using trusted server, which generates
the fresh session key used for exchanging data securely between the principals. The session key is
abandoned after data exchanging is over. In fact, it is not possible to establish an authenticated
session key without existing secure channels already being available [38]. Therefore it is essential
that some keys are already shared between dierent principals, which are often referred to as
master keys. Dierent from session keys, which expire after each session, master keys are changed
less frequently, and consequently leaking master keys always causes cryptographic protocols to
be broken.
Fail in security protocols. The history of security protocols is full of examples, where weak-
nesses of supposedly correct published protocols that have been implemented and deployed in
real applications only to be found awed years later. The most well-known case is the Needham-
Schroeder authentication protocol that was found vulnerable to a man-in-the-middle attack 17
years after its publication. It has been shwo by The Computer Security Institute
that the
number of vulnerabilities of protocols is highly growing up and a discovering one of them is a
daily thing for compagnies and researchers. But, generally speaking, security problems are un-
decidable for their dynamic behaviour due to, say, mis-behaved agents and unbounded sessions
of protocol executions. Therefore, verication of security properties is an important research
problem. This leads to the researches in searching for a way to verify whether a system is secure
or not.
Security Attacks. Let us now enumerate some typical attacks. They can be categorised into
the following:
Interruption. The communications are destroyed or becomes unavailable or unusable;
examples include destruction of a piece of hardware, i.e. a hard disk, or the cutting
of a physical communication line, i.e. a cable. An agent (as a server or else) is then
Eavesdropping. An unauthorised party gains access to the communication; the unau-
thorised party could be a person, a program, or a computer; examples include wiretapping
to capture data in a network, and the illegally copying of les or programs;
Modication. An unauthorised party not only gains access to but tampers with the
network; examples include changing values in a data le, altering a program so that
it performs dierently, and modifying the content of messages being transmitted in a
Fabrication. An unauthorised party inserts counterfeit data into the network; examples
include the inserting of spurious message in a network or the addition of records to a le;
Trac analysis. An unauthorised party intercepts and examines the messages owing
over the network in order to deduce information from the message patterns; it can be
performed even when the messages are encrypted and can not be decrypted.
There are many kinds of attacking security protocol. Some well-known strategies that an
intruder might employ are:
Man-in-the-middle. This style of attack involves the intruder imposing himself between
the communications between the sender and receiver; if the protocol is purely designed
he may be able to subvert it in various ways; in particular he may be able to forge as
receiver to sender, for example;
Replay. The intruder monitors a run of the protocol and at some later time replays
one or more of the messages; If the protocol does not have the mechanism to distinguish
between separate runs or to detect the staleness of a message, it is possible to fool the
honest agents into rerunning all or parts of the protocol; devices like nonces, identiers
for runs and timestamps are used to try to foil such attacks;
Interleave. This is the most ingenious style of attack in which the intruder contrives for
two or more runs of the protocol to overlap.
There are many other known styles of attack and presumably many more that have yet to
be discovered. Many involve combinations of these themes. This demonstrates the diculty in
designing security protocols and emphasizes the need for a formal and rigorous analysis of these
A protocol execution is considered as involving honest (participants) principals and active
attackers. The abilities of the attackers and relationship between participants and attackers
together constitute a threat model and the almost exclusively used threat model is the one
proposed by Dolev and Yao [77]. The Dolev-Yao threat model is a worst-case model in the
sense that the network, over which the participants communicate, is thought as being totally
controlled by an omnipotent attacker with all the capabilities listed above. Therefore, there is
no need to assume the existence of multiple attackers, because they together do not have more
abilities than the single omnipotent one. Dishonest principals do not need to be considered
either: they can be viewed as an unique Dolev-Yao intruder. Furthermore, it is generally not
interesting to consider an attacker with less abilities than the omnipotent one except to verify
less properties and to accelerate the formal verication of a protocol.
Security properties. Each cryptographic protocol is designed to achieve one or more security-
related goals after a successful execution, in other words, the principals involved may reason
about certain properties; for example, only certain principals have access to particular secret
information. They may then use this information to verify claims about subsequent communi-
cation, e.g. an encrypted message can only be decrypted by the principals who have access to
the corresponding encryption key. The most commonly considered security properties include:
Authentication. It is concerned with assuring that a communication is authentic; in
the case of an ongoing interaction, such as the connection of a host to another host, two
aspects are involved; rst, at the time of connection initiation, the two entities have to
be authentic, i.e. each is the entity that he claims to be; second, during the connection,
there is no third party who interferes in such a way that he can masquerade as one of
the two legitimate parties for the purposes of unauthorized transmission or reception; for
example, fabrication is an attack on authenticity;
Condentiality. It is the protection of transmitted data from attacks; with respect to
the release of message contents, several levels of protection can be identied, including
the protection of a single message or even specicelds within a message; for example,
interception is an attack on condentiality;
Integrity. Integrity assures that messages are received as sent, with no duplication,
insertion, modication, reordering, or replays; as with condentiality, integrity can apply
to a stream of messages, a single message, or selected elds within a message; modication
is an attack on integrity;
Availability. Availability assures that a service or a piece of information is accessible
to legitimate users or receivers upon request; there are two common ways to specify
availability; an approach is to specify failure factors (factors that could cause the system
or the communication to fail) [185], for example, the minimum number of host failures
needed to bring down the system or the communication; interruption is, for example, an
attack on availability;
Non-repudiation. Non-repudiation prevents either sender or receiver from denying
a transmitted message; thus, when a message is sent, the receiver can prove that the
message was in fact sent by the alleged sender; similarly, when a message is received, the
sender can prove that the message was in fact received by the alleged receiver.
1.1.6 Why cryptographic protocols go wrong?
The rst reason for the security protocols easily go wrong is that protocols were rst usually
expressed as narrations and most of the details of the actual deployment are ignored. And this
little details and ambiguities may be the reason of an attack.
Second, as mentioned before, cryptographic protocols are mainly deployed over an open net-
work such that everyone can join it, exceptions are where wireless or routing protocols attacker
control only a subpart of the network and where agents only communicate with their neigh-
bors [13, 27, 121, 197, 198]. One reason for security protocols easily going wrong is the existence
of the attacker: he can start sending and receiving messages to and from the principals across
it without the need of authorization or permission. In such an open environment, we mush
anticipate that the attacker will do all sorts of actions, not just passively eavesdropping, but
also actively altering, forging, duplicating, re-directing, deleting or injecting messages. These
fault messages can be malicious and cause a destructive eect to the protocol. Consequently,
any message received from the network is treated to have been received from the attacker after
his disposal. In other words, the attacker is considered to have the complete control of the
entire network and could be considered to be the network. And it is easy for humans to forget a
possible combination of the attacker. Instead, automatic verication (model-checking), which is
the subject of this document, would not forget one possible attack. And this number of attack
growing exponentially and reduce the time of computation of generating all these attacks using
parallel machine is the main goal of this document.
It is notice to say that nowadays a considerable number of cryptographic protocols have been
specied, implemented and veried. Consequently analysing cryptographic protocols in order to
nd various kinds of attacks and to prevent them has received a lot of attention. As mentioned
before, the area is remarkably subtle and a very large portion of proposed protocols have been
shown to be awed a long time after they were published. This has naturally encouraged research
in this area.
1.2 Modelisation
A more complete presentation is available at [181].
1.2.1 High-level Petri nets
(a) Denition of classical Petri nets
A Petri net (also known as a place/transition net or P/T net) is a simple model of distributed
systems [175, 176]. A P/T net is a directed bipartite graph consists of places, transitions, and
directed arcs.
Intuitivelly transitions represent events that may occur, directed arcs (also called edges) the
data and control ow; and places are the ressources. Arcs run from a place to a transition (or
vice versa, never between places or between transitions. The places from which an arc runs to
a transition are called the input places of the transition; the places to which arcs run from a
transition are called the output places of the transition.
One thing that makes Petri nets interesting is that they provide a balance between modeling
power and analyzability: it is easy to modelised many distributed system and many proper-
ties about the concurrency of the modelised system can be automatically determined. This is
commonly called model-checking we will give a better denition in the former.
It is standard to a use a graphical representation of the P/T nets. We used the following one:
places are represented by circles;
transitions are denoted by squares;
arcs are denoted by arrows.
Sequence: Choice: Parallelism: Innit loop:
init action1 action2 end
process1 process2
Figure 1.3. Petri Nets for sequence, choice, iteration and parallelism
It is common to give name to transitions and places for a better read of the net. As show
in Figure 1.3, Petri nets can easally model classical structure of distributed system such as
sequence, choice, iteration or parallelism. Now, we give here a formal denition of Petri nets:
Denition 1 (Petri nets (P/T)).
A Petri net is a tuple (S, T, ) where:
S is the nite set of places;
T, disjoint from S ( i.e. T S = ), is the nite set of transitions;
is a labelling function such that for all (x, y) (S T) (T S), (x, y) is a multiset
over E and denes the arc from x toward y.
Each place can hold a number of individual tokens that represent data items owing through
the net. A transition is called enabled if there are tokens present at each of its input places, and
if all output places have not reached their capacity. Enabled transitions can re by consuming
a specied number of tokens from each of the input places and putting a number of new token
on each of the output places.
The number of tokens held at each place is specied by the marking of the net, which represents
the current state of the net. Consecutive markings are obtained by ring transitions. Informally,
starting from an initial marking, computing the marking graph of a Petri net consist to compute
all the consecutive markings. This problem is known to be EXPSPACE-hard and thus decidable.
Papers continue to be published on how to do it eciently which is in certain manner also the
goal of this thesis. It is common to had bullets into places to represent markings.
Formally, a marking m is represented as a vector N
with element m[p] denoting the number
of tokens on place p in marking m. Marking m
is the initial marking, i.e. it contains the number
of tokens on each place at the beginning. A new marking m

that is obtained from marking m

by ring transition t, noted m[t)m

can be computed if m has enough tokens, i.e. for all s S,

(s, t) m(s). Then m

is dened for all s S as m

= m(s) (s, t) +(t, s).
For example, two markings of two dierent P/T nets, each one ring on transition which give
two new markings:

If P/T nets are a simple and convenient model for study, it a main drawbacks: tokens do not
carry any value, and are undistinguishable. For example, conditional branches can only be
nondeterministic and cannot depend on the value of the data. Also, using the P/N model for
distributed systems requires to use, for instance, one buer to represent each possible value
of a modelled variable, which is not readable for large data types and may become humanly
intractable in complex cases.
Because such dependences are central requirements for many distributed systems, P/T nets
are not sucient to entirely capture complex behaviors. Therefore, we use a more expressive
Petri Net variant the High-Level(Coloured) Petri Nets, which we dene in the next section.
(b) High-Level or Coloured Petri nets
High-Level Petri Nets also called Coloured Petri Nets, have the same structure as P/T nets, but
tokens are now distinguishable (coloured), i.e. they carry values. Therefore, transitions do not
only take and put tokens upon ring, but they can be restricted in what colours of tokens they
accept, and can transform input tokens into dierently coloured output tokens. This allows to
express transitions that transform tokens.
Before dening Coloured Petri Nets, we rst introduce the notion of multisets, i.e. sets that
can contain the same element several times.
A multiset m over a domain D is a function m : D N (natural numbers), where, for d D,
m(d) denotes the number of occurrences of d in the multiset m. The empty multiset is denoted
by and is equivalent to the function
= (x.0). We shall denote multisets like sets with
repetitions, for instance m
= 1, 1, 2, 3 is a multiset and so is d + 1 [ d m
. The latter,
given in extension, is denoted by 2, 2, 3, 4. A multiset m over D may be naturally extended
to any domain D

D by dening m(d)
= 0 for all d D

D. If m
and m
are two multisets
over the same domain D, we dene:
order: m
i m
(d) m
(d) for all d D;
union: m
is the multiset over D dened by (m
= m
(d) +m
(d) for all
d D;
dierence: m
is the multiset over D dened by (m
= max(0, m
(d)) for all d D;
membership: for d D, we denote by d m
the fact that m
(d) > 0.
A coloured Petri net involves values, variables and expressions. These objects are dened by a
colour domain that provides data values, variables, operators, a syntax for expressions, possibly
typing rules, etc. For instance, one may use integer arithmetic or Boolean logic as colour
domains. Usually, more elaborated colour domains are useful to ease modelling, in particular,
one may consider a functional programming language or the functional fragment (expressions)
of an imperative programming language. In most of this document, we consider an abstract
colour domain with the following elements:
D is the set of data values; it may include in particular the Petri net black token , integer
values, Boolean values True and False, and a special undened value ;
V is the set of variables, usually denoted as single letters x, y, . . . , or as subscribed letters
like x
, y
, . . . ;
E is the set of expressions, involving values, variables and appropriate operators. Let
e E, we denote by vars(e) the set of variables from V involved in e. Moreover, variables
or values may be considered as (simple) expressions, i.e. we assume that D V E.
We make no assumption about the typing or syntactical correctness of values or expressions;
instead, we assume that any expression can be evaluated, possibly to (undened). More
precisely, a binding is a partial function : V D. Let e E and be a binding, we denote by
(e) the evaluation of e under ; if the domain of does not include vars(e) then (e)
= . The
application of a binding to evaluate an expression is naturally extended to sets and multisets of
For instance, if
= x 1, y 2, we have (x + y) = 3. With
= x 1, y 2,
depending on the colour domain, we may have (x +y) = (no coercion), or (x +y) = 12
(coercion of integer 1 to string 1), or (x + y) = 3 (coercion of string 2 to integer 2), or even
other values as dened by the concrete colour domain.
Two expressions e
, e
E are equivalent, which is denoted by e
, i for all possible
binding we have (e
) = (e
). For instance, x+1, 1+x and 2+x1 are pairwise equivalent
expressions for the usual integer arithmetic.
Denition 2 (Coloured Petri nets).
A Petri net is a tuple (S, T, ) where:
S is the nite set of places;
T, disjoint from S, is the nite set of transitions;
is a labelling function such that:
for all s S, (s) D is the type of s, i.e. the set of values that s is allowed to
for all t T, (t) E is the guard of t, i.e. a condition for its execution,
for all (x, y) (S T) (T S), (x, y) is a multiset over E and denes the arc
from x toward y.
As usual, Coloured Petri nets are depicted as graphs in which places are round nodes, tran-
sitions are square nodes, and arcs are directed edges. See gure 1.4 for a Petri net represented
in both textual xand graphical notations. Empty arcs, i.e. arcs such that (x, y) = , are not
depicted. Moreover, to alleviate pictures, we shall omit some annotations (see Figure 1.4):
for place types or arc annotations, curly brackets around multisets of expressions on arcs,
True guards, and node names that are not needed for explanations.
For any place or transition x S T, we dene

= y S T [ (y, x) ,= and, similarly,

= y S T [ (x, y) ,= . For instance, considering the Petri net of gure 1.4, we have

t = s
, t

= s
, s

= t and s

= . Finally, two Petri nets (S

, T
) and (S
, T
are disjoint i S
= T
= .
Denition 3 (Markings and sequential semantics).
Let N
= (S, T, ) be a Petri net.
A marking M of N is a function on S that maps each place s to a nite multiset over (s)
representing the tokens held by s.
A transition t T is enabled at a marking M and a binding , which is denoted by M[t, ),
i the following conditions hold:
x > 0

x 1

= s
, s

= t

= s
N, s
, t x > 0, (s
, t) x,
, t) , (t, s
) x 1, (t, s
x > 0
x 1
Figure 1.4. A simple Petri net, with both full (top) and simplied annotations (below).
= s
2, s

= s
1, s

= s
0, s
t, x 2
t, x 1
Figure 1.5. The marking graph of the Petri net of gure 1.4.
M has enough tokens, i.e. for all s S, ((s, t)) M(s);
the guard is satised, i.e. ((t)) = True;
place types are respected, i.e. for all s S, ((t, s)) is a multiset over (s).
If t T is enabled at marking M and binding , then t may re and yield a marking M

dened for all s S as M

= M(s) ((s, t)) +((t, s)). This is denoted by M[t, )M

The marking graph G of a Petri net marked with M is the smallest labelled graph such that:
M is a node of G;
if M

is a node of G and M

[t, )M

then M

is also an node of G and there is an arc

in G from M

to M

labelled by (t, ).
Note that if M

G then M[t, )

where [t, )

is the transitive and reexive closure of

[t, ).
It may be noted that this denition of marking graphs allows to add innitely many arcs
between two markings. Indeed, if M[t, ), there might exist innitely many other enabling
bindings that dier from only on variables not involved in t. So, we consider only rings
M[t, ) such that the domain of is vars(t)
= vars((t))

(vars((s, t)) vars((t, s))).
For example, let us consider again the Petri net of gure 1.4 and assume it is marked by
= s
2, s
, its marking graph has three nodes as depicted in Figure 1.5. Notice
that from marking M
, no binding can enable t because, either x , 0 and then M
has not
enough tokens, or x 0 and then both the guard x > 0 is not satised and the type of s
not respected x 1 evaluates to 1.
It may also be noted that the marking graph is not nite in general. Take for example:
t N
would give a marking graph where each marking correspond to a natural. Making the graph
nite is possible if for example all transitions and the colors domaines have a nite number of
inputs and ouputs. However, deciding if a marking graph is nite or not is the subject of this
thesis. More detail can be found in [181].
It is notice that a simple solution (which is used in [181] and in this thesis) to the above
problem is to forbid free variables. This is not an issue in practice since free variables usually
result from either a mistake, or a need for generating a random value. Forbidding free variables
prevents the corresponding mistakes and generating random values can be handled another way:
add an input place containing all the values among which a random one has to be chosen; add
a read arc or a self loop labelled by the variable that used to be free, from this place to the
Noted also that restricting the colour domain is generally good for analysis capabilities and
performances, but usually bad for ease of modelling. In the Petri Nets libraries used in this
thesis (SNAKE see Section 4.2.2) it has been chosen to restrict annotations in a way which
allowed to have no restriction on the colour domain full Python language.
1.2.2 A syntactical layer for Petri nets with control ow: ABCD
To our purpose, that is security protocols, it is not convient to directly manipulating general
Coloured Petri Net. In fact, we only need to manipulate sequential and deterministic processes
(the agents of a protocol) that are fully in parallel and would communicate via the network or
specic mediums.
The modelling of concurrent systems as security protocols involves a representation of inter-
process communication. This representation should be compact and readable in order to avoid
design errors. A rst step for improving the readability is the structured and modular modelling
which is a main characteristic of box process algebras. Boxes are like statements in a structured
language (Boxes can also give a control ow of the processes) and users compose boxes to have
the full model of the system. Processes as boxes are thus built on top of atomic actions and by
recursive composition of boxes.
Considering our Petri nets as a semantics domain, it is thus possible to dene languages
adapted to specic usages, with a well dened semantics given in terms of Petri nets. In order
to show how our framework makes this easy, we present now a syntax for Petri nets with control
ow that embeds a programming language (which well be Python in this thesis) as colour
domain. This language, called the asynchronous box calculus with data [179], or ABCD, is a
syntax for Petri nets with control ow. ABCD is a specication language that allows its users
to express the behavior concurrent systems at a high level. A main feature is that any ABCD
expression would be translated into coloured Petri nets.
(a) Control ow operations
To dene compositions of Petri nets as ABCDs exressions, we extend them with node statuses.
Let S be the set of statuses, comprising: e, the status for entry places, i.e. those marked in an
initial state of a Petri net; x, the status for exit places, i.e. those marked in a nal state of a
Petri net; i, the status for internal places, i.e. those marked in intermediary states of a Petri
net; , the status of anonymous places, i.e. those with no distinguished status; arbitrary names,
like count or var, for named places. Anonymous and named places together are called data or
buer places, whereas entry, internal and exit places together are called control ow places.
Denition 4 (Petri nets with control ow).
A Petri net with control ow is a tuple (S, T, , ) where:
(S, T, ) is a Petri net;
is a function S S that provides a status for each place;
every place s S with (s) e, i, x is such that (s) = .






e e
x x


Figure 1.6. Operators nets.
Statuses are depicted as labels, except for that is not depicted. Moreover, we denote by N
resp. N
, the set of entry, resp. exit, places of N.
Let N
and N
be two Petri nets with control ow, we consider four ABCDs control ow
operations that are shown in Figure 1.6 where all the transition guards are True and all the
depicted arcs are labelled by :
sequential composition N
allows to execute N
followed by N
choice N
allows to execute either N
or N
iteration N
allows to execute N
repeatedly (including zero time), and then N
parallel composition N
| N
allows to execute both N
and N
Processes are built on top of atoms comprising either named sub-processes, or (atomic) actions,
i.e. conditional accesses to typed buers. Actions may produce to a buer, consume from a
buer, or test for the presence of a value in a buer, and are only executed if the given condition
is met. The semantics of an action is a transition in a Petri net.
(b) Informal Syntax and semantics of ABCD
ABCD is a compromise between simplicity and expressiveness: the language is useful for many
practical situations. In particular, ABCD is well suited to specify modular systems with basic
control ow (including concurrency), and possibly complex data handling. This is the case for
many examples from the domain of computing; for instance, security protocols will be addressed
in Chapter 4. The Formal denition of ABCD is given in [179].
An ABCD specication is an expression composed of the following elements:
1. A possibly empty series of declarations, each can be:
a function declaration or module import; this corresponds to extensions of the colour
domain; the true implementation used the Python language;
a buer declaration; a buer corresponds to a named place in the semantics, thus
buers are typed, unordered and unbounded;
a sub-net declaration; this allows to declare a parametrised sub-system that can
be instantiated inside an ABCD term. The language also allows its users to name
valid processes into a net declaration and instantiate them repeatedly.
2. A process term that plays the role of the main process; the semantics of the full speci-
cation is that of this term built in the context of the provided declarations. Process
terms are composed of atomic actions or sub-nets instantiations composed with the con-
trol ow operators dened above but replaced with symbols available on a keyboard:
[count(x), count+(x+1), shift?(j), buf+(j+x) if x<10]
x < 10
x x + 1
j +x
Figure 1.7. The Petri net semantics of various ABCD atomic actions. The undirected arc
attached to place shift is a read arc that binds j to a token but does not consume it upon ring.
for sequence, for iteration, + for choice and | for parallel. An atomic term is
composed of a list of buer accesses and a guard. For instance:
[True] is the silent action that can always be executed and performs no buer access;
[False] is the deadlocked action that can never be executed;
[count(x), count+(x+1), shift?(j), buf+(j+x) if x<10] is an atomic action that con-
sumes a token from a buer count binding its value to variable x, produces a token
computed as x+1 in the same buer, binds one token in a buer shift to variable
y without consuming it, and produces the result of j+x in a buer buf. All this is
performed atomically and only if x<10 evaluates to True.
The Petri net semantics of these three actions is depicted in Figure 1.7.
A sub-net instantiation is provided as the name of the declared net block followed by the
list of eective parameters inside parentheses. The semantics of this instantiation is obtained
by substituting the parameters inside the denition of the sub-net and building its semantics
recursively. Then, the buers declared locally to the sub-net are made anonymous using the
buer hiding operator.
The semantics of a term is obtained by composing the semantics of its sub-terms using the
specied control ow operators. Finally, the semantics of a full specication also includes the
initial marking of entry and buer places.
Like in Python, blocks nesting is dened through source code indentation only, and comments
start with character # and end with the line. Like in most compiled programming languages
(and unlike in Python), ABCD has lexical scoping of the declared elements: an element is visible
from the line that follows its declaration until the end of the block in which it is declared. As
usual, declaring again an element results in masking the previous declaration.
(c) A simple example
As a very basic example, consider the following producer/consumer example:
buer shared : int = ()
buer count : int = (1)
[count(n),count+(n+1),shared+(n)] [False]
| [shared(n) if n % 2 == 0] [False]
The [False] action is one which can never be executed. The - operation on a buer attempts
to consume a value from it and bind it to the given variable, scoped to the current action. The
language supplies a read-only version ?, thus count?(n) will read a value from count into
variable n without removing it from the buer. Similarly, the + operation attempts to write
a value to the buer, and there are also ush () and ll () operations which perform writes
into and reads from lists respectively. The rst component of the parallel composition above
therefore continuously populates the buer named shared with increasing integers. The second
sub-process just pulls the even ones out of the shared buer. The Petri net resulting from this
ABCD specication is draw in Figure 1.7. Note that for the example shown above, compute the
state marking of the generated Petri net with its initial marking would not terminate because
the marking graph is innite. Therefore care must be taken by the ABCD user to ensure that
his system has nitely many markings.
As explain before, the declaration of net is modulare. It is thus possible to declare dierent
nets and compose them. A sub-process may be declared as a net and reused later in a process
expression. That is:
net process1():
buer state: int = ()
net process2():
buer state: int = ()
then a full system can be specied by running in parallel two instance (in sequence) of the rst
process and one of the second one:
(process1 process1) | process2
Typed buers may also be declared globally to a specication or locally to net processes. For
illustring this, we we take another time for example the producer/consumers specication. The
producer puts in a buer bag the integers ranging from 0 to 9. To do so, it uses a counter
count that is repeatedly incremented until it reaches value 10, which allows to exit the loop.
The rst consumer consumes only odd values from the buer, the second one consumes only
even values. Both never stop looping.
def bag : int = () # buer of integers declared empty
net prod :
def count : int = 0 # buer of integers initialised with the single value 0
[count(x), count+(x+1), bag+(x) if x < 10] [count(x) if x == 10]
net odd :
[bag(x) if (x % 2) == 1] [False]
net even :
[bag(x) if (x % 2) == 0] [False]
prod | odd | even
A sub-part of the Petri net resulting from this ABCD specication is draw in Figure. 1.7. It is
interesting to note that parts of this ABCD specication are actually Python code and could
be arbitrarily complex: initial values of buers (() and 0); buer accesses parameters (x
and x+1); actions guards (x<10, (x%2)==1, etc.).
(d) From ABCD to Coloured Petri nets
To transform ABCD expressions into Coloured Petri nets, the control ow operators are dened
by two successive phases given below. Their formal denitions is given in [179].
The rst one is a gluing phase that combines operand nets and atomic actions; in order to
provide a unique denition of this phase for all the operators, we use the operator nets depicted
in Figure 1.6 to guide the gluing. These operator nets are themselves Petri nets with control
1 e
2 x s
3 x
4 e s
5 e
6 x s
7 x
1 e
6 x s
7 x
Figure 1.8. On the left: two Petri nets with control ow N
, N
. On the right: the result of
the gluing phase of the sequential composition N
. Place names are indicated inside places.
Dotted lines indicate how control ow places are paired by the Cartesian product during the
gluing phase. Notice that, because no named place is present, the right net is exactly N
x x
i i i i


buer other

x x
i i i i


Figure 1.9. On the left, a Petri net with control ow before the merging phase. On the right,
named places have been merged.
ow. The second phase is a named places merging that fuses the places sharing the same named
The intuition behind this glue phase is that each transition of the involved operator net
represents one of the operands of the composition. The places in the operator net enforce the
correct control ow between the transitions. In order to reproduce this control ow between the
composed Petri nets, we have to combine their control ow places in a way that corresponds to
what specied in the operator net. An exemple is given in Figure 1.8.
The second phase is a merged name phase. Named places are often used as burrs to support
asynchronous communication, the sharing of buers between sub-systems is achieved by the
automatic merging of places that share the same name when the sub-systems are composed. In
this context, we need a mechanism to specify that a buer is local to some sub-system. This is
provided by the name hiding operation that replaces a buer name by thus forbidding further
merges of the corresponding place. Name hiding itself is a special case of a more general status
renaming operation. Figure 1.9 shows an examples of this phase.
(e) Structural Information for verication
Providing structural information about the Petri nets to analyse is usually either left to the user
of a tool, or obtained by static analysis (e.g. place invariants may be computed automatically).
However, in our framework, Petri nets are usually constructed by composing smaller parts
instead of being provided as a whole. This is the case in particular when the Petri net is
obtained as the semantics of a syntax. In such a case, we can derive automatically many
structural information about the Petri nets.
For instance, when considering the modelling and verication of security protocols, systems
mainly consist of a set of sequential processes composed in parallel and communicating through
a shared buer that models the network. In such a system, we known that, by construction,
the set of control ow places of each parallel component forms a 1-invariant, i.e. there exist
everytime at most one entry place and one exit place. This property comes from the fact that
the process is sequential and that the Petri net is control-safe
by construction. Moreover, we
also know that control ow places are 1-bounded, so we can implement their marking with a
Boolean instead of an integer to count the tokens as explained above. It is also possible to
analyse buer accesses at a syntactical level and discover buers that are actually 1-bounded,
for instance if any access is always composed either of a put and a get, or of a test, in the same
atomic action.
1.3 Parallelisation
1.3.1 What is parallelism?
A more complete presentation is available at [204].
Many applications require more compute power than provided by sequential computers, like
for example, numerical simulations in industry and research, commercial applications such as
query processing, data mining and multi-media applications. One option to improve performance
is parallel processing.
A parallel computer or multi-processor system is a computer utilizing more than one processor.
Its commom to classify parallel computers by distinguishing them by the way how processors can
access the systems main memory. Indeed, this inuences heavily the usage and programming
of the system. Two major classes of distributed memory computers can be distinguished:the
distributed memory and the shared memory systems.
(a) Flynn
Flynn denes a classication of computer architectures, based upon the number of concurrent
instruction (or control) and data streams available in the architecture [80, 95].
Single Instruction Multiple Instructions
Single datum SISD MISD
Multiple data SIMD MIMD
SISD is Single Instruction, Single Data stream that is a sequential machine;
SIMD is Single Instruction, Multiple Data streams that is mostly array processors and
Let us call control-safe a Petri net with control ow whose control ow places remain marked by at most
one token under any evolution. Then, if two Petri nets are control-safe, their composition by any of the control
ow operations is also control-safe. This property holds assuming a restriction about how operators may be
nested [179].
MISD is Multiple Instruction, Single Data stream that is pipeline of data (pipe skele-
MIMD is Multiple Instruction, Multiple Data streams that is clusters of CPUs.
The distributed memory called No Remote Memory Access (NORMA) computers do not have
any special hardware support to access another nodes local memory directly. The nodes are
only connected through a computer network. Processors obtain data from remote memory only
by exchanging messages over this network between processes on the requesting and the supplying
node. Computers in this class are sometimes also called Network Of Workstations (NOW). And
in case of shared memory systems, Remote Memory Access (RMA) computers allow to access
remote memory via specialized operations implemented by hardware, however the hardware
does not provide a global address space. The major advantage of distributed memory systems is
their ability to scale to a very large number of nodes. In contrast, a shared memory architecture
provides (in hardware) a global address space, i.e. all memory locations can be accessed via
usual load and store operations. Thereby, such a system is much easier to program. Also note
that the shared memory systems can only be scaled to moderate numbers of processors.
We concentrate on Multiple Instruction, Multiple Data streams (MIMD) model, and especially
on one of its subcategory, the so-called Single Program Multiple Data (SPMD) model, wich is
the most current for the programmation of parallel computers.
(b) SPMD model
In the SPMD model, the same program runs on each processor but it computes on dierent
parts of the data which were distributed over the processors.
There are two main programming models, message passing and shared memory, oering dif-
ferent features for implementing applications parallelized by domain decomposition. Shared
memory allows multiple processes to read and write data from the same location. Message
passing is another way for processes to communicate: each process can send messages to other
(c) Shared Memory Model
In shared memory model, programs start as a single process known as a master thread that
executes on a single processor. The programmer designates parallel regions in the program.
When the master thread reaches a parallel region, a fork operation is executed that creates a
team of threads, which execute the parallel region on multiple processors. At the end of the
parallel region, a join operation terminates the team of threads, leaving only the master thread
to continue on a single processor.
In the shared memory model, a rst parallel version is relatively easy to implement and can
be incrementally tuned. In the message passing model instead, the program can be tested only
after nishing the full implementation. Subsequent tuning by adapting the domain decompo-
sition is usually time consuming. We give some well known examples of library for the shared
memory programmaing model. OpenMP
[24, 47] is a directive-based programming interface
for the shared memory programming model. It consists of a set of directives and runtime rou-
tines for Fortran, and a corresponding set of pragmas for C and C++ (1998). Directives are
special comments that are interpreted by the compiler. Directives have the advantage that the
code is still a sequential code that can be executed on sequential machines (by ignoring the
directives/pragmas) and therefore there is no need to maintain separate sequential and parallel
Intel Threading Building Blocks (Intel TBB
) library [144] which is a library in C++ language
that supports scalable parallel programming. The evaluation is done specically for the pipeline
applications that are implemented using lter and pipeline class provided by the library. Various
features of the library which help during pipeline application development are evaluated. Dif-
ferent applications are developed using the library and are evaluated in terms of their usability
and expressibility [137]. Recent several years have seen a quick adoption of Graphic Processing
Units (GPU) in high performance computing, thanks to their tremendous computing power,
favorable cost eectiveness, and energy eciency. The Compute Unied Device Architecture
[164] has enabled graphics processors to be explicitly programmed as general-purpose
shared-memory multi-core processors with a high level of parallelism. In recent years, graphics
processing units (GPUs) have been progressively and rapidly advancing from being specialized
xed-function to being highly programmable and incredibly parallel computing devices. With
the introduction of the Compute Unied Device Architecture (CUDA), GPUs are no longer
exclusively programmed using graphics APIs. In CUDA, a GPU can be exposed to the pro-
grammer as a set of general-purpose shared-memory Single Instruction Multiple Data (SIMD)
multi-core processors. The number of threads that can be executed in parallel on such devices
is currently in the order of hundreds and is expected to multiply soon. Many applications that
are not yet able to achieve satisfactory performance on CPUs can get benet from the massive
parallelism provided by such devices.
(d) Message Passing Interface (MPI)
The message passing model is based on a set of processes with private data structures. Processes
communicate by exchanging messages with special send and receive operations. It is a natural
t for programming distributed memory machines but also can be used on shared memory
computers. The most popular message passing technology is the Message Passing Interface
(MPI) [189], a message passing library for C and Fortran. MPI is an industry standard and is
implemented on a wide range of parallel computers, from multiprocessor to cluster architectures
Details of the underlying network protocols and infrastructure are hidden from the programmer.
This helps achieve MPIs portability mandate while enabling programmers to focus on writing
parallel code rather than networking code. It includes routines for point-to-point communication,
collective communication, one-sided communication, parallel IO, and dynamic task creation.
(e) Skeleton paradigm
Anyone can observe that many parallel algorithms can be characterised and classied by their
adherence to a small number of generic patterns of computation farm, pipe, etc. Skeletal
programming proposes that such patterns be abstracted and provided as a programmers toolkit
with specications which transcend architectural variations but implementations which recognise
them to enhance performance [60]. The core principle of skeletal programming is conceptually
straightforward. Its simplicity is its strength.
A well know disadvantage of skeleton languages is that the only admitted parallelism is usually
that of skeletons while many parallel applications are not obviously expressible as instances of
skeletons. Skeletons languages must be constructed as to allow the integration of skeletal and
ad-hoc parallelism in a well dened way [60].
(f) Hybrid architecures and models
Clusters have become the de-facto standard in parallel processing due to their high performance
to price ratio. SMP clusters are also gaining on popularity, mainly under the assumption of fast
interconnection networks and memory buses. SMP clusters can be thought of as an hierarchical
two-level parallel architecture, since they combine features of shared and distributed memory
machines. As a consequence, there is an active research interest in hybrid parallel programming
models, e.g. models that perform communication both through message passing and memory
access. Intuitively, a parallel paradigm that uses memory access for intra-node communication
and message passing for internode communication seems to exploit better the characteristics of
Figure 1.10. The BSP model of execution
an SMP cluster [79] . The hybrid model has already been applied to real scientic applications
[123], including probabilistic model checking [120].
1.3.2 Bulk-Synchronous Parallelism
(a) Bulk-Synchronous Parallel Machines
A BSP computer has three components:
homogeneous set of uniform processor-memory pairs;
communication network allowing inter processor delivery of messages;
global synchronization unit which executes collective requests for synchronization barrier.
A wide range of actual architectures can be seen as BSP computers. For example share
memory machines could be used in a way such as each processor only accesses a subpart of
the shared memory (which is then private) and communications could be performed using
a dedicated part of the shared memory. Moreover the synchronization unit is very rarely a
hardware but rather a software [127] presents global synchronization barrier algorithms.
Supercomputers, clusters of PCs, multi-core [110] and GPUs etc. can be thus considered as
BSP computers.
(b) The BSPs execution model
A BSP program is executed as a sequence of super-steps, each one divided into (at most) three
successive and logically disjointed disjoint phases (see Figure 1.10):
1. Each processor only uses its local data to perform sequential computations and to request
data transfers to/from other nodes;
2. The network delivers the requested data;
3. A global (collective) synchronisation barrier occurs, making the transferred data available
for the next super-step.
(c) BSPs cost model
The performance of the BSP machine is characterised by 4 parameters:
1. the local processing speed r;
2. the number of processor p;
3. the time L required for a barrier;
4. and the time g for collectively delivering a 1-relation, a communication phase where every
processor receives/sends at most one word.
The network can deliver an h-relation (every processor receives/sends at most h words) in
time g h. To accurately estimate the execution time of a BSP program these 4 parameters
could be easily benchmarked [29].
The execution time (cost) of a super-step s is the sum of the maximal of the local processing,
the data delivery and the global synchronisation times. It is expressed by the following formula:
Cost(s) = max
+ max
g +L
where w
= local processing time on processor i during superstep s and h
is the maximal
number of words transmitted or received by processor i during superstep s.
The total cost (execution time) of a BSP program is the sum of its S super-steps costs that

