Utah Legislature 2013

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A 14 > 2013 U t A h L e g i s L A t U r e S u n d a y , J a n u a r y 27, 2013

The SalT lake Tribune

Your 2013 Utah Legislature

How to get involved As Utah lawmakers gather to tackle the issues of the day, have you ever wondered how to make your voice heard? Is there an important issue that you want to follow through the legislative process? This page is intended as a starting point to help you find your way. The 2013 Legislature again is dominated by Republicans, who control both legislative bodies by more than two-thirds majorities. Here is a look at leadership, the House and Senate rank-and-file and information about how to contact your districts representatives. During the session, you can follow the legislative proceedings by picking up The Salt Lake Tribune and turning to the newspapers Legislature page. Readers also can follow the session online by going to sltrib. com and clicking on the days Legislature news or going to the political blog Out of Context at blogs.sltrib.com/utahpolitics. For questions or comments and to offer news tips, call The Tribune at 801-257-8742 or e-mail [email protected]. To contact lawmakers, call 801-538-1035 (for the Senate) or 801-538-1029 (for the House).

From bill to law

Utah House of Representatives

Republicans (61) 57 men , four women A gain of three seats from last year

Utah Senate
Republicans (24) 22 men , two women A gain of two seats from last year

1. Preparation
A bill is prepared by the Ofce of Legislative Research and General Counsel. Bills can originate in either body.

Democrats (5) three women, two men A loss of two seats from last year Democrats (14) Eight women, six men A loss of three seats from last year

Shuttle route

2. House introduction
The bill is introduced in the House and referred to the House Rules Committee.

Main St. Colu mbus

House chambers


Senate chambers

500 N. Capitol

3. Assigned
State St.

300 N.

The House Rules Commitee recommends the bill be assigned to a committee.

N. Temple

4. Financial estimate
The bill receives a scal note, which estimates the nancial effects of the proposed legislation on state and local government.

Temple Square TRAX


Cutaway view of the Capitol

5. Committee to oor
The House Standing Committee hears the bill. Citizens can testify. There is a debate in the House and a nal vote on the bill.

About the Capitol

Designed In 1912 by Richard Kletting Completed In 1916 Remodeled Several times, most notably a multimillion-dollar restoration and seismic upgrade in 2004 Visitor hours 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. Saturday and Sunday



6. To the Senate
If the bill is passed it is sent to the Senate, introduced and referred to the Senate Rules Committee, which recommends an assignment.

7. Committee to oor
The Senate Standing Committee hears the bill. Citizens can testify. There is a debate in the Senate and a nal vote on the bill.

House leadership

Senate leadership

8. Senate/House sign bill

The bill is signed by the president of the Senate and returned to the House for signing by the speaker.

Becky Lockhart Speaker of the House; represents District 64

Brad L. Dee House majority leader; represents District 11

Jennifer Seelig House minority leader; represents District 23

Wayne Niederhauser Senate president; represents District 9

Ralph Okerlund Senate majority leader; represents District 24

Gene Davis Senate minority leader; represents District 3

9. On to the governor
The bill is sent to the governor for signature or veto. A signed bill becomes law.

Legislative roster (alphabetical)

NAME/PARTY (DISTRICT) Stuart Adams-R (22) Curtis Bramble-R (16) Allen Christensen-R (19) Jim Dabakis-D (2) Gene Davis-D (3) Margaret Dayton-R (15) Wayne Harper-R (6) Deidre Henderson-R (7) Lyle Hillyard-R (25) David Hinkins-R (27) Scott Jenkins-R (20) Patricia Jones-D (4) Peter Knudson-R (17) Mark Madsen-R (13) Karen Mayne-D (5) Wayne Niederhauser-R (9) Ralph Okerlund-R (24) Aaron Osmond-R (10) Stuart Reid-R (18) Luz Robles-D (1) Brian Shiozawa-R (8) Howard Stephenson-R (11) Jerry Stevenson-R (21) Daniel Thatcher-R (12) Stephen Urquhart-R (29) John Valentine-R (14) Kevin Van Tassell-R (26) Evan Vickers-R (28) Todd Weiler-R (23) CITY Layton Provo North Ogden Salt Lake City Salt Lake City Orem Taylorsville Spanish Fork Logan Orangeville Plain City Holladay Brigham City Eagle Mt. West Valley City Sandy Monroe South Jordan Ogden Salt Lake City Ctnwd. Heights Draper Layton West Valley City St. George Orem Vernal Cedar City Woods Cross OCCUPATION real estate accountant pediatric dentist art dealer public relations homemaker business consulting business owner attorney business owner business owner business owner orthodontist attorney/developer retired educator CPA/developer agriculture business executive real estate banker physician taxpayer advocate business owner contractor attorney attorney banker pharmacist attorney PHONES 801-593-1776 801-226-3663, 801-361-5802 801-782-5600 801-815-3533 801-484-9428, 801-647-8924 801-221-0623 801-566-5466 801-787-6197 435-753-0043, 435-752-2610 435-384-5550, 435-748-2828 801-731-5120, 801-621-5412 8 01-278-7667, 801-322-5722 435-723-2035, 435-730-4569 801-361-4787 801-968-7756 801-942-3398, 801-558-4766 435-527-3370, 435-979-7077 801-253-6853, 801-888-8742 801-337-4182 801-550-6434 801-230-3406 801-572-1038, 801-972-8814 801-544-5172, 801-678-3147 801-759-4746 435-668-7759 801-224-1693, 801-373-6345 435-789-7082, 435-790-0675 435-586-4399, 435-817-5565 801-599-9823 E-MAIL [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

