EMS Internal Auditor Training
EMS Internal Auditor Training
EMS Internal Auditor Training
ISO 14001
Charlie Parrish [email protected] (919) 515-4266 www.ies.ncsu.edu
Training Objectives
Obj #1 = Understand Auditing Terminology Obj #2 = Learn about the steps in the audit process & associated responsibilities Obj #3 = Understand how to change your audit approach for different facility areas Obj #4 = Start to develop audit interviewing skills Obj #5 = Learn the essentials of audit write-ups (non-conformances)
A systematic and documented verification process of objectively obtaining and evaluating evidence to determine whether an organizations EMS conforms to the EMS audit criteria, and communicating the results to management.
What is an EMS Internal Audit (ISO 14001:4.5.5) 1. Determine conformance against criteria: "Planned Arrangements" (EMS Programs and Procedures) "This international standard" (ISO 14001) 2. Determine if EMS has been Properly implemented and maintained 3. Provide Feed back on EMS to Management
What is Conformance ?
Meeting Criteria (Requirements) For Example
Requirement Work Time Arrival Oil Change Frequency Take Vitamin Every Day Evidence of Conformance Time Card Receipts from Jiffy-Lube
What is Evidence ?
Something that proves or demonstrates a truth Is verifiable (the same evidence can be collected by independent auditors) You can hold in your hand (record) AUDITORs COLLECT EVIDENCE & EVALUATE IT FOR CONFORMANCE
4.4.3 Communication 4.4.6 Operational Control 4.4.7 Emergency Preparedness & Response
Who is an Auditor
The person with the competence to conduct an Audit. Competence = 2 things: 1. Person with the personal attributes listed in 19011 - 7.2 AND, 2. Person with the ability to apply the skills and knowledge gained through education, training, work experience and audit experience
Personal Attributes Exercise (7.2 of ISO 19011) Pick the 3 personal attributes that you feel are the most important in being a good EMS auditor (dont need to tank them 1,2 & 3; just the top 3)
What does an Auditor Need to know 1. Knowledge of the standard 2. Knowledge of the EMS being audited 3. Knowledge of the process being audited (can't audit what you don't understand)
- Audit ISO 19011 - 3.1 ISO 14001- 3.6 Criteria 19011- 3.2 19011- 6.2.2 Audit Evidence 19011 - 3.3 Auditee 19011- 3.7 Auditor 19011- 3.8 Top Management 9000 - 3.2.7 Audit Client 19011- 3.6 Scope 19011- 3.13 19011- 6.2.2 THE REQUIREMENTS (i.e., policies, procedures or requirements) - Systematic, independent and documented process for obtaining audit evidence, AND evaluating objectively to determine the extent to which the audit criteria are fulfilled.
- Verifiable information - records, statement of fact or other info which are relevant to audit criteria and verifiable -( Evidence is something you can hold in your hand ) - Organization being audited - Person with competence to conduct an audit (see item #4) Person or group of people who directs and controls an organization at the highest level - EXAMPLE: President, CEO, Plant Manager Organization or person requesting audit - EXAMPLE: Corporate Headquarters Location - departments where the audit will be conducted ( extent and boundaries of an audit) - EXAMPLE: Assembly Area
Terminology 2
Audit Objective 19011 - 5.2.1 14001 - 4.5.4 Audit Findings 19011- 3.4 Audit Conclusion 19011- 3.5 Answer this question: Why are we conducting this audit ? - EXAMPLE: To verify conformance with ISO 14001 and the EMS Results of the evaluation of the collected evidence against audit criteria - Outcome of an audit provided by the audit team after consideration of the audit objectives and all audit findings. - EXAMPLE: 6 Non Conformances and 5 Observations indicate the EMS has been implemented, but not properly maintained
Terminology Exercise
Type of Audit
Audit Criteria
Audit Scope
Audit Objective
Audit Client
Audit Findings
Audit Evidence
Audit Conclusion
Energy Audit for 6 Compressor Leaks Audit of a Bank Security System Audit of why a policeman used a gun
Types of Audits
1. 1st vs. 2nd & 3rd party (INTERNAL vs. EXTERNAL ) 2. GAP Analysis vs. Audit 3. Compliance vs. EMS Audits (Compliance vs. Conformance )
Audit Criteria
Audit Scope
Audit Frequency
Communication The Listening Model - A Step wise Approach 1. Auditor speaks, 2. Auditee Listens and reacts 3. Auditor gages reaction (uncomfortable OR comfortable), if uncomfortable go back to #1 4. Auditee achieves understanding & responds 5. Auditor achieves understanding & Full Communication achieved
Communication Components -
- Try This: Go around the room and read the following sentence. Each person emphasizes one of the bolded words (I did not tell your manager the report was finished)
Auditor Explain to me about Environmental Targets. Auditee - Environmental Targets are set by upper management. We learn what they are when we aren't achieving them Auditor (Repeat the answer using slightly different words)
_____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________
2. Auditing Production Floor & Non-EHS Personnel (Area Audits) NOTE: If your company does audits by ISO 14001 Element #, even on the plant floor see audit checklist for plant floor (production) personnel (see Audit Checklists)
