Band Pass Filter
Band Pass Filter
Band Pass Filter
AIM: To design and study the frequency response of Band pass filter . APPARATUS REQUIRED:Dual power supply,Resistors- 1K, 10K, 22K pot or DRB, Capacitor-0.1F, Signal generator, CRO or Multi meter, wires and bread board. Circuit diagram:
Active band pass filter THEORY:Principal characteristic of any filter is its ability to pass frequencies relatively unattenuated over a specified band or spread of frequencies called the "Pass band". For a low pass filter this pass band starts from 0Hz and continues up to the specified cut-off frequency. Equally, for a high pass filter the pass band starts from this cut-off frequency and continues up to infinity or the maximum open loop gain for an active filter.However, the Active Band Pass Filter is slightly different in that it will only pass frequencies or signals within a certain "Band" or range of frequencies that are set between two cut-off or corner points labeled "lower cut off frequency" (L) and "higher cut off frequency" (H) while attenuating any signals outside of these two points.
1. Design the band pass filter for the given cut off frequencies (Assume the values of C & C' and calculate the values of R & R' using appropriate formulas). 2. Make the connections as shown in the circuit diagram. 3. Keep the input voltage Vin= 5V by varying the amplitude knob of signal generator. 4. Connect CRO or Multi meter across load resistor RL. 5.Vary the input frequency in steps and note down the output voltage (Vo) for each frequency. 6.Calculate the gain for each reading. 7.Plot the graph of gain vs. frequency. CALCULATIONS:Gain of A1= 1+(Rf/R1) = _________ Gain of A2= 1+(R'f/R1') = _________ Gain of BPF = (Gain of A1) X (Gain of A2) = _________
Nature of graph: