Motion For Continuance PDF
Motion For Continuance PDF
Motion For Continuance PDF
CASENO: 2012-DR-1993
RESPONDENT'SP/RO,SE MOTION FOR CONTINUAI\ICE pro COMESNOW the Respondent, ChristineS. Camerorr, se,andsubmits Motion to this for Continuance the hearingsetfor August7,2012,andtherefore of states: GENERAL 1. AlthoughRespondent an attomey(FloridaBar No: 528439 is ChristineSue
Cook),Respondent's license or will be retired,shehasno knowledge FloridaFamilyLaw is of and,for the purposes this motion,is actingasa lay person. of 2. Respondent would like to, again, bring to the Court'sattention the Petitioner, that
JackieR. Cameron, the attorney record, Rod Cameron in fact,the same and person. of J. are, 3. 4. Respondent served was with process this actionon May 29,2012. in Respondent beenadvised file her own Petitionfor Dissolution Marriage had to of
in BrowardCounty,Fort Lauderdale, Florida,to challenge venue. Respondent's actionwasfiled on June5,2012,andPetitioner served June1t,2012. was on 5. Respondent a Noticeof VoluntaryDismissal the BrowardCountymatter, filed in
which wasrecorded Julv 25. 2012. on GROT'NDSFOR CONTINUANCE 6. Respondent interviewing is attorneys Escambia in Countyto represent in this her
matter,but is cunentlywithout firndsto hire an attomey.Respondent in the process is of obtaininga bankloanfor thepurposes retaining attomey. of an
actionandproperlyaddress Petitioner's motions. 8. Any of the attomeys with whomRespondent consulted not available has is on
August7,2012, so evenwhensheretains counsel, Respondent would be unrepresented on August 7,2012. 9. Petitioner scheduled hearing this withoutconsulting Respondent's calendar and
when presented with this question,PetitionerinformedRespondent he wasunderno that obligationto consultwith her sinceshewasunrepresented. (Petitioner in reality, is, unrepresented counsel.) 10. Petitioner yet to file his mandatory has disclosureso required the FloridaRules by
of Civil Procedure, which would allow him to schedule hearing temporary any for relief. I l. Respondent would be severely prejudiced werethe Courtto permitPetitioner to
proceed with this hearing contempt child custody, for and forcingherto represent herselfin matters which shehasno knowledge experience. of or 12. Respondent makingeverydiligenteffort possible retaincounsel represent is to to
her in this matter. 13. Petitioner in fact,cancelled (4) scheduled has, four visits(Junel-3,2012; June
14-17,2012; 6-8,2012;andJuly 13-15, July 2012)with Minor Childandanyprejudice him to hasbeenbroughton by himself. Seeemailsattached heretoascomposite Exhibit "A." 14. Minor Child hasbeenin BrowardCounty,Pembroke Pines, Florida,since
Respondent the maritalhomefor vacation May 2,2A12,exceptfor the weekend June left on of 15-17,2012, whenRespondent Minor Child traveled Orlando, and to Floridato visit with family (Respondent wentto OrlandoafterPetitioner only vacated Respondent's homeabruptlyand cancelled visitationwith Minor Child in BrowardCounty,Florida"wherePetitioner his had
and wasinformedandawareof Respondent the to traveled attend DVI hearing.).Petitioner time with Minor Child in and Minor Child's travelschedule was,in fact,invitedto spend 4 Orlando,Florida. Seeemailpage of Exhibit "A." 15. has of a has Respondent twice requested continuance this matterandPetitioner
hereto to voicedno objection the same.SeelettersdatedJuly l, 2012,andJuly 9,2012, attached Exhibit *B." ascomposite 16. are Child Custody inaccurate and Motionsfor Contempt Temporary Petitioner's
as throughcounsel soonaspossible. which address which Respondent andcontainhalf-truths 17. of This motionis beingmadein goodfaith andnot for the purposes delay.
this pro requests ChristineS. Cameron, se,respectfully Respondent, WHEREFORE, for currentlyscheduled August7, the Courtgrantthis motionandcontinue hearing Honorable 2012. to wasfurnished JackieR. Cameron, I HEREBYCERTIFYthat a copyof the foregoing
of July 2012.
