BSC (Hons) Information Technology (Online) Level 6 Modules
BSC (Hons) Information Technology (Online) Level 6 Modules
BSC (Hons) Information Technology (Online) Level 6 Modules
Core Modules
Strategic Information Systems Planning and Management
This module enables you to investigate current thinking and issues regarding the effective development, implementation and management of information, systems and technology within the strategic framework of organisations. The aims of this module are to enable you to: Appreciate the need for a corporate information strategy in an organisation and the contribution that the effective management of information, systems and technology makes to the competitive success of the organisation; Appreciate current developments in Information Systems/Information Technology (IS/IT), their implications for information strategies and the need to manage strategic organisational change; Gain an understanding of methods and models for developing and aligning the information strategy to the business strategy; Gain an understanding of corporate resource implications associated with sustainable information strategies.
Quantum Computing
Quantum Information Processing is an extremely active research area exploiting fundamental quantum phenomena in new applications from computation, secure data communication and information processing. A major paradigm shift, the area is of significant interest and potential benefit to both computer and physical scientists. This module will be theoretical in nature, exploring concepts and applications from the area of Quantum Information Processing with an emphasis on Quantum Computing. Content will vary according to current research directions. The course develops a two-strand approach to Quantum Computing, an initial underlying mathematical strand followed by a quantum information processing strand. Commencing with the state and operator based postulates of quantum mechanics we explore those mathematical concepts relating to the development of an appropriate theory of quantum computation. A number of issues will be explored as the course progresses. These will include a selection taken from: Quanta, Qubits, Superposition, Multiverse, Entanglement, Teleportation, No cloning, Interference, Error Correction, Decoherence, Complexity, Algorithms and Cryptography.
First of all this module provides you with the principles and techniques needed to develop relational databases of moderate complexity and give you solid practical experience in doing so. This practical work is grounded in an understanding of database theory. Secondly the module provides you with an introduction to some new and emerging trends in the database field (e.g. object-relational databases, data warehouses, grid computing) to give you an appreciation of the wide range of up and coming technologies. Sufficient theoretical background is covered to enable you to make use of articles and papers in database publications, both academic and commercial. You will learn how to use SQL (Structured Query Language).
The aims of this module are to enable you to choose the appropriate type of decision support or expert system for a particular application and implement a decision support or expert system within an organisation. The module covers the reasons for developing a data warehousing based Information System and how this may be accessed to provide the analysis and support required by geographically dispersed global organisations. This is examined in terms of organisational structure, a persons information and access requirements for both hierarchical and team based organisations. You will analyse, summarise and present information based on current articles and by undertaking exercises based on the implementation of various parts and phases of decision support and expert systems. The group course work requires them to produce an expert system or to analyse in depth a topic from the module.
Optional modules
Information Technology Project
The Computer Science Project gives you a chance to extend and deepen your knowledge of Computer Science and to apply it to an unfamiliar context. The project should be chosen to fit in with the your programmes of study, prior experiences and personal objectives. You will undertake a substantial piece of practical work, which they plan and manage themselves under the guidance of a project tutor. You are required to report on your progress at a number of points during the project and to deliver the results of your work, and a final report, at the end.