Cost(s). It is, therefore, a sum of 3 terms:
W +H g +S L where

W =

H =

In general, W, H and S are functions of p and of the size of data n, or of more complex parameters
like data skew. To minimize execution time, the BSP algorithm design must jointly minimize
the number S of supersteps, the total volume h and imbalance of communication and the total
volume W and imbalance of local computation.
(d) Advantages and inconvienients
As stated in [74]: A comparison of the proceedings of the eminent conference in the eld, the
ACM Symposium on Parallel Algorithms and Architectures between the late eighties and the
time from the mid-nineties to today reveals a startling change in research focus. Today, the
majority of research in parallel algorithms is within the coarse-grained, BSP style, domain.
This model of parallelism enforces a strict separation of communication and computation:
during a super-step, no communication between the processors is allowed, only at the synchro-
nisation barrier they are able to exchange information. This execution policy has two main
advantages: rst, it removes non-determinism and guarantees the absence of deadlocks; second,
it allows for an accurate model of performance prediction based on the throughput and latency
of the interconnection network, and on the speed of processors. This performance prediction
model can even be used online to dynamically make decisions, for instance choose whether to
communicate in order to re-balance data, or to continue an unbalanced computation.
However, on most of cheaper distributed architectures, barriers are often expensive when the
number of processors dramatically increases more than 10 000. But proprietary architectures
and future shared memory architecture developments (such as multi-cores and GPUs) make them
much faster. Furthermore, barriers have also a number of attractions: it is harder to introduce
the possibility of deadlock or livelock, since barriers do not create circular data dependencies.
Barriers also permit novel forms of fault tolerance [187].
The BSP model considers communication actions en masse. This is less exible than asyn-
chronous messages, but easier to debug since there are many simultaneous communication ac-
tions in a parallel program, and their interactions are typically complex. Bulk sending also
provides better performances since, from an implementation point of view, grouping communi-
cation together in a seperate program phase permits a global optimization of the data exchange
by the communications library.
The simplicity and yet eciency of the BSP model makes it a good framework for teaching
(few hours are needed to teach BSP programming and algorithms), low level model for multi-
cores/GPUs system optimisations [110], etc., since it has been conceived has a bridging model
for parallel computation.
This is also merely the most visible aspects of a parallel model that shifts the responsibility
for timing and synchronization issues from the applications to the communications library
. As
with other low/high level design decisions, the applications programmer gains simplicity but
gives up some exibility and performance. In fact, the performance issue is not as simple as it
seems: while a skilled programmer can in principle always produce more ecient code with a
low-level tool (be it message passing or assembly language), it is not at all evident that a real-life
program, produced in a nite amount of time, can actually realize that theoretical advantage,
especially when the program is to be used on a wide range of machines [114, 147].
Last advantage of BSP is that it greatly facilitates debugging. The computations going on
during a superstep are completely independent and can thus be debugged independently. More-
over, it is easy to measure during the execution of a BSP program, time speding to communicate
and to synchronise by just adding chronos before and after the primitive of synchronisation. This
facility will be used here to compare dierents algorithms.
All this capacities are is possibles only because the runtime system knows precisely which com-
putations are independent. In a asynchronous message-passing system as MPI, the independent
sections tend to be smaller, and identifying them is much harder. But, using BSP, programers
and designer have to keep in mind that some parallelism patterns are not really BSP friendly.
For example, BSP does not enjoy in an optimist manner pipeline and master/slave (also knowed
as farm of processes) schemes even if it is possible to have not too inecient BSP programs from
these schemes [103]. Thus, some parallel computations and optmisations would never be BSP.
This is the drawback of all the restricted models of computations as well.
The BSP model has been used with success in a wide variety of problems such scientic
computing [14, 29, 30, 76, 134, 196], parallel data-structure [108, 116], genetic algorithms [39]
and genetic programming [78], neural network [182], parallel data-bases [1517], constraints
solver [115], graphs [46, 94, 146, 196], geometry [75], string search [93, 143], implementation of
tree skeletons [156], etc.
1.3.3 Other models of parallel computation
We survey here, other groups of parallel abstract machines than BSP: the PRAM and derived
family, the LogP and extensions of the BSP models.
(a) PRAM
The PRAM (Parallel Random Access Machine) model [97] was introduced as a model for general
purpose computations. A PRAM is made by an unbounded number P of processors, each one
being a RAM [99] with set of registers rather than a memory. There is only one memory
space shared by the processors. In every cycle each processor can perform one of the following
actions; read a value from a global memory, write a value from its register to the memory
or compute an operation on its local registers. The cost of a random access to the global
BSP libraries are generally implemented using MPI [188] or low level routines of the given specics architec-
memory is a unit-time independently from the access pattern. The PRAM model can be dened
according to the politics to the simultaneously access the same memory localtion, the possible
choices are: EREW (Exclusive Read Exclusive Write), CREW (Concurrent Read Concurrent
Write), CRCW (Concurrent Read Concurrent Write). When a concurrent write is allowed some
options are distinguished. The idealization provided by the PRAM completely hides aspects
such as synchronization, data locality etc. This facilitated the acceptance of the model amongst
theorists of algorithms and many parallel algorithms are expressed by using such a abstraction.
In practice PRAM has only the P parameter (the number of processors) and the measure of
the work performed by an algorithm is simply the time per processor product. Issues such as
the communication latency or brandwidth are not considered and this leads to a completely
unreliable prediction of execution costs.
The only possibility for hiding (partially) this problem is the exploitation of a certain amount
of parallelism to mask the wait for messages. This method is named parallel slackness. Many
works has been done to emulate PRAM and, even if, optical technology may turn out a decisive
help etc.
The asynchronous variant of PRAM [111] is intended to be closer to the MIMD architectures.
All the models belonging to this family share the needs for an explicit synchronization to ensure
that a memory access has been completed. There are two groups of asynchronous PRAM: the
phase and the subset. The models of the rst group require that all of the processors participate
to the synchronization while the models of the second require only a subset. The LPRAM is
a variant of the APRAM wich introduces, for the rst time the notion of synchronization an
latency costs. The cost of synchronizing is considered a nondecreasing function of the processors
count: B(P). The latency introduces by the LPRAM is simply a constant d.
The Hierarchical PRAM [125] proposed by Heywood is given by a collection of synchronous
PRAM that operate asynchronously from each other. HPRAM can execute a partition instruc-
tion to create disjoint subsets of a P processors PRAM. Each subset receives an algorithm to be
executed and the partition controls the asynchrony of the model. The model has two variants:
(1) Private HPRAM where partition divides memory among processors. In this case, each subset
has its own private block of shared memory. Each block is disjoint from the others belonging to
the other sub-PRAMs. (2) Shared HPRAM where partition does not divide the shared memory
and each sub-PRAM can access the global memory. The parameters of HPRAM are latency l()
and the synchronization s(). The crucial point is that latency is proportional ot the diameter of
the sub-network. In HPRAM there are two dierent synchronizations: synchronization wich
occurs between processors within a (sub)-PRAM computation and synchronization wich takes
place at the end of a partition. Costs of synchronization are often dominated by communications
and computations.
(d) LogP
The LogP [71] model is an asynchronous (or loosely synchronous) framework to describe dis-
tributed memory multicomputers which communicate point-to-point. The model provides a
vision of the communication costs without taking into account the topology of the interconnec-
tion network. The parameters for a LogP machine are: L( latency): the upper bound on the
latency of the interconnection network, o (overhead): the overhead for transmission or reception
(the processor can not overlap this time with other operations), g (gap): the minimum gap be-
tween consecutive messages (the reciprocal of g is the bandwidth per processor), P (processors)
the number of processors (every local operation is computed in a unit-time named cycle).
The CLUMPS [4143] model has been introduced by Campbell as an architectural model (in the
McColl [157] classication) wich unies the characteristic of HPRAM and LogP. The architec-
tural elements used to model a generaliez parallel hardware are: a set of processor-memory pairs,
a partionable interconnection network and a exible control among SIMD and MIMD. Since its
partitionable nature, CLUMPS complicates the LogP model by introducing a regional rule
to compute the values of its main parameters. CLUMPS is the rst model which claims to be
skeletons-oriented. Unfortunately its cost model fails in providing manageable prediction and
the complexity of its performance equations is very high.
Models as HPRAM or CLUMPS can be considered as too realistic and this means that
they can not be a useful platform for an optimizing tool which aims to be also simple. Moreover
many of the current parallel machines do not require such a ne-grain model.
(f) LoPC
The LoPC model [98] has been introduced with the aim of extending the LogP model to account
for node-contention. The authors claim that for both ne-grain message passing algorithms and
shared memory, the cost due to accesses contention dominates the cost of handlers service time
and network latency. The main assumption in the LoPC model are that hardware message
buers at the nodes are innitely large and that the interconnect is contention free. The model
assumes xed size of the message even if it recalls the LogGP model is made for a possible exten-
sion for long messages. The goal of LoPC is to generate a contention ecient runtime scheduling
of communications exploiting a limitede set of algorithmic and architectural parameters.
(g) E-BSP
The E-BSP [138] extends the basic BSP model to deal with unbalanced communication patterns
i.e. patterns in which the amount of data sent or received by each node is dierent. The cost
function supplied by E-BSP is a nonlinear function that strongly depends on the network topol-
ogy. The model essentially dierentiates between communication patterns that are insensitive
to the bisection bandwidth and those that are not.
(h) D-BSP
The Decomposable-BSP model [73] extends the BSP model by introducing the possibility of
submachine synchronizations. A D-BSP computer is basically a BSP computer where the syn-
chronization device allows subgroup of processors to synchronize independently. The D-BSP
remembers the HPRAM and CLUMPS model in which the cost are expressed in terms of BSP
supersteps. In this framework network locality can be exploited assuming that submachines
parameters are a decreasing functions of the diameter of the subset of processors involved in
communication and synchronization.
(i) QSM
Gibbons et al. considered the possibility of providing a bridging model based on a shared
memory abstraction, in analogy to the message passing based BSP model. The paper introduces
the Queuing Shared Model (QSM) [112] wich accounts for bandwidth limitation in the context
of a shared memory architecture. The processors execute a sequence of synchronized phases,
each consisting of an arbitrary interleaving of the following operations: shared-memory reads,
shared-memory writes and local computation.
(j) Multi-BSP
Multi-core architectures, based on many processors and associated local caches or memories,
are attractive devices given current technological possibilities, and known physical limitations.
Multi-BSP model [200] is a multi-level model that has explicit parameters for processor num-
bers, memory/cache sizes, communication costs, and syn- chronization costs. The lowest level
corresponds to shared memory or the PRAM, acknowledging the relevance of that model for
whatever limitations on memory and processor numbers it may be ecacious to emulate it. The
Multi-BSP model which extends BSP in two ways. First, it is a hierarchical model, with an ar-
bitrary number of levels. It recognizes the physical realities of multiple memory and cache levels
both within single chips as well as in multi-chip architectures. The aim is to model all levels of
an architecture together, even possibly for whole datacenters. Second, at each level, Multi-BSP
incorporates memory size as a further parameter. After all, it is the physical limitation on the
amount of memory that can be accessed in a xed amount of time from the physical location
of a processor that creates the need for multiple levels. An instance of a Multi-BSP is a tree
structure of nested components where the lowest level or leaf components are processors and
every other level contains some storage capacity. The model does not distinguish memory from
cache as such, but does assume certain properties of it.
(k) HiHCoHP
We interest now in a recent model: the Hierarchical Hyper Clusters of Heterogeneous Processors
(HiHCoHP) model [44, 45]. It is a successor of the homogeneous LogP model and its long-
message extension LogGP. It strives to incorporate enough architectural detail to produce results
that are relevant to users of actual (hyper)clusters, while abstracting away enough detail to be
algorithmically and mathematically tractable. It intends to be a general-purpose algorithmic
model like logP and logGP.
The HiHCoHP model is rather detailed, exposing architectural features such as the bandwidth
and transit costs of both networks and their ports.
Our choice in favor BSP forthe ease of use. Our implementation take into account at this time
the architectures NOW in SPMD but scheduled optimizations are easy for hybrid architectures.
1.4 Verifying security protocols
The rst class of tools, which focus on verication, typically rely on encoding protocols as Horn
clauses and applying resolution-based theorem proving to them (without termination guarantee).
Analysis tools of this kind include NRL
[158] and ProVerif [31].
We recall that the problem of whether a protocol actually provides the security properties it
has been designed for is undecidable [81]. Despite this fact, over the last two decades a wide
variety of security protocol analysis tools have been developed that are able to detect attacks
on protocols or, in some cases, establish their correctness. We distinguish three classes: tools
that attempt verication (proving a protocol correct), those that attempt falsication (nding
attacks), and hybrids that attempt to provide both proofs and counterexamples.
1.4.1 Verifying security protocols through theorem proving
One type of mechanized verication process is theorem proving using a higher-order logic the-
orem prover such as Isabelle/HOL
[166, 202] or PVS
[169]. Using a theorem prover, one
formalizes the system (the agents running the protocol along with the attacker) as a set of
possible communication traces. Afterwards, one states and proves theorems expressing that the
system in question has certain desirable properties, The proofs are usually carried out under
strong restrictions, e.g. that all variables are strictly typed and that all keys are atomic.
The main drawback of this approach is that verication is quite time consuming and requires
considerable expertise. Moreover, theorem provers provide poor support for error detection
when the protocols are awed.
1.4.2 Verifying security protocols by model checking
The second kind of verication centers around the use of model checkers, which are fully auto-
In contrast to verication, the second class of tools detects protocol errors (i.e. attacks) using
model checking [153, 161] or constraint solving [48, 162]. Model checking attempts to nd a
reachable state where some supposedly secret term is learnt by the intruder, or in which an
authentication property fails. Constraint solving uses symbolic representations of classes of such
states, using variables that have to satisfy certain constraints. To ensure termination, these tools
usually bound the maximum number of runs of the protocol that can be involved in an attack.
Therefore, they can only detect attacks that involve no more runs of the protocol than the
stated maximum. In the third class, attempts to combine model checking with elements from
theorem proving have resulted in backward-search-based model checkers. These use pruning
theorems, resulting in hybrid tools that in some cases can establish correctness of a protocol (for
an unbounded number of sessions) or yield a counterexample, but for which termination cannot
be guaranteed [190].
Model Checking oers a promising approach for automated security analysis of protocols:
the intuitive notions are translated into formal specications, which is essential for a careful
design and analysis, and protocol executions can be simulated, making it easier to verify certain
security properties. As Model Checking becomes increasingly used in the industry as a part
of the design process, there is a constant need for ecient tool support to deal with real-
size applications. Model checking [55] is a successful verication method based on reachability
analysis (state space exploration) and allows an automatic detection of early design errors in
nite-state systems. Model checking works by constructing a model (state space) of the system
under design, on which the desired correctness properties are veried.
Model checking is a powerful and automatic technique for verifying nite state concurrent
systems. Introduced in early 1980s, it has been applied widely and successfully in practice to
verify digital sequential circuit designs and communication protocols. Model checking has been
proved to be particularly suited in nding counter-examples, i.e. to return paths through the
transition system that violate one of the specied system requirements.
At the core of computer security-sensitive applications are security protocols i.e. a sequence
of message exchanges aiming at distributing data in a cryptographic way to the intended users
and providing security guarantees. This leads to the researches in searching for a way to verify
whether a system is secure or not. Enumerative model checking is well-adapted to for this kind
of asynchronous, non-deterministic systems containing complex data types.
Let us recall that the state space generation problem is the problem of computing the explicit
representation of a given model from the implicit one. This space is constructed by exploring all
the states (from a function of successor) starting from the initial state. Generally, during this
operation, all explored states must be kept in memory in order to avoid multiple exploration of a
same state. Once the space is constructed or while an on-the-y construction, it can be used as
input for various verication procedures, such as Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) model-checking.
A specialisation of the LTL logic (dened later) to protocols have also be done in [12]. In this
document, we will consider the more general problematic of the CTL* logic (dened later) model
State space construction may be very consuming both in terms of memory and execution time:
this is the so-called state explosion problem. The generation of large discrete state spaces is so
a computationally intensive activity with extreme memory demands, highly irregular behavior,
and poor locality of references. This is especially true when complex data-structures are used
in the model as the knowledge of an intruder in security protocols.
During the last decade, dierent techniques for handling state explosion have been proposed,
among which partial orders and symmetries. However these optimizations are not always su-
cient. Moreover, most of the currently available verication tools work on sequential machines,
which limits the amount of memory and therefore the use of clusters or parallel machines is
desirable and is a great challenge of research. As this generation can cause memory thrash-
ing on single or multiple processor systems, it has been lead to consider exploiting the larger
memory space available in distributed systems [86, 165]. Parallelize the state space construction
on several machines is thus done in order to benet from all the local memories, cpu resources
and disks of each machine. This allows to reduce both the amount of memory needed on each
machine and the overall execution time.
A distributed memory algorithm with its tool for verication of security protocols is described
in [192]. They used buering principle and also employ a cache of recently sent states in their
implementation which task is to decrease the number of sent messages. Unfortunately, the
verication of temporal properties is not supported due to the diculties of combining the
parallel checking with the symmetry reduction. We think that extend our algorithm to verify
temporal properties would be easy to do.
There are also many model-checker like tools dedicated for verifying security protocols
as [8, 10, 107]. The most known is certainly the one of [11]. Our approach has the avantage of
being general using an algebra of coloured Petri nets and can take into account protocols with
loop and any data structure using Python.
[101] allows to verify some properties about the protocols for an innite number of sessions
and with some possibility of replay using an algebra of processes. But no logic (LTL or else)
can be used here and each time a new property is needed, a new theorem is need to be proved.
That can be complicated for the maintenance of the method.
1.4.3 Dedicated tools
A more complete presentation is available at [68].
We rstly recall some earlier approaches relying on general purpose verication tools: Isabelle.
Paulson [173] has proposed to state security properties such as secrecy as predicates (formalized
in higher-order logic) over execution traces of the protocol, without limitations on the number
of agents. These predicates can be veried by induction with automated support provided by
the Isabelle proof assistant [166, 202]. Casper
. FDR is a model checker for the CSP
process algebra. Roughly speaking, FDR checks whether the behaviors of a CSP process associ-
ated with a protocol implementation are included in the behaviors allowed by its specication.
FDR is provided with a user-friendly interface for security protocol analysis, Casper [153] that
automatically translates protocols in an Alice & Bob-notation (with possible annotations) to
CSP code. Gavin Lowe has discovered the now well-known attack on the Needham-Schroeder
Public-Key Protocol using FDR [152]. Similarly, many protocol-specic case studies have been
performed in various general-purpose model checkers. We mention CRL
[34] as used in [35],
[25] as used in [63], and SPIN
[132] as used in [155].
(a) NRL
In the NRL Protocol Analyzer [158], the protocol steps are represented as conditional rewriting
rules. NRL invokes a backward search strategy from some specied insecure state to see if it
can be reached from an initial state. It has been used for verication of e.g. the Internet Key
Exchange protocol [159]. Unfortunately, NRL is not publicly available and it is not clear which
condition makes a protocol safe or not.
(b) Athena
The Athena [190] tool is an automatic checking algorithm for security protocols. It is based
on the Strand Spaces model [117, 195] and, when terminating, provides either a counterexam-
ple if the formula under examination is false, or establishes a proof that the formula is true.
Alternatively, Athena can be used with a bound (e.g. on the number of runs), in which case
termination is guaranteed, but it can guarantee at best that there exist no attacks within the
bound. Unfortunately, Athena is also not publicly available.
(c) ProVerif
In ProVerif
[31], protocol steps are represented by Horn clauses. The system can handle
an unbounded number of sessions of the protocol but performs some approximations on
random numbers. As a consequence, when the system claims that the protocol preserves the
secrecy of some value, this is correct; this tool is thus need when no aw has been found in the
protocol (with a bounded number of sessions) and we want to have a test for an unbounded
number of sessions. However it can generates false attacks too. Recently an algorithm was
developed [1] that attempts to reconstruct attacks, in case the verication procedure fails, adding
the possibility of falsication to ProVerif.
(d) LySatool
The LySatool
[36] implements security protocol analysis based on a process algebra enhanced
with cryptographic constructs. The approach is based on over-approximation techniques and
can verify condentiality and authentication properties.
(e) Constraint solver
Based on [160], in which verication in the Strand Spaces model is translated into a constraint
solving problem, an ecient constraint solving method was developed in [64]. The method
uses constraint solving, optimized for protocol analysis, and a minimal form of partial order
reduction, similar to the one used in [57]. A second version of this tool does not use partial
order reduction, enabling it to verify properties of the logic PS-LTL [64].
(f) OFMC
The On-the-Fly Model Checker (OFMC [23]) is part of the AVISPA
tool set [11], and is a
model checker for security protocols. It combines innite state forward model checking with
the concept of a lazy intruder [21], where terms are generated on-demand during the forward
model checking process. A technique called constraint dierentiation [162] is employed to avoid
exploring similar states in dierent branches of the search, which is similar to the ideas in [70].
It furthermore supports user-dened algebraic theories [22], allowing for correct modeling of
e.g. Die-Hellman exponentiation.
(g) Scyther
[68,69] is state-of-the-art in terms of verication speed and provides a number of novel
features. (1) It can verify most protocols for an unbounded number of sessions in less than a
second. Because no approximation methods are used, all attacks found are actual attacks on the
model. (2) In cases where unbounded correctness cannot be determined, the algorithm functions
as a classical bounded verication tool, and yields results for a bounded number of sessions. (3)
Scyther can give a complete characterization of protocol roles, allowing protocol designers to
spot unexpected possible behaviours early. (4) Contrary to most other verication tools, the user
is not required to provide so-called scenarios for property verication, as all possible protocol
behaviours are explored by default. The Scyther algorithm expands on ideas from the Athena
algorithm [191]. A drawback is the impossibility of dening data structures and the limitation
of expressivity of the language.
1.5 Model checking
1.5.1 Local (on-the-y) and global model-checking
In general, one may identify two basic approaches to model-checking. The rst one uses a
global analysis to determine if a system satises a formula; the entire state space of the system
is constructed and subjected to analysis. However, these algorithms may be seen to perform
unnecessary work: in many cases (especially when a system does not satisfy a specication)
only a subset of the system state needs to be analyzed in order to determine whether or not a
system satises a formula. On the other hand, on-the-y, or local, approaches to model-checking
attempt to take advantage of this observation by constructing the state space in a demand-driven
For example, the paper [59] presents a local algorithm for model-checking a subpart of the
-calculus and [201] presents an algorithm for CTL (acronym for Computation Tree Logic)
formally dened latter. [65] gives an algorithm with the same time complexity as the one of [28]
for determining when a system satises a specication given as a Bchi automaton. In light
of the correspondence between such automata and the LTL fragment of CTL* (both formally
dened later), it follows that the algorithm from [65] may be used for LTL model-checking also.
However, it is not clear how this approach can be extended to handle full CTL* an exception
is the work of [135], apply in [122] on security protocols, where specic game theoric automata
are used for verifying on-the-y CTL* formulas on shared-memory multi-processors but it is
also not clear how adapt this method to distributed computations.
Results in an extended version of [26] suggest a model-checking algorithm for full CTL* which
allows the on-the-y construction of the state space of the system. However, this approach
requires the a priori construction of the states of an amorphous Bchi tree automaton from the
formula being checked, and the time complexity is worse than the one of [28].
1.5.2 Temporal logics
Many dierent modal and temporal logics can serve to express the systems specications for
model checking purposes. A major distinction between temporal logics is whether they see time
as linear or branching. This is reected in the classes of time frames they consider: linear
orderings or trees. The formulae of linear time logics are interpreted over linear sequences of
actions corresponding to possible runs of the systems. On the other hand, the formulae of
branching time logics are interpreted over states (in fact, over computational trees, i.e. the
structures where the successors of each state are all states reachable from the state in one step).
In this thesis we restrict our attention on the linear time logic LTL (Linear Temporal Logic)
and the branching time logic CTL* (wich extends the LTL and the Computational Tree Logic
CTL) which are both widely used.
1.5.3 Reduction techniques
Contrary to the theorem proving approach, model checking are growing in popularity because
it can be partially automated; thus, the verication can be performed within reasonable costs.
For this reason many verication tools have have been built. Unfortunately, the model checking
have its practical limits that considerably restrict the size of systems that can be verieed.
This fact is generally referred to as the state space explosion problem. The core of the problem
is that the model checking algorithms have to distinguish unexplored states from the explored
ones to prevent their re-exploration. Due to this, they have to maintain a set of already explored
states. This set is accessed repeatedly by the algorithms and thus, it has to t into the main
memory of a computer. Otherwise the operating system starts swapping intensively and the
computation of a model checking algorithm is practically halted.
Many techniques to ght the limits of enumerative model checkers have been developed to
increase model checkers ability. Some techniques are general and some are specic for the given
problem. We focus on some important techniques of reduction but rst consider the two main
approach to build the state space: the explicit and the symbolic ways. The main dierence
between explicit and symbolic approaches is in the way they maintain and manipulate the set
of explored states during the computation.
(a) Explicit Model Checking
The explicit or enumerative model checking algorithms traverse through the state space state by
state. Typically, this is ensured by some kind of hashing mechanism. The data structure that
implements the set of already visited states has to be optimized for the state presence query
and state insertion operations.
(b) Symbolic Model Checking
The symbolic model checking algorithms start either with the set of initial states or with the
set of valid states and compute all the successors or predecessors respectively unless the state
space is completely generated or an error is found. The standard data structure used to store
the states in the symbolic model checking algorithms is the Binary Decision Diagram (BDD)
[91, 92]. The BDD structure is capable of storing a large number of the states in a more ecient
way than the hash table. However, operations on BDDs are quite complex and dependent on
the size of BDD. On the other hand, complexity of BDD operations do not worsen if they
are manipulated with sets of states instead of single states. This is why the symbolic model
checking algorithms generate the state space not in a state-by-state manner, but in a set-by-
set manner. Nevertheless, BDD-based model checking is often still very memory and time
consuming. This sometimes circumvents the successful verication of systems. The main reason
for the large memory requirements of symbolic model checking is often the huge size of the BDD
representing the transition relation. Therefore, some methods have been proposed to diminish
this problem [6, 66, 67].
[8789] present a technic belonging to the family of explicit storage methods wich enables to
store the state space in a compact way; this approach being qualied as semi-explicit since all
states are not explicitly represented in the state space. Experiments report a memory reduction
ratio up to 95% with only a tripling of the computing time in the worst case.
Figure 1.11. a Binary Decision tree.
(c) Abstractions
When the analysis of big models cannot be avoided, it is rarely necessary to consider them
in full detail in order to verify or falsify some given property. This idea can be formalized as
Figure 1.12. A (Reduced) binary decision diagram for the binary decision tree of Figure 1.11.
an abstraction function (or relation) that induces some abstract system model such that the
property holds of the original, concrete model if it can be proven for the abstract model.
Abstraction [54] is used to hide details in the model that are irrelevant to the satisfaction of
the veried property, hence reducing the total number of reachable states in the state space. In
general, the appropriate abstraction relation depends on the application and has to be dened
by the user. Abstraction-based approaches are therefore not entirely automatic push-button
methods in the same way that standard model checking is.
(d) Partial Order Reduction (POR)
Another popular technique to ght the state explosion problem is partial order reduction (POR)
many POR reduction techniques are described and referenced in [55]. The technique parti-
tions the state space into equivalence classes (using an equivalence relation) and then verify only
representative executions for each equivalence class. The method exploits the commutativity of
the interleavings of asynchronous processes, because not all the possible interleavings of several
asynchronous processes are necessarily needed to establish the correctness of a given property.
This technique works well mainly for systems that are made of asynchronous and interleaving
components in which case the stuttering equivalence is used to reduce the state space size signif-
icantly. There is always a tradeo between the potential eectiveness of a reduction method and
the overhead involved in computing a sucient set of actions that must be explored at a given
state. Moreover, the eectiveness of partial-order reductions in general depends on the structure
of the system: while they are useless for tightly synchronized systems, they may dramatically
reduce the numbers of states and transitions explored during model checking for loosely coupled,
asynchronous systems.
[57, 58] present a POR algorithm for security protocols and determine the class of modal
properties that are preserved by it. They observe that the knowledge of the Dolev-Yao attacker
model in the course of each protocol run is non-decreasing, and, intuitively, with more knowledge
the attacker can do more (harm). Therefore, when verifying security protocols which yield nite-
depth executions, in the presence of the Dolev-Yao attacker, it is safe to prioritize actions that
increase the attackers knowledge over other actions.
[96] report on extensions of the POR algorithm of [57, 58] to handle security protocols in
which participants may have choice points.
Figure 1.13. Two independent concurrent processes.
Figure 1.14. Interleavings and execution sequences of the two processes in 1.13 see [135].
(e) State Caching
In explicit-state model checking the full state space is often stored in a hash table; states are
hashed to a specic position in the table and stored there. A classic approach of dealing with
collisions in a hash table is to store the multiple states, hashed to the same position, in a linked
State caching is a method that uses hash tables, but deals dierently with collisions in an
attempt to make explicit model checking feasible for a state space that is too large to t within
the available memory. The method, as described in [130], restricts the storage space to a single
array of states, i.e. no extra linked lists are used. Initially all states are stored in the hash
table, but when the table lls up, new states can overwrite old states. This does not eect
the correctness of the model checker, but can result in duplicate work if a state, that has been
overwritten, is reached again [113]. Runtime may thus increase signicantly where the hash
table is much smaller than the full state space.
(f) Bitstate Hashing
This technique was also introduced as an alternative hashing technique [131]; it uses a normal
hash table, but without collision detection. As described in the previous section, states that
are hashed to the same position are typically stored in a linked list. If this technique is used
and a state is hashed to a nonempty slot, it is compared with all the states in the linked list to
determine whether the hashed state has been visited before. If no collision detection is used and
a state is hashed to a nonempty slot it is assumed that the state has been visited; thus only 1
bit is needed per slot to indicate whether a state has been hashed to it or not. The side eect
of using only 1 bit is that part of the state space may be ignored, because when more than one
state is hashed to the same slot only the rst hashed state will be explored.
(g) Probabilistic Techniques
Also probabilistic techniques found their applications in model checking. The random walk
method employs probabilistic choice to build random system executions that are examined
for presence of an error. If an error is found, the trace of random walk provides the needed
counterexample, if not, either more random walks can be executed or the model is declared
correct. Due to this the correctness of the system is ensured only with a certain probability.
This method is a typical example of an error discovery method and it may be considered much
closer to testing than to verication methods. However, there are other probabilistic methods
that support model checking algorithms and have nothing common with testing. A good example
is a technique that employs probabilistic choices to make the decision of whether to save a state
in the set of visited states; thus, trading time for space.
(h) Symmetry
One try to exploit symmetries, which often exist in concurrent systems. It has been shown
that in model checking of concurrent systems which exhibit a lot of symmetries often signicant
memory savings can be achieved (see e.g. [136]). Symmetry reduction techniques [5, 53, 84] in
veriation of concurrent systems generally exploit symmetries by restricting statespace search
to representatives of equivalence classes. The calculation of the equivalence class representatives
is central to all model checking methods which use symmetry reduction. Symmetry reduction
can be contrasted with partial order reduction as follows. Partial order reduction considers sets
of paths; a set of independent paths from one state to another state is replaced by a single
representative path. Symmetry reduction, on the other hand, considers sets of states; a group
of equivalent states is replaced by a single representative state. It is known that for arbitrary
symmetries their computation is a hard and time-consuming problem. But it has been shown
that for certain classes of symmetries this problem can be solved eciently. Although the
state-space can be reduced considerably by using symmetry reduction, their usage can lead to
a signcant increase in runtime.
Intuitively, the correctness of the protocol should not depend on the specic assignment of
principal names. In other words, by permuting the names of the principals the correctness of
the protocol should be preserved.
[53, 56] have also developed the theory of symmetry reductions in the context of verifying
security protocols. Intuitively the state space is partitioned into various equivalence classes
because of the inherent symmetry present in the system. During the verication process the
algorithm only considers one state from each partition.
Figure 1.15. A Kripke structure.
Figure 1.16. The quotient structure for 1.15 see [53].
(i) Petri Nets Unfoldings
Model checking based on the causal partial order semantics of Petri nets is an approach widely
applied to cope with the state space explosion problem. Petri net unfoldings [85, 140] relies
on the partial order view of concurrent computation, and represents system states implicitly,
using an acyclic net. Unfoldings provide one way to exploit this observation. An unfolding is a
mathematical structure that explicitly represents concurrency and causal dependence between
events, and also the points where a choice occurs between qualitatively dierent behaviors. Like
a computation tree, it captures at once all possible behaviors of a system, and we need only
examine a nite part of it to answer certain questions about the system. However, unlike a
computation tree, it does not make interleavings explicit, and so it can be exponentially more
Figure 1.17. A Petri net system.
Figure 1.18. An unfolding of the Petri net of the Figure 1.17.
1.5.4 Distributed state space generation
All above mentioned techniques have one common attribute: they try to reduce the state space.
Some do that by reducing the number of states in the state space and others by improving data
structures used to save the set of visited states. This thesis focuses on a technique that does
not reduce the state space, but, contrary to all previously mentioned approaches, increases the
available computational and storage power. This technique builds on the idea of storing the
state space in a distributed memory environment.
One of the main technical issues in the distributed memory state space generation is a way
how to partition the state space among participating workstations. Most of approaches to the
distributed memory state space generation use a partitioning mechanism that works at level
of states which means that each single state is assigned to a machine and it belongs to. This
assignment is done by a partition function that partitions the state space into subsets of states.
Each such a subset is then owned by a single workstation.
The main idea of most known approaches to the distributed memory state space generation
is similar. The state space generation is started from an initial state by the workstation that
owns it (with respect to the partition function). Successors of the initial state are gradually
generated. When a successor of a state is generated that belongs to a dierent workstation, it
is wrapped into a message and sent over the network to the owning workstation. As soon as
the workstation receives a message containing a state, it starts generating its successors. Those
newly generated successors that do not remain local are sent over network and processed by the
target workstation in the same manner. This procedure continues until the entire state space
is generated and so no messages are sent anymore [102]. To detect this situation a termination
detection procedure is usually employed. Furthermore, if a complete static load balancing scheme
is considered, the function of partition is typically xed at the compile-time of the algorithm.
Unfortunately, in such a case that ensures well balanced computation but increases excessively
Figure 1.19. Model without parallelism
Figure 1.20. Model with limited parallelism
Figure 1.21. Problem of balance
Figure 1.22. Ideal memory distribution
the communication complexity. A slightly dierent situation is when the partition function is
not known at the compile-time, but it is computed once after the initialization. Such a partition
function is certainly static as well e.g. [19].
Finite state space construction can be classied as an irregular problem in the parallel algo-
rithms community because of the irregularity of its structure, in other words, the cost to operate
this kind of structure is not exactly know or is unknown by advance. As a consequence, the
parallel execution of such problems may result in a bad load balance among the processors [91].
In [199], the authors explain that the characteristics of the model under consideration has a
key inuence on the performance of a parallel algorithm because it may result in extra overhead
during the exploration task. Figure 1.19 shows a model where the parallel exploration will
perform like a sequential one, incapable of speedups. Figure 1.20 illustrates a model that imposes
high scheduling overheads, due to the small size of the work units. The ideal model being where
(almost) every node has more than one successor, minimizing the scheduling overhead.
But the main problem is the load balance between the dierent processors involved in the
model-checking procedure. Figure 1.21 shows a high imbalance in the distribution of states across
the processors represented in dierents colors. Figure 1.22 is an ideal memory distribution
accross the machines and during the generation for three processors.
Distributed state space construction has been studied in various contexts. All these approaches
share a common idea: each machine in the network explores a subset of the state space. This
procedure continues until the entire state space is generated and so no messages are sent anymore
[102]. To detect this situation a termination detection procedure is usually employed. However,
they dier on a number of design principles and implementation choices such as: the way
of partitioning the state space using either static hash functions or dynamic ones that allow
dynamic load balancing, etc. In this section, we focuss on some of these technics and discuss
their problems and advantages. More references can be found in [18].
To have ecient parallel algorithms for state space generation, we see two requirements.
First, the partition function must be computed quickly and so that a child state (from the
sucessor function) is likely to be mapped to the same processor as its parent otherwise we will be
overwhelmed by inter-processor communications (the so called cross transitions) which obviously
implies a drop of the locallity of the computations and thus of the performances. Second,
balancing of the workload is obviously needed [145]: the problem of well balanced computation is
an inseparable part of the distributed memory computing problem because its help to fully prot
from available computational power allowing them to achieve expected speedup. The problem is
hampered by the fact that future execution requirements are unknown, and unknowable, because
the structure of the undiscovered portion of the state space is not known.
Note that employing dynamic load balancing scheme can be problematic in some cases as
it can be dicult to appropriately modify the algorithm that is intended to be used under a
dynamic load balancing scheme. While it has been showed that a pure static hash-function for
the partition function can eectively balance the workload and achieve reasonable execution time
eciencies as well [102], the method suers from some obvious drawbacks [18, 170]. First there
can be too much number of cross transitions. Second, if ever in the course of the generation,
just one processor is so burdened with states that it exhausts its available memory, the whole
computation fails or slowing too much due to the virtual memory management of the OS. And
it seems impossible for this kind of partition function to nd without complex heuristics when
states can be save into disks to relax the main memory.
As regards high-level languages for asynchronous concurrency, a distributed state space ex-
ploration algorithm [148] derived from the Spin model-checker has been implemented using a
work/slave model of computation. Several Spin-specic partition functions are experimented,
the most advantageous one being a function that takes into account only a fraction of the state
vector. The algorithm performs well on homogeneous networks of machines, but it does not
outperform the standard except for problems that do not t into the main memory of a single
machine. In the same manner, in [165] the authors exploit certain characteristics of the system
to optimise the generation using rst a random walk on the beginning of the space graph. This
work has been extend in [186] but it is not clear which models ts well to their heuristics and
how apply this to protocols.
Another distributed state enumeration algorithm has been implemented in the Mur ver-
ier [193]. The speedups obtained are close to linear and the hash function used for state
space partition provides a good load balancing. However, experimental data reported concerns
relatively small state spaces (approximatively 1.5 M states) on a 32-node UltraSparc Myrinet
network of workstations.
There also exist approaches, such as [141], in which parallelization is applied to partial
verication, i.e. state enumeration in which some states can be omitted with a low probability.
In our project, we only address exact, exhaustive verication issues. For completeness, we can
also mention an alternative approach [124] in which symbolic reachability analysis is distributed
over a network of workstations: this approach does not handle states individually, but sets of
states encoded using BDDs.
For the partition function, dierent technics has been used. In [102] authors used of a primer
number of virtual processors and mapping them to real processor. That improves load balancing
but not the problematic of cross transitions. In [174], the partition function is computed by a
round-robin of the childs. That improves locallity of the computations but can duplicates states
and its works well only when network are slower enought that compute states is much faster than
sending them which is not the case on modern architectures. In [167], an users dened abstract
interpretation is used to reduce the size of the state space and then it allows to distribute the
abstract graph following by computing real states fully in parallel. A tool is given for helping
the users to nd this abstraction. We have not nd how this technic can be apply to security
In [32,33,133] authors used complex distributed le system or shared database to optimise the
sending of the states especially when complex data-structure are used internally in the states
as ours. That can improve the implementation but not the idea of our algorithms. The use of
saturation for parallel generation is dened in [50] but improve only memory use and does not
achieve a clear speedup with respect to a sequential implementation.
For load balacing technics we can cite [2] when remaping is initiated by the master node
when the memory utilization of one node diers more than a given percentage from the average
utilization of all the others. In the same way, [150] presented a new dynamic partition function
scheme that builds a dynamic remapping, based on the fact that the state space is partitioned
into more pieces than the number of involved machines. When load on a machine is too high,
the machine releases one of the partitions it is assigned and if it is the last machine owning the
partition it sends the partition to a less loaded machine. This mechanism reduces the number
of messages sent which is done to the detriment of redundant works if a partition is owned by
several machines and a partial inconsistence may occur when a partition is moved unless all the
other machines are informed about its movement.
In [170, 171] extended dierents technics of the literature that tries avoid sending a state
away from the current network node if its 2nd-generation successors are local and a mechanism
that prevents re-sending already sent states. The idea is to compute latter the state for model-
cheking which can be faster than sending it. That clearly improves communications but our
technic performs the same job without ignoring any of the states.
In [118, 119] present a generic multithreaded and distributed infrastructure library designed
to allow distribution of the model checking procedure over a cluster of machines. This library
is generic, and is designed to allow encapsulation of any model checker in order to make it
1.6 Outline
Since these protocols are at the core of security-sensitive applications in a variety of domains,
their proper functioning is crucial as a failure may undermine the customer and, more generally,
the public trust in these applications. Designing secure protocols is a challenging problem [20,61].
In spite of their apparent simplicity, they are notoriously error-prone. Surprisingly, severe attacks
can be conducted even without breaking cryptography, but by exploiting weaknesses in the
protocols themselves, for instance by carrying out man-in-the-middle attacks, where an attacker
plays o one protocol participant against another, or replay attacks, where messages from one
session (i.e. execution of an instance of the protocol) are used in another session. It is thus of
utmost importance to have tools and specication languages that support the activity of nding
aws in protocols.
(a) State Space
In this Chapter 2, we exploit the well-structured nature of security protocols and match it to
the BSP [29, 187] model of parallel computation. This allows us to simplify the writing of an
ecient algorithm for computing the state space of nite protocol sessions. The structure of the
protocols is exploited to partition the state space and reduce cross transitions while increasing
computation locality. At the same time, the BSP model allows to simplify the detection of the
algorithm termination and to load balance the computations.
First, we briey review in Section 2.1 the context of our work that is models of security
protocols and their state space representation as LTS. Section 2.2 describes rst attempt of par-
allelisation that is a naive parallel algorithm for the state space construction. Then, Section 2.3
39 1.6. OUTLINE
is dedicated to, in a rst time, the hypothesis concerning our protocols model, then in more
subtle algorithms increasing local computation time, decreasing local storage by a sweep-line
reduction and balancing the computations. Finally, explanations on the appropriateness of our
approach are discussed in Section 2.4.
(b) Model Checking
Checking if a cryptographic protocol is secure or not is an undecidable problem [81] and even a
NP problem restricted to a bounded number of agents and sessions [183]. However, enumerative
model-checking is well-adapted for nding aws [11] and some results exist by extending bound
to unbound number of sessions [7]. In the following, we consider the problem of checking a
LTL and CTL* formulas over labelled transition systems (LTS) that model security protocols.
Checking a LTL or CTL* formula over a protocol is not new [9, 23, 100, 122, 122] and have the
advantage over dedicated tools for protocols to be easily extensible to non standard behaviour of
honest principals (e.g. contract-signing protocols: participants required to make progress) or to
check some security goals that cannot be expressed as reachability properties, e.g. fair exchange.
A specialisation of LTL to protocols have also be done in [62]. We consider also the more general
problematic of CTL* model checking.
The peculiarity of our work concerns the parallel computation. In this Chapter 3, we recall the
well known Tarjan algorithm which is the underlying structure of the work on a local approach
used by [28] for CTL* model checking. [28] is our working basis and our main contributions
in the following sections are essentially the adaptation of the algorithms found in [28] for the
parallel case of security protocols.
(c) Case Study
This Chapter 4 concerns the practical part of our work. In a rst time, we present the speci-
cation of security Protocols by the langage ABCD and we give several examples of protocols
with their modelisation in this langage. Then, we describe the important technologies we use
to implement our algorithms: the BSP Python Programming library and the SNAKES toolkit
and syntactic layers wich is a Python library to dene, manipulate and execute coloured Petri
nets [178]. Then we give the features of the implementation of our parallel algorithms and at
last the benchmarks on our dierents algoritms.
Stace space
This chapter extends the work of [104].
2.1 Security protocols as Label Transition System . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
2.1.1 Label Transition System and the marking (state) graph . . . . . . . . . 42
2.1.2 LTS representation of security protocols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
2.1.3 From LTS to high-level Petri nets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
2.1.4 Sequential state space algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
2.2 A naive parallel algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
2.3 Dedicated parallel algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
2.3.1 Our generic protocols model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
2.3.2 Having those structural informations from ABCD models . . . . . . . . 47
2.3.3 Increasing local computation time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
2.3.4 Decreasing local storage: sweep-line reduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
2.3.5 Balancing the computations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
2.4 Formal explanations of the LTS hypothesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
2.4.1 General assumptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
2.4.2 Slices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
2.4.3 Receptions and classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
2.4.4 Termination of the algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
2.4.5 Balance considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
In this Chapter 2, we exploit the well-structured nature of security protocols and match it to
the BSP [29, 187] model of parallel computation. This allows us to simplify the writing of an
ecient algorithm for computing the state space of nite protocol sessions. The structure of the
protocols is exploited to partition the state space and reduce cross transitions while increasing
computation locality. At the same time, the BSP model allows to simplify the detection of the
algorithm termination and to load balance the computations.
First, we briey review in Section 2.1 the context of our work that is models of security
protocols and their state space representation as LTS. Section 2.2 describes rst attempt of par-
allelisation that is a naive parallel algorithm for the state space construction. Then, Section 2.3
is dedicated to, in a rst time, the hypothesis concerning our protocols model, then in more
subtle algorithms increasing local computation time, decreasing local storage by a sweep-line
reduction and balancing the computations. Finally, explanations on the appropriateness of our
approach are discussed in Section 2.4.
2.1 Security protocols as Label Transition System
2.1.1 Label Transition System and the marking (state) graph
A labelled transition system (LTS) is an implicit representation of the state space of a modelled
system. It is dened as a tuple (S, T, ) where S is the set of states, T S
is the set of
transitions, and is an arbitrary labelling on S T. Given a model dened by its initial state
and its successor function succ, the corresponding explicit LTS is LTS(s
, succ), dened as
the smallest LTS (S, T, ) such that s
in S, and if s S then for all s

