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English 11 Honors: World Literature: Ms. Cafarelli

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Cafarelli English 11 Honors: World Literature

Spring 2013 [email protected] 240-566-9959 www.cafsclass.com / @MsCafarelli

Course Description (English 11): In grade 11, students will encounter and examine British and World Literature, prepare for post-secondary plans, and practice essential SAT components. The semester has four units: Career/ Post Secondary, Introduction to Generic Ideals/ Building Foundations, Renaissance, and Revolutionary Genres/Literature of the Moderns. Students will also prepare for Common Core State Standards by reading nonfiction texts and The Scarlet Letter. Texts: Holts Elements of Literature (6th course), along with several other supplemental components. Supplemental texts (consider d/l on your eReaders!): Scarlet Letter, Heart of Darkness, Frankenstein, Things Fall Apart, Lord of the Flies **Technology: Composition and study within this course requires a great deal of access to a computer, printer, and the internet. Students will be required to type all papers, and participate in research and a number of activities online. Students who do not have this access at home are expected to utilize the Linganore Media Center or seek other arrangements within the time restraints of the original assignment. I have access to the internet _____ I do not have access to the internet _____

Classroom Guidelines 1. Please respect your classmates and your teacher. Above all, this classroom will be a safe place to share ideas and thoughts. There will be no teasing, bullying, or belittling of any kind, and only school appropriate language will be used. 2. Please raise your hand for permission to speak or leave your seat for any reason. Please also refrain from shouting out answers until you are called upon. 3. Save personal grooming for the restroom and eating/drinking for the cafeteria. The only exceptions to this rule are water and chapstick. 4. Be sitting in your seat when the bell rings. In this class you are late if you are not in your seat when the bell rings. 5. Begin working as soon as the assignment is given. I will normally give you time to work on reading assignments or written homework. You must use this time in class. Please do not pack up your books until the bell rings. 6. Always do your own work. I will always expect you to do your own work unless stated otherwise. This expectation covers homework, classwork, projects, and tests. Any cheating, including talking during a test, will result in a zero. 7. Adhere to all assignment and make-up deadlines. If work is not turned in at the appropriate time, work may still be turned it the next day with a maximum grade of 75% of the total points possible. If you miss class for any reason, it is YOUR responsibility to make up the work on time.

Consequences for choosing negative behavior* 1st offense - warning 2nd offense - teacher detention (10-30 minutes, teachers discretion) 3rd offense - referral *Depending on the severity of each situation, these consequences may not go in numerical order. Supplies 1. You will need the following items for this class: Three-ring binder Pens/pencils Loose-leaf notebook paper Composition journal. 2. You will need to bring the binder, pens/pencils, paper, and school issued textbook everyday! Please see me if there is any issue with the purchasing of these supplies. 3. Smartphone/Tablet Optional! We are a flat classroom, eliminating our walls and opening up our classroom to global technology opportunities, feel free to bring a smartphone to class! *Use responsibly, school rules apply, nonrelevant activities will result in removal. Grading Policy Point values will be assigned and then they are weighted among the following categories: Homework-10%

Students will be required to complete independent reading assignments and other additional homework throughout the term. Even though homework is only worth 10% of your grade, failure to complete homework could be detrimental to your overall class grade.

Classwork, Class Participation, Works in Progress-20%

Students will be required to participate in class discussions and practice activities (in and out of school) throughout the semester. Students may receive a grade or credit for these assignments.

Projects and Presentations, Quizzes and Tests, Writing Responses, and Reading Responses-70%

Students will be required to complete a variety of projects and presentations throughout the term. Students will be required to take a variety of planned and unplanned assessments throughout the term. Students will be required to complete brief constructed responses to literature and other assignments that contribute to the comprehension of a text. Students will be required to use a process approach to writing as a means to compose a variety of essays and other writing assignments. In addition to writing assignments, the writing section also includes language usage and vocabulary development. Once both terms are finished, your first and second term averages will each count for 40% your final grade. The other 20% will come from the CRES portfolio, which is a compilation of student work that demonstrates mastery of specific indicators for reading and

pieces that demonstrate mastery of the writing process and language usage. This portfolio also contains reflections.

Assessment will be given daily through rubrics, checklists, quizzes, tests, and observation. Please remember that assessments may not always be planned 89.5 - 100% = A 79.5 - 89.4% = B 69.5 79.4% = C 59.5 69.4% = D 59.4% or below = F Make-up work/ Late work:
If you are absent, it is YOUR responsibility to collect and complete all missed work in a timely manner. You have as many days to complete the work as days missed. Any work that should have been submitted while absent must be turned in the day you return.

Just Do It: Zeros Kill Your Grade!

How to get your make up work? o Website for all lesson plans, handouts, texts. o (OR) Handouts/missed exams are in classroom folders o (OR) Twitter o TURN IN ON CAFSCLASS.COM Late work: It is YOUR responsibility to handle your own work and turn it on time! Summative assignments only may be turned in up to 3 days late, dropping a rubric grade per day. Field Trips: field trips are not an excuse to miss a deadline! All work is expected to be turned in before leaving, and completed within 1 day of your return. Deadlines: the only acceptable time to email a paper is in the case of an absence. ALL papers MUST be turned in at the start of the due class period! NO printing, downloading, etc, during or after class! The media center is open BEFORE and AFTER school! Papers printed during class or after class will be considered late.
Extra Help: If you need help with something we are doing in class, please set up a time to see me. I am available after school by appointment. Again, it is your responsibility to get extra help when you feel that you need it. Please dont wait until you are failing! Food Policy: Water ONLY.

Daily Routine:

Students are expected to be in the classroom by the time the bell rings. Gather your journals, necessary handouts, and sit quietly and begin writing your warm up. Homework may be checked daily, so have completed assignments on your desk. Homework assignments will be noted on the board. Students are expected to record all homework assignments in their agenda. Students are not to pack up materials until I have dismissed the class for the day.


When completing assigned material, make sure the work is your own! Do NOT copy any original thought from another author, or allow another student to copy your work. If you are quoting materials, use proper citation. ANY plagiarized work will be given a grade of zero. During class time, no student is to use abbreviated versions of works being studied or discussed. In other words, no Cliffnotes, Sparknotes, etc. Students are expected to use honesty, discrepancy, and respect when using all online media. All online media belongs to the school, so school rules apply!

Student Contract
(Please have signed by student and parent/guardian) In English 11 this semester, I agree to.....
Arrive to class on time and be in my seat working when the bell rings. Come to class prepared. Be respectful of everyone in the room at all times. Put away or get rid of any and all needless distractions: food, drinks, electronic devices of any kind, etc. Take notes daily in class. Participate in class in an appropriate manner. Avoid talking out of turn or disrupting the class in any way. Use appropriate language at all times. Turn in all work on time. Follow the schools Honor Code by not plagiarizing, providing work, or taking someones work.

Choosing not to meet these expectations will result in the following consequences:
1st offense - warning 2nd offense - teacher detention (10-30 minutes) 3rd offense - referral
SEVERITY CLAUSE - A student will be sent to the office with a referral for class disruptions or endangering self or others

By signing this, I admit to having read and understood the expectations and consequences of the class. __________________________
(Student Signature)

(Students printed name)


(Class Period)

Parent/Guardian Contact Information *Please print clearly! Parent Name(s): ________________________________

(Parent/Guardians Printed Name)

Student Name: _________________________________


Best time(s) and telephone number(s) to reach a parent/guardian:

(Parent/Guardians Signature) Email Address:

Do you prefer telephone or email contact?

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