RESPONDENT'S PRO MOTION FOR CONTINUANCE ^SE Respondent'sCgmposite,Exhibit "A" Paee l" of 7 [email protected]] From: jackiecameron [mailto Sent: Saturday, 26,20128:18 PM May To: Christine CookCameron Subject: Re: Nextweekend I cant do it next weekend.Its your concert,and I have hearing on Friday that cant be cancelled.The following weekendis the weekendbefore the Norwood trial. So, I will have to table my visit for now. We should know our hearing date for custody next week, so lets continue to speakback and forth. The hearing will probably be June or July. I will object to you appearingby phone for the hearing, and I will be out of lSth ave next weekend,so you can have the place to yourself. It is in your best interest to return to pensacolawith smith prior to the hearing, and I really wish you would. This long term travelling thing is not going to work for me. Think of my needsas a father here, I beg of you. Rod On Sat,May 26,2012 at 7:09 PM, jackie cameron@ wrote: I will forward you a copy of my flight reservation.I appreciatethe offer, but I will not be staying with you or your family. This is my time with Smith, and I will not be supervised by you or anyone else. I wll give you a copy of my hotel reservationso you know where Im at with Smith. But this is my time alone with my son, and your going to have to get used to it. The order is in effect, its clearly says 50/50 time, I am asking that you abide by the court order. Your actions here will effect the caseand the initial motion for custody. so I beg you to show some deferenceto my needsand desires. I will need you to meet me at the airport with the capitol one card so I can get my rental car. Also, you probably needto give those cards back. As for what you want from here,just let me know, and I will pack what I can.
Rod <[email protected] On Sat,May 26,2012at 6:46PM,Christine CookCameron wrote: Rob & Lilly andMom havetold me that you arewelcome staywith them.I canstay to wherever don't.I would muchpreferthis accommodation you because keepsSmithin it familiar surroundings allowsyou to havea second of hands eyes. and set and Also given the natureof our recentcommunicationswould preferto know whereSmithis at all I times.I would alsowantto seeyour complete reservation. Will you needto usemy car? I would like you to bring someof my thingsto me ... asI intended retum,the clothing to andnecessitieshavearesparse. I
> christy, I can get a flight to FTL on thursday,with return flight on sunday.If I fly down there Thursday, will you let me spendsome time > with Smith during the weekend? This would be time alone with him and me. I will let you know where I am staying. Pleaselet me know asap. > Rod
From: jackiecameron :[email protected]] [mailto AM Sent: Friday, June15,201211:05 To: Christine Cook S. Subject: Re:Yourvisitwith Smith One, how did you changeyour plans to accommodate me? Two, the statementas to not visiting SFL was a referenceto the nearness time for our hearing on temporary custody in and visitation which will be scheduledon WednesdayJune 20. The reservationwas Paul's hotel in Orlando. Given the difficulties with our interaction yesterday,I prefer to wait for an order from the court defining my visitation rights independentof you. I appreciateyour accommodationeffort, but was under the belief you were taking smith to Orlando no matter where I was on fathers day. No matter what your position, you would agreeyou are not bringing him to Pensacola where his father lives for fathers day visitation, right ? This even afterjudge Horowitz advisedyou to review 61.13001regardingrelocationof a minor child without consentof the other parent.I do believe he was trying to give you good advice. For the time being I would like to keep my distance. Rod On Friday, June 15, 2012, Christine S. Cook wrote:
Rod: Prior to the DVI hearing, You indicated me that you weregoingto spend weekend to the downin SouthFlorida,thenSunday Orlando,sothat you could seeSmith. I made in accommodations changes my schedule that you could spend, and in so what I thoughtto you left yesterday be,muchdesired time with your son. However, afterspending only 5 1/2hourswith him... I evenofferedto allow you to spend night in my mother's the home sothat would not incur any additional expense spend time with your son. My brother to andmotherwereboth morethankind to you andagreed accommodate of your to all demands that you couldbe with Smith. so You hadindicated me thatyou needed leavebecause to to "thingsin Paceareblowing you whatthat meant, up." After asking you saidthat you haddiscovery requests you that hadnot responded eventhoughtheyweresentto you at leasttwo weeksprior to this to, trip