Anger Management

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Series on Highly Effective PracticesAnger Management

8. Teaching Anger Management It is natural for students to get angry sometimes; however, when they also have difficulty controlling their anger, the academic and social outcomes suffer. These students are often perceived as hostile, have fewer goals, are at risk for expulsion or dropping out of school, experience lower academic performance, have higher rates of juvenile delinquency and adult criminal activity, and have low self esteem (Blum, 2001; Robinson, Smith, & Miller, 2002; Tamaki, 1994). Many teachers are finding that teaching anger management skills to students is effective in helping them to regulate their behavior and deal with their feelings of anger when they surface (Rosenberg, Wilson, Maheady, & Sindelar, 1997; Rutherford, Quinn, & Mathur, 1996). Acquiring these skills makes schools safer for everyone and helps these students to control their inappropriate behavior and, in turn, more socially accepted by others and themselves (Robinson, Smith, & Miller, 2002; Tamaki, 1994). Anger is one of the most difficult feelings for students to manage (Phillips-Hershey & Kanagy, 1996). Students may get angry because they are frustrated or anxious, feel a lack of control over their environments, or do not know how to express themselves effectively in other ways (Brophy, 1996; Burden, 2003; Gootman, 2001; Rutherford, Quinn, & Mathur, 1996; Tamaki, 1994; Wilde, 2002). These students often have trouble accurately perceiving social situations and their misperceptions may provoke anger (Brophy, 1996; Goldstein, 1999). Many anger management researchers suggest first understanding how a student is thinking and feeling (Gootman, 2001; Kauffman, Mostert, Trent, & Hallahan, 1998) and then addressing the causes of a students anger, if possible (Blum, 2001). Since the causes of anger cannot always be prevented, it is important that students learn methods to manage their anger effectively. The goal of any anger management program is to teach students to be able to identify when they are angry,

Series on Highly Effective PracticesAnger Management

develop management strategies for dealing with their anger, and express their feelings more appropriately (Gootman, 2001; Phillips-Hershey & Kanagy, 1996). This can be accomplished by integrating anger management instruction into the regular curriculum, choosing a packaged program of instruction, or using a multifaceted approach that includes an anger management curriculum as part of a multi-faceted intervention for students (Guthrie, 2002). A number of instructional programs contain a combination of cognitive and behavioral approaches to teach students a sequence of steps toward monitoring their thinking about their perceptions of situations and feelings of anger and controlling their angry behaviors-- using problem solving skills and appropriate social skills (Brophy, 1996; Kellner, Bry, & Colletti, 2002; Kerr & Nelson, 1998; ODonnell & White, 2001; Robinson, Smith, & Miller, 2002; Rutherford, Quinn, & Mathur, 1996; Tamaki, 1994). Goldsteins PREPARE curriculum is perhaps the best-known packaged anger management program (1999). The first part of PREPARE emphasizes teaching skills and behaviors that are more appropriate than angry or aggressive responses. First, a teacher models the correct use of target skills that the students need to learn or improve, such as dealing with an accusation. Second, students practice the steps that comprise the skill they saw modeled through role-play situations. Next, the teacher or leader provides feedback to the students about their use of the skills in the role-play, which provides both guidance and reinforcement for using the skill. Finally, students are given homework to practice the skill to help them transfer the newly acquired skills to natural settings. The PREPARE curriculum also outlines a number of steps that students can use to understand how they perceive situations that make them angry and how to remind themselves to think through alternate ways to perceive that situation and control their anger. Steps to

