Mba 2012 2013
Mba 2012 2013
Mba 2012 2013
SEMESTER II Lectures Mid-Semester II Break Lectures Revision Semester II Examinations 7 weeks 1 week 7 weeks 1 week 3 weeks 19 weeks 18.02.2013 06.04.2013 15.04.2013 01.06.2013 10.06.2013 05.04.2013 14.04.2013 31.05.2013 09.06.2013 28.06.2013
END OF ACADEMIC YEAR (LEAVE / SPECIAL SEMESTER) Semester Break Lectures & Examination 9 weeks or 8 weeks 01.07.2013 23.08.2013 29.06.2013 01.09.2013
* Deepavali , 13 November 2012 ** Christmas Day, 25 December 2012 + Chinese New Year, 10 February 2013
Welcome Message from the Dean Message from the Director of UMGSB University of Malayas Vision, Mission and Core Values Facultys Vision, Mission and Objectives Faculty of Business and Accountancy (FBA) University of Malaya Graduate School of Business (UMGSB) Our Management Team FBAs Management Heads of Department Academic Members and their Research Interests Visiting Professors and Lecturers Master of Business Administration Programme Introduction Programme Structure Core Courses Elective Courses Research Project Academic Performance Requirements Graduation Requirements Conferment of Degree with Distinction Evaluation Format Grading System Facilities and Resources International Student Exchange Programme Core Courses Elective Courses 5 7 8 9 10 11
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Warmest greetings from all of us at the Faculty of Business and Accountancy (FBA), University of Malaya. Here at FBA, we emphasise on excellent teaching, innovative research and quality publication as well as industry collaboration. We are ranked amongst the top business schools in Asia and proud to be in the leading position in Malaysia. In fact, we are the only public business school in Malaysia to receive an international accreditation from The Association of MBAs (AMBA), UK. Furthermore, we are awarded 4 PALMES in recognition of our strong international influence by EDUNIVERSAL ranking of the World Business Schools. We are building on these hallmarks of excellence by working towards accreditation from the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) and aiming to become one of the World Top 100 Business Schools by 2015. We are confident that you would benefit from our global setting as our class is made up of students from various profiles and nationalities. This diverse environment will certainly enhance the exchange of ideas and expose you to an array of perspectives. This handbook covers a range of information including the programme structure, academic standards and various courses offered. May you have a wonderful journey with us!
ASSOC. PROF. DR. CHE RUHANA ISA Dean Faculty of Business and Accountancy University of Malaya
Welcome to
Our Master of Business Administration (MBA) programme is designed to meet the changing business environment and the competitive job market. There are 9 areas of concentration with more than 50 courses to choose from. In order to suit your personal requirements, the programme is designed with flexibility so that you can graduate within a minimum duration of 3 semesters (1 years) or a maximum period of 8 semesters (4 years). At UMGSB, we promote diversity with a wide range of courses offered. You will experience various teaching methods and have the opportunities to participate in many student activities. You will also meet fellow colleagues from all over the world with different working backgrounds and cultures. We inculcate the spirit of working in teams among our students and prepare them to be effective leaders by embodying the schools values and vision to excel in the ever changing business environment. As you embark on your journey in our MBA programme, we hope you will take this opportunity to become actively involved in all UMGSBs academic and co-curricular activities. It is our hope that you will have a highly rewarding and memorable experience within the UMGSB community. I wish you all the best for this new, exciting and challenging journey.
ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR DR. ZAKIAH SALEH Director of UMGSB / Deputy Dean (Higher Degree) Faculty of Business and Accountancy University of Malaya
To be an internationally renowned institution of higher learning in research, innovation, publication and teaching.
To advance knowledge and learning through quality research and education for the nation and for humanity.
Integrity, Respect, Academic Freedom, Open-mindedness, Accountability, Professionalism, Meritocracy, Teamwork, Creativity and Social Responsibility.
We aspire to be the leader and preferred institution in business and accounting education by: providing graduates with quality education and global perspective that meet the evolving needs of various stakeholders. contributing to the advancement of knowledge in the area of business and accounting through quality research and publication.
To produce graduates who are socially responsible, knowledgeable and highly skilled in business, management and accounting. To explore and expand the frontiers of knowledge through teaching, research and publication. To establish a closer relationship and improve cooperation with the private and public sectors, as well as with other institutions of higher learning - local and international.
