IN Service Number Portability: Mode of Operation
IN Service Number Portability: Mode of Operation
IN Service Number Portability: Mode of Operation
IN Service Number Portability
Definition In deregulated telecommunications markets, the importance of both the existing number portability (NP) service for subscriber directory numbers and the new number portability service for service directory numbers in the intelligent network (IN) is on the increase. For an IN operator, the IN Service Number Portability feature ensures that IN service number calls are routed to the necessary service control point (SCP), even if these are processed in a different vendors network or at another SCP. The number portability database contains specific, preset routing information to prevent the simultaneous utilization of both own and third-party network resources.
Mode of operation
IN Service Number Portability Database Up-to-date information on the actual executing network or the executing service control point (SCP) is necessary for setting up calls to IN service numbers. This information is held in a central number portability (NP) database. EWSD supports three different options: Coordination-processor (CP)-based NP database EWSD offers a network-node-based solution in the coordination processor for the NP database which can be addressed both within and outside the EWSD network node via the intelligent network application protocol (INAP). Stand-alone SSNC-based NP database The NP database can be based on the Signaling System Network Control (SSNC) which communicates with the network nodes via INAP. SCP-based NP database The NP database is located on an external server (e.g. an SCP) which is connected to an EWSD network node via an INAP interface. Two solutions are available for routing bearer-based connections to ported IN service numbers: Query on demand method (QoD) Query on release method (QoR)
Benefits ... for the operator Network resource load reduction using the QoD method SCP resource load reduction EWSD-integrated solution without additional hardware
Query on demand method (QoD) In the QoD method, an IN service NP database query is started before the IN service is triggered and the new address information for the ported IN service is sent to the querying EWSD network node. The IN trigger in an INs service switching point (SSP) is configured so that the NP database is queried for all connections to IN service numbers (either ported or not). If a number is ported, the NP server instructs the SSP to route the connection to the recipient network (via the routing prefix) or to another SCP (via a new IN service directory number). If the number is not marked as ported, the system proceeds with connection setup, the SSP performs another trigger and the IN dialog with the operators SCP and associated with the actual IN service is started.
Call setup sequence: A subscriber that can be connected either to a random local network node or an EWSD network node with SSP functionality dials an IN service number (1). In the EWSD network node with SSP functionality, a number portability trigger which must have priority over the exiting IN trigger sends a query to the NP database for address information on the executing network of the third-party operator (2). The NP database inserts the number of the third-party network operator (operator 2, in this example: D987) in front of the IN service number (3). On the basis of this expanded dialing information the EWSD network node can now route calls via a gateway (4) to an SSP belonging to operator 2 (5). The SSP performs another trigger and starts the IN dialog with the relevant SCP.
Operator 1
Operator 2
SCP 1) 0800 12345 SSP 4) D987 0800 12345 5) D987 0800 12345
1) 0800 12345
IN service user
NP database
Query on release method (QoR) In the QoR method, calls are first routed via the SSP to the original SCP of the ported IN service number called associated with the IN service number. Because the called service cannot be reached there, an appropriate backward message is returned to the SSP. Call setup sequence: A subscriber that can be connected either to a random local network node or an EWSD network node with SSP functionality dials an IN service number (1). The SSP automatically detects this IN service query and starts an IN dialog with the SCP in the network associated with operator 1 (2). The SCP cannot execute the IN service and terminates the IN dialog with a release operation (3).
In response to the release operation, the NP trigger is detected in the SSP and a query is sent to the NP database to identify the called subscribers address information (4). The NP database inserts the number of the third-party operator (operator 2, in this example: D987) in front of the IN service number (5). On the basis of this expanded dialing information the EWSD network node can now route calls via a gateway (6) to an SSP belonging to operator 2 (7). The SSP performs another trigger and starts the IN dialog with the relevant SCP.
Operator 1
SCP Local network node Gateway 1) 0800 12345 2) 0800 12345 SSP 3) Release Call 6) D987 0800 12345 7) D987 0800 12345 SCP Operator 2
NP database
The first step in the administration of the IN service number portability feature is to create and update the NP database containing the portability data. In addition, the following actions must be taken in the relevant EWSD network nodes that can send queries to the NP database: The network nodes in question must each be assigned a network node number for network-internal routing. In the gateway network nodes, a network number (ID) for the own network must be created in addition to the network node number. The ported service numbers must be cancelled or re-created in the appropriate SCPs. An NP trigger prole with the associated NP trigger for IN service number portability must be created and activated. For information on administration, please refer to OMN:EXCH-RO.
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