Only Words

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Cambridge, Massachusetts
Copyright @ 1993 by Catharine A. MacKinnon
All rights reserved
Printed in the United States of America
Third printing, 1996
First Harvard University Press paperback edition, 1996
Designed by Marianne Perlak
Typeface is Adobe Minion
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
MacKinnon, Catharine A.
Only words I Catharine A. MacKinnon.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0-674-63933-2 (cloth)
ISBN 0-674-63934-0 (pbk.)
1. Freedom of speech-United States.
2. Equality before the law-United States.
3. Libel and slander-United States.
4. Racism in language.
5. Sexism in language-United States.
I. Title.
KF4772.M33 1993
In memory of Thomas 1. Emerson
Originally presented as the Christian Gauss Memorial
Lectures in Criticism in April 1992 at Princeton Univer-
sity, these three discussions took their current form as a
result of the instigation and inspiration of that forum.
Later, the Columbia Legal Theory Workshop and, espe-
cially, Owen Fiss's Feminist Legal Theory class at Yale
Law School provided supportive settings for their devel-
opment and clarification. They have benefited greatly
from the critical attention and acumen of Anne Simon,
Sheila Kuehl, Susanne Baer, Karen E. Davis, Cass Sun-
stein, Kent Harvey, and Jeffrey Masson, discussions with
Laurence Tribe, and over a decade of collaboration with
Andrea Dworkin. Susanne Baer, Cheryl Leighty, and the
ever resourceful Michigan Law Library provided re-
search assistance of the highest quality.
I MAG I N E that for hundreds of years your most for-
mative traumas, your daily suffering and pain, the abuse
you live through, the terror you live with, are unspeak-
able-not the basis of literature. You grow up with your
father holding you down and covering your mouth so
another man can make a horrible searing pain between
your legs. When you are older, your husband ties you to
the bed and drips hot wax on your nipples and brings in
other men to watch and makes you smile through it.
Your doctor will not give you drugs he has addicted you
to unless you suck his penis.
You cannot tell anyone. When you try to speak of
these things, you are told it did not happen, you imag-
ined it, you wanted it, you enjoyed it. Books say this. No
books say what happened to you. Law says this. No law
imagines what happened to you, the way it happened.
You live your whole life surrounded by this cultural echo
of nothing where your screams and your words should
In this thousand years of silence, the camera is in-
vented and pictures are made of you while these things
are being done. You hear the camera clicking or whirring
as you are being hurt, keeping time to the rhythm of
your pain. You always know that the pictures are out
there somewhere, sold or traded or shown around or
just kept in a drawer. In them, what was done to you is
immortal. He has them; someone, anyone, has seen you
there, that way. This is unbearable. What he felt as he
watched you as he used you is always being done again
and lived again and felt again through the pictures-
your violation his arousal, your torture his pleasure.
Watching you was how he got off doing it; with the pic-
tures he can watch you and get off any time.2
Slowly, then suddenly, it dawns on you: maybe now I
will be believed. You find a guarded way of bringing it
up. Maybe the pictures are even evidence of rape.
find that the pictures, far from making what happened
undeniable, are sex, proof of your desire and your con-
sent.4 Those who use you through the pictures feel their
own pleasure. They do not feel your pain as pain any
more than those who watched as they hurt you to make
the pictures felt it. The pictures, surrounded by a special
halo of false secrecy and false taboo-false because they
really are public and are not really against the rules-
have become the authority on what happened to you,
the literature of your experience, a sign for sex, sex itself.
In a very real way, they have made sex be what it is to the
-people who use you and the pictures of you interchange-
Defamation and Discrimination 5
ably. In this, the pictures are not so different from the
words and drawings that came before, but your use for
the camera gives the pictures a special credibility, a deep
verisimilitude, an even stronger claim to truth, to being
incontrovertibly about you, because they happened and
there you are. And because you are needed for the pic-
tures, the provider has yet another reason to use you
over and over and over again.
Finally, somehow, you find other women. Their fa-
thers, husbands, and doctors saw the pictures, liked
them, and did the same things to them, things they had
never done or said they wanted before. As these other
women were held down, or tied up, or examined on the
table, pictures like the pictures of you were talked about
or pointed to: do what she did, enjoy it the wayshe en-
joyed it. The same acts that were forced on you are
forced on them; the same smile you were forced to smile,
they must smile. There is, you find, a whole industry in
buying and selling captive smiling women to make such
pictures, acting as if they like it.
When anyone of them tries to tell what happened, she
is told it did not happen, she imagined it, she wanted it.
Her no meant yes. The pictures prove it. See, she smiles.
Besides, why fixate on the pictures, the little artifact, at
most a symptom? Even if something wrong was done to
you, how metaphysically obtuse can you be? The pic-
tures themselves do nothing. They are an expression of
ideas, a discussion, a debate, a discourse. How repressed
and repressive can you be? They are constitutionally
protected speech.
Putting to one side what this progression from life to
law does to one's sense of reality, personal security, and
place in the community, not to mention faith in the legal
system, consider what it does to one's relation to expres-
sion: to language, speech, the world of thought and
communication. You learn that language does not be-
long to you, that you cannot use it to say what you know,
that knowledge is not what you learn from your life, that
information is not made out of your experience. You
learn that thinking about what happened to you does
not count as "thinking," but doing it apparently does.
You learn that your reality subsists ;somewhere beneath
the socially real-totally exposed but invisible, scream-
ing yet inaudible, thought about incessantly yet un-
thinkable, "expression" yet inexpressible, beyond words.
You learn that speech is not what you say but what your
abusers do to you.
Your relation to speech is like shouting at a movie.
Somebody stop that man, you scream. The audience acts
as though nothing has been said, keeps watching fixedly
or turns slightly, embarrassed for you. The action on-
screen continues as if nothing has been said. As the echo
of your voice dies in your ears, you begin to doubt that
you said anything. Soon your own experience is not real
Defamation and Discrimination 7
to you anymore, like a movie you watch but cannot stop.
This is women's version of life imitating art: your life as
the pornographer's text. To survive, you learn shame
and how to cover it with sexual bravado, inefficacy and
how to make it seductive, secrecy and the habit of not
telling what you know until you forget it. You learn how
to leave your body and create someone else who takes
over when you cannot stand it any more. You develop a
self who is ingratiating and obsequious and imitative
and aggressively passive and silent-you learn, in a
word, femininity.
I am asking you to imagine that women's reality is
real-something of a leap of faith in a society saturated
with pornography, not to mention an academy saturated
with deconstruction.
In the early 1980s women spoke of
this reality, in Virginia Woolf's words of many years be-
fore, "against the male flood":6 they spoke of being sexu-
ally abused. Thirty-eight percent of women are sexually
molested as girls; twenty-four percent of us are raped in
our marriages. Nearly half are victims of rape or at-
tempted rape at least once in our lives, many more than
once, especially women of color, many involving multi-
ple attackers, mostly men we know. Eighty-five percent
of women who work outside the home are sexually ha-
rassed at some point by employers.? We do not yet know
how many women are sexually harassed by their doctors
or how many are bought and sold as sex-the one thing
men will seemingly always pay for, even in a depressed
A long time before the women's movement made this
information available, in the absence of the words of
sexually abused women, in the vacuum of this knowl-
edge, in the silence of this speech, the question of
pornography was framed and debated-its trenches
dug, its moves choreographed, its voices rehearsed. Be-
fore the invention of the camera, which requires the di-
rect use of real women; before the rise of a mammoth
profitmaking industry of pictures and words acting as
pimp; before women spoke out about sexual abuse and
were heard, the question of the legal regulation of
pornography was framed as a question of the freedom of
expression of the pornographers and their consumers.
The government's interest in censoring the expression of
ideas about sex was opposed to publishers' right to ex-
press them and readers' right to read and think about
Frozen in the classic form of prior debates over cen-
sorship of political and artistic speech, the pornography
debate thus became one of governmental authority
threatening to suppress genius and dissent. There was
some basis in reality for this division of sides. Under the
law of obscenity, governments did try to suppress art
and literature because it was sexual in content. This was
Defamation and Discrimination 9
before the camera required live fodder and usually re-
sulted in the books' becoming bestsellers.
Once abused women are heard and-this is the real
hitch-become real, women's silence can no longer be
the context in which pornography and speech are ana-
lyzed. Into the symbiotic dance between left and right,
between the men who love to hate each other, enters the
captive woman, the terms of access to whom they have
been fighting over.8 Instead of the forces of darkness
seeking to suppress what the forces of light are strug-
gling to free, her captivity itself is made central and put
in issue for the first time. This changes everything, or
should. Before, each woman who said she was abused
looked incredible or exceptional; now, the abuse appears
deadeningly commonplace. Before, what was done to
her was sex; now, it is sexual abuse. Before, she was sex;
now, she is a human being gendered female-if anyone
can figure out what that is.
In this new context, the expressive issues raised by
pornography also change-or should. Protecting por-
nography means protecting sexual abuse as speech, at
the same time that both pornography and its protection
have deprived women of speech, especially speech
against sexual abuse. There is a connection between the
silence enforced on women, in which we are seen to love
and choose our chains because they have been sexual-
ized, and the noise of pornography that surrounds us,
passing for discourse (ours, even) and parading under
constitutional protection. The operative definition of
censorship accordingly shifts from government silencing
what powerless people say, to powerful people violating
powerless people into silence and hiding behind state
power to do it.
In the United States, pornography is protected by the
Conceptually, this protection relies centrally on
putting it back into the context of the silence of violated
women: from real abuse back to an "idea" or "view-
point" on women and sex. In this de-realization of the
subordination of women, this erasure of sexual abuse
through which a technologically sophisticated traffic
in women becomes a consumer choice of expressive
content, abused women become a pornographer's
"thought" or "emotion." This posture unites pornogra-
phy's apologists from libertarian economist and judge
Frank Easterbrook
to liberal philosopher-king Ronald
Dworkin,ll from conservative scholar and judge Richard
to pornographers' lawyer Edward DeGrazia.
In their approach, taken together, pornography falls
presumptively into the legal category "speech" at the
outset through being rendered in terms of "content,"
"message:' "emotion:' what it "says," its "viewpoint:' its
"ideas." Once the women abused in it and through it are
Defamation and Discrimination 11
elided this way, its artifact status as pictures and words
gets it legal protection through a seemingly indelible cat-
egorical formalism that then must be negated for any-
thing to be done.
In this approach, the approach of current law,
pornography is essentially treated as defamation rather
than as discrimination. 14 That is, it is conceived in terms
of what it says, which is imagined more or less effective
or harmful as someone then acts on it, rather than in
terms of what it does. Fundamentally, in this view, a
form of communication cannot, as such, do anything
bad except offend. Offense is all in the head. Because the
purveyor is protected in sending, and the consumer in
receiving, the thought or feeling, the fact that an unin-
tended bystander might have offended thoughts or un-
pleasant feelings is a mere externality, a cost we must pay
for freedom. That the First Amendment protects this
process of interchange-thought to thought, feeling to
feeling-there is no doubt.
Within the confines of this approach, to say that
pornography is an act against women is seen as
metaphorical or magical, rhetorical or unreal, a literary
hyperbole or propaganda device. On the assumption
that words have only a referential relation to reality,
pornography is defended as only words-even when it is
pictures women had to be directly used to make, even
when the means of writing are women's bodies, even
when a woman is destroyed in order to say it or show it
or because it was said or shown.
A theory of protected speech begins here: words ex-
press, hence are presumed "speech" in the protected
sense. Pictures partake of the same level of expressive
protection. But social life is full of words that are legally
treated as the acts they constitute without so much as a
whimper from the First Amendment. What becomes in-
teresting is when the First Amendment frame is invoked
and when it is not. Saying "kill" to a trained attack dog is
only words. Yet it is not seen as expressing the viewpoint
"I want you dead"-which it usually does, in fact, ex-
press. It is seen as performing an act tantamount to
someone's destruction, like saying "ready, aim, fire" to a
firing squad. Under bribery statutes, saying the word
"aye" in a legislative vote triggers a crime that can consist
entirely of what people say. So does price-fixing under
the antitrust laws. "Raise your goddamn fares twenty
percent, I'll raise mine the next morning" is not pro-
tected speech; it is attempted joint monopolization, a
"highly verbal crime." In this case, conviction nicely dis-
proved the defendant's view, expressed in the same con-
versation, that "we can talk about any goddamn thing we
want to talk about."15
Along with other mere words like "not guilty" and "I
do," such words are uniformly treated as the institutions
Defamation and Discrimination 13
and practices they constitute, rather than as expressions
of the ideas they embody or further. They are not seen as
saying anything (although they do) but as doing some-
thing. No one confuses discussing them with doing
them, for instance discussing a verdict of "guilty" with a
jury's passing a verdict of "guilty." Nobody takes an ap-
peal of a guilty verdict as censorship of the jury. Such
words are not considered "speech" at all.
Social inequality is substantially created and en-
forced-that is, done-through words and images. So-
cial hierarchy cannot and does not exist without being
embodied in meanings and expressed in communica-
tions. A sign saying "White Only"16 is only words, but it
is not legally seen as expressing the viewpoint "we do not
want Black people in this store:' or as dissenting from
the policy view that both Blacks and whites must be
served, or even as hate speech, the restriction of which
would need to be debated in First Amendment terms. It
is seen as the act of segregation that it is, like "Juden
nicht erwiinscht!"17 Segregation cannot happen without
someone saying "get out" or "you don't belong here" at
some point. Elevation and denigration are all accom-
plished through meaningful symbols and communica-
tive acts in which saying it is doing it.
Words unproblematically treated as acts in the in-
equality context include "you're fired," "help wanted-
male:' "sleep with me and I'll give you an A," "fuck me
or you're fired:' "walk more femininely, talk more femi-
ninely, dress more femininely, wear makeup, have your
hair styled, and wear jewelry," and "it was essential that
the understudy to my Administrative Assistant be a
man."18 These statements are discriminatory acts and are
legally seen as such. Statements like them can also evi-
dence discrimination or show that patterns of inequality
are motivated by discriminatory animus. They can con-
stitute actionable discriminatory acts in themselves or
legally transform otherwise nonsuspect acts into bias-
motivated ones. Whatever damage is done through" such
words is done not only through their context but
through their content, in the sense that if they did not
contain what they contain, and convey the meanings
and feelings and thoughts they convey, they would not
evidence or actualize the discrimination that they do.
Pornography, by contrast, has been legally framed as a
vehicle for the expression of ideas. The Supreme Court
of Minnesota recently observed of some pornography
before it that "even the most liberal construction would
be strained to find an 'idea' in it," limited as it was to
"who wants what, where, when, how, how much, and
how often."19 Even this criticism dignifies the pornogra-
phy. The idea of who wants what, where, and when sexu-
ally can be expressed without violating anyone and
without getting anyone raped. There are many ways to
. say what pornography says, in the sense of its content.
Defamation and Discrimination 15
But nothing else does what pornography does. The ques-
tion becomes, do the PQrnographers-saying they are
only saying what it says-have a speech right to do what
only it does?
What pornography does, it does in the real world, not
only in the mind. As an initial matter, it should be ob-
served that it is the pornography industry, not the ideas
in the materials, that forces, threatens, blackmails, pres-
sures, tricks, and cajoles women into sex for pictures. In
pornography, women are gang raped so they can be
filmed. They are not gang raped by the idea of a gang
rape. It is for pornography, and not by the ideas in it,
that women are hurt and penetrated, tied and gagged,
undressed and genitally spread and sprayed with lacquer
and water so sex pictures can be made. Only for pornog-
raphy are women killed to make a sex movie, and it is
not the idea of a sex killing that kills them. It is unneces-
sary to do any of these things to express, as ideas, the
ideas pornography expresses. It is essential to do them to
make pornography. Similarly, on the consumption end,
it is not the ideas in pornography that assault women:
men do, men who are made, changed, and impelled by
it. Pornography does not leap off the shelf and assault
women. Women could, in theory, walk safely past whole
warehouses full of it, quietly resting in its jackets. It is
what it takes to make it and what happens through its
use that are the problem.
Empirically, of all two-dimensional forms of sex, it is
only pornography, not its ideas as such, that gives men
erections that support aggression against women in par-
ticular. Put another way, an erection is neither a thought
nor a feeling, but a behavior. It is only pornography that
rapists use to select whom they rape and to get up for
their rapes. This is not because they are persuaded by its
ideas or even inflamed by its emotions, or because it is so
conceptually or emotionally compelling, but because
they are sexually habituated to its kick, a process that is
largely unconscious and works as primitive condition-
ing, with pictures and words as sexual stimuli. Pornog-
raphy consumers are not consuming an idea any more
than eating a loaf of bread is consuming the ideas on its
wrapper or the ideas in its recipe.
This is not to object to primitiveness or sensuality or
subtlety or habituation in communication. Speech con-
veys more than its literal meaning, and its undertones
and nuances must be protected. It is to question the ex-
tent to which the First Amendment protects uncon-
scious mental intrusion and physical manipulation, even
by pictures and words, particularly when the results are
further acted out through aggression and other discrim-
It is also to observe that pornography does not
engage the conscious mind in the chosen way the model
of "content," in terms of which it is largely defended, en-
visions and requires. In the words of Judge Easterbrook,
Defamation and Discrimination 17
describing this dynamic, pornography "does not per-
suade people so much as change them."21
Pornography is masturbation materia}.22 It is used as
sex. It therefore is sex. Men know this. In the centuries
before pornography was made into an "idea" worthy of
First Amendment protection, men amused themselves
and excused their sexual practices by observing that the
penis is not an organ of thought. Aristotle said, "it is im-
possible to think about anything while absorbed [in the
pleasl1res of sex.]"23 The Yiddish equivalent translates
roughly as "a stiff prick turns the mind to shit."24 The
common point is that having sex is antithetical to think-
ing. It would not have occurred to them that having sex
is thinking.
With pornography, men masturbate to women being
exposed, humiliated, violated, degraded, mutilated, dis-
membered, bound, gagged, tortured, and killed. In the
visual materials, they experience this being done by
watching it being done. What is real here is not that the
materials are pictures, but that they are part of a sex act.
The women are in two dimensions, but the men have sex
with them in their own three-dimensional bodies, not in
their minds alone. Men come doing this. This, too, is a
behavior, not a thought or an argument. It is not ideas
they are ejaculating over. Try arguing with an orgasm
sometime. You will find you are no match for the sexual
access and power the materials provide.
The fact that this experience is sexual does not erupt
sui generis from pornography all by itself, any more than
the experience of access and power in rape or child abuse
or sexual harassment or sexual murder is sexual in isola-
tion. There is no such thing as pornography, or any so-
cial occurrence, all by itself. But, of these, it is only
pornography of which it is said that the experience is not
one of access and power but one of thought; only of
pornography that it is said that unless you can show
what it and it alone does, you cannot do anything about
it; and only pornography that is protected as a constitu-
tional right. The fact that pornography, like rape, has
de-ep and broad social roots and cultural groundings
makes it more rather than less active, galvanizing and
One consumer of rape pornography and snuff films
recently made this point as only an honest perpetrator
can: "1 can remember when 1 get horny from looking at
girly books and watching girly shows that I would want
to go rape somebody. Every time I would jack off before
I come I would be thinking of rape and the women I had
raped and remembering how exciting it was. The pain
on their faces. The thrill, the excitement."25 This, pre-
sumably, is what the court that recently protected
pornography as speech meant when it said that its effects
depend upon "mental intermediation."26 See, he was
watching, wanting, thinking, remembering, feeling. He
Defamation and Discrimination 19
was also receiving the death penalty for murdering a
young woman named Laura after raping her, having
vaginal and anal intercourse with her corpse, and chew-
ing on several parts of her body.
Sooner or later, in one way or another, the con-
sumers want to live out the pornography further in
three dimensions. Sooner or later, in one way or an-
other, they do. It makes them want to; when they be-
lieve they can, when they feel they can get away with it,
they do. Depending upon their chosen sphere of oper-
ation, they may use whatever power they have to keep
the world a pornographic place so they can continue
to get hard from everyday life. As pornography con-
sumers, teachers may become epistemically incapable
of seeing their women students as their potential
equals and unconsciously teach about rape from the
viewpoint of the accused. Doctors may molest anes-
thetized women, enjoy watching and inflicting pain
during childbirth, and use pornography to teach sex
education in medical school. Some consumers write
on bathroom walls. Some undoubtedly write judicial
Some pornography consumers presumably serve on
juries, sit on the Senate Judiciary Committee, answer
police calls reporting domestic violence, edit media ac-
counts of child sexual abuse, and produce mainstream
films. Some make wives and daughters and clients and
students and prostitutes look at it and do what is in it.
Some sexually harass their employees and clients, molest
their daughters, batter their wives, and use prostitutes-
with pornography present and integral to the acts. Some
gang rape women in fraternities and at rest stops on
highways, holding up the pornography and reading it
aloud and mimicking it. Some become serial rapists and
sex murderers-using and making pornography is inex-
tricable to these acts-either freelancing or in sex packs
known variously as sex rings, organized crime, religious
cults, or white supremacist organizations. Some make
pornography for their own use and as a sex act in itself,
or in order to make money and support the group's
This does not presume that all pornography is made
through abuse or rely on the fact that some pornography
is made through coercion as a legal basis for restricting
all of it.
Empirically, all pornography is made under
conditions of inequality based on sex, overwhelmingly
by poor, desperate, homeless, pimped women who were
sexually abused as children. The industry's profits ex-
ploit, and are an incentive to maintain, these conditions.
These conditions constrain choice rather than offering
freedom. They are what it takes to make women do what
is in even the pornography that shows no overt violence.
I have come to think that there is a connection be-
tween these conditions of production and the force that
Defamation and Discrimination 21
is so often needed to make other women perform the sex
that consumers come to want as a result of viewing it. In
other words, if it took these forms of force to make a
woman do what was needed to make the materials,
might it not take the same or other forms of force to get
other women to do what is in it? Isn't there, then, an ob-
vious link between the apparent need to coerce some
women to perform for pornography and the coercion of
other women as a result of its consumption? If a woman
had to be coerced to make Deep Throat, doesn't that sug-
gest that Deep Throat is dangerous to all women any-
where near a man who wants to do what he saw in it?30
Pornography contains ideas, like any other social
practice. But the way it works is not as a thought or
through its ideas as such, at least not in the way thoughts
and ideas are protected as speech. Its place in abuse re-
quires understanding it more in active than in passive
terms, as constructing and performative
rather than as
merely referential or connotative.
The message of these materials, and there is one, as
there is to all conscious activity, is "get her," pointing at
all women, to the perpetrators' benefit often billion dol-
lars a year and counting. This message is addressed di-
rectly to the penis, delivered through an erection, and
taken out on women in the real world. The content of
this message is not unique to pornography. It is the
function of pornography in effectuating it that is
unique. Put another way, if there is anything that only
pornography can say, that is exactly the measure of the
harm that only pornography can do. Suppose the con-
sumer could not get in any other way the feeling he gets
from watching a woman actually be murdered. What is
more protected, his sensation or her life? Should it mat-
ter if the murder is artistically presented? Shall we now
balance away women's lesser entitlements-not to be
raped, dehumanized, molested, invaded, and sold? Do
the consequences for many women of doing this to some
women, for mass marketing, weigh in this calculus? How
many women's bodies have to stack up here even to reg-
ister against male profit and pleasure presented as First
Amendment principle?
On the basis of its reality, Andrea Dworkin and I have
proposed a law against pornography that defines it as
graphic sexually explicit materials that subordinate
women through pictures or words.32 This definition de-
scribes what is there, that is, what must be there for the
materials to work as sex and to promote sexual abuse
across a broad spectrum of consumers. This definition
includes the harm of what pornography says-its func-
tion as defamation or hate speech-but defines it and it
alone in terms of what it does-its role as subordination,
as sex discrimination, including what it does through
what it says. This definition is coterminous with the in-
dustry, from Playboy, in which women are objectified
Defamation and Discrimination 23
and presented dehumanized as sexual objects or things
for use; through the torture of women and the sexualiza-
tion of racism and the fetishization of women's body
parts; to snuff films, in which actual murder is the ulti-
mate sexual act, the reduction to the thing form of a hu-
man being and the silence of women literal and
complete. Such material combines the graphic sexually
explicit-graphically showing explicit sex-with activi-
ties like hurting, degrading, violating, and humiliating,
that is, actively subordinating, treating unequally, as less
than human, on the basis of sex. Pornography is not re-
stricted here because of what it says. It is restricted
through what it does. Neither is it protected because it
says something, given what it does.
Now, in First Amendment terms, what is "content"-
the "what it says" element-here?33 We are told by the
Supreme Court that we cannot restrict speech because of
what it says, but all restricted expression says something.
Most recently, we have been told that obscenity and
child pornography are content that can be regulated al-
though what distinguishes child pornography is not its
"particular literary theme."34 In other words, it has a
message, but it does not do its harm through that mes-
sage. So what, exactly, are the children who are hurt
through the use of the materials hurt by?35
Suppose that the sexually explicit has a content ele-
ment: it contains a penis ramming into a vagina. Does
24 0 N L Y W 0 R D S
that mean that a picture of this conveys the idea of a pe-
nis ramming into a vagina, or does the viewer see and
experience a penis ramming into a vagina? If a man
watches a penis ram into a vagina live, in the flesh, do we
say he is watching the idea of a penis ramming into a
vagina? How is the visual pornography different? When
he then goes and rams his penis into a woman's vagina,
is that because he has an idea, or because he has an erec-
tion? I am not saying his head is not attached to his
body; I am saying his body is attached to his head.
The ideas pornography conveys, construed as "ideas"
in the First Amendment sense, are the same as those in
mainstream misogyny: male authority in a naturalized
gender hierarchy, male possession of an objectified
other. In this form, they do not make men hard. The
erections and ejaculations come from providing a physi-
cal reality for sexual use, which is what pornography
does. Pornography is often more sexually compelling
than the realities it presents, more sexually real than re-
ality. When the pimp does his job right, he has the
woman exactly where the consumers want her. In the ul-
timate male bond, that between pimp and john, the trick
is given the sense of absolute control, total access, power
to take combined with the illusion that it is a fantasy,
when the one who actually has that power is the pimp.
For the consumer, the mediation provides the element
of remove requisite for deniability. Pornography thus of-
Defamation and Discrimination 25
fers both types of generic sex: for those who want to wal-
low in filth without getting their hands dirty and for
those who want to violate the pure and get only their
hands wet.
None of this starts or stops as a thought or feeling.
Pornography does not simply express or interpret expe-
rience; it substitutes for it. Beyond bringing a message
from reality, it stands in for reality; it is existentially be-
ing there. This does not mean that there is no spin on the
experience-far from it. To make visual pornography,
and to live up to its imperatives, the world, namely
women, must do what the pornographers want to "say."
Pornography brings its conditions of production to the
consumer: sexual dominance. As Creel Froman puts it,
subordination is "doing someone else's language."36
Pornography makes the world a pornographic place
through its making and use, establishing what women
are said to exist as, are seen as, are treated as, construct-
ing the social reality of what a woman is and can be in
terms of what can be done to her, and what a man is in
terms of doing it.
As society becomes saturated with pornography,
what makes for sexual arousal, and the nature of sex it-
self in terms of the place of speech in it, change. What
was words and pictures becomes, through masturba-
tion, sex itself. As the industry expands, this becomes
more and more the generic experience of sex, the
woman in pornography becoming more and more the
lived archetype for women's sexuality in men's, hence
women's, experience. In other words, as the human be-
comes thing and the mutual becomes one-sided and
the given becomes stolen and sold, objectification
comes to define femininity, and one-sidedness comes
to define mutuality, and force comes to define consent
as pictures and words become the forms of possession
and use through which women are actually possessed
and used. In pornography, pictures and words are sex.
At the same time, in the world pornography creates, sex
is pictures and words. As sex becomes speech, speech
becomes sex.
The denial that pornography is a real force comes in
the guise of many mediating constructions. At most, it is
said, pornography reflects or depicts or describes or rep-
resents subordination that happens elsewhere. The most
common denial is that pornography is "fantasy." Mean-
ing it is unreal, or only an internal reality. For whom?
The women in it may dissociate to survive, but it is hap-
pening to their bodies. The pornographer regularly uses
the women personally and does not stop his business at
fantasizing. The consumer masturbates to it, replays it in
his head and onto the bodies of women he encounters or
has sex with, lives it out on the women and children
around him. Are the victims of snuff films fantasized to
Defamation and Discrimination 27
Another common evasion is that pornography is
"simulated." What can this mean? It always reminds me
of calling rape with a bottle "artificial rape."37 In
pornography, the penis is shown ramming up into the
woman over and over; this is because it actually was
rammed up into the woman over and over. In main-
stream media, violence is done through special effects;
in pornography, women shown being beaten and tor-
tured report being beaten and tortured. Sometimes
"simulated" seems to mean that the rapes are not really
rapes but are part of the story, so the woman's refusal
and resistance are acting. If it is acting, why does it mat-
ter what the actress is really feeling? We are told unend-
ingly that the women in pornography are really enjoying
themselves (but it's simulated?). Is the man's erection on
screen "simulated" too? Is he "acting" too?
No pornography is "real" sex in the sense of shared in-
timacy; this may make it a lie, but it does not make it
"simulated." Nor is it real in the sense that it happened as
it appears. To look real to an observing camera, the sex
acts have to be twisted open, stopped and restarted, po-
sitioned and repositioned, the come shot often executed
by another actor entirely. The women regularly take
drugs to get through it. This is not to say that none of
this happens in sex that is not for pornography; rather
that, as a defense of pornography, this sounds more like
an indictment of sex.
One wonders why it is not said that the pleasure is
simulated and the rape is real, rather than the other way
around. The answer is that the consumer's pleasure re-
quires that the scenario conform to the male rape fan-
tasy, which requires him to abuse her and her to like it.
Paying the woman to appear to resist and then surrender
does not make the sex consensual; it makes pornography
an arm of prostitution. The sex is not chosen for the sex.
Money is the medium of force and provides the cover of
The most elite denial of the harm is the one that
holds that pornography is "representation," when a
representation is a nonreality. Actual rape arranges re-
ality; ritual torture frames and presents it. Does that
make them "representations," and so not rape and tor-
ture? Is a rape a representation of a rape if someone is
watching it? When is the rapist not watching it? Taking
photographs is part of the ritual of some abusive sex,
an act of taking, the possession involved. So is watching
while doing it and watching the pictures later. The pho-
tos are trophies; looking at the photos is fetishism. Is
nude dancing a "representation" of eroticism or is it
eroticism, meaning a sex act? How is a live sex show
different? In terms of what the men are doing sexually,
an audience watching a gang rape in a movie is no dif-
ferent from an audience watching a gang rape that is
reenacting a gang rape from a movie, or an audience
watching any gang rape.
Defamation and Discrimination 29
To say that pornography is categorically or func-
tionally representation rather than sex simply creates a
distanced world we can say is not the real world, a
world that mixes reality with unreality, art and litera-
ture with everything else, as if life does not do the
same thing. The effect is to license whatever is done
there, creating a special aura of privilege and demar-
cating a sphere of protected freedom, no matter who is
hurt. In this approach, there is no way to prohibit rape
if pornography is protected. If, by contrast, represen-
tation is reality, as other theorists argue, then pornog-
raphy is no less an act than the rape and torture it
At stake in constructing pornography as "speech" is
gaining constitutional protection for doing what por-
nography does: subordinating women through sex. This
is not content as such, nor is it wholly other than con-
tent. Segregation is not the content of "help wanted-
male" employment advertisements, nor is the harm of
the segregation done without regard to the content of
the ad. It is its function. Law's proper concern here is not
with what speech says, but with what it does.
meaning of pornography in the sense of interpretation
may be an interesting problem, but it is not this one.
This problem is its meaning for women: what it does in
and to our lives.
I am not saying that pornography is conduct and
therefore not speech, or that it does things and therefore
says nothing and is without meaning, or that all its
harms are noncontent harms. In society, nothing is
without meaning. Nothing has no content. Society is
made of words, whose meanings the powerful control,
or try to. At a certain point, when those who are hurt by
them become real, some words are recognized as the acts
that they are. Converging with this point from the action
side, nothing that happens in society lacks ideas or says
nothing, including rape and torture and sexual murder.
This presumably does not make rape and murder pro-
tected expression, but, other than by simplistic catego-
rization, speech theory never says why not. Similarly,
every act of discrimination is done because of group
membership, such as on the basis of sex or race or both,
meaning done either with that conscious thought, per-
ception, knowledge, or consequence. Indeed, discrimi-
natory intent, a mental state, is required to prove
discrimination under the Fourteenth Amendment.
Does this "thought" make all that discrimination
It is not new to observe that while the doctrinal dis-
tinction between speech and action is on one level obvi-
ous, on another level it makes little sense. In social
inequality, it makes almost none. Discrimination does
not divide into acts on one side and speech on the other.
Speech acts. It makes no sense from the action side ei-
ther. Acts speak. In the context of social inequality, so-
Defamation and Discrimination' 31
called speech can be an exercise of power which con-
structs the social reality in which people Jive, from ob-
jectification to genocide. The words and images are
either direct incidents of such acts, such as making
pornography or requiring Jews to wear yellow stars, or
are connected to them, whether immediately, linearly,
and directly, or in more complicated and extended ways.
Together with all its material supports, authoritatively
saying someone is inferior is largely how structures of
status and differential treatment are demarcated and ac-
tualized. Words and images are how people are placed in
hierarchies, how social stratification is made to seem in-
evitable and right, how feelings of inferiority and superi-
ority are engendered, and how indifference to violence
against those on the bottom is rationalized and normal-
Social supremacy is made, inside and between
people, through making meanings. To unmake it, these
meanings and their technologies have to be unmade.
A recent Supreme Court decision on nude dancing
provides an example of the inextricability of expression
with action in an unrecognized sex inequality setting.
Chief Justice Rehnquist wrote, for the Court, that nude
dancing can be regulated without violating the First
Amendment because one can say the same thing by
dancing in pasties and a G-string.
No issues of
women's inequality to men were raised in all the ponder-
ing of the First Amendment, although the dancers who
were the parties to the case could not have been clearer
that they were not expressing anything.
In previous
cases like this, no one has ever said what shoving dollar
bills up women's vaginas expresses.
As a result, the fact
that the accessibility and exploitation of women through
their use as sex is at once being said and done through
presenting women dancing nude is not confronted. That
women's inequality is simultaneously being expressed
and exploited is never mentioned. Given the role of ac-
cess to women's genitals in gender inequality, dancing
in a G-string raises similar "themes" and does similar
harms, but neither says nor does exactly the same thing.
Justice Souter, in a separate concurrence, got closer to
reality when he said that nude dancing could be regu-
lated because it is accompanied by rape and prostitu-
These harms are exactly what is made worse by
the difference between dancing in a G-string and pasties,
and dancing in the nude. Yet he did not see that these
harms are inextricable from, and occur exactly through,
what nude dancing expresses. Unlike the majority, Justice
Souter said that dancing in a G-string does not express
the same "erotic message"46 as nude dancing. In other
words, men are measurably more turned on by seeing
women expose their sexual parts entirely to public view
than almost entirely. Nobody said that expressing eroti-
cism is speech-think for engaging in public sex. Justice
Souter did say that the feeling nude dancing expresses "is
Defamation and Discrimination 33
eroticism."47 To express eroticism is to engage in eroti-
cism, meaning to perform a sex act. To say it is to do it,
and to do it is to say it. It is also to do the harm of it and
to exacerbate harms surrounding it. In this context, un-
recognized by law, it is to practice sex inequality as well
as to express it.
The legal treatment of crossburning in another recent
Supreme Court opinion provides yet another example of
the incoherence of distinguishing speech from conduct
in the inequality context. Crossburning is nothing but
an act, yet it is pure expression, doing the harm it does
solely through the message it conveys. Nobody weeps for
the charred wood. By symbolically invoking the entire
violent history of the Ku Klux Klan, it says, "Blacks get
out," thus engaging in terrorism and effectuating segre-
gation. It carries the message of historic white indiffer-
ence both to this message and to the imminent death for
which it stands. Segregating transportation expressed (at
a minimum) the view that African-Americans should
ride separately from whites; it was not seen to raise
thorny issues of symbolic expression. Ads for segregated
housing are only words, yet they are widely prohibited
outright as acts of segregation.
Like pornography, crossburning is seen by the Supreme
Court to raise crucial expressive issues. Its function as an
enforcer of segregation, instigator of lynch mobs, instiller
of terror, and emblem of official impunity is transmuted
into a discussion of specific "disfavored subjects."49 The
burning cross is the discussion. The "subject" is race-
discriminating on the basis of it, that is. The bland indif-
ference to reality is underlined by the lack of a single
mention of the Ku Klux Klan. Recognizing the content
communicated, Justice Stevens nonetheless characterized
the crossburning as "nothing more than a crude form of
physical intimidation."so
In this country, nothing has at once expressed racial
hatred and effectuated racial subordination more effec-
tively than the murder and hanging of a mutilated body,
usually of a Black man. I guess this makes Black male
bodies the subject of the discussion. Lynching expresses
a clear point of view.
Photographs were sometimes
taken of the body and sold, to extend its message and the
pleasure of viewing it.
More discussion. Are these acts
inexpressive and contentless? Are the pictures protected
expression? Is a Black man's death made unreal by being
photographed the way women's subordination is?53 Sup-
pose lynchings were done to make pictures of lynchings.
Should their racist content protect them as political
speech, since they do their harm through conveying a
political ideology? Is bigoted incitement to murder closer
to protected speech than plain old incitement to mur-
der?S4 Does the lynching itself raise speech issues, since it
is animated by a racist ideology? If the lynching includes
rape, is it, too, potentially speech? A categorical no will
Defamation and Discrimination 35
not do here. Why, consistent with existing speech theory,
are these activities not expressive? If expressive, why not
Consider snuff pornography, in which women or chil-
dren are killed to make a sex film. This is a film of a sex-
ual murder in the process of being committed. Doing
the murder is sex for those who do it. The climax is the
moment of death. The intended consumer has a sexual
experience watching it. Those who kill as and for sex are
. having sex through the murder; those who watch the
film are having sex through watching the murder. A
snuff film is not a discussion of the idea of sexual murder
any more than the acts being filmed are. The film is not
"about" sexual murder; it sexualizes murder. Is your first
concern what a snuff film says about women and sex or
what it does? Now, why is rape different?
Child pornography is exclusively a medium of pic-
tures and words. The Supreme Court has referred to it as
"pure speech."55 Civil libertarians and publishers argued
to protect it as such.
Child pornography conveys very
effectively the idea that children enjoy having sex with
adults, the feeling that this is liberating for the child. Yet
child pornography is prohibited as child abuse, based on
the use of children to make it.
A recent Supreme Court
case in passing extended this recognition of harm to
other children downstream who are made to see and im-
itate the pictures.
Possessing and distributing such pic-
tures is punishable by imprisonment consistent with the
First Amendment, despite the fact that private reading is
thereby restricted. Harm like this may be what the
Supreme Court left itself open to recognizing when it
said, in guaranteeing the right to possess obscenity in
private, that "compelling reasons may exist for overrid-
ing the right of the individual to possess" the prohibited
materials. 59
The point here is that sex pictures are legally consid-
ered sex acts, based on what, in my terms, is abuse due to
the fact of inequality between children and adults. For
seeing the pictures as tantamount to acts, how, other
than that sexuality socially defines women, is inequality
among adults different?
Now compare the lynching photograph and the snuff
film with a Penthouse spread of December 1984 in which
Asian women are trussed and hung.
One bound be-
tween her legs with a thick rope appears to be a child. All
three express ideology. All had to be done to be made.
All presumably convey something as well as provide en-
tertainment. If used at work, this spread would create a
hostile unequal working environment actionable under
federal sex discrimination law.
But there is no law
against a hostile unequal living environment, so every-
where else it is protected speech.
Not long after this issue of Penthouse appeared, a little
Asian girl was found strung up and sexually molested in
Defamation and Discrimination 37
North Carolina, dead.
The murderer said he spent
much of the day of the murder in an adult bookstore.
Suppose he consumed the Penthouse and then went and
killed the little girl. Such linear causality, an obsession of
pornography's defenders, is not all that rare or difficult
to prove. It is only one effect of pornography, but when
one has that effect, is restricting those pictures "thought
control,"63 the judicial epithet used to invalidate our law
against pornography? Would the girl's death be what
Penthouse "said"? If she was killed because of its "con-
tent," should it be protected?64
Should it matter: the evidence of the harm of such
materials-from testimony of victims (called evidence,
not anecdote, in court) to laboratory studies in which
variables and predisposed men are controlled for, to so-
cial studies in which social reality is captured in all its
messiness-shows that these materials change attitudes
and impel behaviors in ways that are unique in their ex-
tent and devastating in their consequences. In human
society, where no one does not live, the physical re-
sponse to pornography is nearly a universal conditioned
male reaction, whether they like or agree with what the
materials say or not. There is a lot wider variation in
men's conscious attitudes toward pornography than
there is in their sexual responses to it.
There is no evidence that pornography does no harm;
not even courts equivocate over its carnage anymore.
The new insult is that the potency of pornography as
idea is said to be proven by the harm it does, so it must
be protected as speech.
Having made real harm into
the idea of harm, discrimination into defamation, courts
tell us in essence that to the extent materials are defama-
tory, meaning they contain defamatory ideas, they are
protected, even as they discriminate against women
from objectification to murder.
"Every idea is an incitement," said Justice Holmes in a
famous dissent in an early case on freedom of speech.
Whether or not this is true to the same degree for every
idea, it has come to mean that every incitement to action
that has an idea behind it-especially a big idea, and
misogyny is a very big idea-is to that degree First
Amendment protected territory. This doctrine was orig-
inally created to protect from suppression the speech of
communists, thought by some to threaten the security of
the U.S. government. This experience is the crucible
of the "speech" doctrine, its formative trauma, the evil
of suppression of dissent that First Amendment law,
through coming to terms with this debacle, has been de-
signed to avoid. This is where we got the idea that we
must protect ideas regardless of the mischief they do in
the world, where the First Amendment got its operative
idea of what an "idea" is.
Applying this paradigm for political speech to pornog-
raphy requires placing, by analogy, sexually abused
Defamation and Discrimination' 39
women relative to their abusers, in a position of power
comparable to that of the u.s. government relative to
those who advocated its overthrow. This is bizarre, given
that risk of harm is the issue. Women are far more likely
to be harmed through pornography than the u.s. gov-
ernment is to be overthrown by communists. Putting the
pornographers in the posture of the excluded underdog,
like communists, plays on the deep free speech tradition
against laws that restrict criticizing the government.
Need it be said, women are not the government? Pornog-
raphy has to be done to women to be made; no govern-
ment has to be overthrown to make communist speech.
It is also interesting that whether or not forced sex
is a good idea-pornography's so-called viewpoint on
the subordination of women-is not supposed to be de-
batable to the same degree as is the organization of the
economy. In theory, we have criminal laws against sexual
abuse. We even have laws mandating sex equality.
Yet the First Amendment orthodoxy that came out of
the communist cases is reflexively applied to pornogra-
phy: if it is words and pictures, it expresses ideas. It does
nothing. The only power to be feared as real is that of the
government in restricting it. The speech is impotent.
The analogy to communism has the realities reversed.
Not only is pornography more than mere words, while
the words of communism are only words. The power of
pornography is more like the power of the state.
It is
backed by power at least as great, at least as unchecked,
and at least as legitimated. At this point, indeed, its
power is the power of the state. State power protects it,
silencing those who are hurt by it and making sure they
can do nothing about it.
Law is only words. It has content, yet we do not ana-
lyze law as the mere expression of ideas. When we object
to a law-say, one that restricts speech-we do not say
we are offended by it. We are scared or threatened or en-
dangered by it. We look to the consequences of the law's
enforcement as an accomplished fact and to the utter-
ance of legal words as tantamount to imposing their re-
ality. This becomes too obvious to mention not only
because the First Amendment does not protect govern-
ment speech but because law is backed by power, so its
words are seen as acts. But so is pornography: the power
of men over women,69 expressed through unequal sex,
sanctioned both through and prior to state power. It
makes no more sense to treat pornography as mere ab-
straction and representation than it does to treat law as
simulation or fantasy. No one has suggested that our le-
gal definition of pornography does what the pornogra-
phy it describes in words does; nor that, if enacted in
law, our ordinance would be only words.
As Andrea Dworkin has said, "pornography is the law
for women."70 Like law, pornography does what it says.
That pornography is reality is what silenced women have
Defamation and Discrimination' 41
not been permitted to say for hundreds of years. Failing
to face this in its simplicity leaves one defending abstrac-
tion at the cost of principle, obscuring this emergency
because it is not like other emergencies, defending an
idea of an "idea" while a practice of sexual abuse be-
comes a constitutional right. Until we face this, we will
be left where Andrea Dworkin recognizes we are left at
the end of Intercourse:
with a violated child alone on
the bed-this one wondering if she is lucky to be alive.
I F EVE R words have been understood as acts, it has
been when they are sexual harassment. For fifteen years,
unremitting pressure for dates, unwelcome sexual
comments, authoritative offers to exchange sex for
benefits, and environments permeated with sexual vil-
ification and abuse have been legally actionable in em-
ployment and education. Only words-yet they have not
been seen as conveying ideas, although, like all social
practices, they do: ideas like what men think of women,
what men want to do to women, what women should do
for men, where women belong. Sexualized racism and
visual pornography have been integral to sexual harass-
ment all along. In a not uncommon example, a Black
woman worker was shown "a pornographic photograph
depicting an interracial act of sodomy" by a white male
co-worker who "told her that the photograph showed
the 'talent' of a black woman" and "stated that she was
hired for the purpose indicated in the photograph."l
Until recently, sexual harassment has never been imag-
ined to raise expressive concerns, although all sexual ha-
rassment is words, pictures, meaningful acts and gestures.
Yet it has been legally understood in terms of what it does:
discriminate on the basis of sex. Unwelcome sex talk is an
unwelcome sex act. When threatening, severe, or perva-
sive enough, it works to exclude and segregate and deni-
grate and subordinate and dehumanize, violating human
dignity and denying equality of opportunity. The First
Amendment has not come up, even in a case in which a
court issued an injunction prohibiting saying things like
"Did you get any over the weekend?"2 First Amendment.
issues have not often been raised against racial harass-
ment claims either, even one in which the court found
that the law requires employers to "take prompt action to
prevent bigots from expressing their opinions in a way
that abuses or offends their co-workers."3
With a fine sense of reality, courts have not taken
chanting "cunt" at a working woman as conveying the
idea "you have a vagina:' or as expressing eroticism,4 but
rather as pure abuse.