FACTS University of Malaya is the ONLY local university in Malaysia to receive a 4 PALMES award by EDUNIVERSAL, which is recognised as Top Business School We are an international faculty with academics trained from top universities across the world We have among the highest composition of international students in the country such as from Germany, Denmark, Sweden, United States of America, Iraq, Iran, Palestine, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Turkey, Libya, South Africa, Korea, China, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Thailand, Myanmar and Vietnam We have myriad courses to choose from for our MBA programm - 9 concentrations with more than 50 courses Our programme sources industrial experts to share experience and knowledge with our graduates Students can learn from our diverse group of Visiting Academics from all regions of the world Lectures and seminars incorporate interactive and innovative multiple teaching and learning strategies
Associate Professor Dr. Zakiah Saleh Director of UMGSB / Deputy Dean (Higher Degree)
Dr. Tg. Mohamed Faziharudean Dato Tg. Feissal Director of UMGSB / Deputy Dean (Higher Degree)
Azhanni Muhammad, MSc (UPM), BEd (TESL) (UPM) Lecturer Corporate Communication, Human Communication, Business Communication Mohamed Nazri Mohd Nor, PhD (UiTM), MBA (UKM), BBA (UKM), DBS (UiTM) Lecturer Knowledge Management Norizah Mohd Mustamil, DBA (Curtin), MBA (Malaya), BBA (Malaya) Lecturer Ethical Decision Making, Cultural Studies, Mixed Methods Ong Lin Dar, PhD (Malaya), MBA (UUM), BBA (Malaya) Lecturer Human Resource Management, Organisational Behaviour Sharifah Fatimah Syed Ahmad, PhD (Western Australia), Msc (Stirling), BBA (Michigan) Lecturer Social Media, Business Communication, Human Resource Management Ismawati Ismail, MBA (UM), Bacc (Portsmouth) Tutor/Fellow Knowledge Management, Human Resource Management
Norazlisham Mohd Amin, MBA (UTM), BAcc (UKM), CA (M), AIIA Lecturer Auditing, Internal Auditing Noor Adwa Sulaiman, PhD (Manchester), MSc (Acc) (UPM), BAcc (UiTM) Lecturer Auditing Amal Hayati Ahmad Khair, MSc (Acc) (UIA), BAcc (IIUM), CA (M) Tutor/Fellow Auditing, Internal Auditing Azlina Abdul Jalil, MAcc (UiTM), BSc (LSE) Tutor/Fellow Financial Accounting, Economics and Political Science Dalilawati Zainal, MAcc (UiTM), BAcc (IIUM) Tutor/Fellow Corporate Social Reporting, Corporate Governance, Financial Reporting & Accounting Normawati Non, MBA (UPM), BAcc (UK) Tutor/Fellow Financial Accounting Nurliana Md Rahin, MBA (Malaya), BAcc(IIUM) Tutor/Fellow Corporate Social Reporting, Financial Accounting and Reporting Suhaily Shahimi, MAcc (UiTM), BAcc (IIUM) Tutor/Fellow Internal Auditing, Corporate Governance, Forensic Accounting and Fraud Investigation Yazkhiruni Yahya, MSc (IIUM), BAcc (IIUM) Tutor/Fellow Islamic Accounting, Shariah Auditing, Corporate Governance
Department of Marketing
Md. Nor Othman, PhD (Oklahoma State), MBA (Leuven), BEc (Malaya) Head of Department Professor Marketing, Consumer Behaviour, Entrepreneurship Ghazali Musa, PhD (Otago), MBBS (Malaya), Dip (Otago) Associate Professor Scuba Diving Tourism, Health Tourism, Backpacker Tourism Ezlika Mohd Ghazali, MBA (Malaya), BBA (De Montfort) Senior Lecturer Consumer Behaviour, Marketing, International Marketing Norbani Che Ha, PhD (Monash), MBA (Denver), BSBA (Denver) Senior Lecturer Marketing, Marketing Capabilities, Small & Medium Enterprises Sharifah Faridah Syed Alwi, PhD (Manchester), MSc (Salford), BSc (Salford) Senior Lecturer Corporate Branding/Branding, Corporate/Company Reputation, Internet Branding Yusniza Kamarulzaman, PhD (Cardiff), PgDip (Cardiff), MBA (UKM), BBA (UiTM), Dip (UiTM) Senior Lecturer Internet Marketing/E-Marketing, Services & Tourism Marketing, Consumer Behaviour Amrul Asraf Mohd Any, PhD (Nottingham), MSc (Strathclyde), BSc (UiTM), Dip (UiTM), MAM (UK) Lecturer E-Marketing, Service and Hospitality Marketing, Customer Participation/Consumer Engagement Behaviour, Customer Value Shamsul Izwan Saharani, MBA (North London), BA (Arcadia) Lecturer Hotel and Tourism Marketing, Management
The programme offers day and evening classes with the emphasis on quality teaching and student participation. The minimum and maximum periods of candidature are 3 and 8 semesters, respectively. Courses are divided into two categories: core and elective courses. In addition, students are required to undertake a research project in an area of their interest. The design of the courses and components allows students to maximise their learning and develop the skills that are essential for their career development. Students are required to take a total of 51 credits as follows: Courses Core Courses Elective Courses Research Project Total Credit 30 15 6 51
The programme allows students the flexibility to choose a general MBA degree or a MBA degree with concentration. In order to qualify for an area of concentration, students must fulfil the requirements of core for concentration and elective courses under each concentration. This requirement does not apply in the case of a general MBA degree.
