Is There A Difference Between Knowledge and Intelligence?

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Article appeared Friday, January 25th, 2013 in The News Today, Bangladesh

The Revelation (263)

yousuf mahbubul Islam, PhD

Is there any difference between knowledge and intelligence? To work out the difference, let us consider the following situation. Imagine that we have a parrot who we have named Polly. We teach Polly to repeat the sentence, Polly is a good boy. So Polly repeats this sentence a number of times each day. Now, can Polly work out whether this statement or knowledge is true? No, Polly can only repeat the statement without being able to analyze the truth of the statement. Polly is therefore completely in the dark about the sense, meaning, truth or value of the statement. On the other hand, a human being has the ability to ask questions and analyze this statement. Relevant questions could be: is Polly a human being or a type of bird? Do birds have activities that can be classified as good or bad? To answer these questions, the human can look for further knowledge that can be used to verify the truth of the statement, Polly is a good boy. Knowledge consists of statements or facts that are available in books, in electronic media, can be circulated as rumors or even may be passed down generations by word-of-mouth. In contrast, intelligence is an ability given to human beings to ask questions and collect further knowledge to ascertain or corroborate the truth or value of any statement. In contrast to other created beings, humans have been given intelligence to ascertain the truth or value of knowledge. Intelligence may therefore be called a light by which knowledge can be viewed or examined. The New Testament of the Bible explains the blessing of intelligence given to man. The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it. [John, 1:5, NIV] {1} Life forms that have not been given intelligence are incapable of checking or processing knowledge they are therefore in the depths of darkness. It is with intelligence or light that humans can independently work out and choose to appreciate the greatness of the Creator. Equally, people who do not use or bother to use their intelligence remain in darkness. In the most recent Revelation, the Quran, our Creator asks, Are the blind equal to those who see? Or the depths of darkness equal with Light?" Or do they assign to Allah partners who have created as He has created so that the creation seemed to them similar? Say: "Allah is the Creator of all things: He is the One, the Supreme and Irresistible. " [13.16] The Creator has created blessings of all kinds. In the following Verses from the Quran, our Creator enlightens and guides us about food, its use and abuse.

6.141 It is He who has brought into being gardens both of the cultivated type and those growing wild and the date palm, and fields bearing different produce, and the olive, tree, and the pomegranates, all resembling one another and yet so different. Eat of their fruit when they come to fruition, and give (to the poor) what is due to them on harvest day. But do not waste, for He does not love the wasteful. 6.142 And of the cattle some are reared for work and others for food. Eat of that which God has provided for you as sustenance and do not follow Satans footsteps; he is your open foe.
Cattle therefore have two purposes, working for man and as provision for food. He informs how He created us and organized provision: He created you (all) from a single person: then created of like nature his mate; and He sent down for you eight head of cattle in pairs [39.6]

Having provided provision, the equivalent of eight head of cattle in pairs, is it logical that He would then forbid the same? As some people have created self-imposed prohibitions, our Creator asks about the possible combinations that He has forbidden.

6.143 Of cattle you have eight in pairs: a pair of the sheep and a pair of the goats. Ask: Is it the two males that He has forbidden, or the two females, or that which the wombs of the two females may contain? Tell me plainly if you are men of truth.
We are asked to use our intelligence to evaluate the logic behind such self-imposed restrictions. For example, what is the difference between one animal and another? Why should one be forbidden as opposed to another?

6.144 And, likewise, a pair of camels and a pair of oxen. Ask: Is it the two males that He has forbidden, or the two females, or that which the wombs of the two females may contain? Is it, perchance, that you were witnesses when God gave you these commandments? Who could be more wicked than one who, without any real knowledge, invents lies about God in order to lead people astray? God does not guide the wrongdoers.
Our Creator forbids superstition and prohibiting things He has not forbidden.

6.145 Say: In all that has been Revealed to me, I do not find anything forbidden to eat, if one wishes to eat thereof, unless it be carrion, or blood poured forth, or the flesh of swine for all that is unclean or a sinful offering over which a name other than Gods has been invoked. But if one is driven by necessity, neither intending disobedience nor exceeding his bare need, then know that your Lord is much Forgiving, Merciful. 6.146 To those who followed the Jewish faith did We forbid all animals that have claws; and We forbade them the fat of both oxen and sheep, except that which is in their backs and entrails and what is mixed with their bones. Thus did We requite them for their wrongdoing. We are certainly true to Our Word. 6.147 If they accuse you of lying, then say: Limitless is your Lord in His Grace; but His punishment shall not be warded off from evildoing folk. 6.148 Those who associate partners with God will say: Had God so willed, neither we nor our fathers would have associated any partners with Him; nor would we have declared anything as forbidden. In like manner did those who have lived before them deny the truth, until they came to taste Our punishment. Say: Have you any certain knowledge which you can put before us? You follow nothing but conjecture, and you do nothing but guess. 6.149 Say: With God alone rests the final evidence. Had He so willed, He would have (forcefully) guided you all aright. 6.150 Say: Bring forward your witnesses who will testify that God has forbidden this. If they so testify, do not you testify with them; and do not follow the wishes of those who deny Our Revelations, and those who do not believe in the life to come and who consider others as equal to their Lord.
Preferring rules other than that Revealed is tantamount to placing self and others equal to the Creator and thereby a proof of disbelief. Can a created being be equal to its creator? -----{Notes}: {1}

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