The5LevelsOfLeadership Bonus
The5LevelsOfLeadership Bonus
The5LevelsOfLeadership Bonus
of Leadership
People follow you because they have to.
People follow you because they want to.
People follow because of what you have done for the organization.
People Development
People follow because of what you have done for them.
People follow because of who you are
and what you represent.
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How to Gauge Your Current
Level of Leadership
his is a four- part questionnaire to help you understand where you
are in the leadership journey related to the 5 Levels. I want to
encourage you to stop moving forward in the book and immediately
spend the time required to assess your current level. Completing parts
1 and 2 should not require a large investment of your time. Part 3 may
take a bit longer, since it involves other people, but please get that
started, too. Its main purpose is to verify whether your instincts and
self- perception are correct in Part 2. Part 4 will give you insight into
where you stand overall with your team and should be done after
youve completed parts 1, 2, and 3.
If you do this groundwork, you will be in a much better position to
grow in your leadership as you read and work through the remainder
of the book.
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Part 1 Leadership Level
his rst section applies to your leadership in general. Please read the
following ten statements. Place a check mark next to each one that
you agree is true for you. Answer using your rst instinct. Please do not
skip any questions, and do not go back and change any of your responses.
Level 1
I dont have to remind the people who work for me that I am the
I think of each person who works for me as an individual per-
son, not just in terms of his or her function or role.
Most days I look forward to going to work.
I recognize that the position Ive been given is an opportunity
to learn, not turf to be guarded.
The people who work for me are willing to do work above and
beyond their job descriptions.
I know that dealing with people problems is a part of leading
and have accepted that as part of the job.
I possess the desire to learn more about leadership and become
a better leader.
I think of my job in terms of work to be accomplished and give
very little focus to career path and the positions I desire to
achieve along the way.
One of my primary objectives is to assist the people who work
for me.
Most people nd it easy to work with me.
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Leadershi p Assessment
If you marked eight or more of the previous statements as true for
you, then you have probably already established yourself as a leader on
Level 1 and have begun to move to the higher levels. Move on to the next
section of the test. However, if you checked fewer than eight, then you
have probably not yet mastered Level 1, and this is where you will prob-
ably begin your work in personal leadership development. Why?
Because you are only as good as the lowest level youve mastered.
Level 2
People outside of my department or area of responsibility
respect my opinions and frequently seek me out for advice.
I know my strengths and weaknesses and rarely get blindsided
in my work.
I genuinely like most people and want to help them.
I am very consistent and even- tempered in my interaction with
the people who work for me.
When I say something to the people on my team, they always
know they can count on it because I am trustworthy.
I have developed solid relationships with all of the people who
work for me.
The people who work with me nd me likable and pleasant
nearly 100 percent of the time.
When I need to have a candid conversation with team members
to correct errors or take care of problems, I follow through and
dont allow too much time to go by.
I believe that employees desire more than just a fair days pay for a
fair days work; most desire encouragement and I give it to them.
I have developed relationships with everyone who works for me.
If you marked eight or more of the above statements as true for
you, then move on to the next section. If not, you may want to save the
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The 5 Levels of Leadership
rest of Part 1 of the test for later because your answers indicate that
youve not yet mastered Level 2 and you dont yet think like a Level 2
leader. If you do decide to complete Part 1 at this time, please be aware
that even if you mark eight or more statements true in subsequent sec-
tions, you cannot be on the higher levels of leadership because you
have not yet won Level 2. This also applies as you answer the ques-
tions in subsequent levels.
Level 3
I consistently hit targets and goals in my work.
Good people always want to work with me and my team.
People see me as an expert in my eld and seek me out to learn
from me.
I am constantly setting and achieving higher goals for myself,
even when my superiors dont set them for me.
My performance in my work often carries the team to a higher
I give my best to whatever I do.
I am comfortable with the idea that others are watching how I
perform and follow my example.
I am known as a problem solver, and I often get difcult tasks
My work is very consistent on a daily basis.
I have systems and routines that help me perform at a very high
If you marked eight or more of the above statements as true for
you, then move on to the next section. If not, your answers indicate
that youve not yet mastered Level 3 and you dont yet think like a
Level 3 leader.
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Leadershi p Assessment 25
Level 4
I schedule and follow through with training and development
for all the members of my team on a regular, consistent basis.
When deadlines loom or work becomes urgent, we never can-
cel our training and development sessions.
I consistently take risks by giving people responsibilities and
authority that will stretch them.
I spend a signicant amount of time every month mentoring
up- and- coming leaders.
I know very thoroughly the strengths and weaknesses of all the
people I lead.
I individualize the way I train, develop, and mentor my people.
I spend the most strategic and signicant mentoring time with
the people who have the highest capacity, talent, and potential.
I have a history of moving people from position to position to
help nd their t.
I am continually giving people feedback, not just during formal
My team or department is considered by others to be the best
trained (or one of the best) in the organization.
If you marked eight or more of the above statements as true for
you, then move on to the next section. If not, your answers indicate
that youve not yet mastered Level 4 and you dont yet think like a
Level 4 leader.
Level 5
I can name several specic people whom I have encouraged to
speak hard truths to me, and they do so regularly.
I am using my inuence to instill values in my organization.
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The 5 Levels of Leadership
The course of my organization is set by me or by a team of
which I am a part.
I have developed many leaders who are developers of leaders.
I enjoy the interaction and friendship of a small circle of leaders
with whom I am taking the leadership journey.
I am still at the top of my game, and the positive impact I am
making is strong.
I can name at least one person who would be ready to step in
and take my place should I decide to leave my current position.
I have inuence outside of my organization.
