Septic Shock

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Nursing Care Plan A Client with Septic Shock

Huang Mei Lan is a 43-year-old unmarried female who lives alone in a major West Coast city. Ms. Huang came to America 15 years ago from China and now speaks English well. Her family still lives in China. She worked in a neighborhood sewing shop until 3 years ago, when she was diagnosed with breast cancer. Her treatment included mastectomy of the affected breast and follow-up chemotherapy. Last month, Ms. Huang experienced a recurrence of cancer in the lymph glands of the affected side. Surgery to remove the glands was performed and chemotherapy started.Ms.Huang has a central line, a urinary catheter, and a surgical incision. She is underweight, weak, and depressed. Although she has multiple physical problems, she never complains or asks for any kind of medication. Anxiety related to feelings that illness is worsening and is potentially life threatening, and the transfer to the critical care unit

Maintain adequate circulating blood volume. Regain and maintain blood gas parameters within normal limits. Regain and maintain stable hemodynamic levels. Verbalize increased ability to cope with stressors.


Monitor neurologic status, including mental status and level of consciousness. Monitor cardiovascular status, including arterial blood pressure; rate, rhythm, and quality of pulses; central venous pressure; pulmonary artery pressure; and cardiac output. Monitor color and character of skin. Monitor results of arterial blood gases, blood counts, clotting times, and platelet counts. Monitor respiratory status, including respiratory rate, rhythm, and breath sounds. Monitor body temperature every 2 hours. Monitor urinary output hourly, reporting any output of less than 30 mL per hour. Explain procedures and provide comfort measures (oral care, skin care, turning, positioning).

Ms. Huangs primary nurse, Robert OBrien, enters her room early in the morning to make an initial assessment. He finds Ms. Huang huddled in the middle of the bed, shivering violently. Her vital signs are T 104 F, P 110, R 30, and BP 106/66. Her skin is hot, dry, and flushed with poor turgor. She is alert and oriented, but is restless and appears anxious. Ms. Huang states she is nauseated and suddenly begins vomiting and is incontinent of liquid stool. Laboratory data indicate leukocytosis,respiratory alkalosis,and reduced platelet count. Blood cultures, as well as cultures of Ms. Huangs sputum, urine, and wound drainage, are conducted.She is diagnosed as having septic shock. Hetastarch is ordered per intravenous line, and intravenous broad-spectrum antibiotics are begun until the organism and its portal of entry can be determined. Despite treatment, Ms. Huangs condition worsens. Her blood pressure continues to drop, her skin becomes cool and cyanotic, and she begins to have periods of disorientation. She is transferred to the critical care unit. As she is being prepared for the transfer, she begins to cry and asks,Am I going to die?

Despite intensive nursing and medical care, Ms. Huangs condition remains critical.The interventions are continued.

Critical Thinking in the Nursing Process

1. Vasopressors may be used in the treatment of septic shock. Explain the rationale for their use. 2. While monitoring Ms. Huangs arterial blood gases, the nurse notes that her PaO2 is < 60 mmHg and her PaCO2 is > 50.What do these findings indicate, and why have they occurred? 3. Ms. Huang has been given large amounts of colloids intravenously. Hemodynamic monitoring indicates a higher than normal CVP and pulmonary artery pressure. What do these findings indicate? What physical assessments would you make to confirm the changes? See Evaluating Your Response in Appendix C.

Deficient fluid volume related to vomiting, diarrhea, high fever, and shift of intravascular volume to interstitial spaces Ineffective breathing pattern related to rapid respirations and progression of septic shock Ineffective tissue perfusion related to progression of septic shock with decreased cardiac output, hypotension, and massive vasodilatation

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