When told such profanity was a
simple expletive, one judge was not fooled. If you
stubbed your toe, he asked, would you yell, "oh, cunt"?6
For cultures in which the answer is affirmative, one
might ask why women's genitals are a negative expletive.
In a similar spirit, neither a shipyard dartboard with a
drawing of a woman's breast with a nipple as the bull's
eye, nor items like a construction site urinal with a
woman's vulva painted on it,? has been considered art. A
drawing of a nude segmented female torso with "USDA
Racial and Sexual Harassment 47
Choice" stamped on it has not been defended as political
satire. The workplace comment "Black women taste like
sardines" has not been construed as a possible advertise-
ment for fish, hence protected commercial speech. "It
doesn't hurt women to have sex right after childbirth," in
the same workplace, has not been seen as an idea of sci-
entific value, however misguided. Graffiti stating, "The
more you lick it, the harder it gets" has not been con-
strued as sex education, nor "do you spit or swallow?" as
a query expressing concern for oral hygiene.
One Black woman, the only one working in a particu-
lar soap factory, reported that soap carved in the shape
of a penis was periodically sent down her assembly line.
In one restaurant, male management shaped hamburger
meat in the form of a penis and asked a woman worker,
"Is this big enough?" 10 Another woman who worked in a
warehouse charged that male co-workers would expose
their buttocks to her;ll When considering legal action
against this type of activity, no one has argued that the
soap or hamburger may be artistic expression, the flash-
ing symbolic speech or guerrilla theater, or a male equiv-
alent to nude dancing. When a man slips a woman's
paycheck into his pants and requires her to "go for it;'12
nobody suggests he is making a militant display of dis-
sent against the economic system.
Construing these events as "speech"-in terms of
their form as expression and their content as ideas-ap-
48 0 N L Y W 0 R D S
parently looks like what it is: a transparent ploy to con-
tinue the bigoted abuse and avoid liability. The mis-
ogynist meaning and exclusionary impact of such
expression have not been contested by most defendants,
either. The harm done by this behavior is importantly
contextual, certainly, but it is implicitly recognized that
social life occurs only in social context, and this is a so-
cial harm. That these experiences differ for harasser
and harassed is not denied either; this difference seems
only to support the fact of their unequal positions in a
single shared system of social meaning, further sup-
porting the act as one of inequality. One court rejected
the defendant's argument that because racial slurs were
common parlance, they did not have racial overtones.
Many have rejected defenses that the abuse being liti-
gated was only a joke.
The postmodern pose of cre-
ative misinterpretation-acting as though words do not
mean what they mean or do what they do-has seldom
been tried, and even then not to protect the abuse as
In the case of Mechelle Vinson, a Black woman who
was sexually abused verbally and raped for two and a
half years by her Black male bank supervisor, the U.S.
Supreme Court held for the first time that employees
have "the right to work in an environment free from dis-
criminatory intimidation, ridicule, and insult."15 The
decision did not separate the verbal from the physical
Racial and Sexual Harassment 49
environment, saying control the behavior but protect
the speech. Far less did the Court attempt to separate
what the rape expressed from what it did. It did not call
Mechelle Vinson "offended" and tell her to take it like a
man. The Court's formulation of the injury not only re-
lied on knowing what the verbal acts meant as insepara-
ble from the injury they did; it focused the concept
of harm-intimidation, ridicule, insult-on what the
words particularly did through the meaning they con-
veyed. These are harms of communication as such. The
vocabulary of rape speaks volumes, no doubt saying
what it says in the most effective possible way, and with
cross-cultural intelligibility. Yet neither the rapes nor the
perpetrator's words were considered protected speech
because they conveyed meaning or required "mental in-
termediation"-like knowing the language-to do their
damage. The harm of a hostile environment was recog-
nized as a harm of sexual abuse.
The point is, for fifteen years courts have shown real
comprehension that what might be called speech, if
forced into an abstract First Amendment mold, are in
fact acts of inequality, hence actionable as discrimina-
tion. Although sexual harassment might be character-
ized as "sexual expression,"16 it has never been suggested
that its regulation must meet obscenity standards. Ac-
tions against racial harassment at work have not been
held to constitutional standards for group defamation or
incitement either. Under discrimination laws, courts
have taken legal action against group-based invective, no
matter that it contains ideas or seeks to express or fur-
ther a political position,l7 Indeed, its role in furthering
the politics-that is, the reality-of inequality has been
understood as integral to its injuriousness. "KKK" on
workplace walls
has not been protected as political ad-
vocacy, and whether or not violence is imminently in-
cited by it has not mattered. The term "nigger-rigged"
has not been protected as merely offensive or ,satire or
A noose hanging over an African-Ameri-
can's work station
has not been construed as symbolic
speech or protected as discussion of a disfavored subject.
Scrawled notes of "African monkeys, why don't you go
back to the jungle?"21 have not been regarded as nonli-
belous proposals for a nice tropical vacation.
Beyond simply not being regarded as a problem, the
very same terms of group threat and denigration that
form the basis of sexual and racial harassment suits have
also routinely provided the required evidence of the
mental state called "discriminatory intent" for suits
against other forms of discrimination.
The fact that
such verbal behavior serves as a vehicle for a bigoted ide-
ology has not made it protected expression; it has
identified the behavior, and other acts surrounding it, as .
discrimination. Under discrimination law, such expres-
sion is not a political opinion; it is a smoking gun. This
Racial and Sexual Harassment 51
mental element makes events into discrimination which
might otherwise be regarded as coincidence or accident.
In other words, because of their mental location and
content, these words are not only potentially discrimina-
tory in themselves; they are part of the proof that other
acts are discriminatory.23
The area of sexual and racial harassment has not been
without traces of speechlike thinking. One court held
that women workers must tolerate pornography posted
at work because they are surrounded by it everywhere
Another said, in reference to the general level of
discourse at this workplace, "we must discount the im-
pact of [specific] obscenities in an atmosphere otherwise
pervaded by obscenity."25 A comparable case on racist
verbal and visual attacks held, to the contrary, that prej-
udiciallanguage may be socially pervasive in society, but
Congress has decided that discrimination in employ-
ment will not be tolerated.
Most courts have refused to
set the standards for equality law by the standards of
abuse set by an unequal society. 27
Some commentators have suggested that harassment
should be illegal only when it is "directed at" an individ-
This is the same line that implicitly divides group
from individual libel, such that, for First Amendment
purposes, individual libel can be regulated but group li-
bel cannot be. The idea seems to be that injury to one
person is legally actionable, but the same injury to thou-
sands of people is protected speech. This approach is in
tension with the concept of the injury of discrimination
as such, in which an individual is hurt only as a member
of a group.29 Courts have generally understood, without
needing to say so, that group-based attacks are directed
at every individual group member within range. Does
any Black man doubt, upon encountering "Nigger Die"
at work, that it means him? Are graffiti against Black
women "directed at" only Black women, pornography
using blonde women only at blondes, lesbian epithets
only at women who are lesbians? Or is it "directed at"
you only if your individual name is on it? Is using a pho-
tograph of Martin Luther King, Jr. for target practice at a
firing range only "directed at" Dr. King?30 What target
group can afford to find out?
In general, racial and sexual harassment have been the
discriminatory acts in court that they are in life until re-
cently, when two contested areas escalated and con-
verged. Women complained that pornography at work
constituted sexual harassment in employment, and uni-
versities prohibited racial harassment on campus on the
model of existing sexual harassment prohibitions. Sud-
denly, harassment became an issue of speech. Practices
of bigotry and inequality were transformed into discus-
sions and debates. Threats became statements of politi-
cal ideology. What had been judicially understood as
acts of discrimination became a dialogue about ideas.
Racial and Sexual Harassment y 53
In a case involving pornography as sexual harassment,
the employer argued that pornography at work was pro-
tected expression, something the workers at Jacksonville
Shipyards wanted to sarto first-class welder Lois Robin-
son, their opinions about women and sex. Their "views"
included naked women supposedly having sex with each
other; a woman masturbating herself with a towel; a
nude woman on a heater control box with fluid coming
from her vaginal area; a woman with long blonde hair
(like Lois) wearing only high heels and holding a whip
(one welding tool is called a "whip"); and countless
women in full labial display. When Lois Robinson
protested, the men engaged in more of what the ACLU
brief against her termed "speech" by posting a sign stat-
ing "Men Only."31 Suddenly, because Lois R o ~ i n s o n ' s
sexual harassment complaint centered on pornography,
her sexual harassment claim invoked the First Amend-
ment, at least so far as relief was concerned.
In the same period, "Death Nigger" was found
scratched on a woman's door at Purdue. Elsewhere, "A
mind is a terrible thing to waste-especially on a nig-
ger" was left on a blackboard. Still elsewhere a frater-
nity elected a "Jewish American Princess." Another
fraternity held a "slave auction" at which white pledges
in blackface performed skits parroting Black enter-
tainers. "Death to all Arabs!! Die Islamic scumbags!"
was found scrawled on a university wall.3
At still an-
other school, a gay student was denounced as a "fag-
got" and told he did not belong at the university.33
Swastikas are flown. Crosses are burned. Holocaust re-
visionism is openly taught in some places.
all this, too, is said to be a potential constitutional
A previously submerged tension is emerging be-
tween equality rights as they have long been recog-
nized, in which discriminatory expression is without
question a discriminatory act, and a current direction
in First Amendment interpretation. This tension is
not resolved by the observation, however true it is,
that the workplace and the university have always
been subject to different rules.
Speech has always
been more restricted at work and more protected at
school, but equality has been equally firmly mandated
in both. The fact is, the workplace and the academy
are the sites of this confrontation not only because in-
equality is crucially enacted there, but because equal-
ity is crucially guaranteed there. Equality is not
generally legally guaranteed in social life. Discrimina-
tory expression does deprive targeted groups of equal-
ity elsewhere; no recognized right to equality exists to
assert against that deprivation elsewhere. Criminal
laws against group defamation have been the closest
approximation, but they have seldom been enforced,
and they have never been equality laws.
Racial and Sexual Harassment 55
Most courts that have looked at pornography as sex-
ual harassment at work have prohibited it as sex dis-
crimination. None has protected it as speech.
university policies prohibiting harassment on campus
have been denounced in and out of court as intolerable
restrictions on academic inquiry and violations of free-
dom of speechY Educational equality, the schools' in-
terest in the regulations at issue, is barely mentioned.
What had been bigoted acts and terrorist threats sud-
denly become conversational gambits, theoretical trial
balloons, and incipient poetry. The clear workplace
precedents recognizing sexual harassment as sex dis-
crimination are considered barely, if at all.
Most university policies and procedures treat sexual
and racial harassment as indistinguishable, while the
courts that have invalidated all or part of these codes
have treated them as having little in common. Univer-
sities often miss that harassment policies raise a variety
of expressive issues, while courts miss their common
equality foundations and goals. One result is that at-
tempts to defend regulation of racial harassment in ed-
ucation on the basis of sexual precedents have not been
persuasive, yet decisions invalidating racial harassment
codes threaten to take sexual harassment regulations
down with them. An explicit sex-to-race analogy has
not worked to support the codes, but an implicit race-
to-sex analogy is being used to undermine them.
Racial and sexual harassment, separately and together,
promote inequality, violate oppressed groups, work to
destroy their social standing and repute, and target them
for discrimination from contempt to genocide. Yet each
also has a particular history, occupies its own ground,
and works in its own way, both as expression and as in-
equality. Racial and sexual harassment function just as
actively, separately and together, in social inequality;
both need to be stopped. They are no different in the
severity of impact on victims or in the degree of damage
they inflict on equality rights. They differ primarily in
the mechanism through which they work on perpetra-
tors. Because of this, they relate differently to the reality
of the inequality in which they arise and intervene and
raise some distinct expressive concerns.
For expressive purposes, the distinction that matters,
in my view, is not between harassment based on race and
harassment based on gender, which are often insepara-
ble in any case, but between speech that is sex and speech
that is not. Harassment that is sexual is a sex act, like
pornography. Harassment that is not sexual works more
through its content, as the traditional model of group
defamation envisions, however hateful and irrational,
however viscerally it plays on prejudice, however dam-
aging to equality rights.
By harassment that is not explicitly sexual,38 I mean
teachers' saying that women students are no good at this
Racial and Sexual Harassment 57
subject or calling on only men, or scholarship purport-
ing to document the superiority of some racial groups
over others, or statements in a workplace like, "There's
nothing worse than having to work around women."39 It
is amazing how few examples there are in this category,
and how much of what might be simply gender or racial
harassment proves on deeper examination to be sexual,
like "Women are only fit company for something that
Sexuality is a central dynamic in gender; sexuality and
gender converge in the world. Consider the man who
placed an explicitly sexual picture on the desk of a
woman co-worker "with a note saying something like,
'You should be doing this instead of a man's job."'41 All
sexual harassment, including that against women and
men of color specifically, is gendered. A great deal ofha-
rassment that is sexual is expressly racist. Examples
include: "Jew faggot,"42 "Black b i t c h ~ s suck COCk,"43
"Niggers are a living example that the Indians screwed
buffalo,"44 and the endless references to the penis size of
African-American men.
Laws against defamation often
prohibit publications that "portray ... unchastity ... of a
class of citizens, of any race, color, creed, or reli-
gion ... "46 specifically. This refers to the men as well as
the women in these groups. The fact that these laws have
never been applied to racist pornography, in which
women of color are routinely presented as "unchaste,"
58 0 N L Y W 0 R D 5
suggests that portrayal of "unchastity" in women is re-
garded as just life, or perhaps that only unchastity in
men is a racial insult. But it has not been applied to the
pornography using men of color either.
Sexual words and pictures, delivered in context, work
the way pornography works: they do not merely describe
sexuality or represent it. In a sense, they have sex. When
a man sends a note ending, ''I'm going to fuck you even
if I have to rape you,"47 he is getting off on writing and
sending the note and envisioning the recipient reading
it. The recipient feels sexually violated as well as terrified
of rape. (Need I add, this has nothing to do with the use
of the term "fuck" as such.)48 When male workers say,
"Hey pussycat, come here and give me a whiff,"49 it is a
sexual invasion, an act of sexual aggression, a violation
of sexual boundaries, a sex act in itself.
I am not ultimately sure why this is the case, but it has
something to do with the positioning of sex words in
sexual abuse, in abuse as sex, in sex as abuse, in sex.
Words of sexual abuse are integral to acts of sexual abuse
from birth to after death. As incantations while sexual
abuse is occurring, they carry that world with them,
such that to utter them is to let loose in the body the feel-
ing of doing it, and sex is done largely for the purpose of
creating that feeling. The more pornography invades the
sexuality of a population, the more widespread this dy-
namic becomes. It is not so much that the sexual terms
Racial and Sexual Harassment 59
reference a reality as that they reaccess and restimulate
body memory of it for both aggressor and victim. The
aggressor gets an erection; the victim screams and strug-
gles and bleeds and blisters and becomes five years old.
"Being offended" is the closest the First Amendment tta-
dition comes to grasping this effect.
This process of empowerment of the perpetrator and
traumatization of the victim occurs not because of the
content of the words in the usual sense but because of
the experiences they embody and convey. For this func-
tion of words carrying lived reality from one place to
another, it matters that the physical tortures that accom-
pany the words are being inflicted on a mass scale on
women as a group. It matters that children are being sex-
ually abused as the words of abuse are spoken and pic-
tures taken. It matters that electrodes are being applied
to the genitals of women being called "cunt" in photog-
raphy studios in Los Angeles and the results mass-mar-
keted. In Argentina under the junta, when people were
rounded up and tortured and disappeared because they
were Jewish, "Jew" used as a taunt and term of torture
had such a meaning. 50
This is only to say the obvious: just as language shapes
social reality, the social reality of language in use deter-
mines what it conveys and means and does, such that to
say that these words do not have this meaning or do
these things is to say that this social reality does not ex-
ist. Were there no such thing as male supremacy, and
were it not sexualized, there would be no such injury as
sexual harassment. Words do not do it alone, of course,
but what sexual harassment does, only words can do-
or, rather, the harm of sexual harassment can be done
only through expressive means.
The social coding of sexuality as intimate and pleasur-
able also contributes to the distinctive sting and intru-
siveness of harassment that is sexual. Sexuality is defined
as intimacy as such; nothing else goes onto you or into
you in the same way. One is socially called to participate
in sexuality with one's most intimate self. Sexual abuse is
further unique in that the victim is expected to enjoy it.
Perpetrators of racial abuse experience pleasure that
may be said to be sexual in the sense of the thrill of dom-
inance, whether or not it becomes literally orgasmic; the
victims are not expected to enjoy it. Sex as a form of
abuse demands and exacts pleasure from the victim as
well, both fake and at times tragically real. It probably
still needs to be said that this does not mean that the vic-
tims want the abuse. The forced complicity of the ma-
nipulated response of the victim's body is part of the
injury and attaches both to the abusive relation and to
the words that go with it.
Because of its location in intimacy, harassment that is
sexual peculiarly leaves nothing between you and it: it
begins in your family, your primary connections, those
through which the self is developed. Sexual abuse occurs
Racial and Sexual Harassment 61
most often within one's own family and community.
With harassment that is not sexual, for example reli-
gious or ethnic, the target has a family, a community re-
viled together, an "us" that defies being defined by this
treatment by "them." Someone is on your side, someone
to go home to, rather than to run away from home from.
This does not keep the shame from burning, the self-
revulsion from attacking your body, or the despair from
cannibalizing your future, just as with sexual abuse. It
does provide a separation that says this is not just you,
this is not all there is to you.
For at least these reasons, speech that is sex has a dif-
ferent relation to reality than speech that is not sex has.
Sexual harassment, because it is sexual, and because of
the place of words and images in sex, and the place of sex
in life, manipulates the perpetrator's socialized body rel-
atively primitively and directly, as pornography does,
and often because pornography already has. This is
men's beloved "hard-wiring:' giving them that exculpa-
tory sense that the sexual desires so programmed are
natural and so operate before and beyond their minds-
got there before they did, as it were. But it is nothing
more than social conditioning. Put another way, if First
Amendment protected thought is what men are doing
while masturbating to pornography, raping employees
while saying, "Just like I could hire you, I could fire
yoU:'Sl and shouting "cunt" in a crowded shipyard, every
mental blip short of a flat EEG is First Amendment pro-
tected speech. Whatever mental process is imagined to
be involved in consuming pornography, it has not
stopped obscenity from being placed beyond First
Amendment protection, either.
Moreover, there is no evidence that consumers of
racist propaganda aggress against the target of the liter-
ature whether or not they agree with the positions it
takes. 52 This is not to say that such material works
wholly on the conscious level, but rather that it does not
primarily work by circumventing conscious processes.
The same can be said for nonsexually explicit misogy-
nist literature. With pornography, by contrast, con-
sumers see women as less than human, and even rape
them, without being aware that an "idea" promoting
that content, far less a political position in favor of the
sexualized inequality of the sexes, is being advanced.
Rape myth acceptance scale scores soar without con-
scious awareness that attitudes on women and rape are
being manipulated through manipulating sexual re-
sponses. Nothing analogous to the sexual response has
been located as the mechanism of racism, or as the
mechanism of response to sexist material that is not
One way to think about issues of expressive freedom
here is to ask whether something works through thought
or not through thought. An argument that some races or
genders or sexual persuasions are inferior to others is an
Racial and Sexual Harassment 63
argument-an antiegalitarian argument, a false argu-
ment, a pernicious argument, an argument for hate and
for hierarchy, but an argument nonetheless. It is an act
of inequality of a particular kind, whose consequences
for social inequality need to be confronted on constitu-
tional terrain where equality and speech converge, in a
context as sensitive to the need for equality guarantees in
the law of speech as for speech guarantees in the law of
equality. So-called speech that works as a sex act is not
an argument. An orgasm is not an argument and cannot
be argued with. Compared with a thought, it raises far
less difficult speech issues, if it raises any at all.
Considering the dynamics of racism is complicated by
the difficulty of knowing what drives it. Given all the
damage it has done, and its persistence and adaptability
across time and space, there can be no doubt that it is
deep and strong and explosive. Perhaps sexuality is a dy-
namic in racism and ethnic prejudice as well as in gender
bias. Upon examination, much racist behavior is sexual.
Consider the pure enjoyment of dominance that makes
power its own reward, reports of the look of pleasure on
the face of racist torturers, accounts of the adrenalin
high of hatred and excitement that survivors of lynch-
ings describe having seen, the sexual atrocities always in-
volved. Recall the elaborate use of race, ethnicity, and
religion for sexual excitement in pornography and in
much racist harassment. Remember the racially coded
64 0 N L Y W 0 R D S
sex and marriage taboos and titillations and targetings
in white supremacist societies, the sexual denigration
pervasive in anti-Semitism. Once the benefits and func-
tions of much racial murder, torture, hatred, and domi-
nance, perhaps even economic supremacy, are exposed
as sexual, its rationalizations as natural, converging with
gender on the ideological level, what of racism is left to
explain? Something, but what?
So far I have been discussing words of abuse uttered
by dominant others and the way they work as acts of in-
equality. That sexual words make sex happen, with ex-
tended effects on women, is further supported by
observing/what happens when victims of sexual harass-
ment speak the abuser's words, testifying to what he
said. When she says what he said, what is she doing?
Anita Hill's allegations of sexual harassment by Clarence
Thomas in his confirmation hearing for the Supreme
Court show how sexual words work as acts in racism and
sexism by showing what happens when a woman, a
Black woman, speaks in public the sex words a man
spoke, in isolation, to her.
In this episode, the language of sexual abuse collided
with the language of public discourse; women's reality
collided with everyday politics as usual, the distance be-
tween the two measured by one word: credibility. When
speech is sex, it determines what is taken as real. The
more the abuse sounds like the coverup language of
Racial and Sexual Harassment 65
public speech, the less it sounds like what he really said,
the more credible she is. By this standard, Professor
Hill's earlier accounts were the most credible: "he spoke
about acts that he had seen in pornographic films." Less
credible were "Long Dong Silver" and "who put pubic
hair on my Coke?" The speakable words were "[he] told
me graphically of his own sexual prowess." We then
heard the long breath of the woman passing the point of
no return in what can now be done to her preceding,
"He also spoke on some occasions of the pleasures he
had given to women," then the pause, the drop in her
voice, before speaking even the clinical words "with oral
We heard the spoken voice of a woman uttering the
sounds of abuse, the moment in which silence breaks on
the unspeakability of the experience, the echo of what
had been unheard. Much of the response was disbelief,
the reaffirmation of the silence of "nothing happened,"
the attempt to push the uncomfortable reality back un-
derground through pathologizing dismissal. This was
done through big words like "mendacity:' little words
like "lie:' and halfway-in-between words like "fantasy."
In Patricia Williams' incisive analysis, Anita Hill was said
to be "consciously lying but fantasizing truth."54
What happens when you put the real language of sex-
ual abuse in a Senate confirmation hearing? It is a lot like
putting a videotape of your rape in your rape trial. It,
66 ~ 0 N L Y W 0 R D 5
and you, are treated as if you do not belong, as if you
pulled down your pants and defecated in public. You are
lowered by proving your injury. He is not. He allegedly
said these things. If they were said, they were his words.