succ(s) we also have


S and (s, s

) T. The labelling may be arbitrarily chosen, for instance to dene properties

on states and transitions with respect to which model checking is performed.
In the following, the presented algorithms compute only S. This is made without loss of
generality and it is a trivial extension to compute also T and , assuming for this purpose that
succ(s) returns tuples ((s, s

), s

, (s

)). This is usually preferred in order to be able to perform

model-checking of temporal logic properties.
2.1.2 LTS representation of security protocols
In this thesis, we consider models of security protocols, involving a set of agents, given as a
labelled transition systems (LTS). We also consider a Dolev-Yao attacker that resides on the
network [77]. An execution of such a model is thus a series of message exchanges as follows.
1. An agent sends a message on the network.
2. This message is captured by the attacker that tries to learn from it by recursively de-
composing the message or decrypting it when the key to do so is known. Then, the
attacker forges all possible messages from newly as well as previously learnt informations
(i.e. attackers knowledge). Finally, these messages (including the original one) are made
available on the network.
3. The agents waiting for a message reception accept some of the messages forged by the
attacker, according to the protocol rules.
Because of undecidability or eciency concerns, one apply some restrictions on the considering
model given as input by limiting the number of agents put into play in the model, this being
dened by a Scenario. This restriction induces a nite state space making possible its pratical
2.1.3 From LTS to high-level Petri nets
In this thesis, we consider models of security protocols, involving a set of agents where a Dolev-
Yao attacker resides on the network. As a concrete formalism to model protocols, we have used
an algebra of coloured Petri nets called ABCD [181] allowing for easy and structured modelling.
However, our approach is largely independent of the chosen formalism and it is enough to assume
that some properties dene in [104] hold.
ABCD (Asynchronous Box Calculus with Data [180]) is a specication language that allows its
users to express the behavior concurrent systems at a high level. A specication is translated into
colored Petri nets. In particular, the ABCD meta syntax allows its users to dene a complex
processes in an algebra that allows: sequential composition (P;Q); non-deterministic choice
(P+Q); iteration (P*Q=Q+(P;Q)+(P;P;Q)+ ); parallel composition (P|Q). Processes are
built on top of atoms comprising either named sub-processes, or (atomic) actions, i.e. conditional
accesses to typed buers. Actions may produce to a buer, consume from a buer, or test for
the presence of a value in a buer, and are only executed if the given condition is met. The
semantics of an action is a transition in a Petri net.
For a description of the syntax and semantics of ABCD, as well as an illustrative exam-
ple, please consult [180]. As a very basic example, consider the Woo and Lam taken from
SPORE [154]. This protocol ensures one-way authentication of the initiator A of the protocol
to a responder B using symmetric-key cryptography and a trusted third-party server S with
share long-term symmetric keys and a fresh and unpredictable nonce produced by B:
A, B, S : principal
Nb : nonce
Kas, Kbs : skey
1. A -> B : A
2. B -> A : Nb
3. A -> B : {Nb}Kas
4. B -> S : {A, {Nb}Kas}Kbs
5. S -> B : {Nb}Kbs
which could be model using ABCD as:
1 net Alice (A, agents, S) :
2 buer B_ : int = ()
3 buer Nb_ : Nonce = ()
4 [agents?(B), B_+(B), snd+(A)] # 1. >
5 ; [rcv?(Nb), Nb_+(Nb)] # 2. <
6 ; [Nb_?(Nb), snd+(("crypt", ("secret", A, S), Nb))] # 3. >
8 net Bob (B, S) :
9 buer A_ : int = ()
10 buer myster_ : object = ()
11 [rcv?(A), A_+(A)] # 1. <
12 ; [snd+(Nonce(B))] # 2. >
13 ; [rcv?(myster), myster_+(myster)] # 3. <
14 ; [A_?(A), myster_?(myster),
15 snd+(("crypt", ("secret", B, S), A, myster))] # 4. >
16 ; [rcv?(("crypt", ("secret", S, B), Nb))
17 if Nb == Nonce(B)] # 5. <
19 net Server (S) :
20 buer B_ : int = ()
21 buer Nb_ : Nonce = ()
22 [rcv?(("crypt", ("secret", B, S), A,
23 ("crypt", ("secret", A, S), Nb))), B_+(B), Nb_+(Nb)] # 4. <
24 ; [B_?(B), Nb_?(Nb), snd+(("crypt", ("secret", S, B), Nb))] # 5. >
The - operation on a buer attempts to consume a value from it and bind it to the given variable,
scoped to the current action. The language also supplies a read-only version ?, thus rcv?(Nb)
will read a value from rcv into variable Nb without removing it from the buer. Similarly, the
+ operation attempts to write a value to the buer, and there are also ush () and ll ()
operations which perform writes into and reads from lists respectively. Note that we used two
buer called rcv and snd which model the sending and receip in a network. Encoded message
are tuple with special values as crypt and secret that attacker agent could not read if he have
the keys.
The attacker has three components: a buer named knowledge which is essentially a list of the
information that the attacker currently knows, a list of initial knowledge, and a learning engine
with which it uses to glean new knowledge from what it observes on the network. Intuitively,
the attacker performs the following operations:
1. it intercepts each me ssage that appears on buer nw which represent the network and
adds it to its knowledge;
2. it passes each message along with its current knowledge to the learning engine and adds
any new knowledge learned to its current knowledge;
3. it then may either do nothing, or take any message that is a valid message in the protocol
that is contained in its knowledge and put it back on buer nw.
1 def sequential_construction(s
) is
2 todo {s
3 known
4 while todo ,=
5 pick s from todo
6 known known {s}
7 for s

succ(s) \ known
8 todo todo {s

Figure 2.1. Sequential construction.
In ABCD, these actions are expressed by the following term:
1 [nw(m), knowledge>>(k), knowledge<<(learn(m,k))];
2 [True] + [knowledge?(x), nw+(x) if message(x)]
The rst line implement steps 1 and 2: a message m is removed from the network, and this
message is passed to a method learn() along with the contents of the current knowledge. The
return value of this method is lled back into the knowledge buer. The next line implements
step 3 : the process can either choose to do the empty action [True], or to replay any element of
its knowledge that satises the message() predicate back - which checks if x is a valid protocol
message - on the network. Note that a branch is created in the state space for each message
that can be intercepted in the rst line, another for the choice in the second line, and another
for each valid message in the knowledge. This is why the attacker is the most computationally
intensive component of our modelling.
As Pythons expressions are used in this algebra, the learning engine (the Dolev-Yao induc-
tive rules) is a Python function and could thus be easaly extended for taking account specic
properties of hashing or of crypto primitives.
2.1.4 Sequential state space algorithm
In order to explain our parallel algorithm, we start with Algorithm 2.1 that corresponds to the
usual sequential construction of a state space. The sequential algorithm involves a set todo of
states that is used to hold all the states whose successors have not been constructed yet; initially,
it contains only the initial state s
. Then, each state s from todo is processed in turn and added
to a set known while its successors are added to todo unless they are known already. At the end
of the computation, known holds all the states reachable from s
, that is, the state space S.
2.2 A naive parallel algorithm
We now show how the sequential algorithm can be parallelised in BSP and how several successive
improvements can be introduced. This results in an algorithm that remains quite simple in
its expression but that actually relies on a precise use of a consistent set of observations and
algorithmic modications. We will show in the next section that this algorithm is ecient despite
its simplicity.
Algorithm 2.1 can be naively parallelised by using a partition function cpu that returns for
each state a processor identier, i.e. the processor numbered cpu(s) is the owner of s. Usually,
this function is simply a hash of the considered state modulo the number of processors in the
parallel computer. The idea is that each process computes the successors for only the states it
owns. This is rendered as Algorithm 2.2; notice that we assume that arguments are passed by
references so that they may be modied by sub-programs.
This is a SPMD (Single Program, Multiple Data) algorithm so that each processor executes
it. Sets known and todo are still used but become local to each processor and thus provide only
1 def main(s
) is
2 todo
3 total 1
4 known
5 if cpu(s
) = mypid
6 todo todo {s
7 while total > 0
8 tosend successor(known,todo)
9 todo, total exchange(known,tosend)
1 def successor(known, todo) is
2 tosend
3 while todo ,=
4 pick s from todo
5 known known {s}
6 for s

succ(s) \ known
7 if cpu(s

) = my_pid
8 todo todo {s

9 else
10 tosend tosend {(cpu(s


11 return tosend
1 exchange(known, tosend) is
2 received, total BSP_EXCHANGE(tosend)
3 return (received \ known),total
Figure 2.2. Naive BSP construction.
a partial view on the ongoing computation. So, in order to terminate the algorithm, we use an
additional variable total in which we count the total number of states waiting to be proceeded
throughout all the processors, i.e. total is the sum of the sizes of all the sets todo. Initially, only
state s
is known and only its owner puts it in its todo set. This is performed in lines 46, where
my_pid is evaluated locally to each processor to its own identier.
Function successor is then called to compute the successors of the states in todo. It is essentially
the same as the sequential exploration, except that each processor computes only the successors
for the states it actually owns. Each computed state that is not owned by the local processor is
recorded in a set tosend together with its owner number. This partitioning of states is performed
in lines 711.
Then, function exchange is responsible for performing the actual communication between
processors. The primitive BSP_EXCHANGE sends each state s from a pair (i, s) in tosend
to the processor i and returns the set of states received from the other processors, together
with the total number of exchanged states. The routine BSP_EXCHANGE performs a global
(collective) synchronisation barrier which makes data available for the next super-step so that
all the processors are now synchronised. Then, function exchange returns the set of received
states that are not yet known locally together with the new value of total. Notice that, by
postponing communication, this algorithm allows buered sending and forbids sending several
times the same state.
It can be noted that the value of total may be greater than the intended count of states in
todo sets. Indeed, it may happen that two processors compute a same state owned by a third
processor, in which case two states are exchanged but then only one is kept upon reception.
Moreover, if this state has been also computed by its owner, it will be ignored. This not a
problem in practise because in the next super-step, this duplicated count will disappear. In the
worst case, the termination requires one more super-step during which all the processors will
process an empty todo, resulting in an empty exchange and thus total=0 on every processor,
yielding the termination.
Furthermore, this algorithm allows buering sending states and forbids sending several time
the same state in the same super-step.
2.3 Dedicated parallel algorithms
2.3.1 Our generic protocols model
In this thesis, we consider models of security protocols involving a set of agents and we assume
that any state can be represented by a function from a set L of locations to an arbitrary
data domain T. For instance, locations may correspond to local variables of agents, shared
communication buers, etc.
As a concrete formalism to model protocols, we have used an algebra of coloured Petri
nets [180] allowing for easy and structured modelling. However, our approach is largely in-
dependent of the chosen formalism and it is enough to assume that the following properties
(P0) there exists a subset L
L of reception locations corresponding to the information learnt
(and stored) by agents from their communication with others;
(P1) LTSs function succ can be partitioned into two successor functions succ
and succ
correspond respectively to transitions upon which an agent receives information (and stores
it) and to transitions that make progress any agent (including the intruder); (that corre-
spond respectively to the successors that change states or not on the locations from L
(P2) there is an initial state s
and there exists a function slice from state to natural (a measure)
such that if s

(s) then there is no path from s

to any state s

such that slice(s) =


) and slice(s

) = slice(s) + 1 (it is often call a sweep-line progression [49]);

(P3) there exists a function cpu from state to natural numbers (a hashing) such that for all
state s if s

(s) then cpu(s) = cpu(s

); mainly, the knowledge of the intruder is not

taken into account to compute the hash of a state;
(P4) if s
, s
(s) and cpu(s
) ,= cpu(s
) then there is no possible path from s
to s
vice versa.
More precisely: for all state s and all s

succ(s), if s

= s[
then s

(s), else

(s); where s[
denotes the state s whose domain is restricted to the locations in
. Intuitively, succ
corresponds to transitions upon which an agent receives information and
stores it.
Here again, concrete models generally make easy to distinguish these two kind of transition.
On concrete models, it is generally easy to distinguish syntactically the transitions that cor-
respond to a message reception in the protocol with information storage. Thus, is it easy to
partition succ as above and, for most protocol models, it is also easy to check that the above
properties are satised. This is the case in particular for the algebra of Petri nets that we have
used (see below). Thus, is it easy to partition succ as above. This is the case in particular for
the algebra of Petri nets that we have used: the ABCD formalism.
In the following, the presented algorithms compute only S. This is made without loss of
generality and it is a trivial extension to compute also T and , assuming for this purpose that
succ(s) returns tuples ((s, s

), s

, (s

)). This is usually preferred in order to be able to perform

model-checking of temporal logic properties.
We now show how several successive improvement can be introduced. This results in an
algorithm that remains quite simple in its expression but actually ecient and relies on a precise
use of a consistent set of observations and algorithmic modications.
2.3.2 Having those structural informations from ABCD models
(a) Finding the appropriate succ functions
Using ABCD, nding the appropriate succ
and succ
successors functions is purely syntactic
since receptions for succ
are rules that read the buer rcv and other rules for succ
are all intern
rules of agents and all the rules of the attacker. As ABCD expressions are transform to Petri
nets, nding locations s[
is also easy. It suces to check buers that involve in succ
. Thus,
the properties P1, P2 and P3 can be automatically deduce using our methodology (using ABCD
for checking secure protocols). To enforce P4, we just need to ensure that no data received
and stored by an agent is ever forgotten, which can be checked syntactically as well by allowing
only + and ? accesses on agents buers. Indeed, since hashing is based on exactly these buers
content, two states dierently hashed must dier on these buers and thus necessary lead to
disjoint executions.
(b) Drawbacks and advantages
One of the advantages of this design is that the attacker model is partially parameterized by
the knowledge it is initially given. By giving it only public information (agent identiers, public
keys, etc.), it behaves as a malicious agent external to the system. We can also however model
the attacker as one of the nodes themselves by simply giving it the private information it requires
to identify itself as one, or more specically everything it needs to play as a legitimate agent
in some execution trace in the state graph. We could similarly model compromised keys, le
identiers, or any other private information.
For secure protocols, our approach can in some ways be seen as straddling between more
temporal logical approaches such as CTLK and pure process algebras such as the asynchronous -
calculus. ABCD oered the best of both worlds for our particular problem: its process algebra
syntax allows models to be easily dened (compared to temporal logics) and their properties
to be checked directly state space. On the other hand, the structured nature of its Petri net
semantics allowed us to verify systems with non-deterministic choice and iteration - both essential
to constructing an accurate model of some protocols - which often lead to intractable (or worse)
model checking problems in pure process algebras.
Drawbacks are the lack of a friendly tool to model the protocols (an algebra is a little hard
to read) and mainly that we currently checks only nite sessions.
2.3.3 Increasing local computation time
Using Algorithm 2.2, function cpu distributes evenly the states over the processors. However,
each super-step is likely to compute very few states during each super-step because only too few
computed successors are locally owned. This also results in a bad balance of the time spent in
computation with respect to the time spent in communication. If more states can be computed
locally, this balance improves but also the total communication time decreases because more
states are computed during each call to function successor.
To achieve this result, we consider a peculiarity of the models we are analysing. The learning
phase (2) of the attacker is computationally expensive, in particular when a message can be
actually decomposed, which leads to recompose a lot of new messages. Among the many forged
messages, only a (usually) small proportion are accepted for a reception by agents. Each such
reception gives rise to a new state.
This whole process can be kept local to the processor and so without cross-transitions. To
do so, we need to design a new partition function cpu_R such that, for all states s
and s
, if
= s
then cpu_R(s
). For instance, this can be obtained by computing a
hash (modulo the number of processors) using only the locations from L
On this basis, function successor can be changed as shown in Algorithm 2.3.
1 def successor(known, todo) is
2 tosend
3 while todo ,=
4 pick s from todo
5 known known {s}
6 for s

in succ_L(s) \ known
7 todo todo {s

8 for s

in succ_R(s) \ known
9 tosend tosend {(cpu_r(s


10 return tosend
Figure 2.3. An exploration to improve local computation.
Figure 2.4. Generation of the state space (with local computation) across the processors.
With respect to Algorithm 2.2, this one splits the for loop, avoiding calls to cpu_R when they
are not required. This may yield a performance improvement, both because cpu_R is likely to
be faster than cpu and because we only call it when necessary. But the main benets in the use
of cpu_R instead of cpu is to generate less cross transitions since less states are need to be sent.
Finally, notice that, on some states, cpu_R may return the number of the local processor, in
which case the computation of the successors for such states will occur in the next super-step.
We show now on how this can be exploited.
Figure 2.4 illustrates the generation of state space across the processors by Algorithm 2.3.
Initially only processor P0 performs the computation. The cross transitions correspond to the
successors succ
, i.e. transitions upon which an agent receives information, other transitions
being local, particularly those corresponding to the learning phase of the attacker.
Figure 2.5 expresses the same algorithm (2.3). In this diagram the distribution per processor
is not represented, but the global progression of the computation of the state space is showed
by slice. An explored state is local to a slice (more precisely to a class as we shall see), i.e. it
do not be explored in an other slice.
Figure 2.5. Generation of the state space with local computation.
1 def exchange(tosend, known) is
2 dump(known)
3 return BSP_EXCHANGE(tosend)
Figure 2.6. Sweep-line implementation the rest is as in Algorithm 2.3.
2.3.4 Decreasing local storage: sweep-line reduction
One can observe that the structure of the computation is now matching closely the structure of
the protocol execution: each super-step computes the executions of the protocol until a message
is received. As a consequence, from the states exchanged at the end of a super-step, it is not
possible to reach states computed in any previous super-step. Indeed, the protocol progression
matches the super-steps succession.
This kind of progression in a model execution is the basis of the sweep-line method [49] that
aims at reducing the memory footstep of a state space computation by exploring states in an
order compatible with progression. It thus becomes possible to regularly dump from the main
memory all the states that cannot be reached anymore. Enforcing such an exploration order is
usually made by dening on states a measure of progression. In our case, such a measure is not
needed because of the match between the protocol progression and the super-steps succession.
So we can apply the sweep-line method by making a simple modication of the exploration
algorithm, as shown in Algorithm 2.6.
Statement dump(known) resets known to an empty set, possibly saving its content to disk if
this is desirable. The rest of function exchange is simplied accordingly.
Figure 2.7 represents the progress of the computation of the state space according to the
Algorithm 2.6 by explaining the sweep-line (shaded area) of the states already explored in the
previous slice. They are indeed swept because they do not aect the ongoing computation.
2.3.5 Balancing the computations
As one can see in the future benchmarks in Section 4.3, Algorithm 2.6 (and in the same manner
Algorithm 2.3) can introduce a bad balance of the computations due to a lack of information
when hashing only on L
. The nal optimisation step aims thus at balancing the workload.
Figure 2.7. Sweep-line generation of the state space.
To do so, we exploit the observation that, for all the protocols that we have studied so far, the
number of computed states during a super-step is usually closely related to the number of states
received at the beginning of the super-step. So, before to exchange the states themselves, we can
rst exchange information about how many state each processor has to send and how they will
be spread onto the other processors. Using this information, we can anticipate and compensate
balancing problems.
To compute the balancing information, we use a new partition function cpu_B that is equiva-
lent to cpu_R without modulo, i.e. we have cpu_R(s) = cpu_B(s) mod p, where p is the number
of processors. This function denes classes of states for which cpu_B returns the same value.
We compute a histogram of these classes on each processor, which summarises how cpu_R would
dispatch the states. This information is then globally exchanged, yielding a global histogram
that is exploited to compute on each processor a better dispatching of the states it has to send.
This is made by placing the classes according to a simple heuristic for the bin packing problem:
the largest class is placed onto the less charged processor, which is repeated until all the classes
have been placed. It is worth noting that this placement is computed with respect to the global
histogram, but then, each processor dispatches only the states it actually holds, using this global
placement. Moreover, if several processors compute a same state, these identical states will be in
the same class and so every processor that holds such states will send them to the same target.
So there is no possibility of duplicated computation because of dynamic states remapping.
These operations are detailed in Algorithm 2.8 where variables histoL and histoG store re-
spectively the local and global histograms, and function BinPack implements the dispatching
method described above. In function balance, X denotes the cardinality of set X. Function
BSP_MULTICAST is used so that each processor sends its local histogram to every processor and
receives in turn their histograms, allowing to build the global one. Like any BSP communication
primitive it involves a synchronisation barrier.
It may be remarked that the global histogram is not fully accurate since several processors
may have a same state to be sent. Nor the computed dispatching is optimal since we do not
want to solve a NP-hard bin packing problem. But, as shown in our benchmarks below, the
result is yet fully satisfactory.
Finally, it is worth noting that if a state found in a previous super-step may be computed again,
1 def exchange(tosend, known) is
2 dump(known)
3 return BSP_EXCHANGE(Balance(tosend))
1 def balance(tosend) is
2 histoL { (i, { (i,s) tosend}) }
3 compute histoG from BSP_MULTICAST(histoL)
4 return BinPack(tosend, histoG)
Figure 2.8. Balancing strategy the rest is as in Algorithm 2.6, using cpu_B instead of
Figure 2.9. Generation of the state space with balancing strategy.
it would be necessary to known which processor owns it: this could not be obtained eciently
when dynamic remapping is used. But that could not happen thanks to the exploration order
enforced in Section 2.3.3 and discussed in Section 2.3.4. Our dynamic states remapping is thus
correct because states classes match the locality of computation.
Figure 2.9 shows the computation of the state space by the algorithm 2.8 following our bal-
ancing strategy. Classes of state are distributed over the processors taking into account of their
weight. A state explored in a class can not be in another class.
2.4 Formal explanations of the LTS hypothesis
2.4.1 General assumptions
Here we give some explanations concerning the accuracy of our methods. Why our improvements
hold on the protocol modeled, a very wide range of protocol models, we consider. We write more
precisely and more formally the hypothesis to be veried by our algorithms support. These
assumptions hold for a very wide range of protocol models and are the basis of improvements
that we propose. Then we discuss briey the question of the adaptability of our algorithms to
other types of protocols and in particular the branching protocols, this exceeding the borders of
the work proposed in this thesis.
In a rst time, we recall more formally, the denitions of state space and the transition relation
on the states.
We consider the nite set of the states S
= {s
, ..., s
}, and the nite set of the transitions
of the underlying model T
= {t
, ..., t
}. The set of the edges is E S T S. The initial
state is s
For each transition t T, the ring relation expressing the edges is denoted by
and dened
with respect of the edges, i.e. s

if (s, t, s

) E.
We recall the denition of the notion of successor in relation to this states space.
Denition 5 (Successors of a state).
For each state s, succ(s) denotes the set of successors according to the edges:
= s

[t Ts

If s

succ(s), we note s s

We consider also the successor of a certain subset X T of the transitions:
= s

[t Xs

We use a functional notation for the transitions for reasons of ease of writing.
Denition 6 (Functional notation for the transitions).
We use the notation t(s) = s

to express s

and we extend this notation to the sets.

