Standards Australia/Standards New Zealand
Standards Australia/Standards New Zealand
Standards Australia/Standards New Zealand
10/AMD 1/2004-05-31
Amendment No. 1 to AS/NZS 60695.11.10:2001 FIRE HAZARD TESTING Part 11.10: Test flames 50 W horizontal and vertical flame test methods
The 2001 edition of AS/NZS 60695.11.10 is amended as follows; the amendments should be inserted in the appropriate places. SUMMARY: This amendment applies to Preface, Clauses 7, 8 and 9, Figure 6, Annex B and Bibliography. Published on 31 May 2004 Approved for publication in Australia on behalf of the Council of Standards Australia on 18 March 2004 Approved for publication in New Zealand by the Standards Council of New Zealand on 26 March 2004 All parts of this Amendment form part of the standard from the date of publication.
Replace the fourth paragraph by the following: This Standard is identical to and is reproduced from IEC 60695-11-10:1999, Fire hazard testing - Part 11-10: Test flames - 50 W horizontal and vertical flame test methods including its amendment 1 (2003-06).
Test specimens
Test specimens shall be cut from a representative sample of the moulded material taken from an end product. Where this is not possible, the test specimen shall be produced using the same fabrication process as would be normally used to mould a part of a product; and where this is not possible, the appropriate ISO method shall be used, e.g. casting and injection moulding in accordance with ISO 294, compression moulding in accordance with ISO 293 or ISO 295, or transfer moulding to the necessary shape. If it is not possible to prepare test specimens by any of the methods outlined above, a type test shall be performed using the needle flame test in accordance with IEC 60695-2-2. After any cutting operation, care shall be taken to remove all dust and any particles from the surface; cut edges shall be fine sanded to a smooth finish.
Bar test specimens shall measure 125 mm 5 mm long by 13,0 mm 0,5 mm wide, and shall be provided in the minimum and maximum thickness normally supplied. The thickness shall not exceed 13,0 mm. Edges shall be smooth, and the radius on the corners shall not exceed 1,3 mm. Other thicknesses may be used by agreement between the interested parties and, if so, shall be noted in the test report (see Figure 4). A minimum of 6 bar test specimens for Method A and 20 test specimens for Method B shall be prepared.
Add, in subclause 8.4, "HB," in front of "HB40" to read: The materials shall be classified HB, HB40 or HB75 (HB = horizontal burning) in accordance with the criteria given below. 8.4.1 Renumber the existing subclauses 8.4.1 and 8.4.2 as 8.4.2 and 8.4.3, respectively. Insert the following new subclause 8.4.1: 8.4.1 A material classified HB shall conform to one of the following criteria:
a) it shall not visibly burn with a flame after the ignition source is removed; b) if the test specimens continue to burn with a flame after removal of the ignition source, the flame front shall not pass the 100 mm mark;
c) if the flame front passes the 100 mm mark, it shall not have a linear burning rate exceeding 40 mm/min for a thickness of 3,0 mm to 13,0 mm or a burning rate not exceeding 75 mm/min for a thickness of less than 3,0 mm; d) if the linear burning rate does not exceed 40 mm/min for tests with 3,0 mm 0,2 mm thickness, it shall automatically be accepted down to a 1,5 mm minimum thickness. Renumber the existing subclause 9 as 8.5. Replace the Clause 10 by the following:
Unless otherwise required by the relevant specification, the requirements listed below shall apply. 9.1.1 Sets of five bar test specimens shall be conditioned for a minimum of 48 h at 23 C 2 C and 50 % 5 % relative humidity. Once removed from the conditioning chamber (see 6.7), the test specimens shall be tested within 1 h (see ISO 291). 9.1.2 Sets of five bar test specimens shall be aged in the air-circulating oven (see 6.11) for 168 h 2 h at 70 C 2 C and then cooled in the desiccator chamber (see 6.10) for at least 4 h. Once removed from the desiccator chamber, the test specimens shall be tested within 30 min. 9.1.3 As an alternative to the conditioning described in 9.1.2, industrial laminates may be conditioned for 24 h at 125 C 2 C. 9.1.4 All test specimens shall be tested in a laboratory atmosphere of 15 C to 35 C and 45 % to 75 % relative humidity. 9.2 Procedure
9.2.1 Clamp the test specimen using the upper 6 mm of its length, with the longitudinal axis vertical so that the lower end of the test specimen is 300 mm 10 mm above a horizontal layer of cotton (see 6.12), of approximately 50 mm 50 mm 6 mm uncompressed thickness and a maximum mass of 0,08 g (see figure 3). 9.2.2 With the central axis of the burner tube vertical, place the burner remote from the test specimen and set the burner (see 6.2) to produce a standardized 50 W nominal test flame, conforming with IEC 60695-11-4, flames A, B or C. Wait for a minimum of 5 min to allow the burner conditions to reach equilibrium. In case of dispute, test flame A shall be used as the reference test flame. 9.2.3 The position of the test specimen, the operator and the burner shall be as indicated in Figure 6. 9.2.4 Maintaining the central axis of the burner tube in the vertical position, apply the flame centrally to the middle point of the bottom edge of the test specimen, so that the top of the burner is 10 mm 1 mm below that point, and maintain it at that distance for 10 s 0,5 s, moving the burner in the vertical plane, as necessary, in response to any changes in the length or position of the test specimen.
NOTE For specimens which move under the influence of the burner flame, the use of a small indicator rod attached to the burner (see figure 5), as described in IEC 60695-11-4, has been found to be satisfactory in maintaining the 10 mm distance between the top of the burner and the major portion of the test specimen.
