A Call To Action - A Manual For Homeopaths in The Treatment of Patients With HIVAIDS

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A Call To A ction:

eo A M anual for H om e o paths in the Treatm ent of Patients w ith H IV /A ID S

By: Rebecca Gower Toronto School of Homeopathic Medicine Independent Research Project 2008

Pages 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Introduction Chapter One: The Pathophysiology of HIV/AIDS Chapter Two: Stages of Disease Chapter Three: Medications to Manage HIV/AIDS Chapter Four: Literature Review Chapter Five: Hahnemannian Homeopathy Chapter Six: Clinical Cases 3-4 5-7 8-11 12-13 14-26 27-31 32-40 41-42 43-44

Chapter Seven: Conclusions Bibliography

People living with HIV or AIDS have been using complementary therapies since the beginning of the epidemic. Prior to the advent of Highly Active Anti-Retroviral Therapy (HAART), HIV-positive people used complementary therapies to cope with acute and chronic symptoms as well as to boost immunity. Since the introduction of more effective allopathic medications, more HIV-positive patients continue to use complementary therapies to improve general well-being, reduce symptoms and to manage the side effects of HAART.1 Given well-documented interest in using complementary therapies by people living with HIV, the question remains as to why homeopathic medicine remains unknown and ignored within the AIDS movement. The American Homeopath Dana Ullman made this point very succinctly when he said; it is both surprising and depressing that homeopathic medicine has been consistently ignored as a viable part of a comprehensive program in treating HIV-positive and AIDS patients.2 As the AIDS epidemic has created more awareness about the importance of our immune systems, Homeopathys history of successfully treating infectious diseases should be taken into consideration in fighting immune-related diseases such as HIV. We already know that some of the best homeopathic prescribers in the history of Homeopathy, such as Hahnemann, Lippe, and Boenninghausen, were able to cure people suffering from virulent infectious diseases with much lower death rates than their allopathic colleagues. Given the efficacy of Hahnemannian Homeopathy in treating virulent epidemics that included scarlet fever, typhoid and cholera, I wonder why the homeopathic community in North America has not stepped up to the challenge of treating people affected by the greatest epidemic of our time? There may in fact be several reasons to explain why people living with HIV are not accessing homeopathy such as financial limitations, lack of knowledge about the modality and stigma. Because of the success rates of the old masters of Homeopathy in treating all types of disease, but especially infectious disease, I want to examine the effectiveness of using Hahnemannian Homeopathy or a more pure form of our art and science in the treatment of people living with HIV or AIDS. Even though we know the history of the efficacy of homeopathy, most of the homeopathic literature on HIV suggests that only the newer or more modern methods can be successful in treating often complex health histories common in HIV-positive people. This paper will focus on providing a manual for Homeopaths to utilize in the treatment of people living with HIV or AIDS that is based on the writings of Hahnemann and not based on the often appealing
1 2

The Practical Guide to Complementary Therapies for People Living with HIV, CATIE, p. 5. Ullman, Dana, A Homeopathic Perspective on AIDS, p. 6.

and speculative beliefs that are promoted by appealing and charismatic modern practitioners. I hope that this is a first step that will encourage more homeopaths to view HIV as any other chronic disease and increase the knowledge and reputation of our amazing medical system within the AIDS movement.


As Homeopaths, it is important for us to have an understanding of the pathological processes of each chronic complaint our patients bring to us. It is the exact same issue in the treatment of patients living with HIV and/or AIDS. Although it is necessary to understand each individuals unique expression of this disease, it is important to understand the basic pathology of the HIV virus for many reasons. A basic understanding of the suppressed immunity experienced by all HIV-positive patients and a basic comprehension of how different classes of Anti-Retroviral Therapy work to fight the virus at different stages of its lifecycle provides an important background for any homeopathic prescription. It is also necessary to understand some of the common acute exacerbations that the virus can induce in people so that homeopaths can better manage these periods of illness. Transmission and Epidemiology The Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is a virus that is acquired through sexual contact, intravenous drug use or from mother to child transmission via the placenta. This means that the virus is transmitted through body fluids, especially blood, semen and vaginal fluid. It is important to note that a person can only be infected through direct contact in which the virus is able to get inside the body.3 Typically, during the initial or primary infection, HIV levels are highest (>106 copies/mL), and circulating CD4+ lymphocyte counts drop rapidly. Normal CD4+ counts are about 750/L, and immunity is minimally affected if counts are greater than 500/L.4 Pathophysiology of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) In order to be effective, all viruses need to gain entry into the human body. In the case of HIV, its preferred targets are lymphocytes or host T-cells through CD4 molecules and chemokine receptors.5 T-cells are an important part of the immune system because they help facilitate the bodys response to many common but potentially fatal infections. And without enough T-cells, the bodys immune system is unable to defend itself against many infections.6 Once HIV comes into contact with a T-cell, it must attach itself to the cell so that it can inject its genetic material into the cell. Specifically, attachment is a process of binding between the proteins on the surface of the virus and proteins that

3 4

www.aidsmap.com/HIVlifecycle www.merck.com/mmpe/sec14/ch192/ch192a.html 5 Ibid. 6 www.thebody.com/content/art14193.html

serve as receptors on the surface of the T-cell.7 HIV uses one of two beta-chemokine receptors- CCR5 or CXCR4- to attach to the CD4 cell. The virus uses one of two sets of proteins (anti-receptors) called gp120 and gp41 in order to attach to the CD4 cells and the co-receptor(s). Once the virus has attached to one of the co-receptors of the CD4 cell, it penetrates the cells and releases its RNA and enzymes into the cell. In order to survive, viral replication must take place. This process is sometimes referred to as uncoating because the nucleocapsid which contains the viral RNA sheds its viral envelope. Uncoating is necessary so that the viral RNA can be converted into DNA. In order for this conversion to occur, an enzyme called reverse transcriptase copies HIVs RNA which results in a pro-viral DNA.8 Specifically, the single stranded viral RNA is transcribed into a double strand of DNA which contains instructions that HIV needs to hijack a T-cells genetic machinery to reproduce itself- it uses nucleotides (building blocks of DNA) from the cell cytoplasm.9 Once the viral RNA has successfully penetrated the nuclear membrane and has been escorted to the nucleus, HIV uses the integrase enzyme to insert HIV's double-stranded DNA into the cell's existing DNA.10 At this point, the HIV provirus is latent and is waiting for activation. Upon activation, this latent provirus instructs the cell to produce the necessary components of HIV.11 From the viral DNA, two strands of RNA are constructed and transported out of the nucleus. One strand is translated into subunits of HIV such as protease, reverse transcriptase, integrase, and structural proteins. The other strand becomes the genetic material for the new viruses.12 Impact on Immunity The main consequence of HIV infection is damage to the immune system, specifically loss of CD4+ T lymphocytes, which are involved in cell-mediated and, to a lesser extent, humoral immunity.13 Antibodies to HIV are measurable usually within a few weeks after primary infection; however, antibodies cannot eliminate infection because the mutated forms of HIV which are generated are not controlled by the patient's current antibodies.14

7 8

Ibid. www.merck.com/mmpe/sec14/ch192/ch192a.html 9 www.thebody.com/content/art14193.html 10 Ibid. 11 Ibid. 12 Ibid. 13 www.merck.com/mmpe/sec14/ch192/ch192a.html 14 Ibid.

Signs and Symptoms There is a lot of variance in the experience of HIV infection among people. One common point of agreement is that most people remain relatively asymptomatic for long periods of time after the experience of seroconversion or primary acute infection. This is often called Acute Retroviral Syndrome (ARS). The experience of Acute Retroviral Syndrome is also varied because certain patients experience no symptoms while others have very clear symptoms which are indicative of primary infection. ARS usually begins around the fourth week of infection and can last from 3 to 14 days with symptoms such as fever, malaise, rash, arthralgia, generalized lymphadenopathy and sometimes aseptic meningitis.15 In many situations, symptoms of primary infection or seroconversion are misdiagnosed as infectious mononucleosis or benign nonspecific viral syndromes. This is largely due to the fact that symptoms of ARS are so general that they are easily confused with symptoms of other ailments including influenza, malaria and even certain auto-immune conditions.




It is important to think of HIV as a continuum from initial infection to advanced AIDS. From our earlier discussion of the signs and symptoms of HIV, it was observed that there is a lot of variance in symptom expression. This is also true in regards to the time it takes for each individual to go through these stages. It is generally true that the progression of HIV disease is fairly slow, taking several years from infection to the development of severe immune suppression.16 Acute Retroviral Syndrome (Primary Infection) is first stage of HIV infection that occurs following exposure to the virus. People with HIV are considered to be infectious immediately after viral infection.17 This stage usually lasts a few weeks and it is during this time the virus first establishes itself in the body. The term acute infection refers to the period of time between when a person is first infected with HIV and when antibodies (proteins made by the immune system in response to infection) against the virus are produced by the body (usually 6-12 weeks) and can be detected by an HIV test.18 This process is commonly referred to as seroconversion. Up to 70% of newly infected people will experience flu-like symptoms at this stage which can include fevers, chills, night sweats and rashes. After these symptoms abate, an infected person returns to feeling and looking completely well. It is important to note that there are a percentage of people who do not experience any symptoms of acute infection or will have symptoms so mild that they may not notice them.19 The Asymptomatic Stage is the longest stage of HIV disease. In fact, most patients, especially in resource rich countries, have a period of months and years during which they experience no symptoms or have symptoms that are intermittent and nonspecific.20 Most patients will look and feel completely well during this period and the only indication of being positive is through one of the HIV antibody tests or perhaps swollen lymph glands.21 HIV is very active during this stage and its activity in the body will continue to weaken the immune system. As the diseases progresses, some people become quite ill even if they have not yet been diagnosed with AIDS or the late stage of HIV disease. This sub-stage of disease is known as the Early to Medium Stage. As the virus is able to further compromise the immune system, many people experience mild
16 17

www.thebody.com/thestagesofHIVdisease Ibid. 18 Ibid. 19 Ibid. 20 www.merck.com/mmpe/sec14/ch192/ch192a.html 21 www.thebody.com/thestagesofHIVdisease

symptoms of HIV such as skin rashes, fatigue, night sweats, slight weight loss, mouth ulcers as well as fungal skin and nail infections. In addition, patients may experience mild to moderate cytopenias such as thrombocytopenia, anemia and leucopenia. The Symptomatic AIDS is the last stage of HIV disease which occurs as the damage to the immune system becomes much more severe. An HIV-positive person is diagnosed with AIDS (as opposed to just being HIV-positive) when they have had one AIDS-defining illness (Opportunistic Infection) and the have a CD4 count below 200. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the United States;
An AIDS diagnosis can be given to an HIV-positive person who has CD4 counts of less than 200 mm3 22 or a history of an AIDS-defining illness.