Considering some set of transitions X and set of states Y
, Y
, we note X(Y
) Y
if t
X, s Y
, t(s) Y
. The transitions of X acting on Y
goes in Y
Here we summarize the conditions that must be provided by our models. Our models check
the following conditions:
Denition 7 (General assumptions).
1. (Combination of local states) All the states of our models are the combination of local
states. In this way, the set of states S can be seen as the subset of the product of local
states sets:
... S
Each local set of states being disjoint from another: i ,= j S
= . For each s S
and some i {1, ..., }, s
stands for the local component of s which belong to the state
component S
2. There exists a partition of the set of the local states: there exits nonempty sets S
ensuring S S
... S

= S
. Without loss of generalites, we note
= S
... S
, S
= S
... S
and s[
(resp. s[
) stands for the local
component of s, i.e. the component of s in relation with S
(resp. S
3. There exists a partition of the transitions: T = T
where T
= {t
, ..., t
} and
= {t
, ..., t

4. The local transitions are invariant on the reception component of the states, i.e. T
invariant on S
t T
, s

= s

5. There exists a partition of S
... S
Each S
marks the progression of each agent i in the protocol.
6. We assume that each S
= s
, ..., s
is totally ordered by
. Without loss of gener-
ality, one supposes forall i s

7. T
changes necessarily a single component of S
. Formally,
t T
, s, s

S, s

!i 0, ..., s[
,= s

and j ,= i, s[
= s

Moreover, we consider (hypothesis of strict progression of agents): s[


8. A set of function {progress
, ..., progress

} such as:
: S
i 0, ..., , progress
) = 0;
and progress
) = progress
) + 1.
9. We consider that the ring of a transition t from T
follows the strict order of a certain
component reception, we consider S

s and s[
= s
= s
10. We note progress : S N dened forall s by

The items 1 and 2 implie the property (P0) of our generic protocols model.
By item items 3, 4 and 7 we give (P1).
We consier our cpu function acts on S
. By items 4 and 7 it follows (P3) and (P4).
We consider the function progress as the function slice of the part 2.3.1. It follows by items
7, 8, 9 and 10 the property (P2) and we add slice(s
2.4.2 Slices
The progress mesure is the fundamental concept underlying the sweep-line method. The key
property of a progress measure is that for a given state s, all states reachable from s have a
progress measure which is greater or equal than the progress measure of s. A progress measure
makes it possible to delete certain states on-the-y during state space generation, since it ensures
that these states can never be reached again. We recall the denition from [49].
Denition 8 (Progress mesure [49]).
A progress mesure is a tuple (O, _, ) such that (O, _) is a partial order and : S O is a
mapping from states into O satisfying:
s, s

S, s

(s) _ (s

Our previous assumptions provide a progress mesure (N, ,slice) for the states of the system:
s, s

S, s

slice(s) slice(s

Our algorithms send only the states red by reception transition and involve:
s, s

S, t T
, s


) = slice(s) + 1
It is correct to dump the states computed before the new reception states (corresponding to the
receptions by reception transitions), the strict progression by reception transitions ensuring that
we will do not nd them in the future.
We obtain, thus, an exploration by slice, each slice dened as follows:
Denition 9 (Slices).
We dene the slices: slice
, ..., slice
of S by:
= s[slice(s) = i.
We note that one can know a priori the number of super step involved in the generation of
the state space making easiest the problem of the termination of the algorithm (not used in
practice because of the simplicity of writing and understanding provided by the BSP model).
Indeed, each process-agent consist as a certain number of strict progression point in the protocol
represented by some places of reception, L
, (i.e. taking value in S
). The number of these
places gives the number of super-steps.
We followed the approach proposed by [149] to distribute the states accross the machines by
selecting a certain processus: the designated process with some relevance unstead of hashing
on the complete state (i.e. all the components of the state). More exactly the more general
approach advocated by [142] by selecting some relevant places.
2.4.3 Receptions and classes
Here we make a clear choice concerning the designated places: the reception location L
responding to the progress steps of each agent (and not the attacker) and thus to the advance
of the protocol, making behavior of the attacker merely local. The set of the local transitions
) maintaining this set we do not need to test the localization (by cpu) of states obtained
by T
The computation of the state space, during the super steps can be thus be seen by a class
concept with respect to the reception states.
We dene the states of reception as those received by the machine:
Denition 10 (Reception state).
A state s S is a reception state if it is the initial state s = s
or if it is red by a reception
transition, formally: s


s T
We can dierentiate these reception states, by distinction of the reception component. We
group the reception states relatively to a homogeneous component of reception. These states
generate a set of states by local transitions, all state forming a reception class.
Denition 11 (Reception class).
A reception class ( of S is dened from a set of reception states s
, ..., s
= ... = s
, ..., s

( and s


)) s

By items 4, 7 of general assumptions and the denition succ, it follows that the states of a
same reception class have the same reception component, and that two dierent classes do not
share no states. This provides better locality in the computation.
We note that only the reception component is used for the distribution on the machines, this
corresponding to the designation of the places of receptions of the model for the distribution
function cpu. The conservation of this component following local transitions provides a non-
duplication of the states accross the machines.
The relation notes the fact that two states belong to the same reception class. is an
equivalence relation. It follows by the point 4 of the general assumptions that:
s, s

S, ss

= s

where [
denotes the local component relatively to the reception places to the state to which
it applies.
The state space quotiented by , corresponds to a dag whose each node is a reception class. Its
this dag that we distribute on the machines, the links between class being the cross transitions.
The width of this dag is the main argument for the parallelisation, the homogeneous distribution
of each slices ensuring a better balance which is the basis for our last improvement.
If S
stands for the set of reception class and

for the successor relation by T
(s) = (s) i.e. maps a state into the reception class component to which it belongs, then

, ) is the progress mesure for our exploration. Since each SCC is contained in a
single reception class (but two SCCs can be found in the same reception class), the graph of
reception classes contains (or abstract) the graph of SCCs. If S
the set of strongly connected
components of the state space,

the reachability relation between the strongly connected
SCC components and (s) = SCC(s), i.e. maps a state into the strongly connected component
to which it belongs, the progress mesure corresponding to the SCCs is (S

, ) and
oers maximal reduction for the sweep-line method [49].
The question of the branching protocols and of the protocol with loop can be asked about our
methods but outs the frameworks of this thesis and will be the subject of future works.
2.4.4 Termination of the algorithms
The set of the states S is dened inductively as the smallest set E such as s
E and s E
succ(s) E.
By assumption, each successor set of any state is nite: s S, n N, [succ(s)[ = n.
If we index the sets received and tosend by IDs of the processors whose they belong :

Variable total can be found if each machine sends furthermore, couple (target, [tosend[target][)
that informs each machine of an eventual termination, i.e. if the second component of each pair
is null. Note that this method may provide false-positive (only for the naive algorithm), i.e. we
dont stop the algorithm while we should, in this case sent states are already known, but then
the next super step will be the last. Formally,
total =

[ = 0 Termination of BSP exploration.
2.4.5 Balance considerations
In a certain way, this algorithm considers an arbitrary number of parallel machines or more
exactly more machine than there are really (by considering a hashing function without modulo
reduction to the number of processors). In pursuing these considerations, before the actual
sendings of states, potential sendings and potential receptions is done on potential machines.
Locally, each (real) machine counts the number of states which it will send to the potential ma-
chines; this is gathered into vectors histo such as histo[j] indicates that the current real machine
sends to the potential machine j quantity histo[j] of states. A rst barrier of communication
allows the exchange vectors histo, allowing notwithstanding a possible redundancy of receipt, to
predict the amount that each potential machine receives. Each real machine knows the actual
amount that each potential machine receives. It suces then to simply associate at each poten-
tial machine a real machine to know the number of actual receiption for each (real) machine.
Find a such association in order to resolve an ideal balance amounts to solving the NP-complete
Knapsack Problem. We nd a such association by a simple but ecacious heuristic. First of all,
we collect informations of all table histo
, i 0, ..., p 1 in a single table histo


[k], forall each potential machine k
Next, we consider the knapsacks, that is to say the p real processors, which we associate
initially a zero weight:
knapsack[i] 0, i 0, ..., p 1
We consider at least a table, let table, using nally as localiaztion balanced function: initially,
table[k] 0 forall potential machine k; each potential machine corresponding to a hashage
unreduced modulo p. To balance uniformly the states over the (real) machines, we use in the run
the loop below after, assuming a function max (reps. min) which return the index of the greater
(resp. lower) element of an array of integers:
1: while k maxhisto
, = 0 do
2: m minknapsack
3: knapsack
4: table[k] m
5: end while
The idea of the algorithm is as follows: in every loop execution, we choose the heaviest hashage
k, i.e. the potential machine wich received the more of states, and place this in the lightest
knapsack: m, i.e. the real machine which received, for the time being, the least of states. This
heuristic gives good results in practice. Note, nevertheless that we ignore possible redundancy
in communication. Practice, that motivated this balancencement algorithm, shows that with
increasing of processors the redundancy of communication decreases whereas the ratio (size of
received states / size of computed states) is more uniform.
Model checking
This chapter extends the work of [105].
3.1 Tarjan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
3.1.1 Recursive Tarjan algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
3.1.2 Iterative Tarjan algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
3.2 Temporal logics LTL and CTL* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
3.2.1 Notations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
3.2.2 CTL* syntax and semantics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
3.2.3 Proof-structures for verifying a LTL formula . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
3.3 LTL checking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
3.3.1 Sequential recursive algorithm for LTL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
3.3.2 Sequential iterative algorithm for LTL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
3.3.3 Parallel algorithm for LTL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
3.4 CTL* checking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
3.4.1 Sequential algorithms for CTL* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
3.4.2 Naive parallel algorithm for CTL* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
3.4.3 Parallel algorithm for CTL* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
In what follow, we recall the well known Tarjan algorithm which is the underlying algorithm
of the work on a on-the-y approach used by [28] for CTL* model checking. But the peculiarity
of our work concerns parallel computation: our main contributions in the following sections are
thus essentially the parallel adaptation of the algorithms found in [28] for the case of security
In a rst time, we recall the Tarjan algorithm for nding the SCCs components of a directed
graph. Then we recall the LTL and CTL* logics and give and discuss our relatives parallel
3.1 Tarjan
Tarjans well known algorithm (named from its author, Robert Tarjan [194]) is a graph algorithm
for nding the strongly connected components of a graph which requires one depth-rst search.
A strongly connected components or SCC of a directed graph is a maximal component in which
every vertex can be reached from each other maximal in the sense that if we add any other
node we breaks the mutual reachability property
Notice that in the following, we call succ the successor function in the LTS.
1 def dfs() is
2 .low .dfsn dfn
3 dfn dfn+1
4 stack.push()
5 .V True
6 .instack True
7 for

in succ()
8 if

9 if

10 .low min(.low,


11 else
12 dfs(

13 .low min(.low,

14 if .low = .dfsn
15 var top
16 new_scc )
17 while top ,=
18 top stack.pop()
19 new_scc.add(top) )
20 top.instack False
21 scc.add(new_scc) )
1 def tarjan(
) is
2 var dfn 0
3 var stack
4 var scc )
5 def dfs() is (...)
6 dfs(
7 return scc )
Figure 3.1. Recursive Tarjans Algorithm for SCCs computation.
3.1.1 Recursive Tarjan algorithm
In Figure 3.1 one can see the classical (recursive) Tarjan algorithm. At the termination of the
algorithm, the set scc will contains the set of all SCCs of the input graph for convenience,
only the initial state
is given as argument of procedure tarjan. The algorithm consist of
a depth-rst exploration by recursive calls, each state possessing two elds: .dfsn and .low
expressing respectively the depth-rst search number (by incrementation of the dfn variable)
and the smallest depth-rst search number of the state that is reachable from the considering
state. The detection of the belonging of a state to a SCC is made by the belonging test of a
successor to the global stack. A SCC is found at a certain point if at the end of some recursive
call, the eld .low coincides with the eld .dfsn.
The Tarjan algorithm has been design for calculating all the SCCs of a given graph. But in
the following (verication of a logical formulae), we will limit ourselves to only nding one SCC.
In the algorithm of Figure 3.1, we thus put into chevrons what is dedicated to compute all the
SCCs and which not be useful in the next sections.
For a more intuitive understanding of this algorithm, we trace its execution for a simple
example given as a LTS shown in Figure. 3.2:
1 tarjan(A)
2 dfn=0, stack=
3 dfs(A)
4 A.low = A.dfsn = 0
5 dfn = 1
6 stack = [A]
7 dfs(B)
8 B.low = B.dfsn = 1
9 dfn = 2
10 stack = [A,B]
11 dfs(C)
12 C.low = C.dfsn = 2
13 dfn = 3
14 stack = [A,B,C]
15 C.low = 1
16 dfs(D)
17 D.low = D.dfsn = 3
18 dfn = 4
19 stack = [A,B,C,D]
20 dfs(E)
21 E.low = E.dfsn = 4
22 dfn = 5
23 stack = [A,B,C,D,E]
24 E.low = 0
25 dfs(F)
26 F.low = F.dfsn = 5
27 dfn = 6
28 stack = [A,B,C,D,E,F]
29 dfs(G)
30 G.low = G.dfsn = 6
31 dfn = 7
32 stack = [A,B,C,D,E,F,G]
33 dfs(H)
34 H.low = H.dfsn = 7
59 3.1. TARJAN
Figure 3.2. LTS example for the Tarjans Algorithm.
1 def call () is
2 .low .dfsn dfn
3 dfn dfn +1
4 stack.push()
5 .V True
6 .instack True
7 .children succ()
8 loop()
1 def loop() is
2 while .children ,=

4 if

5 if

6 .low min(.low,


7 else
8 todo.push(


10 return {stop the procedure}
11 if .low = .dfsn
12 var top
13 new_scc )
14 while top ,=
15 top stack.pop()
16 new_scc.add(top) )
17 top.instack False
18 scc.add(new_scc) )
19 ret()
1 def up(,

) is
2 .low min(.low,


3 loop()
1 def ret() is
2 if .parent ,=
3 up(.parent,)
1 def tarjan(
) is
2 var dfn 0
3 var stack
4 var scc )
5 var todo [
6 def up(,

) is (...)
7 def loop() is (...)
8 def call () is (...)
9 def ret() is (...)
10 while todo
11 todo.pop()
12 call ()
13 {return scc}
Figure 3.3. Iterative Tarjan algorithm for SCC computation.
35 dfn = 8
36 stack = [A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H]
37 H.low = 7
38 new_scc = {G,H}
39 stack = [A,B,C,D,E,F]
40 new_scc = {F}
41 stack = [A,B,C,D,E]
42 D.low = 0
43 B.low = 0
44 new_scc = {A,B,C,D,E}
45 stack =
3.1.2 Iterative Tarjan algorithm
We now give an iterative and sequential version of the previous algorithm which we will use
later for parallel computations an iterative version is close to our previous parallel algorithm
for parallel state-space computation. Instead of the recursive dfs procedure, we use procedures
call, loop, up and ret and an additional stack, todo (which contains initially the initial state)
to achieve a derecursication of the previous algorithm. This iterative version is presented in
Figure 3.3.
Roughly speaking, the dierence lies mainly in the call of dfs which is replaced by a break
of the procedure loop to resume the exploration by popping the stack todo in which we have
placed the next state to explore. The backtracking is done by the procedure ret which restores
the control to its parent call, that in turn may possibly resume the exploration of its children.
Note the denition of subroutines in the main procedure tarjan without their body which are
given separately. This notation is used to dene the reach of variables and to decompose the
algorithm into several routines.
For the same LTS as above, we give the execution trace of this algorithm:
1 tarjan(A)
2 dfn = 0
3 stack =
4 todo = [A]
6 Loop iteration #1
7 todo =
8 call (A)
9 A.low = A.dfsn = 0
10 dfn = 1
11 stack = [A]
12 A.children = {B}
13 loop(A)
14 A.children =
15 todo = [B]
17 Loop iteration #2
18 todo =
19 call (B)
20 B.low = B.dfsn = 1
21 dfn = 2
22 stack = [A,B]
23 B.children = {C,D}
24 loop(B)
25 B.children = {D}
26 todo = [C]
28 Loop iteration #3
29 todo =
30 call (C)
31 C.low = C.dfsn = 2
32 dfn = 3
33 stack = [A,B,C]
34 C.children = {B}
35 loop(C)
36 C.children =
37 C.low = 1
38 ret(C)
39 up(B,C)
40 loop(B)
41 B.children =
42 todo = [D]
44 Loop iteration #4
45 todo =
46 call (D)
47 D.low = D.dfsn = 3
48 dfn = 4
49 stack = [A,B,C,D]
50 D.children = {E}
51 loop(D)
52 D.children =
53 todo = [E]
55 Loop iteration #5
56 todo =
57 call (E)
58 E.low = E.dfsn = 4
59 dfn = 5
60 stack=[A,B,C,D,E]
61 E.children = {A,F}
62 loop(E)
63 E.children = {F}
64 E.low = 0
65 E.children =
66 todo = [F]
68 Loop iteration #6
69 todo =
70 call (F)
71 F.low = F.dfsn = 5
72 dfn = 6
73 stack=[A,B,C,D,E,F]
74 F.children = {G}
75 loop(F)
76 F.children =
77 todo = [G]
79 Loop iteration #7
80 todo =
81 call (G)
82 G.low = G.dfsn = 6
83 dfn = 7
84 stack=[A,B,C,D,E,F,G]
85 G.children = {H}
86 loop(G)
87 G.children =
88 todo = [H]
90 Loop iteration #8
91 todo =
92 call (H)
93 H.low = H.dfsn = 7
94 dfn = 8
95 stack=[A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H]
96 H.children = {G}
97 loop(H)
98 H.children =
99 H.low = 6
100 ret(H)
101 up(G,H)
102 loop(G)
103 new_scc = {G,H}
104 stack=[A,B,C,D,E,F]
105 ret(G)
106 up(F,G)
107 loop(F)
108 new_scc = {F}
109 stack=[A,B,C,D,E]
110 ret(F)
111 up(E,F)
112 loop(E)
113 ret(E)
114 up(D,E)
115 D.low = 0
116 loop(D)
117 ret(D)
118 up(B,D)
119 B.low = 0
120 loop(B)
121 ret(B)
122 up(A,B)
123 loop(A)
124 new_scc={A,B,C,D,E}
125 stack =
3.2 Temporal logics LTL and CTL*
A temporal logic is used to reasoning about propositions qualied in terms of time e.g. I will
be hungry until I eat something. Temporal logics have two kinds of operators: logical operators
and modal operators. Logical operators are usual operators as , etc. Model operators are
used to reason about time as until, next-time etc. Quantiers can also be used to reason
about paths e.g. a formula holds on all paths starting from the current state. Temporal logics
are thus mainly used in formal verication of systems and programs.
Researchers have devoted considerable attention to the development of automatic techniques,
or model-checking procedures, for verifying nite-state systems against specications expressed
using various temporal logics [52].
There is many temporal logics (with dierent expressivities) but one of them is the most useful
and used: CTL* which subsumes the two usefull logics in verication that are LTL (linear-time
temporal logic) and CTL (Computational tree logic). In LTL, one can encode formulae about
the future of paths, e.g. a condition will eventually be true, a condition will be true until another
fact becomes true, etc. CTL is a branching-time logic, meaning that its model of time is a tree-
like structure in which the future is not determined; there are dierent paths in the future, any
one of which might be an actual path that is realised. Finally, it is notice that some temporal
logics are more expressive than CTL*. It is the case of the -calculus and game-semantic logics
as ATL* [3]. But their verication is harder and would be considered in future works.
We now formally dened CTL* and LTL and formal properties about this logics.
3.2.1 Notations
We use the following notations.
Denition 12 (Kripke structure).
A Kripke structure is a triple (S, , L) where S is a set of states, S S is the transition
relation, and L S 2
is the labeling.
Mainly a Kripke structure is a LTS adjunting a labeling function which give verity to given
Denition 13 (Path and related notions).
Let M
= (S, , L) be a Kripke structure.
1. A path in M is a maximal sequence of states s
, s
, ...) such that for all i 0, (s
, s
) .
2. If x = s
, s
, ...) is a path in M then x(i)
= s
and x
= s
, s
, ...).
3. If s S then
(s) is the set of paths x in M such that x(0) = s.
We will also concentrate on the notion of proof-structure [28] for LTL checking: a collection
of top-down proof rules for inferring when a state in a Kripke structure satises a LTL formula.
In the following, the relation is assumed to be total thus all paths in M are innite. This
is only convenient for the following algorithms it is also easy to make total by making nal
states, that is states without sucesssors, to be successors of themself.
We x a set / of atomic propositions, which will be ranged over by a, a

, . We sometimes
call formulas of the form a or a literals; L is the set of all literals and will be ranged over by
l, l
, . We use p, p
, q, to range over the set of state formulas and ,
, , to range
over the set of path formulas both formally dened in the following. We also call A and E
path quantiers and the X, U and R constructs path modalities.
3.2.2 CTL* syntax and semantics
Denition 14 (Syntax of CTL*).
The following BNF-like grammar describes the syntax of CTL*.
o ::= a [ a [ o o [ o o [ AT [ ET
T ::= T [ T T [ T T [ XT [ TUT [ TRT
We refer to the formulas generated from S as state formulas and those from T as path formulas.
We dene the CTL* formulas to be the set of state formulas.
Let us remark that we use a particular construction on the formulas by putting the negation
only adjoining to the atoms.
Remark 1 (Subsets of CTL*)
The CTL (Computation Tree Logic) consists of those CTL* formulas in which every
Informal semantics of the path modality operators:
X :






Figure 3.4. Informal semantics of the path modality operators.
occurrence of a path modality is immediately preceded by a path quantier.
The LTL (Linear Temporal Logic) contains CTL* formulas of the form (A), where
the only state subformulas of are literals.
It is usual to have the two following syntaxic sugars: F trueU (nally) and G
falseR (globally). LTL and CTL are not disjoint sets of formulas and both are used in model-
checking. For example of security properties:
Fairness is a CTL formula; AG(recv(c
, d
) EFrecv(c
, d
)) if we suppose two agents
and c
that possess digital items d
and d
, respectively, and wish to exchange these
items; it asserts that if c
receives d
, then c
has always a way to receive d
The availability of an agent can be a LTL formula; it requiring that all the messages m re-
ceived by this agent a will be processed eventually; it can be formalised as: AG(rcvd(a, m)
(Frcvd(a, m)))
Denition 15 (Semantic of CTL*).
Let M = (S, R, L) be a Kripke structure with s S and x a path in M. Then is dened
inductively as follows:
s a if a L(s) (recall a A);
s a if s , a;
s p
if s p
and s p
s p
if s p
or s p
s A if for every x
(s), x ;
s E if there exists x
(s) such that x ;
x p if x(0) p (recall p is a state formula);
x p
if x p
and x p
x p
if x p
and x p
x X if x
if there exists i 0 such that x

and for all j < i, x

if for all i 0, x

or if there exists i 0 such that x

and for every
j i, x

The meaning of most of the constructs is straightforwards. A state satises A (resp. E) if
every path (resp. some path) emanating from the sate satises , while a path satises a state
formula if the initial sate in the path does. X represents a next-time operator in the usual
sense, while
holds of a path if
remains true until
becomes true. The constructor R
may be thought of as a release operator: a path satises
remains true until both

releases the path from the obligations) or
is always true. Figure 3.4 gives an
informal semantics of the path modality operators.
Finally, although we only allow a restricted form of negation in this logic ( may only be
applied to atomic propositions), we do have the following result:
s A(, )
s A(, )
s A()
s A(,

s A(,
if s if s
s A(,

s A(,
) s A(,
s A(,
s A(,
) s A(,
, X(
s A(,
s A(,
) s A(,
, X(
s A(X
, ..., X
, ...,
) s
, ...,
if succ(s) = |s
, ..., s

Figure 3.5. Proof rules for LTL checking [28].

Lemma 1 (Decomposition of a formulae [28])
Let M
= (S, , L) be a Kripke structure.
1. For any state formula p there is a state formula neg(p) such that for all s S, s neg(p)
i s p.
2. For any path formula there is a path formula neg() such that for all paths x in M,
x neg() i x .
In [28], the authors give an ecient algorithm for model-checking LTL then CTL* formulas.
The algorithm is based on a collection of top-down proof rules for inferring when a state in a
Kripke structure satises a LTL formula. They appear in Figure 3.5 and are goal-directed
in the sense that the goal of the rule appears above the subgoals. Moreover, they work on
assertions of the form s A where s S and is a set of path formulas.
Semantically, s A() holds if s A(

). We sometime write A(,

, ,
) to
represent A(
, ,
) and we consider A() = . If is an assertion of the form s A
then we use to denote that .
Note that these rules are similar to ones devised in [72] for translating CTL formulas into the
modal -calculus.
3.2.3 Proof-structures for verifying a LTL formula
This logic permits users to characterize many properties, including safety and liveness.
Semantically, s A holds if s A(

). We write A(,
, ,
) to represent a
formula of the form A(
, ,
). If is an assertion of the form s A, then we use
to denote that . Proof-rules are used to build proof-structures that are dened as
Denition 16 (Proof structure [28]).
Let be a set of nodes,

= true, V

, E V V and V . Then V, E) is a proof

structure for if it is a maximal directed graph such that for every

V ,

is reachable from
, and the set

[ (

) E is the result of applying some rule to

Intuitively, a proof structure for is a direct graph that is intended to represent an (at-
tempted) proof of . In what follows, we consider such a structure as a directed graph and
use traditional graph notations for it. Note that in contrast with traditional denitions of proofs,
proof structures may contain cycles. In order to dene when a proof structure represents a valid
proof of , we use the following notion:
Denition 17 (Proof structure successful [28]).
Let V, E) be a proof structure.
V is a leaf i there is no

such that (,

) E. A leaf is successful i true.

An innite path =
, ) in V, E) is successfull i some assertion
repeated on satises the following: there exists

such that for all j i,

V, E) is partially successful i every leaf is successful. V, E) is successful i it is partially
successful and each of its innite paths is successful.
Roughly speaking, an innite path is successful if at some point a formula of the form
is repeatedly regenerated by application of rule R6; that is, the right subgoal (and not the left
one) of this rule application appears each time on the path. Note that after
occurs on
the path
should not, because, intuitively, if
was true then the success of the path would
not depend on
, while if it was false then
would not hold. Note also that if no
rule can be applied (i.e. = ) then the proof-structure and thus the formula is unsuccessful.
We now have the following result:
Theorem 1 (Proof-structure and LTL [28])
Let M be a Kripke structure with s S and A an LTL formula, and let V, E) be a proof
structure for s A. Then s A i V, E) is successful.
One consequence of this theorem is that if has a successful proof structure, then all proof
structures for are successful. Thus, in searching for a successfull proof structure for an assertion
no backtracking is necessary. It also turns out that the success of a nite proof structure may be
determined by looking at its strongly connected components or any accepting cycle. An obvious
solution to this problem would be to construct the proof structure for the assertion and then
check if the proof structure is successful. Of course, this algorithm is not on-the-y as it does not
check the success of a proof structure until after it is completely built. An ecient algorithm,
on the other hand, combines the construction of a proof structure with the process of checking
whether the structure is successful. A Tarjan like algorithm was used in [28] but a NDFS [129]
one could also be used.
Call a SCC S of V, E) nontrivial if there exist (not necessary distinct) v, v

S such that
there is a path containing a least one edge from v to v

. For any V

V we may dene the

success set of V

as follows:

) =
[ V

such as

such as

We say that V

is successful if and only if Success(V

) ,= we have the following:

Theorem 2 (SCC and LTL [28])
A partially successful proof structure V, E) is successful if and only if every nontrivial SCC
of V, E) is successful.
We now give here a simple example of proof-structure on simple Kripke structure:
A B s
The atomic proposition A is always true and B is only true for state s
. Now checking for
BRA gives use the following successful proof-structure:
A s
true s
A s
B, X(BRA) s
A s
true true true s
and s
AUB give us the following proof-structure:
A, B s
true s
A, B s
B, X(AUB) s
A, B s
true true true s
Once can remark that a proof-structure is not as a natural logical proof: it is a graph. Here,
all paths are innite in the Kripke structure so the proof-structure.
It is notice that there exists dierent algorithms for on-the-y checking validity of LTL [52,109]
or CTL [201] formula over Kripke structures. One advantage of the approach of [28] is that the
CTL* is considered and the authors notes that the complexity are in the same order of magnitude
than specialised approaches.
3.3 LTL checking
In this section, we rst describe a general sequential algorithm for LTL checking (based on the
proof-structures and SCC) and then how parallel it for the problem of security protocols and
the state-space generation of the previous chapter.
3.3.1 Sequential recursive algorithm for LTL
Figure 3.6 gives the algorithm for LTL checking of [28]. It is mainly the Tarjan algorithm of
Figure 3.1 for nding one sucessful SCC to valide or not the formula: it combines the construction
of a proof-structure with the process of checking whether the structure is successful; as soon
as it is determined that the partially constructed structure cannot be extended sucessfully, the
routine halts the construction of the structure and returns anwser False.
Additional informations is stored in vertices in the structure that enable the detection of
unsuccessful SCC. Successors is taken from routine subgoals: it applies the rules of Figure 3.5
and when no subgoal is found an error occurs unsuccessful proof structure.
1 def modchkLTL() is
2 var dfn 0
3 var stack
4 def init (,valid) is (...)
5 def dfs(, valid) is (...)
6 def subgoals() is (...)
7 return dfs(,)
1 def init (,valid) is
2 dfn dfn+1
3 .dfsn .low dfn
4 .valid {
,sp) |
5 (
) )
6 sp=(sp


) valid, dfn otherwise}

1 def subgoals() is
2 case
3 s A(, p) :
4 if (s p) then subg|True
5 elif = then subg
6 else subg A()
7 s A(,

) :
8 subg|s A(,
) (R3)
9 s A(,

) :
10 subg|s A(,
), s A(,
) (R4)
11 s A(,
) :
12 subg|s A(,
13 s A(,
, X(
)) (R5)
14 s A(,
) :
15 subg|s A(,
16 s A(,
, X(
)) (R6)
17 s A(X
, ..., X
) :
18 subg|s

, ...
) [ s

succ(s) (R7)
19 return subg
1 def dfs(, valid) is
2 .ag True
3 init (, valid)
4 .V True
5 subg subgoals()
6 case subg
7 {True} : .ag True
8 : .ag False
9 otherwise :
10 for

subg while .ag

11 elif

12 if not

13 .ag False
14 else
15 if

16 .low min(.low,

17 .valid {
,sp) .valid | sp

18 if .valid =
19 .ag False
20 else
21 .ag dfs(

22 if

.low .dfsn
23 .low min(.low,

24 .valid

25 if .dfsn = .low
26 var top
27 while top ,=
28 top stack.pop()
29 if not .ag
30 top. ag False
31 return .ag
Figure 3.6. Recursive algorithm for LTL model-checking.
The algorithm uses the following data structures. With each assertion we associate three
eds: (1) .dfsn, (2) .low and (3) .valid. The rst contains the depth-rst search number of
, while the second records the dept-rst search number of the oldest ancestor of that is
reachable from this is used to detect SCC. Finally, the third is a set of pairs of the form

, sp ). Intuitively, the formula component of such a pair may be used as evidenve of the
success of the SCC that might be in, which sp records the starting point of the formula,
i.e. the depth-rst number of the assertion in which this occurence of the formula rst appeared.
The algorithm also virtually maintains two sets of assertions: V (for visited), which records
the assertions that have been encountered so far, and F, which contains a set of assertions that
have been determined to be False. To do so, each assertion has two adding boolean elds V
and ag: we make thus the hypothesis that all computated assertions are in an implicit mapping
from the pairs state, A) (as keys) to elds (this is common in object programming as Python)
and when new assertions are computed, these elds are asigned appropriately V and ag are
initially to False.
The heart of the algorithm is routine dfs() which is responsibe for attempting to construct
a successul proof structure of its argument assertion . Given an assertion and a set of
formula/number pairs (intuitively, the valid set from s parent in the depth-rst search tree),
the proceure rst initializes the dfsn and low elds of appropriately, and it assigns to s valid
eld a set of pairs and their starting points. Note that
appears in .valid and s
parent then the starting point of the formula is inherited from the parent.
We used a test of membership of assertions in a stack. For this we add another eld call stack
to the assertions to have a constant time test.
After pushing onto the stack and adding to the set V , dfs calls the procedure subgoals
which returns the subgoals resulting from the application of a rule to . Also if


have its elds assigned appropriately (dfsn, low are the same while V , ag, stack and
valid are False or empty set except if the assertion is already in the implicit map.
Procedure dfs then processes the subgoal as follows. First, if the only subgoal has the form
True, dfs should return True, while is the set of subgoal is empty, then is an unsuccessful
leaf, and False should be returned. Finally, suppose the set of subgoals is a nonempty set of
assertions, we examine each of there in the following fashion. If subgoal

has already been

examined (i.e. is in V ) and found to be False (i.e. is in F) then the proof structure cannod be
successul, and we terminate the processing in ordrer to return False we pop all the assertions
from the stack and if they are in the same SCC, they are marked to be False. if

has not been

found False, and if

is in the stack (meaning that its SCC is still being constructed), the and

will be in the same SCC: we reect this by updating .low accordingly. We also update .valid
by removing formulas whose starting points occur after

; as we show below, these formulas

cannot be used as evidence for the success of the SCC containing and

Note the if .valid becomes empty then the proof structure cannot be successful and should
return False. On the other hand, if has not been explored the dfs is invoked recursively on

, and the low and valid elds of updated appropriately if

is determined to be in the same

SCC as .
Once the subgoal processing is completed, dfs checks to see whether a new SCC component
has been detected; if no, it removes it from the stack.
Note the routine dfs incrementally constructs a graph that, if successfully completed, consti-
tutes a proof structure for the given assertion. The vertex set V is maintened explicitely, with E
dened implicitely by: ,

) E if

subgoals(). Given , let f() = [j. such as , j)

.valid. Also for a set S V , dene h(S) to be the assertion with the largest dfsn number.
We have the following:
Lemma 2 (Invariant of the algorithm [28])
Procedure dfs maintains: let G = V, E) be a snapshot of the graph constructed by dfs during
its execution. Then for every SCC S in G, f(h(S)) = Success(S).
Now we have:
Theorem 3 (Correctness of the algorithm [28])
When modchkLTL() terminates, we have that for every

V of the form s


) then


) if and only if

, F. Thus, modchkLTL(s A()) return True if and only if

s A().
3.3.2 Sequential iterative algorithm for LTL
We now present an iterative version of the previous algorithm. To obtain it, we basically use the
same transformations as already used for the derecursication of Tarjan algorithm namely, by
replacing the recursive procedure dfs with procedures call_ltl, loop_ltl, ret_ltl and up_ltl and by
using an additional stack todo. The dfs procedure is thus roughly the same that his homonym
in Tarjans iterative algorithm but with the dierence that it does not use its successors in the
graph but its subgoals in the proof graph: it actually performs the same modied and iterative
version of the Tarjan algorithm but on the proof graph whose the nodes are assertions, i.e. couple
of state and logic formula, instead of only states.
The goals remain the same: being able to stop calls to procedure loop_ltl and to resume the
exploration by popping stack todo in which we a have placed the next state to explore. The
backtracking is made using procedure ret_ltl which restores the control to its parent call_ltl, this
one possibly resuming the exploration of its children.
For model-checking LTL formulas, we begin by the procedure modchkLTL which initiates the
variables dfn and stack and start the depth exploration by dfs on the assertion argument of
modchkLTL. Another dierence is the boolean value associated to the assertion expressed by
the variable ag. Initially ag is True, and is False either if the set of subgoals of an assertion is
empty or if one of these conditions is satised:
one of the subgoals of the assertion is already visited and its ag is False (this case will
be possible when we will check CTL* formulas);
a nontrivial strongly component unsuccessful is found by testing if the set valid is empty
or not.
The init procedure corresponds actually to the begining of the dfs procedure in the recursive
Tarjans algorithm in which the initialisation of the eld valid is added in the recursive calls.
Figure 3.7 gives the code of the above algorithm. Note that this iterative version of the SCC
computation on proof structures will be used in the following. This will facilitate to stop the
parallel depth researchs for CTL* formulas: using recursive calls, we would have to manage
the programs stack which is not easy and depends of the using programming langage here
Python. Using an iterative algorithm, this feature can be easilly added in procedure loop_ltl
and ret_ltl.
3.3.3 Parallel algorithm for LTL
As explained in the previous chapter, we use two functions to compute the successors of a state in
the Kirpke structure: succ
ensures a measure of progression slice that intuitivelly decomposes
the Kripke structure into a list of slices [s
, . . . , s
] where transitions from states of s
states of s
come only from succ
and there is no possible path from states of s
to states of
for all i < j. Moreover, after succ
transitions (with dierent hashing), there is no possible
common paths which is due to dierent knowledge of the agents. In this way, if we assume, as
in Chapter 2, a distribution of the Kripke structure across the processors using function cpu
(for distributed the Kripke structure, we thus naturally extend this function to assertions on
only the state eld; formulas and depth-rst numbers are not take into account), then the only
possible accepting cycles or SCCs are locals to each processor.
Thus, because proof structures follow the Kripke stucture (rule R7), accepting cycles or SCCs
are also only locals. This fact ensures that any sequential algorithm to check cycles or SCCs
can be used for the parallel computation.
Call this generic algorithm SeqChkLTL which takes
an assertion
= s A, a set of assertions to be sent for the next super-step, and (V, E)
the sub-part of the proof-graph (a set of assertions as vertices and a set of edges) that has
been previously proceed (this sub-part can grow during this computation). Now, in the manner
of the computation of the state-space, we can design our BSP algorithm which is mainly an
iteration over the independant slices, one slice per super-step and, on each processor, working
on independant sub-parts of the slice by calling SeqChkLTL. This parallel algorithm is given in
Figure 3.8.
This is a SPMD (Single Program, Multiple Data) algorithm so that each processor executes
it. The main function is ParChkLTL, it rst calls an initialisation function in which only the one
processor that owns the initial state saves it in its todo list. The variable total stores the number
of states to be proceeded at the beginning of each super-step; V and E store the proof graph;
super_step stores the current super-step number; dfn is used for the SCC algorithm; nally, ag
is used to check whether the formula has been proved False (ag set to the violating state) or
not (ag=).
It is mainly admited that SCC computation is ecient whereas NDFS is memory ecient, and SCC gives
smaller traces. Both methods are equivalent for our purpose. In the previous section, following [28], a SCC
computation is used and we have the iterative version.
1 def modchkLTL() is
2 var dfn 0
3 var stack
4 var todo [
5 def init (,valid) is (...)
6 def loop_ltl() is (...)
7 def up_ltl(,