The programme offers concentration in the following areas: Accounting Business Information System Finance Islamic Finance General Management Human Resource Management Internal Auditing International Business Marketing
Students with a Bachelor of Accounting or a professional accounting qualification may apply for exemption.
It is recommended that students should complete the core courses before embarking on electives. However, it is advisable for students to take Human Capital Management, Accounting for Business Decision Making and Marketing Management at the early stage of their candidature before attempting other core courses. It is also advisable for students to take Strategic Management at the end of their candidature.
Students are required to take FIVE elective courses, which make up 15 credits. Students who choose a general MBA can select elective courses from any discipline to fulfil the 15 credits requirement. For an area of concentration, students must fulfil the requirements of two core for concentration (6 credits) and two electives (6 credits) under the selected area. Students can choose an elective from any discipline for the remaining 3 credits. Students are allowed up to a maximum of TWO areas of concentration. The following is the list of courses under each area of concentration. Accounting Core for Concentration CAGB 6309 : Financial Accounting and Reporting CTGB 6302 : Management Accounting Electives CTGB 6301 : Taxation for Business Decisions CAGB 6301 : Issues in International Accounting CTGB 6303 : Managerial Accounting Control Systems CFGB 6307 : Advanced Corporate Finance CSGB 6302 : Legal Environment of Business CAGB 6308 : Seminar on Auditing and Assurance
Business Information Systems Core for Concentration CMGB 6322 : Strategic Information Systems CMGB 6321 : E-Commerce Electives CMGB 6323 : Current Issues in Information Systems CMGB 6324 : Decision Support Systems CMGB 6325 : Database Management Systems CMGB 6326 : Supply Chain Management CMGB6335 : Seminar in Information Systems Research
Finance Core for Concentration CFGB 6308 : Capital Market & Investment CFGB 6307 : Advanced Corporate Finance CFGB 6301 : CFGB 6302 : CFGB 6304 : CFGB 6305 : CFGB 6306 : Electives Portfolio Management Money and Banking Derivatives Markets International Finance Mergers and Acquisition and Corporate Restructuring CFGB 6309 : Econometrics for Managers CFGB 6310 : Bank Management
Islamic Finance Core for Concentration CFGB 6311 : CFGB6317 : CFGB6318 : CFGB6319 : Principles of Islamic Economics & Finance Applied Shariah in Islamic Banking and Takaful Transactions Applied Shariah in Islamic Capital Market Transactions Islamic Financial Institutions, Regulation and Governance
General Management Core for Concentration CMGB 6311 : Total Quality Management CMGB 6308 : Services Management Electives CSGB 6302 : Legal Environment of Business CSGB 6305 : Entrepreneurship CSGB 6308 : Organizational Behaviour
Human Resource Management Core for Concentration CSGB 6308 : Organizational Behaviour CSGB 6307 : Leadership Electives CSGB 6303 : Industrial Relations CSGB 6310 : Performance Management and Rewards Systems CSGB 6313 : Training Management
Internal Auditing* Core for Concentration CAGB 6310 : Internal Auditing CAGB 6311 : Internal Auditing Engagement CAGB 6312 : Business Analysis and IT for Internal Auditors CAGB 6313 : Business Management Skills for Internal Auditors Electives CSGB 6302 : Legal Environment of Business
*These courses prepare students for the Certified Internal Auditor (CIA) professional examination. International Business Core for Concentration CSGB 6314 : International Business Management CMGB 6303 : Global Marketing Electives CFGB 6304 : International Finance CAGB 6301 : Issues in International Accounting CSGB 6301 : Islamic Perspective in Business
Marketing Core for Concentration CMGB 6301 : Consumer Behaviour CMGB 6302 : Services Marketing CMGB 6303 : CMGB 6304 : CMGB 6305 : CMGB 6307 : Electives Global Marketing Brand Management Retailing Promotions Management