andthat opposing counsel would not allow you an extradayto providesaid discovery.You indicated me all daythat you weregoingto drive throughthe night to to be backin Pace... however, whenmy motherasked you, you saidyou weremerely driving to Orlando. You left very abruptlyafterfeedingSmithdinner. You previously saidthat you weregoingto be in Orlando, sentme a travelreservation for Orlandoandtold me that you planned takeyour son,on Father's to Day, from 10:30to 5:00. My family andI madearrangements accommodate andto ensure you to you that would,indeed, spend Father's Day with your son. However, that is not the case.You decided retumto Pace, evenindicated to and that you probablywould not everretumto SouthFlorida,despite your sonliving down herewith me now. Justwanted confirmmy respective point of view andthe facts. to C
RESPONDENT'S PRO,SE MOTION FOR. CONTINUANCE Respondent'sComposite Exhibit "A" Paee 5 of 7 From: jackiecameron :[email protected]] [mailto Sent: Sunday, 01, 20L2L2:52PM July To: ChristySueCameron Subject Washer and Dryer The LG washer/dryerset is selling for $800 on Craigslist. I will pay you the samefor the set at lSth if you want. Otherwise it will all be put in climate controlled storage(at my expense)until August 30. After that it is your costs,you problem. I will drop off a key to Levitans house. I will not be coming to South Florida next weekend,nor will I be near you again without a Court order. Plan however you please. I will also stop asking you daily about Smith. You are required to notify me as soon as possible with any health conditions pursuantto the pretrial order. I trust you will do that. Pleasesendme a picture of him at least once a week. Any future contact should be done via Chris Ragano Thank You Rod
RESPONDENT'S PNOSE MOTION FOR CONTINUANCE Resppndent's Composite Exhibit "A' Paee6 of 7 From jackie : cameron :[email protected]] [mailto Sent:Friday, 13,2012 July 12:38 PM
To: Christine Cook S, Subject Re: Medical Authorization I appreciatethe details you gave me, but was kind of surprisedby his sicknessgiven all of your activity surroundingyour scheduledtrip up here to retrieve your personal belongings. To be clear, As a concernedparent I think I have a right to know, and to be made aware when my child is sick and possibly in need of medical care. It is obvious that you have not kept me aware of Smith's health condition in a timely manner,which is a factor to be consideredby the Court. For that reasonI am obtaining the medical recordsto educate myself on the calls and consultaitonsthat have been made to Dr. Barber where I was not advisedthere was a problem. As for visiting htis weekend,you made it clear in your previous message that no one was travelling this weekend due to Smith's condition. In his current state,I do not thhink it is advisablefor me to travel down there and take him from you for the weekend and have to re-purchasethe medicationsyou already bought. What I would ask is that you notify me when you plan to travel up here, and then I can travel down there and keep hom that weekend.That way I can seehim, you can pack with full confidencethat he is beoing well cared for, and then upon your retum to Pembroke,I can return him to you after you have unpackedand returnedyour U-Haul truck. Pleaseadvise me of your plans to travel up here as soon as you have scheduledthe rental truck. Once again, I hope both you and Smith are feeling better, and would appreciateany updateyou could provide me regarding his current diaper rash, his ability and desireto eat solid food, and how he is sleeping. A new picture would also be appreciated.
Rod On Friday,July 13,2012,Christine Cookwrote: S. Wow. HereI am thinkingyou aregenuinely concerned the healthof SmithandI go for just gathering I on andon in detailbecause think you'reconcemed you're and evidence against me. Prettyanazingindeed. Are you comingto visit Smiththis weekend?
> Christine, as eluded to in my message yesterdayafternoon,I would like to call Dr. Barber and get an update from her regarding Smith's treatmentduring this current stomachsickness. I have prepareda HIPPA form and will be retrieving his medical records for both my use as well as review by a physician I have retained in this matter. Should you wish to receive a copy of theserecords I will provide you conforming copies. > Also, I would like to know how Smith is doing this morning, as your last message indicated his genital areawas inflamed and Dr. Barber had prescribedan ointment to help heal that area.I hope both you and Smith are feeling better this morning, and hope you have a better weekendthen this week has been. > TGIF" > Rod
Christine Cameron S.