In addition, an AIDS diagnosis can be made based on the intensity and frequency of symptoms of more common infections.23 Some symptoms of opportunistic infections that are common in people with AIDS include; coughing and shortness of breath, seizures and lack of coordination, difficult or painful swallowing, signs of dementia or memory problems, severe and persistent diarrhea, fever, vision loss, nausea, abdominal cramps and vomiting; weight loss and extreme fatigue; severe headaches and even coma. Some examples of Opportunistic infections include Candidiasis, Pneumocystis Pneumonia (PCP), Mycobacterium Avain Complex (MAC) Cytomegalovirus (CMV) and toxoplasmosis.24 This diagnosis does not necessarily mean that a person will die very shortly because of the accessibility of Highly Active Anti-Retroviral Therapy (HAART) in resource rich settings as well as allopathic medication and prophylaxis that can treat Opportunistic Infections. Opportunistic Infections Since HIV is now viewed as a chronic disease that has acute episodic flare-ups, it is important to have at least a basic understanding of the most common types of these episodes as they can be treated through acute homeopathic treatment. These acute episodes are called opportunistic infections because they occur as a result of the lowered or suppressed immunity that HIV causes upon the body. Specifically, they are caused by organisms which do not ordinarily induce illness in people with normal immune systems, but take the opportunity to flourish in people with compromised immune systems.25 Many of these infections occur when the CD4 cells become lower

22 23

Ibid. www.merck.com/mmpe/sec14/ch192/ch192a.html 24 http://www.niaid.nih.gov/factsheets/hivinf.htm 25 www.thebody.com/OpportunisticInfections

than 250. It is important to note that many of the opportunistic infections can actually be quite serious and severe. Some of these infections, especially Kaposis Sarcoma and Pneumocystis Pneumonia (PCP), were the cause of death of many patients with AIDS before Highly Active Anti-Retroviral Therapy (HAART) became available in the mid1990s. It would be difficult to include every Opportunistic Infection that a person living with HIV or AIDS might encounter. The following infections will be covered in this study; Candidiasis, Mycobacterium Avium Complex (MAC) and Pneumocystis Pneumonia. Candidiasis is a common infection for people with HIV/AIDS. It is caused by the imbalance of a common type of yeast or fungus called Candida Albicans that naturally occurs in the body. In most cases, a healthy immune system can keep the balance between good bacteria and fungus like Candida in check.26 Candida can occur anywhere in the body, but it is most commonly found in areas where there are mucous membranes such as the vaginal tract, the rectum and the throat. In the throat, it is called thrush. When it spreads deeper parts of the throat it is called esophagitis. The fungus will look like white patches that are similar to cottage cheese or red spots. Other symptoms, especially of thrush, are sore throat, pain when swallowing and a loss of appetite. Candidiasis is commonly called a yeast infection or vaginitis in the vaginal region. Common symptoms in this area can include burning, itching and a thick/whitish discharge. A Candida infection is of concern because it can also become a systemic issue and lead to symptoms of joint pain, infertility, depression, mood swings depending on what part of the body has been infected by the imbalance of yeast. Mycobacterium Avian Complex (MAC) is a serious illness that the body is usually able to resolve on it own unless there is a suppressed immune system. MAC is caused by a common bacterium and is also known as Mycobacterium Avioum Intracellulare (MAI). This was a very common opportunistic infection prior to the development of more powerful anti-HIV Medications or HAART. It is believed that up to fifty percent of people with AIDS may develop MAC especially if their CD4 counts are lower than 50.27 It usually occurs in the lungs, intestines, bone marrow, liver and spleen. While MAC can occur in a specific organ, such as the lungs, it can also be disseminated throughout the body. In such cases, it is called Disseminated Mycobacterium Avium Complex (DMAC). Symptoms of MAC can include;

high fevers chills,

www.aidsinfonet.org/Candidiasis www.aidsinfonet.org/MAC



diarrhea, weight loss stomach aches, fatigue and anemia.

It can also cause blood infections (sepsis), hepatitis, pneumonia and other serious problems. Pneumocystis Pneumonia (PCP), which is now called Pneumocystis Jaroveci Pneumonia, is the most common opportunistic infection in people with HIV. Without medical intervention, it is estimated that 85% of HIV-positive individuals would eventually develop this type of pneumonia. In the first fifteen years of the epidemic, it was the major killer of people with HIV. PCP is caused by a fungus which a healthy immune system is usually able to fight off and resolve on its own.28 The fungus almost always affects the lungs causing a specific type of an aggressive and severe pneumonia. HIVpositive patients are especially at risk for PCP if they have CD4 counts below 300, 200 and have already had another opportunistic infection.29 In addition, you are more likely to get this condition once you have already had it. Symptoms of PCP are; difficulty breathing fever weakness, emaciation a dry cough.

As a homeopath, it is important that after the indicated acute remedy is prescribed to make sure the patient also has access to allopathic medical care as this is a very severe and dangerous type of condition. HIV-positive patients under allopathic care are usually taking a pneumococcal vaccine such as TMP-SMX (Bactrim or Septra) as a prophylaxis to prevent PCP. For patients who are unable to tolerate Bactrim or Septra, they may also be taking Dapsone or Mepron as a prophylaxis or treatment for PCP.

28 29

www.aidsinfonet.org/pneumocystispneumonia Ibid.



Scientific and medical research has played a significant part in promoting the longevity of people living with HIV. Prior to the advent of Highly Active Anti-Retroviral Therapy (HAART) which is a combination of several anti-HIV medications, HIV/AIDS was a automatically viewed as a death sentence because many people did not live for long periods of time from the point of their diagnosis. Up until the middle of the 1990s, individuals diagnosed with HIV had to make difficult choices because of the reality of a shortened lifespan. This reality began to shift in the middle of the 1980s with the Retrovir (AZT) was the first HIV introduction of medications that targeted HIV.

medication that was introduced in 1987. Retrovir is a Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitor or a nrti or nuke. This is a class of medications that targets the ability of HIV to use the reverse transcriptase enzyme to take over the genetic material of the lymphocytes. Since the introduction of Retrovir, there have been many more nrtis introduced. And while all ARVs have the potential to create both short-term and longterm side effects, the newer medications in this class are tolerated much more easily by patients. Furthermore, some of these medications are combinations of two separate medications made into one pill to increase tolerability and adherence to the regimen. Some examples of combination ARVs include Combivir, Kivexa and Truvada. Invirase (Saquinivir) was introduced in 1995 and it is from the class known as Protease Inhibitors (PIs). Protease Inhibitors act upon the protease enzyme by There are many newer preventing lymphocytes infected with HIV from replicating.

Protease Inhibitors that have been developed since the mid-1990s. Some newer drugs in this class include Prezista (Darunavir), Reyataz (Atazanavir) and Kaletra (lopinavir/ritonavir). It is important to note that most PIs are boosted by a specific Protease Inhibitor called Norvir (Ritonavir) in order to increase the effectiveness and potency of the primary PI. Other classes of ARVs include Non-Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors (NNRTIs) and Fusion Inhibitors. In the Fall of 2007, two new ARVs were introduced as part of two new classes of ARVs. Maraviroc is an Entry Inhibitor which means that it blocks the ability of the virus to enter a lymphocyte by preventing its ability to bind to the CCR5 co-receptor. Isentress is an integrase inhibitor which stops the ability of HIV to use the integrase enzyme to produce viral genetic material within lymphocytes. Although there are many classes of medications and consequently, many individual ARVs within each class, it is important to realize most people living with HIV in North America are on a treatment regimen that includes medications from several of these classes.


It is evident from this short review of Anti-Retroviral Therapy that it has been effective in allowing people living with HIV for living for longer periods of time from the point of diagnosis. This explains why HIV is currently viewed as a chronic disease with acute episodic flare-ups. In spite of all of the positive aspects of these medications, there is the potential for serious short-term and long-term side effects. In the homeopathic treatment of people living with HIV, it is important to realize that the symptom picture may be the result of profound side effects from these medications. Many ARVs are associated with significant long-term side effects such as lipodystrophy (abnormal distribution of fat in the body), peripheral neuropathy, osteoporosis, kidney disease/dysfunction and metabolic issues such as hyperlipidemia and insulin resistance.



It is important to examine the homeopathic literature specific to HIV/AIDS. The literature provides insight into the prevailing ideas about how homeopaths can and are treating people with HIV and/or AIDS. It can show the ways in which theories, clinical practice and medical realities of HIV have shifted over time. Most importantly, it allows us the opportunity to analyze where and how the literature has deviated from Hahnemannian principles. Specifically, it is vital to keep in mind where the writing is promoting speculative ideas not based on the empirical science of homeopathy.

BOOK-Healing AIDS Naturally

Laurence E. Badgley is a medical doctor practicing in San Francisco who wrote this article in 1987. He begins this article by including homeopathic philosophy and a brief history of homeopathy. He also discusses and compares the efficacy of homeopaths and allopaths in treating infectious epidemics. He has identified several remedies that have caused increases in CD4 counts such as homeopathic cyclosporine and the remedy typhoidinum. Typhoidinum is a nosode made by typhoid germs. He used an energy testing machine (I am assuming the vega machine) to determine which remedy an individual patient would need. He indicated that many patients who received Typhoidinum resulted in clinical improvement. between Typhoid and AIDS patients;
The onset of the symptoms is insidious Weight Loss Fatigue White patches in the oral cavity Loss of appetite Night fevers Diarrhea Leukopenia Red-purple skin lesions Splenomegaly Cough Bronchitis 30 Delirium

The following symptoms are similar

Badgley also lists other remedies that may be useful in treating AIDS patients which includes; Agaricus, Arsenicum, Bacillinum, Badiage, Baptisia, Belladonna, Bryonia, Carcinosin, Dulcamara, Influenzinum, Kali Carbonicum, Lachesis, Lycopodium,


Badgley, Laurence, Healing AIDS Naturally, p. 149-50.