) is (...)
8 def ret_ltl () is (...)
9 def subgoals() is (...)
10 while todo ,=
11 todo.pop()
12 call_ltl ()
13 return
1 def subgoals() is
2 case
3 s A(, p) :
4 if (s p) then subg|True
5 elif = then subg
6 else subg A()
7 s A(,

) :
8 subg|s A(,
) (R3)
9 s A(,

) :
10 subg|s A(,
), s A(,
) (R4)
11 s A(,
) :
12 subg|s A(,
13 s A(,
, X(
)) (R5)
14 s A(,
) :
15 subg|s A(,
16 s A(,
, X(
)) (R6)
17 s A(X
, ..., X
) :
18 subg|s

, ...
) [ s

succ(s) (R7)
19 return subg
1 def init (,valid) is
2 dfn dfn+1
3 .dfsn .low dfn
4 .valid {
,sp) |
5 (
) )
6 sp=(sp


) valid else dfn)

1 def call_ltl () is
2 # init
3 if .parent =
4 valid
5 else
6 valid .parent.valid
7 init (,valid)
8 .V True
9 .instack True
10 stack.push()
11 # start dfs
12 .children subgoals()
13 case .children
14 {True} :
15 .ag True
16 ret_ltl ()
17 :
18 .ag False
19 ret_ltl ()
20 otherwise :
21 loop_ltl()
1 def loop_ltl() is
2 while .children ,= and .ag != False

4 if

5 if not

6 .ag False
7 elif

8 .low min(.low,


9 .valid {
,sp) .valid | sp

10 if .valid =
11 .ag False
12 else
13 # ag = dfs(

, .valid)

15 todo.push(

16 return
17 if .dfsn = .low
18 var top
19 while top ,=
20 top stack.pop()
21 top.instack False
22 if not .ag
23 top. ag False
24 ret_ltl ()
1 def ret_ltl () is
2 if .parent ,=
3 up_ltl(.parent,)
1 def up_ltl(,

) is
2 # ag = dfs(

3 .ag

4 if

.low .dfsn
5 .low min(.low,


6 .valid

7 loop_ltl()
Figure 3.7. Sequential iterative algorithm for LTL model checking.
The main loop processes each in todo using the sequential checker SeqChkLTL, which is
possible because the corresponding parts of the proof structure are independent (P4 properties of
the previous chapter). SeqChkLTL uses subgoals (see Figure 3.9) to traverse the proof structure.
For rules (R1) to (R6), the result remains local because the Petri net states do not change.
However, for rule (R7), we compute separately the next states for succ
and succ
: the former
results in local states to be proceeded in the current step, while the latter results in states to
be proceeded in the next step. If no local state is found but there exist remote states, we set
subgTrue which indicates that the local exploration succeeded (P2) and allows to proceeded
1 def Init_main() is
2 super_step,dfn,V ,E,todo0,0,,,
3 if cpu(
4 todotodo

5 ag , total ,1
7 def Exchange(tosend,ag) is
8 dump (V, E) at super_step
9 super_stepsuper_step+1
10 tosendtosend (i,ag) [ 0 i < p
11 rcv, total BSP_EXCHANGE(Balance(tosend))
12 ag ,rcvlter_ag(rcv)
13 return ag, rcv, total
1 def ParChkLTL((s ) as ) is
2 def Init_main() is (...)
3 def Exchange(tosend,ag) is (...)
4 def subgoals(,send) is (...)
5 def Build_trace() is (...)
6 Init_main()
7 while ag= total>0
8 send
9 # In parallel thread,
10 # on per independent subpart,
11 # on multicore architectures
12 while todo ,= ag=
13 pick from todo
14 if / V
15 agSeqChkLTL(,send,E,V )
16 if ag,=
17 send
18 ag ,todo,totalExchange(send,ag)
19 case ag
20 : print "OK"
21 : Build_trace()
Figure 3.8. A BSP algorithm for LTL checking.
to the next super-step in the main loop. When all the local states have been proceeded, states
are exchanged, which leads to the next slice (i.e. the next super-step). In order to terminate the
algorithm as soon as one processor discovers a counterexample, each locally computed ag is
sent to all the processors and the received values are then aggregated using function lter_ag
that selects the ag with the lowest dfsn value computed on the processor with the lower number,
which ensures that every processor chooses the same ag and then computes the same trace.
To balance computation, we use the number of states as well as the size of the formula to be
veried for each state (on which the number of subgoals directly depends).
Notice also that at each super-step, each processor dumps V and E to its local disk, recording
the super-step number, in order to be able to reconstruct a trace. When a state that invalidates
the formula is found, a trace from the initial state to the current is constructed. Figure 3.10
gives this algorithm.
The data to do so is distributed among processors and dumped into local les, one per super-
step. We thus use exactly as many steps to rebuild the trace as we used to discover the erroneous
state. The algorithm is presented in Figure 3.10: a trace whose oldest state is is recon-
structed following the proof graph backward. The processor that owns invokes Local_trace to
nd a path from a state

, that was in todo at the beginning of the super-state, to . Then

it sends

to its owner to let the reconstruction continue. To simplify things, we print parts
of the reconstructed trace as they are locally computed. Among the predecessors of a state, we
always choose those that are not yet in the trace (set_of_trace() returns the set of states in
) and selects one with the minimal dfsn value (using function min_dfsn), which allows to select
shorter traces.
3.4 CTL* checking
As for LTL, we rst present a general algorithm and them specialised parallel algorithms for
security protocols. The rst one called naive is a rst attempt to extend the parallel algorithm
for LTL checking to CTL* formula whereas the second optimises (balances) the communications
and reduces the number of super-steps.
2 def subgoals(,send) is
3 case
4 s A(, p) :
5 subgif s p then True
6 else s A() (R1, R2)
7 s A(,

) :
8 subgs A(,
) (R3)
9 s A(,

10 subgs A(,
), s A(,
) (R4)
11 s A(,
) : subgs A(,
12 s A(,
, X(
)) (R5)
13 s A(,
) : subgs A(,
14 s A(,
, X(
)) (R6)
15 s A(X
, ..., X
) :
16 subgs

, ...
) [ s

17 tosends

, ...
) [ s

18 EE

19 if subg= tosend,=
20 subgTrue
21 sendsend tosend (R7)
22 EE

23 return subg
Figure 3.9. A BSP algorithm for LTL checking.
1 def Build_trace() is
2 def Local_trace(,) is (...)
3 def Exchange_trace(my_round,tosend,) is (...)
4 endFalse
5 repeat
7 my_round(cpu()=mypid)
8 end(=
9 send
10 if my_round
11 dump (V, E) at super_step
12 super_stepsuper_step1
13 undump (V, E) at super_step
14 ,Local_trace(,)
15 Reduce_trace()
16 FF set_of_trace()
17 print
18 Exchange_trace(my_round,)
19 until end
21 def Exchange_trace(my_round,tosend,) is
22 if my_round
23 tosendtosend (i, ) [ 0 i < p
24 ,_BSP_EXCHANGE(tosend)
25 return
27 def Local_trace(,) is
28 if =
29 return (,)
30 tmpprec() set_of_trace()
31 if tmp=

33 else

35 .

36 if


37 return(

38 return (

Figure 3.10. BSP algorithm for building the trace after an error.
3.4.1 Sequential algorithms for CTL*
(a) Recursive algorithm [28]
The global model-checking algorithm for CTL* (named modchkCTL and presented in Fig-
ure 3.11) processes a formulae P by recursively calls modchkLTL appropriately when it encoun-
ters assertions of the form s A or s E or by decomposing the formulae P into subformulas
whose it applies to itself. The modchkCTL procedure thus matches the pattern of the formulae
and acts accordingly. The key idea is to use the equivalence rule of an exits-formulae with the
negation of the corresponding forall-formulae to check these latter. Indeed, we already have a
recursive algorithm to check LTL formula, and one can see a forall-formulae like a LTL formula
by masking all elements beginning by exists or forall (lets recall that by the hypothesis, the
negation precede only the atoms). Thus, when we encounter elements beginning by exists or
forall, we call modchkCTL to proceed in the following manner:
if the formulae is a forall-formulae, we recursively call modchkLTL to check the validity
of the subformula;
otherwise, we use modchkLTL to check the negation of the exists-formula, the nal result
being the negation of the answer, in accordance to the equivalence rule between an exists-
formula and its negation (the Lemma 1 ensuring this fact).
Notice that in the case of CTL* model checking, the cases of pattern of an Or-formulae and a
And-formulae will be matched only at the beginning of the algorithm: indeed, otherwise these
cases will be covered by the rules of the proof graph construction in subgoals (rules R3 and R4).
Note also a slight but important modication to procedure subgoals: when it encounters
an assertion of the form s A(p, ) (notably where p is A or E), it recursively invokes
modchkCTL(s p) to determine if s p and then decides if rule R1 or rule R2 (of Fig-
ure 3.5) needs to be applied. In other words, one extends the atomic test in subgoals by using
modchkCTL procedure in the case of these subformula. We have thus a double-recursively of
modchkCTL and modchkLTL.
Also note, that each call to modchkLTL creates a new empty stack and a new dfn (depth-rst
number) since a new LTL checking is run: by abuse of language, we will named them LTL
sessions. These sessions can shared assertions which thus shared their validity (is in F or
not). Take for example the following formulae: A(pU(E(rUp))); there will be two LTL sessions,
one for the global formulae and one for the subformula E(rUp))). It is clear that the atomic
proposition p would be thus test twice on the states of the Kripke structure. It can also happen
for the following formulae: A(pUq) E(pUq). And in this second case the two sessions would
also share only atomic propositions.
Thus, more subtly, LTL sessions do not shared their depth-rst numbers (low and dfsn elds),
their valid elds and thus their membership to stacks of LTL sessions. This is due because of
assertions are of the form s (

) and also by means of the rules of Figure 3.5: these rules
force that call to modchkCTL within a LTL session (for checking a subforma that is not LTL
and thus to have another LTL session) is perform only on a subpart of the original assertion
and which is strictly smaller hence ensuring no intersection of the proof-structures (graph) of
the LTL sessions ensuring that SCC are disjoints.
(b) Iterative algorithm
As previously, we now give an iterative version of the above recursive algorithm. This allow us
to have only one main loop and no side-eects within recursive calls. We thus extend the LTL
iterative algorithm of Section 3.3. Considering only one main loop for parallel computations
has also the advantage to easily stop the computation whereas results of other processors are
expected. Figure 3.12 gives this main loop.
1 def modchkLTL() is
2 var dfn 0
3 var stack
4 def init (,valid) is (...)
5 def dfs(, valid) is (...)
6 def subgoals() is (...)
7 return dfs(,)
1 def init (,valid) is
2 dfn dfn+1
3 .dfsn .low dfn
4 .valid {
,sp) |
5 (
) )
6 sp=(sp


) valid, dfn otherwise}

1 def subgoals() is
2 case
3 s A(, p) :
4 if modchkCTL(s p) then subg|True
5 elif = then subg
6 else subg A()
7 s A(,

) :
8 subg|s A(,
) (R3)
9 s A(,

) :
10 subg|s A(,
), s A(,
) (R4)
11 s A(,
) :
12 subg|s A(,
13 s A(,
, X(
)) (R5)
14 s A(,
) :
15 subg|s A(,
16 s A(,
, X(
)) (R6)
17 s A(X
, ..., X
) :
18 subg|s

, ...
) [ s

succ(s) (R7)
19 return subg
1 def dfs(, valid) is
2 .ag True
3 init (, valid)
4 .V True
5 subg subgoals()
6 case subg
7 {True} : .ag True
8 : .ag False
9 otherwise :
10 for

subg while .ag

11 elif

12 if not

13 .ag False
14 else
15 if

16 .low min(.low,

17 .valid {
,sp) .valid | sp

18 if .valid =
19 .ag False
20 else
21 .ag dfs(

22 if

.low .dfsn
23 .low min(.low,

24 .valid

25 if .dfsn = .low
26 var top
27 while top ,=
28 top stack.pop()
29 if not .ag
30 top. ag False
31 return .ag
1 def modchkCTL() is
2 def modchkLTL() is (...)
3 if not .V
4 .V True
5 case
6 s p where p |a, a, a / :
7 .ag s [= p
8 s p
9 .ag modchkCTL(s p
) modchkCTL(s p
10 s p
11 .ag modchkCTL(s p
) modchkCTL(s p
12 s A :
13 .ag modchkLTL()
14 s E :
15 .ag not modchkLTL(s neg(E))
16 return .ag
Figure 3.11. Sequential Recursive Algorithm for CTL* model checking.
As before, during the initialisation phase, we put the initial assertion
in the stack todo.
todo would contains the assertions awaiting to be explored and it allows us the derecursication
of the previous algorithm: while this set is not empty, we run the main loop which consists of
two main actions:
1. First, an assertion is pick from todo (unstack) and we continue the exploration of this
assertion by the call of call_ctlstar; if this assertion is visited, then we return its ag;
otherwise we explore its; several cases can appear following the form of the assertion
s :
if it is an atom, then we found its ag and we perform a backtracking by ret_ctlstar;
if it is a conjunction

(resp. a disjunction

), then this
assertion will have two children:


; which we put in the
eld .children of ;
2. then we perform a loop_ctlstar on to explore its children; if the assertion begins by A,
1 def modchkCTL(
) is
2 var dfn 0
3 var stack
4 var todo [
5 def init (,valid) is (...)
6 def call_ltl (, valid) is (...)
7 def loop_ltl() is (...)
8 def ret_ltl () is (...)
9 def up_ltl(,child) is (...)
10 def subgoals() is (...)
11 def call_ctlstar () is (...)
12 def loop_ctlstar() is (...)
13 def ret_ctlstar () is (...)
14 def up_ctlstar() is (...)
15 while todo ,=
16 = todo.pop()
17 call_ctlstar ()
18 return
Figure 3.12. Main procedure for the Iterative Algorithm for the CTL* model checking.
then the assertion must to be checked as a LTL formulae and the function call_ltl is then
called on this assertion; if the assertion begins by E, this assertion has, in accordance with
the algorithm, the child

s neg(E); a loop_ctlstar is thus called on

to explore
this child.
To do this, we use in addition the routines call_ctlstar, loop_ctlstar, ret_ctlstar and up_ctlstar.
Figure 3.13 gives the code of these routines which work as follow.
The function up_ctl as well as up_ltl propagates the answers of the checking of the formulae.
This backtrack of the answers must take into account the dierent cases which is perform by
the routine up_ctl:
in the case of a conjunction, s

, if the ag of child is True, then if the eld
.children is empty, each child of has carried forward an answer which is necessarily
True; indeed, either the exploration would have been stopped and thus, if .children is
empty, the answer of is True. has got its answer which we propagate to its parent
using a call of ret_ctlstar; if the eld .children of this parent is not empty, we cannot
conclude since we need the answer of the other child wich remains to explore using a
call to loop_ctlstar; if the ag of the named child is false, then the answer is false;
the disjunction is similar;
for the cases where being a forall (resp. exists), the answer of is the same as for its
child (resp. the negation of its child);
if A(p A()) then its subgoal is reduced to the singleton

s p A();

will thus be decomposed by a call to call_ctlstar; note that p is either an atom either a
formulae beginning by forall or exists; if s [= p is true then and

are true; otherwise

the validity of is reduced to the question s [= A(), and this for both and

Note that the behaviour of this algorithm prohibits that an assertion beginning by forall calls
an assertion beginning by forall. We have to take into account this fact by modifying subgoals
appropriately in Figure 3.14.
The function loop_ctlstar explores the children of an assertion . If has not any children,
then we perform a backtracking of the answer using a call to ret_ctlstar; otherwise, we pull one
of its children (named child) and we put it into the stack todo to be explored later (we recall
that todo contains the assertions awaiting for exploration); we also tag the eld .parentCTL of
this child to child.parentCTL = , which allow us to recover the parent of any assertion. Note
1 def call_ctlstar () is
2 if .V
3 return .ag
4 else
5 .V True
6 case
7 s p where p |a, a, a A :
8 .ag s [= p
9 ret_ctlstar ()
10 s

11 .wait .children {s
, s
12 loop_ctlstar()
13 s

14 .wait .children {s
, s
15 loop_ctlstar()
16 s A() :
17 call_ltl ()
18 s E() :
19 .children {s neg(E)}
20 loop_ctlstar()
1 def loop_ctlstar() is
2 if .children ,=
3 child .children.pop()
4 child.parentCTL
5 todo.push(child)
6 else
7 ret_ctlstar ()
1 def ret_ctlstar () is
2 if .parentCTL ,=
3 up_ctl(.parentCTL, )
4 elif .parentLTL ,=
5 ret_ltl ()
1 def up_ctlstar(,child) is
2 case
3 s

4 if child. ag = True
5 if .children =
6 .ag = True
7 ret_ctlstar ()
8 else
9 loop_ctlstar()
10 else # = False
11 .children =
12 .ag False
13 ret_ctlstar ()
14 s

15 if child. ag = True
16 .children =
17 .ag True
18 ret_ctlstar ()
19 else # .ag False
20 if .children =
21 .ag = False
22 ret_ctlstar ()
23 else
24 loop_ctlstar()
25 s A :
26 .ag ag
27 ret_ctlstar ()
28 s E :
29 .ag = not
30 ret_ctlstar ()
Figure 3.13. CTL* decomposition part for the Iterative Algorithm for the CTL* model check-
that the eld .parentCTL is either if this assertion is the initial assertion of the algorithm
modchkCTL either ,= . In this last case, it is run from the decomposition of a formulae
disjunctive, conjunctive or beginning by E or A.
The function ret_ctlstar propagates the possible answers: each assertion will be explored
either in loop_ctlstar either in call_ltl. As appropriate, the eld .parentCTL (resp. .parentLTL)
will be lled, the other worthing to . We have now three cases:
1. if the eld .parentCTL is not , then we propagate the answer of to its father via a call
of up_ctlstar; otherwise we perform a ret_ltl;
2. if the eld .parentLTL is not and then we propagate the answer of to its father via call
of up_ltl;
3. otherwise we unstack todo and we run ret_ltl.
These routines as well as those which deals with LTL checking are dened in Figure 3.15.
They work as follow.
The unstacking of the stack allow us to take into account the case where the proof-structure is
not reduced to a single assertion. Indeed, the propagations chain of the answer follows a scheme
base on the following sequence: ret_ltl up_ltl loop_ltl. But, in the case of a proof-structure
reduced to a point, a such propagation in this algorithm will not be executed since the call of
up_ltl following by ret_ltl allows the connexion between a child assertion and its fathers call. To
1 def subgoals() is
2 case
3 s A(, p) ,p / or p = and {A, E}:
4 subg {s p A()}
5 s A(,

) :
6 subg|s A(,
) (R3)
7 s A(,

) :
8 subg|s A(,
), s A(,
) (R4)
9 s A(,
) :
10 subg|s A(,
11 s A(,
, X(
)) (R5)
12 s A(,
) :
13 subg|s A(,
14 s A(,
, X(
)) (R6)
15 s A(X
, ..., X
) :
16 subg|s

, ...
) [ s

succ(s) (R7)
17 return subg
Figure 3.14. Subgoals procedure for the Iterative Algorithm for the CTL* model checking.
do so, the call of loop_ltl (by up_ltl) unstack the LTLs explorations stack as before, named
stack. On the case of a proof-graph reduced to a single node, the single explored assertion
will not be unstacked and the sequence ret_ltl up_ltl loop_ltl is not performed because this
assertion have not a eld .parentLTL: this is the initial assertion of a LTL session, and therefore
its eld .parentLTL must be it is not executed in the run of a LTL exploration.
Otherwise, the propagation of the answer until the initial assertion of the ongoing LTL session
has necessarily be done by a sequence constituted of the repetition of the following scheme: ret_ltl
up_ltl loop_ltl. The last assertion following this sequence is precisely the initial assertion of
the LTL session. For example, considered the sequence ret_ltl(

) up_ltl(,

) loop_ltl()
for any and where

is the intial assertion. Assertion has necessarily a eld .dfsn identical

to its eld .low and it has the smallest dfsn and the stack is empty.
We give here a simple trace of execution of this algorithm. Considering the Kripke structure
whose the only nodes are s and s

interconnected by the arcs s


and s


and where

p and s

q. We want to check that s A(Xp A(Xq)). Lets note

A(Xp A(Xq)),
s A(Xp),
s A(A(Xq)),



s A(Xq) and


A(q). We have the following trace:

1 par_modchkCTL(
4 todo = [
5 call_ctlstar (
.children = {
7 loop_ctlstar(
.children = {
9 todo = [
10 call_ctlstar (
11 call_ltl (
12 stack = [
.children {

14 loop_ltl(
15 todo = [

] and
16 ret_ctlstar (
17 call_ctlstar (

18 call_ltl (

19 stack = [


.ag = False
21 ret_ltl (

22 up_ltl(

.ag = False
24 loop_ltl(
25 stack =
26 ret_ltl (
27 ret_ctlstar (
28 up_ctlstar(
.children = {
30 loop_ctlstar(
.children = {}
32 todo = [
33 call_ctlstar (
34 call_ltl (
35 stack = [
.children = {

37 loop_ltl(
.children =
39 todo = [

40 call_ctlstar (

41 call_ltl (

42 stack = [

1 def init (,valid) is
2 dfn dfn+1
3 .dfsn .low dfn
4 .valid {
,sp) |
5 (
) )
6 sp=(sp


) valid, dfn otherwise}

1 def call_ltl () is
2 # init
3 if .parentLTL =
4 valid
5 else
6 valid .parentLTL.valid
7 init (,valid)
8 .V True
9 .instack True
10 stack.push()
11 # start dfs
12 .children subgoals()
13 case .children
14 {True} :
15 .ag True
16 ret_ltl ()
17 {} :
18 .ag
19 ret_ltl ()
20 :
21 .ag False
22 ret_ltl ()
23 otherwise :
24 loop_ltl()
1 def loop_ltl() is
2 while .children ,= and .ag ,= False

4 if

5 if

.ag = False
6 .ag False
7 elif

8 .low min(.low,


9 .valid {
,sp) .valid | sp

10 if .valid =
11 .ag False
12 else
13 # ag = dfs(

, .valid)

15 todo.push(

16 return
17 if .dfsn = .low
18 var top
19 while top ,=
20 top stack.pop()
21 top.instack False
22 if not .ag
23 top. ag False
24 ret_ltl ()
1 def ret_ltl () is
2 if .parentLTL ,=
3 up_ltl(.parentLTL, )
4 else
5 stack.pop() (if stack ,)
6 ret_ctlstar ()
1 def up_ltl(,

) is
2 # ag = dfs(

3 .ag

4 if

.low .dfsn
5 .low min(.low,


6 .valid

7 loop_ltl()
Figure 3.15. LTL part for the Iterative Algorithm for the CTL* model-checking.

.children = {

44 loop_ltl(


.children =
46 todo = [

47 call_ctlstar (

48 call_ltl (

49 stack = [



.ag = True
51 ret_ltl (

52 up_ltl(



.ag = True
54 loop_ltl(

55 stack = [
56 ret_ltl (

57 up_ltl(

.ag = True
59 loop_ltl(
60 stack = [
61 ret_ltl (
62 ret_ctlstar (
63 up_ctlstar(
.ag = True
65 ret_ctlstar (
3.4.2 Naive parallel algorithm for CTL*
(a) Main loop
Here we give a rst and naive attempt of parallalelisation of the iterative algorithm for CTL*
model-checking. We call this algorithm naive because it would implies a large number of
super-steps mainly equivalent to the number of states in the Kripke structure depending of
the CTL* formulae.
The algorithm works as follow. As before, a main loop (which computes until an empty stack
1 var slice 0
2 var V
3 var F
5 def modchkCTL(
) is
6 if not .V
7 .V True
8 case
9 s p where p |a, a, a / :
10 .ag s [= p
11 s p
12 .ag modchkCTL(s p
13 modchkCTL(s p
14 s p
15 .ag modchkCTL(s p
16 modchkCTL(s p
17 s A :
18 .ag par_modchkCTL()
19 s E :
20 .ag not par_modchkCTL(s neg(E))
21 return .ag
1 def par_modchkCTL(
) is
2 var out_stack
3 var answer_ltl, ag_list , mck
4 var
5 repeat
6 if ,=
7 mck new LTL()
8 ag_list , mck.explore()
9 out_stack.push(mck)
10 else
11 if ag_list ,=
12 answer_ltl False
13 mck
14 mck.updateF(ag_list)
15 else
16 answer_ltl True
17 out_stack.pop()
18 if out_stack ,=
19 mck
20 ag_list , mck.recovery(answer_ltl)
21 until out_stack =
22 return answer_ltl
Figure 3.16. Main procedures for the Naive Algorithm for parallel CTL* model-checking.
todo) is used but in a SPMD fashion: each processor performs this main loop. Figure 3.16 gives
the code of this main loop. The algorithm rst uses the procedure modchkCTL to decompose
the initial formulae and run par_modchkCTL which contain the main loop. Then, during the
decomposition of the CTL* formulae or during the subgoals of a the computations of the SCC
of the proof-structures (see Figure 3.21), when a subformulae beginning by A or E is found, the
computation is halting and a new session is run for this assertion using the par_modchkCTL
routine which here only supports CTL* formula beginning by forall operator A. The ongoing
session is now halting and is waiting for the answer of the new session based on the appropriate
assertion. par_modchkCTL is a kind of sequential algorithm but implicitly parallel because it
runs parallel sessions.
par_modchkCTL routine uses a stack named out_stack which not contains assertions but
LTL objects parametrised by an assertion beginning by forall A. These LTL objects are what
we call sessions: mainly a LTL computation as in the Section 3.3 we give it in Figure 3.19.
These objects are dened (as a class) in Figures 3.17 and 3.18.
We also mask some subtleties and strategic choices performed during the communication of
the session: indeed, assume that several assertions to be tested are found on several machines,
then, only one of these assertions will be returned. This naive approach is based on an depth
exploration of the sessions: in each slice, we explore or backtrack a single session. A choice must
to be done on the returned assertion, the other remaining in the memorys environment of the
session, encapsulated in the LTL object. Also the balance of the assertions over the processors
is done dynamically at each slice of each session: this ensures that two assertions with the same
hash are contained by the same processor (for correctness of the algorithm). This also implies
that the sweep-line technical used in the previous chapter could not holds or more precisely each
slice does not correspond to a super-step and thus during backtracking of the answer, the save
on disks assertions must be entered in the main memory.
(b) Methods of LTL objects (i.e. sessions)
The method .explore of a LTL object (a session) generates in a parallel way the proof-structure
whose initial assertion is the one given as parameter and stop when:
1 class LTL is
2 var self .stack
3 var self .send
4 var self .dfn
5 var self . slice_init
6 var self .
7 var self .todo
9 # saving environment
10 var self .sigma_torecover
11 var self .valid_torecover
12 var self .
14 def init_class () is

16 slice_init slice
17 dfn 0
18 stack
19 send
20 sigma_torecover
21 valid_torecover
24 def next_slice() is
25 dump (V ,F,slice)
26 slice slice+1
27 undump (V ,F,slice)
29 def previous_slice() is
30 dump (V ,F,slice)
31 slice slice1
32 undump (V ,F,slice)
Figure 3.17. LTL class for the Naive Algorithm for parallel computing of the CTL* model
checking part 1.
1 def sub_explore() is
2 var

3 var ag
4 var ag_list
5 while self .todo and not ag=
6 and not
7 var self.todo.pop()
8 if in F
9 ag {}
10 elif / V
11 ag ,
12 return ag,
14 def explore() is
15 var total 1
16 var

17 var ag
18 var ag_list
20 if cpu(
) = my_pid:
21 self .todo self.todo {
23 while not ag_list and total>0 and
,= is
24 self .send
25 ag ,
26 next_slice()
27 ag_list , total ,

30 previous_slice()
31 if
= s ,= , {A, E}
32 if E then
s neg()
33 return ag_list ,
35 def recovery(answer_ltl) is
36 if
_tosauv = p E and answer_ltl = True
37 F F {
38 V V {
40 var

41 ag
42 ag_list
44 #le processeur qui possedait le sigma
45 if cpu() = my_pid
46 ag ,
48 while todo and not ag and
49 = todo.pop()
51 if in F
52 ag {}
53 elif / V
54 ag ,
56 next_slice()
57 ag_list , total ,
59 # back to normality
60 while not ag_list and total>0 and
61 self .send
62 ag ,
63 next_slice()
64 ag_list , total ,
66 previous_slice()
67 if
= s ,= , {A, E}
68 if E then
s neg()
69 return ag_list ,
Figure 3.18. LTL class for the Naive Algorithm for parallel computing of the CTL* model
checking part 2.
a subformulae of an assertion s , ( A or E) is found, then the
return value is ([], s ); this rst case corresponds to a halting of the current session;
otherwise, if the assertion is checked truly, then the return value will be ([], ), else
some assertions
, ...,
invalid the ongoing computation, i.e. the initial assertion; the
returning value will be thus ([
, ...,
], ). Note that the returned assertion corresponds
to its validity.
The method .recovery resumes the computation by passing as an argument the boolean value
corresponding to the validity of the assertion previously returned and awaiting to test. This
boolean is an answer corresponding to the test of validity required on the assertion returned by
.explore. Thus, as for the method .explore, if the assertion is not checked the method .recovery
returns the assertions invalidating the ongoing computation. More precisely, the backtracking
was already performed during the last computed slice, in accordance to the state-space algorithm.
It remains to continue the backtracking from the assertions
, ...,
on the previous slices until
the initial slice, i.e. the slice of the initial assertion of the ongoing session. This recovery of the
backtracking is performed by the method .updateF which, as its name indicates, updates the set
F of the false assertions.
The following variables are also used during the computation of the main loop:
out_stack manages the depth exploration of the sessions by storing the LTL object and
is initially empty;
answer_ltl saves the answer (True or False) when a LTL session is nished;
ag_list contains the assertions infringing the computation and is used for the backtrack-
mck represents the LTL object to use (exploration, computations recovery, backtracking);
at least, represents the assertion to test through a new LTL session (via a new LTL
object, which is instantiated from of this assertion ).
During the main loop, two cases may happen.
1. First, if the variable contains an assertion, i.e. is not , then we create an LTL object
of this assertion, we explore it and we stack it in the stacks session out_stack; otherwise
the computation of the last object pushed into the stack out_stack is nished.
2. If the variable ag_list is not empty, the answer is false and one must do the backtracking
via the method .updateF on this last pushed object (presented in Figure 3.20); otherwise,
the answer of the session is true.
The computation of the last LTL object found is now completely nished in the sense where
if the answer is false, the backtracking was already performed. We are therefore on the slice
corresponding to the last slice of the ongoing computation of the penultimate LTL object stacked.
The computation of the last LTL object being completely nished, we unstack it.
If the stack of the sessions is not empty, then we resume the computation of the last sessions
object stacked by the method .recovery in which one put, as argument, the answer of the session
found beforehand. This one is currently, the answer of a test required by the session henceforth
in progress. The answer of par_modchkCTL is the value of the variable answer_ltl when the
stack is empty, i.e. the answer of the assertion given as parameter to par_modchkCTL.
(c) Example
As example, we use a simple Kripke structure which contains only s p (with an arc pointing
to oneself) and the CTL* formulae EAEp. The following gives the running trace. The parallel
feature of the algorithm is induced only by the parallel aspect of the LTLs algorithm underlying.
In this way, the global shape of the algorithm is sequentially considering a depth rst exploration
of the sessions. Thus the execution of the algorithm in our example masks the parallel feature
which is contained in the LTL parallel algorithm. Figure 3.22 gives an overview of the sequence
of LTL sessions induces by this example:
1 def init (,valid) is
2 dfn dfn+1
3 .dfsn .low dfn
4 .valid {
,sp) |
5 (
) )
6 sp=(sp


) valid, dfn otherwise}

8 def dfs (,valid) is
9 var ag
10 var

11 var subg
12 init (,valid)
13 stack stack {}
14 V V {}
15 subg,
17 if
# saving environment
18 self .sigma_torecover
19 self .valid_torecover .valid
20 self .
21 return subg,
23 if subg = {True}
24 pass
25 elif subg =
26 ag {}
27 else
28 for

29 if ag
30 break
31 if

32 if

33 ag {}
34 elif

35 .low min(.low,

36 .valid {
,sp) .valid | sp

37 if .valid =
38 ag
39 else
40 valid .valid
41 ag ,

42 if
43 return subg,
44 if

.low .dfsn
45 .low min(.low,

46 .valid

47 if .dfsn = .low
48 while True

50 if ag
51 F F

52 if =

53 break
54 return ag,
Figure 3.19. LTL class for the Naive Algorithm for parallel computing of the CTL* model
checking part 3.
1 def updateF(ag_list) is
2 previous_slice()
3 var end False
4 var send
6 while slice slice_init
7 send

9 while ag_list
10 ag_list.pop()

, local_trace(,)
13 F F
14 if

,= 0
15 send
17 previous_slice()
18 ag_list exchange_trace(send
20 self .next_slice()
22 def local_trace(,) is
23 if =
24 return ,
25 prec
26 prec.update(.prec_L)
27 prec.update(.prec_R)
28 prec prec F
29 if not prec
30 return 0,


33 if

in .prec_R
34 return

35 return local_trace(

Figure 3.20. (Backtracking part) LTL class for the Naive Algorithm for parallel computing of
the CTL* model checking part 4.
1 par_modchkCTL(s EAEp)
2 out_stack =
3 = s EAEp
5 mck
= LTL()
6 ag_list = , = s AEAp
7 out_stack = [mck
9 mck
= LTL()
10 ag_list = , = s EAp
11 out_stack = [mck
, mck
13 mck
= LTL()
14 ag_list = , = s AEp
15 out_stack = [mck
, mck
, mck
1 def subgoals() is
2 var

3 var subg
4 case
5 s A(, p) :
6 if p , {A, E} and s / is known
7 subg
9 elif s p or s p / F then subg |True
10 elif = then subg
11 else subg A()
12 s A(,

) :
13 subg |s A(,
) (R3)
14 s A(,

) :
15 subg |s A(,
), s A(,
) (R4)
16 s A(,
) :
17 subg |s A(,
18 s A(,
, X(
)) (R5)
19 s A(,
) :
20 subg |s A(,
21 s A(,
, X(
)) (R6)
22 s A(X
, ..., X
) :
23 subg |s