NAME/PARTY (DISTRICT) CITY Jacob Anderegg-R (6) Lehi Jerry Anderson-R (69) Price Johnny Anderson-R (34) Taylorsville Patrice Arent-D (36) Millcreek Stewart Barlow-R (17) Fruit Heights Roger Barrus-R (18) Centerville Jim Bird-R (42) West Jordan Joel Briscoe-D (25) Salt Lake City Derek Brown-R (49) Ctnwd. Heights Melvin Brown-R (53) Coalville Rebecca Chavez-Houck-D (24) Salt Lake City LaVar Christensen-R (32) Draper Kay Christofferson-R (56) Lehi Tim Cosgrove-D (44) Murray Spencer Cox-R (58) Fairview Rich Cunningham-R (50) South Jordan Brad Dee-R (11) Ogden Jack Draxler-R (3) North Logan Susan Duckworth-D (22) Magna OCCUPATION sales manager beekeeper, educator business owner attorney, manager surgeon retired engineer financial, insurance consultant attorney, businessman farmer/consultant public relations attorney/business owner retired civil engineer child advocate telecom executive financial adviser human resources real estate appraiser caregiver PHONES 801-901-3580 435-637-2548, 435-650-8804 801-898-1168 801-272-1956, 801-889-7849 801-544-4708, 801-289-6699 801-292-2266 801-280-9056 801-583-2281, 801-946-9791 801-703-1799 435-336-3309, 435-647-6512 801-891-9292 801-808-5105 801-768-8914, 801-592-5709 801-685-0673 435-494-1269 801-722-4942 801-479-5495 435-752-1488 801-250-0728 E-MAIL [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Jim Dunnigan-R (39) Rebecca Edwards-R (20) Steve Eliason-R (45) Janice Fisher-D (30) Gage Froerer-R (8) Francis Gibson-R (65) Brian Greene-R (57) Richard Greenwood-R (12) Keith Grover-R (61) Craig Hall-R (33) Stephen Handy-R (16) Lynn Hemingway-D (40) Greg Hughes-R (51) Eric Hutchings-R (38) Don Ipson-R (75) Ken Ivory-R (47) Michael Kennedy-R (27) Brian King-D (28) John Knotwell-R (52) Bradley Last-R (71) Dana Layton-R (60) David Lifferth-R (2) Becky Lockhart-R (64) John Mathis-R (55) Dan McCay-R (41) Kay McIff-R (70) Mike McKell-R (66) Ronda Rudd Menlove-R (1) Carol Spackman Moss-D (37) Merrill Nelson-R (68) Jim Nielson-R (19) Michael Noel-R (73) Curtis Oda-R (14) Lee Perry-R (29) Jeremy Peterson-R (9) Val Peterson-R (59) Dixon Pitcher-R (10) Marie Poulson-D (46) Kraig Powell-R (54) Paul Ray-R (13) Edward Redd-R (4) Marc Roberts-R (67) Angela Romero-D (26) Douglas Sagers-R (21) Dean Sanpei-R (63) Jennifer Seelig-D (23) V. Lowry Snow-R (74) Jon Stanard-R (62) Keven Stratton-R (48) Earl Tanner-R (43) R. Curt Webb-R (5) John Westwood-R (72) Mark Wheatley-D (35) Ryan Wilcox-R (7) Larry Wiley-D (31) Brad Wilson-R (15)

Taylorsville insurance 801-968-8594 North Salt Lake homemaker 801-554-1968 Sandy CPA, Utah Jazz 801-673-4748 West Valley City homemaker 801-250-2698 Huntsville real estate 801-745-0505, 801-391-4233 Mapleton health administrator 801-491-3763 Pleasant Grove attorney, businessman 801-889-5693 Roy law enforcement 801-985-3280, 801-452-3113 Provo administrator 801-319-0170 West Valley City attorney 801-573-1774 Layton marketing, P.R. 801-979-8711 Holladay retired 801-231-2153 Draper construction, property mgmt. 801-572-5305 Kearns financial services 801-963-2639 St. George business owner 435-673-8216 West Jordan attorney/mediator 801-694-8380 Alpine physician 801-763-1376, 801-358-2362 Salt Lake City attorney 801-583-5464, 801-560-0769 Herriman business executive 801-449-1834 Hurricane business consultant 435-635-7334 Orem production executive 801-226-1690, 801-717-6537 Eagle Mountain info. technology 801-358-9124 Provo homemaker, nurse 801-377-7428, 801-369-6784 Vernal veterinarian 435-789-7316 Riverton attorney, real estate 801-810-6022 Richfield attorney 801-608-4331 Spanish Fork attorney 801-210-1495 Garland university vice provost 435-458-9115, 435-760-2618 Holladay retired teacher 801-272-6507, 801-647-8764 Grantsville attorney Bountiful architect 801-425-1737 Kanab rancher/water manager 801-647-8853 Clearfield insurance 801-773-9796, 801-725-0277 Perry law enforcement 435-734-2864, 435-720-7838 Ogden real estate broker 801-392-5324, 801-317-5386 Orem college administrator 801-224-4473 Ogden businessman 801-710-9150, 801-476-8080 Ctnwd. Heights teacher 801-942-5390 Heber City attorney 435-657-0185 Clearfield finance 801-725-2719 Logan physician 435-760-3177 Santaquin real estate, consulting 801-210-0155 Salt Lake City program manager 801-722-4972 Tooele health care executive 435-830-3485, 435-882-0931 Provo health care executive 801-374-8995, 801-979-5711 Salt Lake City government relations 801-519-2544 St. George attorney 435-703-3688 St. George business 435-414-4631 Orem attorney, business 801-836-6010 West Jordan attorney 801-871-5388 Logan title insurance 435-753-0215 Cedar City banker 435-586-6961 Murray education administrator 801-264-8844 Ogden business manager 801-200-5595 West Valley City building inspector 801-487-8095 Kaysville developer 801-425-1028

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