Mercurius, Muriatic acid, Natrum Muriaticum, Nitric Acid, Phosphorus, Phosphoric acid, Rhus Toxicodendron, Sulphur, Syphillinum, Trifolium and Thuja.31 This article is perhaps the first mention of the use of homeopathy to treat patients with HIV or AIDS. So, it is very groundbreaking for 1987. It must be said however, that this author is not really practicing homeopathy. The use of homeopathic cyclosporine does not seem to be based on matching a patients symptoms to those produced in a proving. It is apparently not even isopathy or tautopathy as there is no indication that patients received it because they had an etiology of being Never Well Since taking the allopathic version of cyclosporine. In addition, the comparison of the symptoms of typhoid to AIDS was interesting although speculative. While there may be similar symptoms, the treatment is not individualized to the patient and it appears that complete symptoms were not taken. Finally, the use of an energy machine to find the simillimum is not homeopathy.

ARTICLE-AIDS and the Real Cause

This was an article that George Vithoulkas submitted for publication to the Sunday Times in 1989. However, it was not accepted for publication. This article, in fact, represents a controversy that still exists in parts of the AIDS community about the origin of both HIV and AIDS and specifically whether HIV causes AIDS. It also addresses whether AIDS could be a result of the overuse of allopathic medications. Vithoulkas acknowledges that the above ideas are over simplistic. He brings forward several important points around causation of HIV/AIDS. His main points are that in the early years of the AIDS pandemic, the most at-risk individuals were those who had a history of sexually transmitted infections and heavy use of antibiotics; that HIV occurred as a result of a depleted immune system specifically being under attack by virile sexually transmitted infections especially gonorrhea and syphilis; mature HIV was more virulent and therefore; more easily able to infect other individuals; and the severity of infection was more dependent on the degree of weakened immunity in the infected individual. There are some problems with a lot of the assumptions that Vithoulkas raises in this article. It is true that in the early years of the AIDS pandemic in North America, promiscuity was a huge risk factor for several groups of people including gay and bisexual men; sex workers and injection drug users. However, some of his other statements have been contradicted by subsequent scientific research. For example, Dr. Rupert Kaul of the University of Toronto has done research on the infectiousness of HIV in the different stages of infection. He has found that the most infectious stages are during the initial infection/asymptomatic phase and the end stages of the disease. I do

Ibid; p. 151.


commend George Vithoulkas for discussing HIV/AIDS as early as the 1980s at a time when very few people in the homeopathic community was doing so. In fact, this continues to be the trend currently in North America where very few classical or Hahnemanian homeopaths are treating people living with HIV or AIDS. In spite of this, this article is based on total speculation and theory. For example, there may be anecdotal evidence that a lot of HIV-positive people do have histories of gonorrhea and syphilis, but there is no scientific evidence of a direct causal link between the either of these sexually transmitted infections and HIV. As of the end of 2007, there is no clear scientific evidence about the ways these diseases may work together in an individual. Finally, I believe that the issue is fundamentally not whether HIV causes AIDS or any other speculation about causation, but rather helping people who are HIV-positive to better cope with this syndrome.

ARTICLE-AIDS: Some Early Clinical Experiences,

Mike Strange, a British Homeopath, wrote this article for The Homeopath which is also known as The Journal of The Society of Homeopaths in Winter 1989; Volume 8, No. 2. Strange is drawing his conclusions based on treating 200 patients that ranged from being asymptomatic to having AIDS. He notes that it is common, especially in the treatment of HIV-positive gay men to find a history of a sexually transmitted infection especially gonorrhea and the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) while a history of Syphilis was less common. He concludes that his most successful treatment was with people at the asymptomatic stage where he concentrated on both constitutional and miasmatic treatment.32 He has used a strategy advocated by the Argentinian Homeopath Francisco Eizayaga. Strange states;
The first task in each case has been to identify the symptoms of pathological change, the so called lesional symptoms, which are the manifestations of the most immediately life-threatening aspects of the syndrome, and to find the most similar remedy to 33 this part of the total picture.

Strange gave his patients repeated daily doses of 3C or 6C until that potency ceased to be effective with the patient. Strange did try constitutional treatment with these patients based on the wait and watch method using potencies of 30C and higher. He found the above strategy to be ineffective because of the low vitality of the patient. He does use constitutional treatment at intervals where patients have stable physical health. He


Strange, Mike, AIDS; Some Early Clinical Experiences, The Homeopath, Vol. 8, No.2, Winter 1989, page 58. 33 Ibid, p. 60.


finds that commonly prescribed remedies included Natrum Muriaticum, Phosphorus, Pulsatilla and Sepia. Other useful remedies mentioned are Tuberculinum because of the Tuberculosis co-infection as well and the Tubercular miasm; as well as Calcarea Carbonica and Arsencium Iodatum. Strange found the following opportunistic infections Kaposis Sarcoma, Pneumocystis Pneumonia (PCP) and chronic diarrhea to be most frequent in his patients. He noted that Phosphorus, Lachesis and Crotalus Horridus were the most commonly used remedies to treat Kaposis Sarcoma. The homeopathic remedies of Bryonia, China, Pulsatilla and Silicea have been useful in the treatment of PCP. Strange also discussed the impact and effectiveness of homeopathic treatment of acute episodes of HIV. He stated that although he had no real evidence that Kaposis Sarcoma lesions have yielded to homeopathic treatment (cytological work would be needed to confirm any such claim in any case) but in some patients the production of new lesions seems to have slowed or even halted.34 In addition, PCP and diarrhea do seem to respond to homeopathic treatment. Strange found that Candidiasis is especially common after antibiotic treatment for PCP. He has used the nosode of Candida 30C usually combined with Nitric Acid in the treatment of this pathogen. He also experimented with autonosodes made of patients blood or feces in the potencies of either 12C or 30C. This technique did not yield any significant positive results in his practice. He effectively discussed some of the complications of treating HIV-positive patients with homeopathy. For example, he stated;
For a homeopath, one of the biggest problems in AIDS is that all these patients are already under allopathic treatment, often with powerful antibiotics or experimental drugs of unknown long term effect like AZT, when they come for homeopathic treatment. In the very sick, although the drugs might be necessary in one sense to save their lives, in another they are adding to the threat because of their very power which weakened people find it hard 35 to support.

Although this article was published nineteen years ago, it is one of the most useful because of its specific clinical focus. Specifically Strange mentions remedies that are most commonly useful for Opportunistic Infections such as Kaposis Sarcoma, PCP and diarrhea. I also liked the fact that he tried a different dosing strategy especially in those patients with low vitality. He also discusses some of the complications of treating HIVpositive patients in the West because of the prevalence of HAART. Although many medications under HAART are not as severe as AZT in terms of side effects, it continues to be true that the allopathic community has largely ignored the role that complementary

34 35

Ibid, page 61. Ibid.


therapies can play is maintaining and improving the health of patients with HIV or AIDS. In spite of all of these attributes, I was disappointed to find that Strange does not really apply Hahnemanian principles to the treatment of Opportunistic Infections especially Candida. I would have liked to see a comparison of acute treatment of Candida based on the totality of symptoms versus isopathy. In essence, I would not call the preliminary clinical guidelines set out in this article as Hahnemanian Homeopathy but a more eclectic treatment plan.

BOOK-AIDS: The Homeopathic ChallengeJonathan Stallick is a British Homeopath who wrote one of the only books that is devoted to the discussion of the homeopathic treatment of HIV/AIDS. This book was published in 1996. In the context of the AIDS crisis in the West, it is situated at the same time that the first combination of anti-HIV medications began to be used with considerable success. This book is based on the authors own clinical experience of homeopathic treatment of approximately 400 cases of people with HIV/AIDS over a fouryear period. This book excels because it provides a lot of sample cases, clear information about case-taking and a miniature materia medica with remedies that are frequently indicated in cases with HIV/AIDS. The case-taking chapter was useful because it included some unique factors that need to be taken in consideration in the treatment of HIV-positive patients. Stallick argues that there is often a complex symptom picture with AIDS and thus, the following factors need to be addressed in case taking such as etiology, emotional traumas, miasmatic tendencies, organ weaknesses and affinities and constitutional type.36 In addition, vaccination history, history of allopathic medications and the reaction to testing HIV-positive should be considered. Stallick is essentially advocating for more of an eclectic practice which definitely veers away from Hahnemanian Homeopathy. Specifically, Stallick is promoting this concept of layers and advocating that all of the layers get treated at once. He states; in sequential prescribing, we identify the different layers or aspects of the case and prescribe a different remedy for each of these layers. These are usually prescribed in sequence, usually in high doses, spaced from a few minutes to a day apart.37 He also adds that patients with complex and profound emotional pathology may benefit from this type of prescribing. The author argued against criticisms of this approach by asserting that it is not necessary to know which remedy has been most beneficial when using this polypharmacy approach.

36 37

Stallick, Jonathan, AIDS: The Homeopathic Challenge, p. 8-9. Ibid; p. 15.


Stallick effectively deals with the mental and/or emotional challenges a homeopath may encounter when treating HIV-positive patients. His experience has been that it can be exhausting treating people who have a fear and a deep belief that they are dying; and the practitioner will need to find an inner strength to avoid colluding with that prognosis.38 Stallick also devotes an entire chapter on candidiasis which can be problematic for many HIV-positive patients because of the comprised immunity. A summary of the proving of Candida 30 is included. In the end, the author advocates that using this nosode as part of treatment is almost mandatory.