She said them in quotation marks. But it is the woman to
whom they are attributed when she speaks them. When
she says them, it is believed they are true of her somehow,
but not believed of him. Senator Grassley called it "an
offensive story." Deborah Norville, a radio commenta-
tor, "left feeling dirty somehow." President Bush "felt
unclean watching it."55 The offensiveness, the dirt, the
uncleanness stick to the woman, the woman of color in
Women know this. It explains their fear of speaking
about sexual abuse in public, their sense of reviolation
when doing so, their shame. It is because of how they are
seen. It explains why an account like Anita Hill's devel-
oped, with a consistent perpetrator sexuality, from the
telescoped expressions of unhappiness to her friends at
the time to the minimal FBI sketch to the fuller details
when pushed on cross-examination before the Senate
committee. As she put it, she told it to her level of com-
fort. I felt she did not want his words in her mouth.
Women do not want to be pornography. When words of
sexual abuse are in our mouths, that is pornography, and
we become pornography because that is what pornogra-
phy is.
Racial and Sexual Harassment 67
Once you are used for sex, you are sexualized. You lose
your human status. You are sex, therefore unworthy of
belief and impossible to violate. Your testimony that you
were sexually abused proves your abuse, which defines
you as sex, which makes it incredible and impossible
that you were sexually abused. In a world made by
pornography, testimony about sexual harassment is live
oral pornography starring the victim. Because the ac-
count becomes a form of sex, the abuse is rendered con-
sensual in the mind of the viewer.
There is nothing else like this: because she says she was
hurt, it is believed she had a wonderful time. Because she
says what happened, it is believed that it could not have
happened to her. Only words; but because they are sex,
the speaker as well as the spoken-about is transformed
into sex. This is a dynamic common to sexual harass-
ment and pornography. When talking sex is having sex,
as talking pornography was sexual harassment in this
case, exposing the reality of sexual harassment can be-
come a kind of pornography, and exposing the reality of
pornography, as lived, can become a kind of harassment.
In the Thomas- Hill hearings, and in the social up-
heaval surrounding them, race and gender were dis-
cussed, revealing many questionable social attitudes. But
sex, with all its racial dimensions, was what was done.
What was done to Anita Hill, both in Clarence Thomas'
office ten years before, and to a lesser extent in the Sen-
ate chamber when she testified to it, was sex happening.
It was not simply sex being discussed. Talking about sex
can be speech, but doing it through words can be sexual
assault. Harassment that is not sexual does its harm
through its content, undermining equality, especially in
universities, where the mind is the terrain of the equality
as well as the speech. Harassment that is sexual does its
harm as an act of sexual abuse, like, and sometimes as,
The law of sexual harassment has found no way to
challenge women's lack of sexual credibility, the pre-
sumption that women fantasize or ask for sexual abuse,
a presumption considered proved when we recount the
abuse itself. Neither has the law of rape, in spite of its at-
tempts to keep women's sexual history out of rape tri-
als and dignify women's testimony. The challenge to
pornography as sex inequality is the first time this dy-
namic has been confronted directly, by any law existing
or proposed. Now resistance to that challenge, through
invoking speech protection for pornography at work, is
being used to attempt to undermine existing protections
from sexual harassment and racial harassment as well.
Stopping pornography, and with it the sexualization of
aggression and legitimized use of women from brothels
to courtrooms, is women's only chance to gain, in or out
of court, a voice that cannot be used against us.
T HE LAW OF EQUALITY and the law of freedom of
speech are on a collision course in this country. Until
this moment, the constitutional doctrine of free speech
has developed without taking equality seriously-either
the problem of social inequality or the mandate of sub-
stantive legal equality. Originally, of course, the Consti-
tution contained no equality guarantee to serve as
context, expansion joint, handmaiden, counterbalance,
or coequal goal to the speech guarantee. Yet the modern
doctrine of speech dates from considerably after the en-
trenchment of equality in the Fourteenth Amendment,l
and still the First Amendment has been interpreted, with
a few exceptions, as if it were not there.
More precisely, the First Amendment has grown as if a
commitment to speech were no part of a commitment to
equality and as if a commitment to equality had no im-
plications for the law of speech-as if the upheaval that
produced the Reconstruction Amendments did not
move the ground under the expressive freedom, setting
new limits and mandating new extensions, perhaps even
demanding reconstruction of the speech right itself. The
version of equality that has become part of First Amend-
ment law has been negative-equally keeping law from
regulating one forum or view as another-and formal-
speech protected for one group or interest is equally
protected for others.2 It is, in other words, largely redun-
dant. The subprovince of the First Amendment that res-
onates in equal protection is simply an unbiased
extension of precedent and the rule of law-a nar-
row equality supporting a shallow speech. Fourteenth
Amendment equality, for its part, has grown as if equal-
ity could be achieved while the First Amendment pro-
tected the speech of inequality, meaning whenever
inequality takes an expressive form, and without consid-
ering equal access to speech as central to any equality
Both bodies of law accordingly show virtually total
insensitivity to the damage done to social equality by
expressive means and a substantial lack of recognition
that some people get a lot more speech than others.
the absence of these recognitions, the power of those
who have speech has become more and more exclusive,
coercive, and violent as it has become more and more
legally protected. Understanding that there is a rela-
tionship between these two issues-the less speech you
have, the more the speech of those who have it keeps
you unequal; the more the speech of the dominant
is protected, the more dominant they become and the
Equality and Speech 73
less the subordinated are heard from-is virtually
nonexistent. Issues at the equality-speech interface are
not framed as problems of balance between two cher-
ished constitutional goals, or as problems of meaning-
ful access to either right in the absence of the other, but
as whether the right to free speech is infringed accept-
ably or unacceptably. Equality-promoting provisions
on hate crimes, campus harassment, and pornog-
raphy,4 for example, tend to be attacked and defended
solely in terms of the damage they do, or do not do, to
speech. At the same time, issues such as racial segrega-
tion in education, with its accompanying illiteracy and
silence, are framed solely in equality terms, rather than
also as official barriers to speech and therefore as viola-
tions of the First Amendment.
First Amendment speech and Fourteenth Amend-
ment equality have never contended on constitutional
terrain. The reason is largely that both have been inter-
preted more negatively than positively, prohibiting vio-
lations by government more than chartering legal
intervention for social change, even as governmental in-
action and the more extended consequences of govern-
mental action undermine this distinction in both areas.
It is also relevant that federal equality statutes have not
been seen to arise under the Fourteenth Amendment, al-
though it expressly authorizes them,6 and action by
states against social inequalities needs no constitutional
authority, so invokes the Constitution only when said to
violate it.
This mutual one-sidedness in the law has made it vir-
tually impossible to create a community of comprehen-
sion that there is a relation, for example, between the use
of the epithet "nigger" and the fact that a disproportion-
ate number of children who go to bed hungry every
night in this country are African-American; or the use of
the word "cunt" and the fact that most prostitutes are
women. It creates no room to see that slave codes that
made it a crime to teach a slave to read, or schools in
which Black children cannot learn to write, deny them
freedom of speech; or that judicially eliminating griev-
ance procedures that recognize racist or homophobic
vilification as barriers to education officially denies stu-
dents equality in education.? The tensions and intersec-
tions between the deeper principles and wider orbits of
equality and speech remain unmapped, equality un-
speaking and speech unequal.
The official history of speech in the United States is
not a history of inequality-unlike in Europe, where the
role of hate propaganda in the Holocaust has not been
forgotten. In America, the examples that provide the life
resonance of the expressive freedom, the backdrop of
atrocities for the ringing declarations, derive mostly
from attempts to restrict the political speech of commu-
nists during the McCarthy era. Through this trauma, the
Equality and Speech 75
country relearned its founding lesson: not to stifle polit-
ical dissent. Horrible consequences to careers, families,
privacy, and security resulted from attempts that now
look paranoid to shut up what mostly good and creative
people could think and say, from academic theory to
street advocacy, about the form of government and eco-
nomic system we should have. The story of the First
Amendment is an epic story of overcoming that, of
progress, of making sure it never happens again.
The litany predicated on this experience goes like this.
The evil to be avoided is government restricting ideas
because it disagrees with the content of their political
point of view. The terrain of struggle is the mind; the dy-
namic at work is intellectual persuasion; the risk is that
marginal, powerless, and relatively voiceless dissenters,
with ideas we will never hear, will be crushed by govern-
mental power. This has become the "speech you hate"
test: the more you disagree with content, the more im-
portant it becomes to protect it. You can tell you are be-
ing principled by the degree to which you abhor what
you allow. The worse the speech protected, the more
principled the result. There is a faith that truth will pre-
vail if left alone, often expressed in an openly competi-
tive laissez-faire model taken from bourgeois economics
and applied to the expressive marketplace: the "market-
place of ideas" metaphor.
The marketplace becomes the
battlefield when we are assured that truth will prevail
while grappling in open encounter with falsehood, to
paraphrase Milton, as he so often is.
In this faith, restricting some speech can only eventu-
ate in restricting more or all speech: the "slippery slope"
Restricting speech is seen to be tempting, to
have a seductive power that draws governments to its to-
talitarian-also regarded as principled-logic: if we re-
strict this bad thing now, we will not be able to stop
ourselves from restricting this good thing later. One
corollary is that everyone has an interest in everyone
else's speech being free, because restriction will get
around to you eventually; the less power you have, the
sooner it will get around to you. Crucial is that speech
cannot be restricted because you fear its consequences:
the "bad tendency" or "witch-hunt" doctrine. If some
speech is conceded to be risky, more speech to the con-
trary will eliminate that risk. Most of all, government
can make no judgment as to content.ll For constitu-
tional purposes, there is no such thing as a false idea,12
there are only more or less "offensive" ones,13 to remedy
which, love of liberty recommends averting the eyes
growing a thicker skin.
Americans are taught this view by about the fourth
and continue to absorb it through osmosis from
everything around them for the rest of their lives, in-
eluding law school, to the point that those who em-
brace it think it is their own personal faith, their own
Equality and Speech 77
original view, and trot it out like something learned
from their own personal lives every time a problem is
denominated one of "speech:' whether it really fits or
not. Any issue that strikes this chord, however faintly,
gets played this tune, even if the consequences are more
like a replay of McCarthyism than resistance to it. This
approach is adhered to with a fundamentalist zeal even
when it serves to protect lies, silence dissent, destroy ca-
reers, intrude on associations, and retard change. At
least as ironic is the fact that the substance of the left's
forbidden theories, which were a kind of argument for
class equality, made no impression on the law of speech
at all.
Has this doctrinal edifice guaranteed free and equal
speech? These days, censorship occurs less through ex-
plicit state policy than through official and unofficial
privileging of powerful groups and viewpoints. This is
accomplished through silencing in many forms and en-
forced by the refusal of publishers and editors to pub-
lish, or publish well, uncompromised expressions of
dissent that make them uncomfortable by challenging
the distribution of power, including sexual power. Such
publishing decisions, no matter how one-sided and cu-
mulative and exclusionary, are regarded as the way the
system of freedom of expression is supposed to work.
Legal accountability for these decisions is regarded as
fascism; social accountability for them is regarded as
creeping fascism; the decisions themselves are regarded
as freedom of speech. Speech theory does not disclose or
even consider how to deal with power vanquishing pow-
erlessness; it tends to transmute this into truth van-
quishing falsehood, meaning what power wins becomes
considered true. Speech, hence the lines within which
much of life can be lived, belongs to those who own it,
mainly big corporations.
Refusals to publish works that criticize the sexual dis-
tribution of power in particular are often, in myexperi-
ence, supported by r e f e r e n c ~ to the law of libel. Libel
law, just one subdivision of the law of speech which lacks
sensitivity to the substance of social inequality, has be-
come a tool for justifying refusals to publish attacks on
those with power, even as it targets the powerless for lia-
bility. Its equality-blindness goes back at least to the for-
mative New York Times v. Sullivan,16 in which the law of
libel was first recognized as coming under the First
Amendment. The New York Times ran a civil rights
fundraising ad for Black leaders that described racist
misbehavior by white police in the South. On the basis
of minor inaccuracies in the ad, the Times was success-
fully sued for libel under state law by the police commis-
sioner of Montgomery, Alabama. The newspaper argued
that more than minor inaccuracies should be required to
sue for a form of speech. When the Times won this argu-
Equality and Speech 79
ment before the Supreme Court, a new First Amend-
ment doctrine was born.
In reality, Sullivan was animated by issues of substan-
tive equality as powerful as they were submerged; in-
deed, they were perceptible only in the facts. The case
lined up an equality interest-that of the civil rights ac-
tivists in the content of the ad-with the First Amend-
ment interest of the newspaper. This aligned sentiment
in favor of racial equality with holding libel law to stand-
ards of speech protection higher than state law would
likely enforce on racists. In other words, Sullivan used
support for civil rights to make it easier for newspapers
to publish defamatory falsehoods without being suedP
This brigading of support for racial equality with en-
hanced power for the media to be less careful about what
they publish was utterly tacit. The argument for the
Times by Herbert Wechsler-originator of the broadside
attack on Brown v. Board of Education, which prohibited
racial segregation in the public schools, as unprincipled
constitutional adjudication-did not mention equality
at all, while benefitting from the pro-equality wind at its
back. IS
Because the Times won without any acknowledgment
that concern for substantive equality powered this ex-
tension of the First Amendment, the decision did not
consider whether the standard of-care for truth might
have been drawn higher if, for example, southern racist
police had been accused of libeling prominent leaders of
the nascent civil rights movement in an ad with a few in-
accuracies. The extent to which publishers had to know
the truth before they could recklessly disregard it, as Sul-
livan newly required for libel of public figures, might
have appeared especially problematic if the submerged
equality issues had been exposed. Bigotry as often pro-
duces unconscious lies as knowing ones, indeed often
precludes the dominant from seeing the truth of in-
equality being lived out beneath their station, hence vi-
sion. The implications for subordinated groups of a
relaxed standard of truth for publishers-perhaps the
stake of the subordinated in having publishers substanti-
ate what they print might be as often on the other side?
perhaps media are owned and run by dominant groups
who sincerely see a dominant way of seeing as the
truth?-was not discussed. Nor was social inequality
considered when, in the same case, the constitutional
status of laws against group defamation was under-
mined in advance of a real case on the subject. 19
The resulting law of libel has had the effect of licens-
ing the dominant to say virtually anything about subor-
dinated groups with impunity while supporting the
media's power to refuse access to speech to the power-
less, as it can always cite fear of a libel suit by an offended
powerful individual. This situation is exacerbated by the
Equality and Speech' 81
facts that it is subordinated groups who are damaged by
group defamation and mostly the privileged who can
make credible threats to sue even for true statements
that make them look bad. Because the Sullivan holding
made it easier for media to get away with false and dam-
aging statements about public figures, individuals from
subordinated who take on dominant interests in
public are left especially exposed-sexually libeled femi-
nists who oppose pornography, for example.
The as-
sumption seems to be that anyone who stands up in
public has the same power that government and its
officials do, and possesses access to speech equal to that
of socially privileged or unscrupulous operatives of the
status quo, like pornographers.
The Sullivan dictum on group libel substantially un-
dermined the vitality of an earlier case, Beauharnais v.
Illinois,21 which had held that group defamation, includ-
ing publications that expose the citizens of any race,
color, creed, or religion to contempt, could be made
criminal, without violating the First Amendment. Sulli-
van tilted First Amendment law in the direction of the
conclusion that individual libel is actionable but group
libel is not, making injury to the reputation of individu-
als legally real and consigning injury to the reputation of
groups to legal limbo. Reputational harm to those who
are allowed to be white men-is le-
gal harm. Those who are defined by, and most often
falsely maligned through, their membership in groups-
namely almost everyone else-have no legal claim. In-
deed, those who harm them have something of a speech
right to do that harm. This arrangement avoids the
rather obvious reality that groups are made up of indi-
viduals. It also looks a lot like discrimination against
harms done through discrimination, in favor of what are
regarded by distinction as individual harms. In reality,
libel of groups multiplies rather than avoids the very
same damage through reputation which the law of indi-
vidual libel recognizes when done one at a time, as' well
as inflicting some of its own.
The effectiveness of Sullivan's undermining of
Beauharnais became vividly clear in the later case that
arose out of the Nazis' proposed march in Skokie, Illi-
nois, a site chosen because it was largely populated by
Jewish survivors of the Holocaust. The march was found
to be protected speech, invalidating a group defamation
law that would have stopped it, by judges who had never
faced a pogrom piously intoning how much they, ab-
horred what the Nazis had to say, but how legally their
hands were tied and how principled they were in allow-
ing it. You can tell how principled they were because of
how much they hated the speech.
Over a notable dissent by Justice Blackmun, the U.S.
Supreme Court denied review,22 leaving this result
standing and leaving unvindicated a perception on fas-
Equality and Speech 83
cist speech by Justice Jackson in a dissent of a decade be-
fore: "These terse epithets come down to our generation
weighted with hatreds accumulated through centuries of
bloodshed. They are recognized words of art in the pro-
fession of defamation ... They are always, and in every
context, insults which do not spring from reason and
can be answered by none. Their historical associations
with violence are well understood, both by those who
hurl and those who are struck by these missiles."23 Jus-
tice Jackson was later to dissent in Beauharnais, but
when he wrote this, he had just returned from the
Nuremberg trials, facing what those who became the
residents of Skokie had survived.
Nobody mentioned that to be liquidated because of
one's group membership is the ultimate inequality. Con-
stitutional equality has never been the interest that hate
speech prohibitions are seen to promote.
No one to my
knowledge has proposed that Congress prohibit hate
propaganda to effectuate the Fourteenth Amendment.
Instead, when hate speech regulations are assessed, the
question has been: does a given law trench too far, or not
too far, on the right of free speech? The political speech
litany is invoked: nasty ideas that mayor may not cause
harm, depending on whether they are acted upon (we
are supposed to wait); truth outing; more speech solving
the problem; swallowing your gorge and adjusting your
dignitary standards if you want to be part of the big bad
real world. This, under a document that accepts balanc-
ing among constitutional interests as method.
The closest the Court has come to recognizing sub-
stantive equality in the hate speech area occurred in
Beauharnais. Writing for the majority, Justice Frank-
furter said: "[A] man's job and his educational opportu-
nities and the dignity accorded him may depend as
much on the reputation of the racial and religious group
to which he willy-nilly belongs, as on his own merits."25
Employment, education, and human dignity are all on
equality territory but went unmarked as such. Civil un-
rest--otherwise known as oppressed people agitating
for their equality cir expressing frustration at their in-
equality-was also noted as a possible consequence of
allowing group defamation to go unchecked.
Justice Douglas, in his dissent in Beauharnais, came
almost as close: "Hitler and his Nazis showed how evil a
conspiracy could be which was aimed at destroying a
race by exposing it to contempt, derision, and obloquy. I
would be willing to concede that such conduct directed
at a race or group in this country could be made an in-
dictable offense. For such a project would be more than
the exercise of free speech."26 He does not say what that
more would be an exercise in. Kalven writes of this pas-
sage, "There is a germ of a powerful idea here," but he
does not call that idea by its name either.27 The statute in
Beauharnais was not defended as an equality law, and no
Equality and Speech 85
argumeni: in the case located group defamation as part
of social inequality.28 Legal equality under the Four-
teenth Amendment, in effect for almost a hundred years,
was not mentioned.
So there never has been a fair fight in the United States
between equality and speech as two constitutional val-
ues, equality supporting a statute or practice, speech
challenging it. Courts have balanced statutory equality
interests against the constitutional speech protection.
Equality always won these fights until pornography,
statutorily framed as sex inequality, lost to the First
Amendment, and now equality is losing to speech-based
attacks on hate provisions as well.
In other words,
pornography ordinances and hate crime provisions fail
constitutional scrutiny that they might, with constitu-
tional equality support, survive. Moreover, speech is not
extended that might be, as in the broadcasting or cam-
paign financing areas.
If speech were seen through an
equality lens, nude dancing regulations might be tai-
lored to ending the sex inequality of prostitution, at the
same time undermining the social credibility of the
pimp's lie that public sex is how women express them-
selves. Crossburning prohibitions would be seen as the
civil rights protections they are. Women might be seen
to have a sex equality right to the speech of abortion
Poverty might even be seen as the inequal-
ity underlying street begging, at once supporting the
86 0 N L Y W 0 R D 5
speech interest in such solicitations and suggesting that
equal access to speech might begin before all one can say
is "spare change?"32
Since this perspective does not yet animate case law,
speech cases that consider words as triggers to violent
action instead submerge inequality issues further. In
Brandenburg v. Ohio, a case that set the standard on
speech and consequent conduct with regard to inflam-
matory advocacy, the words were Ku Klux Klan
Claiborne Hardware, a further ruling on insti-
gating speech, questioned whether the arm-twisting
rhetoric ofleaders of a civil rights boycott was protected
or whether the activists could be held responsible for
the lost business in money damages.
concern was whether the "ideas" of the Klan were a
sufficient "incitement" to restrict the speech, meaning
were they immediate enough to the assaults. Claiborne
Hardware explored the parameters of holding public
speakers responsible for the consequences of their per-
suasive advocacy. Suppressed entirely in the piously
evenhanded treatment of the Klan and the boycotters-
the studied inability to tell the difference between op-
pressor and oppressed that passes for principled
neutrality in this area as well as others-was the fact
that the Klan was promoting inequality and the civil
rights leaders were resisting it, in a country that is sup-
posedly not constitutionally neutral on the subject.
Equality and Speech 87
If this was expectable, the virtual absence of discus-
sion of equality in recent litigation over discrimination
policies that prohibit group-based harassment and big-
otry on campuses was astounding. Denominated "cam-
pus speech codes" by their opponents, these regulations
are formally predicated on federal laws that require
equal access to an education on the basis of race and
In challenges to these regulations under the First
Amendment, which have been successful so far, the
statutory equality interest is barely mentioned. That
these procedures might vindicate a constitutional inter-
est in equality which is as important as, or part of, the
speech interest used to demolish them is not considered.
What can one say about the failure to take seriously the
educational equality these provisions exist to serve?
Nor is equality recognized as legally relevant to the
problem of pornography, which is addressed instead un-
der the First Amendment doctrine of obscenity. Obscen-
ity law started with the "deprave and corrupt the morals
of consumers" test (they're being hurt); moved through
the censorship of literature from Joyce through Rad-
dyffe Hall to Henry Miller, making them all bestsellers
(they're being hurt); winding up with the Supreme
Court devising its own obscenitytest,36 which is so effec-
tive that, under it, the pornography industry has
quadrupled in size (they're being hurt?). The ineffectual-
ity of obscenity law is due in some part to exempting
88 0 N L Y W 0 R D S
materials of literary, political, artistic, or scientific value.
Value can be found in anything, depending, I have come
to think, not only on one's adherence to postmod-
ernism, but on how much one is being paid. And never
underestimate the power of an erection, these days
termed "entertainment:' to give a thing value.37 Adding
to the unworkability of the obscenity test is the require-
ment that the state prove "prurient interest": is the aver-
age person turned on? The more violent pornography is,
the less willing juries and police are to say it is arousing,
and more and more pornography is more and more vio-
lent, and arousing.
