Russia in Revolution

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Taco Burrito Study Guide

History- Russia in revolution

Y 10 B3 history Q

Taco Burrito Study Guides

V&O May 2010

The Original Taco Burrito Study Guides By: V&O

Background of Russia and effects of WWI (1900-1916) : Who ruled Russia before 1914?
[A bunch of stale Burritos]

The ruler was Tsar Nicholas the II-

He controlled everything Was forced to become tsar by his father (heir) Hated his job Complete idiot Worked for tsar Collected taxes Like government workers,(ministers, post office dudes, etc) Corrupt, accepted bribes. Secret police Censored media Arrested people opposing the tsar Fierce soldiers on horses Helped secret police and supported tsar Broke up strikes and riots Slaughtered Tsars opponents

Civil servantsOkhranaCossacksRussian Orthodox church

Controlled by government Helped government influence religious Russians

Who lived there?

Majority (4/5) farmers and peasants o Very poor and had extremely harsh life Lived in communes called Mirs o Did not own land Miners and workers received miserable wages Half of Russian population not Russian Very few rich about 1% o Snobs and nobles, also industry owners o Supported Tsar

History Y10- Topic B3 Russia In Revolution

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Bloody Sunday /1905 revolution

Father Gapon marched to the Tsars Winter Palace asking for better working conditions o Father Gapon is a priest who supported poor workers The marchers where shot at by the army. Killing 500 of them. This is known as Bloody Sunday General Strikes closed everything down o Farmers rioted o Soviets (communists) started to organize and lead the workers on strike. The soviets started gaining control of towns and the people Potemkin ( a battleship) is taken over and officers are thrown over board.

The Tsar Survives because the army stays loyal to him. But, as a result he writes the:

October Manifesto a bunch of bull $h1t

o o Gives right to speech but doesnt obey the right Creates Duma It however had no real power but meant to represent a sharing of power Stolypin reforms-

A parliament whos representatives got elected

Reforms made by the prime minister(one of the Tsars assistants) Gave some land to peasants He ended up getting shot

Russian defeats on eastern front (1916-1917)

[Bloody Quesadillas]
Got attacked by Germany Important defeats, o Tannenberg o Masurian Lakes Entire Russian armies wiped out, Pathetic defeats Unprepared for war o No guns, soldiers fled battlefield o Not enough vehicles or clothes o Retreated most of the time This known as World war I The tsar went to take personal control of war and moved to the war front o Biggest mistake made by Tsar He could now be blamed for war failures

History Y10- Topic B3 Russia In Revolution

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Economic social and political effects of war

[Burned tacos]

terrible Not enough workers so factories had to close down Transportation collapsed so food rotted at train station while people starved Electricity gone because no trains to bring coal. So factories close Inflation made money worthless Social Many widows Starvation, famine No coal for heat This is known as winter 1916 No food to eat Returning soldiers had no work Miserable winter for many, they froze, starved and became angry at the tsar. Political Angry workers, starving peasants and freezing unemployed soldiers started supporting more radical groups. Bolsheviks gained support Bolsheviks organized strikes on streets Tsar lost popularity Ideal time for revolution

Tasty Sides (All the other stuff that needs to go along with it)
Rasputin o A crazy Priest that promised to heal the tsars son o Alexandra would listen to him and he had lots of influence o Had lots of power especially when Tsar went to war and Alexandra was left in charge o Everyone hated him except for the tsar and Alexandra.he got assassinated o Created a bad image of the Tsar.