EMR Audits (1 of 3)
The initial audit should start with the EMR - Determine if all the ISO 14001 elements have
been met (18 elements, 61 shalls, 12 procedures, 20 records or implied records) (see Guidance) - Allows auditor to become familiar with the EMS documentation system - Allows the auditor to determine who, what, when & where to audit other EMS components
This starts with auditing the Level 1 and Level 2 procedures and identifies other work instructions to audit later
EMR Audits (2 of 3)
Level 1 Document Audit Level 1 Must Provide Direction to related Docs All the promises should be measureable (make them live up to their language) Level 2 Documents should be usable Not too much fluff (dont need to repeat the standard, or Level 1 info) They should ID who does what. If procedure is confusing to you its confusing to others
EMR Audits (3 of 3)
This is where most major NC's are found (not addressing an ISO 14001 shall statement) Questions can come from a prepared ISO 14001 checklist (like whats in your notebook & on next slide) However, the auditor needs to collect evidence of conformance not just answers to questions
Did the proce dure / proce s s us e d by the orga niza tion to e s ta blis h a nd ma inta in its obje ctive s - cons ide r: - S ignifica nt e nvironme nta l a s pe cts ; - Le ga l a nd othe r re quire me nts ; - Te chnologica l options ; - Fina ncia l, ope ra tiona l a nd bus ine s s re quire me nts ; - Vie ws of inte re s te d pa rtie s ? Are the obje ctive s a nd ta rge ts cons is te nt with the e nvironme nta l policy -- including the commitme nt to pre ve ntion of pollution? the commitme nt to complia nce with le ga l a nd othe r re quire me nts & continua l improve me nt ? Ha s the orga niza tion e s ta blis he d progra m(s ) for a chie ving its obje ctive s a nd ta rge ts ?
4.3.3-6 4.3.3-7
EXERCISE:nd ta rge ts cons isthe EMR forpolicy -- including Audit te nt with the e nvironme nta l one Element !! Are the obje ctive s a
(use form in Checklist tab)
4.3.3-8 4.3.3-9
Doe s the progra m include a de s igna tion of re s pons ibility for a chie ving obje ctive s a nd ta rge ts a t e a ch re le va nt function a nd le ve l of the orga niza tion?
The Auditor informed the auditee that Notes would be taken during the audit
Question Techniques Questions were short and to the point The Auditor used open ended questions (Who, What , Why, When, where, how) The Auditor asked probing questions beyond the prepared checklist The Auditor maintained control over the interview Other
The Auditor complemented the auditee on good things Rating Scale: 5 = Great, 4 = Good, 3 = OK, 2 = Needs Improvement, 1 = Update resume
ISO 19011- Section - ethical conduct 4 - Auditor Principles - Fair presentation - Due Professional Care - Independence - Evidence based Approach NOTE : Auditors can be removed from an audit team if any of the above principles are compromised (ISO 19011 excerpt) Other 19011 Clauses - Section 5 - Managing Programs, summarized in Figure 1 in ISO 19011 - Section 6 Audit Activities , summarized in Figure in ISO 19011 - Section 7 - Auditor Competence
Steps in Auditing
Step 1: Notification & Document Request (Levels 1-3) Step 2: Level 1 & Level 2 Document Review Step 3: Develop Daily Schedule / Responsibilities Step 4: Auditor Homework Develop Area Checklist and Familiarity with the processes, aspects, etc Step 5: Conduct Opening meeting Step 6: EMR Audit Audits Step 7: Area Write-ups Step 8: Audit
Example Opening Meeting Agenda
1. Introductions (credentials, etc) 2. Sign in at Roster 3. Explain Scope 4. Explain Standard 5. Explain Objective (this is not a compliance audit) 6. Confirm Audit Interview Schedule 7. Discuss Confidentiality Issues 8. Promote auditee participation 9. Go over H & S requirements
- When to Sample - What factors affect Sample Size - Type of Sample (Targeted Sample vs. Random Sample) -When to collect More Samples -EXAMPLE: How many employees do you ask about the policy - in order to determine if policy has been communicated:
- Company Size is 100 - 2 Shifts - 6 Departments - Evidence of shoddy training - Evidence of Both Conformance/Non Conf.
What's a Non-Conformance
Types of Non Conformances - Major Nonconformance = missing element / system breakdown / sinking boat / high impact on environment - Minor Non-Conformance = deviation from procedure / small hole in boat / minor impact to environment - Observation = No responses required / opportunity for improvement - Lack of Evidence - Missing ISO 14001 Element - Not Following EMS Procedure
Exercise Major or Minor Non Conformance (pg 16) Exercise - Write Up Audit Findings (pg 15) Exercise Non Conformance Report (pg 17-19)
(use forms in Exercises tab)
Pitfalls to Avoid
Avoiding Internal Auditing altogether Were not ready syndrome Not Auditing Top Management (put-em to the test) Auditing using checklist questions that the auditor doesnt understand (Understand ISO 14001 and Your Own EMS documentation) Auditing to the standard only and not including company documents (they may be more specific than the standard)
Easy Test: - 30 Min - Review answers after - Grade your own paper