Equally difficult in practice has been the requirement
in the obscenity test that community standards be
proven violated. The more pornography there is, the
more it sets de facto community standards, conforming
views of what is acceptable to what is arousing, even as
the stimulus to arousal must be more and more violating
to work. In other words, inequality is allowed to set
community standards for the treatment of women.
What is wrong with pornography is that it hurts women
and their equality. What is wrong with obscenity law is
that this reality has no role in it. This irrelevant and un-
workable tool is then placed in the hands of the state,
most of whose actors have little interest in stopping this
abuse but a substantial interest in avoiding prosecutions
Equality and Speech 89
they cannot win. The American law of obscenity, as a re-
sult, is only words.
The pornography issue, far more than the political
speech cases, has provided the setting for the definitive
development of the absolutist approach to speech. First
Amendment absolutism did not begin in obscenity
cases, but it is in explaining why obscenity should be
protected speech, and how it cannot be distinguished
from art and literature, that much of the work of abso-
lutism has been done, taking as its point of departure
and arrival the position that whatever is expressive
should be constitutionally protected. In pornography,
absolutism found, gained, and consolidated its ground
and hit its emotional nerve. It began as a dissenting posi-
tion of intellectual extremists and ended by reducing the
regulation of obscenity to window dressing on violence
against women.
Concretely, observe that it was the prospect of losing
access to pornography that impelled the social and legal
development of absolutism as a bottom line for the First
Amendment, as well as occasioned bursts of passionate
eloquence on behalf of speech per se: if we can't have
this, they seem to say, what can we have? During the
same twenty-year period of struggle over obscenity
standards, the Court was watching more and more
pornography as its mass-marketed forms became more
and more intrusive and aggressive. Observing this
process from its end point of state protection of pornog-
raphy, I have come to think that the main principle at
work here is that, once pornography becomes pervasive,
speech will be defined so that men can have their
pornography. American obscenity law merely illustrates
one adaptation of this principle: some men ineffectually
prohibit it while others vaunt it openly as the standard
for speech as such.
Consider the picture. The law against pornography
was not designed to see harm to women in the first
place. It is further weakened as pornography spreads, ex-
panding into new markets (such as video and comput-
ers) and more legitimate forums and making abuse of
women more and more invisible as abuse, as that abuse
becomes more and more visible as sex. So the Court be-
comes increasingly unable to tell what is pornography
and what is not, a failing it laments not as a consequence
of the saturation of society by pornography, but as a
specifically judicial failure, then finally as an impossibil-
ity ofline-drawing. The stage is thus set for the transfor-
mation of pornography into political speech: the
excluded and stigmatized "ideas" we love to hate. Ob-
scured is the way this protects what pornography says
and ignores what it does, or, alternatively, protects what
pornography says as a means of protecting what it does.
Thus can a law develop which prohibits restricting a film
Equality and Speech' 91
because it advocates adultery,39 but does not even notice
a film that is made from a rape.
Nothing in the American law of obscenity is designed
to perceive the rape, sexual abuse of children, battering,
sexual harassment, prostitution, or sexual murder in
pornography. This becomes insulting upon encounter-
ing obscenity law's search for harm and failure to find
any. The law of child pornography, by contrast-based
as it is on the assumption that children are harmed by
having sex pictures made of them-applies a test devel-
oped in areas of speech other than the sexual: if the harm
of speech outweighs its value,41 it can be restricted by
properly targeted means. Given the history of the law of
pornography of adult women, it is tempting to regard
this as a miracle. Child pornography is not considered
the speech of a sexually dissident minority, which it is,
advocating "ideas" about children and sex, which it
does. Perhaps the fact that boys were used in the film in
the test case has something to do with it. The ability to
see that child pornography is harmful has everything to
do with a visceral sense of the inequality in power be-
tween children and adults, yet inequality is never men-
Now, in this context of speech and equality concerns,
consider again the judicial opinion on the law Andrea
Dworkin and I wrote and Indianapolis passed. This law
defines the documented harms pornography does as vi-
olations of equality rights and makes them actionable as
practices of discrimination, of second-class citizenship.
This ordinance allows anyone hurt through pornogra-
phy to prove its role in their abuse, to recover for the
deprivation of their civil rights, and to stop it from con-
tinuing. Judicially, this was rendered as censorship of
In American Booksellers v. Hudnut, the Court of Ap-
peals for the Seventh Circuit found that this law vio-
lated the First Amendment. It began by recognizing
that the harm pornography does is real, conceding that
the legislative finding of a causal link was judicially ad-
equate: " ... we accept the premises of this legislation.
Depictions of subordination tend to perpetuate sub-
ordination. The subordinate status of women in turn
leads to affront and lower pay at work, insult and in-
jury at home, battery and rape on the streets. In the
language ofthe legislature, '[p]ornography is central in
creating and maintaining sex as a basis of discrimina-
tion."'42 Writing for the panel, Judge Easterbrook got,
off and on, that "subordination" is something pornog-
raphy does, not something it just says, and that its ac-
tive role had to be proven in each case brought under
the ordinance. But he kept losing his mental bearings
and referring to pornography as an "idea,"43 finally
concluding that the harm it does "demonstrates the
power of pornography as speech."44 This is like saying
that the more a libel destroys a reputation, the greater
Equality and Speech 93
IS ItS power as speech. To say that the more harm
speech does, the more protected it is, is legally wrong,
even in this country.
Implicitly applying the political speech model, Judge
Easterbrook said that the law restricted the marketplace
of ideas, the speech of outcast dissenters-referring pre-
sumably to those poor heads of organized crime families
making ten billion dollars a year trafficking women. He
said the law discriminated on the basis of point of view,
establishing an approved view of what could be said and
thought about women and sex. He failed to note at this
point that the invalidated causes of action included co-
ercion, force, and assault, rather a far cry from saying
and thinking. He reminded us of Sullivan, whose most
famous dictum is that to flourish, debate must be "un-
inhibited, robust, and wide-open."45 Behind his First
Amendment facade, women were being transformed
into ideas, sexual traffic in whom was protected as if it
were a discussion, the men uninhibited and robust, the
women wide-open.
Judge Easterbrook did not say this law was not a sex
discrimination law, but he gave the state interest it there-
fore served-opposition to sex inequality-no constitu-
tional weight. He did this by treating it as if it were a
group defamation law, holding that no amount of harm
of discrimination can outweigh the speech interests of
bigots, so long as they say something while doing it. Be-
sides, if we restrict this, who knows where it will end. He
is sure it will end with "Leda and the Swan." He did not
suggest that bestiality statutes also had to go, along with
obscenity's restrictions on depictions of sex between hu-
mans and animals. Both restrict a disapproved sexuality
that, no doubt, contains an element of "mental interme-
diation."46 Nothing in Hudnut explains why, if pornog-
raphy is protected speech based on its mental elements,
rape and sexual murder, which have mental elements,
are not as well.
A dissent in a recent case invalidating sentence en-
hancements for crimes of bias could have been a dissent
here: "The majority rationalizes their conclusion [that
the statute violates the First Amendment] by insisting
that this statute punishes bigoted thought. Not so. The
statute does not impede or punish the right of persons to
have bigoted thoughts or to express themselves in a big-
oted fashion or otherwise, regarding the race, religion,
or other status of a person. It does attempt to limit the
effects of bigotry. What the statute does punish is acting
upon those thoughts. It punishes the act of [discrimina-
tion] not the thought or expression ofbigotry."47
Perhaps it is the nature of legal inequality that was
missed by the Seventh Circuit. Discrimination has al-
ways been illegal because it is based on a prohibited mo-
tive: "an evil eye and an unequal hand,"48 what the
perpetrator is thinking while doing, what the acts mean.
Racial classifications are thought illegal because they
"supply a reason to infer antipathy."49 A showing of dis-
Equality and Speech 95
criminatory intent is required under the Fourteenth
Amendment. Now we are told that this same motive, this
same participation in a context of meaning, this same
hatred and bigotry, these same purposes and thoughts,
presumably this same intent, protect this same activity
under the First Amendment. The courts cannot have it
both ways, protecting discriminatory activity under the
First Amendment on the same ground they make a re-
quirement for its illegality under the Fourteenth. To put
it another way, it is the "idea" of discrimination in the
perpetrator's mind that courts have required be proven
before the acts that effectuate it will be considered dis-
criminatory. Surely, if acts that are otherwise legal, like
hiring employees or renting rooms or admitting stu-
dents, are made illegal under the Constitution by being
based on race or sex because of what those who engage
in them think about race or sex, acts that are otherwise
illegal, like coercion, force, and assault, do not become
constitutionally protected because they are done with
the same thoughts in mind.
Seventh Circuit cases after Hudnut show that court at-
tempting to straddle the fault lines beneath that decision
without falling into an abyss. Some fancy footwork was
required in a death penalty case
in which a sex mur-
derer claimed he could not be held responsible for his
actions because he was a lifelong pornography con-
sumer. To receive the death penalty, a defendant must be
capable of appreciating the wrongfulness of his actions,
but that is exactly what pornography was proven to de-
stroy in the consumer by evidence in this case. Noting
that the Hudnut court had accepted the view that
pornography perpetuates "subordination of women and
violence against women" yet is protected because its
harm depends on "mental intermediation," this panel,
which included Judge Easterbrook, faced the dilemma
Hudnut placed them in: "It would be impossible to hold
both that pornography does not directly cause violence
but criminal actors do, and that criminals do not cause
violence, pornography does. The result would be to tell
Indiana that it can neither ban pornography nor hold
criminally responsible persons who are encouraged to
commit violent acts because of pornography!"51
To get out of this, the court imagined that Indiana must
have decided that rapists who are aware that a woman does
not consent are not then excused by the rapists' belief that
they have a right to proceed anyway. This is unsatisfying,
as pornography makes rapists unaware that their victims
are not consenting. As this record showed, it creates "a
person who no longer distinguishes between violence and
rape, or violence and sex:'52 There will, ultimately, be no
way of addressing this problem short of changing the rape
law so that it turns on what the perpetrator did rather than
on what he thought and holding the pornographers jointly
responsible for rapes they can be proven to have caused.
Meantime, we kill a man rather than let his victims stop
Equality and Speech 97
the pornography that produced him-leaving the pornog-
raphers completely off the hook. If anyone knows what
they are doing, it is the pornographers. 53
The nude dancing case the Supreme Court ultimately
resolved came from the Seventh Circuit, where it pro-
duced eight separate opinions, the majority invalidating
the regulation on First Amendment grounds. Judge
Posner's concurrence turned Judge Easterbrook's pro-
tected "ideas" into protected "emotions," explaining
that "[m]ost pornography is expressive, indeed expres-
sive of the same emotions that a striptease expresses."54
Since a videotape of nude dancing would be covered
under the ordinance in Hudnut, and- the ordinance in
Hudnut restricted protected speech, he reasoned that
nude dancing had to be protected speech as well: " ... if
this analysis is wrong, our decision in Hudnut is
wrong."55 The Supreme Court found the analysis was
wrong. The regulation of nude dancing was valid under
the First Amendment, even though striptease was not
obscene. But Judge Posner was right about the connec-
tion between that case and protecting pornography as
speech: their decision in Hudnut is wrong.
That these tortured -consequences result from the lack
of an equality context in which to interpret expressive
freedoms is clear from the fact that the same issues pro-
duced exactly the opposite results in Canada. Canada's
new constitution, the Charter of Rights and Freedoms,56
includes an expansive equality guarantee and a serious
entrenchment of freedom of expression. The Supreme
Court of Canada's first move was to define equality in a
meaningful way-one more substantive than formal, di-
rected toward changing unequal social relations rather
than monitoring their equal positioning before the law.
The United States, by contrast, remains in the grip of
what I affectionately call the stupid theory of equality.
Inequality here is defined as distinction, as differentia-
tion, indifferent to whether dominant or subordinated
groups are hurt or helped. Canada, by contrast, follow-
ing the argument of the Women's Legal Education and
Action Fund (LEAF), repudiated this view in so many
words, taking as its touchstone the treatment of histori-
cally disadvantaged groups and aiming to alter their sta-
tus. The positive spin of the Canadian interpretation
holds the law to promoting equality,57 projecting the law
into a more equal future, rather than remaining rigidly
neutral in ways that either reinforce existing social in-
equality or prohibit changing it, as the American consti-
tutional perspective has increasingly done in recent
The first case to confront expressive guarantees with
equality requirements under the new constitution came
in the case ofJames Keegstra, an anti-Semite who taught
Holocaust revisionism to schoolchildren in Alberta.
Prosecuted and convicted under Canada's hate propa-
Equality and Speech 99
ganda provision, Keegstra challenged the statute as a vi-
olation of the new freedom of expression guarantee.
LEAF intervened to argue that the hate propaganda law
promoted equality. We argued that group libel, most of
it concededly expression, promotes the disadvantage of
unequal groups; that group-based enmity, ill will, intol-
erance, and prejudice are the attitudinal engines of the
exclusion, denigration, and subordination that make up
and propel social inequality; that without bigotry, so-
cial systems of enforced separation, ghettoization, and
apartheid would be unnecessary, impossible, and un-
thinkable; that stereotyping and stigmatization of his-
torically disadvantaged groups through group hate
propaganda shape their social image and reputation,
which controls their access to opportunities more pow-
erfully than their individual abilities ever do; and that it
is impossible for an individual to receive equality of op-
portunity when surrounded by an atmosphere of group
We argued that group defamation is a verbal form in-
equality takes, that just as white supremacy promotes in-
equality on the basis of race, color, and sometimes
ethnic or national origin, anti-Semitism promotes the
inequality of Jews on the basis of religion and ethnicity.
We argued that group defamation in this sense is not a
mere expression of opinion but a practice of discrimina-
tion in verbal form, a link in systemic discrimination
that keeps target groups in subordinated posItIOns
through the promotion of terror, intolerance, degrada-
tion, segregation, exclusion, vilification, violence, and
genocide. We said that the nature of the practice can be
understood and its impact measured from the damage it
causes, from immediate psychic wounding to conse-
quent physical aggression. Where advocacy of genocide
is included in group defamation, we said an equality ap-
proach to such speech would observe that to be liqui-
dated because of the group you belong to is the ultimate
The Supreme Court of Canada agreed with this ap-
proach, a majority upholding the hate propaganda pro-
vision, substantially on equality grounds. The Court
recognized the provision as a content restriction-con-
tent that had to be stopped because of its antiegalitarian
meaning and devastating consequences. 58
Subsequently, the Winnipeg authorities arrested a
whole pornography store and prosecuted the owner,
Donald Victor Butler, for obscenity. Butler was con-
victed but said the obscenity law was an unconstitu-
tional restriction on his Charter-based right of freedom
of expression. LEAF argued that if Canada's obscenity
statute, substantially different from U.S. obscenity law in
prohibiting "undue exploitation of sex, or sex and vio-
lence, cruelty, horror, or crime," was interpreted to insti-
tutionalize some people's views about women and sex
Equality and Speech' 101
over others, it would be unconstitutional. But if the
community standards applied were interpreted to pro-
hibit harm to women as harm to the community, it was
constitutional because it promoted sex equality.
The Supreme Court of Canada essentially agreed,
upholding the obscenity provision on sex equality
grounds. 59 It said that harm to women-which the
Court was careful to make "contextually sensitive" and
found could include humiliation, degradation, and sub-
ordination-was harm to society as a whole. The evi-
dence on the harm of pornography was sufficient for a
law against it. Violent materials always present this risk
of harm, the Court said; explicit sexual materials that are
degrading or dehumanizing (but not violent) could also
unduly exploit sex under the obscenity provision if the
risk of harm was substantial. Harm in this context was
defined as "predispos[ing] p e r s o ~ s to act in an anti-so-
cial manner, as, for example, the physical or mental mis-
treatment of women by men, or, what is perhaps
debatable, the reverse." The unanimous Court noted
that if true equality between male and female persons is
to be achieved, we cannot ignore the threat to equality
resulting from exposure to audiences of certain types of
violent and degrading materiaL" The result rested in
part on Keegstra but also observed that the harms at-
tendant to the production of pornography situated the
problem of pornography differently, such that the ap-
pearance of consent by women in such materials could
exacerbate its injury. Recognizing that education could
be helpful in combatting this harm, the court held that
that fact did not make the provision unconstitutional. 60
Although the Canadians considered the u.s. experi-
ence on these issues closely in both cases, the striking ab-
sence of a U.S.-style political speech litany suggests that
taking equality seriously precludes it, or makes it look
like the excuse for enforcing inequality that it has be-
come. The decision did not mention the marketplace of
ideas. Maybe in Canada, people talk to each other, rather
than buy and sell each other as ideas. In an equality con-
text, it becomes obvious that those with the most power
buy the most speech, and that the marketplace rewards
the powerful, whose views then become established as
truth. We were not subjected to "Let [Truth] and false-
hood grapple; who ever knew Truth put to the worse, in
a free and open encounter." Milton had not been around
for the success of the Big Lie technique, but this Court
Nor did the Canadian Court even consider the "slip-
pery slope," a largely phony scruple impossible to sus-
tain under a contextually sensitive equality rule. With
inequality, the problem is not where intervention will
end, but when it will ever begin. Equality is the law; if
the slippery slope worked, the ineluctable logic of prin-
ciple would have slid us into equality by now. Also, per-
Equality and Speech 103
haps, because the Canadian law of equality is moored in
the world, and knows the difference between disadvan-
taged groups and advantaged ones, it is less worried
about the misfiring of restrictions against the powerless
and more concerned about having nothing to fire
against abuses of power by the powerful.
Fundamentally, the Supreme Court of Canada recog-
nized the reality of inequality in the issues before it: this
was not big bad state power jumping on poor powerless
individual citizen, but a law passed to stand behind a
comparatively powerless group in its social fight for
equality against socially powerful and exploitative
groups. This positioning of forces-which makes the
hate propaganda prohibition and the obscenity law of
Canada (properly interpreted) into equality laws, al-
though neither was called such by Parliament-made
the invocation of a tradition designed to keep govern-
ment off the backs of people totally inappropriate. The
Court also did not say that Parliament had to limit its ef-
forts to stop the harm of inequality by talking to it. What
it did was make more space for the unequal to find voice.
Nor did the Canadians intone, with Brandeis and
nearly every American court that has ruled on a seri-
ously contested speech issue since, that "[f]ear of seri-
ous injury cannot alone justify suppression of free
speech ... Men feared witches and burnt women."61 I
have never understood this argument, other than as a
way of saying that zealots misidentify the causes of their
woes and hurt the wrong people. What has to be added
to fear of serious injury to justify doing something about
the speech that causes it? Proof of serious injury? If we
can't restrict it then, when can we? Isn't fear of serious
injury the concern behind restricting publication of the
dates on which troop ships sail? Is it mere "fear" of in-
jury to children that supports the law against the use of
children to make pornography? If that isn't enough, why
isn't proof of injury required? "Men feared witches and
burnt women." Where is the speech here? Promoting the
fear? Nobody tried to suppress tracts against witches. If
somebody had, would some women not have been
burnt? Or was it the witches' writings? Did they write?
So burning their writings is part of the witch-hunt as-
pect of the fear? The women who are being burned as
witches these days are the women in the pornography,
and their burning is sex and entertainment and pro-
tected as speech. Those who are hunted down, stigma-
tized, excluded, and unpublished are the women who
oppose their burning.
Neither Canadian decision reduces the harm of hate
propaganda or pornography to its "offensiveness." When
you hear the woman next door screaming as she is
bounced off the walls by a man she lives with, are you
"offended"? Hate speech and pornography do the same
thing: enact the abuse. Women's reactions to the presen-
Equality and Speech 105
tation of other women being sexually abused in pornog-
raphy, and the reactions of Jews living in Skokie to
having Nazis march through their town, are routinely
trivialized in the United States as "being offended." The
position of those with less power is equated with the po-
sition of those with more power, as if sexual epithets
against straight white men were equivalent to sexual epi-
thets against women, as if breaking the window of a Jew-
ish-owned business in the world after Kristallnacht were
just so much breaking glass.
In the cases both of pornography and of the Nazi
march in Skokie, it is striking how the so-called speech
reenacts the original experience of the abuse, and how
its defense as speech does as well.
It is not only that
both groups, through the so-called speech, are forcibly
subjected to the spectacle of their abuse, legally legit-
imized. Both have their response to it trivialized as "be-
ing offended," that response then used to support its
speech value, hence its legal protection.
Both are also
told that what they can do about it is avert their eyes,
lock their doors, stay home, stay silent, and hope the as-
sault, and the animus it makes tangible, end when the
film or the march ends. This is exactly what perpetrators
of rape and child sexual abuse tell their victims and what
the Jews in Germany were told by the Nazis (and the rest
of the world) in the 1930s. Accept the freedom of your
abusers. This best protects you in the end. Let it happen.
You are not really being hurt. When sexually abused
women are told to let the system work and tolerate the
pornography, this is what they are being told. The Jews
in Germany, and the Jews in Skokie, were told to let the
system work. At least this time around, the Jews of
Canada were not, nor were sexually abused women.
The final absence in the Canadian decisions, perhaps
the most startling, is the failure to mention any equiva-
lent to the notion that, under the First Amendment,
there is no such thing as a false idea. Perhaps under
equality law, in some sense there is. When equality is
recognized as a constitutional value and mandate, the
idea that some people are inferior to others on the basis
of group membership is authoritatively rejected as the
basis for public policy. This does not that ideas to
the contrary cannot be debated or expressed. It should
mean, however, that social inferiority cannot be im-
posed through any means, including expressive ones.
Because society is made of language, distinguishing
talk about inferiority from verbal imposition of inferior-
ity may be complicated at the edges, but it is clear
enough at the center with sexual and racial harassment,
pornography, and hate propaganda. At the very least,
when equality is taken seriously in expressive settings,
such practices are not constitutionally insulated from
regulation on the ground that the ideas they express can-
not be regarded as false. Attempts to address them
Equality and Speech 107
would not be prohibited-as they were in rejecting the
Indianapolis pornography ordinance, for example-on
the ground that, in taking a position in favor of equality,
such attempts assume that the idea of human equality is
true. The legal equality guarantee has already decided
that. There is no requirement that the state remain neu-
tral as between equality and inequality-quite the con-
trary. Equality is a "compelling state interest" that can
already outweigh First Amendment rights in certain set-
In other words, expressive means of practicing
inequality can be prohibited.
This is not the place to spell out in detail all the policy
implications of such a view. Suffice it to say that those
who wish to keep materials that promote inequality
from being imposed on students-such as academic
books purporting to document women's biological infe-
riority to men, or arguing that slavery of Africans should
return, or that Fourteenth Amendment equality should
be repealed, or that reports of rape are routinely fabri-
cated-especially without critical commentary, should
not be legally precluded from trying on the grounds that
the ideas contained in them cannot be assumed false. No
teacher should be forced to teach falsehoods as if they
must be considered provisionally true, just because big-
ots who have managed to get published have made their
lies part of a debate. Teachers who wish to teach such
materials should be prepared to explain what they are
1 0 8 ~ ONLY WORDS
doing to avoid creating a hostile learning environment
and to provide all students the equal benefit of an educa-
tion. Wherever equality is mandated, racial and sexual
epithets, vilification, and abuse should be able to be pro-
hibited, unprotected by the First Amendment. The cur-
rent legal distinction between screaming "go kill that
nigger" and advocating the view that African-Americans
should be eliminated from parts of the United States
needs to be seriously reconsidered, if real equality is ever
to be achieved. So, too, the current line separating
pornography from hate speech and what is done to make
pornography from the materials themselves.