, ...
) [ s

succ(s) (R7)
24 return subg,
Figure 3.21. Subgoal procedure for the Naive Algorithm for parallel computing of the CTL*
model checking.
17 mck
= LTL()
18 ag_list = , = s Ep
19 out_stack = [mck
, mck
, mck
, mck
21 mck
= LTL()
22 ag_list = , = s Ap
23 out_stack = [mck
, mck
, mck
, mck
, mck
25 mck
= LTL()
26 ag_list = [p Ap], =
27 out_stack = [mck
, mck
, mck
, mck
, mck
, mck
29 answer_ltl = False
30 mck
.updateF([s Ap])
31 out_stack = [mck
, mck
, mck
, mck
, mck
32 mck
33 ag_list = , =
35 answer_ltl = True
36 out_stack = [mck
, mck
, mck
, mck
37 mck
38 ag_list = , =
40 answer_ltl = True
41 out_stack = [mck
, mck
, mck
42 mck
43 ag_list = [s EAp], =
45 answer_ltl = False
46 mck
.updateF([s Ap])
47 out_stack = [mck
, mck
48 mck
49 ag_list = [s AEAp], =
51 answer_ltl = False
52 mck
.updateF([s AEAp])
53 out_stack = [mck
54 mck
55 ag_list = , =
57 answer_ltl = True
58 out_stack =
Figure 3.23 illustrates the progress of our naive parallel algorithm for CTL* checking. The
development of a new session means that we initiate the generation (in a parallel way) of a
proof graph for the checking of an assertion where the formula begin by a forall A. During the
exploration of this proof graph, when we encounter a subgoal beginning by a forall A, we pause
the exploration of the current session to start (in a parallel way) the new session corresponding
to this subgoal. But it is possible to encounter several subgoals beginning by a forall on
several machines. In this case we choose to start only one new session corresponding to a
single subgoal of a particular assertion.
par_modchkCTL*(s EAEp)
s EAEp
s AEAp
s EAp
s AEp
s Ep
s Ap



Figure 3.22. Answers scheme, i.e. sequence of sessions of the running example of the main
procedures for the Naive parallel algorithm for CTL* model checking.
Figure 3.23. Illustration for the naive parallel algorithm for CTL* checking.
3.4.3 Parallel algorithm for CTL*
(a) Problem of the previous algorithm
The previous has several defects.
First, in the case of a formulae of the form AAp, the number of super-steps would be propor-
tional to the number of states of the Kripke structure. This is due to the fact that the algorithm
works as follow for this formulae: for each state, test if Ap is valid; thus, run each time a LTL
session which would implies several super-steps to test Ap (if p is valid on all the states of the
Kripke structure?).
Second, each time a LTL session traverses a subpart of the Kirpke structure, only a subpart of
the assertions are generated: we do not thus have all the informations for a good balancing of the
computation for the next slice or super-step; this implies a partial balancing of the assertions.
To remedy to this problem, two solutions can be introduced: (1) re-balancing the assertions
which can imply too many communications; (2) keep these partial balancing and distribute the
new found assertions following these partial balancing and full them. For convenience, we have
chosen the second solution but as expected, it does not give good scalability and performances
mainly due to the huge number of super-steps.
Third, the algorithm does take into account the nature of the proof-structure: we have
an explicit decomposition of the logical formulae which can help to choose where a parallel
computation is needed or not.
(b) Main idea
The main idea of the algorithm is based on the computation of the two followings rules of the
s A(, )
if s
s A(, )
s A()
if s
In the LTL formulas, is an atomic proposition, which can thus be sequentially computed.
But in a CTL* formulae, can be any formulae. In the naive algorithm, we thus run another
LTL computations by recursively call modchkCTL. The trick (heuristic) proposed for this new
algorithm is to compute both s (resp. and s ) and s A(). In this way, we will able
to choice which rule (R1 or R2) can be applied. As above, the computation of s would be
performed by a LTL session while the computation of s A() would be performed by following
the execution of the sequential Tarjan algorithm SCC computation. In a sense, we expect
the result of s by computing the validity of the assertion s A().
This has three main advantages:
1. as we computed both s and s A(), we would aggregate the super-steps of the both
computations and thus reduced the number to the max;
2. we also aggregated the computations and the communications (en masses) without un-
balanced them; similarly, we would have all the assertions (and more) of each slice, which
implies a better balance of the computation than a partial balance of the naive algorithm;
3. the computation of the validity of s A() can be used latter in dierent LTL sessions.
On the other side, the pre-computation of s A() may well be unnecessary, but, if we suppose
a sucient number of processors, this is not a problem for scalability: the exploration is thus in
a breadth fashion allow us a highest degree of parallelization.
Figure 3.24 gives the main procedure and thus the main loop. It works as follow: the compu-
tations is performed until the answer of the initial assertion is computed the variable done.
Not that we add another trick: we iterate in parallel over the set of received classes (computed
1 def par_modchkCTL(
) is
2 var dfn 0
3 var stack
4 var snd_todo
5 var snd_back
6 var rcv {
} if local(
) else
7 var back
8 var done False
9 var todo
10 def init (,valid) is (...)
11 def call_ltl (, valid) is (...)
12 def loop_ltl() is (...)
13 def ret_ltl () is (...)
14 def up_ltl(,child) is (...)
15 def subgoals() is (...)
16 def call_ctlstar () is (...)
17 def loop_ctlstar() is (...)
18 def ret_ctlstar () is (...)
19 def up_ctlstar() is (...)
20 def ret_trace() is (...)
21 def up_trace(,child) is (...)
22 while not done
23 for_par rcv

in split_class(rcv) while not done

24 for in rcv

while not done

25 if not .V
26 todo []
27 while todo and not done
28 todo.pop()
29 call_ctlstar ()
30 done,back,rcv BSP_EXCHANGE(done,snd_back,snd_todo)
31 while back and not done
32 , child back.pop()
33 up_trace(, child)
34 sweep()
35 return
Figure 3.24. Main procedure of CTL* model-checking algorithm.
by split) instead of sequentially iterate over all the assertions of received classes (we recall that
assertions are ranged over classes that are distributed across processors); in a hybrid parallel
machine (cluster of multi-cores machines), each class of each LTL session could be assigned to
a core since computations of classes and sessions are independants; note that in our current
implementation, we do not used this possible trick see future work.
The main loop can be divided into two phases. First, the actual exploration, secondly, the
propagation of the backtrack of the answer (not equal to ) found especially on other machines.
Note that in the rst stage some backtracks of answer can also be performed but they are done
during the ongoing exploration. Between these two phases, an exchange between the machines
is performed. This second phase, the exchange is put into the two main stages because thus, the
treatment of the backtrack of the answers will be performed before the explorations, allowing
that the assertions awaiting to be explored found eventually their answers, making unnecessary
their exploration. The end of the main loop is marked by a partial sweep-line on the assertions
in memory by the function sweep whose the description is give latter.
Note also another obvious trick: if in s is an atomic proposition, we immediately
computed its validity.
1 def subgoals() is
2 case
3 s A(, p) ,p / or p = and {A, E}:
4 subg {s p A()}
5 s A(,

) :
6 subg|s A(,
) (R3)
7 s A(,

) :
8 subg|s A(,
), s A(,
) (R4)
9 s A(,
) :
10 subg|s A(,
11 s A(,
, X(
)) (R5)
12 s A(,
) :
13 subg|s A(,
14 s A(,
, X(
)) (R6)
15 s A(X
, ..., X
) :
16 subg|s

, ...
) [ s

17 tosend |s

, ...
) [ s




19 if subg= tosend ,=
20 subg{}
21 snd_todosnd_todo tosend (R7)



.pred{} (if subg ,= {True})

23 return subg
Figure 3.25. Subgoal procedure for the Algorithm for parallel computing of the CTL* model
(c) Technical modications
To take advantage of this new algorithm, we modify the recursive algorithm doing the sequential
CTL* model checking in an iterative fashion by the derecursication of the algorithm. This has
been presented in Section 3.4.1.
We also modify the function subgoals (see Figure 3.25) to take into account the management
of the sends, like our parallel algorithm for the LTL model checking. Also, we add arcs between
the assertions, via the eld .pred for each assertion to know to ancestors of each assertion
that implicitly gives us the graph of the proof-structure. We will use it for the backtracks
of the answers. The function call_ctlstar is modied consequently to take into account the
establishment of this eld .pred.
The diculty in this parallel case is especially the management of the sends. Indeed, we do
not know, a priori, the answer of a sent assertion this case appear when we compute the
validity of s . Thus, we need to modify the backtracking when an answer is unknown. We
thus consider a third possibility of answer: (and the following equation = ) for the case
where we cannot conclude. An assertion which does not already know its answer will have its
eld .ag equal to . Note that all assertions have their elds .ag initialised at .
(d) Other methods
We modify the functions call_ctlstar and up_ctlstar accordingly by the adding of an additional
eld for each disjunctive and conjunctive assertion: .wait see Figure 3.26. Initially .wait is
a set containing the two children of the assertion, like the eld .children. If the children of a
conjunctive or disjunctive assertion return an answer equal to , i.e. each one does not known
their answers, then the child assertion will be remove of the eld .children but retained in the
eld .wait so that we know this assertion has not its answer. This trick allow us to conclude on
the answer of the ancestor assertion, answer possibly equal to .
Take for example the assertion

which has for children


Initially, .children = .wait =
. Suppose that calls
then is removed of the eld
1 def call_ctlstar () is
2 if .V
3 return .ag
4 else
5 .V True
6 case
7 s p where p |a, a, a / :
8 .ag s [= p
9 ret_ctlstar ()
10 s

15 .wait .children {
16 loop_ctlstar()
17 s

22 .wait .children {s
, s
23 loop_ctlstar()
24 s A() :
25 call_ltl ()
26 s E() :
s neg(E)
29 .children {
30 loop_ctlstar()
1 def loop_ctlstar() is
2 if .children ,=
3 child .children.pop()
4 child.parentCTL
5 todo.push(child)
6 else
7 ret_ctlstar ()
1 def ret_ctlstar () is
2 if .parentCTL ,=
3 up_ctl(.parentCTL, )
4 elif .parentLTL ,=
5 ret_ltl ()
6 else
7 ret_trace()
1 def up_ctlstar(,child) is
2 case
3 s

4 if child. ag = True
5 .wait.pop(child)
6 if .wait =
7 .ag = True
8 ret_ctlstar ()
9 else
10 loop_ctlstar()
11 elif child. ag = False
12 .wait =
13 .ag False
14 ret_ctlstar ()
15 else
16 if .children =
17 .ag =
18 ret_ctlstar ()
19 else
20 loop_ctlstar()
21 s

22 if child. ag = True
23 .wait =
24 .ag True
25 ret_ctlstar ()
26 elif .ag False
27 .wait.pop(child)
28 if .wait =
29 .ag = False
30 ret_ctlstar ()
31 else
32 loop_ctlstar()
33 else
34 if .children =
35 .ag =
36 ret_ctlstar ()
37 else
38 loop_ctlstar()
39 s A :
40 .ag ag
41 ret_ctlstar ()
42 s E :
43 .ag = not
44 ret_ctlstar ()
Figure 3.26. CTL* decomposition part for the CTL* model-checking algorithm.
.children of but is retained in the eld .wait. The eld .wait will contain the children assertions
which already do not know their answers. After some computations,
returns its answer,
suppose . Therefore we can not conclude the answer of . Suppose now that calls
is removed of the eld .children of . After some computations,
returns its answer, suppose
is removed of the eld .wait, because its answer is now known. But the eld .wait of ,
ensures us that we can not conclude.
The function up_ctlstar is also modied to take into account these new cases.
(e) Management of backtracking the answer
The backtrack of the answers is problematic, because the functions that manage the backtrack-
ing, namely ret_ltl, up_ltl, ret_ctlstar and up_ctlstar, have to manage a backtrack of the answers
1 def sweep(rcv) is
2 for in CACHE
3 if .ag ,=
4 dump
5 else
6 delete {remove from mem,CACHE,pred,parent}
7 CACHE.update(rcv)
Figure 3.27. Sweep-line procedure for the Algorithm for parallel computing of the CTL* model
with matching the backtrack of the functions calls. That is to say that the backtrack of the
answer of an assertion to its father

coincides with the end of treatment of its call.


is the fathers link (in the proof-structure or in the global graph connecting the decom-
position of the formulae which does not begin by A and the dierent LTL proof-structures,
launched from the formulae beginning by A i.e. sessions) then a fathers call, in the sense where

can call the treatment of .

The functions up_ltl and up_ctlstar call respectively the functions loop_ltl and loop_ctlstar
which continue the exploration on the child remaining with for the function loop_ltl, eventually
an unstacking of the LTL explorations stack namely stack. These functions are dened un
Figure 3.29.
The connexions of backtracking between LTL sessions and CTL* sessions performed via the
functions ret_ltl and ret_ctlstar whose can recursively call each other following that the eld
.parentCTL or .parentLTL is at or not.
To take into account the backtracks of answers which do not match the backtracks of calls
functions we consider the function up_trace modelled on up_ctlstar wich will manage the back-
track of answer on the decomposition of formula, having been made in the cases where the
formulae does not begin by A, together with ret_trace which will manage in particular the
backtracking on the LTL arc. These functions are dened in Figure 3.28.
Remark that each sent assertion has its elds .parentLTL and .parentCTL at . And these
assertions are not called by their father, in the sense where their father does not put them in
the stack of assertion awaiting of exploration namely todo.
In the following, we note: local() if and only if cpu() = my_pid. For the management
of the sends, we use the sets snd_todo and snd_back using to store the assertion to send for,
respectively, continue the exploration and to backtrack their answers. The sets rcv and back, are
respectively, the set of assertions to explore and whose answers are to backtrack. The variable
done is True when the initial assertion has its answer.
(f) Sweep line technical
We recall that states and thus assertions do not overlap between dierent slices see the
chapter about the state-space computations. But this does not still work since some assertions
do not have their answer (equal to ). We can thus not sweep them into disks when changing
of slice. To continue to sweep assertions that are no longer needed (they have their answer and
are belong to a previous slice), we used a variable CACHE which contains all the assertions
we recall that the implicit graph for proof-structures and LTL sessions is memorised by the .pred
eld. At each end of super-step, we iterate on this CACHE to sweep into disk the unnecessary
assertions see Figure 3.26
(g) Examples
Considering the LTS whose the only nodes are s and s

the arcs s

and s


the hypothesis s

p and s

q. We also consider: cpu(s) ,= cpu(s

). We want to check that

1 def up_trace(,child) is
2 case
3 s

4 if child. ag = True
5 .wait.pop(child)
6 if .wait =
7 .ag = True
8 ret_trace()
9 elif child. ag = False
10 .wait =
11 .ag False
12 ret_trace()
13 else
14 if .wait =
15 .ag =
16 ret_trace()
17 s

18 if child. ag = True
19 .wait =
20 .ag True
21 ret_trace()
22 elif .ag False
23 .wait.pop(child)
24 if .wait =
25 .ag = False
26 ret_trace()
27 else
28 if .wait =
29 .ag =
30 ret_ctlstar ()
31 s A :
32 .ag ag
33 ret_trace()
34 s E :
35 .ag = not
36 ret_trace()
1 def ret_trace() is
2 if not local() then snd_back snd_back {}
3 for child in .pred
4 up_trace(,child)
Figure 3.28. Additional backtrack procedure for the Algorithm for parallel computing of the
CTL* model checking.
A(Xp) E(Xp).
Let us note
s A(Xp) E(Xq),
s A(Xp),
s E(Xq),

s A(p),

s A(Xq) and

s A(q).
The following shows the running of the algorithm for one single machine to apprehend intu-
itively the operations of the algorithm:
1 par_modchkCTL(
4 todo = [
5 call_ctlstar (
.wait = {
.children = {
8 loop_ctlstar(
.children = {
10 todo = [
11 call_ctlstar (
12 call_ltl (
13 stack = [
.ag = and send={

15 ret_ltl (
16 stack = []
17 ret_ctlstar (
18 up_ctlstar(
, )
19 loop_ctlstar(
.children =
21 todo = [
22 call_ctlstar (
.children = {

24 loop_ctlstar(
.children =
26 todo = [

27 call_ctlstar (

28 call_ltl (

29 stack = [


.ag = and send={


31 ret_ltl (

32 stack = []
33 ret_ctlstar (

34 up_ctlstar(

, )
.ag =
36 ret_ctlstar (
37 up_ctlstar(
38 ret_ctlstar (
41 todo = [


42 call_ctlstar (

43 call_ltl (

44 stack = [


.ag = False
46 ret_ltl (

47 stack = []
48 ret_ctlstar (

49 up_ctlstar(

, False)
.ag False
51 ret_ctlstar (
52 snd_back snd_back {
54 todo = [

55 call_ctlstar (

56 call_ltl (

57 stack = [


.ag = False
59 ret_ltl (

60 stack = []
61 ret_ctlstar (

62 up_ctlstar(



.ag False
64 ret_ctlstar (

65 snd_back snd_back {

68 back = [

69 ret_trace(
70 up_trace(
71 back = [

72 up_trace(

.ag True
74 ret_trace(
75 up_trace(
.ag True
Now, we want to check that s A(Xp A(Xq)).
Let us note
s A(Xp A(Xq)),
s A(Xp),
s A(A(Xq)),



s A(Xq) and


The following shows the running of the algorithm for one single machine to apprehend intu-
itively the operations of the algorithm:
1 par_modchkCTL(
4 todo = [
5 call_ctlstar (
.wait = {
.children = {
8 loop_ctlstar(
.children = {
10 todo = [
11 call_ctlstar (
12 call_ltl (
13 stack = [
.ag = and send={

15 ret_ltl (
16 stack = []
17 ret_ctlstar (
18 up_ctlstar(
19 loop_ctlstar(
.children =
21 todo = [
22 call_ctlstar (
23 call_ltl (
.children = {

25 loop_ltl(
.children =
27 todo = [

28 call_ctlstar (

29 call_ltl (

30 stack = [


.ag = and send={


32 ret_ltl (

.ag =
34 loop_ltl(
35 stack =
36 ret_ltl (
37 ret_ctlstar (
38 up_ctlstar(
.ag =
40 ret_ctlstar (
43 todo = [


44 call_ctlstar (

45 call_ltl (

46 stack = [


.ag = False
48 ret_ltl (

49 stack = []
50 ret_ctlstar (

51 ret_trace(

52 snd_back = {(

54 todo = [

55 call_ctlstar (

56 call_ltl (

57 stack = [


.ag = True
59 ret_ltl (

60 stack = []
61 ret_ctlstar (

62 ret_trace(

63 snd_back = {(

), (


66 back = [(


), (

67 up_trace(

.ag = False
69 ret_trace(
70 up_trace(
72 back = [(


73 up_trace(



.ag = True
75 ret_trace(

76 up_trace(

.ag = True
78 ret_trace(
79 up_trace(
.ag = True
Figure 3.30 illustrates the progress of our parallel algorithm for CTL* checking. The devel-
opment of a new session (in grey) means that we initiate the generation (in a parallel way) of
a proof graph for the checking of an assertion where the formula begin by a forall A. During
1 def init (,valid) is
2 dfn dfn+1
3 .dfsn .low dfn
4 .valid {
,sp) |
5 (
) )
6 sp=(sp


) valid, dfn otherwise}

1 def call_ltl () is
2 # init
3 if .parentLTL =
4 valid
5 else
6 valid .parentLTL.valid
7 init (,valid)
8 .V True
9 .instack True
10 stack.push()
11 # start dfs
12 .children subgoals()
13 case .children
14 {True} :
15 .ag True
16 ret_ltl ()
17 {} :
18 .ag
19 ret_ltl ()
20 :
21 .ag False
22 ret_ltl ()
23 otherwise :
24 loop_ltl()
1 def loop_ltl() is
2 while .children ,= and .ag != False

4 if

5 if

.ag = False
6 .ag False
7 elif

8 .low min(.low,


9 .valid {
,sp) .valid | sp

10 if .valid =
11 .ag False
12 else
13 # ag = dfs(

, .valid)

15 todo.push(

16 return
17 if .dfsn = .low
18 var top
19 while top ,=
20 top stack.pop()
21 top.instack False
22 if not .ag
23 top. ag False
24 ret_ltl ()
1 def ret_ltl () is
2 if .parentLTL ,=
3 up_ltl(.parentLTL, )
4 else
5 stack.pop() (if stack ,)
6 ret_ctlstar ()
1 def up_ltl(,

) is
2 # ag = dfs(

3 .ag

4 if

.low .dfsn
5 .low min(.low,


6 .valid

7 loop_ltl()
Figure 3.29. LTL part for the Algorithm for parallel computing of the CTL* model checking.
the exploration of this proof graph, when we encounter a subgoal beginning by a forall A,
we dont make any pause (like in the naive version) of the ongoing explored session. We start
other sessions together with the current session in exploration (which increases the parallelism).
Furthermore the Figure shows that (like for the naive version) the development of the initial
assertion is not necessarily a development of a proof graph because the subgoal of the initial
assertion does not begin necessarily by a forall.
Figure 3.30. Illustration for the parallel algorithm for CTL* checking.
Case study
This chapter extends the works of [104, 106].
4.1 Specication of some security protocols using ABCD . . . . . . . . . 95
4.1.1 Modelisation of the security protocols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
4.1.2 Full example: the Needham-Schroeder protocol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
4.1.3 Other examples of protocols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
4.2 Implementation of the algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
4.2.1 BSP programming in Python . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
4.2.2 SNAKES toolkit and syntactic layers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
4.2.3 Parallel algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
4.3 State space generations benchmarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
4.4 LTL and CTL*s benchmarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
This chapter concerns the practical part of our work. In a rst time, we present the speci-
cation of security Protocols by the langage ABCD and we give several examples of protocols
with their modelisation in this langage. Then, we describe the important technologies we use
to implement our algorithms: the BSP Python Programming library and the SNAKES toolkit
and syntactic layers wich is a Python library to dene, manipulate and execute coloured Petri
nets [178]. Then we give the features of the implementation of our parallel algorithms and at
last the benchmarks on our dierents algoritms.
4.1 Specication of some security protocols using ABCD
In this section, we show how the ABCD language previously introduced can be used to specify
and verify security protocols. We consider models of security protocols involving a set of agents
/ which exchange data (messages) using a network where there is a Dolev-Yaho attacker which
is able to read the messages, analyse them with some specic rules and generate new messages
over the network. This section is an extension of the work of [181] about security protocols.
4.1.1 Modelisation of the security protocols
(a) Modelling communication and cryptography
Using ABCD, a simple model of a network is a globally shared buer: to send a message we put
its value on the buer and to receive a message, we get it from the buer. As explain latter, we
actually used two buers in this document:
buer snd : object = ()
buer rcv : object = ()
if a /
/ a
/ a, b)
/ a
/ a, b)
/ b
/ b / b
/ a, b)
/ k / a
/ ak
/ ak / k
/ a
where k and k
are respectively a key and its inverse.
Figure 4.1. Deductive rules of the Dolev-Yao attacker.
for respectivally sending and receved data for/from agents. These buers support network
communication and allow it to store any token (type object).
Messages can be modelled by tuples and cryptography can be treated symbolically, i.e. by
writing terms instead of by performing the actual computation. For instance, the rst message
in the Needham Schroeder protocol, that is agent Alice A sends its None Na to agent Bob B,
may be written as a nest of tuples
("crypt", ("pub", B), A, Na)
string "crypt" denotes that the message is a cryptogram, the encryption key is thus
expected as the second component of the tuple and the following components form the
tuple ("pub", B) indicates that this is a public key owned by B (we will see later on how
to model agents identities);
the payload is the message (A, Na) we will see later on how to model nonces.
Then we need to model agentsidentities. In this protocol, we can just use positive integers
because no such value is used somewhere else so there is no risk of confusion with another
message fragment.
To model nonces, we cannot rely on a random generator unlike in implementations: this would
lead to undesired non-determinism and possibly to a quick combinatorial explosion. To correctly
model perfect cryptography while limiting state explosion, we must nd an encoding such that:
each nonce is unique;
a nonce cannot be confused with another value;
nonces can be generated in a deterministic way.
In our case, a simple solution is to program them a Python class Nonce. The constructor expects
an agents identity; for instance, Nonce(1) denotes the nonce for the agent whose identity is 1.
Equality of two nonces is then implemented as the equality of the agents who own these nonces.
Using this modelling, messages actually travel in plain text over the network. But if we adopt
the Dolev&Yao model [77] and correctly implement it, this is a perfectly valid approach.
(b) Modeling the attacker
We consider models of security protocols where a Dolev-Yao attacker [77] resides on the network
and which is an specic agent generally called Mallory. An execution of such a model of attacker
on the network is thus a series of message exchanges as follows.
1. An agent sends a message on the network.
2. This message is captured by the Dolev-Yao attacker that tries learn from it by recursively
decomposing the message or decrypting it when the key to do so is known. Then, the
attacker forges all possible messages from newly as well as previously learnt information.
Finally, these messages (including the original one) are made available on the network.
3. The agents waiting for a message reception accept some of the messages forged by the
attacker, according to the protocol rules.
To respect Dolev&Yaos model, we must forbid an agent to generate a nonce using another
agents identity.
So, the Mallory (spy/attacker) agent can read, remove or even replace any message on the net-
work. Moreover, it can learn from the read messages by decomposing them and looking at their
content. However, cryptography is considered to be perfect and so, Mallory cannot decrypt a
message if it does not know the key to do so. For instance, if it reads ("crypt", ("pub", B), A, Na)
on the network, it is allowed to learn A and Na only if it already knows Bobs private key
("priv", B). To correctly implement Dolev&Yaos model, we shall ensure that no agent can
perform any action on an encrypted content knowing the key to do so.
To initialise in our program the Dolev&Yaos attacker, we must import the content of a module
dolev_yao that also denes class Nonce. We now explain how it works.
Mallory maintains a knowledge base / containing all the information learnt so far and re-
peatedly executes the following algorithm:
1. Get one message m from the network;
2. Learn from m by decomposition or decryption using a key already in /; whenever a new
piece of information is discovered, add it to / and recursively learn from it; this learn is
perform by applying the deductive rules of the Figure 4.1; each time a new message not
in / is found, it is add to the knownledge of Mallory; this is apply until no new messages
for the knownledge can be deduced;
3. Optionally, compose a message from the information available in k and send it on the
The last action is optional, which means that a message may be removed from the network with
nothing to replace it. This corresponds to a message destruction, which the attacker is allowed
to do. Notice also that, when composing a new message, Mallory may rebuild the message it
has just stolen. This corresponds to a message eavesdropping, which the attacker is also allowed
to do.
The rules (Figure 4.1) allows the intruder to encrypt any message if it has a key (especially
its own public key, rule D4), decompose or recompose messages (rules D13), decrypt a message
code with a key if it knows the inverse key rule D5 and in case of a symetric key, we have
k = k
otherwise k and k
are genrally public and private keys. It is easy to see that the
intruder could no decrypt a crypted message it has not the key.
We can also note the deductive Dolev-Yao rules can generate an innite numbers of messages in
the knownledge. For example, with a and b in /, we can deduced a, b), a, a, b)), a, a, a, b)))
and so long. To stay in a bound model and thus in a bound state-space verication, two classicals
limitations are imposed to the machineray of the learn phase of the attacker:
1. Only generate messages that can be read by honest agents used their types; for example, if
the agents can only reads a pair of Nonces, the attacker would only have in its knownledge
all possible pair of Nonces that it can deduced from past exchange; note that this reduction
can be done at each stage of the protocole (to generated all the time only what the agents
can read) or not that is the knownledge grow at its maximum all the time; we have
currently choise this solution for implementation convenience;
2. Using what is know to be a lasy attacker: the knownledge is built as a set of constraint
rules (mainly Horn rules) which reduce its size; for example, in the case of a pair of Nonces,
the contraints would be generated in such a way tha only Nonce that can be deduced from
the contraints of the knowledge could be accepted; this solution is used in the AVISPA
tool [162] to reduce the state space and thus accelerated the verication; the side eect
of this method is that if constraints are suciantly generics, a proof of validity for an
unbounded number of agents can be extracted.
The hard part in modelling this attacker is the message decomposition and composition ma-
chinery. This is feasible with just Petri nets (and has been done in [37]) but is really com-
plicated and leads to many intermediate states that quickly make the state space intractable.
Fortunately, using ABCD, we can implement this part in Python. So, module dolev_yao also
provides a class Spy that implements Dolev&Yaos attacker. Only the algorithmic part is imple-
mented, taking into account our conventions about symbolic cryptography. For instance, tuples
like ("crypt", ) or ("pub", ) are correctly recognised as special terms.
To reduce combinatorial explosion in the state spaces, an instance of Spy is given a signature
of the protocol. This consists in a series of nested tuples in which the elements are either values
or types. Each such tuple species a set of messages that the protocol can exhibit. For instance,
for the past messages we get three types of message:
("crypt", ("pub", int), int, Nonce) corresponding to the rst message;
("crypt", ("pub", int), Nonce, Nonce) corresponding to the second message;
("crypt", ("pub", int), Nonce) corresponding to the third message.
This information is exploited by the attacker to avoid composing pieces of information in a
way that does not match any possible message (or message part) in the attacked protocol.
Without this mechanism, learning just one message m would lead the attacker to build an
innite knowledge containing, e.g. (m, m), (m, m, m), (m, (m, m)), etc. However, this would be
completely useless unless such values would be parts of the protocol and may be accepted as a
message by an agent if these values were sent on the network. So, the attacker uses the protocol
signature to restrict the knowledge to valid messages or message parts.
The knowledge part of the attacker is modelled by a Petri net place i.e. by an ABCD buer.
As the main goal of Mallory is to read messages from the network and to send new messages,
it reads messages from snd, decompose it and generate new messages from its knowledge which
can be the place rcv: this place would be thus all possible messages for normal agents that is
normal one and possible attacks. All the messages is the knowledge of the intruder Mallory.
This allows to reduce the size of the markings (there is no a specic place/buer for the
knowledge) and their number during computing the marking graph since their is not intermediate
markings of copy the message from the knowledge to the network: both are the same buer.
This also allows to observe in the state space what the attacker has learnt, for instance to check
for leaking secrets. This knowledge has to be initialised, in our case, we would like Mallory to be
able to initiate a communication with another agent. So we shall provide her with an identity,
and the corresponding nonce and private key. We shall also provide the list of other agents
and their public keys. So, Mallory is specied in Figure 4.2 as follow: parameter this is like
for the other agents, parameter set_sessions is intended to be a tuple of initially known pieces
of information that is Mallorys knowledge is declared and initialised; it contains her identity,
nonce and private key, plus all the information from set_sessions. An instance of Spy is created
in a buer spy, with the signature of the protocol. Then comes the innite loop to execute the
attackers algorithm:
A message m is removed from the network with snd(m), the content of the knowledge
(which we recall is also the received buer) is ushed to variable k with rcv (k) and
replaced with all that can be learnt from k, thanks to rcv (s.learn(m, k));
Messages could be them read from rcv by agent if and only if it is a valid message, which
is checked in the guard of the agent.
Notice that this model of attacker is generic (except possibly for its initial knowledge) and
one may safely cop/paste its code to another specication.
net Mallory (this, set_sessions) :
buer spy : object = Spy(
(int, int, int, int, Nonce), #1
(int, int,
("crypt", ("secret", int, int),
int, int, Nonce, ("secret", int, int, Nonce)),
("crypt", ("secret", int, int),
int, int, Nonce, ("secret", int, int, Nonce))), #2
(int, int,
("crypt", ("secret", int, int),
int, int, Nonce, ("secret", int, int, Nonce)),
("crypt", ("secret", int, int, Nonce), Nonce),
Nonce), #3
(int, int,
("crypt", ("secret", int, int, Nonce), Nonce)) #4
[rcv ((this,)
+ tuple(range(1, this))
+ tuple(Nonce((this, s)) for s in set_sessions)
([spy?(s), snd(m), rcv (k), rcv (s.learn(m, k))] [False])
Figure 4.2. Typical code of Mallory.
(c) Dening a scenario
To create a complete ABCD specication, we need to provide a main term. This consists in a
composition of instances of the dened agents. By providing this, we create a scenario, i.e. a
particular situation that can then be analysed. This naturally bounced scenario with a x
number of agents
Using the ABCD compiler, we can create a pnml le from this system. This le can be loaded
from a Python program using snakes to build the state space and search for a faulty.
4.1.2 Full example: the Needham-Schroeder protocol
As an illustration of the past section, we model Needham&Schroeders protocol for mutual
authentication [163]. This is quite a small example, but fortunately, this protocol allows to show
the most important aspects about applying ABCD to security protocols.
(a) A protocol for mutual authentication
The protocol ns involves two agents Alice (A) and Bob (B) who want to mutually authenticate.
This is performed through the exchange of three messages as illustrated in Figure 4.3. In this
specication, a message m is denoted by m) and a message encrypted by a key k is denoted by
(we use the same notation for secret key and public key encryption). The three steps of
the protocol can be understood as follows:
1. Alice sends her identity A to Bob, together with a nonce N
; the message is encrypted
with Bobs public key K
so that only Bob can read it; N
thus constitutes a challenge
that allows Bob to prove his identity: he is the only one who can read the nonce and send
it back to Alice;
2. Bob solves the challenge by sending N
to Alice, together with another nonce N
that is
a new challenge to authenticate Alice;
3. Alice solves Bobs challenge, which results in mutual authentication.
Alice Bob
A, N
, N
Figure 4.3. An informal specication of ns protocol, where N
and N
are nonces and K
, K
are the public keys of respectively Alice and Bob.
(b) Known attack
This protocol is well known for being awed when initiated with a malicious third party Mallory
(M). Let us consider the run depicted in Figure 4.4. It involves two parallel sessions, with
Mallory participating in both of them.
When Mallory receives Alices rst message, she decrypts it and forwards to Bob the
same message (but encrypted with Bobs key) thus impersonating Alice;
Bob has no way to know that this message is from Mallory instead of Alice, so he answers
exactly as in the previous run;
Mallory cannot decrypt this message because it is encrypted with Alices key, but she
might use Alice has an oracle and forward the message to her;
When Alice receives N
, N
, she cannot know that this message has been generated
by Bob instead of Mallory, and so she believes that this is Mallorys answer to her rst
So, Alice sends the last message of her session with Mallory who is now able to retrieve
and authenticate with Bob.
In this attack, both sessions (on the left and on the right) are perfectly valid according to the
specication of the protocol. The aw is thus really in the protocol itself, which is called a logical
attack. This can be easily xed by adding the identity of the sender to each message (like in
the rst one), in which case Alice can detect that the message forwarded by Mallory (now it is
B, N
, N
) is originated from Bob.
(c) Modelisation using ABCD
Figure 4.5 gives a modelisaton of the procotol using ABCD.
Let us consider a simple scenario with one instance of Alice, two of Bob and one of Mallory;
a buer agents will store the identities of Bobs and Mallory so that Alice will contact one or the
other at the beginning.
One scenario:
buer agents : int = 2, 3, 4
alice::Alice(1, agents)
| bob::Bob(2)
| bob::Bob(3)
| spy::Mallory(4, ())
This scenario includes the possibility for Mallory to try to authenticate with one Bob since
we gave to her enough knowledge to play the protocol. So, this simple scenario involves all kind
of communications between honest and dishonest agents. Notice that including more than one
Alice Mallory Bob
A, N
A, N
, N
, N
Figure 4.4. An attack on ns protocol where Mallory authenticates as Alice with Bob.
net Alice (this, agents) :
buer peer : int = ()
buer peer_nonce : Nonce = ()
[agents?(B), peer+(B), snd+("crypt", ("pub", B), this, Nonce(this))]
[rcv?("crypt", ("pub", this), Na, Nb), peer_nonce+(Nb) if Na == Nonce(this)]
[peer?(B), peer_nonce?(Nb), snd+("crypt", ("pub", B), Nb)]
net Bob (this) :
buer peer : int = ()
buer peer_nonce : Nonce = ()
[rcv?("crypt", ("pub", this), A, Na), peer+(A), peer_nonce+(Na)]
[peer?(A), peer_nonce?(Na), snd+("crypt", ("pub", A), Na, Nonce(this))]
[rcv?("crypt", ("pub", this), Nb) if Nb == Nonce(this)]
net Mallory (this, init) :
buer spy : object = Spy(("crypt", ("pub", int), int, Nonce),
("crypt", ("pub", int), Nonce, Nonce),
("crypt", ("pub", int), Nonce))
[rcv ((this, Nonce(this), ("priv", this))
+ tuple(range(1, this))
+ tuple(("pub", i) for i in range(1, this))
+ init)]
([spy?(s), snd(m), rcv (k), rcv (s.learn(m, k))] [False])
Figure 4.5. Classical Needham Schroeder protocol in ABCD.
attacker would result in a quick state explosion; fortunately, this is rarely needed and if so, may
be simulated by providing more than one identity to the same and only attacker. A possible
faulty is here where Alice and Bob are in a nal state (i.e. their exit places are marked) and
mutual authentication is violated (i.e. data in buers peer and peer_nonce of each agent are not
When build all the possible markings of this scenario, we can shows that Alice authenticated
Bob but Bob authenticated Mallory, which corresponds to the known attack. There are also
markings showing that both Alice and Bob may authenticate Mallory, but these are just regular
runs of two parallel sessions (Alice with Mallory and Bob with Mallory). When looking closer to
the markings, we can see that Mallory is able to use someone elses nonce for authentication: for
instance she may use Alices nonce as a challenge for Alice. This is not an error in the protocol
and is fully consistent with the fact that nonces freshness is never tested.
4.1.3 Other examples of protocols
We collect in this section all the protocols being analysed in the document. These experiments
would be designed to reveal how well our state-to-processor mapping performs relative to a
hand-tuned hash-function, and to determine how various aspects of the new method contribute
to the overall performance.
Our cases study were the following protocols which will formally modelise in the next section:
the well-known Kao Chow Authentication v.1, Otway Rees, Yahalom, Woo and Lam.
These protocols were found in the Security Protocols Open Repository (SPORE) available at
For all of them, we give an information description and its ABCD specication.
(a) Kao Chow Authentication v.1
The goal of this protocol is the key distribution and authentication using a symmetric keys
cryptography with server [139]. This protocol has been designed to prevent the freshness attack
on the repeated authentication part of the Neumann Stubblebine protocol. Indeed, in the
following, the nonce Na in the ciphers of message 2 prevent a shared key compromised after
another run of the protocol to be reused. Figure 4.6 gives a specication of the procotol using
ABCD and the protocol can be describe as follow:
A, B, S : principal
Na, Nb : number
Kab, Kbs, Kas : key
1. A -> S : A, B, Na
2. S -> B : {A, B, Na, Kab}Kas, {A, B, Na, Kab}Kbs
3. B -> A : {A, B, Na, Kab}Kas, {Na}Kab, Nb
4. A -> B : {Nb}Kab
Kas and Kbs are symmetric keys whose values are initially known only by A and S, respectively
B and S. Na and Nb are nonces for mutual authentication and to verify the authenticity of the
fresh symmetric key Kab. The messages 3 and 4 are repeated authentication: after that messages
1 and 2 have completed successfully, 3 and 4 can be played several times by B before starting a
secrete communication with A encrypted with the session key Kab.
The protocol must guaranty the secrecy of Kab: in every session, the value of Kab must be
known only by the participants playing the roles of A, B and S. When A, resp. B, receives the key
Kab in message 3, resp. 2, this key must have been issued in the same session by the server S
with whom A has started to communicate in message 1. The protocol must also ensures mutual
authentication of A and B.
As described in [51], this protocol suers the same kind of attack as the Denning Sacco
freshness attack on Needham Schroeder Symmetric Key, when an older session symmetric key
Kab has been compromised.
(b) Otway Rees
The goal of this protocol is the distribution of a fresh shared symmetric key between two agents
A and B by trusted server and using symmetric key cryptography with a server [168]. It is
assumed that initially A and B share long term keys KA and KB with the server, respectively.
Figure 4.7 gives a specication of the procotol using ABCD and the protocol is listed below:
A, B, S : principal
M, Na, Nb : nonce
Kas, Kbs, Kab : key
1. A -> B : M, A, B, {Na, M, A, B}Kas
2. B -> S : M, A, B, {Na, M, A, B}Kas , {Nb, M, A, B}Kbs
3. S -> B : M, {Na, Kab}Kas, {Nb, Kab}Kbs
4. B -> A : M, {Na, Kab}Kas
The nonce M identies the session number (a serial number) and provides no security intention,
therefore we can safely assume that it is known to all the principals and even the attacker. Kas
and Kbs are symmetric keys whose values are initially known only by A and S, respectively B
and S. Kab is a fresh symmetric key generated by S in message 3 and distributed to B, directly
in message 3, and to A, indirectly, when B forwards blindly {Na,Kab}Kas to A in message 4.
The protocol works as follow:
1. A generates a fresh nonce NA, encrypts it along with the serial number M and the names
of the principals and sends the encryption as well as the other information to B;
2. B generates another fresh nonce NB, encrypts it with the value M and the names of the
principals using the shared key and sends it together with what he received to the server
3. Server S generates a fresh session key, Kas, encrypts it with the nonces that is known to
him after decrypting what he receives, using the long term keys, KA and KB, respectively;
along with the value M, the two encryptions are sent to B;
4. B decrypts the last part of the message he receives using his long term key KB and checks
whether the nonce NB is indeed the one he newly generated and sent out; if this is the case,
he then accepts K as the new session key and forwards the rest of the message to A; A also
checks the nonce NA and decides whether he accepts K as the session key.
Now B and A are able to communicate with each other using the key K to encrypt the messages.
The protocol must guaranty the secrecy of Kab: in every session, the value of Kab must be
known only by the participants playing the roles of A, B and S. When A, resp. B, receives the
key Kab in message 3, resp. 2, this key must have been issued in the same session by the server
S with whom B has started to communicate in message 2.
There is a claimed attacks [51] which consist of a type aw, where A will accept in last message
4 the triple (M,A,B) as a fresh key Kab.
(c) Yahalom
The goal of this protocol is the distribution of a fresh symmetric shared key by a trusted server
and mutual authentication using symmetric keys and a trusted server [40]. Figure 4.8 gives a
specication of the procotol using ABCD and the protocol can be describe as follow:
A, B, S : principal
Na, Nb : number fresh
Kas, Kbs, Kab : key
A knows : A, B, S, Kas
B knows : B, S, Kbs
S knows : S, A, B, Kas, Kbs
1. A -> B : A, Na
2. B -> S : B, {A, Na, Nb}Kbs
3. S -> A : {B, Kab, Na, Nb}Kas, {A, Kab}Kbs
4. A -> B : {A, Kab}Kbs, {Nb}Kab
The fresh symmetric shared key Kab is created by the server S and sent encrypted, in message
3 both to A (directly) and to B (indirectly). The protocol must guaranty the secrecy of Kab: in
every session, the value of Kab must be known only by the participants playing the roles of A, B
and S. A must be also properly authentied to B.
A claimed proofs of this protocols is described in [172].
(d) Woo and Lam
This protocol [203] ensures one-way authentication of the initiator of the protocol, A, to a
responder B. The protocol uses symmetric-key cryptography and a trusted third-party server S,
with whom A and B share long-term symmetric keys. The protocol uses a fresh and unpredictable
nonce NB produced by B. The protocol narration is listed below, where the keys KAS and KBS
represent the long-term keys that A and B share with the trusted server S. The protocol narration
is the following:
A, B, S : principal
Nb : nonce
Kas, Kbs : skey
1. A -> B : A
2. B -> A : Nb
3. A -> B : {Nb}Kas
4. B -> S : {A, {Nb}Kas}Kbs
5. S -> B : {Nb}Kbs
Figure 4.9 gives a specication of the procotol using ABCD. The Woo-Lam protocol is prone to
a type aw attack by replay.
(e) Wide Mouthed Frog
The goal of this protocol is the distribution of a fresh shared symmetric key between two agents
A and B by trusted server, using symmetric key cryptography with a server and in accordance
with timestamps. It is assumed that initially A and B share long term keys Kas and Kbs with
the server, respectively.
The protocol narration is the following:
A, S : principal
Kas, Kbs, Kab : symkey
Ta, Ts : timestamp
1. A -> S : A, {Ta, B, Kab}Kas
2. S -> B : {Ts, A, Kab}Kbs
A sends an encrypted message by Kas to S consisting of the new session key Kab with a
timestamp Taf the message is timely, S forwards the key Kab to B by an encrypted message by
Kbs including the key to share Kab with the own timestamp of the server Ts