ARTICLE-A Homeopathic Perspective on AIDSDana Ullman is an American Homeopath who wrote several articles on Homeopathy and AIDS at the end of the twentieth century. In this article, Ullmann provides an overview of the history of Homeopathic Medicine in treating infectious diseases. Ullmann begins this article by reminding readers that homeopathy has an impressive history of successes in treating infectious disease, including many of the most serious and potentially fatal infectious diseases known to humankind.39 In both Europe and the United States, the death rates from epidemics of cholera, typhoid, yellow fever and scarlet fever were commonly fifty percent to 80 percent less than those treated by allopathic doctors. This article highlights the body of the clinical trials and scientific studies that occurred prior to 1995. Because of the lack of scientific data specific to the treatment of various aspects of HIV or AIDS at this time, he also highlights the effect of Homeopathic medicines on other immune-based conditions. This is an excellent review of the scientific studies and clinical trials that demonstrate that homeopathy does in fact have a role to play in the treatment of people with HIV or AIDS. An updated version of this article would also be useful as an educational tool for people living with HIV. Perhaps the greatest contribution of this article is that it highlights the rigidity of the allopathic medical community in its refusal to investigate the potential of homeopathic medicines in treating HIV-positive patients. And unfortunately, this chasm between complementary therapists and allopathic doctors still continues for the most part in 2008. He succinctly sums up this state of affairs;
Despite this body of work; it is both surprising and depressing that homeopathic medicine has been consistently ignored as a viable part of a comprehensive program in treating HIV+ and AIDS Patients.

38 39

Ibid; p. 32. Ullmann, Dana, A Homeopathic Perspective on AIDS, Consumer Guide to Homeopathy, 1995.


ARTICLE-Controlled Clinical Trials Evaluating the Homeopathic Treatment of People with Human Immunodeficiency Virus or Acquired Immune Deficiency SyndromeDana Ullman wrote an accompanying article on Homeopathy and HIV/AIDS which focused on survey both scientific and homeopathic literature for clinical trials that used homeopathic medicines to treat people living with HIV or AIDS. As in the above referenced article, Ulmann also stresses the historical evidence of the use of homeopathy to treat infectious diseases and the need for looking into alternatives to Highly Active Anti-Retroviral Therapy (HAART). The bulk of the article focuses on clinical trials using homeopathic medicines and homeopathic growth factors. In addition, he examines research using homeopathic medicines to reduce the side-effects of allopathic medications, specifically Trimethoprim-sulphamehtoxazole (TMP-SMX) which is used prophylactically to prevent Pneumocystis Pneumonia (PCP). The conclusion of this paper is that it is really important for the AIDS medical community to further examine the potential of homeopathy through the use of more clinical trials. Even though there is a lot of anecdotal evidence about the use of homeopathy and other complementary therapies, there is a lack of formal data on their use and success. This is a very useful article because it highlights the efficacy of homeopathic medicines in treating people with HIV or AIDS based on the limited amount of clinical trials that have been performed to date. Ullman also rightly concludes that there is the need for more scientific studies so that we have more data which could lead to more specific treatment protocols. However, there is one caveat to all of this: the scientific community in general has a difficult time accepting the legitimacy of homeopathy because its very clear philosophy often contradicts most allopathic practices. In essence, homeopathy does not often perform well in many random, double-blinded placebo- controlled trials because it treats the individual as opposed to a disease or pathology. For this reason, the homeopathic community needs to take ownership of our own research by performing our own studies and presenting cases of patients treated using homeopathic medicines.

INTERNET ARTICLE- The Homeopathic Proving of the AIDS Nosode- 1999

Homeopath Misha Norland conducted several provings of the AIDS Nosode beginning in 1988 using both the 30C and 200C potencies of the blood of a man who had previously died of an AIDS-related disease. The final proving, which he describes as the most successful one, was conducted with students from the Devon School of Homeopathy in 1994. Norland begins the document with background on the history of the AIDS epidemic as well as the pathophysiology of HIV. Following these sections, there is a


section about the observations about AIDS patients which appears to be based upon total speculation. Some noted themes include fear of exposure and feeling unacceptable; a self-destructive state, exemplified by numerous sexual partners, sexually transmitted diseases, and recreational drugs and prescribed drugs for venereal and linked diseases. i.e. antibiotics, sulphanilamides, steroids and antifungals; and patients often surrender to standard medical interventions or develop monomaniacal approaches to learning all about the disease (and then refuse treatment). states;
The AIDS nosode is associated in a homoeopath's mind with boundary issues. In this aspect we note complimentary aspects to Carcinosin and a strongly Psoric colouration....since the myth of AIDS as well as its 'discovery' is bound up with the gay community in San Francisco we will home into this: casual sex with multiple partners is attempting an impossible union, too much thinning of the boundary, and certainly has resulted in frequent venereal infections and associated allopathic treatments as well as providing the pathway of infectionThe breakdown of the immune defence system is mirrored in ecology by such phenomena as the ozone hole, monoculture diseases, (combated by agrochemicals in a manner analogous to the multiple drug therapies employed in the conventional treatment of AIDS) and in sociological terms, by abuse. Here the boundary of the self is violated. It is also worthy of note that Chiron, the asteroid associated by astrologers with wounding and healing 40 was discovered at around the time that AIDS became known.


continues by examining the homeopathic indications for the use of the AIDS nosode. He

Finally, Norland proceeds to the actual symptoms elicited during the proving of the AIDS Nosode. Some symptoms include estrangement, feeling of betrayal, feeling of rejection, self-loathing and left-sidedness. The document ends in two case histories. This proving demonstrates where Homeopathy has gone wrong. In many cases, this proving is reminiscent of the remedy Carcinosin which mostly gets prescribed on mental or emotional symptoms and any physical symptomatology is often used only for purposes of confirmation. The whole proving is practically useless in the complex health histories which are evident in many HIV-positive patients which require complex analysis. Even the themes, Doctrine of Signatures and Miasmatic Tendencies are not very useful in the clinical application because they are based on total speculation. For example, most HIV-positive patients go through periods of shock, experience feelings of betrayal and rejection and have periods of isolation based on the stigma that society still imposes upon HIV-positive people. In these cases, it would be difficult to discover characteristic symptoms based on what are essentially common symptoms.


Noland, Misha, The Homeopathic Proving of the AIDS Nosode, http://www.hominf.org/aids/aidsfr.htm.


BOOK-Public Health and Homeopathy for HIV in India- Edward J Mills 2000
This is a fairly comprehensive book that focuses on the use of homeopathy for the treatment of patients with HIV or AIDS. Mills begins the discussion of homeopathy by evaluating two studies conducted by the Central Council for Homeopathy regarding the effectiveness of Homeopathy in the treatment of asymptomatic patients. The first study was conducted from 1989-1991. There is a lot of controversy around this study because 12 out of the 129 participants apparently changed their HIV status to negative using a more unreliable HIV antibody test (Western Blot). Mills notes;
A further double-blind placebo study was conducted by the CCRH in 1999; the study revealed a relatively significant difference between pre- and post-haematological levels in the verum group, whilst those of the placebo group yielded non41 significant results.

Mills also discusses the history of homeopathy in the successful treatment of epidemics and quite correctly notes that using the genus epidemics method will not be successful in HIV as patients tend to have unique manifestations of the disease. The potential use of homeopathic prophylaxis is also discussed. Mills feels that it would likely be unsuccessful as opportunistic infections, and not the virus itself, tend to cause illness.42 In addition, he correctly notes that there is not a current proving of the HIV/AIDS nosode that can be trusted as the proving performed is an embarrassment to homeopathy; and an offense to PLWHA (People Living With Having AIDS).43 The clinical aspects of treating people living with HIV are also discussed. Mills believes that remedies should be selected on a chronic or constitutional basis taking into account mental, emotional, physical and pathological symptoms. Furthermore, he echoes the words of Samuel Hahnemann by stating how suppressive drugs complicate making a successful prescription because the characteristic and peculiar symptoms are not longer evident. Other tips offered include that treating patients in the asymptomatic stage are more successful; that intercurrent remedies such as nosodes may be indicated in the treatment; and that it is best to use low to moderate potencies with patients in more advanced stages of HIV. Mills offers further advice that a homeopath should take into consideration certain types of symptoms. He states;
Pay particular attention to the energy level of the patient, not fatigue if present. Appetite is a good indication of health and also remedy, note the desires and aversions, and any change in appetite. Pay close attention to the passage of urine, frequency, and color or clarity. A very indicative feature of the disease
41 42

Mills, Edward, Public Health and Homeopathy for HIV in India; p. 72. Ibid, p. 77. 43 Ibid.


progression are the glandular swelling of the lymph in the cervical and axilliary regionsnote which sides are most 44 affected for prescribing.

Mills also suggests to pay close attention to HIV-related skin eruptions such as shingles, herpes zoster and ringworm; as well as to sleep patterns as sleep is often reduced as the progression of disease continues. He does recommend the use of the constitutional remedy along with the use of organ remedies to further support the patient. Miasms are discussed as an integral aspect of prescribing. The most interesting part here is that ayurvedic concepts around diet and nutrition are matched to the various miasms. This book is concluding by examining some case samples of Farokh Master using a more classical homeopathic approach. Essentially, I found this to be a well written book that includes both homeopathic philosophical and clinical guidelines. Furthermore, I found it to be quite practical and very valuable in the South Asian context. Although aspects are not based on pure homeopathy, this is one of the more valuable efforts on using homeopathy to treat individuals with HIV or AIDS.

INTERNET ARTICLE-Homeopathic Treatment of AIDS

Robert N. Dalpe is a Naturopathic Doctor and a Homeopath. He has a website with several articles about homeopathic treatment of specific chronic conditions including HIV/AIDS. The main purpose of this article, which was published in 2000, is to present useful remedies in the treatment of patients with HIV/AIDS. Dalpe cautions against the use of some of the rarer remedies solely based on the somewhat selfish desire some Homeopaths to publish articles in some of the Homeopathic Journals. For example, he states as Homeopaths and Healers, we must be able to stop the obsession with trying to find minute remedies that work in 1 in 1000 cases in order to publish a novel article that really has very little relevance to the health of the population as a whole.45 Dalpe stresses the importance of polycrests in homeopathic treatment and applies it to the treatment of AIDS. The bulk of the article presents remedies that are commonly indicated in HIV/AIDS. Some of these remedies include; China (also highly indicated in Malaria), Arsenicum Album, Phosphorus, Thuja, Nitric Acid, Calcarea Carbonica, Calcarea Phosphorica, Sulphur and Lachesis. He also discusses homeopathic remedies which are very useful in treating Pneumocystis Pneumonia (PCP) which is a very dangerous opportunistic infection which was responsible for the deaths of many HIV-positive patients prior to the advent of
44 45

Ibid; p. 82. Dalpe, Robert N, The Homeopathic Treatment of AIDS: Addressing the Pandemic Globally and Locally; http://www.onlinehomeopath.com/aidscont.shtml


Highly Active Anti-Retroviral Therapy (HAART). treating this condition;

Dalpe indicates his experience in

Also important are the remedies needed against the dreaded PCP pneumonia. I have found Arsenicum album absolutely magical in aborting and assisting in speedy recovery from acute attacks of PCP; however if the respiratory ailments drag on to a more chronic form or after the Arsenicum has helped the acute attacks but they recur or a chronic or walking pneumonia becomes apparent, then look to remedies such as Kali iodatum, Phosphorus, Silicea, Tuberculinum and ultimately whichever tubercular remedy is indicated by the totality of the new 46 presenting chronic symptoms.