Pornography, under current conditions, is largely its
own context. Many believe that in settings that encour-
age critical distance, its showing does not damage
women as much as it sensitizes viewers to the damage it
does to women. My experience, as well as all the infor-
mation available, makes me think that it is naive to be-
lieve that anything other words can do is as powerful as
what pornography itself does. At the very least, pornog-
raphy should never be imposed on a viewer who does
not choose-then and there, without pressure of any
kind-to be exposed to it. Tom Emerson said a long time
ago that imposing what he called "erotic material" on
individuals against their will is a form of action that "has
all the characteristics of a physical assault."65 Equality on
campuses, in workplaces, everywhere, would be pro-
Equality and Speech 109
moted if such assaults were actionable. Why any woman
should have to attend school in a setting stacked against
her equality by the showing of pornography-especially
when authoritatively permitted by those who are legally
obligated to take her equality seriously-is a question
that those who support its showing should have to an-
swer. The answer is not that she should have to wait for
the resulting abuse or leave.
Where is all this leading? To a new model for freedom
of expression in which the free speech position no longer
supports social dominance, as it does now; in which free
speech does not most readily protect the activities of
Nazis, Klansmen, and pornographers, while doing noth-
ing for their victims, as it does now; in which defending
free speech is not speaking on behalf of a large pile of
money in the hands of a small group of people, as it is
now. In this new model, principle will be defined in
terms of specific experiences, the particularity of history,
substantively rather than abstractly. It will notice who is
being hurt and never forget who they are. The state will
have as great a role in providing relief from injury to
equality through speech and in giving equal access to
speech as it now has in disciplining its power to inter-
vene in that speech that manages to get expressed.
In a society in which equality is a fact, not merely a
word, words of racial or sexual assault and humiliation
will be nonsense syllables. Sex between people and
things, human beings and pieces of paper, real men and
unreal women, will be a turn-off. Artifacts of these
abuses will reside in a glass case next to the dinosaur
skeletons in the Smithsonian. When this day comes, si-
lence will be neither an act of power, as it is now for
those who hide behind it, nor an experience of imposed
powerlessness, as it is now for those who are submerged
in it, but a context ofrepose into which thought can ex-
pand, an invitation that gives speech its shape, an open-
ing to a new conversation.
1. Some of these facts are taken from years of confidential
consultations with women who have been used in pornog-
raphy; some are adapted from People v. Burnham, 222 Cal.
Rptr. 630 (Ct. App. 1986), rev. denied, May 22, 1986, and
media reports on it; and Norberg v. Wynrib [1992] 2
S.C.R. 224 (Can.).
2. Women used in pornography have provided the basis for
the statements in these paragraphs over many years of
work by me and my colleagues, including especially
Andrea Dworkin, Therese Stanton, Evelina Giobbe, Susan
Hunter, Margaret Baldwin, and Annie McCombs. Treat-
ments of some of this damage are provided by Linda
"Lovelace" and Michael McGrady, Ordeal (1980) (her ex-
perience of being coerced to make Deep Throat), and, in
fiction, by Kathryn Harrison, Exposures (1993) (experience
of child model for sex pictures by her father). See also Col-
lette Marie, "The Coercion of Nudist Children," 3 The
ICONoclast 1-6 (Spring 1991).
114' Notes to Pages 4-7
3. In the prosecution by Trish Crawford of South Carolina
against her husband for marital rape, a thirty-minute
videotape he took of the assault was shown. In it, Mr.
Crawford has intercourse with her and penetrates her with
objects while her hands and legs are tied with rope and her
mouth is gagged and eyes blinded with duct tape. He was
acquitted on a consent defense. "Acquittal of Husband
Spurs Anger; Wife Accused of Raping Her," Houston
Chronicle, April 18, 1992, sec. A, p. 3. The defendant
testified he did not think his wife was serious when she said
"no." Carolyn Pesce, "Marital Rape Case Acquittal Fuels
Protest," USA Today, April 21, 1992, p. 3A. See also State v.
Jean, 311 S.E.2d 266, 272-273 (N.C. 1984) (cross-exami-
nation of defendant on viewing pornographic movie five
days after crime of rape charged, when movie showed the
same kinds of sex acts charged, if error, was harmless).
4. As the defense lawyer in Crawford put it to the jury, as the
tape described in note 3 above was played, "Was that a cry
of pain and torture? Or was that a cry of pleasure?" "Mari-
tal Rape Acquittal Enrages Women's Groups," Chicago
Tribune, April 18, 1992, p. 9C. This woman was clear she
was being tortured. For the viewer who takes pleasure in
her pain, however, the distinction between pain and plea-
sure does not exist. Her pain is his pleasure. This sexual
sadism provides an incentive, even an epistemic basis, to
impute pleasure to the victim as well. I believe this dy-
namic makes queries such as those by the defense lawyer
successful in exonerating rapists.
5. In this setting, the only work regarded as part of the decon-
Notes to Pages 7-10 115
struction school that I have encountered that makes me
hesitate even slightly in this characterization is Jean-
FranIYois Lyotard, "The Differend, the Referent, and the
Proper Name," 4 diacritics (Fall 1984). I read this work as
an attack on the supposed difficulty of establishing that the
Holocaust's gas chambers existed. It is, however, pecu-
liar-and consistent with my critique here-that Lyotard
does not mention that there are Germans who saw the gas
chambers and survived to speak of their existence. His
anatomy of silencing as a reality-disappearing device in its
interconnection with the legal system is most useful, how-
ever. I am also unsure that this piece fits properly within
deconstruction as a theoretical approach.
6. Andrea Dworkin's brilliant article on pornography infused
new meaning intoWoolfs phrase. Andrea Dworkin,
"Against the Male Flood: Censorship, Pornography, and
Equality," 8 Harvard Women's Law Journal 1 (1985).
7. Diana E. H. Russell, The Secret Trauma (1986) and Rape in
Marriage (1990); United States Merit Protection Board,
Sexual Harassment of Federal Workers: Is It a Problem?
(1981); Sexual Harassment of Federal Workers: An Update
(1988); Majority Staff of U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee,
Violence against Women: A Week in the Life of America
8. For further discussion, see Andrea Dworkin, "Woman-
Hating Right and Left," in J. Raymond and D. Leidholdt,
eds., The Sexual Liberals and the Attack on Feminism
9. As t6 the state's position on pornography, American Book-
116 y Notes to Pages 10-13
sellers Ass'n v. Hudnut, 771 F.2d 323 (7th Cir. 1985), aff'd,
475 U.S. 1001 (1986), makes explicit the protection of
pornography that years of posturing and neglect under ob-
scenity law left to interpretation.
10. See his opinion in Hudnut, 771 F.2d at 323.
11. Ronald Dworkin, "Pornography, Feminism, and Liberty,"
New York Review of Books, August 15, 1991.
12. Richard A. Posner, Sex and Reason (1992); Miller v. City of
South Bend, 904 F.2d 1081, 1089-1104 (7th Cir. 1990)
(Posner, J., concurring).
13. Edward DeGrazia, Girls Lean Back Everywhere: The Law of
Obscenity and the Assault on Genius (1991).
14. I write about these issues in more detail in "Pornography
as Defamation and Discrimination," 71 Boston University
Law Review 793 (1991).
15. United States v. American Airlines, Inc., 743 F.2d 1114
(5th Cir. 1984), cert. dismissed, 474 U.S. 1001 (1985)
("highly verbal crime," 1121; "Raise your goddamn ... "
and "We can talk about any ... " are both on 1116).
16. Palmer v. Thompson, 403 U.S. 217 (1971) (holding that
closure by city ofJackson, Mississippi, of public swimming
pools formerly available to "whites only" did not violate
equal protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment be-
cause both Blacks and whites were denied access); Jones v.
Alfred H. Mayer Co., 392 U.S. 409 (1968) (prohibiting dis-
criminatory sale or rental of property to "whites only");
Blow v. North Carolina, 379 U.S. 684 (1965) (holding that
restaurant serving "whites only" violated Civil Rights Act
Notes to Pages 13-16 -117
of 1964); Watson v. City of Memphis, 373 U.S. 526 (1963)
(holding that city's operation of large percentage of pub-
licly owned recreational facilities for "whites only" due to
delays in implementing desegregation violated the Four-
teenth Amendment); see also Hazelwood Sch. Dist. v.
United States, 433 U.S. 299, 304-305 n.7 (1977) (stating
that, in employment discrimination claim against school
district, plaintiffs alleged that district's newspaper adver-
tisement for teacher applicants specified "white only");
Pierson v. Ray, 386 U.S. 547, 558 (1967) (holding that
Black and white clergymen did not consent to their arrest
by peacefully entering the "White Only" designated wait-
ing area of bus terminal).
17. The Yellow Spot: The Outlawing of Half a Million Human
Beings 176-177 (1936) (photos of "Jews not wanted"
18. Pittsburgh Press Co. v. Pittsburgh Comm'n on Human Re-
lations, 413 U.S. 376,379 (1973) ("help wanted-male");
Alexander v. Yale Univ., 459 F. Supp. 1, 3-4 (D. Conn.
1977), affd, 631 F.2d 178 (2d Cir. 1984) (offer of "A"
grade for sexual compliance); Stockett v. Tolin, 791 F.
Supp. 1536, 1543 (S.D. Fla. 1992) ("F-- me or you're
fired"); Hopkins v. Price Waterhouse, 825 F.2d 458, 463
(D.C. Cir. 1987) ("walk more femininely ... "); Davis v.
Passman, 442 U.S. 228, 230 (1979) (" ... be a man").
19. State v. Davidson, 481 N.W.2d 51, 59 (Minn. 1992).
20. The law actually appears to permit the regulation of some
forms of expression that manipulate the mind without its
118 y Notes to Page 17
conscious awareness. Subliminal communications are
flatly prohibited as "deceptive" in the advertising of dis-
tilled spirits. 27 C.F.R. 5.65(h) (1992). The National As-
sociation of Broadcasters favors regulation of subliminal
communication; its voluntary guidelines were invalidated
on antitrust grounds, United States v. National Ass'n of
Broadcasters, 536 F. Supp. 149 (D.D.C. 1982).
The most evocative and advanced treatment of the issue
occurs in Vance v. Judas Priest, 1990 WL 130920 (Nev.
Dist. Ct. Aug. 24, 1990). Two boys attempted suicide, one
successfully, as a result, it was alleged, of messages embed-
ded in a heavy metal recording. The court found the sub-
liminals not to be protected by the First Amendment based
on a right to be free of intrusive speech, because subliminal
communications do not advance the purposes of free
speech, and because of the listeners' right to privacy. The
court also found no proximate cause existed between the
lyrics and the suicides. NBC, CBS, and ABC all have poli-
cies prohibiting subliminal messages in ads, but I could
find none regarding program content. See generally T.
Bliss, "Subliminal Projection: History and Analysis," 5
Comment 419,422 (1983); Wilson Key, Subliminal Seduc-
tion (1972); Scot Silverglate, Comment, "Subliminal Per-
ception and the First Amendment: Yelling Fire in a
Crowded Mind," 44 University of Miami Law Review 1243
21. Hudnut, 771 F.2d at 328-329.
22. This does not mean that all masturbation material IS
Notes to Pages 17-19' 119
pornography. Nor is this a definition; it is an empirical ob-
23. Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics, as cited in Posner, Sex and
Reason at 1.
24. "Wenn der putz stegt, ligt der seykhel in drerd" is the best
transliteration I could find, thanks to Alan Keiler.
25. Schiro v. Clark, 963 F.2d 962,972 (7th Cir. 1992), petition
for cert. filed (U.S. Feb. 5, 1993) (No. 92-7549). See fuller
description in III.
26. Hudnut, 771 F.2d at 329.
27. Documentation of the harm of pornography in real life is
contained in Public Hearings on Ordinances to Add
Pornography as Discrimination against Women, Min-
neapolis City Council, Government Operations Commit-
tee (Dec. 12 and 13, 1983); M. McManus, ed., Final Report
of the Attorney General's Commission on Pornography
(1986); Pornography and Prostitution in Canada: Report of
the Special Committees on Pornography and Prostitution
(1985). See also Diana E. H. Russell, "Pornography and
Rape: A Causal Model," 9 Political Psychology 41 (1988);
Gloria Cowan et al., "Dominance and Inequality in X-
Rated Videocassettes," 12 Psychology of Women Quarterly
299, 306-307 (1988); Park E. Dietz and Alan E. Sears,
"Pornography and Obscenity Sold in Adult Bookstores: A
Survey of 5,132 Books, Magazines, and Films in Four
American Cities," 21 University of Michigan Journal of
Law Reform 7, 38-43 (1987-88) (documenting violence,
bondage, sadomasochism, and gender differences in
120 ~ Notes to Pages 20-21
pornography); Neil M. Malamuth and Barry Spinner, "A
Longitudinal Content Analysis of Sexual Violence in the
Best-Selling Erotic Magazines," 16 Journal of Sexual Re-
search 226-227 (1980) (documenting increases in violent
sex in pornography).
28. In addition to the citations in the preceding note, my own
five years of research on the making of pornography in
cults and white supremacist organizations, for marketing
by organized crime, informs this paragraph.
29. When women are coerced to perform for pornography,
the resulting materials should clearly be actionable in spite
of Simon & Schuster, Inc. v. Members of the New York
State Crime Victims Bd., 112 S. Ct. 501 (1991), which in-
validated a statutory financial restriction on books that
were products of criminal activity. Most centrally, the
crimes considered by the Simon & Schuster court were not
committed so that they could be written about. The court
also recognized that the state "has an undisputed com-
pelling interest in ensuring that criminals do not profit
from their crimes," 510, which may be pursued by nar-
rowly tailored means.
30. Under the recent decision holding a magazine publisher li-
able for a murder that resulted from an ad it ran, the con-
sequential coercion produced by coerced pornography
may be at least as "foreseeable," especially if the coercion is
visible in the materials. Braun v. Soldier of Fortune Maga-
zine, Inc., 968 F .2d 1110, 1118 (11 th Cir. 1992) (negligence
standard that ad 'on its face' would have alerted a reason-
ably prudent publisher that [it] 'contained a clearly
Notes to Pages 21-22 121
identifiable unreasonable risk that the offer ... is one to
commit a serious violent crime'" satisfies First Amend-
31. J. L. Austin's How to Do Things with Words (1962) is the
original enunciation of the theory of performative speech,
which examines language for which "the issuing of the ut-
terance is the performing of an action-it is not normally
thought of as just saying something," at 6-7. While he does
not confine himself to inequality, which is crucial to my
argument here, neither does he generalize the performa-
tive to all speech, as have many speech act theorists who
came after him. Austin is less an authority for my particu-
lar development of "doing things with words" and more a
foundational exploration of the view in language theory
that some speech can be action.
32. For discussion, see Andrea Dworkin and Catharine A.
MacKinnon, Pornography and Civil Rights: A New Day for
Women's Equality (1988). The Model Ordinance, making
pornography actionable as a civil rights violation, defines
"pornography" as "the graphic sexually explicit subordina-
tion of women through pictures and/or words that also in-
cludes one or more of the following: (a) women are
presented dehumanized as sexual objects, things, or com-
modities; or (b) women are presented as sexual objects
who enjoy humiliation or pain; or (c) women are pre-
sented as sexual objects experiencing sexual pleasure in
rape, incest, or other sexual assault; or (d) women are pre-
sented as sexual objects tied up or cut up or mutilated or
bruised or physically hurt; or (e) women are presented in
122 Notes to Pages 23-29
postures or positions of sexual submission, servility, or
display; or (f) women's body parts-including but not
limited to vaginas, breasts, or buttocks-are exhibited
such that women are reduced to those parts; or (g) women
are presented being penetrated by objects or animals; or
(h) women are presented in scenarios of degradation, hu-
miliation, injury, torture, shown as filthy or inferior,
bleeding, bruised, or hurt in a context that makes these
conditions sexual." In this definition, the use of "men,
children, or transsexuals in the place of women" is also
33. Query whether all elements of speech are necessarily either
"content" or "noncontent."
34. New York v. Ferber, 458 U.S. 747, 763 (1982), cited in
R.A.V. v. City of St. Paul, 112 S. Ct. 2538, 2543 (1992).
35. Osborne v. Ohio, 495 U.S. 103, 111 (1990) (use of child
pornography by pedophiles may hurt children other than
those in it).
36. Creel Froman, Language and Power 112 (1992).
37. Olivia N. v. National Broadcasting Co., 141 Cal. Rptr. 511,
512 (1977), eert. denied sub nom. Niemi v. National
Broadcasting Co., 458 U.S. 1108 (1982) ("The complaint
alleges that the assailants had seen the 'artificial rape'
scene" on television).
38. This more sophisticated version is illustrated by Susanne
Kappeler, The Pornography of Representation (1986).
39. "What matters for a legal system is what words do, not
what they say ... " Edward J. Bloustein, "Holmes: His First
Notes to Pages 30-32 ~ 123
Amendment Theory and His Pragmatist Bent," 40 Rutgers
Law Review 283, 299 (1988).
40. Personnel Administrator v. Feeney, 442 U.S. 256 (1979);
Washington v. Davis, 426 U.S. 229 (1976).
41. Postmodernism is premodern in the sense that it cannot
grasp, or has forgotten, or is predicated on obscuring,
this function of language in social hierarchy.
42. Barnes v. Glen Theatre, III S. Ct. 2456, 2466 n.4 (1991)
("Nudity is not normally engaged in for the purpose of
communicating an idea or an emotion"). But see Schad v.
Borough ofMt. Ephraim, 452 U.S. 61, 66 (1981) (suggest-
ing that nude dancing has some protection from regula-
43. Barnes v. Glen Theatre was litigated below as Miller v. City
of South Bend, 904 F.2d 1081, 1131 (7th Cir. 1990) ("At
oral argument Miller's attorney admitted that this dancing
communicated no idea or message").
44. Brief for Appellants at 5-6, California v. LaRue, 409 U.S.
109 (1972) (No. 71-36) (in nude dancing establishment,
oral copulation of women by customers, masturbation by
customers, inserting money from customers into vagina,
rubbing money on vaginal area, customers with rolled-up
currency in mouths placing same in women's vaginas, cus-
tomers using flashlights rented by licensees to better ob-
serve women's genitalia, customers placing dollar bills on
bar and women attempting to squat and pick up bills with
labia, women urinating in beer glasses and giving them
back to customer, women sitting on bars and placing their
124 Notes to Pages 32-34
legs around customers' heads, etc.). See also Common-
wealth v. Kocinski, 414 N.E.2d 378 (Mass. App. Ct. 1981).
45. Barnes, III S. Ct. at 2468-71 (interest in preventing pros-
titution, sexual assault, and other attendant harms suf-
ficient to support nude dan,cing provision). See also the
extensive discussion of these harms in the dissenting opin-
ion by Judge Coffey in Miller, 904 F.2d at 1104-20.
46. Barnes, III S. Ct. at 2458 (Rehnquist) and 2471 (Souter).
47. Ibid. at 2468.
48. These examples are discussed and documented in a brief
by Burke Marshall and me, Brief Amicus Curiae of the Na-
tional Black Women's Health Project, R.A.V. v. City of St.
Paul, 112 S. Ct. 2538 (1992) (No. 90-7675).
49. R.A.V., 112 S. Ct. at 2547.
50. Ibid. at 2569.
51. Andrea Dworkin and I discuss this in our Pornography and
Civil Rights: A New Day for Women's Equality 60-61
52. James R. McGovern, Anatomy of a Lynching 84 (1982).
53. An incident in Los Angeles in which a Black man was pho-
tographed being beaten by police who were acquitted in a
criminal trial after repeated showings to the jury of a
videotape of the assaults makes me think there is more to
this than I thought. Two of the officers were later con-
victed in a civil trial.
54. A recent legal defense of the White Aryan Resistance, and
its leaders Tom and John Metzger, connected with the
murder of an African man in part through a leaflet orga-
nizing skinheads to kill Blacks in "Aryan" race-destined
territory, suggests this: because the murder was effectuated
Notes to Pages 35-37 125
through a leaflet with a political ideology, it was not plain
old advocacy to commit murder, it was bigoted advocacy to
commit murder in writing-hence protected expression.
See Berhanu v. Metzger, 119 Ore. App. 175, (No. CA
A67833), Appellants' Opening Brief (Jan. 29, 1992). The
defendants' conviction for wrongful death, conspiracy,
and murder by agency, with damages, has been upheld
over First Amendment challenge. Berhanu v. Metzger, 119
Ore. App. 175 (April 14, 1993).
55. Brockett v. Spokane Arcades, Inc., 472 U.S. 491, 503 n.12
(1985), appears to refer to child pornography as an issue of
"pure speech rather than conduct."
56. Brief on Behalf of American Booksellers Ass'n et ai., New
York v. Ferber, 458 U.S. 747 (1982) (No. 81-55).
57. Ferber, 458 U.S. at 747.
58. Osborne v. Ohio, 495 U.S. 103, 111 (1990). This harm
seems to have been lost sight of in the recent ruling in
United States v. X-Citement Video, Inc., 982 F.2d 1285
(9th Cir. 1992), in which the majority allows downstream
vendors of child pornography to use their lack of knowl-
edge of a child's actual age as a defense. The dissent recog-
nizes the harm to those who are "hurt by the attitudes
these materials foster." X-Citement Video, 982 F.2d at
1293-94 n.3 (Kozinski, J., dissenting).
59. Stanleyv. Georgia, 394 U.S. 557, 568 n.ll (1969).
60. 16 Penthouse 118 (December 1984).
61. Robinson v. Jacksonville Shipyards, Inc., 760 F. Supp. 1486
(M.D. Fla. 1991).
62. George Fisher was convicted of the murder and attempted
rape of Jean Kar-Har Fewel, an eight-year-old adopted
126' Notes to Pages 37-46
Chinese girl found strangled to death hanging from a tree
in 1985. Mr. Fisher testified that he went to an adult book-
store on the day of the murder to watch movies. UPI, Au-
gust 20,1985.
63. Hudnut, 771 F.2d at 328.
64. This is, in effect, what is permitted in Herceg v. Hustler
Magazine, Inc., 814 F.2d 1017 (5th Cir. 1987) (survivors of
boy who died of autoerotic asphyxia may not recover
against Hustler, which caused it).
65. Hudnut, 771 F.2d at 328-329.
66. Ibid. at 329-331.
67. Gitlow v. New York, 268 U.S. 652, 673 (1925) (Holmes, T.,
dissenting) .
68. For a discussion of how "pornographers are more like the
police in police states," see Andrea Dworkin, "Against the
Male Flood," in Letters from a War Zone 264 (1988).
69. For an analysis of the place of pornography in male power,
see Andrea Dworkin, Pornography: Men Possessing Women
13-47 (1979).
70. Andrea Dworkin has said this in many public speeches, in-
cluding ones I attended in 1983 and 1984. The idea behind
it was originally developed in her Pornography: Men Pos-
sessing Women at 48-100.