Finally, B accepts
the new key Kab if the timestamp Ts is later than any other it has received from S .
(f) Andrew Secure RPC
The goal of this protocol is the distribution of a fresh shared symmetric key between two agents
A and B using symmetric key cryptography where it is assumed that initially A and B share long
term keys Kab between them.
The protocol narration is the following:
A, B : principal
Kab, Kab : symkey
Na, Nb, Nb : nonce
succ : nonce -> nonce
1. A -> B : A, {Na}Kab
2. B -> A : {succNa, Nb}Kab
3. A -> B : {succNb}Kab
4. B -> A : {Kab, Nb}Kab
A generates a fresh nonce Na, encrypts it along with the current session key Kab and sends the
encryption as well as its own id A to B. B generates a fresh nonce Nb, encrypts it with the value
succ(Na) wich is the successor of the nonce Na, using the current session key. After reception, A
sends to B the value succ(Nb) encrypted by the session key. Finally, B generates another fresh
nonce Nb and the new symmetric key Kab and send to A these new information encrypted
by the current session key Kab. The nonce Nb is intend to be used in a future session.
As described in [40], because of the message 4 contains nothing that A knows to be fresh,
this protocol suers of an attack based on the replay of this message in another session of the
protocol to convinced A to accept an old compromised key.
4.2 Implementation of the algorithms
4.2.1 BSP programming in Python
(a) Advantage of Python for parallel programming
The Python language is a famous and general high-level scripting language (mostly object-
oriented) which does not need to be presented in much detail here and has only recently become
popular in scientic computing.
This language is interactive and interpreted (no compilation/linking). It is thus not for ecient
code generation by a compiler (even if run-time code generation is possible) but were designed
for convenient programming for fast program test/debug/modify cycle: easy-to-use high-level
data types, e.g., nested, heterogeneous list and hash structures, wide le handling functionality,
automatic memory management, no declaration of variables or function arguments and extensive
run-time testing and clear error messages
Most scientists did not consider Pythons programs suciently fast for number crunching.
However, what made this language interesting in such applications was the idea of multiple
language coding: the usually small parts of the code in which most of the CPU time is spent are
written in a compiled language, usually Fortran, C, or C++, whereas the bulk of the code can be
written in a high-level language. And Python became popular due to its very good integration
facilities for compiled languages. For example, the module Numerical which implementing
ecient array operations for Python, have added signicantly to Pythons popularity among
It can be the same thing for parallel programming: programs with a relatively simple commu-
nication structure can be implemented with all the communication in Python. However, nothing
prevents C or Fortran modules from doing communication as well. Thus, the feature that makes
Python particularly suited for high-level parallel programming is the availability of a univer-
sal object serialization mechanism provided by the module pickle (and its C implementation
cPickle). It works so that pickle.dumps(obj) returns a string that fully describes the object
obj, and the function pickle.loads(str) takes such a string and returns a copy of the original
Although originally designed for the storage of arbitrary Python objects in les and databases,
the pickle module also provides a simple mechanism for sending around arbitrary objects over
network connections. However, nothing prevents C or Fortran modules from doing communica-
tion of complex objects (e.g. needed for state space) as well.
(b) Begenning a BSP computation in Python
Using BSP/Python is done by calling the module in a Python program using:
1 from Scientic.BSP import ParData, ParFunction, ParMessages
Python itself has no provisions for inter-processor communication or synchronization, a BSP
module for Python have therefore be implemented and currently rely on some other library for
low-level communication that is MPI (via the Python MPI interface in Scientic Python
) and
BSPlib [126] via the BSPlib interface in Scientic Python. The choice between the two is
made at runtime, application programmers use only the Python/BSP API in their programs.
At the origin, as BSML [151], Python/BSP program is to be read as a program for a single
parallel machine with p processors in contrast to a MPI program (as well as a C program using
BSPlib) which is for a single processor that communicates with p1 other processors. We will
show that this feature can be easily circumvented.
In message-passing programs, communication is specied in terms of local send and receive
operations. A Python/BSP program has two levels, local (single processor) and global (all
processors) and communications are a synchronized global operation in which all processors
participate as a collective operation in MPI.
In theory, as the parallel vector in BSML, the most important concept for BSP programming
in Python is the distinction between local and global objects. Local objects are standard Python
objects, they exist on a single processor. Global objects exist on the parallel machine as a whole.
They have a local value on each processor, which may or may not be the same everywhere. There
are several ways to create global object, corresponding to their typical uses. In the simplest form
ParConstant, a global object represents a constant that is available on all processors. Another
common situation is that the local representation is a function of the processor number and the
total number of processors ParData. Functions being objects in Python, the same distinction
between the global and local level applies to functions as well. Pythons functions are local
functions: their arguments are local objects, and their return values are local objects as well.
Global functions take global objects as arguments and return global objects. A global function
is dened by one or more local functions that act on the local values of the global objects.
Classicaly, each processor receives an identier (a number id) between 0 and p 1. All
processors are considered equal except for operations that give a special role to one of the
processors, this role is by default assigned to processor number 0. The pid and p could be
obtained using:
1 def cpu (pid, nprocs) :
2 return pid, nprocs
4 pid, nprocs = (x.value for x in ParData(cpu))
To not have to manage between local and global objects
and writting our programs as BSPlib
ones (SPMD ones) but in Python, the solution to circumvent this fact is to make the main
function of the Python program as global, that is:
1 @ParFunction
2 def main ( inle ) :
3 #parallel code
4 #main loop of the code
6 #call this functon with the rst argument of the shell
7 main(sys.argv[1])
Now, we can still uses the BSP/Python facilities for communicated Pythons objects in a
BSP-SPMD fashion. Note that it is not appropriate to follow the example of BSPlib and dene
separate API routines for sending data and for synchronization, which implies reception. Such
a separation would invite erroneous situations in which a routine sends data and then calls
another function or method that happens to perform a synchronization. This risk is eliminated
in Python/BSP by making synchronization an integral part of every communication operation.
A single API call sends data and returns the received data after the synchronization.
(c) BSP-Pythons communication routines
According to the BSP model, all communication takes place at the end of a superstep, af-
ter the local computations. A superstep is thus simply everything that happens between two
communication operations, which in general involves code in several functions and methods.
Python/BSP communication operations are dened as methods on global objects. An imme-
diate consequence is that no communication is possible within local functions or methods of local
classes. However, communication is possible within the methods of global classes of functions,
which dene distributed data types. This is the case for our main global function.
In one important aspect, as in BSML, Python/BSP is much higher-level than BSPlib for C:
communication operations can transmit almost any kind of data
BSP/Python propose a set of communication patterns implemented as methods in all of the
global data classes. For example, we have:
put(pid list ) which sends the local value to all processors in pid list (a global object
whose local value is a list of processor identiers); returns a global data object whose
local value is a list of all the values received from other processors, in unspecied order;
fullExchange() which sends the local value of each processor to all other processors; returns
a global data object whose local value is a list of all the received values, in unspecied
accumulate(operator, zero) which performs an accumulation with operator over the local
values of all processors using zero as initial value; the result is a global data object whose
local value on each processor is the reduction of the values from all processors with lower
or equal number.
In the communication operations described until now, it is always the local value of the global
data type that is sent, whether to one or to several receiving processors. In some situations, it
is necessary to send dierent values to dierent processors. This can in principle be achieved
This model of programming were design to ensure safety be fordib deadlocks: synchronisations would be
global and thus do not depend of local values without as being rts globally exchange.
This is achieved by using the general serialization of Python, which generates a unique byte string represen-
tation of any data object and also permits the reconstruction of the object from the byte string.
by a series of put operations, but a special communication operation is both more ecient and
allows more readable code.
For this purpose, Python/BSP provides a specialized global data type called ParMessages. Its
local values are lists (or sets) of data - processor identier pairs. The method exchange() sends
each data item to the corresponding processor and returns another ParMessages object storing
the received data items.
This is the method we used in our programsand and is as the all-to-allv of MPI. For example
of use, if send is the list (or sets) is data-processor id pairs then
1 recv = ParMessages(send).exchange().value
will perform exchange of values and synchronization by sending all the values containing in send.
Now, received values are stored in the list recv in an unspecied order and each processor can
easally iterate on it.
By make global the main function and using total exchange, we do not used the two levels of
BSP/Python and its good way of programming: our programs can thus make deadlocks if one
(or more) processors do not participe to the global/collective exchange, e.g. no have the same
number of super-steps:
1 if pid==0:
2 #pure sequential code
3 else:
4 recv = ParMessages(send).exchange().value
5 #pure sequential code
This will require us to manage the exact same number of super-steps one each processor
which will be easy to do in our case. We have willingly choose this lack of safety to have a more
common way of programming and to easally translate the code to more ecient language/li-
braries (C+MPI) and mainly for more classical tools for model-checking.
(d) Examples of BSP-Python programs
We present here some examples using BSP-Python. We only used the patterns
and the fact that the main function has been made global.
Total exchange. One particulary interesting patterns of communication is the total exchange
i.e. each processor send its local value to other processors and in nal, each processor have
all those values. This is mainly use in algorithms where we need a global strategy choise for
optimise further computations. We can code this function as:
1 def total_exchange(value):
2 send=set()
3 for i in xranges(nprocs):
4 send.add((i,( i ,value)))
5 rcv=ParMessages(send).exchange().value
6 return rcv
Note that we can just adding value instead of the the pair (i ,value) if knowing from which
processor is the value is not necessary we recall that their is no order of messages using
exchange().value. In this case we nd the fullExchange() pattern.
The BSP cost would be
(p 1) s g +L
where s is the bigger value (in bytes) aims by the processors.
Broadcasting values. Broadcasting a value consist of that a chosen processor send its local
value to other processors which could be coded as follow:
1 def direct_bcast(sender,value):
2 send=set()
3 if sender==pid:
4 for i in xranges(nprocs):
5 send.add((i,value))
6 rcv=ParMessages(send).exchange().value
7 return rcv.pop()
Since each processor received only one value from processor sender, it is thus possible to take
the only value in rcv. The BSP cost is:
(p 1) o(v
) g +L
where o(v
) is the size of the broadcasting value v
When p and o(v
) increase, it is clear that this method is not the good one. Another way is
the two-phases broadcasting: rst, the emitter processor cut its value into p pieces and send
each piece to a processor (rst super-step); then a total exchange of the received pieces is perform
(second super-step); nally each processor glue together the received pieces to recompose the
initial value. For code it, we also need to scatter that is perform the rst super-step of the
method. The full code would be:
1 def two_phase_bcast(sender,value):
2 #scatter
3 if pid==sender:
4 send=cut(value)
5 rcv=ParMessages(send).exchange().value
6 #total echange
7 send.empty()
8 my_piece=rcv.pop()
9 for i in xranges(nprocs):
10 send.add((i,( i ,my_piece)))
11 rcv=ParMessages(send).exchange().value
12 #glue
13 return glue(rcv)
where we suppose that we have the cut function that partition the value into a list of p pairs
(id,piece) and a function glue that can aggregate a list of pair (id,piece) into the initial emitted
value. The BSP cost would be
(p 1) o(v
g + 2 L +d(v
) +r(v
where d(v
) is the time to cut into p pieces the initial value v
of emitter processor and r(v
time to pick up the p pieces.
Parallel Sampling Sort Algorithm. This example is the sampling sort algorithm (PSRS) of
Schaeer in its BSP version [196]. The goal is to have data locally sorted and that processor
i have smaller elements than those of processor i + 1. Data were also need to be well enough
balanced. We assume n elements to sort where p
n and elements are well distributed over
the processors each processor have
The PSRS algorithm proceeds as follows. First, the local lists of the processors are sorted
independently with a sequential sort algorithm. The problem now consists of merging the p
sorted lists. Each process selects from its list p + 1 elements for the primary sample and there
is a total exchange of these values. In the second super-step, each process reads the p(p+1)
primary samples, sorts them and selects p secondary (main) samples. Noted that the main
sample is thus the same on each processor. That allows a global choice of how remapping the
data. In the third super-step, each processor picks a secondary block and gathers elements
that do belong to the assigned secondary block. In order to do this, each processor i sends to
processor j all its elements that may intersect with the assigned secondary blocks of processor
For simplify we suppose element of the same size. The BSP cost of the rst super-step is
+ (p(p + 1)s
) g +L
where c
is the time to compare two elements and s
size of an element. It is easy to see that
each processor send at most
elements. The BSP cost of the second super-step is thus:
g +L + time
where the time of merge elements (in a sorting way) is of order of n/p.
Using appropriate functions, that could code as:
1 def pssr( lists ):
2 lists . sort()
3 rst_sample=select(nprocs,lists)
4 for i in xranges(nprocs):
5 send.add((i,rst_sample))
6 rcv=ParMessages(send).exchange().value
7 second_ample=select(nprocs,rcv)
8 send=intervalles(nprocs,second_smaple,lists)
9 rcv=ParMessages(send).exchange().value
10 lists .empty()
11 for x in rcv:
12 lists .add(x)
4.2.2 SNAKES toolkit and syntactic layers
SNAKES is a Python library to dene, manipulate and execute coloured Petri nets [178]. A
large part of the work presented in this document have been implemented within snakes or
using it.
There exists a wide range of Petri net tools, most of them (if not all) being targeted to a
particular variant of Petri nets or a few ones. On the contrary snakes provides a general
and exible Petri net library allowing for quick prototyping and development of ad-hoc and test
tools using the programming language Python for build the Coloured Petri nets but also Python
expression for the colours and the annotations types and guards.
Python has been chosen as the development language for SNAKES because its high-level
features and library allows for quick development and easy maintenance. The choice of Python
as a colour domain then became natural since Python programs can evaluate Python code
dynamically. Moreover, if Python is suitable to develop a Petri net library, it is likely that it
is also suitable for Petri net annotations. It may be added that Python is free software and
runs on a very wide range of platforms: this is actually a general requirement as if a software is
complicated and works on a very specic platform, it is likely that only few people will use it.
In this section, we will not describe all the SNAKES library but only the needed for this work.
We refear to the web site of SNAKES
or [178] for more details.
(a) Architecture
SNAKES is centred on a core library that denes classes related to Petri nets. Then, a set
of extension modules, i.e., plugins, allow to add features to the core library or to change its
behaviour. SNAKES is organised as a core hierarchy of modules (plus additional internal ones
not listed here):
snakes is the top-level module and denes exceptions used throughout the library; denes basic data types (e.g. multisets and substitutions) and data manipu-
lation functions (e.g. Cartesian product);
snakes.typing denes a typing system used to restrict the tokens allowed in a place;
snakes.nets denes all the classes directly related to Petri nets: places, transitions, arcs,
nets, markings, reachability graphs, etc; it also exposes all the api from the modules
snakes.plugins is the root for all the extension modules of snakes.
snakes is designed so that it can represent Petri nets in a very general fashion:
Each transition has a guard that can be any Python Boolean expression;
Each place has a type that can be an arbitrary Python Boolean function that is used to
accept or refuse tokens;
Tokens may be arbitrary Python objects;
Input arcs (i.e. from places to transitions) can be labelled by values that can be arbitrary
Python object (to consume a known value), variables (to bind a token to a variable name),
tuples of such objects (to match structured tokens, with nesting allowed), or multisets of
all these objects (to consume several tokens); new kind of arcs may be added (e.g. read
and ush arcs are provided as simple extensions of existing arcs);
Output arcs (i.e. from transitions to places) can be labelled the same way as input arcs,
moreover, they can be labelled by arbitrary Python expressions to compute new values
to be produced;
A Petri net with these annotations is fully executable, the transition rule being that of
coloured Petri nets: all the possible enabling bindings of a transition can be computed
by snakes and used for ring.
snakes delegates all the computational aspects of Petri nets to Python. In particular, a
token is an arbitrary Python object, transitions execution can be guarded by arbitrary Python
Boolean expressions, and so on. As a result, a Petri net in snakes is mainly a skeleton with
very general behavioural rules (consume and produce tokens in places through the execution of
transitions) and with the full power of a programming language at any point where a computation
is required. snakes itself is programmed in Python and uses the capability of the language to
dynamically evaluate arbitrary statements. Using the same programming language for snakes
and its extension language is a major advantage for the generality: Petri nets in snakes can use
snakes as a library and work on Petri nets. For instance, as a token in snakes may be any
Python object, it could be an instance of the Petri net class of snakes.
(b) Main features
Apart from the possibility to handle Python-coloured Petri nets, the most noticeable other
features of snakes used in this work are:
Flexible typing system for places: a type is understood as a set dened by comprehension;
so, each place is equipped with a type checker to test whether a given value can be stored
or not in the place; using module snakes.typing, basic types may be dened and complex
types may be obtained using various type operations (like union, intersection, dierence,
complement, etc.); user-dened Boolean functions can also be used as type checkers;
Variety of arc kinds can be used, in particular: regular arcs, read arcs and ush arcs;
Support for the Petri net markup language (pnml) [177]: Petri nets may be stored to or
loaded from pnml les;
Fine control of the execution environment of the Python code embedded in a Petri net;
Flexible plugin system allowing to extend or replace any part of snakes;
snakes is shipped with a compiler that reads ABCD specications to produce pnml les
or pictures;
plugin gv allows to layout and draw Petri nets and marking graphs using GraphViz
tool [83].
Naturally, snakes also provide a tool that transforms ABCD expressions (with Python ex-
pression) into Python-coloured Petri nets. That able to manipulate the ABCD expressionz as a
Petri net.
Now we show how using snakes for our purpose that is not model problem using Petri nets
(and thus build Petri nets using snakes) because we use ABCD for this but how execute a Petri
net and more precisely how ring marking and obtain the childs markings.
(c) Use cases
First of all, if we want to used snakes in our Python program, we must to load the package,
load a Petri net from a PNML le and obtain the initial marking. That could be done with:
1 import snakes.nets
2 # load PNML
3 net = snakes.nets.loads( inle )
4 # get initial marking
5 init = net.get_marking()
Now it is possible to obtain all the transitions and place names:
1 #geting the list of all the transition names
2 all_trans=[ for t in net. transition ()]
3 #getting the list of all the placenames
4 places=[ for p in]
And now, obtain the markings child (the successors) from a xed marking (the initial one or
else) can be coded as:
1 # set nets marking
2 net.set_marking(marking)
3 for tname in all_trans :
4 # get transition from its name
5 t = net.transition(tname)
6 #obtained all the modes and iter on them
7 for m in t.modes() :
8 # re t , get the new marking and reset marking
9 t. re (m)
10 new_marking = net.get_marking()
11 net.set_marking(marking)
12 #in the following do something on the new state
In this code we have a main loop which iter on all the transitionnames of the Petri net. In each
loop, we take the transition t from its name. In order to get the list of enabling bindings for
the transition t, one may use t.modes(). Then, we thus iterate on the possible modes m of
the transition (from the marking). That allow to re this transition with the each of the modes
and to get a new marking from the net (re a transition has a side eet of execution on the net)
and we load the initial marking in order to go around again the loop.
In this document we also used some properties of the Petri nets generated by ABCD from
security protocols problem. First all, we can easally iterate on the places and transitions of net
like this
1 for p in :
2 ...
3 for t in net. transition () :
4 ...
and we can have the name of the place (resp. transition) (resp., p. label ("net")
(resp. t. label ("net")), p. label ("name"), the status of the place (p.status) that is statuses indi-
cating their roles (buer of data or control ow of the processes), t. label ("action")
4.2.3 Parallel algorithms
It is easy to see that the code is very simple to read and using Python allows to write the code
as a quasi-syntactic matching from our theoretical algorithms. The use of the global exchanges
of the BSP communication makes the termination problem of parallel state space construction
very simple while complicated algorithms are dened in previous papers [18].
However, we explain briey some points and tricks of implementation used to encode our
(a) State Space generations implementation
Here, we highlight the Python function of the computation of the successors for the naive
algorithm to explore the state space. It uses in particular the library Snakes viewed previously.
Notice the global variable allrules which list the set of the transitions of the model.
1 def initialize ( inle ) :
2 global net, s0, allrules , places
3 (...)
4 allrules = [ for t in net. transition ()]
5 (...)
8 def succ (s) :
9 res = set()
10 net.set_marking(s)
11 for tname in allrules :
12 t = net.transition(tname)
13 for m in t.modes() :
14 t. re (m)
15 res .add(net.get_marking())
16 net.set_marking(s)
17 return res
Our amelioration on this function consists of two successors functions: one for local transitions
and the other for the reception transition whose states red correspond to the sends states or
to unsent states but to explore during the next superstep. To do this it suces to add an
argument named allrules which is no longer, therefore, consider as all the transitions of the
model, the body of the function remaining the same. The functions of local successors succL()
and of reception successors succR() use the function succ() by specifying as argument which
transitions must be red.
1 def succ (s, allrules ) :
2 (...)
4 def succL (s) :
5 return succ(s, noht)
7 def succR (s) :
8 return succ(s, ht)
All reception transitions denoted ht and all local transitions denoted noht are found during
the loading phase of the Petri net. We add a le having the same name as the pnml le with
the extension .ht, this le indicates the reception transitions. The set of local transitions being
found by the computation of the complementary of these transitions. Similarly, are listed in a
le having the extension .dp, the reception places used by the hash function; such a hash as we
have seen preserves a certain locality.
1 def initialize ( inle ) :
2 global net, s0, allrules , places
3 net = snakes.nets.loads( inle )
4 s0 = net.get_marking()
5 dp = [l. strip () for l in open( inle + ".dp") if l. strip ()]
6 dp.sort()
7 ht = [l . strip () for l in open( inle + ".ht") if l. strip ()]
8 ht. sort()
9 noht = [ for t in net. transition () if not in ht]
10 noht.sort()
12 def h (m) :
13 return reduce(operator.xor, (hash((p, m[p])) for p in dp if p in m), 0) % nprocs
Find the places of the processes and the reception transitions to put in the les with the
extensions respective .dp and .ht is an easy task wich can be automated. Take as example the
Needham Schroeder protocol (whose a specication is given before it), playing a certain scenario.
The le of reception transitions contains only transitions of agents performing a reception.
We recall the scenario:
buer agents : int = 2, 3, 4
alice::Alice(1, agents)
| bob1::Bob(2)
| bob2::Bob(3)
| spy::Mallory(4, ())
The le of reception transitions (4.12) includes reception transitions preceded by the name of
agents which play them in the scenario.
The le of reception places (4.13) includes the reception places preceded by the name of
agents which play them in the scenario, or more exactly the places wich are modied during the
receptions and remaining unchanged by ring the other transitions.
We give here the implementation of our parallel state space generation algorithm wich benets,
in addition to the previous improvement, of a statistical calculation phase of the states to send for
a better balance of communications, and as we have seen, of calculations also. Note the simplicity
of expressiveness of Python language, the great simplicity of the code with the corresponding
1 from Scientic .BSP import ParData, ParFunction, ParMessages
2 import snakes.nets
3 import bspsnk
4 from snakes.hashables import
5 import operator
7 def cpu (pid, nprocs) :
8 return pid, nprocs
10 pid, nprocs = (x.value for x in ParData(cpu))
12 def initialize ( inle ) :
13 global net, s0, allrules , places
14 net = snakes.nets.loads( inle )
15 s0 = net.get_marking()
16 dp = [l. strip () for l in open( inle + ".dp") if l. strip ()]
17 dp.sort()
18 ht = [l . strip () for l in open( inle + ".ht") if l. strip ()]
19 ht. sort()
20 noht = [ for t in net. transition () if not in ht]
21 noht.sort()
23 def h (m) :
24 return reduce(operator.xor, (hash((p, m[p])) for p in dp if p in m), 0)
26 def succ (s, allrules ) :
27 res = set()
28 net.set_marking(s)
29 for tname in allrules :
30 t = net.transition(tname)
31 for m in t.modes() :
32 t. re (m)
33 res .add(net.get_marking())
34 net.set_marking(s)
35 return res
37 def succL (s) :
38 return succ(s, noht)
40 def succR (s) :
41 return succ(s, ht)
43 def successor (known, todo) :
44 tosend = collections. defaultdict (set)
45 while todo :
46 s = todo.pop()
47 known.add(state)
48 for s_ in succL(s) known :
49 todo.add(s_)
50 for s_ in succR(s) known :
51 tosend[h(s_)].add(s_)
52 return tosend
54 def BSP_EXCHANGE (tosend) :
55 todo = set(tosend[pid])
56 total = sum(len(tosend[k]) for k in xrange(nprocs))
57 for j , (count, states) in ParMessages((i, (total, tosend[i ]))
58 for i in xrange(nprocs)
59 if i != pid)).exchange().value :
60 total += count
61 todo.update(states)
62 return total , todo
64 def balance (tosend) :
65 histo = collections. defaultdict (int)
66 local = tuple((i, len(states)) for i , states in tosend.iteritems())
67 histo.update(local)
68 for j , l in ParMessages((n, local) for n in xrange(nprocs)
69 if n != pid).exchange().value :
70 for i , c in l :
71 histo[ i ] += c
72 pack = [hset() for n in xrange(nprocs)]
73 size = [0] nprocs
74 for c, i in sorted((c, i ) for i , c in histo. iteritems (), reverse=True) :
75 # this is not ecient in terms of complexity, but fast in
76 # terms of implementation (C code running on short lists)
77 m = size.index(min(size))
78 pack[m].update(tosend[i])
79 size [m] = len(pack[m])
80 return enumerate(pack)
82 def exchange (known, tosend) :
83 known.clear()
84 return BSP_EXCHANGE(balance(tosend))
86 @ParFunction
87 def main ( inle ) :
88 initialize ( inle )
89 todo = set()
90 total = 1
91 known = set()
92 if h(s0) == pid :
93 todo.add(s0)
94 while total >0 :
95 tosend = successor(known, todo)
96 todo, total = exchange(known, tosend)
98 main(sys.argv[1])
(b) LTL and CTL*s implementation
Our implementation of our algorithm of LTL checking is done via the object paradigm. A class
ModchkLTL is used for the body of the algorithm itself. Verication is done by the method
par_exploration() which takes as argument the initial assertion including the initial state and
the LTL formula it must verify.
1 class ModchkLTL (object) :
2 def __init__ (self) :
3 (...)
4 def init ( self , sigma, valid) :
5 (...)
6 def dfs ( self , sigma, valid, send) :
7 (...)
8 def par_exploration(self , sigma0) :
9 (...)
10 def BSP_EXCHANGE (self, tosend, ag) :
11 (...)
12 def exchange (self, send, ag) :
13 (...)
1 @ParFunction
2 def callModchkLTL (sigma) :
3 mck = ModchkLTL()
4 mck.par_exploration(sigma)
The object paradigm is helpful especially for the treatment of formulas. The class Sigma
manages the processing of assertion via especially the method subgoals() which implements the
rules of subgoals used by the algorithm and dened in [28] taking into account the imperatives
of our algorithm by lling the set send of elements to send.
1 class Formula (object) :
2 (...)
3 class Or (Formula) :
4 (...)
5 class Not (Formula) :
6 (...)
7 class And (Formula) :
8 (...)
9 class Forall (Formula) :
10 (...)
11 class Exists (Formula) :
12 (...)
13 class Next (Formula) :
14 (...)
15 class Until (Formula) :
16 (...)
17 class WeakUntil (Formula) :
18 (...)
19 class Atom (Formula) :
20 (...)
21 class Deadlock (Atom) :
22 (...)
23 class State (object) :
24 (...)
25 class Sigma (object) :
26 (...)
27 def subgoals ( self , send) :
28 (...)
29 # R1
30 if p.s and p(self) :
31 (...)
32 # R2
33 elif p.s :
34 (...)
35 # R3
36 elif isinstance(p, Or) :
37 (...)
38 # R4
39 elif isinstance(p, And) :
40 (...)
41 # R5
42 elif isinstance(p, Until) :
43 (...)
44 # R6
45 elif isinstance(p, WeakUntil) :
46 (...)
47 # R7
48 elif all (isinstance(x, Next) for x in self .a) :
49 (...)
Notice that, by postponing communication, this algorithm allows buered sending and forbids
sending several times the same state.
4.3 State space generations benchmarks
In order to evaluate our algorithm, we have implemented a prototype version in Python, using
SNAKES [178] for the Petri net part (which also allowed for a quick modelling of the protocols,
including the inference rules of the Dolev-Yao attacker) and a Python BSP library [128] for
the BSP routines (which are close to an MPI alltoall). We actually used the MPI version
(with MPICH) of the BSP-Python library. While largely suboptimal (Python programs are
interpreted and there is no optimisation about the representation of the states in SNAKES),
this prototype nevertheless allows and accurate comparison of the various algorithms.
With respect to the presented algorithms, our implementations dier only on technical details
(e.g. value total returned by BSP_EXCHANGE is actually computed by exchanging also
the number of values sent by each processor) and minor improvements (e.g. we used in-place
updating of sets and avoided multiple computations of cpu(s) using an intermediate variable).
The benchmarks presented below have been performed using a cluster with 16 PCs connected
through a Gigabyte Ethernet network. Each PC is equipped with a 2GHz Intel Pentium dual
core CPU, with 2GB of physical memory. This allowed to simulate a BSP computer with 32
processors equipped with 1GB of memory each. MPICH were used as low level library for
These experiments are designed to compare the performances of the two implementations.
Our cases study involved the following ve protocols: (1) Needham-Schroeder (NS) public key
protocol for mutual authentication; (2) Yahalom (Y) key distribution and mutual authentication
using a trusted third party; (3) Otway-Rees (OR) key sharing using a trusted third party; (4)
Kao-Chow (KC) key distribution and authentication; (5) Woo and Lam Pi (WLP) authentica-
tion protocol with public keys and trusted server. These protocols and their security issues are
documented at the Security Protocols Open Repository (SPORE
For each protocol, using ABCD, we have built a modular model allowing for dening various
scenarios involving dierent numbers of each kind of agents with only one attacker, which is
always enough. We note these scenarios NSxy x Alices, y Bobs with one unique sequential
session; Y(resp. OR, KC and WLP)x y z_n x Servers, y Alices, z Bobs, n sequential
sequential sessions.
We give here the total time of computation. We note SWAP when at least one processor
swaps due to a lack of main memory for storing its part of the state space. We also note
COMM when this situation happens in communication time: the system is unable to received
data since no enough memory is available. We also give the number of states. We have for the
Needham-Schroeder protocol:
Scenario Naive Balance Nb_states
NS_1-2 0m50.222s 0m42.095s 7807
NS_1-3 115m46.867s 61m49.369s 530713
NS_2-2 112m10.206s 60m30.954s 456135
For the Yahalom protocol:
Scenario Naive Balance Nb_states
Y_1-3-1 12m44.915s 7m30.977s 399758
Y_1-3-1_2 30m56.180s 14m41.756s 628670
Y_1-3-1_3 481m41.811s 25m54.742s 931598
Y_2-2-1 2m34.602s 2m25.777s 99276
Y_3-2-1 COMM 62m56.410s 382695
Y_2-2-2 2m1.774s 1m47.305s 67937
For the Otway-Rees protocol:
Scenario Naive Balance Nb_states
OR_1-1-2 38m32.556s 24m46.386s 12785
OR_1-1-2_2 196m31.329s 119m52.000s 17957
OR_1-1-2_3 411m49.876s 264m54.832s 22218
OR_1-2-1 21m43.700s 9m37.641s 1479
For the Woo and Lam Pi protocol:
Scenario Naive Balance Nb_states
WLP_1-1-1 0m12.422s 0m9.220s 4063
WLP_1-1-1_2 1m15.913s 1m1.850s 84654
WLP_1-1-1_3 COMM 24m7.302s 785446
WLP_1-2-1 2m38.285s 1m48.463s 95287
WLP_1-2-1_2 SWAP 55m1.360s 946983
For the Kao-Chow protocol:
Scenario Naive Balance Nb_states
KC_1-1-1 4m46.631s 1m15.332s 376
KC_1-1-2 80m57.530s 37m50.530s 1545
KC_1-1-3 716m42.037s 413m37.728s 4178
KC_1-1-1_2 225m13.406s 95m0.693s 1163
KC_1-2-1 268m36.640s 159m28.823s 4825
We can see that the overall performance of our dedicated implementation (call balance) is
always very good compared to the naive and general one. This holds for large state spaces as
well as for smaller ones. Furthermore, the naive implementation can swap which never happens
for the balance one.
To see the dierences in behaviour (and not only execution time), we show some graphs for
several scenarios. In the Figures 4.154.18, we have distinguished: the computation time that
essentially corresponds to the computations of successor states on each processor (in black);
the communication time that corresponds to states exchange and histogram computations (in
grey); the waiting times that occur when processors are forced to wait the others before to enter
the communication phase of each super-step (in white). Graphs in the right are cumulative
time (in percentage in ordinate) depicted for each processor point of view (abscissa) whereas
graphs in the right are global points of view: cumulative times of each of the super-steps (time
in ordinate). We also show the percentage (ordinate) of main memory used by the program
(average of the processors) during the execution time of the program (abscissa).
Figure 4.14 shows the execution times for two scenarios for each protocol; the depicted results
are fair witnesses of what we could observe from the large number of scenarios we have actually
run. In the gure, the total execution time is split into three parts: the computation time
(black) that essentially corresponds to the computation of successor states on each processor;
the global and thus collective communication time (gray) that corresponds to states exchange;
the waiting times (white) that occur when processors are forced to wait the others before to enter
the communication phase of each super-step. Notice that because of the BSP model, these costs
are obtained by considering the maximum times among the processors within each super-step,
accumulated over the whole computation.
We can see on these graphs that the overall performance of our last algorithm (right-most
bars) is always very good compared to the naive algorithm (left-most bars). In particular, the
communication and waiting times are always greatly reduced. This holds for large state spaces
as well as for smaller ones.
An important waiting time corresponds to an unbalanced computation: if some processors
spend more time computing successors, the others will have to wait for them to nish this
computation before every processor enters the communication phase. In several occurrences,
we can observe that, by increasing the local computation, we have worsen the balance, which
increased the waiting time. This corresponds to graphs where the middle part in the second
column is taller than the same part in the left column. However, we can observe that our
last optimisation to improve the balance, without introduce an overhead of communications,
is always very ecient and results in negligible waiting time in every case. The variations of
observed computation times are similarly caused by a bad balance because we depicted the
accumulation of the maximum times among the processors.
Finally, by comparing the left and right columns of results, we can observe that the overall
speedup is generally better when larger state spaces are computed. This is mainly due to the
fact that the waiting time accumulation becomes more important on longer runs.
We can see on these graphs that for balance the communications are always greatly reduced
but some time a greater waiting times: this is due to the computation of the histograms and to
the fact that we perform an heuristic (of the bin packing problem) for dispatching the classes
of states on the processors and some classes contains states that induce a little bigger number
of successors (and the probability that these states are regrouped on the same classes is greater
in balance than in the complete random distribution of naive). Note that the hashing
(completely random) of naive gives the better balancing on some scenarios. For a small
OR scenario, the waiting time of naive is greater but more balanced. However, for a bigger
scenario, balance outperforms naive.
By measuring the memory consumption of our implementations, we could conrm the benets
of balance (emptied memory regularly) when large state spaces are computed. For instance,
in the NS-2-2 scenario, we observed an improvement of the peak memory usage from 50% to
20% (maximum among all the processors). Similarly, for the WLP-1-2-1_2, the peak decreases
so that the computation does not swap. For Y-3-2-1, balance used a little less memory but
that enough to not crash the whole machine.
Notice that the memory use never decrease even for balance. This is due to the GC strategy
of Python for sets which de-allocate pages of the main memory only when no enough memory
is available: allocated pages are directly used for other new items.
As a last observation about our balance implementation, we would like to emphasise that we
observed a linear speedup with respect to the number of processors. In general, most parallel al-
gorithms suer from an amortised speedup (that happens for the naive implementation) when
the number of processors increases. This is almost always caused by the increasing amount of
communication that becomes dominant over the computation. Because our balance implemen-
tation is specically dedicated to reduce the number of cross transitions, and thus the amount of
communication, this problem is largely alleviated and we could observe amortised speedup only
for very small models for which the degree of intrinsic parallelism is very reduced but whose
state space is in any way computed very quickly.
4.4 LTL and CTL*s benchmarks
In order to evaluate our algorithm, we have used two formulas of the form Udeadlock, where
deadlock is an atomic proposition that holds i state has no successor and is a formula that
checks for an attack on the considered protocol: Fml1 is the classical secrecy and Fml2 is
aliveness [62]. The chosen formulas globally hold so that the whole proof graph is computed.
Indeed, on several instances with counterexamples, we have observed that the sequential algo-
rithm can be faster than the parallel version when a violating state can be found quickly: our
parallel algorithm uses a global breadth-rst search while the sequential exploration is depth-
rst, which usually succeeds earlier. But when all the exploration has to be performed, which
is widely acknowledged as the hardest case, our algorithm is always much faster. Moreover,
we sometimes could not compute the state space sequentially while the distributed version suc-
ceeded, thanks to the distribution of states and sweep-line strategy which is also used for
sequential computing.
We have implemented a prototype version in Python, using SNAKES [178] for the Petri net
part (which also allowed for a quick modelling of the protocols, including the Dolev-Yao attacker)
and a Python BSP library [128] for the BSP routines (which are close to an MPI alltoall). We
actually used the MPI version (with MPICH) of the BSP-Python library. While largely subop-
timal (Python programs are interpreted and there is no optimisation about the representation
of the states in SNAKES and the implementation of the attacker is not optimal at all), this
prototype nevertheless allows an accurate comparison for acceleration. The benchmarks pre-
sented below have been performed using a cluster with 20 PCs connected through a 1 Gigabyte
Ethernet network. Each PC is equipped with a 2GHz Intel Pentium dual core CPU, with
2GB of physical memory. This allowed to simulate a BSP computer with 40 processors equipped
with 1GB of memory each.
Our case studies involved the following four protocols: (1) Needham-Schroeder public key pro-
tocol for mutual authentication; (2) Yahalom key distribution and mutual authentication using
a trusted third party; (3) Otway-Rees key sharing using a trusted third party; (4) Kao-Chow
key distribution and authentication. These protocols and their security issues are documented
at the Security Protocols Open Repository (SPORE
As a last observation about our algorithm, we would like to emphasise that we observed a
relative speedup with respect to the number of processors. In general, most parallel algorithms
suer from an amortised speedup when the number of processors increases. This is almost
always caused by the increasing amount of communication that becomes dominant over the
computation. Because our algorithm is specically dedicated to reduce the number of cross
transitions, and thus the amount of communication, this problem is largely alleviated and we
could observe amortised speedup only for very small models for which the degree of intrinsic
parallelism is very reduced but whose state space is in any way computed very quickly. Finally,
measuring the memory consumption of our various algorithms, we could also conrm the benets
of our sweep-line implementation when large state spaces are computed.
Figure 4.19 gives the speed-up for each the two formulas and two sessions of each protocol.
For the Yahalom protocol, the computation fails due to a lack of main memory (swapping) if less
that 4 nodes are used: we could thus not give the speedup but only times. We observed a relative
speedup with respect to the number of processors. Finally, measuring the memory consumption
of our algorithm, we could also conrm the benets of our sweep-line implementation when large
state spaces are computed.
Figure 4.20 gives the timings for formula that checks for a typical attack of the protocols and
for sessions with two honest agents.
net Alice (this, agents, server, session) :
buer peer : int = ()
buer peer_nonce : Nonce = ()
buer keyAB : object = ()
[agents?(B), peer+(B), snd+(this, server, this, B, Nonce((this, session)))] #1>
rcv?(B, this,
("crypt", ("secret", server, this), this, B, Na, key),
("crypt", key, Na), Nb),
peer_nonce+(Nb), keyAB+(key) if Na == Nonce((this, session))] #3<
[peer?(B), peer_nonce?(Nb), keyAB?(key),
snd+(this, B, ("crypt", key, Nb))] #4>
net Bob (this, server, session) :
buer peer : int = ()
buer peer_nonce : Nonce = ()
buer illisible : object = ()
buer keyAB : object = ()
[rcv?(server, this, myster,
("crypt", ("secret", server, this), A, B, Na, key)),
peer+(A), peer_nonce+(Na), illisible+(myster), keyAB+(key)] #2<
[peer?(A), peer_nonce?(Na), illisible?(myster), keyAB?(key),
snd+(this, A, myster, ("crypt", key, Na), Nonce((this, session)))] #3>
[peer?(A), keyAB?(key), rcv?(A, this, ("crypt", key, Nb)) if Nb == Nonce((this, session))]
net Server (this) :
buer peer_alice : int = ()
buer peer_bob : int = ()
buer peer_alice_nonce : Nonce = ()
[rcv?(A, this, A, B, Na), peer_alice+(A), peer_alice_nonce+(Na), peer_bob+(B)] #1<
[peer_alice?(A), peer_alice_nonce?(Na), peer_bob?(B),
snd+(this, B,
("crypt", ("secret", this, A), A, B, Na, ("secret", A, B, Na)),
("crypt", ("secret", this, B), A, B, Na, ("secret", A, B, Na)))] #2>
net Mallory (this, set_sessions) :
buer spy : object = Spy(
(int, int, int, int, Nonce), #1
(int, int,
("crypt", ("secret", int, int),
int, int, Nonce, ("secret", int, int, Nonce)),
("crypt", ("secret", int, int),
int, int, Nonce, ("secret", int, int, Nonce))), #2
(int, int,
("crypt", ("secret", int, int),
int, int, Nonce, ("secret", int, int, Nonce)),
("crypt", ("secret", int, int, Nonce), Nonce),
Nonce), #3
(int, int,
("crypt", ("secret", int, int, Nonce), Nonce)) #4
[rcv ((this,)
+ tuple(range(1, this))
+ tuple(Nonce((this, s)) for s in set_sessions)
([spy?(s), snd(m), rcv (k), rcv (s.learn(m, k))] [False])
Figure 4.6. Kao Chow protocol in ABCD.
net Alice (A, agents, S, session) :
buer B_ : int = ()
# M = Nonce((A, session))
[agents?(B), B_+(B),
snd+(Nonce((A, session)), A, B, ("crypt", ("secret", A, S), Nonce(A), Nonce((A, session)), A, B))] # 1>
[rcv?(M, ("crypt", ("secret", A, S), Na, key))
if M == Nonce((A, session)) and Na == Nonce(A)] # 4<
net Bob (B, S) :
buer A_ : int = ()
buer M_ : Nonce = ()
buer myster_ : object = ()
buer kab_ : tuple = ()
[rcv?(M, A, B, myster), A_+(A), M_+(M), myster_+(myster)] # 1<
[A_?(A), M_?(M), myster_?(myster),
snd+(M, A, B, myster, ("crypt", ("secret", B, S), Nonce(B), M, A, B))] # 2>
[M_?(M), rcv?(M, myster, ("crypt", ("secret", B, S), Nb, kab)),
myster_+(myster), kab_+(kab) if Nb == Nonce(B)] # 3<
[A_?(A), M_?(M), myster_?(myster),
snd+(M, myster)] # 4>
net Server (S) :
buer A_ : int = ()
buer B_ : int = ()
buer Na_ : Nonce = ()
buer Nb_ : Nonce = ()
buer M_ : Nonce = ()
[rcv?(M, A, B,
("crypt", ("secret", A, S), Na, M, A, B),
("crypt", ("secret", B, S), Nb, M, A, B)),
A_+(A), B_+(B), Na_+(Na), Nb_+(Nb), M_+(M)] # 2<
[A_?(A), B_?(B), Na_?(Na), Nb_?(Nb), M_?(M),
("crypt", ("secret", A, S), Na, ("secret", Na, Nb)),
("crypt", ("secret", B, S), Nb, ("secret", Na, Nb)))] # 3>, Kab=("secret", Na, Nb)
net Mallory (this, set_sessions) :
buer spy : object = Spy(
(Nonce, int, int, ("crypt", ("secret", int, int), Nonce, Nonce, int, int)), #1
(Nonce, int, int,
("crypt", ("secret", int, int), Nonce, Nonce, int, int),
("crypt", ("secret", int, int), Nonce, Nonce, int, int)), #2
("crypt", ("secret", int, int), Nonce, tuple),
("crypt", ("secret", int, int), Nonce, tuple)), #3
(Nonce, ("crypt", ("secret", int, int), Nonce, tuple)) #4
[rcv ((this, Nonce(this))
+ tuple(range(1, this))
+ set_sessions
([spy?(s), snd(m), rcv (k), rcv (s.learn(m, k))] [False])
Figure 4.7. Otway Rees protocol in ABCD.
net Alice (A, agents, S) :
buer B_ : int = ()
buer Nb_ : Nonce = ()
buer keyAB_ : tuple = ()
buer myster_ : object = ()
[agents?(B), B_+(B), snd+(A, Nonce(A))] # 1>
[B_?(B), rcv?(("crypt", ("secret", A, S), B, keyAB, Na, Nb), myster),
Nb_+(Nb), keyAB_+(keyAB), myster_+(myster) if Na == Nonce(A)] # 3<
[B_?(B), myster_?(myster), Nb_?(Nb), keyAB_?(keyAB),
snd+(myster, ("crypt", keyAB, Nb))] # 4>
net Bob (B, S) :
buer A_ : int = ()
buer Na_ : Nonce = ()
[rcv?(A, Na), A_+(A), Na_+(Na)] #1 <
[A_?(A), Na_?(Na), snd+(B, ("crypt", ("secret", B, S), A, Na, Nonce(B)))] #2 >
[A_?(A), rcv?(("crypt", ("secret", B, S), A, keyAB),
("crypt", keyAB, Nb)) if Nb == Nonce(B)] # 4<
net Server (S) :
buer A_ : int = ()
buer B_ : int = ()
buer Na_ : Nonce = ()
buer Nb_ : Nonce = ()
[rcv?(B, ("crypt", ("secret", B, S), A, Na, Nb)), A_+(A),
B_+(B), Na_+(Na), Nb_+(Nb)] # 2 <
[A_?(A), B_?(B), Na_?(Na), Nb_?(B),
snd+(("crypt", ("secret", A, S), B, ("secret", Na, Nb), Na, Nb),
("crypt", ("secret", B, S), A, ("secret", Na, Nb)))] # 3> # kab = (Na, Nb)
net Mallory (this) :
buer spy : object = Spy(
(int, Nonce), #1
(int, ("crypt", ("secret", int, int), int, Nonce, Nonce)), #2
(("crypt", ("secret", int, int), int, ("secret", Nonce, Nonce), Nonce, Nonce),
("crypt", ("secret", int, int), int, ("secret", Nonce, Nonce))), #3
(("crypt", ("secret", int, int), int, ("secret", Nonce, Nonce)),
("crypt", ("secret", Nonce, Nonce), Nonce)) #4
[rcv ((this, Nonce(this))
+ tuple(range(1, this))
([spy?(s), snd(m), rcv (k), rcv (s.learn(m, k))] [False])
Figure 4.8. Yahalom protocol in ABCD.
net Alice (A, agents, S) :
buer B_ : int = ()
buer Nb_ : Nonce = ()
[agents?(B), B_+(B), snd+(A)] # 1>
[rcv?(Nb), Nb_+(Nb)] # 2<
[Nb_?(Nb), snd+(("crypt", ("secret", A, S), Nb))] # 3>
net Bob (B, S) :
buer A_ : int = ()
buer myster_ : object = ()
[rcv?(A), A_+(A)] # 1<
[snd+(Nonce(B))] # 2>
[rcv?(myster), myster_+(myster)] #3<
[A_?(A), myster_?(myster), snd+(("crypt", ("secret", B, S), A, myster))] # 4>
[rcv?(("crypt", ("secret", S, B), Nb)) if Nb == Nonce(B)] # 5<
net Server (S) :
buer B_ : int = ()
buer Nb_ : Nonce = ()
[rcv?(("crypt", ("secret", B, S), A, ("crypt", ("secret", A, S), Nb))), B_+(B), Nb_+(Nb)] #4<
[B_?(B), Nb_?(Nb), snd+(("crypt", ("secret", S, B), Nb))] #5>
net Mallory (this) :
buer spy : object = Spy(
(("crypt", ("secret", int, int), Nonce)),
(("crypt", ("secret", int, int), int, ("crypt", ("secret", int, int), Nonce))),
(("crypt", ("secret", int, int), Nonce))
[rcv ((this, Nonce(this))
+ tuple(range(1, this))
([spy?(s), snd(m), rcv (k), rcv (s.learn(m, k))] [False])
Figure 4.9. Woo and Lam protocol in ABCD.
buer snd : object = ()
buer rcv : object = ()
buer ttA : int = 0
buer ttS : int = 0
buer ttB : int = 0
net Alice (A, agents, S, session) :
buer B_ : int = ()
[agents?(B), B_+(B), ttA(Ta),
snd+(A, server, A, ("crypt", ("secret", A, S), Ta+1, B, ("secret", A, B, session))),
ttA+(Ta+1)] #1>
net Bob (B, S) :
[ttB(Tb), rcv?(S, B, ("crypt", ("secret", S, B), Ts, A, key)), ttB+(Ts)
if Tb < Ts] # 2<
net Server (S) :
buer A_ : int = ()
buer B_ : int = ()
buer keyAB : tuple = ()
[ttS(Ts), rcv?(A, S, A, ("crypt", ("secret", A, S), Ta, B, keyAB)),
A_+(A), B_+(B), keyAB+(key), ttS+(Ta) if Ts < Ta] #<1
[ttS(Ts), A_?(A), B_?(B), keyAB?(key),
snd+(S, B, ("crypt", ("secret", S, B), Ts+1, A, key)), ttS+(Ts+1)] # 2>
net Mallory (this, set_sessions) :
buer spy : object = Spy(
(int, int, int, ("crypt", ("secret", int, int), int, int, ("secret", int, int, int))), #1
(int, int, ("crypt", ("secret", int, int), int, int, ("secret", int, int, int))) #2
[rcv ((this)
+ tuple(range(1, this))
+ tuple(range(0,3 max(set_sessions))) # ensemble de time_stamp
([spy?(s), snd(m), rcv (k), rcv (s.learn(m, k))] [False])
Figure 4.10. Wide Mouthed Frog in ABCD.
buer snd : object = ()
buer rcv : object = ()
net Alice (A, agents) :
buer _B : int = ()
buer _Nb : Nonce = ()
[agents?(B), _B+(B), snd+(A, B, A, ("crypt", ("secret", A, B), Nonce(A)))] #1>
[_B?(B), rcv?(B, A, ("crypt", ("secret", A, B), ("succ", Na), Nb)), _Nb+(Nb) if Na == Nonce(A)] #<2
[_B?(B), _Nb?(Nb), snd+(A, B, ("crypt", ("secret", A, B), ("succ", Nb)))] #>3
[_B?(B), _Nb?(Nb), rcv?(B, A, ("crypt", ("secret", A, B), new_key, Nb_2))] #<4
net Bob (B) :
buer _A : int = ()
buer _Na : Nonce = ()
[rcv?(A, B, A, ("crypt", ("secret", A, B), Na)), _A+(A), _Na+(Na)] #1<
[_A?(A), _Na?(Na), snd+(B, A, ("crypt", ("secret", A, B), ("succ", Na), Nonce(B)))] #>2
[_A?(B), rcv?(A, B, ("crypt", ("secret", A, B), ("succ", Nb))) if Nb == Nonce(B)] #<3
[_A?(A), _Na?(Na), snd+(B, A, ("crypt", ("secret", A, B), ("secret", Na, Nonce(B)), Nonce(A+B)))] #>4
net Mallory (this, init) :
buer spy : object = Spy(
(int, int, int, ("crypt", ("secret", int, int), Nonce)), #1>
(int, int, ("crypt", ("secret", int, int), ("succ", Nonce), Nonce)), #>2
(int, int, ("crypt", ("secret", int, int), ("succ", Nonce))), #>3
(int, int, ("crypt", ("secret", int, int), ("secret", Nonce, Nonce), Nonce)) #>4
[rcv ((this, Nonce(this))
+ tuple(range(1, this))
+ init)]
([spy?(s), snd(m), rcv (k), rcv (s.learn(m, k))] [False])
Figure 4.11. Andrew Secure RPC in ABCD.
alice.[rcv?("crypt", ("pub", this), Na, Nb), peer_nonce+(Nb) if Na == Nonce(this)]
bob1.[rcv?("crypt", ("pub", this), A, Na), peer+(A), peer_nonce+(Na)]
bob1.[rcv?("crypt", ("pub", this), Nb) if Nb == Nonce(this)]
bob2.[rcv?("crypt", ("pub", this), A, Na), peer+(A), peer_nonce+(Na)]
bob2.[rcv?("crypt", ("pub", this), Nb) if Nb == Nonce(this)]
Figure 4.12. File of the transition of reception of the Classical Needham Schroeder protocol
in ABCD.
Figure 4.13. File of the designated places of the Classical Needham Schroeder protocol in
Algo 2 Algo 4 Algo 5
Algo 2 Algo 4 Algo 5
Algo 2 Algo 4 Algo 5
Algo 2 Algo 4 Algo 5
Algo 2 Algo 4 Algo 5
Algo 2 Algo 4 Algo 5
Algo 2 Algo 4 Algo 5
Algo 2 Algo 4 Algo 5
Figure 4.14. Computation times (in seconds) of Algorithms 2.2, 2.6 and 2.8 for the four studied
protocols. Top row: two instances of NS yielding respectively about 8K (left) and 5M states
(right). Second row: two instances of Y with about 400K (left) and 1M states (right). Third
row: two instances of OR with about 12K (left) and 22K states (right). Bottom row: two
instances of KC with about 400 (left) and 2K states (right).
2 6 10 14 18 22 26 30
Naive BSP
2 6 10 14 18 22 26 30
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000
0 1000 2000 3000 4000
Figure 4.15. Performances for NS-2-2.
2 6 10 14 18 22 26 30
Naive BSP
2 6 10 14 18 22 26 30
Figure 4.16. Performances for OR-1-2-1_2.
0 20000 40000 60000 80000 100000
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
Figure 4.17. Performances for WLP-1-2-1_2.
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000
0 1000 2000 3000 4000
Figure 4.18. Performances for Y-3-2-1.
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Number of processors
Needham-Schroeder protocol
5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Number of processors
Yahalom protocol
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Number of processors
Otway-Rees protocol
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Number of processors
Kao-Chow protocol
Figure 4.19. Timings depending on the number of processors for four of the protocols studied
and where Fml1 is secrecy and Fml2 aliveness.
0 10 20 30 40
Number of processors

