Witnessing: Equipping For Evangelism
Witnessing: Equipping For Evangelism
Witnessing: Equipping For Evangelism
*May 1925
sabbath afternoon
Read for This Weeks Study: Matt. 4:19, 11:111, 10:114,
1 Pet. 5:8, 2 Pet. 3:9.
first be grounded in our relationship with Jesus before we can be properly equipped to effectively witness for our faith.
t is highly unlikely that a person who has no personal assurance of salvation will be able to lead another into an intimate saving relationship with Jesus (although it does happen). They might be able to convince others to believe some Bible doctrines and some facts, biblical dates, and charts. Such convictions and beliefs may even cause people to make significant lifestyle changes. However, because good deeds can be performed apart from Jesus Christ, it is imperative that any witnessing and evangelistic training feature both the doctrinal and the spiritual. To be a true evangelist, one must have a firm grasp and experience of the everlasting gospel. It is this gospel that ultimately brings belief, confession, conversion, assurance, and discipleship. This week we will see that spiritually and skillfully equipping people for evangelism and witnessing is indeed a biblical principle and that we need to encourage people to make this a reality in their local church. *Study this weeks lesson to prepare for Sabbath, May 26.
S unday May 20
Read Matthew 4:19 and Mark 1:17 in the context of Matthew 28:19.
What significance do you see in the fact that the first recorded command of Jesus was Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men ? What should those words mean to us today as Seventh-day Adventists with our understanding of the three angels messages? How much fishing for men are we really doing as opposed to just tending to our own boats? ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ It is significant that Jesus did not simply call the disciples to be fishers of men. He did not say Follow Me, and be fishers of men. He said, Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men (ital. supplied). Right at the beginning of their formal association with Jesus these men understood that they were embarking upon important training. Jesus called them into a learning environment where they would be trained for the task to which He had called them. The disciples would learn much through watching and doing. Only when they had learned, on the local scene, what to do and how to do it would Jesus issue to them a worldwide commission. Without the appropriate training, instruction, and personal spiritual development of workers, the task of taking the gospel to our neighborhoods would seem impossible.
M onday May 21
Learning by Observing
There are two aspects to learning for those who wish to serve the Lord, and one leads to the other. First there is learning to know Jesus; then comes learning how to share Him and what He offers to the whole fallen human race.
Read about the time Jesus fed the 5,000 (Matt. 14:1321, Mark 6:3044,
Luke 9:1017, John 6:114). List the things that the disciples would have observed that would help to equip them for their future ministry. What things can we safely assume they observed that are not specifically mentioned in the Gospel accounts? Read also what Ellen White adds to this story in The Desire of Ages, pp. 364371.
________________________________________________________ How exciting not only to listen to the greatest preacher but to observe His presentation as He preached about the kingdom of God (Luke 9:11) in a way that would have created a desire for the kingdom in every heart. The principle of learning through observation is applicable to everyone. Book learning, or listening to instruction, must always be built upon through observation and involvement. Jesus expected the disciples of John the Baptist to learn from what they had observed.
Baptist observed, and what did Jesus expect them to tell John as a result of their observations? What was the lesson that Jesus was teaching to not only John but His own disciples? ________________________________________________________ John the Baptist had previously presented Jesus as the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. But then John was imprisoned with no opportunity to preach, and he heard only secondhand reports of Jesus ministry. It seems that his prison experience caused some doubts to surface in his mind regarding Jesus. When doubts arise we should go to Jesus, and that is exactly what John did. Jesus sent Johns disciples back to tell him what they had heard and seen. As their reports encouraged John, we are left to wonder how the things that they had seen impacted their own witnessing and evangelistic ministry. In most cases we cant do the kind of miracles performed by Jesus. But with a willingness to die to self and live for others, what can we do in our own sphere that reflects the kind of work that Jesus did when here?
T uesday May 22
Learning by Doing
No matter how many books people read about their favorite sport, and no matter how many games are watched, if they want to be a player they have to put their boots on and get out on the field. We call it handson experience, learning by doing, and without it a person is simply not equipped for the task. This universal truth even applies to the Christians witnessing and evangelism. Sometimes we hear people say that they dont want to get involved because they are not completely ready. They must understand that active participation is a vital part of becoming ready. Starting small, step by step, building up, is the way to go. As the Holy Spirit leads us, our skills, experience, and confidence increases.
