Electra Autorouter
Electra Autorouter
Electra Autorouter
3. Once the area is defined, then a region rule dialog will show up to allow selection of the layers and region width/clearance:
Note that the regions are automatically saved and restored the next time you reload the design. This is accomplished by saving the user defined region definitions in the design directory. The region file is named after the design name with the .region extension appended. You can freely edit the file. See the following example:
A basic routing strategy can now be defined and reused without text editing a DO file. The strategy settings are automatically saved and restored the next time you reload the design. This is accomplished by saving the strategy settings in the design directory. The strategy file is named after the design name with the .rtr extension appended. For more advanced requirements, the use of a DO file is of course still available.
You can also select/unselect a via style as needed. For example here is the effect of typing the following command: unselected via v20