History Y10- Topic B3 Russia In Revolution

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The February Revolution

[Guacamole overpowers]

Immediate causes of the February revolution/ events in Petrograd

Immediate causes o Look back at effects of war page3. o Russia suffered terribly as a result of the war, immense hardships millions of soldiers dead factories closed food shortage extreme winter o this all lead to allot of discontent in the cities, which caused a revolution

Events wednesdaytuesdaytsar agrees to share power with provisional goverment but he is too late

wednesday 7 march-steel factories close as a result of a labour dispute. 20,000 angry steel workers on the streets -workers in other factories go on strike to support workers

tsar is informed army no longer supports him - but he decides to go back to petrograd and see if he can salvage situation

thursday 8-50 factories closed down, -90,0000 women an strike as it was international womens day -shortage of bread


friday 9 200,000 workers on strike( 1/2 of all workers)

a mutiny begins in a army regiment, officer is shot dead - soldiers then march to centre of city -duma sets up provisional goverment to run country -revolutionaries set up soviets to also try to run the country - soviets manage to take over control and organize food suplies

thursdaytsar, after seeing that neither son or brother will accept thrown, decides to abdicate

sundaysaturday250,000 workers on strike -no public transport and little food tsar recieves news of discontent in cities but does nothing
History Y10- Topic B3 Russia In Revolution

Revolution Succesful
Key point: revolution succesful because army no longer supported the tsar 5

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Who ruled now (march 1917-october 1917)?

the provisional government( a 12 man committee to run country) was led by kerensky, and wanted to govern the country until the next elections. It had little support. o Was unable to make any major decisions o Did not end the war with Germany o Wanted to wait until election (which never happened) o Had no control of the army the petrograd soviet, was mainly supported by the workers and soldiers. o Ordered Order number 1 Former generals and officers would not be saluted Create committees to control ammunition o Petrograd soviets had control of the army o However, the soviets and the pg minded their own business and generally the soviets cooperated with the pg.

Tasty Sides (All the other stuff that needs to go along with it)
Major problem for both sides was how to deal with the war against germany and the social problems

The soviets (communists) where split into 3 groups o Bolsheviks Where the more radical group Wanted a second revolution Lenin was part of them They where a minority in march 1917 o Mensheviks Radical but not as radical as the Bolsheviks. Also a minority o Social revolutionaries The majority of soviets Very moderate and wanted power through the democracy Supported by most peasants
Lenin was still in exile in Germany (march 1917) The soviets now had control of: o Towns o food supplies

History Y10- Topic B3 Russia In Revolution

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o Army Most of Russia was still uncontrolled and basically deserted.

The Bolshevik seizure of Power, November Revolution

Riots in the streets, strikes and army mutiny Provisional Government is set up

Lennie arrives from Switzerland helped by Germany.

July Crisis- Bolshevik Riot is put down by army Lenin flees to Finland Red guards formed during kornolov revolt Bolsheviks Seize power









Kornolov Fails revolt. Bolsheviks and Pg fight together.

April Theses, Peace, Bread, Land. Too early for revolution

Lennie comes back from Finland

Order #1 Soviets ordered not to salute officers History Y10- Topic B3had In Revolution and proved they Russia control of army.

Bolsheviks become most powerful group in soviets. And soviets become majority in 7 parliament.

Tsar abdicates

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More info Kornolov revolt

Many leading army generals and other key "burrittos" wanted to return to the autocratic time of the tsar. general kornilov, the commander in chief of the army o After hearing the news that Kerensky had become president of the PG, he decided to challenge his "weak" rule. o He believed that russia needed a strong man and that it needed to continue to fight the war. o kornilov was supported by his fierce troops, the savage division of the caucaus and the cossaks( the big daddies who beat everyone up Kerensky had few loyal troops and it seemed as if kornilovs revolt would succeed o They asked the Bolsheviks to help defend them Bolsheviks created a 25,000 man well armed and equipped force, called the RED GUARDS capable of defending the city.

Kornilov's troops did not want to fire on members of their country, past army companions, so Kornolovs revolt failed.