Dalpe also believes that mercury poisoning plays an important role in destabilizing the immune system in HIV-positive patients. He notes that the homeopathic medicines that are made from mercury, Mercurius Sollubilis and Mercurius Vivus, are never indicated homeopathically based on poisoning from mercury teeth fillings, industrial sources or diet. He also discusses potencies and dosage. Dalpe advocates beginning treatment with low doses and cautions against repeating remedies too often especially in the case of deep-acting remedies like Silicea.and Calcarea Carbonica. I find many aspects of this article to be highly useful and practical in terms of clinical applications. The discussion of useful remedies in PCP is particularly valuable because it is a very common Opportunistic Infection in HIV-positive patients. Dalpe has obviously had a lot of training in classical homeopathy which is evident because he stresses thorough study of Materia Medicas and The Organon. However, there is still a significant amount of speculation in this article. For example, he discusses the utility of the remedy China for Malaria and Tuberculosis. I am unclear in what specific circumstances it can be used in the treatment of HIV/AIDS. In addition, the inclusion of miasms is also very problematic because he hasnt illustrated in what situations a miasmatic approach is useful.

ARTICLE-Homeopathic Growth Factors as Treatment for HIV (2002)This article begins by addressing the conventional medical approach surrounding HIV that focuses on designer drugs that will disturb the mechanisms that the virus uses to hijack the human immune system. The authors argue that the best way to address the suppressed and deficient immunity in case of HIV is best addressed by bolstering the immune system- a goal that can be accomplished because of recent developments in human growth factors.47 Human growth factors play an important role in maintaining
46 47

Ibid. Brewitt et al, Homeopathic Growth Factors as Treatment for HIV, AIDS and Complementary & Alternative Medicine, p. 126.


healthy immunity but studies using pharmacological growth factors lead to severe side effects including increased HIV replication, suppression of lymphocyte proliferation, lymph node swelling and reduction of the function of macrophages.48 Hahnemanns writings about how crude doses of medication may be used as effective therapeutic agents when prepared homeopathically are suggested. A large part of the article focuses on the pathophysiology of HIV which was discussed earlier. Specifically, the key point is that HIV takes advantage of the defensive mechanism of the immune system. Instead of focusing on a pure Hahnemannian approach using symptoms appraisal, the authors are looking at common molecular and genetic sites shared by growth factors and HIV such as glycoproteins. The results of studies using homeopathic growth factors have shown stabilization of T-cell counts over a 12-month period and that a treatment effect is evident in fourteen days.49 Opportunistic Infections would be reduced. HIV. This is a very interesting and thought-provoking article that uses commonly accepted conventional scientific methods including several double-blinded placebo clinical trials. The article is thorough in that it examines the pathophysiology of the HIV virus and pharmacokinetics of human growth factors. The results of the studies are impressive. However, it must be said that in spite of the authors suggestion that Hahnemann would have considered this type of treatment to be homeopathic, that this is not homeopathy. Given the fact that there are clear principles in homeopathy, the authors advocating this approach have chosen a few writings of Hahnemann and tried to make the case for this type of treatment protocol. in the numbers of opportunistic infections. In addition, there was a lot of speculation in this article that the use of homeopathic treatment would result in a decline In summary, this is a very interesting development but it must be clear that it is not homeopathy. The authors also argue that if the immune system is strengthened by homeopathic growth facts, then a reduction of This is important because Opportunistic Infections are responsible for most case of serious acute illness and death in people with

Summary of the Literature ReviewIn summary, the homeopathic literature on treating patients with HIV and AIDS is very disappointing. As is evident, there is little information on treating HIV-positive patients using Hahnemannian Homeopathy. Furthermore, there is so much speculation in the literature and empirical data is practically absent. Given the fact that many of the old masters such as Boenninghausen, Lippe, Cowperthwaite, Hering and of course, Hahnemann were so successful in treating virulent infectious diseases, I wonder why
48 49

Ibid; p. 127. Ibid; p. 134.


Homeopaths have so easily abandoned the writings of the Organon and the clinical experience already available through old journals.



As the preceding chapter that reviewed the Homeopathic literature specific to the treatment of individuals with HIV/AIDS has shown, the writings and philosophy advocated by certain Homeopaths is not technically Homeopathy as they do not follow the teachings laid out by Samuel Hahnemann in the Organon of the Medical Art. Unfortunately, these attempts to change or simplify Homeopathy are not solely found in the field of more complex infectious diseases such as HIV/AIDS, but are evident everywhere in the so-called modern practice of the majority of Homeopaths. These attempts to either simply Homeopathy or to inject socio-cultural or religious beliefs systems onto the matrix of Homeopathy have existed since Hahnemanns time. According to Von Keller, the famous German Homeopath;
The history of homeopathy is filled with examples of attempts at simplifying the method and making the practice easier. It is not to everybodys taste to follow Hahnemanns intransigent approach, insisting that materia medica be studied in the complete, original wordings, that the provers and the patients expressions be retained faithfully, and that no attempts be made to simplify their statements which sometimes appear 50 disconnected, complicated, and cannot be objectified.

Furthermore, James Tyler Kent may have solidified the trend within the profession of veering away from Hahnemanns teachings when he injected aspects of the philosophy of Swedenborgianism into North American Homeopathy. If the practice of homeopathy is derived from Samuel Hahnemanns synthesis of a new system of medicine based on very clear principles, then it is vital that we examine those core philosophies that comprise Homeopathy. Given the lack of clarity of what defines homeopathic practice, it is necessary to study Hahnemannian Homeopathy and its role in treating complex infectious and chronic diseases such as HIV and AIDS. In many ways it is a sad though understandable fact that few Homeopaths are able to practice pure homeopathy because few practitioners have studied Hahnemanns writings in-depth, including The Organon. Because of this lack of knowledge, we must start with the writings of Hahnemann so we can understand when our practice is truly homeopathic (in that it derives from Hahnemann) and when we are not practicing homeopathy at all. I would like to begin this discussion by focusing on some of the more vital philosophies that were expounded by Hahnemann as applicable to the treatment of people with HIV or AIDS. I

Von Keller, Georg, Simplified Homeopathy, p.1.


am basing my assumption on the fact that most, if not all, homeopaths will have basic knowledge of The Law of Similars. There was a lot of evidence in the literature that the homeopathic treatment of HIV/AIDS patients was based on speculation about a background of gonorrhea or syphilis; a particular mental or emotional state and miasmatic tendencies. We should be clear that no matter how tempting arm chair psychoanalysis may be, that we are treating patients based on symptoms. In Aphorism 18 of The Organon of the Medical Art, it states;
It is an undeniable truth that nothing can, by any means, be discovered in diseases whereby they could express their need for aid besides the totality of symptoms, with consideration for the accompanying circumstances (5). Therefore, it follows incontestably that the complex of all symptoms and circumstances perceived in each individual case of disease must 51 be the only indicator, the only reference in choosing a remedy.

There are other references throughout this text about using signs and symptoms as the only indicators for remedy choice. This illustrates the importance on prescribing based on symptomatology only. Another area of controversy within Homeopathy in general, and specifically when treating patients with HIV/AIDS, is the practice of polypharmacy or giving patients more than one remedy at the same time. For example, British Homeopath Jonathan Stallick, routinely uses a polypharmacy approach in the treatment of HIV/AIDS patients which may include a constitutional remedy, an organ remedy and a remedy that addresses the miasmatic tendencies. Hahnemann advised against this practice as Stallick was not the first practitioner to attempt such a short cut. Hahnemann left no room for doubt when he asserted that it will never occur to the true medical-art practitioner to administer more than one simple medicinal substance at one time as a remedy, in accordance with the wise saying that it is wrong to use complex means when simple ones will suffice.52 In addition to this, it is difficult to ascertain which remedies will be indicated based on the changing symptom picture when several remedies are prescribed and taken at the same time. Homeopathy necessitates the use of an empirical and evidence-based approach to assess often complex responses to remedies. The use of polypharmacy muddies the already challenging and complex decision making process homeopaths must employ in the follow-up appointments. One would never be able to utilize a nonspeculative approach with polypharmacy as one can never be sure which remedy has changed which specific sign or symptom.

51 52

Hahnemann, Samuel; Organon of the Medical Art, p. 71-72. Ibid, p. 247.


The final area of much confusion and controversy is the concept of miasms. This subject deserves more thorough consideration that is outside the scope of this paper. However, it is important to devote some attention to miasms as many Homeopaths advocate their use in the consideration of the prescription of a homeopathic remedy. There is much divergence of thought in the modern practice of homeopathy in regards to Hahnemanns concept of miasms. Homeopaths such as Rajan Sankaran have developed new miasms to cover newer diseases such as Cancer and AIDS. Some practitioners only use Hahnemanns three main miasms of psora, sycosis and syphilis while others do not use miasms in their case analysis process in order to choose the correct remedy. As was evident in the literature review of homeopathic treatment of patients with HIV or AIDS, many practitioners advocated the importance of taking miasms into account when choosing the simillimum for the patient. For example; Jonathan Stallick talks about the miasmatic susceptibility of AIDS as being a product of all of the miasms including psora, psychosis, syphilis and cancer.53 Edward Mills does warn that the remedy decision should be based on clearly comprehensible method, not on key note, nor whimsical prescribing.54 However, he does use the concept of miasms to assess the level of health of a patient and compares miasms to concepts in ayurvedic medicine in the South Asian context. miasms goes on. It is troubling that even those homeopaths who caution against theorizing and speculation are essentially using speculation to treat miasmatically in the majority of cases. Once again, it is important to look at Hahnemanns thoughts about using miasms in the selection of a remedy that is homeopathic to the case or the patient. In order to understand what constitutes homeopathy, we must examine what Hahnemann actually said about miasms and their treatment. It is my understanding that except in cases of diseases that correspond to acute infection by syphilis or sycosis (the fig-wart disease), Hahnemann did not promote the use of miasms in the selection of a homeopathic remedy. Georg von Keller elucidates Hahnemanns thoughts on the use of miasms especially in homeopathic treatment for chronic diseases. He stated;
In giving instructions in his method of treatment, Hahnemann speaks of miasmatic illnesses, he speaks not of miasms per se. When he calls psora the curse of humankind, he merely refers to the historical antecedents of the chronic diseases, but not to what we need to recognize as a symptom for the selection of the 55 remedy.