any student who is placed on an Academic Probationary Period for TWO consecutive normal semesters will be terminated. The probation period shall end when the student has successfully attained a GPA of 3.00 and above. Students who obtain a GPA or CGPA of less than 2.00 in two consecutive normal semesters shall be terminated from the Masters degree programme. Students must obtain a minimum grade B for all core courses, failing which students must repeat the course, subject to a maximum of three attempts. After the third attempt, if the student fails to redeem with a minimum grade B their candidature will be TERMINATED. For elective courses, students who obtain grade B-, C or C+ can be given a conditional pass if their CGPA is above 3.0. Students with a CGPA of less than 3.0 have an option to either repeat the same course to improve the grade or to take another elective course during the period of candidature.
(1) Students must fulfil the following requirements for graduation: (a) Achieve a final minimum CGPA of 3.00 and above; (b) Complete 51 credit hours including core, elective courses and research project requirements as prescribed for the Masters degree programme; (c) Fulfil Faculty requirements if any, for courses that must be passed with at least grade B; and (d) Fulfil the language requirements as prescribed for the Masters degree programme. (2) From the total credit hours that are required for graduation, at least 80% of the total credit hours must be obtained from courses conducted by the University of Malaya. (3) Language requirement as follows: For Malaysian citizens, a pass in the Bahasa Malaysia paper at the Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) level, or its equivalent; For international students, a pass in Bahasa Malaysia or Malaysian Studies as prescribed by the Institute of Postgraduate Studies, University of Malaya.
All courses adopt an assessment system that incorporates coursework and a final examination. Coursework carries 60% of the total marks and the final examination contributes 40%. Coursework may include written assignments, written case analysis, oral presentations, participation in class discussions, and mid-semester examinations.
The grading system for all courses is as follows: Marks 80 100 75 79 70 74 65 69 60 64 55 59 50 54 45 49 40 44 35 39 35 Equivalent Grade A AB+ B BC+ C CD+ D F Grade Point 4.0 3.7 3.3 3.0 2.7 2.3 2.0 1.7 1.5 1.0 0 Fail Conditional Pass Pass Meaning Distinction
Department Business Policy and Strategy Learning Outcomes At the end of this course, students are able to: Expound the basic concept and practices of managing organisations and human capital. Analyse global issues that are related to managing organisations and human capital. Apply different techniques in evaluating the effectiveness of practices in managing organisations and human capital. Demonstrates skills in applying empirical research results into the practical management of human capital. Synopsis of Course Contents The course is divided into two parts, namely: organizational management and human resource management. The first part covers the basics function and roles of managers in a challenging work environment. It highlights the concepts and practices of planning, organizing, leading and controlling. The second part of the course examines the practical issues in managing human resources. They include: planning and executing effective staffing strategies and managing programmes to develop employees effectiveness and enhance organizational performance.
Department Financial Accounting and Auditing Learning Outcomes At the end of the course, students are able to: Discuss the regulatory framework that governs the principles in financial accounting and reporting. Prepare the financial statements for single companies. Apply the correct accounting treatment for transactions according to the approved accounting standards Explain the contemporary issues in financial accounting and reporting. Synopsis of Course Contents This course discusses the financial statements of single companies. Amongst the topics discussed include the financial reporting regime, regulatory framework that governs the preparation and presentation of financial statements; balance sheet asset and liability; cash flow statement; analysis of financial statements in financial accounting and reporting.
