Finding God On A Catholic Campus
Finding God On A Catholic Campus
Finding God On A Catholic Campus
The late futurist Herman Kahn once said and formation, preparing them to form fami-
there are only two times in life when one’s lies, serve God, Church, society and country
ideas, attitudes and convictions are radically and to value their roles as father or mother,
altered: before you are six and when you go husband or wife above wealth, pleasure or
to college. personal realization. These Catholic colleges
were staffed by tens of thousands of dedi-
In my own pastoral work with college stu-
cated men and women, clerical, religious and
dents, especially where it pertains to religious
lay, to whom great glory and credit are due.
belief and behavior, I have found Kahn’s ob-
servation to be true. Given what is at stake, Over the last 40 years, in large part due
the choice of a college for one’s child should to an eagerness to assimilate, most Catholic
be an overriding concern of any Catholic par- colleges and universities have thrown away
ent. The university is usually the last place to their heritage, traditions and truth claims, re-
form the pre-adult Catholic. The important sulting in a loss of an understanding of their
transition between the teen years and young mission. Pope Benedict XVI, in a June 2007
adulthood should be one from dependence to address in Rome, described our present “edu-
responsible independence in all areas of one’s cational emergency” as “inevitable”
life, most especially the moral and the spiri-
in a culture which too often makes relativism
its creed. In such a society the light of truth is
Character formation, built upon the natu- missing; indeed, it is considered dangerous…
ral law and perfected with grace, will deter- to speak of truth, and the end result is doubt
mine the question of happiness or unhappi- about the goodness of life and the validity
ness both in this life and the next. There also of the relationships and commitments that
is the financial question. The large sum— constitute it. Hence, education tends to be re-
sometimes exceeding $150,000—shelled out duced to the transmission of specific abilities
for college expenses could easily be invested or capacities for doing, while people endeavor
elsewhere for the real benefit of the Church, to satisfy the new generation’s desire for hap-
society or one’s family. Prudence calls for se- piness by showering them with consumer
rious deliberation. goods and transitory gratification. Thus, both
parents and teachers are easily tempted to ab-
Through the years many parents have
dicate their educational duties and no longer
asked my advice on selecting a Catholic col-
even understand what their role, or rather the
lege for their child. Their concern about mak-
mission entrusted to them, is.
ing a wise choice is well-justified. The United
States once had the largest and best network That mission, as Pope John Paul II told
of Catholic colleges in the world. Millions of American bishops in 1998, is “the integral for-
Catholic men and women for much of our his- mation of students, so that they may be true
tory received a coherent, faithful education to their condition as Christ’s disciples and as
such work effectively for the evangelization Under these circumstances, how does one
of culture and for the common good of soci- find a Catholic college that offers a coherent,
ety.” The key word is “integral”: the formation faithful education and formation?
of the whole human person. Formation, of
course, covers lots of ground. It is clear, how-
ever, that university education cannot simply Check with the Church
be a matter of transmitting knowledge, but of
transforming the whole personality through A good first place to look for basic criteria is
a lived assent to the truths of Revelation. the Church herself. Pope John Paul II laid out
what the Church expects of institutions that
The primary way for the Catholic univer-
label themselves Catholic in Ex corde Ecclesi-
sity to help undergraduates is by means of a
ae. You will find this document reprinted in
liberal arts education in the Western tradi-
the pages of this Guide; read it, and then ap-
tion. Through this education, students can
ply it to the colleges you research. In Ex corde
learn to think, reason and communicate as
Ecclesiae, the Church applies her perennial
adults in such a way that they can fulfill their
wisdom to the contemporary scene and pro-
vocations as parents of Catholic families who
vides a sure guide for distinguishing private
will make Christ and his Church present in
whimsy from authentic teaching regarding
the wider secular world of work, social activ-
the university. After all, it was the Church
ity and friendship.
that gave birth to the university.
Today, however, with notable exceptions,
At the heart of a truly Catholic university
“college” has largely become at best a place
will be a sound theology department, since
for excellent pre-professional training and at
the Catholic Church recognizes theology as
worst an extended and expensive four-year
the “Queen” of sciences. Apart from consid-
vacation from reality. The great majority of
erations of academic competence, parents
college students today cannot articulate why
and prospective students need to determine
they are studying, other than vague referenc-
the all-important question of the theology
es to career or “service to humanity.” Their
department’s loyalty to the teaching author-
uncertainty and confusion reflect the lack of
ity of the Church. The majority of Catholic
clear vision on the part of educational institu-
colleges have a two- or three-course require-
tions themselves, which mirrors the prevail-
ment in theology for its undergraduates, who
ing culture marked by secularism, utilitari-
presumably will consider the teaching of
anism and relativism.
their professors as authoritative. Sometimes it
What remains is an atmosphere where is difficult to ascertain what type of theology
power, physical attractiveness, sexual con- is taught at any given school.
quests, leisure time, economic security and
Ask the authorities if the criteria of the
the amassing of wealth are the underlying, if
“Instruction on the Ecclesial Vocation of
unarticulated, goals of life. A relatively few
the Theologian” of the Congregation for the
young men and women are capable, after
Doctrine of the Faith have been applied to its
some reflection, of understanding that they
theology faculty, and if they have taken the
are living in a polluted atmosphere, and that
oath required of them. A list of the on-cam-
holiness, commitment, marriage and family,
pus speakers during the last academic year
truth, character and virtue should be the ends
who dealt with themes concerning Catholic
of an integral education.
doctrine and morals would also be revealing.