And, this list of homeopaths who advocate the use of

53 54

Stallick, Jonathan, AIDS: The Homeopathic Challenge, p. 27. Mills, Edward, Public Health and Homeopathy for HIV in India, p. 83. 55 Von Keller, Georg, Simplified Homeopathy, p.2.


For instance, ulceration itself is not indicative of the syphilitic miasm unless it is an ulceration that is the direct result of syphilis itself. For example, when Kent spoke of ulcers in the throat, it is clear that he was speaking of the manifestation of the syphilis chancre in the throat.56 In essence, Hahnemann was speaking of specific infectious diseases when he spoke of the three main chronic miasms of psora, sycosis and syphilis. Therefore, nowhere did Hahnemann insist that the knowledge as well as the application of his doctrine on miasms were indispensable for obtaining the best results with his method of healing. Neither did he ever call for selecting the symptoms of the predominant miasm from among the totality of the patients symptoms while leaving aside the remainder. 57 I would like to close this brief discussion of what I would like to call Hahnemannian Homeopathy with the very clear words written by Hahnemann himself. His opinions about what constitutes Homeopathy are amply demonstrated in the following passage;
The search for the remedy that is homeopathically the most suitable, in all regards, for a given disease state is a laborious, occasionally a very laborious, pursuit. While there are praiseworthy books for facilitating this process [i.e., repertories and material medica] it is still necessary to study the sources themselves [i.e., reports of provings]How could this laborious, painstaking work (which alone produces the best possible cure of diseases) suit those gentlemen of the new mongrel sect who vaunt the honorable title of homeopath and who, for show, give out medicines that are homeopathic in form and appearance but 58 which they only lay hold of in a perfunctory way

Even before the specifics of treating patients with HIV or AIDS are discussed, we must look at the history of Homeopathy in treating infectious disease. Homeopathy gained its reputation from its successful treatment of people suffering from very virulent infectious diseases such as cholera, typhoid, scarlet fever, yellow fever and the infamous Spanish Influenza outbreak of 1918. Hahnemann also successfully treated many Europeans with the homeopathic remedy of Belladonna using prophylaxis to prevent the development of Scarlet Fever. It is important to examine the suggested treatment of acute infectious diseases in order to differentiate it from chronic infectious diseases such as HIV. In The Organon of the Medical Art, Hahnemann was very specific about the protocols for the homeopathic treatment of acute infectious diseases. The treatment of acute epidemics is addressed in Aphorism 73. It is stated that;
Bordering sporadic diseases are those acute diseases that seize many persons with very similar complaints from a similar cause (epidemically). These diseases tend to become contagious when they are spread over thickly congregated masses of peopleSince very case of disease in a given epidemic has the

56 57

Ibid, p. 4. Ibid, p. 6-7. 58 Hahnemann, Organon, p. 167.


same origin, the disease puts all of those that have fallen ill into 59 the same kind of disease process.

Hahnemann developed the protocol of genus epidemicus in cases of sporadic acutes or epidemics. In order to get a clearer image of the remedy or in some cases, the small group of remedies indicated in each epidemic, the homeopathic practitioner must take several cases. Aphorism 102 summarizes this idea of genus epidemicus;
The entire extent of such an epidemic disease and the totality of the symptoms (knowledge of which belongs to the overview of the complete disease image, so one can choose the most fitting homeopathic remedy for this symptom complex) cannot be perceived in a single patient, but can only be completely abstracted and gathered [inferred] from the sufferings of several 60 patients of different bodily constitutions.

This description will apply to any acute infectious epidemics with similar symptoms in a large group of patients. In this sense, HIV or AIDS is not an acute infectious disease but rather a complex chronic disease. The Human Immunodeficiency Virus creates disease in infected individuals by taking advantage of the natural functions of the human immune system to attack and get rid of foreign pathogens. For this reason, individuals will experience different One individual may experience pneumonia or pathological manifestations of HIV.

candidiasis while another may experience peripheral neuropathy or cryptosporidiosis. Many of these ailments or opportunistic infections can be treated acutely with homeopathic medicine, but they do not fall into the definition of a sporadic acute or an epidemic from the exact same source. There is the commonality of infection by HIV but there are many strains of HIV with many possible sources of transmission. It is more fitting, to view HIV as a virus that targets the innate susceptibilities of patients. Once again, we must fall back on one of the most important tenets in homeopathic philosophy. The following words can be found in Aphorism 153;
In the search for a homeopathically specific remedy, that is, in the comparison of the complex of the natural diseases signs with the symptom sets of the available medicines (in order to find among them an artificial disease potence that corresponds in similarity to the malady to be cured) the more striking, exceptional, unusual, and odd (characteristic) signs and symptoms of the disease case to be especially and almost solely 61 kept in view.

59 60

Ibid, p. 119. Ibid, p. 140. 61 Ibid, p. 169.



One of the most important components of the Independent Research Project has been the clinical experience gained from treating three individuals with HIV under the supervision on a professional Homeopath. While three patients is much too small of a pool from which to make any definitive clinical recommendations, it is clear that Hahnemannian homeopathic treatment can treat patients who are in the asymptomatic and symptomatic stages of HIV disease progression. In the following pages, I have presented cases of three patients treated using Hahnemannian Homeopathy.

Case #1:
This patient is a 35-year old woman who presented with chief complaints of depression, weight gain and vaginal yeast infections. This patient was diagnosed in 1994. She has been on Highly Active Anti-Retroviral Therapy (HAART) since March 2006. She has suffered from depression since her first pregnancy which also coincided with her HIV diagnosis. At this time, she also found out her husband was having sex with men. She responded to her pregnancy and her diagnosis by isolating herself. Since that time, she has experienced other traumas through the tragic death of her father seven years ago and the death of her partner two years ago. Currently, her depression is significantly impacting her quality of life. The symptoms include a lack of motivation outside of work, sadness, dissatisfaction, anger, frustration, and crying a lot. She stated that it has been a long time since she felt joy. This depression is worse from her pregnancy(2), her HIV diagnosis (3) and the multiple deaths (3) she has experienced as well as worse from PMS (3) (for two weeks between ovulation and menses), the transition between summer and fall, and summer (3). The patient has also experienced significant fatigue since her HIV diagnosis. This symptom has improved since HAART but she still struggles with it. The symptoms of the fatigue are a sensation of heaviness especially on the chest, the inability to do basic tasks such as housework and the feeling that she couldnt hold her body up. She felt like every move will maker her heart move fast and all the energy drained out of my body. She has also has experienced yeast infections which began immediately after her diagnosis. The yeast infections would occur monthly and had a lot of a white discharge with a fishy smell. They are always worse for two weeks before her period (between ovulation and her menses). The yeast infections have improved under HAART to the point she only gets them approximately three times a year. She has also suffered from both genital herpes and herpes simplex. Prior to HAART, she used to experience a lot of cold sores. She would get a breakout on the left side above her lips or at the corner of the lips. They always began with a


burning sensation and progressed to a red bubble that looked like a scab. The cold sores are worse for stress, drinking alcohol, the sun (3), summer (3) over-exertion (too much running) and bad relationships (2). It is interesting to note that while she has experienced amelioration of many of her symptoms from HAART, it has not changed the symptoms of her menses at all. It has already been noted that she experiences severe depression during from ovulation until her menses arrives with symptoms. menses is a total of five days. I prescribed the remedy Natrum-Muriaticum 30C for this patient with a dosing regimen of one pellet in a 8oz of water with five successions and one sip. The patient took two more doses after the initial test dose. This remedy was chosen based on symptoms that included; great exhaustion from the least exertion of mind or body, melancholy, depression, sadness, silent grief (ailments from grief), irritation, dwelling on past disagreeable things, palpitation of the heart worse from movement, increase of sadness before menses, aggravated before menses, bread disagrees, herpetic eruptions around the lips, menses that is too profuse, aggravated by the heat of the sun and heat in general, excessive appetite. This depression is the worst for about two to three days immediately after ovulation. Her

The symptoms of depression were much better after she took the remedy. She has not had any more suicidal thoughts at all and she experienced less hopelessness. In general, she reported that her mood was better for about 4-5 days after taking the remedy. She did report that her mood has gone back to the way it was prior to taking the remedy. Her anxiety was not as horrific as before. After she took the remedy, she experienced less anxiety and her night terrors (where she imagines horrible things happening to her son) were much better before her last period. The fatigue was initially better for 4-5 days but has returned to the level it was at prior to taking the remedy. The patient continues to experience physical symptoms of pre-menstrual syndrome which include bloating of the abdomen and painful swelling of the breasts. She mentions that the remedy has not impacted these symptoms at all. The patient initially had the sensation of the beginning of a Herpes Simplex eruption after taking the first dose but that it went away quickly. She also had a slight amount of yeast after her last menses. This patient did very well of Natrum-Muriaticum 30C as it addressed the depression, anxiety and fatigue well for 4-5 days and then relapsed back to her original state. I prescribed Natrum Muriaticum 200C. Follow-Up#2: The patient reports that the depression is much better than it was prior to the homeopathy although it still does get slightly more intense closer to her menses. She continues to have symptoms of irritability; irrational and negative thoughts. These


symptoms disappear upon the arrival of her menses. She estimates that the depression is 30% improved since the last prescription. The physical symptoms of breast tenderness and bloating seem to be better. There is a new symptom of pain in the small of the back (in the area of the tailbone) that occurs approximately one week before her period. This pain is worse for standing. The anxiety is better as well. She does still have catastrophic thoughts about her health, her son etc. The fatigue is much better. The patient has been walking a lot more. I see this as a really positive sign indicating that the remedy has stimulated her body towards healing. As I had not seen the patient since November, I reviewed some of her general symptoms. She is only craving chocolate right now. Her thirst has increased slightly. She is also sleeping though the night. The patient continues to experience yeast infections just prior to her period. The symptoms include itching and irritation in the vulva and white discharge. These symptoms were present at the beginning of homeopathic treatment and the remedy has not appeared to impact them at all. The patient has been dealing with dental issues for awhile. Her gums are receding upwards and she can awake in the middle of the night with an aching pain in the gums. She also experiences intense pain during dental visits from the cleaning which feels like a nerve pain. It is important to note here that receding gums are a sign of advancing HIV progression. The patient also experiences sweating which is not as intense since making the decision to cease HAART. The sweating is worse in the morning and better in the cooler weather. In general, she cannot stand getting hot. By the time she reaches work, she is soaked in sweat and sweat is dripping down her chest and back. Her face is also hot and red during perspiration. It is looking like this patient is beginning to shift towards another remedy, specifically Sepia. However, since this patient did has done very well on Natrum-Muriaticum, I would like to make sure that she is truly done with this remedy by giving her one dose of Natrum Muriaticum 1M.