Series on Highly Effective PracticesAnger Management

understanding and controlling anger include: (a) learning how to think through what triggered a conflict, (b) how the student responded, and (c) the consequences of that response. Next, students learn to understand what triggers them to become angry and how to respond to those triggers through relaxing, thinking about more positive things, and reminding themselves to control their anger. They next learn to evaluate how they respond to situations that make them angry when they use these techniques and think ahead to evaluate consequences to getting angry or controlling their anger using alternative behaviors. The method in which these steps are taught is similar to that used for teaching more prosocial behaviors described above; steps are modeled, students role-play them, they receive feedback, and practice the new skills for homework. Rutherford, Quinn, and Mathur (1996) summarize the steps for teaching anger management to students that are common to the PREPARE curriculum and other effective anger management programs (Burden, 2003; Committee for Children, 1992; Kerr & Nelson, 1998; Peterson, 1995; Robinson, Smith, & Miller, 2002; Wilde, 2002): 1. Convince students of their need to change their anger-management style. 2. Make students aware of the personal signals that indicate increased anger arousal. 3. Teach students self-talk techniques. 4. Teach problem solving skills. 5. Teach relaxation skills. Effective programs combine a variety of teaching techniques including direct instruction, feedback and reinforcement (Rutherford, Quinn, & Mathur, 1996). These techniques can be presented in small groups or as part of a classwide or schoolwide curriculum (Blum, 2001; Cangelosi, 2000; Kellner, Bry, & Colletti, 2002; Phillips-Hershey & Kanagy, 1996; Wilde,

Series on Highly Effective PracticesAnger Management

2002). If these techniques are used over time, students can become more effective at monitoring and controlling their anger in provoking situations (Robinson, Smith, & Miller, 2002; Rutherford, Quinn, & Mathur, 1996).
Catherine Hoffman Kaser, M.A.

Series on Highly Effective PracticesAnger Management

References and Additional Sources of Information Blum, P. (2001). A teachers guide to anger management. New York: RoutledgeFalmer. Brophy, J. (1996). Teaching problem students. New York: The Guildford Press. Burden, P. R. (2003). Classroom management: Creating a successful learning community. New York: John Wiley & Sons. Cangelosi, J. S. (2000). Classroom management strategies: Gaining and maintaining students cooperation (4th ed.). New York: John Wiley & Sons. Committee for Children (1992). Second step: A violence-prevention curriculum. Grades 1-3 (2nd ed). Teachers guide. Seattle: Committee for Children. Goldstein, A. P. (1999). The PREPARE curriculum (revised ed.). Champaign, IL: Research Press. Gootman, M. E. (2001). The caring teachers guide to discipline: Helping young students learn self-control, responsibility, and respect (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press, Inc. Guthrie, P. (2002). School-based practices and programs that promote safe and drug-free schools. Arlington, VA: Council of Administrators of Special Education, Inc. and Council for Children with Behavioral Disorders. Kauffman, J. M., Mostert, M. P., Trent, S. C., & Hallahan, D. P. (1998). Managing classroom behavior: A reflective case-based approach (2nd ed.). Boston: Allyn and Bacon. Kellner, M. H., Bry, B. H., & Colletti, L. (2002). Teaching anger management skills to students with severe emotional or behavioral disorders. Behavioral Disorders, 24(4), 400-407. Kerr, M. M., & Nelson, C. M. (1998). Strategies for managing behavior problems in the classroom (3rd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill.

Series on Highly Effective PracticesAnger Management

ODonnell, R., & White, G. P. (2001). Teaching realistic consequences to the most angry and aggressive students. Middle School Journal, 32(4), 40-45. Peterson, R. L. (1995). Learners with emotional or behavioral difficulties. In M. C. Wang, M. C. Reynolds, & H. J. Walberg (eds.), Handbook of special and remedial education: Research and practice (2nd ed.) (pp. 243-280). Tarrytown, NY: Elsevier Science Ltd. Phillips-Hershey, E., & Kanagy, B. (1996). Teaching students to manage personal anger constructively. Elementary school guidance & counseling, 30(3), 229-234. Robinson, T. R., Smith, S. W., & Miller, M. D. (2002). Effect of a cognitive-behavioral intervention on responses to anger by middle school students with chronic behavior problems. Behavioral Disorders, 27(3), 256-271. Rosenberg, M. S., Wilson, R., Maheady, L., & Sindelar, P. T. (1997). Educating students with behavior disorders (2nd ed.). Boston: Allyn and Bacon. Rutherford, R. B., Quinn, M. M., & Mathur, S. R. (1996). Effective strategies for teaching appropriate behaviors to children with emotional/behavioral disorders. Reston, VA: Council for Children with Behavioral Disorders. Tamaki, S. (1994). Adolescent anger control. Regina, Saskatchewan: Saskatchewan School Trustees Association. Wilde, J. (2002). Anger management in schools: Alternatives to school violence (2nd ed.). Lanham, MD: The Scarecrow Press.

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