July1,2012 HonorableThomasR. Santurri -Division "L" CircuitCourtJudge M.C. Blanchard Judicial Building 190Governmental Center, Floor 5th Pensacola, 32502 FL Re: Cameron Cameron v. CaseNo: 2012DR 1993
DearJudgeSanturri: On Friday,June 29,2012, I calledAna regarding hearing by Mr. Cameron August7, the set for 2012,in the above-referenced case. I am contesting venuein this matterand havefiled a Petition for Dissolutionof Mariage in BrowardCounty,where I havebeenforced to relocate,sincethe filing of the instantcase. I haveretained attorney ChrisRagano, assist in this matter me and Mr. Ragano filed his Noticeof Appearance June22,2012. on By way of this letter, I am respectfullyrequestingthat you continuethe hearing set by Mr. Cameron. Mr. Ragano filed a Motion for Change Venueon June 25,2012,.andsecured of a hearingdate of August 8, 2012. Furthermore, even though I am an afforney,' I have never practiced Family Law and will requirelegalassistance properlyand adequately to address my interestsin this matter. I have submitteda Motion for Attorneys' Feesand Costs,but because the substantive is held up by venuechallenges, case JudgeHorowitzin BrowardCountyhasnot ruled on this motion,and I havenot beenableto retainlocal counselin eitherjurisdiction. If venueis ruled proper in Escambia County,I will resubmitthe motion to you and request an additional daysto allow me to seeklocalcounsel. 45 I am enclosing following documents the filed in the relatedBrowardCountycases (FMCEl26794(Dissolution Marriage) of and DVCE 12-3761(Domestic Violence))for your convenience and information: r o r o o Petitionfor Dissolutionof Marriage Motion for Attorneys' Feesand Costs Emergency Motion for Child and Spousal Support Memorandum the Court to Orderof Dismissal WithoutPrejudice
Lastly, I would like to bring to your attentionthat J. Rod Camerono Esq.,Attomey of RecordIS JackieR. Cameron, Petitioner, is therefore, reality,a pro se litigantin this matter. Should and in venuein your court be found to be proper,I would ask your consideration requiringMr. in Cameron his staff to consultme prior to scheduling hearingrequiringmy appearance. or any
' As I havenot practicedsincechangingfrom my maidento my marriedname,my licenseis underChristineSue Cook. Florida Bar number528439.
Thankyou in advance your consideration. for Sincerely, /s/ Christine Cameron S. Enclosures ' cc: J' Rod Cameron, alWa Jackie_Cam9ron, Petitioner(via email,without enclosures) Chris Ragano, Esq. (via email,withoutenclosures)
!:y , enclosures\
M 8 ? il s
Christine Cameron S.
Iuly 9,2012 VIA FACSIMILE: 850-595-4541 HonorableThomasR. Santurri -Division "L" Circuit CouttJudge M.C. Blanchard Judicial Building 190GovernmentalCenter, Floor 5th Pensacof4 FL32502 Re: Cameronv.Cameron Case No: 2012DR 1993
DearJudgeSanturri: This is a follow-upto my correspondence you datedJuly 1, 2012,regarding hearing by to the set Mr. JackieRogene Cameron, alWaJ. Rod Cameron, Esq.,for August7,2012,on his Motionsfor Contempt Temporary and Child Custody.I previously explained my July l, 2012,letter in that I haveretained attorney represent regarding venuechallenges this matter. For all an to me the in otherfegalmatters, am,at this point,unrepresented. I I cannot seeklocalcounsel until venuehas beendecided. SinceMr. Cameron'sfiling of the instantmatter,he has constantlyharassed harangued and me aboutcustodyof our son. He hasthreatened oncehe getscustody,he will make it so that I that never see our son again. Mr. Cameronwas abusive,physically,emotionallyand verbally, throughout entiretyof this relationship, the including, not limited to, clobbering while I but me waspregnant with our son,andtwo timeswhile I was holdingour son. I fearthat his abuse and violencewill continuewith our son, putting him in harm'sway at the tenderage of eight (8) months. To requireme to move forwardwith this hearing, which I will be unrepresented, at would be prejudicial our child andto me. extremely to Thankyou in advance your consideration. for Sincerelv. /s/ Christine Cameron S. Enclosures cc: JackieRogene Cameron, PetitioneralWaJ. Rod Cameron (via email) Chris Ragano, Esq. (via email) Circuit Clerk,Sevenreenth JudicialCircuit(FMCEl2-6794) (via USMail)