CIVE 430 Syllabus
CIVE 430 Syllabus
CIVE 430 Syllabus
Fall 2011 Sec 003 Tues 6:30-9:30 Office: 4-270B Email: [email protected]
Text: Introduction to Hydrology, 5th edition, W. Viessman, Jr. & G.L. Lewis, PrenticeHall, 2003.ISBN 0-67-399337-X Many supplemental handouts to amplify concepts. Scope: - How much surface and subsurface water is available in the watershed for water supply, cooling, irrigation, power, navigation, ecological maintenance, etc When is there too much water such that damaging flooding occurs What is the reliability of the water source, the probability of flood levels, expressed as return period or recurrence
Course Goals: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5 6 Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Understand the processes and components of the hydrologic cycle Can use precipitation data to solve water resource problems Can characterize hydrologic pathways: watersheds and aquifers Can do standard runoff calculations Can generate and analyze hydrographs Can construct water budgets and run simple hydrologic models. Topic Overview, climate, hydrologic cycle Watersheds and groundwater reservoirs Precipitation analysis Interception, evaporation, transpiration Capillary retention, infiltration Surface water hydrology Midterm exam Hydrograph analysis Groundwater Hydrology Urban Hydrology Ch 9 Ch 10 Ch 11 Ch 13 Reference Ch 1, handouts handouts Ch 4 Ch 5, 6 Ch 7 Ch 8
Final Exam Grading Policy: The final grade will be based the following: Homework (20%), Mid-term exam and final exam (40% each). Assignment #1, water resource project report, will be counted as two homeworks Homeworks are instructors feedback and students preparation for exams. They will be graded on a 0-5-10 scale based on demonstration of effort and thought. It must be handed in at the start of class one week after the homework is assigned. Late work: 50% credit..
Grading System: A+ 98+ A 93-97 A90-92 B+ B B88-89 83-87 80-82 C+ C CD+ D F 78-79 73-77 70-72 68-69 60-67 59 or below
Course Policies: Americans with Disability Act: Students with documented disabilities who need course accommodations, have emergency medical information or require special arrangements for building evacuation should contact the instructor within the first two weeks of class. Verification of any special arrangements needs to be made through the Office of Disability Services, Room 215 Creese Student Center, 215-8952506. Further information on this can also be obtained at Academic Honesty Policy: Drexel University is committed to a learning environment that embraces academic honesty. In order to protect members of our community from results of dishonest conduct, the University has adopted policies to deal with cases of academic dishonesty. Please read, understand, and follow the Academic Honesty Policy as written in the Official Student Handbook. Student Responsibilities: If the student stops attending the class, she/he will not be automatically dropped 1from the course and she/he will receive a grade according to her/his overall performance. It is the students responsibility to make sure that she/he is properly enrolled or de-enrolled in the course. Course Drop Policy: Dropping a course results in the course being removed from the students academic record. All students may drop courses through the end of the second week of class of the current term by using Banner Web for students. No approval is required for upper class students. Freshmen must meet with their academic advisor before dropping a course. Course Withdrawal Policy: Withdrawing from a course results in a W appearing on the students academic record. Before withdrawing students should, as a courtesy, consult with the instructor. They may withdraw from courses through the sixth week of classes but, from the third to the sixth week of classes, a student must obtain their advisors authorization before withdrawing.
Financial Obligations: Students who do not satisfy financial obligations to Drexel University are not entitled to a grade.