Learning Outcomes At the end of this course, students are able to: Explain the changing role of management accounting in the current business environment. Explain the concepts, principles and procedures of cost management. Apply cost management techniques in planning, control and decision making. Analyse recent issues and debates in cost and management accounting through critical analysis of theories, empirical research and techniques in management accounting. Synopsis of Course Contents This course discusses cost management methods and techniques of management accounting. The primary objective is to enable students to understand concepts, principles and procedures of cost management and to apply them in planning, control and decision making. It also enables students to prepare, analyse and use management accounting information for decision making in the contemporary business environment.
Department Finance and Banking Learning Outcomes At the end of this course, students are able to: Understand the principles of Islamic economics by considering the implications of the application of Shariah laws for the economic and financial systems. Explain the development of Islamic economic and financial systems. Distinguish the theories of Islamic economics from the mainstream theories of economics. Analyze the fundamentals of Islamic laws which underlie the development of Islamic finance. Synopsis of Course Contents This course discusses the underlying theories and concepts of Islamic economics and finance which distinguish it from mainstream economic and financial systems. This include the economic doctrines of Islam, Islamic microeconomic and macroeconomic theories, theories aand concepts of Islamic financial system and the main Islamic principles which enable the operation of the Islamic financial system.
Department Business Policy and Strategy Learning Outcomes At the end of this course, students should be able to: Describe the basic framework of the Malaysian Legal System. Apply the legal principle in selected areas of commercial law in Malaysia. Explain and apply the basic concepts and principles of company law in Malaysia. Synopsis of Course Contents Understanding the role of the law in business transactions and how it impacts upon doing business is crucially important. Businesses need to understand the legal environment in which they operate to better manage their businesses. Legal issues arise in almost every aspect for doing business and it is the responsibility of managers to understand these issues to avoid legal pitfalls. The objective of the course is to introduce students to these legal issues and to provide them with the necessary legal knowledge to understand and resolve those issues.
Department Business Policy and Strategy Learning Outcomes At the end of this course, students should be able to: Analyze the entrepreneurial mindset in terms of strategies, approach, attitudes and behavior. Identify and develop various components of a business plan. Discuss sources of finance and human capital for venture creation. Explain entrepreneurial functions in the start-up, operational, growth and exit stages of a business. Synopsis of Course Contents This course is designed to prepare students to succeed in the new, global economy by coaching them to think and acts like an entrepreneur. In addition, the course will also touch on the skills required to acquire and manage ventures within and outside corporate environment. Course topics include the entrepreneurial revolution, the business opportunity, venture and growth capital, entrepreneurship beyond star-up and developing a business plan.
Department Financial Accounting and Auditing Learning Outcomes At the end of this course, students are able to: Explain issues related to application of information technology in the internal audit environment. Explain components of information technology infrastructure relevant to the internal audit environment. Design information technology audit plan that are suitable for implementation of internal audit tasks. Discuss current issues in financial accounting, management accounting and financial management. Synopsis of Course Contents This course will focus on student understanding, knowledge and skills to enable them in managing issues related to application of information technology in internal audit environment. Students will also be exposed to operating system, application development, data communication and network, e-commerce, data protection, ERP software and other issues and challenges relevant to internal audit in IT environment.
Department Finance and Banking Learning Outcomes At the end of this course, students are able to: Describe the current and projected context, nature, role and significance of international financial management activities in organizations. Demonstrate an understanding of current developments in international finance, and analyze their implications for participants in the international financial system. Evaluate the options to manage global finance through coordinating international macroeconomic policies and institutions in regulatory frameworks. Evaluate future trends using international financial data and theoretical models. Synopsis of Course Contents Among the topics that will be discussed in this course are the monetary sides of international economics, in contrast to the real side, or real trade. The focus is on the market for foreign exchange, the determination of exchange rates and the management of foreign exchange exposures. Financial issues faced by multinational companies will also be discussed such as methods of financing and management of international portfolio.
Learning Outcomes At the end of the course, students are able to: Explain the major concepts and terminologies of consumer behaviour. Appreciate a consumer behaviour model. Analyse the internal and external influences affecting consumer behaviour. Apply the theories of consumer behaviour in marketing situations. Synopsis of Course Contents The course will provide a research-oriented overview of consumer behaviour. It will focus on the psychological factors influencing individual consumption behaviour. The major topics covered in this course are: information processing; behavioural learning; personality and psychographics; consumer beliefs, attitudes, and behaviour; consumer decision making process, situational influences, group processes, cultural processes, and international issues in consumer behaviour.