Case #2:
This patient is 30-year old woman who presented with chief complaints of Idiopathic Thrombocytopenia Purpura (ITP) and anxiety. In August 2007, the patient began to experience systemic joint pain except for in her fingers and toes, and had the sensation of being sore all over. These symptoms became externalized in the following months with the following symptoms; large tennis ball-sized bruises on her arms and legs, mouth ulcers, blood in her nose. The bruises were round, painless and of a blue/purple/brown colour. The patient described that there was a numb sensation around the bruises which also felt warm. She was admitted into the hospital where she received a blood transfusion and steroid treatment (dexymethyzone). This also coincided with some events following the birth of her fourth child. She had her last child taken away by Child


Welfare and returned to her at seven weeks old. The patient mentioned that she did experience a lot of strain dealing with a newborn. She has also experienced significant anxiety since childhood where she witnessed strife between her parents. She feels anxious around a lack of control or a lack of information so. During her previous marriage, she disassociated and lost a chunk of time during the day where she actually forgot what she was doing. When she is anxious, she bites her lip or nails, gets agitated, restless, experiences racing thoughts and her breathing becomes shallower. She specifically experiences anxiety in her shoulders, neck and upper back as if she is carrying a big stone on her back. When she is anxious she has a lot of negative thoughts and puts herself down. This patient was diagnosed with HIV in April 2006. She found out her status while she was in a relationship with a partner. She found the experience of having to tell her partner to be the most devastating part of her diagnosis. She feels that she can handle HIV as a chronic disease and it actually gave her purpose in her life by slowing down the train wreck she was on. She also has a lot of symptoms around her menstrual cycle. She has a very high sex drive during ovulation which makes concentration very difficult. During this time, she thinks about sex constantly and fantasizes about every man she sees in public. She also becomes spaced out and forgetful at this time. In contrast, she has almost no sex drive before and during her menses. Her menstrual flow is changeable in that the third day is heavy, there may be no blood at all during the fourth day and light spotting on the fifth day. I observed that this patient is very vital and has a strong interest in spiritual/healing issues. For example, she is very aware of how the phases of the moon affect her and also refuses to consider taking medication for HIV. She was also unable to describe her personality at all- she was only able to say that she was changeable. At the centre of the case, this patient has strong menstrual and mental/emotional symptoms. In spite of her HIV diagnosis, she does not currently express any health issues directly connected with this disease with the exception of the Idiopathic Thrombocytopenia Purpura (ITP). This is a complex case because this patient does not have a lot of characteristic symptoms. Because of this, I considered the symptoms of the recently suppressed bout of ITP along with some mental, general and menstrual symptoms. I gave this patient the remedy Phosphorus 30C. Because of her sensitivity, she took one pellet in 4oz of water, stirred twice and took one teaspoon. Follow-Up #1: I experienced some difficulties in maintaining contact with this patient which I suspect is partly because of financial issues but also because she is consulting with several different complementary therapists at the same time including an herbalist and a


Naturopath. In spite of this, I did confirm that the remedy to help her. Specifically, it ameliorated her anxiety, her increased libido around ovulation and her forgetfulness.

Case #3:
This patient is a 30-year old woman who presented with chief complaints of Cervical Dysplasia and Acid Reflux. She has had abnormal cells on her cervix for two years. She had a LEEP procedure to remove the cells in December 2006 but they came back in April 2007. They have been diagnosed as low grade but cannot rule out high grade. There are no clear symptoms of the dysplasia which in not uncommon. She was also on Acutane for 9.5 months because of the severe acne she was experiencing at this time. She learnt that she was HIV-positive four years ago during a period of a lot of stress in her life including being in a verbally and emotionally abusive relationship. Her seroconversion was manifested through the development of Mononucleosis and vomiting. Her most recent CD4 count is 350 and her viral load is 18 000. This patient has a history of getting yeast infections even before she was sexually active. She remarked that sometimes if I think about it for too long, I will develop a yeast infection. She used to get them before her menstrual period but currently they occur more randomly. The discharge is lumpy, white and has a fishy smell. There is itching around the labia and at the opening of the vagina. The itching isnt ameliorated by scratching but is better from cold compresses. There are not many characteristic symptoms of her menses except that the patient described herself at bitchy for ten days before her menses and that she is irritable especially at repeated questioning. She has a strong general craving for chocolate that intensifies before her menses. She has no sex drive either with her boyfriend or by herself. This started about 1.5 years ago around the time she had an abortion. The patient also has had really bad heartburn for over a year for which she is on the allopathic medication Nexium. Her symptoms prior to medication include a dull, burning sensation which felt like liquid fire bubbling into my chest. It is worse for eating, but especially from tomatoes and chocolate; worse in the evening and worse from lying down. It is better for sitting up. She experiences headaches while she is in school that can develop into migraines. The head pain is on the right side of the forehead that develops into a pain on the right half of her head (hemicrania). Lying down, remaining still and cold compresses ameliorate the pain. There is also an anxiety picture in that the patient is very worried about her health, worried that something bad will happen and worried about going out in public. I prescribed this patient the remedy Sepia 30C (2 pellets dry) based on the symptoms of dark foreboding about [his] disease in the future; concerned about health; irritability from slight causes (pre-menses); right-sided hemicrania; headache better by cold water; must lay down and remain very quiet during migraine; milk causes diarrhea;


disorder stomach after acids; pruritis vulva; lumpy leucorrhea especially before menses; desire for chocolate especially before menses. Follow-up#2: The patient had a LEEP procedure to remove the abnormal cells on her cervix. Her physician was very aggressive in removing the cells and he did not mention whether they were better than they appeared before taking the remedy. The only change she noticed that she had a huge blood clot during her menses which is not typical for her. It would be very difficult to ascertain whether this was the result of the remedy, due to her surgery or because of another physiological process in her menses. Her irritability was much improved after taking the remedy. She only experienced two days of irritability instead of her typical week and a half. Here menstrual cramps were better this period as well. Even her craving for chocolate has diminished. She experienced no yeast Her sex drive is not one infections in the past month. I will continue to observe the frequency of the yeast

infections as she tends to have them every few months. for sex/intimacy with her boyfriend.

hundred percent yet but she did have sex during the holidays and has more of a desire She noticed that chocolate still aggravates her She reported that that heartburn but less so since she began taking the remedy. She still has a strong desire for chocolate but her heartburn is not as aggravated by it. symptom has ameliorated by approximately 15%. She is not taking the medication at all except for when she eats chocolate. The intensity of her headaches has reduced. She continues to have headaches but they are lighter and duller and havent progressed into the full-blown migraines. The patient hasnt experienced a panic attack since taking the remedy. Even in situations in which she thinks she will get one and is on the subway (where she will often get a panic attack), the panic attacks did not develop. She is also sleeping very well. The patient continues to be thirsty. As she did well on this remedy but only experienced a slight amelioration, I prescribed Sepia 200C (2 dry pills taken once per week). Note: this patient did not fully understand my dosing instructions for the first prescription and took 2 pills of Sepia 30C daily for three weeks. Luckily, there were no aggravations or proving symptoms. Follow-up#3: I am unaware about the impact of the remedy on the patients cervical dysplasia as she hasnt gone for a pap smear recently. The patient is generally irritable but she noticed that she is irritable before her menses. Her menses was also late this month. I believe that this is due to the change (emotional and or physical) from beginning HAART. She mentioned like she is feeling that her body is telling her to have more sex even if she is not feeling an increase in sexual desire. I wasnt clear about what to make of this symptom. She hasnt taken any nexium for heartburn in a long time. HAART seemed to


have briefly increased the heartburn symptoms which have lessened in the last week. HAART also seem to have changed her sense of taste and smell which has led to less enjoyable experiences with chocolate to the patients dismay. Prior to beginning to take HAART, the patient noticed that her headaches had totally disappeared. the onset. She has not experienced a panic attack in a few months by now. Her sleep continues to be quite good and there are no changes in appetite or thirst. The patient reported some new symptoms most of which are side effects from the HIV medications (HAART). This includes heat in the face and torso during sleep, a change of taste and smell, a significant increase in irritability, burning sensation on the tongue which is sensitive to spicy. She has also had an eruption of small, red pimples around her mouth and on her forehead. Remedy prescription was Sepia 200C daily (1 pill in a dry dose). Since commencing HAART, she has had one headache which disappeared the same day of