People from outside of my specic industry seek me out for
leadership advice.
I am using my inuence and resources for causes greater than
myself or my organization.
In leadership, you are only as good as the lowest level youve mas-
tered. So I just want to remind you that even if you scored highly in
one of the higher levels, if you scored poorly on a lower level, your
leadership is actually on that lower level. That is where you will need
to give your attention when working with people to improve your lead-
ership ability.
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Part 2 Individual Team Member
Assessment Leaders Point of View
or each person you oversee directly (direct reports), please answer
yes or no to the questions on the following worksheet. (Be sure to
complete Part 2 before moving on to Part 3.)
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Name of Team Member: Date:
Level 1
Yes No This person acknowledges you as his or her leader.
Yes No This person would agree that you are suited for the lead-
ership position you hold.
Yes No This person would acknowledge that you see your position
as an opportunity to earn your place at the leadership table,
not as a privilege to be used for personal advancement.
Level 2
Yes No You know things about this persons family and personal
life outside of his or her work.
Yes No You know this persons strengths and weaknesses.
Yes No You know this persons hopes and dreams.
Yes No You are committed to helping this person succeed in his
or her work.
Yes No This person trusts you and you trust him or her.
Level 3
Yes No This person respects your professional ability and
Yes No This person asks for your advice and expertise.
Yes No This person has become more productive because of
your inuence.
Yes No This person would acknowledge that the team is more
productive because of your leadership.
Yes No This person would agree that your team contributes to
the vision and purpose of the organization.
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Level 4
Yes No You have given this person specic training that has
helped him or her to perform better.
Yes No You have mentored this person or put him or her in a
development process that has helped him or her to
become a better leader.
Yes No This person is now leading others because you have
given opportunities and training for him or her to lead.
Yes No This person is consistently loyal and supportive, and
always gives you the benet of the doubt.
Level 5
Yes No This person is not only leading others but has trained
those he or she leads to develop leaders thanks to your
Yes No This person could step into your role with a very high
probability of success if you were to step down.
Yes No This person is your advocate and champions you with
other leaders so that you gain others respect even before
you meet them.
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The 5 Levels of Leadership
You can learn two things from this assessment: First, you can under-
stand where you are with each person on the 5 Levels of Leadership
based on your answers. If you answered no more times than yes in a
section, then you have not gotten to that level with that person. (Instead,
you would be on the level below that one.)
The second thing you can learn is where you need to work to
improve. A no answer to any statement indicates where you need to do
some work.
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Part 3 Leadership Assessment
Team Members Point of View
sk each of the people who report directly to you to ll out the fol-
lowing worksheet for you. They may do so anonymously if they
wish. Use the same criteria for evaluating this assessment as you used
to evaluate the Part 2 assessment you completed.
Note that even if you are a very good leader, you may have an
employee or volunteer who refuses to put you anywhere but Level 1.
You can try to win over that person on Level 2 and then progress, but
there are no guarantees that the person will allow him- or herself to be
won over.
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Name of Leader: Date:
Please read each statement and respond with yes or no in reference
to the leader whose name is listed above. There are no right or wrong
answers. This assessment is designed only to describe your interaction
with the person. (If you wish, you may answer this assessment
Level 1
Yes No You acknowledge this person as your leader.
Yes No This person is well- suited for the leadership position he
or she holds.
Yes No This person treats the leadership position as an opportu-
nity to earn a place at the leadership table, not as a privi-
lege to be used for personal advancement.
Level 2
Yes No This leader cares about your family and personal life out-
side of work and regularly asks you questions about them.
Yes No This leader knows your strengths and weaknesses.
Yes No This leader knows and respects your hopes and dreams.
Yes No This leader is committed to helping you succeed in your
Yes No You trust this leader and he or she trusts you.
Level 3
Yes No You respect this leaders professional ability and qualities.
Yes No You rely on his or her advice and expertise.
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Yes No You have become more productive because of this lead-
ers inuence.
Yes No The team you are part of is more productive because of
his or her leadership.
Yes No You and the team you are part of contribute to the vision
and purpose of the organization.
Level 4
Yes No You have received specic training from this leader that
has helped you to perform better.
Yes No This leader has mentored or developed you to help you
become a better leader.
Yes No You are currently leading others as a result of opportuni-
ties and training given to you by this leader.
Yes No You believe in this leader and automatically give him or
her the benet of the doubt.
Level 5
Yes No You are training and developing other leaders thanks to
the input from and inuence of this leader.
Yes No You could step into your leaders role with a very high
probability of success because he or she has helped to
prepare you for it.
Yes No This leader has changed your life, and you are an advo-
cate who champions him or her with other leaders.
Once you have completed the assessment, please return this docu-
ment to the leader listed at the top of the page.
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Part 4 Current Leadership Level
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Predominant
# True # On Each Level # On Each Level Level
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Level 5
You can gain a snapshot of your leadership by doing the
1. In the column labeled Part 1, record the number of statements
you agreed with as true in each section of the assessment.
2. In the column labeled Part 2, record the number of your team
members who are on each level with you based on your assess-
ment of them.
3. In the column labeled Part 3, record the number of people
who put you on each level according to their answers to the
4. Now add the lines across. Which level of leadership has the
highest number? More than likely, the one with the highest num-
ber indicates your current level of leadership with the majority of
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Leadershi p Assessment 35
people on your team. (This isnt meant to be scientically valid.
Its simply a tool to give you insight into yourself.)
Keep this assessment in mind as you move through the book. The
Guide for Growth at the end of each section of the book will help you
to improve your leadership skills and move up to the higher levels of
leadership with your people.
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