Church, particularly to the lay movements his Christian life than a year of other types
and institutions that are providing so much of activities. It may well be the first time that
life in this historical moment? Or does there the student has been left alone in reflective
exist a “turf” mentality or downright hostil- conversation with Christ. There, the meaning
ity to other spiritualities and institutions ap- and purpose of his life become clearer.
proved by the Church? There should be no
monopoly on providing spiritual help to the
students and a great respect for the freedom The Sense of Home
of the student to find his way.
Take a look at the quality of the social and
The state of the college chaplaincy can be
moral environment of campus life. For non-
a strong indicator. Piety, reverence for Catho-
commuters, living arrangements are of the
lic liturgy, the encouragement of personal
highest importance. Do the college dormito-
prayer, frequent confession and communion,
ries have basically the same rules and regula-
the presence of the Blessed Sacrament and the
tions, moral tone and adult supervision that
availability of sound experienced spiritual
you would wish for your college-age child if
directors should be part of any truly Catho-
he were living at home? Are the dormitories
lic university experience. My experience
places where character can be built and where
with the work of a Catholic chaplaincy has
virtue can grow and, if need be, protected?
convinced me that an energetic faith-driven
This is not a question of turning a college resi-
campus ministry is a necessity to create a
dence into a cloister, but rather of assuring an
Catholic culture on campus that is capable of
environment where young men and women
forming modern day apostles. Try to deter-
can live as Christians without being subject
mine whether a Catholic college you are con-
to unnecessary temptations and provoca-
sidering emphasizes catechesis, formation,
tions. Are the dormitories single-sex? Or is
practice and evangelization.
that at least an option?
Take a look as well at the group activities
Throwing hundreds of young men and
sponsored by campus ministry. Are there
women together in close quarters produces
courses or talks covering Catholic teachings
inevitable and natural results, most of which
and Catholic Bible study, to educate students
at best do not prepare them well for Chris-
in their faith? Is volunteer work with the poor,
tian marriage and at worst cause irreparable
elderly or ill seen in the context of the Gospel
damage. If you dare, spend the night or even
and as a logical consequence of the student’s
a day or two living in a dormitory. In my ex-
adherence to the practices of the faith? In our
perience, most parents do not want to believe
affluent society, it is very important that the
the atmosphere of hedonistic immaturity and
Catholic be exposed to the misery that lies
boorishness that reigns in these places. High
around us and is very often hidden. The joy
spirits are one thing; animal behavior raised
of unselfish giving for the sake of Christ can
to an art is another. Remember, it is your child
help affect a serious change in students who
that you may be placing at moral and physical
heretofore have been gravely affected by self-
ish consumerism.
Are abortion referrals and contraceptives
The most important group activity that
dispensed on campus? Is the college un-
campus ministry can offer is retreats. A silent
equivocally pro-life, or is there waffling and
retreat with plenty of room for prayer and di-
double-talk on the most important question
rection can help a student progress more in
of our time, the sanctity of life from concep- Some of the above criteria should help in
tion to natural death? identifying authentic Catholic colleges and
universities. You may have additional crite-
How is leisure time used on campus? Are
ria of your own. In a society as caught up in
there healthy and uplifting social, recreation-
secular goals and ambitions as our own, it is
al and cultural opportunities? Leisure time
easy even for good Catholic parents to feel the
in today’s culture is too often spent watching
tug of considerations such as selectivity, earn-
television or films and reading magazines and
ing potential and bragging rights. However,
novels that make a mockery of the faith and
your children, who are negotiating the years
portray the goal of life as basically hedonistic
between youth and adulthood in the Perfect
self-fulfillment. On too many but fortunately
Storm of a permissive and materialistic cul-
not all Catholic campuses, there are pressures
ture, need more and better guidance than
to conform to the secular zeitgeist, which plac-
that. If they spend their college years exposed
es a premium on “growth” in which the abuse
to good influences, set on fire by inspiring ex-
of alcohol, drugs and sexuality is at least con-
amples and informed by confident and clear-
doned if not promoted.
ly orthodox teaching, they will be fortified
Take a cross-section of recent graduates of to form healthy Catholic families and func-
a college you are considering. Are they well- tion as humane Christian leaders of a society
educated by your standards, with an appre- starving to be fed bread and not stones.
ciation for the finer things of mind and spirit?
The schools profiled in this Guide deserve
Are they the type of young adults (and not ar-
your consideration as Catholic institutions
rested adolescents) that you would like your
where students can receive an integral educa-
children to emulate? Does the practice of the
tion to prepare them for their God-given vo-
faith give central meaning to their lives, or
cations. And since this springtime of the New
is it simply accidental and to be sloughed off
Evangelization is infiltrating Catholic higher
when convenient? In short, are they Catholic
education too, we can expect the future years
first and American second or vice-versa?
to add more to their number.