71. Andrea Dworkin, Intercourse 194 (1987).
1. Brooms v. Regal Tube Co., 881 F.2d 412, 416, 417 (7th Cir.
2. Morgan v. Hertz Corp., 542 F. SupP .. 123, 128 (W.D. Tenn.
Notes to Page 46 T 127
1981), affd sub nom. Sones-Morgan v. Hertz Corp., 725
F.2d lO70 (6th Cir. 1984). See also Snell v. Suffolk County,
611 F. Supp. 521,525 (E.D.N.Y. 1985), affd, 782 F.2d 1094
(2d Gir. 1986). The first commentator to show alarm is
Kingsley R. Browne, "Title VII as Censorship: Hostile-
Environment Harassment and the First Amendment," 52
Ohio State Law Journal 481 (1991). See also Amy Horton,
Comment, "Of Supervision, Centerfolds, and Censorship:
Sexual Harassment, the First Amendment, and the Con-
tours of Title VII," 46 University of Miami Law Review 403
3. Davis v. Monsanto Chern. Co., 858 F.2d 345, 350 (6th Cir.
1988) (racist abuse found insufficient to make out hostile
environment). This approach includes a recent case of
racial harassment in which an injunction directed de-
fendant to "cease ... any policy ... or activity ... which
perpetuates [or] condones ... racial harassment ... in-
cluding ... any and all offensive conduct and speech impli-
cating considerations of race." Harris v. International
Paper Co., 765 F. Supp. 1509, 1527 (D. Me. 1991). A par-
tial exception is one case which summarily rejected a First
Amendment defense, Jew v. University of Iowa, 749 F.
Supp. 946,961 (S.D. Iowa 1990).
4. See discussion in I, pages 31-33.
5. Hall v. Gus Constr. Co., 842 F.2d 1010, 1012 (8th Cir.
1988) ("Cavern Cunt"); Moffett v. Gene B. Glick Co., 621
F. Supp. 244, 253-255 (N.D. Ind. 1985) ("stupid cunt");
Branda v. Sanford, 637 P.2d 1223, 1224 (Nev. 1981)
("fucking cunt"); Reynolds v. Atlantic City Convention
Ctr-;, 53 Fair EmpL Prac. Cas. (BNA) 1852, 1856 (D.N.J.
128 Notes to Pages 46-48
1990}, affd, 905 F.2d 419 (3d Cir. 1991) (repeated use of
word "cunt"). A woman worker who was referred to by a
co-worker as a "cunt" could present a strong case for sex-
ual harassment; Rabidue v. Osceola Refining Co., 805 F.2d
611, 624-628 (Keith, J., concurring in part, dissenting in
part), cert. denied, 481 U.S. 1041 (l987).
6. Savage and Dep't of Corrections, 37 Ill. H.R. Comm. Rpts.
320,340 (1988).
7. Robinson v. Jacksonville Shipyards, Inc., 760 F. Supp.
1486, 1497 (M.D. Fla. 1991) (dartboard); testimony to
press on Minneapolis ordinance on pornography, 1984
(construction site). See also Lipsett v. University of Puerto
Rico, 864 F.2d 881, 888 (lst Cir. 1988) (walls of rest facility
plastered with pornography).
8. Morris v. American Nat'l Can Co., 730 F. Supp. 1489, 1490
(E.D. Mo. 1989) ("spit or swallow"); Robinson, 760 F.
Supp. at 1495, 1498 (all the rest).
9. These facts are taken from a case on which I worked in On-
tario, Canada.
10. Department of Fair Empl. & Hous. v. Livermore Joe's, Inc.,
Cal FEHC Dec. 90-07 (1990).
11. Zabkowicz v. West Bend Co., 589 F. Supp. 780, 782 (E.D.
Wis. 1984).
12. "9 to 5, 1992 National Boss Conte Cleveland," PR News-
wire, March 12,1992.
13. Walker v. Ford Motor Co., 684 F.2d 1355, 1358-59 (lIth
Cir. 1982).
14. A computer search of federal sexual and racial harassment
cases through 1992 yields 144 cases that involve alleged
jokes. Usually the courts are not laughing. Sometimes, if
Notes to Pages 48-50 129
the woman jokes back, she is regarded as participating,
hence not harassed. Sexual jokes formed a substantial part
of a successful complaint for constructive discharge in
Martin v. City of Youngstown, 961 F.2d 1578 (6th Cir.
April 28, 1992) (text in Westlaw), cert. denied sub nom.
City of Youngstown v. Martin, 113 S. Ct. 813 (1992). For a
superb discussion of racial "jokes," see Snell, 611 F. Supp.
at 529-530.
15. Meritor Savings Bank v. Vinson, 477 U.S. 57 (1986).
16. "Sexual expression which is indecent but not o b ~ c e n e is
protected by the First Amendment ... " Sable Communica-
tions v. FCC, 492 U.S. 115, 126 (1989). In another case, in-
volving a licensing scheme for "adult" establishments, the
city conceded that sexually explicit speech was protected
by the First Amendment. FW/PBS v. City of Dallas, 493
U.S. 215, 224 (1990) (O'Connor, J., for the plurality).
17. The leading case of Rogers v. EEOC, 454 F.2d 234 (5th Cir.
1971), cert. denied, 406 U.S. 957 (1972), which inferred an
atmosphere of discrimination against nurses from the seg-
regation of patients on the basis of ethnicity, does not
mention speech as a concern, nor do any of the hundreds
of cases brought for similar injuries since which have been
based on verbal acts.
18. Harris, 765 F. Supp. at 1518 and many many cases.
19. Walker, 684 F.2d at 1359.
20. Vance v. Southern Bell Tel. & Tel. Co., 863 F.2d 1503, 1506
(1Ith Cir. 1989); Hunter v. Allis-Chalmers Corp., 797 F.2d
1417,1420 (7th Cir. 1986).
21. Cited in Mary Ellen Gale, "On Curbing Racial Speech,"
The Responsive Community 47 (Winter 1990/1991).
130' Notes to Pages 50-51
22. See discussion in I, page 30, and III, pages 94-95.
23. This point is supported by Laurence Tribe, "Does the Con-
stitution Prevent Enhanced Sentencing for 'Hate Crimes'?"
Testimony before the Subcommittee on Crime and Crimi-
nal Justice on H.R. 4797 (Hate Crimes Sentencing En-
hancement Act of 1992), July 29,1992.
24. Rabidue, 805 F.2d at 620-622.
25. Reynolds, 53 Fair Empl. Prac. Cas. (BNA) at 1886.
26. Snell, 611 F. Supp. at 528. While the court that ruled that
women must tolerate pornography at work did not men-
tion the First Amendment (Rabidue, 805 F.2d at 611), one
court that held racist abuse actionable expressly held,
without elaboration, that "the First Amendment does not
bar appropriate relief in the instant case of discrimination
in the workplace." Snell, 611 F. Supp. at 53l.
27. Bennett v. N.Y. City Dep't of Corrections, 705 F. Supp.
979, 986 (S.D.N.Y. 1989) (fact prisons are '''coarse and
rowdy' ... does not mean that anything goes"); Barbetta v.
Chemlawn Servs. Co., 669 F. Supp. 569, 573 n.2 (W.D.N.Y.
1987), rejects Rabidue, as do Robinson, 760 F. Supp. at
1525, and Ellison v. Brady, 924 F.2d 872, 877 (9th Cir.
28. The University of Wisconsin policy on discriminatory ha-
rassment was limited to abuse "directed at" individuals,
but this did not save it; UMW Post, Inc. v. Board of Re-
gents, 774 F. Supp.1163, 1172 (D. Wis. 1991). The ACLU's
policy on sexual harassment, while it does not mention
speech concerns at all, is centered on quid pro quo harass-
ment, and restricts the hostile environment type to that
Notes to Page 52 131
"where a pattern and practice of sexual conduct or expres-
s i ~ n is directed at a specific employee and has definable
consequences for the individual victim ... " ACLU Policy
#316 at (6), Board Minutes, April 14-15, 1984, June 23-24,
1984. The ACLU argued to the same effect in Lois Robin-
son's case, Brief for Amicus Curiae, American Civil Liber-
ties Union Found. of Florida, Inc. and American Civil
Liberties Union, Inc. at 14-17, Robinson v. Jacksonville
Shipyards, Inc. (lIth Cir. 1993) (No. 91-3655). The brief
terms this sign "speech or other expressive activity." The
most extended treatment of this distinction to date can be
found in Eugene Volokh, "Freedom of Speech and Work-
place Harassment," 39 UCLA Law Review 1791, 1868
29. The state's brief in Beauharnais v. Illinois opposed this dis-
tinction in exactly these terms: "petitioner cannot gain
constitutional protection from the consequence of libel by
multiplying victims and identifying them by a collective
term." Respondent's Brief, Beauharnais v. Illinois, 343 U.S.
250 (1952) (No. ll8) at 4. While Illinois won that round,
the law of group libel has since developed in precisely this
Another part of the idea is that an environment can hurt
only the individual engaged in the direct sexual byplay but
cannot hurt those not so involved, even if they are sur-
rounded by it, perhaps even if it determines their job op-
portunities. Waltman v. International Paper Co., 875 F.2d
468, 482-486 (Jones, J., dissenting). But cf. Broderick v.
Ruder, 685 F. Supp. 1269 (D.D.C. 1988); King v. Palmer,
132 Notes to Pages 53-56
778 F.2d 878 (D.C. Cir. 1985); 29 C.F.R. 1604.1l(g) (em-
ployer preference for female employees who submit to sex
can constitute sexual harassment of other female employ-
30. An example like this was litigated in Snell, 611 F. Supp. at
525 ("Official Runnin' Nigger Target" with bullet holes,
Exhibit 13).
31. Brief of ACLU, note 28 above at 11-12. Robinson, 760 F.
Supp. at 1495-98.
32. Post, 774 F. Supp. at 1168.
33. Catharine A. MacKinnon, Testimony on S. 1484 Labor and
Human Resources Committee (Sept. 19, 1992), 36 Law
Quadrangle Notes 25 (1993). Examples not otherwise an-
notated in this paragraph are from Gale, "On Curbing
Racial Speech" at 47.
34. See generally Mari J. Matsuda, "Public Response to Racist
Speech: Considering the Victim's Story," 87 Michigan Law
Review 2320 (1989).
35. An obvious example is NLRB v. Gissel Packing Co., 395
U.S. 575 (1969) (threatening employer speech that was un-
fair labor practice was not protected speech).
36. Robinson, 760 F. Supp. at 1486, is the leading case on
pornography as sexual harassment. Rabidue, 805 F.2d at
611, disallows a Title VII claim based substantially on
pornography, but not for reasons of protecting it as
37. Post, 774 F. Supp. at 1163; Doe v. University of Michigan,
721 F. Supp. 852 (E.D. Mich. 1989).
Notes to Pages 57-58 133
38. It is arguable that all misogyny is fundamentally sexual,
systemically speaking. It does not always express itself in
explicitly sexual ways, however.
39. Robinson, 760 F. Supp. at 1498.
40. Ibid.
41. Morris, 730 F. Supp. at 1489.
42. Weiss v. United States, 595 F. Supp. 1050, 1053 (E.D. Va.
43. I saw this epithet most recently in an elevator at Yale Law
School in 1990.
44. EEOC v. Murphy Motor Freight Lines, Inc., 488 F. Supp.
381) 384 (D. Minn. 1980).
45. See Carter v. Sedgwick County, 705 F. Supp. 1474, 1476
(D. Kan. 1988), affd in part, vacated in part, rev'd in part,
929 F.2d 1501 (lOth Cir. 1991).
46. Beauharnais v. Illinois, 343 U.S. 250, 251 (1952).
47. Regina v. McCraw, [1991] 66 c.c.c. (3d) 517, 519-520
(Can.): "Each letter was personally addressed to one of the
three cheerleaders. The letters are so similar that it is
sufficient for the purpose of these reasons to set out the
contents of one of them:
"Let me tell you, your [sic] a beautiful woman, I am dis-
apointed [sic] you wernt [sic] in the calendar, you are the
most beautiful cheerleader on the squad. I think you
should pose nude for playboy. Every time I see you I get an
instant erection. I masturbate thinking about you every
night. Fucking you would be like a dream come true. I
134 y Notes to Pages 58-65
would lick your whole body, starting with your toes, up
your legs, then right to your vagina. I would love to taste
your juicy vagina. Then I would suck on your perfect, well
shaped breasts, I would then turn you over and lick your
asshole. -Then you would go down and suck my dick. Once
I am nice and horny, I would stick my dick in your vagina.
Then I would shove my dick into your nice tight asshole.
Then you would suck my dick, and I would shoot my
sperm all over your face. I am going to fuck you even if I
have to rape you. Even if it takes me till the day I die. There
should be more beautiful woman [sic] around like you.
"See you later and have a nice day!"
48. An interesting discussion ofthe sexual, gendered, and con-
textual dimension of such terms can be found in Savage
and Dep't of Corrections, 37 Ill. H.R. Comm. Rpts. 320
49. Robinson, 760 F. Supp. at 1498.
50. Jacobo Timerman, Prisoner without a Name, Cell without a
Number 60-80 (1981).
51. This is what employer Sidney Taylor said to Mechel1e Vin-
son as he raped her repeatedly in a motel, Brief of Respon-
dent at 30, Meritor Savings Bank v. Vinson, 477 U.S. 57
(1986) (No. 84-1979).
52. I was surprised to discover, at the end of an extensive liter-
ature search, that no laboratory or experimental research
on racist hate literature exists parallel to that on the effects
of exposure to pornography. This is not to suggest that the
Holocaust or the U.S. experience with lynching or with
Notes to Pages 65-72 135
racism in general, provides an insufficient body of evi-
dence on its effects.
53. Hearings on the Clarence Thomas Supreme Court Nomi-
nation before the Senate Committee on the Judiciary, Fed-
eral News Service, October 11, 1991, available in LEXIS,
Nexis Library, FEDNEW File.
54. Patricia J. Williams, "A Rare Case Study of Muleheaded-
ness and Men," in Toni Morrison, ed., Race-ing Justice, En-
gendering Power: Essays on Anita Hill, Clarence Thomas,
and the Construction of Social Reality 169 (1992).
55. According to my notes from that period, these words were
uttered in the media in commentary on Anita Hill's testi-
mony, President Bush and Senator Grassley on national
television shows, Deborah Norville on her radio show, in
October 1991.
1. Of course, the modern doctrine of free speech technically
relies on the Fourteenth Amendment to apply its prohibi-
tion of government censorship to the states, without in-
volving the equality guarantee at all. Modern speech
doctrine dates from Masses Pub. Co. v. Patten, 244 F. 535
(S.D.N.Y. 1917), rev'd, 246 F. 24 (2d Cir. 1917); Schenck v.
United States, 249 U.S. 47 (1919); and Abrams v. United
States, 250 U.S. 616 (1919) (especially the dissent ofJustice
2. As the Court put it, "necessarily ... under the Equal Pro-
136 Notes to Page 73
tection Clause, not to mention the First Amendment itself,
government may not grant the use of a forum to people
whose views it finds acceptable, but deny it to those wish-
ing to express less favored or more controversial views."
Police Department v. Mosley, 408 U.S. 92, 96 (1972). Some
possible implications of these cases are discussed in a sem-
inal article by Kenneth 1. Karst, "Equality as a Central
Principle in the First Amendment," 43 University of
Chicago Law Review 20 (1975). While the article notes that
"the relation between formal and substantive equality" is
raised by these speech cases decided on equal protection
grounds (p. 22), it does not discuss this issue in any depth,
nor does it see any tension between existing First Amend-
ment approaches and the trajectory of the equality princi-
3. Access problems are better recognized, for example, in the
broadcast area than are the damage issues anywhere. On
access, see Karst, "Equality as a Central Principle" note 2
above; Thomas I. Emerson, "The Affirmative Side of the
First Amendment," 15 Georgia Law Review 795 (1981);
Red Lion Broadcasting Co. v. FCC, 395 U.S. 367 (1969). A
particularly pertinent discussion is Metro Broadcasting,
Inc. v. FCC, 497 U.S. 547 (1990), in which a narrow
Supreme Court majority upheld minority preferences in
"distress sales" of radio or television broadcast licenses, in
part on a rationale of promoting greater programming di-
versity. But cf. Lamprecht v. FCC, 958 F.2d 382 (D.C. Cir.
1992) (preferences for women owners of radio station vio-
Notes to Pages 73-75 137
late equal protection). See also the perceptive opinion of
Justice O'Connor on the implications of expressive associ-
ation in Roberts v. United States Jaycees, 468 U.S. 609, 631
(1984) (O'Connor, J., concurring).
4. See II, notes 31 and 32; and R.A.V. v. City of St. Paul, 112
S. Ct. 2538 (1992); Doe v. University of Michigan, 721 F.
Supp. 852 (E.D. Mich. 1989); UMW Post, Inc. v. Board of
Regents, 774 F. Supp. 1163 (E.D. Wis. 1991).
5. Thus Kalven treating problems raised by "the Negro" for
the First Amendment in 1965 does not mention education.
Harry Kalven, Jr., The Negro and the First Amendment
6. "The Congress shall have power to enforce, by appropriate
legislation, the provisions of this article." U.S. Const.
amend. XIV, 5. See also Catharine A. MacKinnon,
"Reflections on Sex Equality under Law," 100 Yale Law
Journal 1281, 1283 n.12 (1991).
7. A further possible result is that escalations of hate propa-
ganda and pornography, as for example in Eastern Europe,
will be met with indifference or embraced as freedom un-
der U.S.-style speech theory. As pornography and its de-
fense as "speech" take over more of the world, pervading
law and consciousness, desensitizing populations to inhu-
manity, and sexualizing inequality, there are grounds for
concern that legal attempts to reverse rising racial, ethnic,
and religious discrimination, harassment, and aggression
will be disabled.
8. The origin of this notion appears to be "The best test of
138 Notes to Page 76
truth is the power of the thought to get itself accepted in
the competition of the market." Abrams, 250 U.S. 616 at
630 (Holmes, J., dissenting).
9. John Milton, Areopagitica 58 (Richard Jebb ed., 1918): "Let
[Truth] and falsehood grapple; who ever knew Truth put
to the worse, in a free and open encounter?"
10. See a wonderful critical article by Fred Schauer, "Slippery
Slopes," 99 Harvard Law Review 361 (1985).
11. This, of course, is not the real law of the First Amendment,
which makes judgments as to content all the time.
12. The authoritative articulation of this notion is in a defama-
tion cas-e,-Gertz v. Robert Welch, Inc., 418 U.S. 323,
339-340 (1974): "Under the First Amendment there is no
such thing as a false idea. However pernicious an opinion
may seem, we depend for its correction not on the con-
science of judges and juries but on the competition of
other ideas." While the second sentence suggests that the
marketplace of ideas, not courts, is the forum for rectifying
false opinions, the Court has refused to recognize a special
exemption from defamation actions "for anything that
might be labeled 'opinion ... '" Milkovich v. Lorain Jour-
nal Co., 497 U.S. 1, 18 (1990). The Court also stated that
"the fair meaning of the [Gertz] passage is to equate the
word 'opinion' in the second sentence with the word 'idea'
in the first sentence," suggesting that while ideas should be
corrected by other ideas, there is no blanket protection
from libel actions based on "anything that might be la-
beled 'opinion.'" Milkovich, 497 U.S. at 18.
13. Cohen v. California, 403 U.S. 15 (1971). "Offensive" is a
Notes to Pages 76-79 139
word used to describe obscenity. Paris Adult Theatre I v.
Slaton, 413 U.S. 49, 71 (1973) (Douglas, J., dissenting)
("'Obscenity' at most is the expression of offensive ideas").
Indeed, "patently offensive" is an element of the obscenity
test. Miller v. California, 413 U.S. 15,24 (1973).
14. Erznoznik v. City ofJacksonville, 422 U.S. 205,212 (1975).
15. It is my observation that anyone who attended primary
school anywhere but in the United States tends to regard
this approach, and the passion with which it is defended, as
an American cultural peculiarity or fetish to be tolerated.
That the United States fails to ratify various international
treaties because of this oddity is viewed with somewhat less
affection. Mari J. Matsuda, "Public Response to Racist.
Speech: Considering the Victim's Story," 87 Michigan Law
Review 2320, 2341-46 (1989).
16. New York Times Co. v. Sullivan, 376 U.S. 254 (1964).
17. It is fascinating that Kalven's treatment of the then one-
month-old Sullivan, discussing First Amendment issues
raised by "the Negro," has not a glimmer of the role of
racial politics in the decision. Kalven, The Negro and the
First Amendment.
18. Brown v. Board of Educ., 349 U.S. 294 (1955). Brown's in-
validation of "separate but equal" education was unprin-
cipled, according to Wechsler, because it was a new
fact-driven doctrinal leap addressing a problem that was
not really about inequality, but about a deprivation of free-
dom of association. Herbert Wechsler, "Toward Neutral
Principles of Constitutional Law," 73 Harvard Law Review
1,31-34 (1959). From a doctrinal perspective, the Sullivan
140' Notes to Pages 80-83
argument that libel could raise First Amendment speech
issues was totally new. Is libel more obviously speech than
segregation is inequality? In the companion case !o Sulli-
van, Abernathy v. Sullivan, 376 U.S. at 254, brought
against the civil rights leaders themselves, those leaders did
complain of the racism and denial of equal protection of
aspects of their trial, but not of inequality problems in the
speech arguments of the libel claim. Abernathy was not
chosen by the Supreme Court as the flagship case for its
First Amendment decision. For Wechsler's argument in
Sullivan, see Brief for the Petitioner, New York Times Co.
v. Sullivan, 376 U.S. 254 (1964) (No. 39).
19. Sullivan, 376 U.S. at 268-269 (discussing Beauharnais v.
Illinois, 343 U.S. 250 (1952.
20. Dworkin v. Hustler Magazine Inc., 867 F.2d 1188 (9th Cir.
1988), cert. denied, 493 U.S. 812 (1989); Leidholdt v.
L.F.P. Inc., 860 F.2d 890 (9th Cir. 1988), cert. denied, 489
U.S. 1080 (1989).
21. Wechsler said in oral argument in Sullivan that Beauhar-
nais was not correctly decided. 32 U.S.L.W. 3250 (Jan. 14,
22. Smith v. Collin, 439 U.S. 916 (1978).
23. Kunz v. New York, 340 U.S. 290, 299 (1951) (Jackson, J.,
24. Usually, they sound in tort. See the creative, audacious,
and foundational article by Richard Delgado, "Words That
Wound: A Tort Action for Racial Insults, Epithets, and
Name-Calling," 17 Harvard Civil Rights-Civil Liberties
Law Review 133 (1982). Sometimes, in international law or
in other countries, hate propaganda laws are rendered as
Notes to Pages 84-85 141
"antidiscrimination" provisions, but this is little discussed.
The major exception, of course, is Canada. See text accom-
panying note 55 below and Catharine A. MacKinnon,
"Pornography as Defamation and Discrimination," 71
Boston University Law Review 793, 806 n.33 (1991).
25. Beauharnais, 343 U.S. at 263.
26. Ibid. at 284.
27. Kalven, The Negro and the First Amendment at 35.
28. However, in defense of its statute, Illinois did argue that
the speech of Beauharnais was unprotected because it led
to discrimination in violation of Illinois's state Civil Rights
Act .. Respondent's Brief, Beauharnais v. Illinois, 343 U.S.