Kao Chow Authentication v.1 - Speedup
0 10 20 30 40
Number of processors

Otway Rees - Timings
0 10 20 30 40
Number of processors

Yahalom - Timings
0 10 20 30 40
Number of processors

Needham-Schroeder - Timings
Figure 4.20. Timings depending on the number of processors for four of the protocols studied.
Designing security protocols is complex and often error prone: various attacks are reported in
the literature to protocols thought to be correct for many years. This is due to the nature of
protocols: they are executed as multiple concurrent sessions in an uncertain environment, where
all messages owing the network could be manipulating by an attacker which does not need to
break cryptography. Indeed, protocols are broken merely because of attackers exploiting aws
in the protocols.
Each security protocol is designed to achieve certain goals after the execution. Those goals
are called security properties. There are various security properties, for example, to ensure
that secret data is not revealed to irrelevant parties. Due to the presence of an attacker, some
protocols can not be able to preserve the expected security properties. Therefore it is very
important to nd a formal way to nd aws and to prove their correctness with respect to
security properties.
To check if a protocol or a session of a protocol does not contain aw, we have proposed to
resort to model-checking, using an algebra of coloured Petri nets called ABCD to model the
protocol, together with security properties that could be expressed as reachability properties,
LTL, or CTL* formulas. Reachability properties lead to construct the state space of the model
(i.e. the set of its reachable states). LTL and CTL* involve the construction of the state
graph (i.e. the reachable states together with the transitions from one state to another) that is
combined with the formula under analysis into a so called proof graph. In both cases, on-the-y
analysis allows to stop states explorations as soon as a conclusion can be drawn.
However, in general, this leads to compute a number of states that may be exponentially larger
than the size of the model, which is the so called state space explosion problem. The critical
problem of state space or state graph construction is to determine whether a newly generated
state has been explored before. In a serial implementation this question is answered by organizing
known states in a specic data-structure, and looking for the new states in that structure. As
this is a centralized activity, a parallel or distributed solution must nd an alternative approach.
The common method is to assign states to processors using a static partition function which is
generally a hashing of the states [102]. After a state has been generated, it is sent to its assigned
location, where a local search determines whether the state already exists. Applying this method
to security protocols fails in two points. First the number of cross-transitions (i.e. transitions
between two states assigned to distinct processors) is too high and leads to a too heavy network
use. Second, memorizing all of them in the main memory is impossible without crashing the
whole parallel machine and is not clear when it is possible to put some states in disk and if
heuristics [86, 148] would work well for complex protocols.
Our rst solution is to use the well-structured nature of the protocols to choose which part of
the state space is really needed for the partition function and to empty the data-structure in each
super-step of the parallel computation. Our second solution entails automated classication of
states into classes, and dynamic mapping of classes to processors. We nd that both our methods
execute signicantly faster and achieve better network use than classical method. Furthermore,
we nd that the method that balances states does indeed achieve better network use, memory
balance and runs faster.
The fundamental message is that for parallel discrete state space generation, exploiting certain
characteristics of the system and structuring the computation is essential. We have demonstrated
techniques that proved the feasibility of this approach and demonstrated its potential. Key
elements to our success were (1) an automated classication that reduces cross-transitions and
memory use and growth locallity of the computations (2) using global barriers (which is a low-
overhead method) to compute a global remappings and thus balancing workload and achieved
a good scalability for the discrete state space generation of security protocols.
Then, we have shown how these ideas about state space computation could be generalized
to the computation and analysis of proof graphs. The structure of state space exploration is
preserved but enriched with the construction of the proof graph and its on-the-y analysis. In
the case of LTL, we could show that the required information to conclude about a formula is
either available locally to a processor (even when states are dumped from the main memory at
each super step), or is not needed anymore when a cross-transition occurs. Indeed, we have seen
that no cross-transition occurs within a strongly connected component, which are the crucial
structures in proof graphs to conclude about formulas truths. In the case of CTL* however,
local conclusions can need to be delayed until a further recursive exploration is completed,
which may occur on another processor. Rather than continuing such an exploration on the same
processor, which would limit parallelism, we could design a way to organize the computation so
that inconclusive nodes in the proof graph can be kept available until a conclusion comes from
a recursive exploration, allowing to dump them immediately from the main memory. This more
complex bookkeeping appears necessary due to the recursive nature of CTL* checking that can
be regarded as nested LTL analysis.
5.1 Summary of contributions
Throughout this thesis, we have proposed several contributions summarized thereafter.
Models of several classical security protocols. Using the ABCD algebra, have been provided,
showing quite a systematic style of modeling. In particular, the same model of a Dolev-Yao
attacker can be reused in every cases. But more generally, modeling new protocols looks quite
straightforward because they are very likely to reuse the same patterns as in the protocols we
have modeled.
A parallel algorithm for state space generation. We have featuring an automated classica-
tion of states on processors, dynamic re-balancing of workload, sweep-line method to discharge
unneeded states from the processors memory. Experiments have also shown that this algorithm
has limited network usage as well as a good scalability.
A parallel algorithm for LTL analysis. Bsed on the algorithm for state space exploration and
inherits is good characteristics.
A generalization to CTL* of the parallel LTL analysis. CTL* has been studied also. With
respect to the previous algorithms, this one uses a more complex memory management and
requires to keep more states in memory, due to the nature of CTL* model-checking.
Prototype implementations of our algorithms. Implementations have been made and used to
experiment on the modeled protocols. We have used the Python programming language for this
purpose, which, being an interpreted language, does not allow to assess eciency but, however,
is perfectly suitable for evaluating the parallel performances of our algorithms.
A systematic performance analysis of our algorithms. Benchmarks have been conduced using
various instances of the modeled protocols. This allowed to conrm their good parallel behavior,
in particular scalability with respect to the number of processors.
5.2 Future works
Future works will be dedicated to build a real and ecient implementation from our prototypes.
It will feature in particular a CTL* model-checker, allowing to verify non-trivial security prop-
erties. Using this implementation, we would like to run benchmarks in order to compare our
approach with existing tools. We would like also to test our algorithm on parallel computer with
more processors in order to conrm the scalability that we could observe on 40 processors.
Another way to improve performances will be to consider symbolic state space representations
as well as symbolic state space computation. In the former case, we are targeting in particular
representations based on decision diagrams. In the latter case, we are thinking about adapting
symmetry or partial order reduction methods to reduce the number of executions that need to
be explored. Reductions methods appear to be the simplest step because they somehow result
in exploring less states. Yet, they usually result in an exponential reduction of the number of
computed states or transitions. On the other hand, using symbolic representations looks more
challenging because storing large number of states in such structures is computationally ecient
only when we can also apply a symbolic successor function, i.e. compute the successors of sets
of states instead of those of a single state.
Moreover, we are working on the formal proofs of our algorithms. Proving a verication
algorithm is highly desirable in order to certify the truth of the diagnostics delivered by such an
algorithm. Such a proof is possible because, thanks to the BSP model, our algorithm remains
simple in its structure.
Finally, we would like to generalise our present results by extending the application domain.
In the security domain, we will consider more complex protocols with branching and looping
structures, as well as complex data types manipulations. In particular, we will consider protocols
for secure storage distributed through peer-to-peer communication [184].
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9 mcrl/
Rsum. Dterminer avec certitude si un protocole donn est scuris ou non est rst longtemps
un d. Le dveloppement de techniques formelles permettant de vrier une large gamme de
proprits de scurit est un apport important pour relever ce d. Ce document contribue
llaboration de telles techniques par la modelisation de protocole de scurit en utilisant une
algbre de rseaux de Petri color appele ABCD et rduit le temps de vrication des proto-
coles laide de calculs distribus. Nous exploitons la nature bien structure des protocoles
de scurit et la faison correspondre un modle de calcul parallle appel BSP. Cette struc-
ture des protocoles est exploite pour partitionner lespace des tats et rduire les transitions
inter-machines tout en augmentant la localit du calcul. Dans le mme temps, le modle BSP
permet de simplier la dtection de la terminaison de lalgorithme et lquilibrage des charges
des calculs. Nous considrons le problme de la vrication des formules LTL et CTL* sur des
systmes de transitions tiquetes (LTS) qui modlisent les protocoles de scurit. Un prototype
a t dvelopp, test sur dirents benchmarks.
Mots clefs. Paralllisme, model checking, logique temporelle, protocols de scurit.
Abstract. It has long been a challenge to determine conclusively whether a given protocol is
secure or not. The development of formal techniques that can check various security properties
is an important tool to meet this challenge. This document contributes to the development of
such techniques by model security protocols using an algebra of coloured Petri net call ABCD
and reduce time to checked the protocols using parallel computations. We exploit the well-
structured nature of security protocols and match it to a model of parallel computation called
BSP. The structure of the protocols is exploited to partition the state space and reduce cross
transitions while increasing computation locality. At the same time, the BSP model allows to
simplify the detection of the algorithm termination and to load balance the computations. We
consider the problem of checking a LTL and CTL* formulas over labelled transition systems
(LTS) that model security protocols. A prototype implementation has been developed, allowing
to run benchmarks.
Keywords. Parallelism, model checking, temporal logic, security protocols.

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