Effects of Kornolov revolt

[Loaded taco]
The VERY important consequences of the failed revolt were that: the Bolsheviks came out as heroes, they had saved the PG they were therefore not German spies as some thought they came out as an armed and disciplined armed force strengthened their position in Russia to the point where they could start a second revolution PG was also losing its control in the countryside pheasants rebelled, killed landlords and took over their land soldiers refused to fight or just ran away kerensky did not have enough loyal troops so he could not punish pheasants food shortages threat of extreme food shortages during coming winter

History Y10- Topic B3 Russia In Revolution

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Lenin and Bolshevik Revolution

[Lenins free take-away taco]

Lenin who had been hiding in Finland after the "defeat" during the july days decided to come back and start the second revolution as the conditions were right and everything had been prepared for him. * Bolsheviks had more power than ever * PG had very little support * Workers, pheasants, and soldiers were ready *They were still considered heroes after defeating Kornolov

How it happened
Lenin and Trotsky draw up plans for their revolt. (Trotsky is an assistant to Lennie and a very good army general. Intelligent) night of the 6th of November- red guards begin to take control main bridges o provisional governments headquarters at winter palace only guarded by a small womens battalion 7th - red guards take control of important areas like governemnt buildings, power stations, railway stations,telegraph offices (and of course the taco and burrito stands) 7th at night-a captured ship (aurora) fires warning blank shells at winter palace

red guards storm winter palace although only 2 people die they basically walk in

Bolsheviks now control Petrograd, capital of Russia. The next day, Lenin says he is setting up new government.

Possible Essay Topic on Next Page

History Y10- Topic B3 Russia In Revolution

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Why Was The Bolshevik Revolution successful

Army: The Bolsheviks had gained the support from most of the army. The provisional government had not ended the war with Germany causing many soldiers to be angry. Because of the April thesis (which said that u should treat officers with less respect ) there was chaos in most of the army. The Bolsheviks also had the redguards, who where a organized group of militants very loyal to the Bolsheviks. The red guards where formed during the kornolov revolt (on page 21 of packet. ) Lenin: Lenin was key to the Bolshevik success. When he came back from exile in Peasants: The peasants Finland he said that a where very angry with the revolution should begin PO. Many of them were immediately. Without him, soldiers still away at war. the revolution might not Some had fled home hopeing to gain part of the have occurred because many Bolsheviks wanted to land that was illegally being wait for the elections. Lenin taken away from the tsar also was able to back up and other landlords. Lenin the revolution with tree "Bread, Peace, Land" was words, "bread, peace, land" enough to convince them The provisional government that they needed another hadnt done any of those revolution. three things and Lenin had encouraged the revolution.

History Y10- Topic B3 Russia In Revolution


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Bolshevik consolidation of power

[Taco made of steel]
soviets all over Russia take over the local government Lenin set up a government , sovnarkom( council of people commisars) most peasants still supported the social revolutionaries lenin also had to carry out the promises o end war with Germany o provide people with food o give land out to pheasants Lenin created decrees which did many things to consolidate (keep) power. He needed to keep the people happy, but also try to get rid of any opposition o decree on land- gave out all the tsars land to pheasants o decree on work- established wanted laws governing work week size, overtime pay, unemployment insurance, etc o decree on press- banned all opposing newspapers o banned Russias main liberal party o set up police force, CHEKA- dealt with opponents of tsar o took control of Russias banks o decree on marriage- easier to get divorce

Lenin also needed to end the war with Germany so he signed the Brest Litvosk treaty the Brest-litvosk treaty was one of the harshest treaties ever made, it included: lost all the western lands( poland, finland, ukraine, georgia) o these were also the richest and most fertile regions of Russia 26 % of population 27% of farmland 26% of railways 74 % of iron ore 300 million rouble fine

Tasty Sides (All the other stuff that needs to go along with it)
Constituent assembly-the Novembers elections( constituent assembly) were held , the Bolsheviks only gained about a half of the votes to overcome this, lenin just ordered and forced it to stop meeting

History Y10- Topic B3 Russia In Revolution


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Civil War
[Lenins Taco Splits]

History Y10- Topic B3 Russia In Revolution


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