Central Area Churches Praying For Churches: in This Issue
Central Area Churches Praying For Churches: in This Issue
Central Area Churches Praying For Churches: in This Issue
Facts & Figures for January 13, 2013 Attendance (97 and 119).............................216 Sunday School............104 General Fund Receipts....$6,516.00 Capital Fund Receipts..........................$255.00 Loose Offering/Sunday School......$333.00 Non-Budget Funds Receipts........$10,096.93 Preliminary Facts & Figures as of December 31, 2012 YTD Budget Receipts.........$484,747.04 YTD Budget Expenses...$451,300.44 Net Receipts over Expenses$33,446.60 Presented by Kay Smith, Treasurer, [email protected]
Volume 2013
Announcements Care and Feeding of a Candle
January 15
In This Issue
WNF: THRIVE This Week! Meal: 6:00 - 6:30 Class: 6:30 - 7:30
Join us at 6pm for a buffet style meal; there is something for everyone and plenty of it! Birthdays & 3 Also, Sondra had fun prizes this past week, Anniversaries and intends to have more! So join us for a Facts & Figures 4 filling and fun dinner and stay for an encouraging class! Choices include Healthy Habits, Bible Study, and Needlework. Stay tuned for upcoming special classes and speakers too! Menu for 1/16: Buffet Style - Tomato Cucumber marinated veggie salad, Portuguese Fishermans Soup (broth based soup with Italian Sausage, smoked sausage, chicken, beans, and veggies; no fish), Meatloaf, Roasted potatoes, Vegetable casserole (light), and Kid burgers. Dessert: Magic Bars, Granola & Fruit MLK Parade, Monday Jan 21st at 6pm You are invited to the annual Stillwater Martin Luther King day celebration. It will be at Mt. Zion Baptist church, 902 S. Knoblock. The parade will start at 6pm (from library to church) and the ceremony will be at 7pm. For more details, please call Mt. Zion at 372-5100. Flapjack Fundraiser for Stillwater InferFaith Counseling Center You are invited to an Applebees Flapjack Fundraiser breakfast to support Stillwater InterFaith Counseling Center on Saturday, Jan. 26th from 7:30am to 10:00am at Applebees on Perkins Rd. Cost is $7.00/person. To purchase tickers or ask questions, contact Cara Beer at 624-9549 or Woody Hedrick at 269-3123. Outreach Corner On Thursday last week (distribution day for the Helping Hands Fund), we knew it would be a busy day, after a few weeks off and generous gifts. Boy were we right! We helped 40 families and disbursed or pledged a total of $2,307.28! Thank you, everyone, for your generous donations. Be looking for Outreach Corner in the newsletter for news and updates about all of the exciting things happening in this very active ministry. For questions or to get involved, contact Leila Beeby. Directory Update for The Cayton Family
Central Area Churches Praying for Churches This week we are praying for: FCC in Norman
First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) Of Stillwater, OK, Inc. 411 W. Mathews Ave. Stillwater, OK 74075-7517
The Stillwater Christian is a weekly publication of First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). The deadline for articles each week is 1pm Monday. Tracy Freeman, Editor [email protected] Church Office Phone: 405.372.7722 Fax: 405.372.7726 Find The Stillwater Christian and more information at www.fcc-stillwater.org
[email protected] I should have known something was amiss when I didnt see Phil Hansen in his usual spot on Sunday morning. He is a tall man and not very easily missed, and I had seen him alreadyI distinctly recalled shaking his hand. As we stood to sing and I scanned the congregation, I found him, sitting clear over in a completely differ-
Childrens Worship and Wonder leader for this week is Lori Krase-Cayton. The Prodigal Clown Rehearsals Underway! Rehearsals began last Wednesday night for THE PRODIGAL CLOWN. The musical performance will be presented in one combined service on Sunday, April 7th. Its not too late to join the fun! However, casting will begin soon, so make sure and get in on weekly rehearsals each Weds. 6:45- 7:30 in the Education Wing. There will be singing, dancing, drama, crafts, games and MORE. All children ages 4-12 are invited. ITS A CIRCUS BRING YOUR FRIENDS AND DONT MISS OUT ON THE FUN! Youth Mystery Trip, Feb. 8-10th ITS TIME TO REGISTER FOR THE YOUTH MYSTERY TRIP, Feb. 8-10! Cost is $50 per person. $25 DEPOSITS ARE DUE NOW. We only have 20 available spaces open first to 8-12 grade youth. TURN IN YOUR DEPOSITS NOW TO RESERVE YOUR SPACE thats all the info you get for now. Clues will be coming soon and fun is guaranteed! Chi Rho and CYF Weekly Classes FCC Chi Rho and CYF youth are invited to the Youth Room each Weds. following the WNF meal (6:45) for Bible Study with Shelby and Connor and each Sunday 5:30-7:30 for youth group with Sondra and Rick. Instead of Middle School and Jr. High Lunch Visits... The Stillwater School Board has recently begun a policy prohibiting visitors affiliated with religious organizations from visiting closed campus lunches. However, we will figure out a way to continue weekly updates watch for a text regarding after school pick ups. I look forward to continuing to check and see how your weeks are going, its just gonna have to be in a different way. Looks like we may have to go for cokes or ice cream, bummer huh?!!
Copyright 1988 Steve Phelps and Christianity Today International/ BuildingChurchLeaders.com. Used with permission.
ent area of the sanctuary. Then I became aware that he was not the only one out of his assigned seat! JoAnn Seamans was sitting clear on the opposite side from where she usually sits. And there were others too! As we were passing the peace of Christ I remarked to Wilma and Maynard Human, who had also changed seats, How in the world am I supposed to take attendance now!? We chuckled together. I remember the movie Dead Poets Society when the teacher, John Keating (Robin Williams), invites his students to stand on top of their desks to get a different perspective. It becomes, later in the movie, a powerful expression of what the students learned from their teacher. There are many places in the Bible where we are invited to shift perspectives a bit and look at things in a new way. Jesus uses parables that challenge and confront us. Even some Bible study methods invite us to place ourselves in the perspective of different people in the story. Thank you, 9:00 service folk, for new perspectives and for the chuckles on Sunday morning! Keep it up and we shall all smile together. Shalom, Pastor Owen
Happy Birthday to: 1/16 Loretta Fisher, Ann Whiteley; 1/18 Sandra Andrew; 1/19 Lynda Carrier, Gail Saxon, Rachael Willoughby; 1/22 Bill Defee, Jordan Levings, RuthAnn Sirbaugh Happy Anniversary to: 1/19 Rusty and Lynda Carrier; 1/21 Kenneth and Lynn Case