250 (1952) (No. 118) at 4. Such discrimination was argued
to be a "substantive evil" that petitioner's publications
may "directly tend to incite." Ibid. at 5-6. Illinois also ar-
gued that prevention of riots and lynchings is a duty of
government and the history of Illinois was "stained with
blood spilled from Negroes simply because they were Ne-
groes." Ibid. at 6. "Every riot has its incitement in words."
Ibid. Further worth noting, the ACLU argued for Beauhar-
nais that since racial segregation did not violate the federal
Civil Rights Act, and "we attorneys for the ACLU have
never been so bold to make that invalid suggestion our-
selves in our efforts to combat segregation," advocacy of
segregation cannot violate the law either. Petitioner's Re-
ply Brief, Beauharnais, 343 U.S. 250 (l952)(No. 118) at
29. The most notable victory of this kind is Pittsburgh Press
Co. v. Pittsburgh Comm'n on Human Relations, 413 U.S.
376 (1973). Pornography regulation lost in American
142' Notes to Pages 85-89
Booksellers Ass'n, Inc. v. Hudnut, 771 F.2d 323 (7th Cir.
1985), affd, 475 U.S. 1001 (1986). See also State v.
Mitchell, 485 N.W.2d 807 (Wis. 1992) (invalidating sen-
tence enhancements on protected grounds under First
Amendment), cert. granted, 113 S. Ct. 810 (1992).
30. On campaign financing as speech, see Buckley v. Valeo,
424 U.S. 1 (1976).
31. Cf. Rust v. Sullivan, 111 S. Ct. 1759 (1991).
32. Young v. New York City Transit Authority, 903 F.2d 146
(2d Cir. 1990), cert. denied, 111 S. Ct. 516 (restriction on
begging and panhandling in some public transit does not
violate First Amendment).
33. Brandenburgv. Ohio, 395 U.S. 444 (1969).
34. NAACP v. Claiborne Hardware Co., 458 U.S. 886 (1982).
35.42 U.S.c. 2000 (d) et seq. (1988) (Title VI, requiring
racial equality in education); 20 U.S.c. 1681 (1988) (Title
IX, requiring sex equality in education).
36. Miller, 413 U.S. at 15.
37. Edward DeGrazia appears to support the view that the ca-
pacity of a work to produce sexual arousal should be con-
sidered a "value" for legal purposes, Girls Lean Back
Everywhere: The Law of Obscenity and the Assault on Ge-
nius 518 (1991).
38. This history, with a different moral to the story, is traced
by DeGrazia, ibid. See especially Ginzburg v. United States,
383 U.S. 463, 476 (1966) (Black, J., dissenting) and 482
(Douglas, J., dissenting); Jacobellis v. Ohio, 378 U.S. 184,
196 (1964) (Black,J., concurring); Roth v. United States,
354 U.S. 476, 508 (1957) (Douglas, J., dissenting); Paris
Notes to Pages 89-94 143
Adult Theatre I v. Slaton, 413 U.S. at 70 (Douglas, J., dis-
senting) and 73 (Brennan, J., joined by Stewart and Mar-
shall, JJs., dissenting).
39. Kingsley In1'l Pictures Corp. v. Regents of the University of
New York, 360 U.S. 684 (1959).
40. The litigation on Deep Throat is a clear example. See cita-
tions in Catharine A. MacKinnon, Feminism Unmodified:
Discourses on Life and Law34 n.30 (1987).
41. New York v. Ferber, 458 U.S. 747, 762 (1982).
42. Hudnut, 771 F. 2d at 328-329.
43. " ... above all else, the First Amendment means that gov-
ernment has no power to restrict expression because of its
message [orl ideas ... " Ibid. at 328 (quoting Police De-
partment v. Mosley, 408 U.S. at 95). Similar construction
of nude dancing as public discourse occurs in the majority
opinion in Miller v. Civil City of South Bend, 904 F.2d
1081, 1088 (7th Cir. 1990), invalidating a provision re-
stricting nude dancing. The Supreme Court upheld the
provision, reversing the Seventh Circuit in Barnes v. Glen
Theatre, Inc., 111 S. Ct. 2456 (1991). See I, pages 31-33.
44. Hudnut, 771 F.2d at 329.
45. Sullivan, 376 U.S. at 270.
46. Hudnut, 771 F.2d at 329.
47. Statev. Mitchell, 485 N.W.2d at 820 (Bablitch, J., dissenting).
The Supreme Court of Oregon, siding with this dissent, up-
held an Oregon hate crime statute against First Amendment
attack, Oregon v. Plowman, 838 P.2d 558 (Or. 1992). The
U.S. Supreme Court upheld the Wisconsin statute, Wiscon-
sin v. Mitchell, 1993 U.S. LEXIS 4024 (June 11, 1993).
144 Notes to Pages 94-101
48. Yick Wo v. Hopkins, 118 U.S. 356 (1886).
49. Personnel Administrator v. Feeney, 442 U.S. 256, 272
(1979); Vance v. Bradley, 440 U.S. 93, 97 (1979).
50. This was discussed in I. Schiro v. Clark, 963 F.2d 962
(7th Cir. 1992), cert. granted, May 17, 1993 (No.
51. Schiro, 963 F.2d at 972-973.
52. Arguments of counsel relying on experts Osanka and Don-
nerstein, Schiro, 963 F.2d at 971-972.
53. The Seventh Circuit affirmed the penalty of death for
Schiro on the legally unsatisfying conclusion that although
pornographers could be held responsible for some
rapes(!), Hudnut does not say "the rapist is not also culpa-
ble for his own conduct." Schiro, 963 F.2d at 973.
54. Miller, 904 F.2d at 1092 (Posner, J., concurring).
55. Ibid.
56. The Charter came into effect in 1982, the equality provi-
sion in 1985.
57. Compare Law Society v. Andrews [1989] 1 S.C.R. 143
(Can.) with Regents of the University of California v.
Bakke, 438 U.S. 265 (1978), and City of Richmond v. J. A.
Croson Corp., 488 U.S. 469 (1989). The closest the United
States has come to approximating the Canadian standard
is in California Federal Savings and Loan Ass'n v. Guerra,
479 U.S. 272 (1987), a Title VII case recognizing that legis-
lation to help pregnant women at work promotes sex
equality, therefore does not discriminate on the basis of
58. Regina v. Keegstra [1991]2 W.W.R. 1 (1990) (Can.).
59. Butler v. Regina [1992] 2 W.W.R. 577 (Can.).
Notes to Pages 102-105 145
60. Ibid. at 594-597, 601, 609.
61. Whitney v. California, 274 U.S. 357, 376 (1927) (Brandeis,
J., concurring).
62. This connection was made by Anne E. Simon in a letter to
63. First Amendment law has long taken the position that the
"sensibilities of readers" must be ignored in deciding
whether a state has an interest in suppression of expres-
sion. Simon & Schuster, Inc. v. Members of the New York
Crime Victims Bd., 112 S. Ct. 501, 509 (1991). As the
Court sees it, the offensiveness of an opinion goes to estab-
lishing its protection: "The fact that society may find
speech offensive is not a sufficient reason for suppressing
it. Indeed, if it is the speaker's opinion that gives offense,
that consequence is a reason for according it constitutional
protection." FCC v. Pacifica Foundation, 438 U.S. 726,745
(1978) (emphasis a"dded), quoted with approval in Hustler
Magazine, Inc. v. Falwell, 485 U.S. 46, 55 (1988). See also
Texas v. Johnson, 491 U.S. 397, 414 (1989): "If there is a
bedrock principle underlying the First Amendment, it is
that the Government may not prohibit the expression of
an idea simply because society finds the idea itself offensive
or disagreeable." These authorities were found to support
the view in Simon & Schuster that the Crime Board "does
not assert any interest in limiting whatever anguish Henry
Hill's victims may suffer from reliving their victimization,"
112 S. Ct. at 509. Hudnut states that the role of pornogra-
phy in perpetuating subordination "simply demonstrates
the power of pornography as speech." 771 F.2d at 329. As
distinguished from Hudnut, in Simon & Schuster it was not
146' Notes to Pages 107-108
asserted that the crimes were committed to produce the
accounts of the crimes, as women coerced into pornogra-
phy assert; nor does Simon & Schuster bar civil recovery for
damages either for mental anguish or to reputational or
privacy interests. There was also no claim in that case that
the portrayals of the crime victims were false, defamatory,
placed them in a false light, or discriminated against them.
64. Roberts v. U.S. Jaycees, 468 U.S. 609, 623 (1984), holds
that states have a "compelling interest in eradicating dis-
crimination" on the basis of sex, which can outweigh the
First Amendment right of association, as it did here. In rul-
ing against the First Amendment challenge, and in favor of
statutory sex equality, Roberts states that "acts of invidious
discrimination in the distribution of goods, services, and
other advantages cause unique evils that government has a
compelling interest to prevent-wholly apart from the
point of view such conduct may transmit ... Accord-
ingly ... such practices are entitled to no constitutional
protection." Ibid. at 628.
65. Thomas I. Emerson, The System of Freedom of Expression
496 (1970): "A communication of this [erotic] nature, im-
posed upon a person contrary to his wishes, has all the
characteristics of a physical assault" and "can therefore
realistically be classified as action." A comparison with his
preliminary formulation in Toward a General Theory of the
First Amendment 91 (1963) suggests that his view on this
subject became stronger by his 1970 revisiting of the issue.
Abernathy v. Sullivan, 140018
Abrams v. United States,
Alexander v. Yale University,
American Booksellers Ass'n v.
Hudnut, 92, 96, 97, 115n9,
118n21, 119026, 1260n63,65,
66, 142n29, 143042, 1430044,
46, 145n63
American Civil Liberties Union,
130n28, 141n28
Austin, J. 1., 121n31
Barbetta v. Chemlawn Servs. Co.,
Barnesv. Glen Theatre, 31-33,
123nn42,43, 124n45, 143n43
Beauharnais v. Illinois, 81, 82, 83,
84, 131n29, 133n47,1390019,
Bennett v. N. Y. City Dep't of
Corrections, 130n27
Berhanu v. Metzger, 125n54
Black meo, lynching of, 33-35
Black women, rape and battery of,
Brandeis, Justice Louis, 103
Brandenburgv. Ohio, 86, 142n33
Braun v. Soldier of Fortune
Magazine, 120n30
Brockett v. Spokane Arcades,
Broderick v. Ruder, 130n30
Brooms v. Regal Tube Co.,
Brown v. Board of Education, 79,
Buckley v. Valeo, 142n30
Bush, George, 66
Butler, Donald Victor, 100
Butler v. Regina, 100-102, 144n59,
California Federal Savings and
Loan Ass'n v. Guerra, 144n57
California v. LaRue, 123n44
Canada, Charter of Rights and
Freedoms, 97-106
Carter v. Sedgwick County, 133n46
Censorship, 8, 77, 87; defined, 10;
"marketplace of ideas"
metaphor, 75-76, 93, 102,
137n8; offensiveness of censored
148' Index
Censorship (cont.)
opinion, 75, 145n63; "bad ten-
dency" or "witch-hunt" doc-
trine, 76; "slippery slope" hazard
ofrestricting speech, 76, 102;
libel law and, 78-79. See also
Obscenity law; Speech
Child abuse, 7, 20, 35,105;
obscenity law and, 91
Child pornography, 23, 35-36, 91,
122n35, 125n58
City of Richmond v. f. A. Croson
Corp., 144n57
Cohen v. California, 138n13
Crawford, Trish, 113n3, 114n4
Crossburning, 33-34, 85
Davis v. Monsanto Chern. Co.,
Davis v. Passman, II7n18
Defamation: pornography as, II;
group libel, 51-52, 54, 56, 80,
censorship and, 78-79; equal
protection law and, 79-80;
advocacy of genocide included
in, 100
DeGrazia, Edward, 10, 142n37
Discrimination, 16-17,92,94-95;
pornography as, II, 13,22,55;
First Amendment arguments ap-
plied to, 13-14, 18-21,24-41,
45-50; discriminatory intent, 30,
50-51,95; sexual harassment as,
46-68; group defamation pro-
moting, 49-50, 99-100; in edu-
cation, 87, 107-108; hate crime
statutes and, 94
Doe v. University of Michigan,
132n38, 137n4
Douglas, Justice William 0.,84
Dworkin, Andrea, 22, 40, 41, 91,
113n2, 121n32, 124n51,
Dworkin, Ronald, 10
Dworkin v. Hustler Magazine,
Easterbrook, Judge Frank, 10,
Education, harassment and dis-
crimination in, 53-54, 55,
56-57,87, 107-108, 130n28
EEOC v. Murphy Freight Lines,
Ellison v. Brady, 130n27
Emerson, Thomas I., 108, 146n65
Equal protection law: free speech
law and, 13-14,55-58,71-110;
sex and race analogy in, 55-58;
libel law and, 79-80, 84-85,
99-100; in Canada, 97-106; ac-
cess problems, 136n3
Erznoznik v. City of Jacksonville,
FCC v. Pacifica Foundation,
Femininity: construction of self
and, 7; objectification as defin-
Fetishization of women's body
parts, 23
Fewel, Jean Kar-Har, 125n62
First Amendment, II, 12, 16, 38,
46, 53, 54, 59, 92; Fourteenth
Amendment and, 13-14,55-58,
71-IIO; false ideas under, 106.
See also Speech
Fisher, George, 125n62
Fourteenth Amendment, 30, 95;
First Amendment and, 13-14,
55-58, 71-110. See also Equal
protection law
Index' 149
Frankfurter, Justice Felix, 84
Froman, Creel, 25
FW/PBS v. City of Dallas. 129n16
Gertz v. Robert Welch. 138n 12
Ginzburg v. United States, 142n38
Gitlowv. New York. 126n67
Grassley, Senator, 66
Hall v. Gus Constr. Co., 127n5
Harassment. See Racial harass-
ment; Sexual harassment
Harrison, Kathryn, 113n2
Harris v. International Paper Co .
Hate crimes and speech. 22, 73,
134n53. 137n7, 139n24;Cana-
dian law, 98-99. 100. 103, 104
Hazelwood School District v. United
States, 117n16
Herceg v. Hustler Magazine.
Hill, Anita. 64-68
Holmes, Judge Oliver Wendell,
Hopkins v. Price Waterhouse.
Hustler magazine, 126n63, 139n20,
Hustler Magazine, Inc. v. Falwell.
Jackson, Justice Robert, 83
Jacobellis v. Ohio, 142n38
Jew v. University of Iowa, 127n3
Jokes, 48. 128n14
Kalven, Harry, 84, 137n5, 139n17,
Keegstra, James, 98-99
King, Rodney, 124n53
Kingsley Int'l Pictures Corp. v.
Regents of the University of New
York, 143n39
King v. Palmer, 130n30
Ku Klux Klan, 33, 34. 86
Kunz v. New York, 83, 139n23
Lamprecht v. FCC, 136n3
Law Society v. Andrews, 144n57
Libel and slander. See Defamation
Live sex shows, 28
"Lovelace," Linda, 113n2
Lyotard, Jean-Fran-rois, 115n5
Marital rape and battering, 7, 91,
113n3, 114n4
Marshall, Burke, 124n48
Martin v. City of Youngstown.
Masses Pub. Co. v. Patten,
McGrady, Michael, 113n2
Meritor Savings Bank v. Vinson,
129n15, 134n52
Metro Broadcasting. Inc. v. FCC.
136n3 .
Milkovich v. Lorain Journal Co .
Millerv. California, 139nI3,
Miller v. City of South Bend.
123n43, 124n45. 143n43,
Moffett v. Gene B. Glick Co.,
Morgan v. Hertz Corp., l26n2
Morris v. American Nat'l Can Co .
l28n8, 133n42
Murder, 22; snuff films, 15, 17, 18,
23, 26, 35; pornography inciting,
20,36-37, 125n62, 126n63;
150' Index
Murder (cont.)
bigoted incitement to, 34,
124n54; obscenity law and, 91;
pornography affecting mental
state of murderer, 95-96; in
cults, 120n28; liability of pub-
lisher for as result of published
ad, 120n30
NAACP v. Claiborne Hardware
Co., 86, 142n34
Nazis' march in Skokie, Illinois,
82-83, 105, 106
New York Times Co. v. Sullivan,
78-82,93, 139nn16, 18, 19,21,
New York v. Ferber, 122n34,
143n41; Brief of American
Booksellers Ass'n et al. in,
NLRB v. Gissel Packing Co.,
Norberg v. Wynrib, 113nl
Norville, Deborah, 66
Nude dancing, 31-33, 85, 97,
Obscenity, 8-9, 23; pervasiveness
of, 51; "deprave and corrupt the
morals of consumers" test for,
87; historical background oflaw,
87; ineffectuality of obscenity
law, 87-89, 90-91; "prurient in-
terest" test for, 88; violation of
community standards test for,
88,101; harm outweighing value
test for, 91; Indianapolis ordi-
nance, 91-94,96, 107, 121n32;
Canadian law, 100-102, 103; ex-
pression of offensive ideas as,
138n 13. See also Censorship;
Olivia N. v. National Broadcasting
Co., 122n37
Oregon v. Plowman, 143n47
Organized crime, 20, 120n28
Osborne v. Ohio, 122n35, 125n58
Palmer v. Thompson, 116n16
Paris Adult Theatre I v. Slaton,
139n13, 142n38
Penthouse magazine, 36, 37
People v. Burnham, 113nl
Personnel Administrator v. Feeney,
123n40, 144n49
Pierson v. Ray, 117n16
Pittsburgh Press Co. v. Pittsburgh
Comm'n on Human Relations,
117nI8, 140n29
Playboy magazine, 22-23
Police Department v. Mosley,
136n2, 143n43
Pornography: and subordination
of women, 10,20-23,24-27,29,
defined, 22-23, 24; as fantasy,
26; "simulation" in, 27-29;
meaning of for women, 29-31;
Model Ordinance definition,
Posner, Judge Richard A., 10,97
Prostitution, 24, 28, 85; nude
dancing and, 32; obscenity law
and, 91
Rabidue v. Osceola Refining Co.,
Race discrimination. See Discrimi-
Racial harassment, 49-50, 51, 52,
61; in education, 53-54, 55; race
and sex analogy, 55-58
Racism, 62, 74, 80; sexualization
of, 23, 45, 57-58, 60, 63--64, 66;
Index' 151
inflammatory speech, 34, 86,
Rape and battery, 7, 92, 105; by ac-
quaintances, 7; of Black women,
7,48-49; gang rape, 7,15,20,28;
marital rape, 7, 113n3, 114n4;
pornography inciting, 15,16, 18,
20,62, 114n3; "artificial rape,"
27,28; nude dancing and, 32;
snuff films and, 35; obscenity
law and, 91; effect of pornogra-
phy on rapist, 96-97, 144n53
R.A. V. v. City of St. Paul, 122n34,
124n48, 137n4
Red Lion Broadcasting Co. v. FCC,
Regents of the University of Califor-
nia v. Bakke, 144n57
Regina v. Keegstra, 98-100, 101,
Regina v. McCraw, 133n48
Rehnquist, ChiefJustice William,
Religious cults, 20
Reynolds v. Atlantic City Conven-
tion Ctr., 127n5, 130n25
Roberts v. United States Jaycees,
Robinson, Lois, 53
Robinson v. Jacksonville Shipyards,
Inc., 125n61, 128nn7, 8, 130n27,
131n28, 132nn32,37, 133n40,
Rogers v. EEOC, 129nl7
Roth v. United States, 142n38
Rustv. Sullivan, 142n31
Sable Communications v. FCC,
Savage and Dep't of Corrections,
128n6, 134n49
Schad v. Borough of Mt. Ephraim,
Schenck v. United States, 135nl
Schiro v. Clark, 95, 119n25,
Sex discrimination. See Discrimi-
Sex rings, 20
Sexual harassment, 60--61,106;
by employers, 7, 48-49, 55,
130n28, 131 n30; by physicians,
7; speech expressing, 45--68; as
discrimination, 46--68; directed
at an individual, 51-52; pornog-
raphy at work as, 52, 53; in edu-
cation, 55, 56-57, 73, 130n28;
race-to-sex analogy, 55-58,
71-110; credibility of testimony
about, 64-67; as pornography,
67; obscenity law and, 91;
through sexual jokes, 128nl4
Simon & Schuster, Inc. v. Members
of the New York State Crime
Victims Board, 120n29,
Smith v. Collin, 82, 139n22
Snell v. Suffolk County, 126n2,
Snuff pornography, 15, 17, 18,23,
26; obscenity law and, 91; rape
and battery in, 35
Souter, Justice David, 32-33
Speech, 8, 14-15, 102; victim's re-
lation to, 6-7; sexual abuse as,
9-10; silence enforced on
women, 9-10; legal categoriza-
tion of pornography as, 10-11;
protected speech, 12-14,61,62;
equal protection law and free
speech law, 13-14,55-58,
71-110; hate speech, 13,83-84,
152' Index
Speech (cont.)
105-106; aggression excused by
freedom of speech argument,
89-91; content element of,
23-25; becoming sex, 26; legalis-
tic distinction between action
and, 29-41; meaning ofpornog-
raphy for women, 29, 30, 31; in-
citement to murder, 34;
nonprotection of child pornog-
raphy as, 35-36; political speech,
38-40,83,90-91,93, 102; sexual
harassment as, 45-68; position-
ing of words in sexual abuse,
58-59,61; "marketplace of
ideas" metaphor, 75-76, 93, 102,
137n8; offensiveness of, 75,
104-105, 145n63; "slippery
slope" hazard of restricting, 76,
102; "bad tendency" or "witch-
hunt" doctrine, 76; campus
speech codes, 87; subliminal
communications, 117n20; per-
formative speech, 121n31. See
also Censorship; Defamation;
Stanley Y. Georgia, 125n59
State v. Dayidson, 117n 19
State v. Jean, 114n3
State v. Mitchell, 142n29,
Stevens, Justice John Paul, 34
Stockim Y. Tolin, 117n18
Subliminal communications,
Subordination of women, and
pornography, 10,20-23,24-27,
Texas Y. Johnson, 145n63
Thomas, Justice Clarence, 64-68
UMW Post, Inc. Y. Board of
Regents, 130n28, 132nn33, 38,
United States v. American Airlines,
Inc., 116n 15
United States Y. National Associa-
tion of Broadcasters, 118n20
United States Y. X-Citement Video,
Vance v. Judas Priest, 118n20
Vance v. Southern Bell Tel. & Tel.
Co., 129n20
Vinson, Mechelle, 48-49, 134n52
Walker v. Ford Motor Co., 128n13,
Waltman v. International Paper
Co., 130n30
Washington v. Dayis, 123n40
Watson v. City of Memphis, 117n16
Wechsler, Herbert, 79, 139nI8,
Weiss v. United States, 133n43
White supremacist organizations,
20,64, 120n28, 124n54
Whitney v, California, 145n61
Williams, Patricia, 65, 135n55
Women's Legal Education and Ac-
tion Fund (LEAF), 98, 99,100
Woolf, Virginia, 7
Yick Wo Y. Hopkins, 144n48
Young v. New York City Transit
Authority, 142n32
Zabkowicz v. West Bend Co., 128n 11

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