Superintendent's Action Plan
Superintendent's Action Plan
Superintendent's Action Plan
Superintendents Strategies
Collaborating with teachers, administrators and other stakeholders, revise and update the District technology plan.
Performance Matrix
Written document with outcomes and fiscal data.
Goal #2: Establish systems, structures and processes including the use of data and other evidence, to ensure the District is making progress towards achieving Board adopted goals. Goal #3: Maintain the fiscal solvency of the District by generating additional revenues, achieve greater efficiency in expenditures, and aligning resources to improve student achievement.
Develop a matrix to evaluate initiatives, programs and services funded from both categorical and general fund budgets.
Written matrix with outcomes, student achievement data and fiscal impacts.
Establish an MPUSD Fiscal Advisory Team of community and District stakeholders to review and provide priorities for consideration in budget development and long-term planning to support student learning and achievement. Develop and initiate implementation of a comprehensive communications plan with timelines for specific strategies and accountability parameters.
Goal #4: Strengthen the communication systems and processes to increase engagement of community, staff and other stakeholders and to report on progress towards achieving school and District goals.
Begin development and implementation of an overall communications actions plan with dates, timelines, expectations and results
Superintendents Strategies
Performance Matrix
Seeking input of site level and department leaders, review and modify procedures, processes and practices to be more responsive to their needs. Develop and implement process for obtaining input and feedback from key stakeholders. Develop a comprehensive human resources plan to include recruitment, selection process incorporating the input from all stakeholders including community, staff and Association leadership.
Survey data and/or roundtable discussion notes and written responses to the identified issues. Feedback from key stakeholders.
Goal #6: Develop comprehensive human resource strategies that ensure the District hires and retains a diverse, high quality staff.