even HealtHier
To o lkiT in c luding Simpl e ideaS on How To:
proMote HealtHY eating | provide tiMe for pHYsical activitY | incorporate culture Make staff developMent a prioritY | provide YoutH witH positive role Models engage YoutH in leadersHip roles | get faMilY involved use tHe coMMunitY as a resource | exaMine Media and advertising proMote a positive BodY iMage | collaBorate witH scHools work in coalitions | BecoMe a Bridge to HealtHcare Many of the ideas in this handbook may be appropriate to be adopted as policies for your program.
{99 ways{
to Make Your
{ to access More information links, see the online version at: {
include Healthy cooking 12. Institute weekly cooking projects with easy recipes that will get youth involved in helping to prepare food and learning about nutrition. 13. Teach youth how to prepare foods in different ways. Try raw, steamed, sauted or roasted. Use different sauces, seasonings and dips. 14. Take youth on a food tour of different neighborhoods or to a local farmers market. Get them excited about variety from that you can create a subsequent activity or lesson to make some of the foods that they tried. 15. Teach serving sizes using easy to remember references. More inforMation: National Institute of Healths Serving Size Card 16. Stage an Iron Chef-type competition where youth promote healthy cooking through creativity. Have them vote on the healthiest ingredients. 17. Have youth plan, prepare, and serve a healthy meal to their families be sure to share the recipes and use locally available ingredients. 18. Involve youth in planning and preparing healthy after school snacks, including thinking up snacks with low fat and sugar that are tasty and healthy.
grow Your own! 19. Have youth and staff plant, tend and harvest a garden together.
the recipes for a holiday party. Put the recipes on recipe cards and give them to families as a holiday gift. 24. Let youth make their own healthier pizza instead of ordering pizza for a pizza party. If you do order pizza, get a veggie pizza with half the cheese. fundraisers 25. Allow no unhealthy foods at fundraisers. For example, host a craft fair instead of a bake sale. More inforMation: List of Alternative Fundraisers 26. Include at least one physical activity as a fundraiser each year (i.e., car wash, walkathon, jump rope-a-thon).
keep foods HealtHY for fieldtrips, HolidaYs, parties, and fundraisers field trips 20. Serve healthy options like turkey burgers, turkey dogs and wheat buns during field trips and summer BBQs. 21. Bring a picnic on a field trip. Its cheaper than eating out and you wont give in to getting fast food! Holidays and parties 22. Serve healthier alternatives (such as fruit, nuts, meringues, festive salads) on traditionally sweet-laden holidays like Christmas, Halloween, Valentines Day, birthdays. 23. Ask youth in your program to bring in family recipes. Modify them to make them healthier. Have youth prepare
38. Play games where everyone is involved at all times. 39. Choose physical activities that appeal to youth. For example, relay races rather than running laps around a track. 40. Break youth into small groups that they feel comfortable in. They will be more apt to participate in sports if they feel they are not being watched or judged. Maintain Your facilities 41. Make sure sports equipment are in good working order for outdoor play. 42. Assess all places for youth to play on the program site on a regular basis. train staff in pHYsical activitY 43. Train staff in indoor/rainy day physical activities. More inforMation: Rain or Shine Activity 44. Make sure staff feel competent in directing non-competitive games and physical activities. More inforMation: Trainings in PA for Youth Providers
45. Remember to include foods from a variety of cultures and ethnic groups in snacks, meals, parties, and taste tests. Also integrate ethnic dance and games into physical activities.
46. Examine the role of culture in the eating and physical activity habits of youth so they can be improved in culturally appropriate ways. More inforMation: CANFITs Cultural Needs Assessment Guide 47. Take field trips to places that grow or sell foods from a variety of cultures. 48. Provide resources in the languages spoken by your families. More inforMation: CANFIT Spanish Language Materials.
53. Ask after school staff to sign a commitment to good role modeling, and review what that means. A strong commitment from youth leaders to uphold healthy choices will lead to youth making healthier choices as well. 54. Send out positive messages about body image, healthy eating and fitness. 55. Model healthy living and physical activity behaviors like taking stairs instead of riding an elevator. 56. Require that youth leaders participate in games and physical activity with youth.
57. Try new foods yourself. 58. Decorate your after school facility with appealing posters or projects that promote wellness.
59. Identify youth with leadership skills and develop a train the trainer program for them.
60. Involve youth in making decisions about healthy snacks to serve at the program as well as brainstorming ideas for physical activity. 61. Let youth be the teachers. Let older youth in your program give food preparation demonstrations and lead exercises. They will feel good while learning the information they are presenting. 62. Have youth map healthy eating places and places for physical activity around their after school program; use this information to explain how the community influences individual choices.
69. Create activities around cultural holidays and celebrations. CANFITs 2008 Multi-cultural Calendar 70. Provide translations of all handouts and resources for parents. Ask parents for feedback and input for newsletters and activities.
More inforMation:
71. Post helpful and healthy eating and physical activity tips on the bulletin board 66. Create a monthly newsletter next to where parents sign for parents in their native out their children. language. Include a simple, 72. Have information available healthy recipe and a fun for parents by the sign out family activity. sheetin appropriate More inforMation: languagesthat reinforces CANFIT Newsletter your wellness policies. 67. Host a multi-cultural potluck and encourage youth and their families to cook together. Send home the recipes with the families. 68. Hold a cultural event and ask parents to demonstrate a cultural activity or game.
work in coalition
93. Network with directors of other after school programs for support and new ideas, and to advocate for changes. 94. Become involved in community issues that affect your program, such as safety, park availability and street vendors. Joint-use agreements with schools and local government can open up these facilities for use by after school programs. More inforMation: Road Map to Changing Food and Physical Activity Environments for Better Health. 95. Hold joint events such as softball games or field day tournaments with health-related youth organizations. 96. Create projects around health and fitness with other organizations with one shared mission.
99. Be aware of your childrens health care status and provide resources for their families in need of health care.
canfit helps bridge the gap between communities and policymakers. since 1993, we have been at the heart of the movement to improve healthy eating and physical activity environments for adolescents in low income communities and communities of color. from grassroots to government, we work with community-based and youth-serving organizations to identify local solutions and support the development of culturally competent policies and practices.
Phone: 510-644-1533 E-mail:[email protected] Website: funded by the california endowment as part of their Healthy eating, active communities (Heac) program.
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