Conclusions of the Clinical CasesAs was mentioned earlier, it is not possible to make definite conclusions about treating patients with HIV based on a small sample size of three cases. Therefore, I am making some very tentative suggestions for the treatment of people with HIV in the areas of efficacy of homeopathic treatment, dosage/potency and the necessity of miasmatic analysis. At this point, I can definitely say that homeopathic treatment can be very successful in treating the unique and characteristic symptoms of people living with HIV. It is important to note that all of my patients were in the asymptomatic or symptomatic stage of HIV and none had progressed to a diagnosis of AIDS. There have been some clinical studies of the homeopathic treatment of people with HIV which resulted in an actual increase in CD4 cells. Although I was not able to regularly implement testing to monitor CD4 counts, I did not notice that homeopathic treatment increased or decreased these counts. I do believe that Homeopathic Medicine does have a role in addressing a patients unique and characteristic symptoms of disease. Based on the three patients I worked with, I did notice that homeopathy was very effective in treating both symptoms of HIV itself, side effects of medications and symptoms prior to HIV. For example, patient #1 had a long history of depression and multiple traumas and grief that her HIV diagnosis exacerbated. Homeopathy was very effective in ameliorating her symptoms of depression and anxiety. It is very clear that homeopathy is effective in ameliorating mental/emotional symptoms such as depression and sadness, anxiety and memory. In this small study, the homeopathic treatment also addressed I would headaches/migraines, menstrual symptoms, fatigue, heartburn and sleep.


argue that homeopathy can play an important role in improving the health of people living with HIV/AIDS regardless of whether patients are on HAART or not. In fact, they can play an important role of improving health in areas that allopathic medication has little to offer such as increasing tolerability to medications by reducing side effects of HAART, improving functional symptoms and helping individuals cope more effectively with depression and anxiety. One of the challenges of homeopathic practice is the mastery of dosage and/or potency as there are no clear rules outside of matching a homeopathic prescription to the pathology, the vitality of the patient and determining the possible sensitivity to homeopathic remedies. The homeopathic literature on HIV/AIDS is not very clear on this issue and in fact, there appears to be no consensus on the frequency of dosing, the usage of high or low potency and preferential scales to consider. My experience with these three patients is exactly the same as with patients with other chronic diseases. For example, patient # 2 was very sensitive to remedies and required a dosage delivery protocol of placing one pellet of 30C in water. She experienced a huge amelioration from this type of dosing. On the other hand, patient #3 was hyposensitive to remedies and was able to tolerate daily dosing of both 30C and 200C quite well. This brings me back to Hahnemann who advocated matching a remedy to the severity of pathology and the vitality of the patient. It would be a mistake in judgment to assume that all HIVpositive patients are in an advanced stage of disease and therefore, are expressing a low vitality. It is important to view HIV or AIDS as any chronic disease and each individual patient as having their own level of vitality. It is my experience that certain HIV-positive patients can take relatively high doses even on a daily basis. Another issue is the impact that HAART can have both on the patients characteristic symptoms and the practitioners ability to discover those same symptoms. One of the most challenging tasks of the homeopath is to find those characteristic symptoms prior to these medications. In addition, it can be difficult to figure out which symptoms are characteristic to the individual, are a result of the action of the virus on the patient and which are side-effects of the many medications a patient can be taking. In spite of these obstacles, I was still able to find the similitude in each of these cases. In fact, I observed that even as patient #3 began taking HAART in the middle of our treatment that her symptoms of side effects of HAART still pointed to the same remedy. I would argue that it is a sign of a patients vitality when in spite of the fact that powerful medications can suppress characteristic symptoms of the individual, their vital force is still able to throw out symptoms that lead the practitioner clearly to the most similar remedy.


There has been a lot written about the importance of using a miasmatic analysis in the treatment of patients with HIV/AIDS. As was discussed earlier, many homeopaths have suggested that using miasmatic analysis is necessary and even mandatory in treating HIV-positive patients. I have already discussed the problems with many modern interpretations of miasms and their use in a homeopathic prescription as being at the least misguided. I used a model of Hahnemannian Homeopathy in the treatment of all three of these cases. This means that I did not use a miasmatic analysis or consider a patients miasm in the selection of a homeopathic remedy. of each patient. Instead, I looked for a remedy with the greatest similitude to the unique and characteristic symptom expression



This project has been a labour of love that arose out of my work experience providing holistic treatment counseling to People Living with HIV or AIDS out of an AIDS Service Organization in Toronto. People who are diagnosed with HIV have to deal with a multitude of losses. This includes the loss of financial freedom because of the expense of medications; loss of personal relationships often because of discrimination, stigma or death; survivor-guilt and loss of identity just to name a few. I am passionate about increasing the ability of HIV-positive people to access of all complementary therapies, but especially Homeopathy. Homeopathy can play a very important role in maintaining and improving the health of HIV-positive people for long-periods of time because it is relatively inexpensive, it does not interact with any of the HIV medications in HAART, it can increase tolerability of these medications and can boost the immune system. In spite of all of this promise, I have not heard of any Classical Homeopath in the Greater Toronto Region who is working with this group of people. In fact, there seems to be a lack of general interest both inside the homeopathic community and the AIDS movement. As I began this study, I was excited to read the Homeopathic literature that was written specifically in terms of treating HIV-positive people. I was actually confounded and quite disappointed that there was no information on using Hahnemanns methods to treat people suffering from different chronic issues as a result of this disease. On the contrary, many of these Homeopaths suggested that only these modern methods could work because of the severity of the disease. The basic premise of most of the literature was that one could not possibly practice Hahnemannian or pure homeopathy successfully with HIV-positive patients. Part of this problem does come from a specific context. The majority of the homeopathic literature was published in the 1980s and 1990s during which time there were many people dieing from complications of AIDS. The homeopathic literature of this era created a lot of fear in terms of treating people with HIV that is not generally the case for most patients who have access to HAART with its ability to suppress the action of the virus and consequently, increase the CD4 counts in a majority of patients. However, this is not the whole story. I believe that the deficiencies of the Homeopathic literature specific to HIV/AIDS are really only symbolic of the greater problems in the modern practice of Homeopathy. Modern homeopathy, in general, has created a culture where deviating from the teachings of Samuel Hahnemann is not only encouraged but is also somehow still considered as homeopathy. In an era that has promoted fascinating ideas to simplify or make homeopathy seductive, there are many practitioners who have little to no familiarity with


The Organon never mind any of Hahnemanns lesser writings. It is not surprising that most of the homeopathic literature about HIV or AIDS is only reflective of this climate of speculation. Andre Saine beautifully describes this development. He states; When devoid of the rigor taught to us by Hahnemann and left to speculation, what is left of homeopathy easily turns into its antithesis. The materia medica taught by these modern teachers is mostly the invention of their brilliant minds. Unfortunately for homeopathy and for the sick, the great majority of the practicing homeopaths today are influenced by these false teachers, leaving the profession in a very confused and precarious state. Few know what Hahnemanns homeopathy stands for or fully understand its true value among the display of very attractive and charismatic teachings offered by an entire generation of "illuminated" teachers.62 HIV is a chronic disease. It should be treated as we treat any chronic disease. That is, based on the most characteristic symptoms of the individual. In spite of the warnings of many homeopaths, my experience has been that practicing Hahnemannian Homeopathy with HIV-positive patients can be very successful. In this way, I found very little difference between treating HIV-negative and HIV-positive patients. My greatest hope is that this manual will serve as an initial guideline for other Homeopaths to begin to feel more comfortable in the idea of treating people living with HIV. And then, more Homeopathic practices would be open in a truly unprejudiced way to the diverse group of people in the AIDS Community. Then, I believe, Homeopathy will begin to revive its reputation as an efficacious method of healing for infectious diseases.


Saine, Andre, Pure Homeopathy: Our Legacy From Our Great Masters of the Past, www.homeopathy.ca


Print Resources:
Badgley, Laurence E. MD, Healing AIDS Naturally, 2nd Edition, Human Energy Press, 1987. Brewitt, Barbara; Traub, Michael; Hange-Bauer, Carl; Lyn, Patrick; and Standish, Leanna J; Homeopathic Growth Factors as Treatment for HIV, in AIDS and Complementary & Alternative Medicine: Current Science and Practice, Chuchill Livingstone, 2002. CATIE, A Practical Guide to Complementary Therapies for People Living with HIV, Hahnemann, Samuel, The Organon of the Medical Art, 6th Edition, Birdcage Books, Palo Alto, California, 1996 Mills, Edward J, Public Health and Homeopathy for HIV in India, B. Jain Publishers Ltd., New Delhi, 2000. Stallick, Jonathan; AIDS: The Homeopathic Challenge, Ribble Press, Settle, North Yorkshire, 1996. Strange, Michael; AIDS: What Homeopathy Can Offer, The Homeopath, Vol. 6, No.3., 1987. Strange, Michael; AIDS; Some Early Clinical Experiences, The Homeopath, Vol. 8, No.2, Winter 1989. Ullman, Dana; Controlled Clinical Trials Evaluating the Homeopathic Treatment of People with Human Immunodeficiency Virus or Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome; The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, Volume 9, Number 1, 2003, pp. 133-141. Ullman, Dana; A Homeopathic Perspective on AIDS, Consumers Guide to Homeopathy, 1995. Von Keller, Georg, Homeopathy Simplified,

Internet Resources: AIDSinfonet-Candidiasis-Fact Sheet Number 501 www.aidsinfonet.org AIDSinfonet- Kaposis Sarcoma- Fact Sheet Number 511 www.aidsinfonet.org
AIDSinfonet-Molluscum- Fact Sheet 513 www.aidsinfonet.org


AIDSinfonet-Mycobacterium Avium Complex (MAC)- Fact Sheet Number 514 www.aidsinfonet.org AIDSinfonet- Pneumocystis Pneumonia (PCP)- Fact Sheet Number 515 www.aidsinfonet.org AIDSinfonet- Tuberculosis (TB)- Fact Sheet Number 518 www.aidsinfonet.org AIDSmap- HIV Life Cycle www.aidsmap.com/cms1044602.asp The Body- Opportunistic Infections www.thebody.com/content/art6084.html The Body- Stages of HIV Disease www.thebody.com/content/whatis/art2506.html The Body-The HIV Life Cycle www.thebody.com/content/art14193.html CATIE- Opportunistic Infections and Related Conditions www.catie.ca/myh1999.nsf Dalpe, Robert N, The Homeopathic Treatment of AIDS http://www.onlinehomeopath.com/aids.shtml The Merck Manual- Human Immunodeficiency Virus www.merck.com/mmpe/sec14/ch192/ch192a/html National Library of Health-Is Homeopathy Useful in Infectious Conditions? www.library.nhs.uk/cam Norland, Misha, The Homeopathic Proving of the AIDS Nosode, http://www.hominf.org/aids/aidsfr.htm Vithoulkas, George, AIDS and The Real Cause, 1989 www.vithoulkas.com


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