Department Marketing
Department Marketing Learning Outcomes At the end of this course, students should be able to: Explain the global marketing environment by appraising and assessing the diverse forces that influence the global business/marketing environment, Apply the marketing mix elements to global marketing Analyze a competitive marketing strategy leading to global market entry Apply strategies for local companies to compete against global players Synopsis of Course Contents This course offers a comprehensive analysis of the environmental forces that influence the marketing function and how the marketing mix is adapted to identify/recognize and satisfy the needs of global and/or regional customer segments. Students will also be taught how local companies can defend against global players and win. The course covers four main sections: (i) the global marketing environment, (ii) development of the competitive strategy, (iii) global marketing strategy development (global marketing mix) and (iv) management of the global marketing effort.
Learning Outcomes At the end of this course, students are able to: Describes the theory and concepts of retailing. Interpret the elements of the retail strategy Analyze the issues and challenges affecting the retail industry. Synopsis of Course Contents This course focuses on strategic issues that need to be understood by the retailer to operate effectively in the retail business.
Department Marketing
Semester 2 Session 2011/2012 CMGB6101 Marketing Management CMGB6102 Management Information System CSGB6101 Human Capital Management CSGB6102 Business Ethics and Corporate Governance CSGB6201 Strategic Management
SEMESTER I CAGB6309 Financial Accounting and Reporting CTGB6301 Taxation for Business Decisions CTGB6303 Management Accounting Control Systems CSGB6302 Legal Environment of Business CMGB6321 E Commerce CMGB6325 Database Management Systems CMGB6323 Current Issues in Information System SEMESTER II SPECIAL SEMESTER CAGB6308 Seminar in Auditing and Assurance CMGB6326 Supply Chain Management CFGB 6308 Capital Market and Investment CFGB6307 Advanced Corporate Finance CFGB6301 Portfolio Management CFGB6305 International Finance CFGB6310 Bank Management CFGB6306 Mergers and Acquisition and Corporate Restructuring
CTGB6302 Management Accounting CAGB6301 Issues in International Accounting CFGB6307 Advanced Corporate Finance
CMGB6322 Strategic Information System CMGB6326 Supply Chain Management CMGB6335 Seminar in Information System CMGB6324 Decision Support Systems
CFGB6307 Advanced Corporate Finance CFGB 6308 Capital Market and Investment CFGB6302 Money and Banking CFGB6309 Econometrics for Managers CFGB6304 Derivatives Markets
CFGB6311 Principles of Islamic Economics and Finance CFGB6317 Applied Shariah in Islamic Banking and Takaful Transactions CSGB6311 Total Quality Management CSGB6302 Legal Environment of Business CSGB6307 Leadership CSGB6303 Industrial Relations CSGB6310 Performance Management and Rewards Systems CAGB6311 Internal Audit Engagement CAGB6312 Business Analysis and IT for Internal Auditors CSGB6302 Legal Environment of Business CSGB6314 International Business Management CFGB6305 International Finance CMGB6303 Global Marketing CMGB6308 Services Management CSGB 6313 Training Management
CFGB6318 Applied Shariah in Islamic Capital Market Transactions CFGB6319 Islamic Financial Institutions, Regulation and Governance
CAGB6310 Internal Auditing CAGB6313 Business Management Skills for Internal Auditors
CMGB6303 Global Marketing CSGB6301 Islamic Perspective on Business CAGB6301 Issues in International Accounting
Please note that we have taken the utmost care in compiling the information for the 2012/2013 session. While the contents are correct at the time of printing this book, we reserve the right to change any information as necessary. While we have produced this handbook to be comprehensive, please do not hesitate to ask us regarding matters not covered in this handbook.
Further enquiries should be directed to: Graduate School of Business Faculty of Business & Accountancy Level 4, Block C City Campus, University of Malaya Jalan Tun Ismail 50480 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia
: : : :
+603 2617 3008 /3046/3047/3048/3052 +603 2617 3050 [email protected] or [email protected]
Graduate School of Business Faculty of Business & Accountancy Level 4, Block C City Campus, University of Malaya Jalan Tun Ismail 50480 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia Tel : +603 2617 3008 / 3052 Fax : +603 2617 3050 Website :