Jesus had taught the disciples in the classroom, so to speak. He had also taken them out into the field where they learned by observing what He did. Then after Jesus had equipped them with power to heal the sick, raise the dead, and cast out demons (vs. 8), He sent them out without Him. But notice the amount of instruction He gave as He sent them out. Jesus instructed them about what to preach, what miracles to perform, what not to take with them, with whom to lodge, and when to leave an unfruitful field of labor. We can safely assume that they received other instructions, as well. Only through this interaction with people would many important lessons be learned. This passage shows on-the-job training at its best. They couldnt minister to those with whom they didnt come into contact; this is a point we must never forget.
Read Luke 10:111. What similarities are there between the instructions that Jesus gave to the 12 and to the 70? Again, what principles can we learn for ourselves from His instructions? Although initially Jesus sent the 70 into places where He intended to shortly go Himself (vs. 1), He knew what the disciples and other missionaries would encounter as they attempted to spread the gospel after His ascension when they were on their own. The instructions given to the seventy disciples as they were sent out indicates that Jesus was preparing them for what lay ahead. How many excuses do you manage to find to not witness for your faith when the opportunity arises? Whats your usual one? ______________________________________________________
W ednesday May 23
Compare Luke 10:17 and Matthew 17:1420. What did the disciples do when they encountered failure in their ministry?
Rather than give in to despair over our perceived failures, we can learn from the disciples again. Even though they had been given the power over evil spirits and had indeed been successful in casting them out, it is evident that sometimes they failed to accomplish that for which Jesus had gifted them. On such occasions they came to Jesus and asked Him to explain what was happening and why (see Matt. 17:19). Here is a principle that we would do well to note; an important part of our search for reasons for failure, and how to do better, is to take our witnessing and evangelism situations to the Lord. What have you learned from your failed attempts at witnessing to others that can help you in future attempts? How often does fear of rejection hold you back?
T hursday May 24
Read 2 Peter 3:9. What crucial lesson must we take from this verse
that we should always keep in mind and claim in all our witnessing activities? See also 1 Cor. 3:6.
________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ It is no use planting if no one is going to water the seeds. Likewise, it is no use watering if you dont put the water where the seeds are planted. And even if the sower and the one who waters get it all right, there is still no increase unless given by God. As we see the blessing of God bringing success to our humble efforts, we learn. We learn the extent to which God is, and wants to be, involved in our endeavors. We learn to trust Him more. We learn the importance of a close spiritual cooperation with God as we strive to reach the souls for whom Christ died because there isnt a person you witness to for whom Christ has not died and whom He doesnt want to see saved. How important it is that we never forget this crucial truth. How do we take the words of Jesus in John 15:5 and make them practical and real in our lives, particularly in our work of witnessing and evangelism? How can we as individuals or as a team ministry truly experience what Christ tells us in this text? What things must we change in order to have that kind of connection with Him? ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________
f riday May 25
Further Study: Formulate Evangelistic Strategies.
As your church seeks to do its part in outreach, keep the following points in mind: At the very least, involve all of the witnessing or evangelism team in the strategic planning process. Ideally the whole congregation will be involved in the churchs setting of goals and direction. Initially plan for the next church year. A 12-month strategy is long enough to start with. Later, you can add more plans and strategies that will continue beyond the initial period. Give great attention to helping strategic personnel know exactly what is expected of them and at what time. When people are not sure of what to do or when and how to do it, a churchs strategic momentum toward its goals may be slowed or halted.
Discussion Questions:
1 l Every church should be a training school for Christian workers.Ellen G. White, The Ministry of Healing, p. 149. How well does your local church fare in this area? If not very well, what can be done to bring about the needed changes? 3 2 l Every day Satan has his plans to carry outcertain lines
that will hedge up the way of those who are witnesses for Jesus Christ. Now, unless the living, human agents for Jesus are humble, meek, and lowly of heart because they have learned of Jesus, they will just as surely fall under temptation as they live; for Satan is watching and artful and subtle, and the workers, if not prayerful, will be taken unawares. He steals upon them as a thief in the night and makes them captives. Then he works upon the minds of individuals to pervert their individual ideas and frame their plans; and if brethren see danger and speak of it, they feel that a personal injury is done them, that someone is trying to weaken their influence. One draws one way, and another in an opposite direction.Ellen G. White, Evangelism, p. 101. How can we, as we seek to do the work of witnessing, deal with the danger so graphically presented in this passage? What is our only defense?
ect that has been successful as a whole. What can you learn from that person or project? How can you adapt what you have learned to the work in your area, realizing that every situation is different and what works in one place might not work in another?
i n s i D e
Produced by the General Conference Office of Adventist Mission. Web site: www.AdventistMission.org