If the test specimen drips molten or flaming material during the flame application, tilt the burner at an angle of up to 45 and withdraw it just sufficiently from beneath the test specimen to prevent material from dropping into the barrel of the burner; meanwhile, maintain the 10 mm 1 mm spacing between the centre of the outlet of the burner and the remaining portion of the specimen, ignoring any strings of molten material. After the application of the flame to the test specimen for 10 s 0,5 s, immediately withdraw the burner sufficiently so that there is no effect on the specimen, and simultaneously use the timing device to commence measurement of the afterflame time t 1 , in seconds. Note and record t 1 .
NOTE Withdrawing the burner a distance of 150 mm from the test specimen while measuring t 1 has been found satisfactory.
9.2.5 When afterflaming of the test specimen ceases, immediately replace the test flame under the test specimen, maintaining the central axis of the burner tube in the vertical position and the top of the burner at a distance of 10 mm 1 mm below the remaining lower edge of the test specimen for 10 s 0,5 s. If necessary, move the burner clear of dripping material, as described in 9.2.3. After this second application of the flame to the test specimen for 10 s 0,5 s, immediately extinguish the burner or remove it sufficiently from the test specimen so that there is no effect on the test specimen and simultaneously, using the timing device, begin measurement, to the nearest second, of the afterflame time t 2 , and the afterglow time t 3 of the test specimen. Note and record t 2 , t 3 , and t 2 plus t 3 . Note and record also whether any particles fall from the test specimen and, if so, whether they ignite the cotton pad (see 6.12).
NOTE 1 Measuring and recording the afterflame time t 2 and then continuing the measurement of the sum of the afterflame time t 2 and the afterglow time t 3 , specifically t 2 plus t 3 , (without resetting the timing device) has been found satisfactory in the recording of t 3 . NOTE 2 Withdrawing the burner a distance of 150 mm from the test specimen while measuring t 2 and t 3 has been found satisfactory.
9.2.6 Repeat the procedure until all five test specimens conditioned in accordance with 9.1.1, as well as all five test specimens conditioned in accordance with 9.1.2, have been tested. 9.2.7 If only one test specimen from a set of five test specimens for a given conditioning treatment does not conform to all the criteria for a category, another set of five test specimens subjected to the same conditioning shall be tested. For the criterion of the total number of seconds of afterflaming t f , an additional set of five test specimens shall be tested if the afterflaming totals are in the range of 51 s to 55 s for V-0, or 251 s to 255 s for V-1 and V-2. All test specimens from the second set shall conform to all the specified criteria for the category. 9.2.8 Some materials due to their thickness, distort, shrink, or are consumed up to the holding clamp when subjected to this test. These materials may be tested in accordance with the test procedure in ISO 9773, provided test specimens can be properly formed.
NOTE Type PA 66 nylon materials classed V-2 should have a viscosity of less than 225 ml/g, as determined using the 96 % sulfuric acid preparation method, or 210 ml/g, as determined using the 90 % formic acid preparation method, in the supplied form, according to ISO 307. Alternatively, if the relative viscosity is greater than 225 ml/g or 210 ml/g respectively, the relative viscosity of the moulded test specimen should not be less than 70 % of the relative viscosity in the supplied form.
For each set of five test specimens from the two conditioning treatments, calculate the total afterflame time for the set t f, in seconds, using the following equation:
t f = l t1, i + t2, i i=
t 1,i is the first afterflame, in seconds, of the i th test specimen; t 2,i is the second afterflame time, in seconds, of the i th test specimen. 9.4 Classification
The material shall be classified either V-0, V-1 or V-2 (V = vertical burning), in accordance with the criteria indicated in table 1, based on the behaviour of the test specimens. Table 1 Vertical burning categories
Criteria Category (see note) V-0 10 s 50 s 30 s V-1 30 s 250 s 60 s V-2 30 s 250 s 60 s
Individual test specimen afterflame time ( t 1 and t 2 ) Total set afterflame time t f for any conditioning Individual test specimen afterflame plus afterglow time after the second application ( t 2 + t 3 ) Did the afterflame and/or afterglow progress up to the holding clamp ? Was the cotton indicator pad ignited by flaming particles or drops?
No No
No No
No Yes
NOTE If the test results are not in accordance with the specified criteria, the material cannot be categorized by this test method. Use the horizontal burning test method described in clause 8 to categorize the burning behaviour of the material.
Test report
The test report shall include the following particulars: a) a reference to this International Standard; b) all details necessary to identify the product tested, including the manufacturer's name, number or code, and colour; c) the thickness, to the nearest 0,1 mm, of the test specimen; d) the nominal apparent density (rigid cellular materials only); e) the direction of any anisotropy relative to the dimensions of the test specimen; f) the conditioning treatment; g) any treatment before testing, other than cutting, trimming and conditioning; h) the individual values of t 1 , t 2 , t 3 , and t 2 plus t 3 for each test specimen; i) j) the total afterflame time t f for each set of five test specimens from the two conditioning treatments (see 9.1.1 and 9.1.2); a note as to whether any flaming particles or drops fell from the test specimen and whether they ignited the cotton; the assigned classification (see 9.4).
k) a note as to whether any of the test specimens burned to the holding clamp; l)
NOTE If the test specimens, due to their thinness, distort, shrink, or are consumed up to the holding clamp as a result of the vertical burning (V) test described in clause 9, then the material may be subjected to the horizontal burning (HB) test described in clause 8, or to the vertical burning test for flexible materials specified in ISO 9773.
Test flame
Burner tube
Annex B Precision of test method B Replace, in Table B.1 under the Material column, "PPO" with "PPE+PS".
Add, after IEC 60707, the following new reference:
ISO 307